The Healing Effects of Intentional Living & The Power of Purpose with Lynne McTaggart

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when people are specific and I see this through the you know thousands of people I've worked with when they're specific and they tell the universe exactly what they want if they want to heal the big toe of their right foot your intention should be my intention is to heal the big toe of my right foot and be healthy and well in every way tell the universe exactly what you want and it's more likely to occur peace and riches blessings I am Michael BBE with the host of take back your [Music] mind as up into [Music] [Applause] [Music] peace and blessings everybody and welcome to take back your mind I am your host Michael B be with the founder of the agap international spiritual center and always we're seeking to become keenly aware that uh we're not our minds but we have one and that often times our minds are hijacked by worry doubt fear all manner of things that aren't true but become a dimension of our law we want to take back our mind and today guess what I have Lyn MCT tager with me let me tell you a little bit about her we haven't seen each other in a while but we know each other very well she's one of the most Central authorities on the new science and Consciousness and the award-winning author of seven books including the worldwide best sellers the field the intention experiment and the power of eight he's also co-founder of the International magazine what doctors don't tell you the health Expo get well in the architect of intention experiments which are very important a web-based global laboratory to test the power of intention to heal the world a sought after public speaker she is consistently listed as one of the most 100 most spiritually influential people Lynn welcome thank you so much Michael it's wonderful to be here with you absolutely let's let's jump right into the field when give me give us an overview of that when we talk about the field people use that word a lot these days they do and it really goes back to how we see our world you know we've been taught since we were little kids that the world is filled with solid separate things you know which are very well-b behaved things operating according to fixed laws in time and space that's what we've been told in our scientific story for more than 300 years and it was told to us by Isaac Newton and so we see our world as separate but the bottom line is that we're not separate now a lot of people say yeah we're all one but actually it's true because at our nethermost level of being our subatomic particles are actually vibrating packets of energy trading energy with other little packets of energy and that gives rise to an enormous Quantum energy field which I called the field and there's two big implications here Michael number one field a field is made up of these vibrating entities which are also waves waves have a capacity to uh carry it a near infinite amount of information I mean think about it the Library of Congress which has every book in English in the world could fit onto a sugar cube it would if it was encoded in waves but secondly so we we have a big Mothership of information out there that we're part of but the other thing is that waves go on to practically Infinity so the fact that we are part of this giant field means that we can access information all the time beyond our senses and that gives gives us a neat picture of how we can do things beyond our senses including the power of intention right now you just explained a lot so we're in a field of call it intelligence we're in a field of Life uh and we also as individuals we have a field of our own too right where we project the field like you can pick up the field of people you can measure it the things of that particular nature oh absolutely we are broadcasters I like to say we're leaky buckets we are sending out energy all the time and our thoughts for instance and we've got about 70,000 of them every day are things and not only things but things that affect other things and that was the big subject of a lot of my work it's been the big subject of a lot of my work including the intention experiment to try to figure out how far we can take this you know are we talking about just shifting a Quantum particle or are we talking about curing cancer with our thoughts so yes we are entities that have a field of information lots of scientists talk about light emissions that come out of our body a tiny current of light and we have a that light is a conversation of its own and other living things and other human beings are sending light back synchronicitous they've measured this they've demonstrated this we're talking German physicists here but we know we are sending out that light we have this field ourselves and it's being replied to so it basically relates to how you got involved with in intention in the intention experiment I imagine there are some conditions that must be in order for intention to really uh be very powerful so how did you get involved in intention in the first place and what are some of those conditions okay I have a good question I was minding my own business being a journalist an investigative reporter you know when I started out my work in my 20s I my plan was to put bad guys in jail and so I did Undercover work uh you know back in the day when you had tape recorders I had hidden tape recorders and I busted baby selling rings around the world and that was all the stuff I was doing but I got interested in health when I moved over to the UK and I got interested in what didn't work in modern medicine as well as Alternatives in medicine and that got me to studying a lot of studies good studies really well well done studies of spiritual healing and I kept wondering you know how can you have a thought send it to someone else and make them better that's what spiritual healing is essentially and I thought wow I need to find out how far we can take it and so that investigation talking to scientists around the world became my book the field but there was a lot of unfinished business as far as I was concerned you know as I said earlier how far can we take this right you know can I fly up on my roof with my thoughts can I cure cancer with my thoughts and I was also interested in the whole idea of what happened when lots of people have the same thought at the same time does that magnify the effect so I decided to test this