Scammer Begs Me Not To Redeem $2K (Full 3.5 Hour Call)

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hello hello my name is david williams you know i'm calling from refund department we talked before about your computer i'm sorry say that again i said your computer service was expired now it's auto renew and for that reason our company charge on your checking account 499 dollars do you know what i just call you a second ago was i just calling you yeah yeah absolutely right sir we talked before about your computer we talked before when did we talk about this huh i just you just left a message for my phone and i called you and i couldn't hear you and you called me back i said it i do believe you have a computer in your home right ma'am mayhem but yes yeah and we long time ago your subscriber was serious for your computer we decided to take your all right so that service was expired now it's auto renew all right and for the reason i will probably charge on your checking account for 499 so it's already charged from your checking account so this is a confirmation call from our company that you want to renew the service or you want your money back so what you want to do what do i want to do yeah you want your money back or you want to cancel the service or you want to renew the service what you want well i def i definitely don't want to pay um five hundred dollars that's for sure all right so if you could you wanna pay to five hundred dollars if you could cut that in half maybe but not all right so that's when you want to continue the service right right all right so do one thing sir please go in front of your computer you have to follow us yeah i'm listening no i'm saying you keep calling me steroid that doesn't really matter but anyway all right all right so why do you find out yeah i can be in front of the computer that's fine oh god all right so listen you wanna continue service right here so you have to fill up a form which form i will send you to your computer right now so please go in front of your computer and switch on your computer first okay ambient hole do not hang up the call okay hold on yeah i'm holding here let me go let me go over there yeah i'm holding here yeah when your computer is on then you do let me okay [Music] okay now what i'm at my computer i'm over here all right sponsor your computer is on right now yes my computer is on my computer is one yep sir look on your computer's keyboard very left hand side down button corner did you see they have a control key can you find the key yes next control key did you find the control key did i find the control key yeah i know where the control key is of course i know uh it looks like a little tiny box that's called windows here this whole little box printed over there that's called windows key so do one thing with one finger and hold it down and press the leader on the r as a robot okay at the same time okay hold on windows can lead to all key pieces at the same time okay that one says run all right you get a run option observation so you can see they have written type the name of a program folder documents did you find the option type the name of a program folder document okay yeah below the line did you see they have a long address panel you can search something yeah type over there www dot www be as a boy huh b as in boy or or baseball b i as in not sure b as a boy after b b i am not a boy i am a grown woman okay minister i'm not saying your boy i tell you be as a belly all right b is in boy i wish you would call me something other than sir i am you have a woman alphabet okay i know that you are a woman i know that too i i already okay w w w dot b as a ball okay yep after b i as i is he just really struggling like he's just reading his script right now did you praise the eye yes i did yes after vi c as a term okay after t [Music] give a full stop dot so bi give a dot is this another another language is something what is this not english what is this word i'm typing right i said forward slash on your keyboard look on your computer keyboard they have a key which uh which yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay can you go a little faster please i don't have all day i don't have all day can you go a little faster yep okay perfect uh it took me the team viewer it says while you're downloading do you work for a hundred a thousand employee corporation it says yeah click on that click on what it just says it's starting i don't understand as soon as i said it was downloading but it happened automatically it was a link shortener that immediately took me to the download thing yes hello so what can you see on i keep telling you that all right ma'am all right man i said look on your screen yeah okay what do i do with my screen the bottom corner of your screen did you see they have written team viewer setup exe teamview was set up yeah i think so it's probably what downloaded iso all right it's still downloading no it didn't it's not downloading it's downloading right now no it's not downloading it already downloaded that's what i'm trying all right download it please double click on that okay now it's asking me if i want to run something all right click on run okay now what can you see here what can you see ma'am can i can i can i just okay yes finally thank god you're listening to me yeah what can you see ma'am it's asking me to install something now it's asking me yeah how do you want to proceed default installation custom installation there yeah how do you want to use your teamviewer right right below below the option did you see they have written anything like option okay let me see read that for me reader for me ma'am default custom run only which one do i click click on defaults for ma'am the next time you say sir i'm hanging up the phone no sir no no ma'am i'm so sorry click on default installation okay it must just be a habit of his oh jeez it's almost like it just says announcement no he just constantly says it announcement [Music] it doesn't matter it's just making me laugh you know i keep telling you over and over again so what can you see on your computer screen right now now it's asking me how i want to use it all right click on default installation okay and right here very downside did you see they have written both of the above how do you want to be team viewer click on both of the above okay all right now you can see they have written finish access finish we understand yeah and they have already accept and finish yes okay did you find your yup all right yes yes accept and finish here click on that okay then what can you say right now bye um now it's squat there's a new icon there's a new icon all right so can you see they have written your id and a password no not yet not yet ma'am all right you can't get the id and password the call is regarded to your computer maintenance oh it popped up it says oh go oh now what's going on there's something on my screen with an id and password all right tell me your id and a password okay just tell it to you like that just i just say it tell me your id yeah okay that's fine i guess it's not private you have to tell me the id and a password for one eight two seven eight two yes yes yes god is this going to take is like is this going to take a while it feels like it's taking a long time okay first of all first of all it's ma'am okay all right so do one thing ma'am i'm just talking about this idea i'm here yes just a moment ma'am my supervisor is just coming from the another floor okay so just be on hold okay i will be on a hole yeah what [Music] my husband all right so do one thing man i just transferred the call to my supervisor okay i'm just transferring to my supervisor okay okay okay hello uh yes this is queer supervisor with the floor how are you doing today i'm okay how are you chris supervisor i'm also okay thanks for your concern like i do believe that my colleague has told you each and everything why you are getting this gold and yeah i you want to bring you that correct no i do not want to renew i do not want to pay you money do you want to cancel that correct i correct i want to i don't want to pay you another time but we will just have you guys pay you for i shouldn't have my computer is all right no worries and haven't got to cancel this what like i will just first cancel the service from your computer so just be online okay they seem really nervous about something i i do have any desk installed on this one i don't know if like a lot of these the people that they go after this game with are people who have been scammed before so so you just need to first put your current password off your computer over there oh they're gonna change my password you can't see what i'm about to do are you there yeah hello what do you want me to do you just need to put your current password over there like we are just helping you to cancel this so first we have to cancel that service from your computer so you just need to put your password over there put my password over you there see the it's asking for a password just put your password over there okay and then i click next all right no no you don't need to do anything just hold on okay well now it's his new password okay so i'm cleaning we have to fill there like the cancellation password so just trying to try to lock me up i don't know if they're gonna lock me out because they think i'm wasting their time or sometimes they just do this because they think i'm a good target and this is a backup plan like if it doesn't work out then they say like well ma'am sorry you're not gonna get any you're not gonna get your computer back unless you listen to us okay just hold on why are we why do you have to add a password and a pin what is that for what does that do for us we are just canceling the service that's why they are asking for the passwords okay all right now this is not cancelled now we need to provide we will just provide you the cancellation form uh on your screen so just hold on a second you will be receiving a form on your screen in a few couple of seconds okay okay i think it's technical one two three i think the password is technical one yeah like since how long you are using this computer how long um i don't know a couple years or so like couple of years like it more than five years or less than five years [Music] wow oh i like that so yeah probably like three or four years more than five years no like three years three and four years yeah like it's not so old i believe four five six yeah i got it you know you gotta i count one finger at a time i do i do things one at a time i just tried to say technical one two three so how do i cancel it then uh you will just get a refund form on your screen so you just need to fill that refund form by your end and after that our account manager will guide you uh from there okay okay so we are just going to provide you that refund form on your screen so just hold on a second okay yeah so just so long we will be sending you the refund form in just a few couple of seconds [Music] i don't know what they're doing there's nothing happening on my screen um i'm not i'm not showing you my screen at the second because i'm afraid that any they're gonna pull up team viewer and then leak the code [Music] okay perfect [Music] does someone have a recorder or whatever is somebody playing a little flute back over there no no there are no recorder over here they are just talking with another customer that's why you're receiving uh background noise so remember uh now i'm going to do what i'm just going to transfer this call to my account manager who is going to guide you from here okay okay all right yeah just hold on good lord [Music] yeah my name is david parker i'm the financial advisor and i do believe you are eligible to get the refund and you remember your refund amount i don't know you guys keep telling me that i'm gonna get a refund but i haven't yet i've been on the phone for who knows how long like like two hours or something uh uh sorry to keep you waiting