Say Yes To Your Calling with Lisa Nichols

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wind you choose to trust your bounce back you will run further you will run faster you will leap more you will fly more the only reason why I fly more is because I trust my bounce back if I should fall I want you to really hear that because you have to lean on the evidence that the Divine is always working on your behalf and you are a part of the team peace and Rich's blessings I am Michael be back with the host of take back your mind [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning good evening good afternoon whatever time zone your body Temple may be in at this particular moment and welcome to take back your mind this is the place as I say on a weekly basis we'll learn to take back your mind from the disturbances and the distractions that run amok in the world of phenomena the world of changes the world that would pull us into normalizing fear and doubt and worry anxiousness and anxiety projecting it onto the screen called the future and having a direct experience of that fear even before any evidence of why we should be afraid even shows up so I welcome you to take back your mind and after this I'm going to have a dear friend and colleague on the program with me today you may know her already her name is Lisa Nichols and when we finish with this she'll be coming into the studio to be with me in person so today Mel from the UK asked this I've been pursuing a writing path for many years and have learned a lot about the craft I've created picture books around the theme of knowing who we really are creating these books feel like Bliss Perfection and wholeness and although through my spiritual practice I have learned a lot about patience subjectivity and rejection I'm also concerned as to why the publishing industry doesn't have the same passion for my work and why I can't seem to get my foot in the door I've looked into alternative paths for publishing my books but the funds aren't there yet and I feel stuck I feel like I've been trying for so long and I'm wondering what I'm not getting why I'm not attracting opportunities or the right people to make this happen please share any guidance you have our Insight on this for the mail thank you for your question of the week and I appreciate the fact that you have learned a lot about the skill of writing and what I would share with you is first of all you know make sure that you you've cleaned out your own interior awareness that there's not a harboring um having to prove yourself not harboring anything you need to forgive so there's no blockage within you for the sharing of your gift what do I mean by that there are um different ways of being motivated in the world one way of motivated is to I'm going to prove myself how good I am to other people that creates a pollution of separation and it creates a motivation that keeps you separate from your good you're not here to prove yourself to anybody you're here to share yourself and so there's that that kind of motivation and there's and then there's the motivation by which um you want to kind of almost be a martyr to the world you want to like serve and help everybody to the detriment of your own health that's not good motivation true motivation is you are selflessly sharing your gifts times and time and your your your talents because you have to it's a calling of the Soul and it's going to make a difference in someone's life so anyway make sure your interior awareness is cleansed out and then be aware that you know I had my friend Ken Honda on and he shared with us the beginning of his book writing history and how he started off just writing a couple of pages and sending it out to his friends this as a gift and it created an energy people started to look forward to receiving it like one page at a time that created a kind of an energy a kind of a metaphysical bubble so to speak of people longing to read what he was writing that eventually turned into an opportunity for publishing and today obviously if you know about Ken Honda who wrote the book happy money he has many books out there now so instead of trying to figure out why the Publishing Company may not be interested in you you're growing into a sense of selflessness not selfishness where it's all about you self lessness where it's about circulating your gifts for the sake of answering your call maybe you should take a couple of pieces of your book the art and just share it with some of your friends and start to start a circulation of energy this is my gift to you not the whole book little Snippets get the feedback get people enthused about receiving so that you're creating an energy of receptivity in the Gestalt of consciousness so one you're cleaning out your interior awareness why do I say forgiveness because the lack of forgiveness creates debt and blocked opportunity how does that do that if you're holding on to something the underlying message is somebody owes you something they owe you an apology they owe you to to make an amend they owe you explain themselves some kind of way and if you're operating in any awareness of somebody owes me something then the universal law takes that as you are missing something it manifests a block a hindrance an obstacle or loss when you forgive you dissolve that anybody owes you anything the world doesn't owe you anything the universe doesn't owe you anything you already have it so if you combine cleaning up your interior awareness we're perhaps just sharing a little bit of your writings or artwork in the book with people you'll create a clean space for do that will reflect and reveal itself as opportunity and you'll create a demand people will want more and you'll get legitimate feedback from their friends around you about the work that you're doing they'll be so glad that you're giving something away they'll give you feedback as to what you're giving but also some ideas may even come out oh you know what you should call so-and-so he would love this kind of work or you know maybe you have within your tribe resources that you don't even know about yet but those resources might be in your tribe or they may be one step removed from the resource you're looking for and if you share you'll be that much closer to the resource that will open the door for you to have your artwork your book published I hope this assists you other than that feel the feeling that it's already happening don't walk with frustration walk with conviction and walk with the feeling tone that is already happening and let that guide you into right thought right word and right action mail from UK have a beautiful day thank you for the question anyone else out there if you have a question for the Live question of the week email me at podcast and perhaps your particular question will be chosen and answered on the take back your mind podcast have a beautiful day everyone [Music] peace and blessings everyone as I told you a little bit earlier I was going to have Lisa Nichols in a beautiful conversation with me thank you for staying with me at this particular time this is take back your mind where we are allowing for our mind not to be used by the world of effects and circumstances and situations people places and things but we get to program our own mind we get to take back our minds so it's infused with inspiration it's infused with faith and conviction possibility Vision not the worries of the world that's not what an emanation of God is meant to live welcome to take back your mind you see who's sitting with me right here this is Lisa Nichols now you may be one of the million people that follow her but maybe you're not let me tell you who she is she's one of the world's most requested speakers as well as a media personality and corporate CEO whose Global platform reaches over 170 countries she served over 80 million people yes 80 million her social media has over 1.9 followers so she's touching a lot of folk as founder and chief executive officer of motivating the masses Incorporated Lisa has helped