Scale Master - Pixologic's ZBrush Plugin

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so here's a quick video showing the functionality of the scale master plugin for zbrush 4r7 so start off and just have ZBrush loaded up and I have the scale master plugin loaded in over here if you want some information on how scale master functions you just come over here and click this icon here and you'll get a little cheat sheet since we'll have a link to this video you're watching now it also has a download link to the latest version of the plug-in has some information on how ZBrush works with scale it has the basic usage and then it also has the extended functionality just kind of describing what all the buttons do inside the plugin now I created this plugin to mainly alleviate some of the items that I run into when dealing with scanned data and scale inside of ZBrush so it's just automated some of the processes I normally do and it's just made a little more user friendly to allow me to scale and size things accordingly so to start off I just have some scanned data here of a boot and I roughly know the size of this boot so this boot was an eight and a half and I know that it's roughly ten inches from the front to the back of the heel so I've just generated the scan data through photogrammetry and then I've just exported that out and imported into ZBrush here so the main thing you want to know before you use scale master is a rough size of your object so I know it's roughly ten inches from that front to the heel after you have that rough size you know in your mind you can uh come over here and click the set scene scale button and what this is going to do it's going to look at that model file and it's going to give you the generic units so this generic units this model here is four point four three by thirteen point nine one by nine point six nine so that's pretty much reading inches so I exported this model out of an application that had its environment sent to inches now after you have that idea of what the size your model is you're now going to get a few choices to select from so the one I'm looking for here for this model here is this 4.4 three by thirteen point nine one by nine point six nine inches and I'm just going to come over here and click this and when you click this what's going to happen is scale master is going to take whatever value selected and it's going to convert those generic units into millimeters and once it's in this millimeters it's now set a standard inside of ZBrush so any file you run through scale master will be converted to this millimeter format and now when you import or append another file that has been modified with scale master it should come over at that correct size now to check the size of my boot here and the units and come over the sliders to sub tool here and simply click this and you see it's going to give me those values so you see here is that nine point six eight which should be the dimension from that front of the toe here to the back of the heel so that's roughly the size of that boot so that's probably correct in the scan data there and now I have that set inside of ZBrush now if I want to see what another value would be in a different unit and come over here and just simply select a new unit so say like millimeters and then do this slider to subtool size and now I'm going to get the size of the mesh here in those millimeter units so this is a little handy functionality here to come through and simply select the units you want and then click slider to subtool size and it's going to give you the model in those units now after you have these units kind of set up so my boot I know is in that inch format and I have some extended functionality that I can use inside the tool so I can resize my sub tool here so I know that right now it's nine but let's say I want it to be ten so I'm going to first make sure this ratio slider is on and make sure I'm in that inch unit I'm going to change my Z here to ten and then hit enter and then I'm just going to click resize sub tool just going to take that model and now it's going to resize it so now if I do that sliders to sub tool size here you can see my Z value there will be back to that 10 now sliders inside of ZBrush have a great amount of precision so if you ever seen a number like this where it's nine point nine nine nine nine nine nine six this is just based on the precision inside of ZBrush so this should read ten if you export this out so now I've just taken that boot there and I have now resized it so ten inches from the front of the toe to the back of that heel now let's say I want to add a helper in here so say I need to model something with this boot or I just want to see what that one-inch unit would be next to the boot here so I simply make sure I have that inch selected again and then I can use this one unit helper this is just going to generate a one unit helper based on the unit you have selected up top so if I want to make a one inch by one inch helper and just make sure inches on click one unit helper and this is going to append a new helper to my file here and this is a one inch by one inch cube if I want to see a one centimeter by 1 centimeter by 1 centimeter cube like select that one do this one unit helper and now I'm going to get a 1 centimeter helper in the scene there so just a little functionality there if you need to add a helper to start modeling from or just to see the size relation of one unit compared to your entire model now addition to just adding a one-unit helper you can also make a new subtool based on any size you want so I can turn off this ratio here and I go back to inches and let's say I want to make a two inch by three inch by one inch cube here and I just have those selected do new subtool and now I'm going to get a new subtool generated with that value now if I generated this through the functionality