for such a long time all right i without wasting much of your time okay can you just tell me like what can you see in your screen right now nothing nothing it's just my normal normal icons and everything normal okay everyday normal icon right yeah all right so bear with me okay see you in the bottom you can see it the blue and white color i came as a team viewer yes okay you need to pull that up oh what opinion can you are you canceling this or not that's what i get yeah we're canceling it uh yeah we are canceling it definitely we are here to cancel that service connection is lost why does it say connection is lost that's what i'm thinking so okay so i've they're having some problems all right mom because the technical issues are the reason why okay are you is your internet connection are you connected with the internet my my connection with the internet is a little bit complicated it's you would say it's kind of on and off again just check whether your internet is properly connected or not all right let's check okay it's definitely connected it's connected just pull up your team viewer once again the blue and a white color i can you open that okay hold on yeah i'm on google chrome right now and i can go i can go to google cloud at google explore the google chrome okay hold on okay i closed it now what uh open your theme viewer the blue and white color i can open that yep i have it open okay you can see your id out there yes okay below the id can you see right at the bottom left hand corner you can see a green color dot or a red color dot and the bottom left hand side is a all right with me i'm just trying to connect you to our refund department once again because we have a lot the connection okay okay you just need to give me a couple of seconds [Music] hello hello id yeah so the id hello hello the idn187 only two yeah yes i i do i guess i don't know how am i supposed to know oh he said something about did you lock the computer and he said technical one two three oh i think part of why they do that we are associated with is what they hide your screen one way to get out of the screen is to do control delete but it goes to the lock screen and since you don't know the password you can't you can see that we are trying to log into okay oh wow now it says work securely teamviewer yeah so that's probably why they do it um like i can cut the network connection for a second i'm gonna do control delete which will let me um but now i have to it goes to the lock screen okay so now i did technical 123 restore the network connection you guys can see he's typing in chase demo so now you can see the screen hopefully he'll think that we don't see the screen what's taking so long why do we have to work securely so because we are just logging into our account okay so that's why they were locking it i mean among other reasons but all right mom um so he thinks that we can't see you logging into our account the other reason why tesla when you search for things on my virtual machine it takes you to the seventh page of bing so if you search on google you go to the sixth or seventh page everything which makes things a little complicated he's trying to go to the chase demo bank account but he can't find it because we're just trying to log into our chase account other reasons like when i'm trying to open your google chrome i wonder why this bing is opening up i i wonder why i don't know i don't know what that means to be honest with you is that normal no that's not normal that's why yeah that's not normal sir that's the reason why i'm asking you very weird whenever that's very weird that it wouldn't open mayhem by the way yeah because all right mom all right i'm just trying to get it done okay well how long have you got have you gone to school for this honey because you seem very good you're still very good with computers yeah i've spent two years for this for the training okay two years of training god that's all yeah two years of training i can't do anything for two years i can't do anything for two minutes i'm going crazy and talking to you right now on the phone okay all right now we got it yeah but he did not want to keep when you were in school for this did you always did you always know that you wanted to be you know a computer support technician or yes that's the reason why i went for the study for this okay just like from the very beginning that i will i'll be this so at the end here i am okay okay you can now i'll just show it you can see that i've logged into our account yeah okay i guess so this is our account okay so we are just going to add you like i do believe you do online banking right yes right you do online banking okay just trying to refresh because i couldn't really see it very well oh no i can't see anything he's just so he hit the screen again i should have anyway um we should reach out to chase again if i remember correctly i'm not trying to take credit for this but what i remember is there was someone when they first started doing this someone watching the stream uh worked at chase and they changed they contacted my guest um and they added that those two big banners at the top which was cool and it worked for a while but then the scammers realized they could just do that right so okay um we should maybe ask him to change it so like it constantly flashes on the page whatever i'm sorry i can't see anything so if you want me to do something i can't all right i'll help you just bear with me okay there have been some tower errors the subservers okay [Music] okay let me try again it's very loud where you work very loud yeah that's right because there are 50 employees walking under the same room all right computer shows [Music] as opposed to just doing it over the phone is it it might be easier to do it over the phone right now now so the time because the service is running in your computer not on the phone right so eventually we need to get it done he's pumping if i keep doing this he's probably gonna notice something weird is happening so if he hides the screen again i'm gonna stop the moment um we are in california [Music] yeah you need to fill it up from your end fill up the form what is this i just fill this and then i will let you know what you need to do next all right why that's illegal you know that right i'm saying why would you have 50 people all in the same office are you wearing a mask right now yes indeed we are we are taking the full security there are you know actually in our team there are 120 team members you know [Music] [Music] are you practicing social distancing definitely yes we are why do i have to put in my nickname my friends call me we are not authorized no no you don't need to give me any information we need to log into our account once again yeah better log in there again okay all right so they're going to have to redo that and then i'll fill out the form again how long is it gonna take for you to do this again because i don't have all day yeah i won't take much of your time i'm almost done just opening up the page once again all right love you just fill up the form from your right you're almost done yeah almost done i'm just going to provide you the form once again and make sure you fill up the form correctly okay i said you need to fill the form fast and correctly what was that hello can you please just cancel the account please that's what i'm doing sir okay ma'am ma'am my name is bob bob i'm so sorry love i'm so sorry i hope you don't want mind me calling you love it sort of like i just said bob wait for me um i do i do kind of mind if you call me love all right apology for that as well i'll call you bob all right okay yeah or call me bobby bobby's fine bobby all right fair enough bobby okay now fill the form part okay okay fill it as fast as i can type your name your name your bob type your name bob type a name we need to type it now type it uh you guys all you guys every single one of you in the call center all 50 of you [Music] yes sir you all help people fill out this form that must be that must be a little boring your homework all right sorry okay okay no way put your address your home [Applause] address is there is a reason why we are asking the customers to fill the whole typing the slows doesn't even mean verifying i should make some mistakes too right all the time put your city tell me the name of your city you tell me what's your address i'll type it for you oh 399 west front view lake highway suite 123.00 and what will be your state yeah i'm in florida okay you have zip code amount amount is 499.99 499.99 499. oh hold on [Music] so you need to type it for you are typing it not me okay and it will be an instant here let me just type full they don't want to be confused [Music] just only bobby listen to me bobby well just do four bobby listen to me bobby are you there i'm here yeah i'm just trying to listen to me listen listen to me all right it will be an instant transfer okay yes the amount is 409 okay okay it's the bottom oh god oh god wait what's happening hold on i can't see anything no there is worries now we have already passed the information okay so type 4 100 oh i spelled 100 more 99. and then i'll click next oh god what's why does this keep happening to me why is it happening okay the account has been verified we have already added you to as an account pay okay we have already added you so only now listen to this carefully bobby okay your account so all you need to do right now that you need to log into your account from your end okay and as you log in you will receive an option on your computer screen in your banking page and that will have two other options which says accept money or reject money okay so all you need to do is to give a click on accept money okay so you just need to log into your online banking the way you generally do okay and once you log into your account you let me know that you have logged in and okay so just log into your account from your end what does it do what does it do for me i don't understand it okay so you need to log into your account from your end have you closed everything why as i said in your account you receive two options which says accept money or reject money so you need to just give a click on accept money okay accept money all right bobby so i'm holding the line for you just go ahead and login to your account okay i'm rolling [Music] i believe you're logging into your computer now are you associated with your account yes wait what yes so you need to type the name of your bank write the name of your bank what's your bank name type your name of your bank yeah international community national community can you go somewhere that's a little bit quieter my chances i'm trying to again your internet is fluctuating probably i'm sorry i'm sorry okay no i know right here i understand that yeah i'm trying to do like a thousand things at once today and make things complicated you know what i was doing earlier this morning i was uh trying to memorize was trying to memorize the entire b movie script you ever seen that movie the b movie you like jazz honey it's a good one if you like if you like jazz you're definitely gonna want to watch it that's for you'll find sure a small box table yeah so this is your banking page yes this is my banking page do you ever watch movies you ever you ever seen the b movie anything like that [Music] no not at the very moment love i mean bobby sorry not at the very moment bobby all right you just put up your information you know my maiden my maiden name was kendall and everyone called me bobby bobby kendall no bobby candle yeah how old are you i'm pretty old all right okay me the id and password once again you need to log into your account now bobby are you there i'm here i don't know what to do that's all yeah you need to log in which is this is a business account or a personal account it's a business account or a personal account personal i'm very sorry for that okay so just put your username okay hold on put your username decide the user name out