because at the time I knew a lot of scientists working in Consciousness research i' interviewed them for the field and I also had a decent number of readers the field in 30 languages so I started thinking to myself well if I just put them together I'll have the biggest Global laboratory in the world testing intention so that's what I did in 2007 I wrote a book called the intention experiment which was an invitation for people to come on board every so often uh when I'd set up an experiment with one of those scientists and we'd have them all collectively send an intention to that particular Target and we've done 41 to date everything from trying to make seeds grow faster to purifying water to lowering violence in war torn areas or violent areas number of them in America to healing someone of post-traumatic stress disorder and of those 37 we've worked with a variety of scientists uh of those 41 experiments 37 have shown measurable positive mostly significant effects so just to put that in context there's no pharmaceutical drug out there with that kind of consistent track record absolutely what are the favorable conditions I mean what what do you set up for people to actually establish an intention if an individual wants to establish intention for their own life or group what are the what are the conditions that you you teach well I teach loads of them in different courses but I would say the number one condition is people aren't specific enough a lot of people say well I want to leave room for the universe to decide in my mind that is essentially prayer and there's this an important distinction there's a lot of overlap with prayer and intention but there's a there's one big distinction I've found which is you know prayer is very much a thy will be done you know asking a higher power to do this and to help you with intention it's a respectful request to the universe in my view and so what we found in the intention experiment is when we just sent love to water for instance nothing happened when we sent an intention to make it more alkaline by one pH then it happened and it worked really well and we've seen that as well in my smaller groups my power of eight groups where I Shrunk The the whole thing down to people doing intention in small groups of eight or so when people are specific and I see this through the you know thousands of people I've worked with when they're specific and they tell the universe exactly what they want if they want to heal the big toe of their right foot your intention should be my intention is to heal the big toe of my right foot and be healthy and well in every way tell the universe exactly what you want and it's more likely to occur so there's that there's also mind states that are very different from meditation a lot of people think intention is essentially meditation but we've done brainwave studies working with a team of neuroscientists from Life University which is the largest Chiropractic University in the world and they put a team of neuroscientist at our disposal they were interested in these power of VAP groups so we got a batch of student volunteers who had never done any of this before including meditation put an EEG cap on one member of each power of V group I believe we had seven groups and these guys were total novices I gave them some instruction and then they did an intention for someone in the group with a Health Challenge and afterward our Neuroscience team were absolutely astonished as was I we all thought these brain wave signatures were going to look exactly like those of meditation where you increase slower brain waves but that wasn't what happened at all what happened was a decrease in loads of brain waves particularly the parts of the brain like the parietal loes that sit toward the back back of your head they help us navigate through space they tell us this is me this is not me they were dialed way down and so were the parts of the brain the right frontal loes that are involved in worry doubt negativity they were dialed way down so these brain wave signatures look nothing like meditation but what they looked like was almost identical to work done by the University of Pennsylvania on Buddhist monks during ecstatic prayer and Sufi Masters during chanting these people even though they were novices even though they were only doing this intention for 10 minutes were in a state of what could be recognized a state of ecstatic Oneness and that is what I think is the big secret sauce to group intention and so what when you when you have them established intention you're having one become specific about something they they're requesting and then two there's something a mindset you're describing so if you were to tell the people that were listening right now to establish an intention what would you say it's not meditation it's not trying to block out your mind it's filling your mind okay with that intention it's a state of Highly focused Oneness I teach I like that highly focused Oneness that's I like that highly focused Oneness yeah I like that it is it is and flooding your mind with that also realizing you are part of this group so the intentions that I do I really focus on group intention whether it's 25,000 people intending to end the war in Gaza or it is a group of eight trying to heal somebody in the group with cancer for instance or you know depression or or financial problems or wanting a new job love so we all Focus together at the same time holding the same intention it's also not a mind State per se even though you formulate the intention it's a heart State okay it gets sent out from your heart with a loving intention toward that Target toward that person what is the power of eight why why that number what what what pulled you into that Dynamic complete accident Michael I was discussing this with my husband Brian hubard one day when we had seen a lot of really good positive outcomes with the intention experiment this was back in 2008 so I said I need to shrink this down and try to do something like this in a workshop but I'm not sure what to do and I'm kicking around with Brian and a couple of members of my team and I said oh I don't know maybe I'll put them in groups of eight or so and have do intention to some member of the group with a Health Challenge and my husband's a journalist too and he's a really good headline writer and as well as a good writer and he said I love it the power of eight and that is literally how it started we I me that's