develop workshops and programs that have transformed thousands of businesses in the lives of entrepreneurs across the globe as a result of her training her students become Unforgettable speakers best-selling authors and six and seven figure entrepreneurs her extraordinary story of transforming her own life of which you'll hear a little bit about in just a moment from receiving public assistance to Leading a multi-million dollar Enterprise it's the inspiration behind her bold behind her bold mission to teach others that it's possible it is possible it is possible to do the same today's today fans worldwide revered Lisa for her Mastery of teaching people how to accomplish unfathomable goals and tap their limited potential now that's her but she's also my friend she's my colleague we've known each other for a number of years and we go back and forth on each other's platform on a semi-regular basis in other words as she likes to say and I'd like to say we're kind of a yes for each other I call her I know she's going to say yes if it's humanly possible and she calls me I'm going to say yes to her if it's humanly possible Lisa how you doing wonderful I think that's probably the most awkward I will feel in this entire universe I know sitting here silently listening to you read that what feels like way too long I know but you know I know I know people know who you are but there's probably about maybe six or seven people who don't so that was for them well I'm grateful I I um I sit in a gratitude space whenever I hear that I don't take any of that for granted because some of that still blows my mind yeah I ask um God to use me yes and uh when I hear that I just hear some of the some of the things that I've been obedient to do so thank you and I'm honored to be here with you brother yeah I understand I understand that Cinema exactly I feel the same way yeah I'm wowed by what I'm I'm wowed by what God has chosen to trust me with and what I have had the courage and the awareness to say yes to yes and on some days the I I would say no and I I had to get to a yes because I couldn't get a good night's sleep yes until I said yes I believe when there's a calling on your life you won't get a good night's sleep until you say yes to the calling you know that calling will haunt you that right there and keep you awake and if you don't say yes to it that'll be like your biggest regret yeah when it's time yeah yeah yeah yeah we never regret what we tried and failed at yeah yeah we only regret what we didn't go for it didn't say yesterday yes I tell people like they say how did you get over the fear I said you're assuming right that that I waited to all of it was gone before I leaped right I just said strap yourself in fear if you ain't going away you got to go with it you got to go with me what I am going to do is see what it feels like to LEAP yes so thank you for having me I'm honored I love you you are you are one of my Earth Angels and you you give calibration and understanding and similar energy to my dance and my existence and you make walking this planet as a unicorn not feel so lonely so I'm a yes from you give us a little bit about your backstory in terms of uh yeah some of the things you had to transcend overcome transmute in order to be here today as yeah this great entrepreneur in this multi-million dollar incorporation that you have but plus all the people that you touched yeah yeah I think the greatest I'm grateful for the ability to be an entrepreneur and to live the life that comes with that and to run a multi-million dollar business and all of the freedom I believe that my wealth just gives me access to better memories and it allows me to give other people access to better memories I'm not counting the dollars I'm counting the memories yes and so I'm grateful for that and it's we are in a unique place you and I right now because we're sitting in the in the belly of where I grew up and I rarely and really and I probably need tissues so just know that I'll probably need tissue before this is over because uh you'll get something just a moment hey man but you live in the Bahamas now right I do I live in the Bahamas and I and I travel the world and you know I I travel the world physically for the last 15 years just everywhere from Slovenia to Kazakhstan to Kiev to Budapest to just all over the world South Africa with you and even during covet I traveled the world even more so virtually right right I was in so many different parts of the world just through my through my zoom and uh so to be back in my OG Turf with you right now um it's it's it's um it's a very beautiful sobering feeling because for so many years these streets and this ZIP code um was the the uh the it felt like it was the encasement of my biggest insecurities and um I grew up living between the Harlem 30s and the rolling 60s and those are gangs guys not cheerleading squad these are deadly gangs and um and I remember vividly I passed it on my way here I drove down Exposition Boulevard and that's where I had to cross the tracks to get to school and I remember a teacher asking me once ref what do you want to be when you grow up Lisa and I sat alive I said and if I get to 21 why don't you ask me again because that's my first goal mm-hmm and um I I lived across the street from the southwest police department and I remember sitting on the porch wondering how do I make it so I'm never over there that was my goal it wasn't to get to a particular College it was just I don't want to be over there being herded out of those cars like I'm watching right now and so I had a fight I had a fight life I had a fight energy I fought three days a week to get home from school I fought out of school and I fought in school because I was academically challenged I was maybe two or three points above special ed and I just thought I was Dumb and that's what everything looked like that I was dumb and I remember teachers saying it in different ways it was only when I was 25 that I find out that I am functionally dyslexic and so school and childhood was a struggle outside of my home it was a struggle in my home it was beautiful my mom and dad were two of the most beautiful souls I've ever met and so I I moved into a lot of insecurities um being chocolate with mocha skin and full lips and kinky hair and not seeing anyone that exhibited my beauty and any form of public Beauty until 1984 when Vanessa Williams was the first black Miss America and then six months later she was dethroned right right and so I had all these personal images and I had all of these Community issues and my mom and dad would always run out of money before we run out a month right and so there was feast and then famine and so there was this fight or flight feaster famine you know live or die always and I thought that that was normal right and so my life just on a good day it just had bearable issues on a good day it had moderate threat on a good day and so I couldn't think of possibility because if your head is underwater you're not thinking about what you're gonna do with your breath right oh you're thinking about is can I get it bro can I get a breath and uh so all of that was by the time I was 24 so uh it wasn't it wasn't difficult for me to choose toxic relationships it wasn't difficult for me to choose um tumultuous experiences it wasn't a surprise that my son's father um went to prison when he was eight months old and uh because that's the only type of guy that I was raised around so that was the bravado that I knew other than my dad and I didn't know if I could ever get a man like my dad so I'll take this one and so my son's father went to prison when he was eight months and my son at the time that we're recording this he turns 29 this year and his father's still in prison and so he's never seen his son in a free space we went to visit him twice when Jelani was eight years old and when Jelani was 13 years old and that's the only time that we've seen him and uh so uh getting to this chick mm-hmm climb a scratch it it is the it is the the origin of my