there oh my keyboard wasn't working i was trying to figure it out okay okay what was my name which is fluctuating for that reason yeah i was hypothesizing the other day when they made the internet they made it with types right but they made the internet they didn't have the type of infrastructure that they had once before you know when they put everything together that's like the best thing to do would be you know like let's take the pipes let's take the pipes and we'll lay them out all over the place and then from there we would transfer the internet data other than pipes that we could use to transfer the internet data i am once again asking you for your support in my adventure of getting rid of internet pipes if you would support me surely we will definitely try to do something we'll try to do something for that you put the username now okay hold on all right bobby candle put the username okay so you want me to lag in you need to type it over there yeah hold on let me let you know i'll be lagging on my phone give me a minute okay hold on it's easier now not on your phone don't use your phone you need to log in on the computer candle you need to log in on the computer yeah right now i'm on my phone bobby here's a little app on it no don't log in on your phone i said listen to me what i'm trying to tell you you need to login on the computer not on your mobile phone oh why it's a lot easier to use on my mobile phone because it has an app there's an app and it's already logged in you know it logs in automatically yeah i computer understand why why though that's what i'm saying why though now because yeah because at the women you fill up the form on the computer so you need to login to your account on the computer why though that's what i keep i keep asking you why i said because we are we are cancelling the service on the computer so on the computer is for the computer purpose we are refunding you the money the link which we have provided to you that will come in your computer not on why i was requesting you from that time that you need to log in on your computer login on the computer got it understandable okay let me look up let me look at my password hold on [Music] www www wait what is this here you put your username now yeah yes okay you need to type it from your right oh [Music] how do you stand how do you stand listening to them all day yeah because similarly the way i'm listening to them even they listen to me well maybe if you were quieter then they wouldn't have to listen to you you ever follow that yeah sometimes yeah if sometimes happens sometimes wait why are they wait they're asking someone else to type a password no no yes so they are busy with their own customers and i'm busy with my baby i'm not your bible i'm not i'm not oh i understand your body like me sorry all right you ever play with bobby dolls it's fantastic you know you can brush my hair yeah my daughter played yeah my my daughter played with the barbies oh okay you want to go for a ride no no no no not at the very moment come on bobby let's go party right now hey that's a night make me walk make me talk do whatever you please made of plastic you can touch my hair touch me everywhere imagination life is your creation come on barbie let's go party i'm somebody let's go party i'm a baby [Music] i didn't know you liked that sound put the user right now put the password oh sorry i forgot i didn't know you liked that song it's a good one yeah that was a nice one you're six your pin number both were singing one by one one one line each cast what other music do you like how about you will you do me a favor will you sing the ken park in the beginning you would say hi up higher bobby and i would say hi ken you want to go for a ride that's what you say that's what you say you want to go for a ride sure ken all right and then you say jump in jump in okay let's try this one more time let me try this one more time okay start from take it from the take it from the top you start off by saying hiya bobby in the very beginning okay hi bobby all right yes all right can you repeat the length again yeah it's higher bobby what are you doing you want to go for a ride jump in okay hi bobby you want to go for a ride and then jump in and then you say come on bobby let's go potty right exactly that's it okay take it from the top go ahead hi bobby hi ken want to go for a ride sure ken all right jump in [Music] me everywhere you've got me everywhere imagination nation creation come come bobby let's go party uh uh yeah all right now cite the name okay oh god which what tree did you grow up on well what is the name of the street that you grew up on oh pinecone boulevard that was pretty good that was pretty good i gotta be honest with you that was good all right that way all right so type the name of the street over there type the name of the street type the name of the street it's pinecone can you spell it for me pinecone c-o-n-e-r i think you had to put it together that's how i would have done it oh i forgot to change the amounts in the bank oopsies i dropped the network connection i'm going to add a little bit more money money to be credited um probably just by checking account if that's okay uh you want the money to be crediting your checking account all right [Music] what is why is that person yelling again i wish they wouldn't yell so much no actually the thing is that as i said like the room is massive all right and they're very of people echoes that's probably that's probably what bobby said [Laughter] any other song would you like to say well we can just sing the bobby song again in a little bit that's fine let's get this work done i don't i don't have all day although that was pretty enjoyable that was pretty enjoyable okay absolutely okay now i'm just going to initiate the punch in your account okay so once you get the confirmation that you have now just make a note just make a note of your previous balance okay what just make a note on a piece of paper to make a note of your balance all right okay hold on yeah just make a note of your previous checking balance okay it was very slow what was that have you made a note of it yes there's ten thousand dollars okay okay don't tell me that just make a note of it so i'm just going to i can't say anything on my screen okay now we are going to help you to send the funds in your account okay so if you see any changes you let me know okay okay yeah i can't see anything on my screen mountains mountain city mountains email see i can't see anything mousy me oh my okay yeah i i don't see nothing i don't see nothing it just says work securely teamviewer that's it okay well because the tv all right maybe uh maybe while you work how long how long do you think it's gonna take maybe like a couple minutes yeah a couple of minutes do you think while you work you uh maybe while you work we could sing again what about that huh yeah definitely definitely you think yes all right why don't you while i use why don't you start with your part hey barbara you want to go for a ride that whole thing hey bobby hold on a second hold on a second hey hi ken how are ya [Applause] [Music] uh yes sure that would be so great ken i would love that [Music] and then what do we say how does it go okay start over start over i wasn't ready start over okay you say hi bobby hey bobby hiya bobby hi ken wanna go for a ride sure kelly make your way jump in i'm a barbie girl in the barbie world and you can brush my hair keep my clothes on everywhere imagination [Music] well done um oh look he did it oh he made a mistake so he's i'll try to unblock the screen right now um or unhide the screen give me a second but he's transferring money in between my accounts like these aren't maybe like we are just about to enter the fund um so yeah he transferred money from this savings account to the checking account and then he's going to edit the html [Music] okay does it normally take so long oh i didn't do it myself i can't do all these things all at once not why does that keep looking [Music] yeah just because of the technical the internet because of your internet i'll just talk to each other okay without breathing [Music] i love that song by the way what song is that well why well that one how you want to know the name of the song yeah what is that called i like it a lot okay hey where all right i just asked my teammate what was the name of the song what's the what do they want to sing the bobby song with us maybe you think about it you think they want to sing with us so no [Music] the one that um up on the like in the background it's like wow guys can you tell me the name of the song which you are seeing on youtube is the ringtone what can you see on your computer screen what's taking so long honey uh oh that was so sweet you can see that they they transferred all right i got a friend of mine who want to sing a song with you his name is christian gray all right oh hi hi how are you all right yeah hi a very good day to you you are speaking to kristen one of the account manager how are you doing today ma'am hi um and you want to sing a song more than five minutes or two yes i'm gonna sing the song for you ma'am okay okay what song okay so i'm just first i'm going to work on your computer first okay okay so are you in front of your computer did you note down your available balance okay i'm going to sing the song for you yeah hey bobby hey barbie i would love to go for a ride oh that's good and how far can i ask you a thing hey what kind of song are you gonna sing me you haven't i thought he told me you were gonna sing a song for me what's the point of hanging the phone over to me if you're not singing i'm gonna sing this song but before i'm gonna sing the song sir i'm just going to work on your computer right right ma'am ma'am my name is bob bobby yes bro i do love what's your favorite music to listen to yeah barry what's that that's good can you i don't know maybe sing a little bit of it for me yeah so what i'm gonna do i'm just going to uh first so i'm working in a company right now oh i'm just just going to work man i'm going to work on your computer ma'am okay okay are you going to sing justin bieber or not yes i'm going to sing the song but before i'm gonna sing so i need to work on your computer right can you just transfer me back to the other guy then the other guy was more the other guy was more interested i'm from nigeria [Applause] [Music] hello yeah go ahead i'm listening oh you're listening yeah what's the justin bieber song you're gonna sing justin bieber you wanna sing you want to listen justin bieber's song yeah yeah yeah baby baby [Music] [Music] yes baby you know baby song of justin bieber how many times hey yeah hello [Music] yeah hey bobby this is the david once again i'm gonna get the gift card and come back smacking him in the face if he doesn't give him a gift card what the heck is that all about yelling back there you want to call the police if that's one of your he was the account manager he was selling it to it to our agent huh like he did yes that was my floor manager who was yelling at the team member why to get a gift card he said he threatened to slap him in the face this is california you work in the manager some money so he said all right you can't get me the money you can get the card for me all right so i can give it to my children unfortunately yeah yes it's someone's birthday okay and the manager told the representative to get the gift card okay to get the gift card but the representative okay but the representative he did not bought the card so that's the reason why the wait who's getting the comments who's getting the cards but he's yelling at the team member yeah you know like normally what happened when there was a birthday in any on the floor among the team members we provide them with the gift cards okay we for the birthday we provide them the gift card would you give people gift cards for their birthday yes for all the team members we provide them the gift cards on the