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[Music] all right guys it's completed it's awesome it's big any last words hell no let's go Kristen was a little bit like what the heck did you do we had a lovers quarrel over this because we differ blew a gasket the Bob Cat blew up I feel good binning what's up guys welcome back we've been getting a lot of work done on our property we have been working day and night maybe not so much night you've been working nights but we have been if you haven't been watching for a little bit let's catch you back up we have been working we have chickens if you didn't know that we have been working with our front fence we wanted to build a wall fence to make sure we knew how to use block wall get practice we don't have building skills homes or anything like that so we thought that would be a good jump off project to see if we got what it takes to build our own home we got the fence started to build and we had our trailer RV that we've been living in up here but we had to move it down the property because we wanted to finish the other fence and we didn't want to trap ourselves in that was a big ordeal moving our RV trailer down the whole path it was nerve-wracking we have wet Clay on this mountain and we slid a little bit but we got it in place with a little bit of of accidents then we got stuck down there with our truck because of the wet clay it started raining a whole bunch who would have thought in the rainforest it would rain so much it did it rains one or two days a week but as soon as we put the trailer down there it rained every day for about nine straight days and then it's been raining one day on one day off since then so it's so it got wet wet wet and we said time to get our driveway in but for us to live at the bottom of the property we needed to bring our sister from Up here down there and let's see what Matt [Music] did so my sister and was sitting right there bringing shower water and dishes water into the house so I knew I was going to have to get that down the hill and I couldn't get it over the top and with all the rain we having it kind of mucked out the well so the well water was really dirty but I had a full sister in the water so what I did was I was able to knock this wall down and then slide the sister over with some water in it and then I was able to carry it down in the with the Bobcat so I was able to save some of that fresh water and just have an overall great time cuz it wasn't really able to catch the rain yet so we did that and yeah Kristen was a little bit like what the heck did you do you went Mayhem and I said yeah but not really because this thing was pretty easy easy to knock down it's uh not the strongest it's kind of old soggy block so it came down pretty easy i' vure to say I could knock this thing down pretty easily with a sledgehammer knock the whole thing down in a day if I really had to get Buck [Music] Wild all right so just when I thought mercifully we were done with the driveway a little bit of more rain came in and we were down here and it was getting kind of Swampy and I said well Kristen what should we do and she's like I think we should extend put another 100 ft on the driveway and make a little pad for the trailer because then we can move the trailer on a pad of rock and have something it's not as muddy something that's going to be more easy to organize and just nicer overall to live on going to be better for everyone involved so that's what we decided to do today we're going to get that last little bit of rock knocked out get it nice and smooth and get a final done and dusted permanent place for the trailer for once and for all [Music] all as you guys could see we didn't get that much work done we just pulled the road out a little bit farther and we never got our pad done because the Bobcat I know this is not what actually happened but I want to say it blew a gasket the Bobcat blew up now there was a spreading the rock out pretty light duty I would say for a machine just picking up gravel dropping it back blading it but this machine has some uh some quirks and the culprit this time was a hole in a coolant line in a radiator line radiator bypass I believe was something like that so I had a hole in it started overheat blew a bunch of coolant out the top and the coolant for the Bobcats and the big diesels is not cheap so I had to go get me a couple gallons of that I think I got the parts and I think I'm going to be able to fix it I think I'm done working with this machine obviously I just want to be able to get it up to the road so I can get it on the wrecker and then get it back where it came from and we're going to fight and argue on the phone over how much I still oh you I want to get it fixed so I can get it out of here so I can move on with my life I'm happy thankful that I had this Bobcat but it was a blessing as my dad would say it a blessing and a curse because it got me about seven 75% of the way through on this job so now I have a pretty big investment on gravel that's not 100% finish so hopefully that holds up and uh but yeah the ROI on this particular machine was a a terrible one I had it for what's going to end up being nine days and I put 16 17 hours on it total so I didn't get to do a whole lot so I do like one thing that