how it started we put people into groups of eight in our first Workshop in Chicago uh doing this and expecting it to be you know a nice little feel-good effect like getting your back massaged by somebody as they walk by that's all we thought and so we did it one day on a Saturday at the end of the day put people in groups of eight had them send intention to somebody with the health challenge next day we had them come back expected them to talk about oh that was nice like a facial that's not what happened people came back and said um I have terrible arthritis and we remember that woman had been limping and it feels like it's healed today I'm walking normally somebody else said I have terrible gut issues I have IBS my gut feels cleared somebody else I have depression I suffer from periodic depression really chronic and it see feels like it's lifted somebody else and this really blew our mind I have cats and they're about 80% better so I didn't believe a word of this I didn't believe a word of this I thought placebo effect you know I come from that hard-nosed journalistic skepticism so I needed to find out why and more and so I kept doing it in groups Group after Group after group in fact I think I was just starting to do it when I met you at the at at the group that we both belong to right I was practicing experimenting and studying it because I thought wait a minute I'm not a Healer I'm a journalist and I why is this working you know I'm putting people in groups of eight and they're healing the lame are walking I've had three people I've had two people get up out of their wheelchairs after a single 10-minute intention one woman paralyzed with idiopathic paralysis from the neck down came to a conference in in a wheelchair motorized wheelchair get up at the end and talks about it we have it on video um I had somebody else with multiple sclerosis who pushed her wheelchair away after one intention and thousands of people now who have healed genetic issues incurable issues stage four cancer had a woman come to a retreat of ours who had three months to live wasn't even going to come came with her hus her son they did an intention in the first day of that Retreat for her and she came out of the intention saying I'm Healed and this is somebody who had refused to have chemotherapy or radiotherapy or surgery was a naturopath and she went home and these were doctors who said it was so disseminated and they said they couldn't find any afterward it was you know we hear story after story after story about this this about people getting Financial windfalls finding love in their lives um one of my favorite stories was a woman called Joy who met with a power her power bait group and said I really want more love in my life I really want to find somebody and you know she was a woman in her 60s so he do this intention for her this is during lockdown out of the blue her boyfriend from 35 years ago gives her a they start chatting he's in the UK she is in Australia they start chatting they start writing they start connecting and he makes the big decision to come to Australia go through quarantine for two weeks and then move in with her and they are happily ever after now so we hear this all the time too so this is beautiful so these um these these particular testimonies that you just mentioned were these people in these powerway were they specifically dealing with those issues or were they holding the intention for perfect health or were they holding the intention to to eliminate multiple sclerosis how how specific was it totally is specific we use positive language like Our intention is that Jane Doe be immediately completely and permanently healed of all traces of multiple sclerosis for instance that would be one one one way of doing it um so they're always highly specific and a number of the people I talked about were people who were part of a course of mine so they were learning all the different things and I'd put them in power of V groups what we do with one of our longest courses it's a year-long is we find out what their time zones are put them together with people in a similar or identical time zone and the assignment is they meet with their power of Aid group every week for a year and as well as get all of the you know many weeks of instruction for me so the reason we do that is what I find is there is a magical alchemical effect that happens in small groups and large groups too one of the the big things for me that just blew my mind and were one reason why it took me 10 years to get up the courage to write a book about all of this I didn't publish the a book about this till 10 years after it first happened I observed it I needed to measure it I needed to understand it I had to figure out why why is this happening it's not me doing this these are the groups and so the key thing here is that state of ecstatic Oneness there's also another big piece here that is really important that people don't talk about very much Michael and that is altruism when you're doing an intention most of the time in a power big group you're intending for someone else if you're in a group of eight seven8 of the time you're intending for someone else in the group and what I found in that and also the big intention experiments is that the senders get healed too so a lot L of the times when people are stuck I will say very boldly to them get off of yourself you're right remember doing intention for someone else who needs it more I mean I remember um well probably the most wonderful story I heard about this with this was a guy called West Chapman he I met him at six age 65 this was a really tragic story he had been at College studying biochemistry he was going to be a doctor or a biochemist when he got called up in the very last year of the Vietnam War now this was at a time where you couldn't take a student to firm it so he had to go and he was right there in the front line and the whole experience was so traum traumatizing for him that he came home quit college and his life proceeded to go in a total downward spiral even meeting the love of his life his second wife didn't last long she developed a fast growing brain cancer and he lost her and lost his house paying for all her medical expenses so by the time I met him he had given up it was kind of what's the use and it was hard for him to even get out of bed so he had I had recruited people from a uh a a new science Church my high Church to be part of a little experiment I