birthday we provide them at the gifter for the office from our check reaper token we provide them gift cards okay so yeah we provided the gift card to no it does not hit but he asked someone else to bring the card he asked our another representative to bring the card so he told him you're telling me he told his employees that he was gonna slap them in the face if they don't bring a birthday present no he told them and they're very joking kind of working you know the fact is very well that working in a huge massive place no you need to call the police you need to call the police that's not funny you don't need a job for them of course he's going to hurt somebody no no he's not going to hurt his very obvious yes he is that's illegal and besides you can't require that someone gives people birthday presents it's up to them if they want to give birthday presents yeah that's right you're absolutely right in your way they can do whatever they want absolutely god i can't believe it anyway what's happening what's going on oh i see what's happened i see what's happening here my you're still working on the computer i walked away for a minute i see what's happening here they can't get past my overhead now so they've been trying to edit the html probably for 10-15 minutes but i have a giant transparent box that covers everything um yes now what was your last previous balance i think it was ten thousand or something you can't put ten thousand something but right now you can see is almost more than that okay as i tell that we were about to do the transaction okay but when you are putting the amount okay what when you were putting the amount i said the time when you were putting the amount you saw it that the amount was not being displayed correctly right the amount was not coming correctly instead of 4 000 i mean instead of 499.99 why are you talking about that you have put in yeah i'm talking about the refund among the refund amount was 499 but by mystically the amount that had been put in your account okay it's been updated as 4 000. what is this what is all this stuff on the screen why is there a bunch of like some other language over here at the bottom can you get rid of that yeah that's the thought you know that the the so but unfortunately the amount that you have received is 4 000 right right okay okay so you need to understand the fact that this [Music] yes [Music] okay so as you have seen i'll just show it to you okay now i'll just type it for you okay baby right baby baby baby [Music] show me the meaning of being lonely it's just a feeling i need you want me tell me why i can't be there where you are oh wow that's very good well i like the song yeah what what song was that uh is this what from the bastard boys the backstreet the backstreet boy oh my god my granddaughter my granddaughter used to uh sing all about the big three boys um it's me baby one more time oh baby baby i need you want me wow [Music] you guys are good you guys are good you know what you want to do whose birthday is it who's birthday uh the birthday boy his name is the guy who was talking to you why don't you put it on speakerphone and we'll also say we'll put it on speakerphone and we can all do it we'll all do it together all right i'll put him in uh everybody's gonna sing a happy birthday song yeah why not happy birthday to you happy birthday to you wow happy birthday dear christian happy birthday hold on hold on hold on i wasn't [Music] prepared can you stand up can you stand over again please because i wasn't singing i wasn't singing with you can you stand up wait actually they're all gone they are already cut down he just got [Music] um what you can see your screen hold on will it be in front of your screen [Music] yeah your ribbon amount was 400 but the amount that you have received in your checking account was 49999 so the extra amount that has been by mystically credited in your account is 4500 right oh god well when you put it when you put it that way guys okay so now as you need to understand the pie bobby that we have a [Music] okay so we cannot just revert back that money back into our account okay so bobby can you just tell me is there any best buy store nearby to your place best buy are you that's what we're gonna go with um yeah i'm saying it no is there any best buy store near your place near your house no why would why would i go to best buy i don't understand no you can see the extra amount which is 4 500 as you know this extra amount that doesn't not belongs to you all right because like the amount that's being credited in your account is four thousand nine hundred and ninety nine dollars or 99 cents and your refund amount is 499.99 so the extra amount that has been credited in your account okay i'll show it to you is 499.99 minus your reaper number the money which you are supposed to receive is 499.99 okay so the extra amount that has been credited in your account which you're having extra which is four hundred thousand five hundred you need to return that back that money right right yeah youtube okay so that's the reason why i was asking you so because since we have a refund account mom all right so we cannot just refund back the money back from your account okay because from a refund account only the money goes out it doesn't come then okay so that's the way wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yes how did you transfer 5 000 to me yeah i tell you i believe you remember the time when you're putting the amount and the in our chase bank in a server when you were putting the amount which supposed to be 499 but i think biomassically you have got it 4999 okay so that's why that amount we're supposed to be 4 499 when i filled out the form when i filled out the form i yes typed 400 you remember right you said you type 400 now okay now you when you're logged into your when you have seen the account and then i know i'm saying i specifically typed it in text in text i typed 400 that way they would know i put in the exact right amount yeah but in the text as you have seen that in the tag in the in the page by uni where you have tied the tag 400 that was been done never accepted because in that you need to type the instant transfer you don't need to type the amount verbally all right you don't need to i did both of them i did both verbally and manual like normal just text stuff right now bobby all right how do you think how does chase mess that up i mean they must do this stuff all the time when you were typing the amount the amount was not coming in the correct form i remember you were telling me that the numbers are not coming correctly the amount was not coming correctly no i typed it i typed it in correctly correctly now that if you're thinking that you are typing correctly like no when you were putting the amount you were trying to correct it again then again you were trying to delete it then again you were trying to put the correct amount and again you tried to delete it but the number amount was not coming correctly but okay but that but even though you have seen okay the amount which is of 4999 has been credited in your account right you have seen the funds the money is already credited in your account right but you have seen right you have seen the money is being transferred to your account right you have seen the amount where you said it was 10 000 something all right but you have seen that your previous balance came to 15 000 right right 15 you have seen it by yourself right right so you need to understand the fact that this money the 4 500 does not belong to you you need to return that money back to us never and this has never happened before no like you guys work at the refund department like this is your job i think you made a mistake i think you're really messed up i'm gonna be honest with you i think you made a huge mistake i do understand bobby that i have made a message and i apologize actually we better talk to your manager all right so i'm just gonna have a word with my manager just hold the line for me no let me talk to let me talk can i ask you something how are you not how are you not freaking out right now how are you not very like scary i am i'm not i am scared but i cannot just show it to you like how can i assure you that i'm scared right now everybody in the office right now knows that you just accidentally transferred 45 sorry five thousand dollars now honestly i'd be very bothered without you about the honesty everybody in the office knows nobody knows no no at every moment nobody knows it because you know i just thought yeah are you kidding me they've been holding the barbie song because they can all hear you singing barbie of course they know you know when the time when i was singing it when i was singing it but you know when they were cutting the cake their team remember they went out oh they're cutting cake right they're cutting cake oh god they didn't give you any cake you're gig my feather shirt no they're going to keep myself for me no worries no they will they i will get my cake okay that's sad that's a sad day bobby i don't get cake i don't know what's the best part of having that celebrate office birthdays it's very annoying and a little bit awkward because everybody gathers together and they and they're all like oh i don't really know your name my manager here okay my manager here i just called him with by i just waved at him and i just told him i just his manager previously said he would slap his employees for not bringing a gift card to the to the birthday party and now he's like oh yeah my manager's now looking at my computer screen he knows that i accidentally sent five grand he's not even sort of scared or worried about money okay he immediately without any hesitation goes to the next line of the script um can you go to best buy are you there anyway i know that they're just hoping for people like people who don't know the script and they'll fall for it i'm waiting to talk to the manager i'm not talking to you anymore all right okay great question if they don't buy gift cards you hear me who do you think you are i can't hear you who do you think you are what do you get off thinking that you can run your employees when they don't do something huh i think that is our matter with my employees the police said i would have you arrested right now you i heard you over the phone you told someone you were gonna slap him if they didn't buy a gift card for the birthday party that is our company matter that is our company matters we will gonna take care of that but not bringing birthday party thanks you can't slap your kids for not bringing birthday party things you can't slap your your employees you can't you you shouldn't slap yourself for not bringing birthday party gift cards in no world is it is it okay you know another thing another thing you're in california right now and you have 50 employees in one tiny office you're breaking the law you're going to get somebody sick what's wrong with you you must think you're invincible can i come to the point what kind of a fool huh tell me that can i come to the point ma'am yeah what's the point you you have received extra that is 4500 right so can you explain me that things how did you received it you don't even care that's what you are you don't even care i'm gonna i must i'll slap your company policy in the next week all right anyway okay you can return our company money yes yeah um i would be happy to return it if if you want um i can do an instant wire transfer right back that's fine uh we don't accept a wire transfer because you have a personal account okay ma'am and we have a business account okay no i guess you can't have your money back sorry i only have a personal account i don't know what to tell you how do how can i how can you not let me transfer money to you hello he sounds like he just doesn't even care anymore like listen are you gonna get the money or not hello okay i someone just said there's phone numbers leaking at the bottom i really hope that no one's been calling these