was good for me having to endure this Bobcat is I did get to go to Bobcat Academy I spent as much time working on this thing as I have working on top of it so uh that's been good you know I'm going to have my own machine one day so it's been kind of cool to see the inner workings pretty much the same deal as a uh sailboat diesel these engines are engines and these big buers you can usually put a wrench on but this one's pretty ghetto rigged like some of the stuff I used to do back in the day it seems like this old hose had some leaking problems before and like they put some sort of Flex Seal or something on it and uh I went ahead and got the new one it was only n bucks so I'm going to put a new one on there and hopefully get the couple gallons of coolant in it and that should get her up the road and get her out of my [Music] hair [Music] [Music] all right so we're leaving the Bobcat up here at its final resting place before the tow truck comes picks it up and gets it out of here back to from W it came but you guys don't even know the half of it I know I complained about this bobcat and cried a whole bunch and I do feel blessed that I had it and I was able to get some work done but I had a lot more work done in my head when I had the machine I said okay I know how I can work and I'll get a whole bunch done and that did not come to fruition because you know the first thing was all the stalling that kept happened and the solution to that was I just put the lap bar up and used it it's not very safe but I was just moving gravel I wasn't doing anything crazy so the lap bar didn't make too much of a difference um and then another day like a day the next day after I finally was getting the thing moving a tire went flat and I took it to the shop and it had like nine patches in it already so I got a couple more patches done in that got it home and that was tough because I don't have the tools the breaker bars and the you know torque wrenches to to work that size of a tire Hub and even getting the tires off that thing was pretty crazy luckily I had a jack but I don't have the breaker bars the torque wrenches the socket sizes to deal with that sort of Rim so I had to go run out buy that come back get the tire off run it to the tire shop get them to patch it bring it back put it back on so I was losing like half a day at a time on that so I finally get the tire fixed another day goes by the other tire goes flat I take that same thing bunch of crazy patches so I'm like oh my goodness I finally get the tires done then I'm running it and the radiator hose five pass had the leak that we had to fix so then I lose another day going to get the hose bringing that back so I lost easily out of the 10 days that I've had this thing four to 5 days of just not being able to use it and it's so you know if those are the things that are right there visible I can only imagine what it's like inside that engine so I babied it super low RPMs driving about as slow as you can possibly go so you know that machine really held me back and and it sucked did I even get everything the lamp bar the tires the radiator coolant there was something else oh the diesel does leak so it's another thing I hate the The Leaky diesel the obviously shot antifreeze all over the property with animals around so I hate that I have a ton of cleanup to do so that that machine buried me that's all that's it that's all I'm going to leave on so if you if you're going to ever get a machine make sure you give it a good look over before you take it because it'll make it hard on you goie go [Music] so since we moved down here and been housing the animals and we've been traveling a lot for uh the wedding plans and stuff like that we've been keeping our cats in the maximum security chicken Co for most of the day we let them out and put them up at night so that nothing bad happens to them um cuz there are some dogs that run wild around here so it's important to keep them safe um and then so the chickens have been bunking with the goats I put up this Shader and some bamboo Twigs to cover them from the top so that we don't have another uh visit from Michael the hawk that comes down and tries to eat them they're pretty big now so I don't really foresee that being a problem but you never know oh they're fighting you never know when a hawk's going to get up and go attack your chickens but the problem with having the chickens with the goats everything is great except for their food goats can't eat the um chicken food because it's bad for them it's bad for their roomin and it makes them like it ferments a bad way and it makes them sick can make them sick and the chickens can eat the goat food but it's not really good for them and it kind of swells when it gets wet so it really would fill up their crops and it's not ideal and when they're all eating together you cannot keep the goats away from food so I need a separate place to house the chickens so that I can feed them and they can have safety on their own spot and they don't have to share room with the goats and cramp their style started building it a couple days ago and I'm going to finish it up today so that we can hopefully get the chickens in there and introduce them to their new home [Music] [Music] all right so I got my walls set up for the