got two groups of eight people together Wes was one group he was going to put himself forward because he suffered from ongoing chronic depression but there was a woman in the group with Stage late stage cancer possibly stage four and he thought she's more deserving so he was one of the senders so that night he goes to bed gets up in the next morning and he said all of his senses were heightened like the grass has never been Greener the flowers have never smelled sweeter he was also had become really a Hermit but in that after that time he started walking around being much more engaging and social saying Hi how are you but then the next night he has a dream he called it almost a Vision where he's meeting his 19-year-old self back on campus in his favorite place and the 19-year-old self essentially says to him don't worry there's still time and the next day he wakes up and he said it was a bit like being Scrooge on Christmas morning he's running around saying hi to everybody he's suddenly filled with all the energy in the world he wants to get up he wants to do stuff he re-engages with all kinds of exercise he said you know I got to get into shape if I'm going to connect with that 19-year-old self again he starts joining classes he starts writing again he starts engaging with his church is a completely different person and this was from sending intention not even receiving it and I see that all the time I see people who are stuck they get off of themselves sending attention to someone else their life changes absolutely we see that a lot when people are depressed and they begin to give energy to someone else or or serve someone else that energy seems to change and the obviously the chemicals of their body changes and wonderful wonderful changes take place so you're talking about specificity alism and and what was another one there was a a kind of a heart coherence or something yeah I I do different things from heart maath who do the heart coherence what I find is the group itself is heart-c centered that is one of the big key elements of a small group meeting together doing intention week after week you know I hear these Amazing Stories from the groups for instance during lockdown I love the this guy called Jerry who joined the group now this is the middle of life now nobody can see anybody else and he met with them every week on Zoom as most of my groups meet virtually not together a lot of these groups have met for years and years and they've never actually physically met each other but so he meets week after week and at the end he says you know I've had more love during the Coen season than I've ever had in my life before I now know what love is and that is the big thing that I think people take from this is this sense of giving selflessly of receiving with an open heart you got a group of strangers who don't know you but every week they've got your back they want to find out what's going on with you I know one guy Mitchell told me he was having trouble sleep sleeping one time and Robert who he got close to in his group said don't worry I had you covered I was intending for you last night and it's that kind of thing that happens all the time we don't get to have Community very often anymore yeah we are increasingly isolated so I think that's one of the the great pieces but there's another element that's extraordinary about the sending that I want to share with you about the intention experiment when I started them in 2007 I had these initial results and I with seeds and leaves and I got a little tired of seeds and leaves and I started talking to the scientists and said let's do something huge you know let's end a war somewhere so we decided to do an intention for Shir Lanka which was undergoing a 25-year War it was intractable nobody was getting anywhere and so we did it and it was the first time that I decided to survey the participants um and I've done that ever since just just to see how it was for them were they able to get on you know we were running them from my website at the time now interesting things happened with that um that experiment U we had a University of California professor of Statistics do all the analysis and um violence went up sharply during our week of intention which worried me enormously but then it plummeted and the reason it went up is we found that the government afterward the government had won a number of decisive battles during that very week of Our intention that turned around the entire course of the war and within a few months this 25 year war was over you know did we do this short answer who knows lots of variables here but we've seen this over and over again wow even St Louis Missour the most violent place in America we didn't intention back in uh the end of 2017 and every neighborhood around and St Louis as a whole continued to have violence that had gone up kept going up three years before and continued to go up six months afterward but the neighborhood we focused on officially the most violent neighborhood in all of the most violent city in America that violence went down by 43% but that isn't the most interesting part of the story the thing I really wanted to tell you about is what happened to the participants because they started reporting things like their lives were becoming more peaceful they were making up with a strange partners and children they were getting along better with bosses and co-workers and it was about 40% of them but the big killer statistic about a half and this happens with every intention experiment say they feel more love for everyone they come in contact with and that to me is is the big mindblower it's this huge rebound effect including physical healing about a third of our participants of every intention experiment report an improvement or even a cure in some physical ailment so it's that huge Act of coming together to do something altruistic is you know one of the big healers in life yeah we discovered that a lot here at Agape in our community uh healings that you're describing we have um a silent what you call a silent life Ministry you know it's it's um for for the deaf and three of our signers two of them had had breast cancer and they thought they wanted to just give and they got healed doing signing during the services and then we had another individual that uh was in a wheelchair and she decided she wanted to share that way and she's no longer the wheelchair she now walks but they they attribute it to them giving to