Scam Victim Kills Innocent Uber Driver During Bizarre Confrontation | William Brock Case Analysis

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hello this is Dr Grande today's question is can I analyze the case of William Brock just a reminder I'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I will put the link to patreon in the description for this video first I'll look at the background of this case move to the timeline of the crime then offer my analysis this case takes place in 2024 in South Charleston Ohio which is 42 Mi west of Columbus two people are primarily involved 81-year-old William Brock who lived in a house in the 7,000 Block of South Charleston Clifton Road and 61-year-old ltha Hall who lived in Columbus now moving to the timeline of the crime on March 25 2024 at 11:18 a.m. William Brock called 911 and told the police that he had shot someone who was trying to rob him when the police arrived at Williams house they found that he had minor injuries to his head and ear and ltha Hall had sustained multiple gunshot wounds after being transported to Dayton Hospital ltha died from her injuries here is what the police found during the course of their investigation William claimed that he had received multiple calls from a scammer pretending to be an officer this scammer indicated that William had a nephew who was in jail and demanded $122,000 to release him as the calls continued the officer's story changed from a posting Bond situation to a ransom demand as if the officer had taken the nephew hostage Williams said that the scammer also threatened to murder him and his family if he did not pay the money the scammer arranged to send an Uber driver to Williams house to pick up the ransom this driver was ltha Hall her accurate SUV was equipped with a dash cam which captured part of the incident when ltha arrived at Williams house she waited for a while before walking to his front door she did not know anything about the scam only that she was directed to pick up a package William made contact with ltha and produced an eight-shot 22 calber revolver he pointed the revolver at her and demanded that she tell him who made the threatening calls he had received Altha retreated to the driver's side of her vehicle as William followed her she told him to stop or she would call 911 when William told her that she was not leaving ltha replied with the word by William said no you're not you're not leaving and going home he repeatedly demanded her phone as Lola yelled stop and help at this point William shot ltha one time in the leg even in this wound wed State Lea continued her effort to escape William chased her around the front of her vehicle again ltha told him that she was there to pick up a package William responded yeah I know what you're after during a scuffle at the door of Lola's vehicle William said I'll shoot you in the head next time Lola cried don't do that please don't I'm sorry please don't William asked who do you work for Lola responded Uber it's right up there you can see it you can see it you can look sir please just look presumably she was pointing to something in her vehicle which indicated her association with Uber William said I'll shoot you give me that phone Lola replied no please please don't shoot me anymore after saying the word please five more times she said let's talk at this point William shot her two more times and called 911 William Brock was charged with murder two counts of felony murder felonious assault and kidnapping he was released from jail after posting a $200,000 Bond if convicted William is facing a serious penalty in the state of Ohio murder carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years in prison and a maximum of life in prison now moving to my analysis here are my thoughts on a few areas that stood out to be in this case item number one it appears as the will William was telling the truth about interacting with the scammer in William's house the police found an envelope with an Ohio court case number written on it the envelope contained $2,50 in cash William had written down the name lolitha and a description of her accurate SUV while in William's house a detective spoke to the scammer on the phone the scammer identified himself as the officer and said you are going to be in trouble when the detective pressed for more information the scammer ended the call the police said that the scammer's phone number was through Bell Mobility in Canada the scammer's phone is almost certainly a burner phone item number two the scammer involved in this case appeared to be unsophisticated and disorganized he went from pretending to be an officer who was trying to collect bail to being an officer who was holding an inmate hostage a lot of bad things can happen to to inmates in jail but they don't usually get kidnapped by correctional officers low kidnapping risk is one of the few benefits of being an inmate it appeared as though the scammer was just trying to scare William in any possible way he could he used different names and narratives in a desperate effort to extort money item number three was William Brock guilty of murder let's take a look at the evidence both for and against the idea that he was guilty starting with the inculpatory factors William confronted ltha with a revolver when he could have remained in the safety of his house and called 911 the Hammer of the revolver was cocked and his finger was on the trigger these are Reckless behaviors under the circumstances after Lola was confronted she retreated