if they are even numbers that would work those are team viewer numbers like yes if you're calling these people and saying that they're scammers it's just random numbers they're randomly generated connection points oh no i hope that's why can you hear me ma'am yes i'm here because you have a personal account right you're right so i'm gonna do this you know first tell me do you know any computer store do you need any computer right how are you so calm about this your employee accidentally transferred five thousand dollars to me i want to help you out ma'am how would you like to refund that money that's it okay nice so tell me we don't accept a wire transfer how do you know you've never done this before he told me no one's ever done this because we know we have a count so we know very well we know more than you because we are running a company right so we know everything let me talk to the questions are you kidding me or what sir let me transfer the money to you yes so i'm trying to say i'm trying to tell you the way ma'am where you need to go see here i'm gonna tell you you need to go to the the best buy gift okay card each gift what is card obsession with gift cards you want me to buy gift cards for christian's birthday happy birthday by the way not about christian birthday happy birthday wow so why do you want me to buy why do you want me to buy gift cards you were telling someone else to buy gift cards he said you'd slap them if they don't buy them and now you want me to buy gift cards because that through the gift cursor ma'am we are going to get that money okay so go ahead and go to the best buy and buy the gift card okay just buy gift cards okay okay yeah i can do that for you and then and then what you you take the money back off the cards or something all right that's right right okay that's fine take to go down there minutes 20 minutes are you sure you don't have a way for me to transfer the i know i can do transfers like why else for instance that would have been possible we would have got it done for you how do you know it's not possible you've never done this before now because we have a reason we have a business account okay businesses do businesses accept money from people that's how they make money now i'm thinking this now business from the refund department business of a refund account you charge people like me money for your computers right i've paid you before with like a credit card or a debit card so clearly you can take money that's right that's how i originally paid you no yeah that understood that but that that option would have been there that's what i'm telling you i paid you a year ago the 499. and now you're giving it back to me so let me just pay you again let me let me just pay you get the gift card at the very moment me see ma'am we are not providing any more services right now so that's the reason why we are just responding the money back to the customers okay because that the services that we used to provide okay it has been terminated so we are not providing any more services so we don't have any account where we can receive the funds hold on hold on hold on a second hold on i'm just trying to write this down on a piece of paper hold on a second i'm actually just listening to something it sounds like someone okay sorry someone's giving a number i don't know if it's a gift card or not but i'm just listening to it i'm trying to see i'm trying to see if they're like actually giving a gift card or if it's anyway oh okay so it sounds like if they are giving them a gift card it's not working and so they might just be messing with them um yeah yes yes right so i need to go the best you want me to go to best buy right now and buy gift cards for charlotte what is this yeah charlie i forgot his name already no christian christian's okay can i ask you something yeah um could you do this for me can you can you do it can you do it for me i'm saying can you do it for me like like can you go to best buy and buy me can you go to best buy and do it for me i'll give you my credit card and you just do it for me oh no no no no no no we cannot do that because you need to like even if you get the card you need to do it physically no you need to use your credit card physically by yourself okay i'll pay you back in bed um can you go you go by okay no no no sir i'll pay you personally i'll pay you personally and then no no nothing about buying that i cannot do anything with my company's money no no no no no i cannot do it anything no no no wait i'm not giving you your company's money i'm giving you my money no no no we don't want that i don't want that no no you're whatever i get out of my salary and why i heard it i understand i cannot do anything apart from my company i don't need any incentive okay so all you need you need to go down physically you can see best buy from your end it's just 15 minutes all right you just need to go down there buy four best buy gift cards each card will be worth 500. okay get her get me those gift cards all right you just need to go down there and get the gift card hello okay um okay i'm asking you to do it for me and i will pay you now i cannot do that i'm telling you i cannot do that i cannot just just walk out of my floor and go and get the gift card i cannot do that you need to go down there i'm all right i'll be on the line with you all right you don't need to hung up the call okay you can put me in loudspeaker once you reach the parking lot of the of the store say hello to me and then i will guide you further that what you need to go down there and how to get the card okay no search okay sir i believe you're ready i'm 77 years old i'll give you 500 i'll give you 500 of my own money okay how about that no i i i don't need i don't need that no i'm asking you i'm let's see if i you're speaking to a manager right now and you cannot just ask me our manager to go down there to bite me and don't try to bribe me please i will just request you not to bribe me okay don't try to bribe me please sir sir sir listen here's the situation let me just make sure i understand that okay you you guys accidentally said five thousand dollars [Music] you're the manager correctly so you can do whatever you want like threaten to slap your employees if they don't buy gift cards correct no we don't do it with the to the employees okay well then who did you threaten to slap earlier because i heard you nobody i didn't slap anyone we just told him in a joking manner on the phone saying i will slap you in the face if you don't buy a gift card not denying i'm not denying it i'm not denying you that i never told my rapper that i told my representative but i didn't raise my hand on him all right telling somebody and reading their hand are two different things you threatened to slap someone in the face that's my friend that's my representative yes you did all right we did in that friendly manner we deal with them in that funny manner that's not friendly that's terrible you were screaming at him that's so clearly you can do whatever that might be from your right you're able to do it you want to do because you're the manager so what i'm asking you but i'm asking instead of threatening to slap me if i don't get gift cards i'm i'm going to slap you with a lawsuit if you don't just go buy the cards for me how about that i'll give you five hundred dollars extra i don't need your money i don't need that okay well then how much do you need i don't need that each will you do that sir why can't you help me i can't help you right now i'm sad i can't why i can't that means i can't david you say out of this why can't you help i don't want you to enter my floor right now david you're not going to enter the floor who's david david i told you to be out you're not going to enter the floor you did a brand new mistake bring the extra amount to this all right okay i'm ready sorry i'm going to know hey call the police he wasn't threatening to hit one of his employees or whatever i wouldn't joke about stuff like that are you there okay hi i'm here hey i said are you going to get the gift card yeah can can i talk to david please i tell you what i'll tell you what i'm gonna get the gift card i'll make a deal with you okay you're a businessman let's make a deal tell me i need i want david to be able to keep his job he's just a kid obviously made a mistake right so i go get i go get the gift cards and he gets to keep his job bye oh that was right at the two hour mark actually so that that was an automatic hang up i had a 14 minute call with them and then i called them back so right at two hours it hung up so it's an autumn it was an automatic thing i'll call them right back um i'll go to this door i guess like i'll i'll try to um waste our time a little bit here um [Music] sorry um i'm laughing at something that i'll show you shortly um yeah let me call back i was thinking that i would maybe use this as leverage or i can say like all right i need you to do something for me if i'm gonna do something for you i want you to prove that he's gonna be able to keep his job you've heard me do that before um so i'm gonna see if i can ask if he wants an extra 4 500 and if he says i don't need it then be like okay i'll keep the money that's kind of a good idea i don't want it okay fine the text now subscriber you are trying to reach is not available please the text now oh i wonder if text now cuts you off at two hours just in case you like accidentally left the phone on yeah you can submit numbers with the exclamation point submit command there's a form um the text now i keep getting voice mail i wonder why he can't call me maybe my pbx is just a little broken today it's been halfway decent for a while attila thanks for 26 months all right i guess we'll wait for a second i'll talk to you guys for a few minutes i've been very distracted with this call announcement i hope you're having some fun today hello hello yeah hello hi who is this uh just a question again i said see [Music] a good representative he's a good team member to represent our organization but the mystic has been taking place either from you or from david from both what number are you calling played but sir he will not provide you okay hold on he just called me i just immediately answered but [Music] announced oh never mind it just logged on my logs really weird okay i thought they called a different one of my numbers i was like they know yes i'm here sorry our call got disconnected okay i said see he's a good representative the mystic has been taking place the amount has already been credited in your account so at the very moment david will be facing to two different consequences first he will lose a job during the period of covet 19 where it's pretty hard to get a job right now so he will be losing a job secondly the last month salary all right if you don't refund that money back to us that money is going to get deducted hold on a second hold on a second listen listen i want to make a deal with you i don't want him to lose his i don't want him to lose his job i don't want him to have to do that i bet he has a family right like 16 kids [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's kind of in the you know the bedroom and stuff you know 50 shades anyway uh probably a lot of kids so i don't want him to lose his job or wait is it david or christian who's losing his job who's losing their job question david on his birthday he's losing his job yeah the mistake has taken place he had to pay the consequences oh david's losing israel oh who cares about david it's not his birthday never mind i'm going to you tell me what you want to do i'm kidding listen i want to make a deal with you okay so i bring the money back i bring the gift cards back and right he's gonna keep his job and you're not gonna dock any money from his salary correct correct and i want you to guarantee that he will have a job there for the next year at least a year guaranteed okay i want you to write that down i want you to make a document i want