statement your conviction and your convenience don't live on the same block that's right my conviction was to find the better best version of myself my conviction was to break out of the box that I was born in so that I can play in the universe that God made available to me without really understanding either the god or the universe right all I knew was that there was something and I remember as a child wherever I would watch The Brady Bunch and I would go man first of all they got upstairs got a funny story about that too right first of all and then the second part is they seem to always figure out the solution to the problem right and all I wanted was to figure out the solution to my many problems right and so early on I uh I just held on I just held on a little nuggets of things that showed evidence of my Birthright just evidence small little nuggets based on my limited understanding and um I was smart enough to realize that I had a lot to learn hmm and it took me fighting for my life I was engaged when Jelani was three years old and my spirit my intuition told me something was wrong but I ignored it because I didn't want to be lonely and I wanted that life and I know I needed someone else I made a choice out of loneliness I made a choice out of loneliness I made a choice out of desperation I made a choice out of longing I made a choice out of fear very clear now and that choice was the person and then the choice was to ignore every single very clear sign that God the universe sent to me and as a result I woke up at 3 20 a.m I know because I I happen to struggle my neck and look over at the clock and my fiance's my then fiance's hands were wrapped around my throat and he he choked me until I passed out and three days later he picked me up and threw me three feet across the room and I hit the center of the wall like the cartoons and I slid down the wall like the cartoons did and I entered the fight of my life and I said God like I pray many times if you get me out of this many people you know about that prayer if you keep me out of this I promise I'll fill in the blank right dot dot dot it has been my 50th time with that prayer but when God helped me navigate myself alive and my son alive out of this life-threatening situation my fiance was six nine he weighed 255 pounds and no body fat semi-pro football player and was severely bipolar and had decided that love could be his medicine versus his prescription and it took me six months of faking like I was still in love and not in fear to get him to take a trip home to Philadelphia before our our wedding that he thought was still on and in his five-week absence I changed everything about my life to escape then I kept my promise to God that one because I knew I was at death's door right and I went to the doctor at my mother's insistence and I was diagnosed as clinically depressed and I looked on the piece of paper ref and I saw two things that I thought I'd never see together Lisa Nichols and Prozac and here I was three years into my inspirational career I was on stages already not around the world but definitely around Los Angeles right right and I'm clinically depressed and I knew Prozac wasn't going to be my solution right now I'm not encouraging you to not take your prescription without your doctor's orders but I went to my doctor and I said can I try something else because I knew that I was depressed because I lost Lisa I forgot who I was and I forgot whose I was and I just needed to remember and that's when I found you and that's when I found scripture again and that's when I found affirmations and that's when I found mirror working every day I was in scripture and every day I was in the mirror and I was fighting for my life every day and I turned my crawl into a walk then over time I turn my walk into a run and then eventually I turned my run into a sore um so people asked was I in pursuit of possibility that wasn't me initially not yeah not in the beginning it became later I just wanted my oxygen but when I left you saying and I want people to catch this is that all you're talking about here is not something that happened overnight this was something that you worked on on a daily basis you had to come in weeks and months yeah you had to go in and shift your whole interior to your whole inner landscape about who you are and your possibilities and the way you think and the way you see the world it's not magical thinking it's not magic it wasn't it wasn't a one day thing it wasn't a a download it wasn't an aha yeah people think breakthrough happens in a moment right breakthrough is it first starts with irritation and then it has to be a boat declaration right of who you're going to be and what you're consistently going to do and then there has to be radical consistent action right and I was willing to do it all and I also was willing to allow any part of me that I have become comfortably uncomfortable with right that didn't serve me any longer I was okay with that part of her dying away yes I was okay with that bridge rev of unknown so that I can know something new yes because most of us including me at the time I was committed to what I knew because I knew it right not because it worked right he didn't know what you didn't know and that's where the goodies are and I realized that we are more committed to a familiar discomfort than we are to an unfamiliar new possibility right I'll say that again we are more committed to a familiar discomfort right than we are to a unfamiliar right new possibility right I became comfortable with the unknown right for the sake of the new possibility absolutely that's it and that's in going back to those choices again many people choose not only from Fear survival people choose from convenience oh and if you choose from convenience that's deadly too and that has a shadow of Haunting that will come get you can't choose from convenience you have to choose from a more expanded conviction conviction and possible you can start with hope yeah hope builds itself into Faith yeah yeah yeah and then Faith becomes conviction yeah if you're walking in the direction yes and then change happens yes transformation takes place because convenience is also almost complacency yes it is like convenience will keep you safe from any discomfort but it will definitely have you live in a like a life of regret yes and then you have to ask which one is actually more uncomfortable right because I'd rather leap and fall right and meant my bruises a thousand times a thousand times then sit pristine perched on the ledge right and never have tested my wings absolutely oh it's it's it's it's it I'm feeling it I'm going to pass the basket here in a minute amen listen so this led I mean I'm gonna skip over some things but but motivating the masses yeah this is your incorporation that you get to bring everything that you've gone through and put it in a way that people can not only understand it but at a programs that actually allow people to change their own life you know and when they hear you speak they're not he can they're not hearing Theory right hypothetical circumstances I'm not taking quotes out of a book not even belief system yeah yeah they're hearing your way of life what you did and you can do it too tried improving listen tried improving and I don't discount my intelligence yeah but tried improving from a sister friend who if anything was a later Bloomer than most and I'm okay with that yeah sure that I've learned trees hey I've learned how to navigate my I've learned how to navigate my imperfection I am I am I I dance with my dyslexia people say are you still dyslexia I said I don't I don't lean into it I don't I don't shine a spot on it but I don't think it went anywhere it just became my superpower right I teach you forward and backwards right like I'm gonna teach you both I'm gonna teach you in both directions Trust and Believe by the time I finish we're gonna get it because I teach the way I learn right right and so yes you want evidence yes if evidence can sustain an acquaint a court