'Spiritual Guru to the Stars' Fails to Harmonize His Frequency with Truth | Jay Shetty Case Analysis

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hello this is Dr Grande today's question is can I analyze the case of Jay Shetty just a reminder I'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I will put the link to patreon in the description for this video first I'll look at the background of J Shetty then move to my analysis Jay Shetty was born on September 6 19 1987 in London England in 2010 after going to college Jay spent about 3 years studying Hinduism in India and in England after this he started working for an information technology firm as a social media coach for company Executives in 2016 Jay became a content creator he was hired by Huffington Post to produce videos about various topics including relationships in 2017 Jay started releasing videos related to Health and Wellness on YouTube and Facebook within a couple years he had millions of followers in 2019 he started a podcast called on purpose which went on to have massive success according to Forbes it was the number one Health podcast in 2020 Jay published a self-help book titled think like a monk in which he offers tips based on his time studying Hinduism the book was a bestseller the same year Jay started an online learning platform called the J shett certification school in 20122 Jay became the chief purpose officer for a software company called calm as in the phrase calm down this company produces meditation products of some sort in 2023 Jay published a book titled eight rules of love how to find it keep it and let it go just like his earlier book this one performed very well as far as sales with all his various business ventures and popularity Jay Shetty appears to be an Unstoppable multi-million dollar self-help Guru now moving to my analysis here are my thoughts on a few areas that stood out to me in this case item number one J shett has achieved unbelievable success on social media at the time I'm making this video he has almost 5 million subscribers on his YouTube channel titled J shett the channel has been viewed over 300 million times and averages about 3 million views a month here are a few video titles that sum up his channel pretty well follow your intuition how to find and keep love stop doubting yourself holding on can hold you back and let's talk about mental health Jay also has another Channel titled J shudy podcast which has over 2.6 million subscribers and has been viewed almost 220 million times this channel averages about 14 million views a month these videos feature interviews with people like Michelle Obama Paris Hilton Tom Howen Selena Gomez Oprah Winfrey Kim Kardashian and Joe Biden item number two in addition to social media Fame Jay has also had success with the mainstream media he's appeared on many television shows including Ellen degenerous and the view in 2022 he presided over the wedding of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez item number three a key part of Jay's success has been his origin story when he was young he was active in the Harry Krishna movement but this is something he really doesn't talk about anymore it appears as though he wants to distance himself from that religious belief system Jay claimed that he met a monk sometime around 2007 and followed him around the United Kingdom on a lecture circuit he spent a few summers in India as an intern and trained with the international Society for Krishna Consciousness in 2010 Jay moved to Mumbai India full-time and started Living as a monk he remained there until 2013 during his 3 years as a monk he gave up material goods and led a simple lifestyle After experiencing A Spiritual Awakening Jay realized that his life's calling extended far beyond himself Jay was determined to share his amazing knowledge with Humanity the origin story Jay put forward has fascinated many people he entered this life of spiritual training and simplicity cut off from the world for three years he emerged as a fountain of wisdom who was destined to be glorified and exalted he managed to bridge the gap between ancient spiritual beliefs and the modern rapidly changing technological World Jay's origin story is interesting but there are some problems with it at the end of February 2024 article was published in the guardian titled uncovering the higher truth of Jay Shetty this article highlighted some statements made by Jay that don't make a lot of sense for example in Jay's first book he claimed that he was 18 years old when he met the monk who changed his life this is the one he shadowed on the lecture circuit considering how Jay was born in 1987 he would have been 18 in 2005 but now he's saying he met the monk in 2007 Jay's story about spending 3 years in India studying Hinduism may not be true some people who knew Jay said that during the time he claimed he was in India they saw him in a town near London according to a Blog Jay kept he initially spent less than four months in India these may just be innocent discrepancies but Jay's credibility has faced other challenges unrelated to his origin story this brings me to item number four as I mentioned Jay started his own online platform called the J Shetty certification school purportedly the school offers roughly the equivalent of a master's degree in life coaching at one time the brochure for the school indicated the office of qualifications and examinations regulation approved and regulated the program furthermore the school implied that if a student earned a degree they could go to certain colleges and take a few more courses and get a master's degree as it turns