proof do you have a printer do you have a printer no no don't write it on my don't write it on my computer i don't care about that i want you because you guys are gonna have to sign it you and david are both gonna have to sign it so it's a legal binding document i want a picture of it we cannot get so you get picture right now for you something down that says you know um that david will be able to keep his job you want to speak to david do you want to speak to david no i'm telling i want to talk to you you're the manager i'm telling you what you want i will get you the 4500 hey now you're listening to me i will do it i said but if you're talking about your legal documentation right now yeah i want you to i want you to know you need a copy of that he's gonna be keeping his job and then i want you both to sign the piece of paper he will be keeping his job but i cannot sign do you want to prove that i'm going to kick him out of the job you want me to prove you that right now no i want you to i want you to prove that you're going to keep him on the job if i give you i said i am going to keep mark my word when i said my voice no i'm not i want proof that he's going to keep his job and then i'll go get you the money i just care about the kid he's going to make you talk to david do you want me to make you talk to david i want you to write down on a piece of paper that david will keep his job and i want you to decide call david right now why are you over why are you making this complicated why are you why are you making this complicated huh call him right now hey hey why are they yelling back there hey who's there do you want i wonder if they're talking to some other scam give me the chords you mother effort david that's going to be the last year for you hey are you there or not all right and if you're talking about the salary does that man with your 4 500 hello all right you need to cover it up hello okay right now okay you need to type a resignation letter right now i need to submit it on my desk i'm really sorry sir you need to type a resignation letter and just put it on my desk i'm sorry i don't believe i don't think you're talking to david right now it's not very good rp sir why are you yes sir technically i think you would be writing a letter to him saying that you're firing him he shouldn't be resigning you would be writing the letter because you're firing him okay that's my lookout you don't need to teach me no i think i do have a couple things to teach you i don't know how to run your company that's for sure slapping people i know how to run an organization yeah is that why you're closing is that why your business is closing yeah going out of business and that's why you're giving me my money back and and you're telling me you know how to run and you got extra amount and you got extra ammo and you want to keep it with you no i want to go get the money right and i want david to keep his job that's what i want he will only if the money will be back all right here only if i get uh write it on a piece of paper write it on a piece of paper so i have proof for david i am giving my words to him as to you as well why can't you write it on a piece of paper i'm not running i'm not a law all right i'm not in a code then i need to give a documentation to him why why won't you write it on a piece of paper he was under me i didn't walk under him he was under me i don't work under him that i'm going to write a confirmation letter for him why i am firing him he's going to lose his job he's going to lose his salary he's going to be on do you hear me it is your concern because i'm promising you i will get 4 500 if you write a document that says he's gonna keep his job but get the cause but get the card no not if i don't know about it not if i don't have the proof so what do you mean by that i want proof that he's going to keep his job i want a piece of i want a piece of paper that says he's going to be able to keep up me i'll make sure of it i said what if i what if i give him the documentation that he will be receiving a job he won't be losing his job and you don't get the car done what if you do that you don't get that cause and david will be as of work walking out here yourself i guess that's a risk you'll have to take now that's the risk you need to take i don't care you have the money nothing's gonna happen to me if i give you the money don't care about david then you don't you don't need to give a [ __ ] about david then so don't give me that crap why why is it so hard to take a picture of a piece of paper that says david will keep his job what's so hot about that i'm i'm writing it on on your screen right now okay i'm opening up a new notepad for you i'm writing it down and i'm going to print it out for you okay i want david to see it i'm writing a new note dave i'm going to show it to you as well i want david to sign the piece of paper you both have to sign up okay we are you insane that we are going to sign papers no i'm not that's how you make a document make the topic shortly all right forget that see if you're talking about your money you know the fact i can get hold of the money okay i will definitely get hold of the money sir how about this let's do it oh you don't bring the card i have an idea forget all that bobby listen to me forget about david forget about this money listen forget about david you forget about everything right now what i'm telling you here's what you got your money in your account all right and you want the best buy gift cards you want 4 500 i tell you what i i don't know if i can really go to the store right now i'm 77 years old so how about i give you i'll pay you you need to vote right i'll pay you you need to get i'm going to pay you 2 000 of my own money plus the 4 500 so i'll give you 6 500 in your personal account you go buy the 4 500 and give them to you know your company how about that why are you trying to bribe me i'm not trying to bribe you i just can't i can't go to best buy right now coven you just said just 15 minutes away all right yeah but but then i'm gonna i could be before i know i'm asymptomatic or i already caught it from somewhere who knows what and i'll get somebody sick nothing will happen here come on you're not that weak enough that the core isn't going to affect you okay i'll give you forty five hundred dollars i'll double it i'll double it nine grand i'll give you nine grand honey in your personal account you want dollars i don't need it in my personal like what am i gonna do to do it in my personal account sir i'm offering to give you forty five hundred dollars plus an additional forty five hundred dollars so you can go get the cards for myself why no why are you giving me that money i don't need that money why are you trying to give me extra money for so you will go to the store for me why are you trying to i cannot go to the store as i said why you you're not gonna go to best buy for forty five hundred dollars i'd quit my job for forty five hours no i cannot you can quit the job you're not gonna why wouldn't you why wouldn't you want an extra money i don't understand you're a manager you could do whatever you want go to the store buy a buy a tv or a fancy thing why don't you go down because i'm 77 years old and i don't want to risk getting myself or someone else sick i'm offering you an extra five hundred dollars why wouldn't you accept that honey i've got plenty of money i don't i don't need money what i do need is my health so you're going to do the virus one you're going to transfer the funds right like what does that mean i could buy a transfer nine grand to you your personal account and then you can go get the best buy cards or whatever your boss or company will want you to do to make things right and david can keep his job and you know the fight very well okay now you're telling me you're going to do via transfer okay i don't need that extra amount you said you're going to do wire transfer okay okay and what if they ask you when you need to authorize it are you going to authorize it am i going to of course i'm going to authorize it that way you can go buy the cards that's the whole point oh is he going to let me is he shifting to just want to give me a i need some time to think about it he's thinking about if he wants to superior in regards to this because i it's very obvious obvious that definitely that i cannot provide my personal account without their information and without the confirmation why sorry no because this is the company if what did the company will come to know that uh the amount had been refunded to the customers the expo amount and i am taking the money back into my account the extra amount i am getting it transferred to my account eventually if the company will come to you so you're going to be sir listen to me just think about this logically if i'm telling if you think that the best way you're the manager do you think your boss is going to want to get a check from you for 4 500 or a call saying sorry sorry i lost 4 500 which one do you think he'd rather like losing 4 500 they're getting a personal check for 4 500 if you're working for an organization okay a reputable organization whether you have your superior as well who has the authority to take the highest the most high decisions okay so you just cannot take do any kind of transaction with your not even a single penny from your company's account i'm not asking you to take money from your company's account i'm not asking you yeah the the money which you got that's a company account money right it's a complete money that's not my money right that's not davis money does no one's money that the company's money which is supposed to be refunded to the other customers right so that money that a single penny i cannot put that in my account why won't you just get redeemed i'm going to try to do that i just have him and this is the only opportunity i have at this point in the scam to um leverage getting bank account information which is very valuable to be able to report so i'll go we can go have fun and redeem gift cards and stuff i just would rather spend a little bit of time trying to get a bank account first i don't understand what you're saying to me i'm saying it's pretty simple that we cannot take a single penny in my personal account the reason why we were asking you to get the gift card because this gift card was 500 it's equal to a refund amount which is 499.99 similarly the cost will be given to the other customers sir yes what why will your boss care what do you mean why would my boss care your boss doesn't have to know where that you bought the 4 500 best buy cards why does he care no definitely i need to report them i need to okay so would you wear them let's just pretend use your brain i'm asking you to use your brain for a second okay if you were your boss would you rather get a call that said sir an employee accidentally transferred five thousand dollars and we lost it all or sir a company accidentally or an employee accidentally transferred five thousand dollars but i was able to get forty five hundred dollars back i had to do it pretty i had to do it by my own means i had to go to the store i had to help this lady out but i was able to get the money back which one do you think you'd rather hear which one do you think i bet i bet the first one he's gonna fire you too he's gonna fire you in david along with that all right but along with that okay i even need to have the reputation does that make your head he [Music] yeah you won't take the money and buy them for me you're not gonna help me no i cannot no i wouldn't can you ask your manager if i can transfer it to to his account or sorry the boss if i can transfer to his account or the or something i i i i would really prefer not to have to go to the store with with covert right now can you at least in just 15 minutes why don't you do this people are roaming around the people the forty five hundred dollars back to your boss i don't want you to transfer it we cannot take the