here you'll also notice that it's going to name that sub tool correctly so you can see I have a new sub tool and it's also given me the dimensions here so that 2 inches by 3 inches by 1 inches so if you do any of the new helper or new sub tool it will also name that sub tool based on the size you have selected now let's say I want to resize this cube here that I just generated to now be 2 by 3 by 1 centimeters instead inches and just change my unit value to centimeters make sure that all these values are still correct then just click resize sub tool and now I've just simply resized that sub tool to that value now in addition to just resizing single sub tools you can also resize all the sub tools in your scene so I'm just going to grab a new model so it open lightbox here go to the tool palette and I'm just going to grab the demo soldier and then just bring him in now the demo soldier was created inside of ZBrush so he doesn't really have any scale or anything you can really relate to so I can go over to the set scene scale here and just click this and I'm not just going to click a unit value basically I want to work in so as generic units are five point four four by seven point nine one by one point four five so I'm gonna go with inches for him as well so I'm just going to come over here and select this one here so roughly making him about eight inches tall I'm just going to click that and that's going to take his generic units there and convert them to millimeters and so now he'll have the correct millimeter height from the top of his head to the bottom as toes but it's still going to give you that value of him in inches so now let's say I want to resize him to say five inches tall instead of seven point nine so imma come over here and turn on the ratio slider here I'm going to do that sliders to sub tool size just make sure they update correctly come over to the Y here and when type in five and then now I want to resize all his sub tools not just his body by itself so make sure I have this all button on and then my click resize sub tool what this is going to do it's going to resize his body down so it's five inches tall and it's going to resize everything else proportionately to that change so let's come over here and click resize subtool you see now he's going to be resized down and if I do that update size slider again you can see now he's going to be registered as at five inches from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet now let's say I don't have a sub tool it's going to give me a good estimate of the bounding box of the model so let's go through and let's I just delete his body here and so now I just have this so I want to make the top of the model here to be eight inches from this top of the model to the bottom of the shoe all right now all the sub tools I have are falling inside of that bounding bar so I need a way to resize the entire model based on the outer dimensions so what we can do inside the scale master plugin here is we can first generate this bounding box sub tool this is going to look at all the sub tools your model is made of and it's going to generate a bounding box around all so it's going to cover here and click new bounding box sub tool and after this created I can turn on transparency and turn off ghost and you see now I'm going to have a bounding box sub tool that's sized around all those parts of my mesh so now I can come through and I can resize my model based around this bounding box so I come back to the sliders - sub tool size here and this is going to be giving me those dimensions of that bounding box so now I just want to make him eight inches tall so I'm gonna come over here and in the Y value here I'm going to type in 8 and hit enter and he's going to update the other values there and I'm going to resize sub tool and make sure I've all on this is now going to resize everything and it's going to be using that bounding box as our basis of the resizing and if this completes you're going to get something like this so you can see the bounding box has been sized if I do the sliders to subtly size again you can see it's still holding that ain't inches but I just disable that or delete that bounding box and now I have my model here in its entirety size to be 8 inches from the top of the goggles here to the bottom of the feet so just a little functionality there that you can do using a bounding box to resize all your sub tools in your scene now after you have your model set up to the size you want now you can export this model back out easily to different generic units so the scale master went through and it resized everything four millimeters so if I want to bring this model back into the inches environment and come over here and just make sure I have my unit value set to inches then I can just click export to unit scale it's going to take the model that is in millimeters it's going to do the conversion to inches and it's going to generate a new obj file with those generic units set up for inches so now you can import that model back into an inch environment and it should come over at the correct size now if you want to export out all your sub tools you can do that as well just need to come over here and toggle this all button and then click export to unit scale it'll go through an export all your sub tools out and they should all retain that scale that you have selected so that is the quick rundown on the scale master plugin hope that helps
Channel: Maxon ZBrush
Views: 65,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixologic, zbrush, 3D, askzbrush, sculpting, modeling, digital, art, design, creation, create, artwork, how to, tutorial, making of, Scale, Master, MM, Inches, CM, Feet, Scan, Scanning, Data, 3D Printing, File, Unification, OBJ
Id: X-JqryNf9xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2016
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