of law if evidence can can get a murderer off or or or or or free someone then look at evidence but use evidence and don't discount evidence I believe my life is evidence yes my life is evidence that anybody can show if you make a decision a bold declaration you lean into what's what doesn't work you lean into the irritation you make sure you understand what you get to dismantle and then you look high at who you choose to create yourself to be and what's possible and you stay in consistent radical action and you be willing to lean into the unknown you'll be willing to live in the conviction versus the convenience I am evidence yes I am evidence people want to make me extraordinary extraordinary come on now I understand they want to make me extraordinary but that takes that lets you off the hook because then you say well she's just extraordinary but whatever she's different but what if I say I just put some extra on my ordinary and now what you gonna do with yours right right I like race raising the stakes for everybody by leveling the playing field right that makes it possible for all of us right we're equalizers right I'm an equalizer I'm a freedom fighter I wanna I want everybody to have access but there's a cost to knowing you got access because now you just have to choose right Jewish is a function of expanded awareness but this is what the master teaches you just be dropping stuff like that choice as a function of expanded awareness well you know because well there's there's reaction in this Choice there he is you know when you when you start to move in the right direction your Consciousness expands and then you can show it you can choose from much more expanded awareness rather than just react from a limited awareness right it's a function of more of expandedness so juicy and when you realize that you're in choice then you'll look up and say how is it that I'm sitting in the passenger seat of my own car right of my own life right how is it that I'm sitting in the back seat right of my own car of my own life hold on how is it that I'm sitting in the trunk right how is it I'm cramped in a trunk complaining about life when I actually can climb into the driver's seat right right that awareness is huge right but I can't but I could but I won't no no there's nothing you can't tell me yes some of us got to climb further some of them are running behind their car stop let's see I was gonna stop with the trunk but we gotta talk to everybody everybody no you're right I was not in the driver's seat I wasn't in the passenger seat I was in the back seat I was unaware but I was unaware of what the driver's seat could even feel like right I was unaware when I was raised right here right here just right you know down the street around the corner right closed zip code my what I could see from me was still in the back seat yes the my highest Vision right got me to the passenger seat it never got me to the driver's seat and that's why you have to be connected right and you worked with a lot of teens helping them see a whole brighter bright future all the time motivating the Teen Spirit yeah I ran motivating the teen spirit before I ran motivated I remember I met you yes that's all I was doing when the secret came out motivating the team spirit teaching teens emotional literacy we just by the way finished just finished our first this year our first uh summer camp transformational summer camp we did transformation in the morning and volleyball in the afternoon it was just beautiful to watch these beautiful souls really dive into themselves and then so that was my origin but I did that rev because at 19 though I had been the captain of the track team the captain of the cheerleading Squad in yearbook I've been very popular in school at 19 I was suicidal and no one would have thought that right because you were all I was all out I was smiling my father was the president of the PTA yeah I got my daddy to be the president of PTA right so you didn't see it coming I didn't see it coming but this darkness of depression creeped in and I I had a recall about being touched inappropriately molested at age five the vision came just intrusively in my head and I couldn't shake it and I then I couldn't forget it you know some a couple of moments happened and unleash the memory and I didn't know how to manage the memory and so the memory was managing me and so I I didn't know what to do with it and I was fighting to just want to live right just want to live and again I cried out to God God if you help me get through this dark time I'll help others and it took years it took at least 10 15 years for me to go through enough other situations to go okay now I want to be in my driver's seat right enough is enough because I notice what every situation with the abusive relationship with the recall of my molestation with all with my son's father going to prison in all of those situations I could respond or react yes and if I didn't have the skill set right I didn't have the choice right listen yes without the skill set right without the awareness yes I didn't have the option right I Only Could react yeah all you could do and so I wanted the option I'm a freedom I'm a bird I need freedom I need yeah and I said wait a minute somebody else knows something I don't know and I remember picking up a book now you have to know Rev it takes me about six months to finish a book now I've gotten better it takes me about two but it takes me it took me at that time six months and about five to seven reads to get the whole book but you know what Henry David Thoreau took a long time to read a book don't make me cry listen let me tell you why he would read the book and if ever he got to an aha moment he would close the book and he would go try to live that practice and live that then he would come back and so it took him a long time to finish a book by the time he finished the book he was a person he was changed he didn't just read the book he practiced the AHA moments it takes me a long time to read a book not because I can't read I'm absorbing something and I I've just started reading again I hadn't read for a long time I just kind of opened myself up and get what I need but I like reading but I started reading again and and and it takes me a little while because I'll read something I'm gonna stop right there right there you know that just take it in you just brought something back to me when I was 21 22. I wanted to understand my spirituality I I didn't want to live in religiosity right I didn't want to live in the dogma of the of the contrite you know tight yeah I wanted to understand my real my spirituality I didn't know where to go and my neighbor had on some sweats and she was going to church and I was fascinated she was in sweats but I said where's you going you go you can go like said yes I said well I want to go with you just so I can meet the person and let you go like that and I'll never forget this Minister she was saying something and she she caught my attention she said she said you guys can go in club because I'm not afraid to go in the club and get you and I was clubbing at the time right up here on Wilshire I was at the clubs 21 22 and yet I didn't want to be there necessarily I just wanted to feel fulfilled and she said she'd come sit in the club and she named the club by name so she knew I knew she knew and I I befriended her and she was approachable she was lovable she was like you she was a spiritual being that was a that was dancing in a human experience that made that made it I can connect I wasn't afraid and she said something to me she said don't be so quick to try to memorize the Bible I was very intimidated by people throwing scriptures and I could never remember the scripture because my dyslexia would always flip the scripture and then I get in trouble by the sisters right and the first two days that's how it goes oh they beat me up and so I'm like I'm just gonna stay away and so I I wouldn't quote and I wouldn't read and I did I was just very nervous the the book made me