fencing and I'm going to reinforce those with the uh wire but I somehow in the move have misplaced my stapler um and it's Sunday so I can't go get a new one I'm going to move forward I'm going to take these old one buys that we got the messed up ones if you remember our fence video we got a bunch of these left over so I'm going use the one by to make a quick little chicken house and first things first I'm going to make the box and then I'm going to frame it in hopefully it looks I hope the chickens accept [Music] [Music] it [Music] you can just wear pee pee like a meat coat he's a good shoulder [Music] Kitty all right so now that I got my floor pretty well built it was crash tested he stomped the yard on it so I got that done now I'm going to build the legs and the walls it's like the legs and the walls mixed and then we're going to be able to build the roof on that and the floor base should go pretty [Music] quickly all right this is coming out nicely now you can probably see what we're working with here this is obviously a slanted roof that Matt's making this is his build his plan so it should work fine what do you think well I think it'll work more than fine it'll work beautifully so what's the next step putting on the roof yep Next Step I'm going to put down this plastic roof and then if you think it'll look better I'm going I I could put wood panels on top if you think that's going to look more aesthetically pleasing or we can just leave it plastic whatever you want this is your [Music] build [Music] [Music] that is not for you [Music] crush you see how it's a little too small for [Music] [Music] [Music] you no not your time buddy Crush loves it he loves [Music] [Applause] [Music] it [Music] it's the next day and since Matt destroyed our storage area a little bit we decided to go ahead and move all of our equipment out of there all of our tools so we needed a quick fast action place to keep them we put them underneath that white tent thing but it's not waterproof it's she's trying to tell stories we had a lovers quarrel over this because we differ when it comes to stories for me I'm like let's just get it out of the rain who cares what it looks like we're going to build a whole house I don't think I was telling a storying and she has a differing motives for she's like I hate the junk not having a perfect place and then you got to wander around every time you build something and look for where's my drill where's these particular nails so she where's my stapler where's my stapler so she said I'm getting you organized boy and we got to make it where it ain't an eyesore cuz you know the the white tarp you know looks a little crazy and just throwing things here and there being hodg Podge she's she's tightening me up a little bit here boys and she's scolded me the better and she said we're going to build something pretty to get you get you right she said you're going to be a husband soon you know you ain't just some old stinky fiance so you got to get right anyways a long story short we're going to build a shed we bought a shed kit it's not a kit what is it just a shed so we got to build it basically there's instructions and we're going to put it together we're not doing a homemade bu build we don't really have the time to be doing that the first thing we'd probably do if we had time for that is make a ctio but we're going to put this together I love these projects a lot of people don't like working with their spouse and they hate making these things I love making these things I love pulling out those instructions and reading every detail and pointing what to do as my laborer does it so I'm pretty excited let's hope this comes out good and looks good yep all right so we got got a nice space we want to put it Kristen found two trees and said I wanted to go right between these two trees for the eye feel of how it's going to go and if we have to back a truck up to it we can load it and unload it easily so we found the spot I got a little bit of grade work to do to make it level because having a nice flat level surface here is going to be important so I got to move a little bit of stuff get that pick running get that shovel running get that rake running and get it nice and smooth and then we'll be able to start with the instructions [Music] so we went over all the pieces we have all the pieces now it's time to make the bottom base to put the actual shed on we're going to be using leftover 4x4s that we have that are too short for the fence the ne side is a bit taller than the first one so we overbought those so we're going to reuse them and then we're going to put some plywood down on that some thick 3/4 in I think plywood and then we're going to start building it this is a way bigger project than I thought I started looking at the instructions and I thought it was just put the floor together put four walls up and then your roof on top but there's like 60 Pieces Just to the roof so this might take more than just [Music] today [Music] we got our platform done our what would you call this Matt subfloor our subfloor done it's finally time to start getting the bottom floor of the shed going and moving up through there let's see how much we we can get done before it gets dark you got any last words to say any last words hell no