money back online we cannot do any wire transfers you want to get the card yes or no ask me that yes or no boss i'm my boss the answer is no for it you haven't asked him yet i am telling you i know the answer the answer will be no to it you know the answer you've never dealt with the situation like this before that's nana how could you know that i've never been to this kind of situation because david said this has never happened before this has never happened before because similarly i'll never go down to my bosses to take some kind of opinion i am a manager i know how to take decisions now you're telling me straight are you going to get me that money back or not yes you promise david's going to keep his job to go get the car go get the cars i'm holding the line with you all right don't hang up the call i'm going to be with you online are you going to give me a document that says david's going to keep his job yes he will i can give you that word you're going to make a document that proves it i guess you're going down to the document i said he is going to be yes hello yes or no are you going to make a document yes or no i will go to the store then give me a couple minutes to go to the party i gotta go to the bathroom give me a couple minutes all right i'm holding the line i hung up all right i don't think we're gonna get a bank account his boss manager whoever was in the same room listening anyway so they probably just don't even have the option sometimes they don't um oh my throat kind of hurts i feel like i've been yelling as lois today normally it doesn't hurt but i've been like hey why are you doing that um here we go so i'm gonna muffle my voice if you haven't been here before the goal is to sort of make it seem like i'm driving to best buy and obviously if it sounds like this it doesn't necessarily of course it goes through voip and it's distorted a little bit but if i were to make my voice sound more like i have to find my eq if it sounds something like this or a little bit yeah i don't know cut off a little bit cut off [Music] like uh this is not that it's not that great but it might sound a little this is actually too muffled probably to be honest with you that's probably too much but yeah i agree chad this might be a little bit better i don't know uh how about how about that it's not this is that they're calling me announcement and now the christian yeah i'm driving to the store sorry hello yeah me yeah is this david no that's the question who's christian oh the birthday boy the birthday boy manager no i'm the manager tell me wait christian christian was the one who had a birthday where are you right now i'm on my way to the store right now i'm driving to the store like you like you told me all right don't hang up the phone all right no longer the food so put me in love speech put me in loud speaker i have you on loudspeaker okay put me in speaker mode and once you read the parking lot just say hello to me okay once you say you read the parking lot just say hello to me what are you saying i said once you reach the parking lot of the best buy store say hello to me and right now just put me in the mode and loud speaker okay you don't need to talk to me while driving once you read that just let me know okay once you read that let me know okay hold on a second it's very hard to hear you i might pull over i'm gonna pull over somewhere so i can hear you okay hold on all right okay hello okay i said once you read the parking lot of the best buy store say hello to me okay you can drive but don't talk to me right now you can put me put the car in the speaker mode yeah i heard you i heard you in the speaker mode okay so don't hang up the call once you reach the parking lot say hello to me okay okay um have you made that document yet all right get home have you made the document yet why not david said david is sitting right in front of me right now have you made the document enough telling you in front of i said i will okay i said i will admit our will okay well then i'll hold you to it okay okay i'm going to read the passing lord just say hello to me all right hey make david make david say hello if he's right next to you thank you say hello all right david say hello yeah that's not david can you hear me okay hello that's not david don't you think of david hey bobby hello hey bobby hey bobby this is david david what song were we singing earlier uh hey bobby want to go for a ride i do i do want to go for a ride all right so just jumping okay okay ken all right uh uh bobby let's go party i'm a barbie girl in the barbie world okay okay i guess it is you david is he gonna let you keep his job is he going to let you keep your job or what yes he will come but only in one condition that only if i get hold of those money the extra amount of money can i ask you something can i ask you something can i ask you something do you have um yeah tell me do you have 4 500. no you don't have forty you can't come up with forty five hundred dollars no obama okay i was gonna say okay if i do you have a personal bank account yeah i do have okay i do where chase wells fargo and that's not uh no i can david do you have a personal bank account uh no i do have a personal bank account but hold on i'm gonna drive i'm gonna drive while we talk hold on let me drive hold on a second okay so are you going to the bed by store bobby my other sound didn't play i have another sound that was supposed to be playing at the same time so now i don't know what to do do i just start it again hey bobby what are these sounds whatever it's fine maybe you'll believe it i'm playing all the wrong sounds like are you still there are you still there hello david are you there bobby tell me i have you on speakerphone okay um they have a personal bank account uh i don't have yeah i do have a salary account okay what if i i really don't want to go in the store you know because i would risk myself get sick and other people sick what if i transfer 4500 to you all right so are you in front of your computer no one where are you are you in the car driving i'm the best buy right now i'm in my car okay okay you can go down and just get 2 000 gift cards 500 each and the balance you can transfer it what all right if i'm gonna go in there i might as well just get all the money now you can get full card was to avoid having to go in the store it doesn't i don't care how much i have to buy yeah i bobby i just request you all right at the very moment you know like um in a very bad situation and presently the words are not coming out of what to tell you all right although i'm not having any words right now what to say and how to express my feelings because from last half 30 to 40 minutes i was being asked to sit on the chair okay you're in timeout waiting for the confirmation from the manager okay what do you want to say honey say what's on your mind say what you mean what do you want to say if you can say anything right now now all i will request you right now that you can get the cards you can get the cost of okay of 2000 only i would i doubt the best buy will give you more than 2 000 okay you can just get four gift cards okay you can just get four gift cards worth two thousand five hundred each yeah i think they won't give you more than two thousand dollars i'll go to the store it's fine i'll go to the store okay okay and just get the gift card please i'll literally request you guys i'll call you i'll sing more fun to you okay don't hang up the call all right oh are you can you sing for me because my my radio is broken anyway what can you sing a song for me all right i think at the very moment this is what a song i just think chris play in games with my heart with my heart only portion you can be done baby i feel so bad he still hears the everything else i can think of very following song as well like come my lady come come my lady yuma butterfly sugar baby that's that's very good can you sing that one i like that you're my butterfly what yeah now are you where are you right now i'm drive i'm driving go ahead sing the butterfly song i'd love to hear it you're driving all right so when you're driving you should not talk to me well then sing the singing driving career that's it yeah that's the only two lines which i know oh do you know any other any other songs no i don't know any other song at the very moment uh like if the manager right now is coming towards me okay no what does he care as long as you get the forty five hundred dollars now all right can you just go get where are you right now how far are you uh probably like five minutes away all right you can just keep me on hold all right just die shave and reach the best by throw okay can you sing barbie girl for me no not at the very moment because squish the managers in front of me i cannot sing anymore song right now i'm sorry for that all right i'm holding the line for you once you reach the store just say hello to me all right okay hank you want me to hang up okay hold on that's fine okay oh that's loud i don't have a very i i keep forgetting to record us a sound for me getting out of the car like i had a halfway i feel like i have enough sounds for getting to the store but this is my only that's all i got which is okay but i don't ever stop the car you know i'm at best buy i'm in the parking lot i'm here in the parking lot all right yeah you just okay okay i'll make sure all right i'm repeating it again okay that is the people they ask you what is the purpose that you are buying the gift cards all right kindly don't mention it that you are buying it for any business purpose all right just tell them that you are here i have to buy it for your business purpose that's the whole reason i'm here no but don't tell me that i can't buy that's right you said that i can't do a personal thing with a business so i have to go to best buy yeah that's why that's what that's why but you don't need to mention it because if you're going to mention it they will charge the reason why i have to go here do you know why you know what the reason is why what's the reason other than that you messed up i know my manager question he told you because of the business purpose you cannot defend that money back to the account but if you're going to tell it yeah he said that you have a business account and you can't take personal transactions so i have to go to best buy yeah now you're telling me that i can't make a personal transaction at best buy what's the point yet you can make you can make it i'm saying you can make it but don't tell them that because if you tell them that they will give you the card but if you tell them that you're doing it for the business purpose they will charge you extra don't tell them that okay so you just tell them that you're just buying it for your grandchildren's daughters you're just using it for your personal purposes you need a gift card for your personal purpose and then just once you get hold of the card then come back i don't mind paying extra that's okay i don't want to get in trouble you know what if there's actually if there's extra business taxes or something i don't want to get in trouble and avoid paying the taxes you know i'll tell them all right so go just go and get the card all right yeah we'll hope it works out you know definitely we've come so far [Music] speak to me in front of them all right so don't speak to me oh you want to talk to them okay yeah i can't give the manager the phone or something that's what you want that's what no all right hold on let me get let me go in the store then that's fine hold on um okay yeah so just go buy some gift cards buy two thousand dollars worth of gift cards just saying you need to buy four gift cards worth 500 each but what about the forty five hundred i owe you why are you forty five hundred yeah the but the bad buy they will not give you more than two thousand okay they will not give you more than two thousand so you just need to go and get only two thousand dollar gift card okay let me talk to the manager