nervous and she said don't be nervous she goes but don't be in a rush to memorize it all because that that you know you're responsible to live out she said but instead learn one and then live it and don't go to another one until you hear that one right there when I tell you Romans I might say it's wrong chapter 12 verse 13 seek my Vengeance revenge is mine I was on that one for about 18 months I took literal I took her literally and I said I'm gonna I'm not gonna go anywhere else until I I can live it and and I was a don't get me I'll get you back girl I was that don't work because I was raised in South Central so it was a get or get God right and so I had to it I studied and said how do I release how do I forgive how and I literally would not move 18 months I sat on that same scripture similar to what you said yeah yeah Henry David here where David Thoreau did and I I was okay with it and then I began my next book I read was Stephen Covey seven Heaven's Island oh it took me years I was like I don't know this man has a lot in here circle of concern versus circle of influence and I would work to live it I said it means nothing to learn it if you don't really don't you haven't learned it if you're not living it why would you learn it and not live it yeah why would you brag about all the books you read in your life is no evidence absolutely why would you quote people in your life is no evidence of it so I that Minister RG Taylor bless her soul she freed me from having to know a lot she said live live the things you've learned be free and so I I appreciate you sharing yeah there's knowledge that informs and this knowledge that transforms then not only said informs you can memorize it you could become academician you can kind of Theologian doesn't mean you're living it Echo and repeat yeah Echo and repeat but when you becomes transformed then that word as you do and that word becomes living from you and it's you it's the presence of God as you come on it's not just quoting nothing wrong with quotes right right but it becomes the vibration of Who You Are so when you speak you know this is why you change so many lives because when you speak You're curating South Central all the way up to present moment and all the things that the hurdles you had to jump over everything you had to transcend the the self-hate self-loathing all the way to the self-sabotaging self-sabotage right all the way to self-love So when you say if you let me tell you something if you just read the Yellow Pages people's lives are going to change because it's the vibration under the word because the frequency is the currency I said my cells are talking to you yes my cells are talking to you yeah there is history there is there is breakdown breakout breakthrough there is complete surrender my superpower yes is my willingness to surrender yes there you have it that's my super power we're together on that my willingness are two things in my superpower my surrender and my obedience yes and and and then most people think surrender and obedience make you weak no if you only knew if you only listen surrender is not waving the white flag surrender is yielding to the next stage of your unfoldment even before you see it listen you know and being willing to to leap off the ledge knowing one of three things One You're Gonna Fly two you're gonna land on something soft or two you're gonna land on something heart and bounce back you bounce back if once you know that why aren't you running for the breathtaking future that's awaiting you right why whether it be in love right whether it be in leadership yes whether it be in guidance whatever that thing is yes I want to lay in my Trend when I transition I want to lay and I want to say oh I did that I did that I did that I was obedient I was obedient with the breath in my body yes oh absolutely I used to say I still say it all that I was all that I am all that I hope to be I give to God I give to Excellence I give to Beauty I give to be in service all that I was all that I presently am all that I hope to be I yield as Dr Thurman would say the vital concern the vital nerve center of my consent to the presence it's never an absence and that right there and and and but there needs to be a sense of trust someone says how is it that you run more Lisa you leap more how did you achieve this I said see you're trying to make everything work it has to work before you leave and the difference between most people and me is I trust my get up I trust my bounce back it's not that I trust that I'm gonna always fly let me tell you this this is point this I love this right here this is it I didn't tell you something I don't always make the right decisions right and these days rev my all my mistakes are feel like they're seven figures amen right and require a couple of attorneys right right and I'm I'm living some now right I'm paying for some now right you still bounce back and and I hear me when I say if you have heard nothing else that it is if when do you choose to trust your bounce back you will run further you will run faster you will leap more you will fly more the only reason why I fly more is because I trust my bounce back if I should fall I want you to really hear that because you have to lean on the evidence that the Divine is always working on your behalf and you are a part of the team and you have been given all things and everything that you need yes and that you there is nothing nothing that is designed to take you out and keep you out there is nothing there is nothing designed you are designed to create greatness you're designed for possibility that's in your DNA you can defy your DNA and not be that you can but when you're not that you're Define your DNA right because if God would use it the universe will use an ordinary woman like me to move the mighty mountains that I've been able to witness being moved by my Essence my being in my word then you have to know that the same level of greatness if not something more indifferent is designed for you you are not let off the hook of your greatness it's simply a choice to trust your bounce back what if it don't work Lisa if it don't work you bounce back what if I lose it all if you lose it all you'll get more you'll bounce back there's nothing you could tell me that could happen that you're not designed to bounce back from absolutely it's not afraid of failure everybody fails anything you do for the first time you're not going to be good at so and people and you know people are afraid of being talked about I talk about this on Sunday they're going to talk about you if you fail and they're going to talk about you succeed so let them talk yeah my my grandmother says other people's perception to you baby girl ain't none of your business none of your business you don't spend your time platinus said that years ago and then your business and now it's just a part of our yeah yeah yeah it's a part of it's part of our culture yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it is my grandmother I don't know how she prophesied over my life when I was 24 because I I was not this version of Lisa at all and in my 20s I got fired from five different jobs and so people say when did you know you know this was your life I said well first I checked off the box of everything I was really bad at and people would fire me really kind because I was always I've always been a kind person yes God willing I've always been a kind person so my firing was like prolonged like they would take me out to lunch and fire me I mean they didn't want to fire you but they had to they had to like I was literally killed the company if you don't fire this chick the company will go down I was you know people people said did you pay those people back for firing you not believing you I said wasn't I didn't believe him that they didn't believe me I was bad right that version was not up to par no I was I shouldn't be in collections never have someone in collections who was broke right never the excuses people were using on me I would not only accept them but I