let's [Music] go [Music] so far so good I feel like our teamw work's been there we haven't cussed each other out yet we never cussed each other out before yeah right it's going well though everything's going smoothly we have all the pieces so far so so far I'm rating this shed a 90 so [Music] far [Music] [Music] it's getting kind of dark out here yeah we might have to keep working in the dark but our camera keep dying I thought I had the thing going but I did not have it charging so we weren't powering up but I feel like we got to feed the animals chickens are getting restless the cats are getting crazy too yeah we might have to pick up tomorrow maybe or we can keep going tonight but let's pick up tomorrow but let's let's get it early and let's hope it don't rain cuz this will just fill up with water well maybe we'll finish it tonight but it's going to be dark so we'll show you tomorrow morning if we are done so next morning we're going to whip this shed into place because we need to get it done so we can get this video edited for you guys this summer Sunday else you're not going to get a video so we're about the instructions say we're on step 40 and there's 89 steps so I feel like we're not even halfway but Matt told me the other steps are easier once we got this up so yeah I mean there's going to be 10 steps to put on the door knob at least but we would have been done by now but we had crash out yesterday when we work down here in the valley I like to have all the animals loose so I can see how this one of those excuses that you have ready yeah ready made excuse cuz crash kept being mischievous and he kept like trying to eat e the tape and eat the cardboard boxes and Kristen actually had to fight with them one time they were throwing down so I had to keep crash up so now that crash is up and away he's getting some food I think we're going to be able to knock this out pretty quickly I think we'll be done in 1 hour and 15 minutes start the timer [Music] all right guys it's time to put on the doors let me tell you the roof was not very easy I had just get I just got done telling you guys how easy and this was going so well we struggled a little bit with the roof but what you got anything to say no now that there's a beautiful Breeze today but in this shed there ain't no Breeze we're sweating in the hot box today so we're almost there just got to put the doors on and the windows and we should be done we should slide right into place if we did if we built this door right do you want me to hold it woo I feel good oh boy there's no problems with our door frame we're doing it we're doing [Music] it [Music] all right guys it's completed it's awesome it's big and I believe with a little bit of Landscaping on the outside this thing is going to really look great excellent what do you think I think it's going to look really good too and also what it has behind the shed where I can put ladders and old wood that hasn't been used yet so it doesn't have to be such an eyes sore so yeah it's it's a good looking shed Kristen still got some organization to put me through I think she got a tool chest and she got another like wire rack that we still have to get in there and get put together but all in all you know she's going to she's going to get me right she's held bent for leather to say we're going to get you organize so leave your favorite shed accessories down in the comments cuz I want to check some out organization ideas so thanks for watching this week we're trying to close up some ends we have a few more ends we're going to have to close up probably the next episode so stay tuned we got a lot coming our land is starting to change we went from living up there to living down here so much to come I'm excited this journey has been really crazy and I've been enjoying every minute of it I've been enjoying it more than I thought I was from coming from the boat so yeah now that we have the road in it feels a lot more like like home like we're developing something here and you know it's it's getting a lot better the the animals seem a million times happier down here the interaction with that that's that was the main catalyst to coming a little bit further into the land was because it gets me away from dogs that are always up and down that road it gets me away from obviously cars and then on the other side I have the river which is a bit of a border there are some dogs that will come over that River but you know they going to get they goingon to get the wrong endend of an ax sand on one of these days if they come too close to my chick but uh yeah so super happy the animals can just kind of Run free as long as I'm down here and keep an eye on them the Hawks have been staying away so I'm loving life David still lives up there for now acclimating with his new baby dolls but yeah down here is better can't wait to get a few more things tightened up down here and then start building on the big big project the house yeah thanks for watching guys check out our patreon if you want to see real time updates and we'll see you next episode bye
Channel: Sailing Good, Bad, and Ugly
Views: 169,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vnXWC37cAHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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