to her vehicle repeatedly cried for help threatened to call 911 told William to stop an identified herself as an Uber driver she was unarmed and did not represent a threat despite this William pursued her took away her cell phone and shot her three times only after this did William call 911 at no time was William in any actual danger moving to the exculpatory factors William had a reason to believe that Lola was in a conspiracy with a scammer who had threatened to kill him and his family William told the police that he shot ltha because he was fearful that she was attempting to access a weapon Happ based on Williams discussions with the 911 operator and with the police his cognitive reasoning abilities did not appear to be extremely sharp maybe he truly believed that he was under threat when considering the evidence in this case do I believe William Brock is guilty of murder yes I believe he is guilty Beyond A Reasonable Doubt William had every opportunity to remain safe yet did not take any of them he was the aggressor the entire time ltha was desper desperately trying to escape and was screaming for help William did have a reason to be concerned and maybe even fearful but he was not justified in using deadly force item number four the scammer in this case set events in motion which led to the death of ltha a person who was completely innocent she was a victim of both the scammer and of William the scammer also victimized William he would not have killed anyone but for the scammer Behavior many people want the scammer to be arrested and charged with felony murder the felony murder rule is a legal doctrine that holds a person responsible for murder if someone died while the person was committing a felony for example a getaway driver in an armed robbery can be charged with felony murder if his accomplice shot and killed a store clerk this is true even if the driver didn't believe his accomplice was planning on killing anyone because robbery is inherently dangerous as far as charging the scammer with felony Mur Mur the key question would be did they commit a qualifying underlying felony in the state of Ohio an underlying felony under the felony murder rule must be an offense of violence inherently dangerous and committed with a reckless disregard for human life the law requires a first or second degree felony so crimes like kidnapping robbery burglary arson and terrorism would qualify it seems clear that the scammer threatened a kill William but in Ohio threatening is typically charged as a misdemeanor therefore that charge would not work for felony murder as far as offering the best chance of convicting the scammer of felony murder robbery would be the charge to go with because the scammer allegedly demanded money under the threat of force in the state of Ohio a person commits robbery during a theft if they use a weapon inflict or attempt to inflict physical harm or threaten the immediate use of force the last condition appears to match what the scammer allegedly did he threatened to kill William and his family this is where things get a bit tricky as far as the felony murder rule in Ohio if a person uses a weapon or inflicts or attempts to inflict harm the robbery is charged as a second deegree felony this qualifies under the felony murder rule so this would be a valid underlying felony if a person only threatens the immediate use of force the robbery is charged as a third degree felony this would not qualify as an underlying felony for the felony murder rule technically it sounds like the scammer is not eligible to be charged with felony murder they can certainly be charged with other offenses and I think they should go to prison but they probably will not be going there for murder moving to item number five what do I think happened in this case this is just a theory my opinion William Brock was targeted by a scammer and initially believed everything he said this led to an intense feeling of fear as the phone calls continued he realized that he was dealing with a scammer and his fear turned to anger William wanted a definitive brutal favorable and fast resolution to the situation a strong desire for Revenge was present unfortunately William did not have good critical thinking skills he may have figured out that he was being scammed but it never occurred to him that the scammer would involve another innocent person like an Uber driver William was positive that Lola was The scammer's Conspirator he made up his mind that he was not going to let her Escape she was the key to solving the mystery and getting revenge William did not necessarily want to kill her but he was willing to there was no way that she was going to leave without giving William the information he wanted otha could not do this because she was not part of the scam now moving to my final thoughts scammers often Target people who are more likely to have cognitive reasoning deficits this is a key part of how they get away with fraud and extortion in this case the same characteristics that made William an optimal Target made him hazardous to the scamers unwitting accomplice William could have avoided this entire Disaster by not answering the phone when the scammer called or by calling 911 the scammer may have lit the match but it was William who dumped barrels of fuel on the fire those are my thoughts on the case of William Brock please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 106,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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