would write them down and use them yourself I was like that's good and then I would I would literally erase their name off of the off of the debt list I literally was it was bad and so you were already serving people with us because I wanted to be liked very early on I wanted to be light and so you cannot be you don't know it's anything don't worry about it matter of fact Miss Jones I'm gonna do you a favor There's No One's Gonna call you again so my supervisor called me in her office and she said Lisa why is it that I give you a list of 109 people and you return a list of 82 and I thought because you know when you don't know you don't know like ignorance is just I said I'm doing you a favor once I confirm that they can't pay Miss Jones delete them for you so I gotta tell you to take them off off of his assets don't worry about it they'll never pay I took care of them you're wasting my time I'm saving you now and so she said she had to release me to find my dream and uh and so I I I couldn't come back to work the next day 22 years later I'm in Texas and I'm behind the black curtain and I'm watching them as they play my Sizzle reel you know my media reel and This Woman's in the front row and she's just crying and I'm like wow this lady is really crying for what I don't know just for the sizzle reel so then I come out on stage and she's sitting down to my right and she's just bawling I said well you know I've been known to make people cry but normally I got to be on stage at least five minutes right right when she's just crying crying crying so after I speak I'm signing autographs there's like a line of 200 people and I'm signing autographs and taking pictures and I look over in the corner and I see this woman crying finally after like 70 people she's standing there just continuously crying I said excuse me I just gotta go ask this woman what's wrong I go over to I said excuse me ma'am you've been crying for like two hours now what's wrong she said 20 years ago I released you to find your dream and you found it she was the woman in the collections department that fireman schools you found with God choosing you for and so you know so sometimes we're late bloomers we gotta we gotta we gotta check off the box of what we're not good at before we get to what we're good at but to never stop and to be committed to that right there to never stop you are entitled to get tired you aren't tired to need recharge and then keep going that you're not in this as a Sprint this is a marathon and you've been built for the fourth quarter right don't stop in the first quarter don't put a period where God put a comma absolutely this is Lisa Nichols I don't even know what our Topic's supposed to be well in the topic is wherever we want it to be amen you're covering everything amen now listen 28 days for results yes you talk about that oh my God give me a synopsis oh my gosh you going back you going back you wretching back then I wouldn't want to ask you about the Abundant Life aspect come on because I you know we just had a conversation before we were filming about that awkward moment with Johnny Coleman yeah in terms of planning the seat of abundance but just just I just threw a couple of things out yeah you did yeah you did let it take you where yeah yeah so um 28 days you know number one it takes consistent small actions on a daily basis to create a new paradigm right and create new habits and and you're not just going to become someone I knew what a thought you need to follow it up with consistent say consistent type in chat consistent action and you got to train your body that there's a new there's a new dimension coming through there's a new Behavior coming through so 28 days I love it I I I I did this program called 28 days and uh and it was scary for me because I was Jelani was 12 at the time and it was my first program that I was producing and it it the budget to produce the program was just a little under my annual salary and and and and yet I knew if I didn't produce this program that people would still be in the ethers of the how and so I produced these videos where every day I pop up in your email for five minutes and we do one small action the concept is small actions daily the concept is small actions daily allow you to consistently build a new form a new Behavior a new checklist and and so um I am real big on picking up new daily habits I don't pick up something Grand I don't go from not working out to working out six days a week I know I'm not going to sustain that but I will go from not working out to working out two days a week or one day a week and the next day I do meditation and then I add to that so I'm a layer girl right I layer because I'm an extremist I think I can get it all done right and it never works and so 28 days the concept is can I dance with you in a small dose for 28 days of small consistent action to on the 29th day you'll miss it mm-hmm like the just can I train can we retrain ourselves to do a behavior small doses that leans in the direction that we want to become versus where we are so then when I did that and I started watching people's lives transformed because then they go okay I'm in action I I want some more okay great now less work on your mindset because whatever you believe you deserve is what you're going to get right you always gonna calibrate it create your own ceiling listen that right there that's good that's good you always have good stuff that you say right like your one-liners are just like like they're so good because I could hold on to them and feed off of them yeah all right thank you and and that statement that statement you create your own ceiling is for wildly successful people as well absolutely wildly like where I am now I go I'm in the season now in my life where I say while a lot of people are inspired and some impress and by the way I don't speak to impress ever I speak to inspire well a lot of people are inspiring life if I don't stretch me right now then I've seen my ceiling that's right so I need to find right you know what I mean you know one of my favorite statements that I say is I'm just beginning I'm just beginning I'm just beginning your skin started that's it I'm just getting started just getting started and people say well you've done this you've done that then you just pop your neck and go I'm just getting stuck just getting started because wherever you are you're barely scratching the surface of the infinite potential that lies within you you're barely scratching which can blow your mind it can blow your mind like for real real like this is the this is the surface this is you're scratching the surface so you are when you talk about Abundant Life yes abundance first is a mindset and you have a book on it I do have a book on it and it took a lot to write that book you know my first book outside of the chicken soup series outside of the secret was no matter what yeah no matter what was about me choosing to get up a thousand times right and never let the last time be the last time right it was the get up abundance now was the what are you going to do when you're standing and what's your birth right you're only going to run for what you believe you deserve and abundance had to become my birth had to become my mindset and so number one is recognizing that my past does not equal my future that's right no matter what it does not equal my past is a setup right that's number one and no matter what no matter where no matter who no matter what color no matter what religion abundance still is my Birthright right that took a while for me to accept yes because I wore all the labels black woman South Central government's assistants son's in prison I wear all the labels so I had to shake the labels off of me and go wait abundance is my Birthright so that was a mindset then the other part and what I love about the the book that I wrote was I had to break down how we get our limiting belief around abundance so I broke down all of the the the our economic mindset to money our our spiritual Minds right to abundance