out both of these claims were false the accrediting body did not approve the program and the other colleges never heard of J School the program cost $7,400 so Jay has earned a substantial amount of money teaching the magical secrets of life coaching as I've talked about in other videos there is no universally recognized accreditation for the life coaching profession the industry exists with self-certification and without government lure or regulation in order to become a life coach there is no need to take college courses the transformation into a life coach can be facilitated quite easily a person only needs to declare themselves to be a life coach or an approximation this could be accomplished in many ways including saying one of the following statements I am a life coach my vibrational frequency matches that of a transformation strategist or guess who just unlocked the secrets of the universe it's me unfortunately life coaching professionals often run into problems by straying into the area of mental health initially they might talk about topics like searching for purpose in life increasing motivation or becoming one with the universe however invariably many wander into topics like depression anxiety paranoia psychosis obsessions compulsions trauma substance use and personality pathology these are areas better left to licensed and qualified mental health professionals some people might look at the school that J Shetty operates and say what's the harm why is it ill advised for him to issue these unaccredited degrees in life coaching there are a few problems with this Behavior but one critical concern is how accredited educational programs for Psychotherapy screen for extreme personality traits whereas unaccredited programs do not anybody can get a degree from a program that is not accredited narcissistic antisocial borderline history dependent avoidant paranoid and other personality features represent an area of concern as far as becoming a psychotherapist without gatekeeping in the mental health treatment professions clients would be harmed this brings me to item number five J Shetty creates a lot of content on Mental Health including YouTube videos at one point his website indicated that he had a degree in Behavioral Science but later it said management science in 2023 J interviewed President Joe Biden in the White House on the topic of mental health initiatives taken by the administration there's the sense that Jay desires to represent himself as a mental health professional or at least as someone with a formal education in mental health but neither of these are true this connects back to what I said before invariably life coaches cross the line into mental health there's really no way to escape this dilemma item number six like many self-help gurus Jay offers a lot of vague and unhelpful spiritual advice some of which appears to have been influenced by New Age philosophy there was a stage that Jay went through where he took a lot of his advice and stories from other people and posted it on his social media accounts as if he came up with the ideas he did not get permission from the content creators and he did not give attribution some of the content was taken word for word from these other creators here we see that Jay not only promoted nonsense but he took that nonsense from someone else it's pretty bad when someone is too lazy to make up quasy random words item number seven I was curious about what Jay wrote in his extremely successful books when I looked through them it was clear they contain the same word salad that is typical for self-help spiritual gurus the books can be summarized very quickly for Jay's first book here are the important points Jay is amazing negativity is bad forgive yourself defeat fear by detaching live intentionally grow be mindful reframe practice humility and remember to breathe that last one is particularly important when examining Jay's book because it suffocates the reader with filler words and meaningless Expressions Jay's second book is even easier to summarize find yourself in solitude and discover your values that's pretty much it Jay managed to make millions of dollars from writing in circles now moving to my final item number eight what do I think happen in this case this is just a theory my opinion one could argue that Jay is full of Shetty like all self-help gurus he promotes simplistic platitudes and mind-numbing sound bites that are completely useless they are packaged in such a way that people find them comforting reassuring insightful or otherwise beneficial these people are perceiving meanings in the words which do not exist because Jay has no idea what he's talking about before people realized that Jay lied about his origin story and misled people with his online learning platform he was already wealthy and famous Jay lives in an $8.4 million house in California and probably has more money than he knows what to do with in the life coaching game Jay Shetty is a winner people thought that he was unlocking their infinite potential by exploring ancient wisdom or helping them to harmonize with the cosmic Orchestra but in reality he was unlocking their bank account and harmonizing their money with his aspirational vibrations the only sound that can be heard on this Transcendent journey is Jay's Celestial laughter echoing through the halls of Eternity those are my thoughts on the case of Jay Shetty please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 240,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1SV5iO0f7uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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