put the manager on the phone i wanna make sure that's agreeable i want to make sure all right you're back with me yeah i'm going to go ahead to the store though let me put you on um hello hello hello bobby rj give me a second just one one minute okay all right listen to me once you get the card and then call me hold on hold on get the card and then call me all right get the card and then call me i said you once you get the card call me back all right i thought sorry about that it was a little it was a little a little bit windy can you hear me okay or not sorry can you still hear me yeah i can hear you okay yeah i could hear you oh i'm a little rusty that was way too loud all right you know you just need to go get four gift cards was 500 each of 2 000 okay two five hundred dollars okay four five hundred four cars five hundred dollars each four cards okay okay but you're saying that's only two thousand dollars yes yeah that's only two thousand just get me two thousand right but i owe you forty five hundred dollars i know that yeah but the bad by the way no no no no no no no you told me the deal was you'd let david keep his job if i gave you forty five hundred dollars and now you're asking me for two thousand dollars yes because the best buy won't give you more than two thousand they will never give you more than 2 000. why would i go to bus by then this seems like a waste of time to get it's not a waste of time you go down there get the car and i will tell you what you need to do next no no no no no all right what do you mean do next i i i don't want to go from store to store to the store you don't need to go anywhere once you get the card come to the parking lot you promise you promise he's gonna keep his job absolutely for two thousand dollars that's it oh you only want two thousand dollars back yeah yeah only two thousand only two thousand what do i do with the extra 2500 is it for me right that you can have a deal with david david will let you know what you need to do okay you can transfer it to david account if you want okay because that buy will not give you more than two thousand so just get the car come back to the parking lot and say hello to me all right okay so you only want best buy you only want best buy stuff you don't care about but what about your business i mean yeah i owe you you lost 4 500 yes i know that you just get the card of 2000 all right just get the 2000 gift card all right okay and once you come once you get the card and come back to the parking lot and say hello to me who should i ask for is there someone meeting me here that sells the cards or do i just kind of get any kind of card i want you need to look for that just go get some gift cards okay i'll call you i'll call you back after i get the 2000 gift cards i'll talk to a manager or something okay you don't need to talk to you just go to the room just go to the culture and get it yeah i'll go to the counter and i'll say yeah give me whatever cards are best for personal business um i like to hang up at that point because now he's probably thinking like what kind of card are they gonna get it's supposed to be no it's supposed to be best buy cards it's supposed to be best and best buy will they'll sell google play cards right yeah announcement they're selling these yeah bobby can you hear me i'm driving i don't know if you can hear me all right have you got the car either way just so you know i was able to get the car this was huge this is huge i got the perfect cards for you i talked to the manager at the front desk i'm heading back to my house and heading back home okay all right how long will you take how long will you take to reach five probably five minutes at the most okay i'm holding the line for you all right what car have you got can you pull up the car can you pull the car pull out the car is this david yeah that's a david okay make sure your manager has that document he's supposed to be you two are supposed to be signing a document okay okay all right i'll i'll call you back all right all right can you just he's not even listening he'll probably call me so i'm not gonna oh three hours nice he'll probably call me back in a second uh well that really was muffled this sounds fake now almost but i know it's not like this now my voice sounds fake to me i don't know how to explain it it just sounds so weird um your computer don't use your computer hello hello david david hi david hi did you get did you get a document from your did you get a document from your boss yes he can give me a note right now he never give me anything talk to me but he gave me a note that he did allowed me to continue with my work okay great well i'm on my computer i had a little bit of a difficult time getting on my computer i had to use the little fingerprint scanner thing on the side of my laptop to get on but i'm i'm working on i typed it i i typed all the numbers on my notepad um and i'm looking up right now how to get those cards over to okay all right can you what cars have you bought yeah so i talked to the manager and he told me i said i said hey i gotta get i got a young guy who who needs some money for personal use what card would you suggest and he said that all the kids are buying google play cards it's huge right now it's huge okay so how much you got it uh two thousand dollars i got four five hundred dollar google play cast okay google play card all right again i typed up here on my computer on my notepad and i'm just trying to figure out how to how to get you the money i saw oh god i saw on the back um it says um reading these documents by the way my phone i need to charge my phone so if at some point my phone disconnects you know don't get don't get too alarmed okay um i hit i didn't have my phone charger in my car all right can you see some numbers over there can i see numbers over there hold on hold on where am i in the card yes on this card you can see some numbers yeah you need to confirm those numbers what can you see in your computer screen right now what can you see in your computer screen um i'm just going to the play uh the play store like it told me to go to are you oh you don't need to go anywhere you got the closet here right i'm not cool it says to go slash redeem well it says after that um tap menu regain enter your code okay no don't don't don't don't do anything okay i said don't do anything no i'm honey you're gonna get your job correct give you the code hold on a second wait you don't need to do anything don't redeem it don't redeem it don't i said don't redeem it you don't need to do anything no you're not giving it to me wait i'll let you know what you need to do listen up a young man i don't know what the boss told me very specifically that i owe you two thousand dollars so i bought four google play cards i bought it's what i'm telling you and i said you don't need to do it don't do it okay see there you go five hundred members do it you don't do it why are you doing it from your end are you understanding bobby can you listen to me for once hello can you listen to me for once yeah yes i said not to do anything you are not giving the car to me yes i am you're not you don't need to get you just need to give me the numbers you don't need to do anything with those cards um dude i told you to redeem it you're redeeming it you don't need to redeem it david how else am i supposed to how else am i supposed to give you the money right he told me to get the he told me to get these right when i told you to wait when you don't need to redeem it i'm waiting why are you redeeming it when i told you not to redeem the car but you're wasting those my that money you're totally waiting it uh david can i talk to the manager please let me talk to the manager let me talk to your manager please all right give a click on tv right in the bottom right hand corner talk to your manager [Music] hello this is the question here hi david's very upset right now i'm trying to i'm trying to understand you and i had a deal i buy gift cards he gets to keep his job two thousand dollars yes hello yes yes or no but i told him i went up to the manager at the front desk at the store i said i'm trying to buy some cards for a young man to use for his personal uses what kind of card should i get and they suggested the google play codes so i bought four 500 cards i tried calling you you weren't answering i looked up how to get the cash off the card and they tell you how to do it yeah yeah you don't need to do it i already did do it i did two of them oh you don't need to do it again you're doing it if you want the rest of the money i just i have to prove it to you that i that i did it so he can keep his job you're not providing it to me you are not providing that money to me i know sorry to your company to your company not yeah you're redeeming it to your own account you're not redeeming it to me what yes you're not redeeming it to me you're reading it your own account so the card that you bought it doesn't make any difference to me now you have written it to your own account now you tell me what are you talking about are you are you are you trying to fire david right now yeah i bought that i bought the 2000 you can't go back on our deal this is why i wanted it in writing this is exactly why i wanted it and right now oh god this is why because i know you would do something like this no i knew you would do something like this i went i got you what you needed and now you're not happy you're saying you're not getting all the money or something what do you want more yeah you're not getting very much bread have you ever given money i told you i would have done and you said no do 2 000. where have you got the money where have you got it from best buy like you said where have you got it sorry from best buy you're from bad buy and where have you renamed it right here from google so you got your money no i haven't got a single penny you got two thousand dollars i i got you two thousand dollars trying to figure out no you you never give me a [ __ ] you never give me [ __ ] hold on excuse me you give me [ __ ] better you better watch your mouth you better watch your mouth i don't give a [ __ ] about it right now oh come on a deal's a deal you better let him keep [ __ ] you better let him keep his no he won no one i want you promised you promised before god and continue you told me that you're going to give the card you told me that you're going to get the power of them no where did you give it where me i did exactly what you told me one by one no you didn't you did not are you trying to cheat me out of more money what's interesting is he i feel like he might just be done no you didn't like he might just not want to talk to me anymore sometimes the scammers will say like now you have to go get more you have to go get more cards probably just having a little bit of a rough day today maybe i'll call him back tomorrow i don't know if it makes sense for me to call him back right now when i think that i gave him what he like deserves anyway call him back anyway yeah i guess i could call back and say something about david's job i could say like let me talk to david let me talk to david that kind of a thing um then maybe we'll talk to him tomorrow too the text now subscribers they're not even gonna want to talk to me so you have another 2k well we'll see if they call me somewhere tonight or if i try calling him tomorrow and like is david available is he still is he still there there's a chance that we'll be able to keep chatting with them if not it was still three hours of fun and they didn't get any cards in the end so i had some fun today
Channel: More Kitboga
Views: 484,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, full kitboga call, kitboga archive, kitboga unedited, scams, scammer, tricking scammers, prank calls, pranking scammers
Id: QJV9TibuQiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 47sec (12347 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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