our family and our ecosystem mindset I I broke down all the ways that our mindset is formed around abundance or around limited right around lack of limitation so that we can choose to challenge it now now that you know how it has to challenge it can you challenges can you shout because your grandmother could make a dime go in 20 different directions does not mean she didn't want 22 dimes right right she simply had a dime right and she had 22 needs right can you give yourself permission to have 22 dimes right with one need right that's a mindset yes that's a mindset and and I realized before I can run out and earn stuff I had to learn well who was I and what was I worthy of right you know and it I was really being confronted with it because my brand started growing fast yes after the secret after Oprah we were on Oprah together yes we were on Larry King together yes yes it was like this tsunami of opportunity right and honestly RAF I struggled with what I was deserving of and my worth yes during that time and so I went in and I went back and I started doing the inner work hold on hold on and before you can hold on to a new belief I believe you have to be willing to identify the old belief that you're ready to evict I started serving eviction notices to my beliefs they were not paying rent in your mind no more and I had outgrown them if you stay here in my mind limiting belief that I am only worthy of so much you are blocking the blessing that will allow me to bless more and I believe that good people should do well because when good people do well good people do more good that's right and I'm a good person right and I wanted to do more good yes and so I was willing to allow parts of me to die away so so the woman that I was becoming the calling on my life could be born and I knew I needed content like yours and I needed content like mine that I hadn't even written yet I was all in you though it was in me boy when when when you see what's in you waiting to be born and could only be born through you that point right there through you only and if it's not born through you it will never see light that's right when you become connected to the opportunity and the responsibility the conviction that it's not just about you mm-hmm it's not just for you it's not just um it's not just for you it becomes much bigger than you and then you get to choose your obedience yeah I want to be obedient yes I I don't want anything that's meant to serve to die with me I don't want anything that's right when you can feel that you feel that conviction and it's like the conviction you have if you're a parent and you're doing all things for your children like I get that conviction but there's a conviction even greater than that like I love my son I love my son and and I'm I am a committed mom and then there's a servant of the most high yes that right there that supersedes anything and it includes all things because everybody it includes all things There's No Lack I look at my son and we were just together in Big Bear we were just at this summer camp I look at my son and I look at how we're locked and loaded and people say how could you have been on the road 250 days out of the year and you're so close to your son because the God I serve the universe that's in that's operating on my behalf it does not exclude my son out of the equation right I simply need to be obedient to listen to the how right and the how is not always convenient for me I would land the plane and at the airport would be a cooler of sliced oranges and and and Capri Suns and I would grab the box the the cooler and go straight to the baseball game and serve the kids because my son said Mom I want you to be one of the parents that brings us next okay baby well I'm gonna get off the 747 right unbeknownst to the kids right it doesn't have to be convenient for you right it simply needs to remain your conviction to be used right you know you're talking about the difference between selfishness and selflessness come on it's like selfishness it's about getting selflessness is about serving and sharing and selfishness also is about monitoring what it's going to cost you absolutely might lose and choosing to say yes based on the cost absolutely and you've moved into selflessness which means the spirit you're not blocking the spirit from bringing the miraculous things that you can't do on your own because if you can do it on your own then it ain't big enough that right there and if you can see how to do it as soon as you have the idea right it ain't being big enough so you've gone into selflessness and you're inviting everybody to flow with you amen let me ask you one last question you know often I mean you you got so much material here that you you've conveyed to the people you know there's a difference between choice and decision decision has the word incision in it which means you're cutting away that which doesn't belong to you anymore so that you can move forward choice is the function of ever expanding awareness you've described your decisions letting things go and you've described your choices Beyond convenience expanded awareness oh this is this is this is great I often teach that pain pushes you until the vision pulls you what what's before we go what's pulling you right now first of all that is everything because before I was running toward the vision I was out running the demons yeah the pain was yes yes what's pulling me yeah maybe you can't articulate it yet I know that's that's I know there's something yeah yeah yeah stranger I feel this pulling you down yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I love the question what does it feel like I love I love that uh not far from here I named my company in North Northridge California motivating the mass right and little did I know that my yeses would allow me to do that mm-hmm um what's pulling me is to um touch the people that wouldn't find their way to this beautiful show okay to go get them I just said the other day to my students let's go sit on the couch with them I have always said I want to do Marketplace Ministry I didn't know what the marketplace looked like I didn't know what the ministry would be shaped like but what's pulling me is uh I've danced wide and Broad in the world of transformation but you had to choose this world and then you could find me yeah and now I what's pulling me is to choose all the spaces that haven't chose this world yes yes and to go sit beside them yes to not pull them over here but to go sit beside them and bring Consciousness to wherever they sit standing and so uh I don't know if that'll take me back to the club on Wilshire and sit and and Minister I don't know somebody's got to turn but but what I whine into water yeah what I realized what I realized and I'm gonna drink water so I can stay I can stay fluid and uh so television mass media mass media television television show they've courted me for a while and I've politely said no thank you and it's time to say yes yes I'm living more and serving more through social media yes and uh going to sit next to my sisters my little sisters sitting next to them where they where they convened because they've chosen me as Auntie Lisa I've been blessed enough to transcend generations and being accepted at all of those levels and so sitting where they would sit maybe hearing some music that I maybe wouldn't choose so that they can hear a conversation that they have shown a desire for so I am in the pursuing mode now okay instead of just serving those who find me but how can they find you yes those that are looking yes uh Lisa the number two motivate on Instagram Lisa Nichols on my other social media handles how motivating the masses is my beautiful website that shows you all of what we do which most people will be surprised I'm a teacher I'm not a keynote speaker I keynote speak to find the students that want to be taught yes but I'm a teacher I'm a coach I like to find people who have a message and they want to hone it they have a calling on their life and they want to uncover it they have something that they want to do and they want the limiting beliefs to quiet themselves so that they can do all that the Universe has designed them to do that's my tribe and your tribe is my tribe that's why we dance so well together um if my language fits you if my style fits you if you feel at home if you hear yourself then I invite you to hook your Caboose to my train because that is one of the smartest things that I have done as I hook my Caboose to someone's train whose language I understand and who calls me to be uncomfortable in my mediocracy thank you for being here today you know the greatest thing that we have greatest currents we have actually of our time yeah so I appreciate your time amen because I know you're busy I don't even want to say busy I know you have a lot of activity that you choose and and you chose to be with me today so I appreciate that a grateful Choice my grandmother says the one thing that you won't ever get back you'll get back up you can get back off things but you won't get back your time right and where you choose to spend your time as a gift so you are a shepherd and you convene and lie and and guide many of people and for you to always and you always choose me to be a part of your tribe to help serve I don't take that lightly I don't ever take it lightly when I get to share space with you or for you and I'm grateful and as I said to you before the cameras started I'll say to you again I'm grateful that I get to be on the planet at the same time as you remember because you make what could feel a lonely walk not felt so lonely because when you operate at such a high Consciousness and I'm not putting myself above anybody right I understand I just feel the vibration sometimes before I can articulate yes the language you make that experience not feel so lonely at times thank you so thank you for being a stand thank you for being willing to take the arrows I always say your shirt on the front of your shirt it has leader and guide in Chief but on the back of your shirt it must be a bull's-eye that comes with a whole other conversation it comes with it you can't wear the front of the shirt without the back of the shirt listen and so possible for all the arrows you've taken yeah on our behalf and you still stand and sit and serve and I'm just beginning and you're just getting together and you're just getting started I'm just getting started we're locked and loaded anytime you need me I'm a standing yes thank you thank you for everything I appreciate you this has been uh take back your mind this has been my conversation and she'll be back with Lisa Nichols have a bright day everyone you know what to do spread the word like this go ahead and subscribe to it you know it's going to be good and now you know where to find Lisa Nichols comment I want to I read the comments peace and blessings [Music] and welcome back we've just had a beautiful conversation with Lisa Nichols it was extremely powerful and you can feel pure motivation moving through her system I hope it assisted you in some way in your life always during the take back your mind podcast we have a tender moment of meditation it's the moment of Silent reflection because as the old saying goes to he or she who can most perfectly practice in action to them all things are possible that all action emanates from inaction real action right action emanates from that sacred Stillness and Silence of coherence around Unity around intelligence around love around abundance when we stop and have a level up of coherence around that than our actions become an expression of the inner contact we're making with reality so I invite you to turn within with me for a moment just take a nice inhalation [Applause] [Music] and let yourself become very still [Music] silent [Music] and enter into this field of sacred solitude where you are perhaps in your interiority alone but not lonely because you're surrounded by a presence that's never an absence [Music] presence of love and to beauty and intelligence that needs nothing because it is what it is but now as we are acknowledging it is becoming the activity of our awareness so it becomes still [Music] may give that give ourselves permission to wake up to our glorious nature to wake up to the Beauty and the intelligence that's already within us not that the world can give it to us but we but what we have come to give to the world [Music] so think about this for just a second the first thing that comes to your heart what have you come to give to the world what have you come to contribute before you leave the planet on that day [Music] catch that feeling that vibration that word bring it close to your heart now let us not ask how we're going to do this just catch the feeling tone of what you have come to contribute to give to share to radiate to shine give yourself permission to embrace this [Music] thank you it is this gift this Talent this energy is becoming more real to you [Music] every breath that you take is amplifying the feeling of what you are to contribute [Music] and you take go another step forward you give yourself permission you give yourself permission by your own inner Authority [Music] to share radiate and shine this gift [Music] um what is the gift what is the talent what do you call to contribute give yourself permission in other words say yes to it this moment of introspection quietude be a moment of saying yes to you contributing sharing shining radiating [Music] perfect state of being sacred silence Stillness solitude [Music] feel it in your bones we give thanks to the ramifications of what you have just Chosen and the permission that you've just given yourself to become more yourself so it is amen [Music] slowly open your eyes please be with yourself in this moment [Music] and let me say this some of you have written in and you've asked you know how can you support to take back your mind podcasts you can do that in the number of ways obviously you can like it you can subscribe to it on YouTube or whatever your platform is you can tell your friends about it that's one way the other ways you can support is you can support the sponsors of the podcast the first sponsor is the Agape International Spiritual Center you can go to and you can make a donation to Agape and obviously you can look at the website and see if there's any programs classes Sunday services that pull to your heart obviously if you heard me before the second sponsor is neutralize slash adapter Zen I have the 47 plant-based ingredients in my superfood greens you can get the bundle of the superfood greens and the vitamin d3k2 it'll be good for your body it also supports our sponsors who are supporting the podcast have a bright day tell your friends see your time is very valuable so I want to thank you for Lending us your ear and participating taking back your mind if you want to submit a question for the question of the week please submit it to podcast at if you've enjoyed what you've heard today please submit a review and let us know your thoughts stay on top of current episodes by subscribing to the podcast so that you'll receive alerts and not miss one single episode and feel free to share this podcast with all of your friends and family and until we meet again take back your mind and you will take back your life peace and blessings [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Michael Bernard Beckwith
Views: 79,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Take Back Your Mind with Michael B. Beckwith, Take Back Your Mind, Take Back Your Mind Podcast, Take Back Your Mind Michael Beckwith, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Michael B. Beckwith, Michael Beckwith Podcast, Michael B. Beckwith Podcast, Meditation, Michael Beckwith Meditation, Agape, Agape International Spiritual Center, Lisa Nichols, Say Yes To Your Calling, Life Purpose
Id: GkEo7pxLltY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 21sec (4641 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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