to being in that energy of the community translating the talks and then just because of their generosity something happened in their body temples so I know exactly what what you're talking about here have you found changes in people's lifestyle as well or traits not just like physical traits but but habits and things like that where they wanted to really transcend the habits of the old self as well oh totally totally I mean part of this part of the um the survey is finding out what happened in their life a lot of them quit their jobs they say nuh-uh I'm not doing that anymore I'm working for the Peace Corp or I'm setting up a nonprofit I'm doing something more uh important and giving in my life I I see amazing Transformations uh they accept themselves far better they love themselves far more they love the world far more so I see these big changes and I see the same thing with the uh people taking the courses people part of the power of eight groups too where they say no I want more meaning in my life I've seen meaning I've seen real healing here which is and I've seen real camaraderie here and love and this is you know something that people can't just take in and carry on the old life the old life of getting and spending or you know or eat or be eaten you know they can't just do that anymore they have to change and and go for a more meaningful life absolutely I've said over the years that so many people uh suffer from intention deficit disorder that that they wake up and they have no intention they kind of just react to circumstances and situations in their life on a survival level but they're not intending anything they're just like reacting to the world and so you you've taken this to a whole another level because you're saying not only be intentional but add some specificity to it on a regular basis which is what I abolutely absolutely I just finished one class an advanced class where I was helping people look at intention for the rest of their lives yes so let's intend the ideal rest of your life do you even know what you want most people don't most people as you say are happy to be buffeted along like a little boat in a storm and just kind of take whatever wave comes at them and that's one thing to do but I do find when people are intentional they drive their car they drive their own car then now you know we can't we can't stop bad things happening from us you know I could walk out tomorrow and get run over by a bus in which case I'd really be happy for all the the best in high-tech medicine to put me back together again but but you know world yeah the world of phenomena is spinning so things are happening but when you're living an intentional life there's kind of a field that allows for greater possibilities to take place yeah absolutely absolutely and it's you know it this is a possibility for everyone but I really encourage people to do power of eight groups and they don't just have to do it for themselves or even for that group I mean one of the other things that I started um was you know with all of the problems happening politically you know our our leaders don't seem to have great answers at the moment and there's much division that I started to think called the eight Revolution because I started thinking boy do we need a you know an army of change makers yes they're make a difference and then I thought well I probably have one already I haven't tapped into there's tens of thousands of power of eight groups what if they all got together and started doing stuff so I've just provided free tools it's on my website in my community page and just for people to start using this stuff and healing their neighborhoods but here's something else that totally blew my mind that happened too um I started experimenting with polarized people seeing if enemies would this change them so one of the times I did and this is you know this is a good time to talk about this was um I had the opportunity to use special equipment where I could put cameras in different locations so we put a camera in eight conference rooms in eight Arab cities in different Arab countries and the ninth camera we had in an audience of Israeli Jews now I had to broker this whole deal because neither side were talking to the other you know they hated enemies so I did and I ran an intention with both of them with everyone and they could see me I could see them and I could call on the individual conference rooms Etc to talk and they could talk to everybody so we didn't intention to lower violence in Jerusalem which was experiencing a lot of violence then I talked to them afterward and to my absolute amazement they started sending love to each other they started saying your God is my God they started saying you know we love you brothers and sisters and this big Love Fest happened and we had done this in one of the anniversaries for 911 too with Arabs and Americans again starting to send love and forgiveness to each other for 911 this was some years ago and so I started realizing wow maybe just this act of coming together is one way of overcoming the terrible polarization we see in so many areas of Our Lives absolutely absolutely um you know we've covered a lot of material we need to cover more I know we're running out of a little time but you have a couple of events coming up that want people to know about thank you so much we have an online course called intention Essentials so if you're new to my work even if you've studied with other teachers I teach you the seven key attentions uh attention Essentials to really having a focused intentional life so that is starting mid June J uh June 15 and it runs for every Saturday for five weeks then there's a big mentoring meeting with me where you get to be coached and we work together to practice and hone in on all of those skills so you can find out more about that on my website lyager docomo past and this is happening it's happening in Yorkshire in England in the runnerup location for down Abbey so it's this giant mansion where you can actually stay with four poster beds and wonderful big you know um old-fashioned bathtubs Etc but it's also a very spiritual place with the owners are really into all of our stuff so they've created labyrinths and wonderful fire P pits and beautiful meeting rooms Yoga Spa Etc and 3,000 Acres of extraord Ary Yorkshire Dales you know there are sheep on the Hills so that's happening September 1st and we I do a lot of retro intention work also work with my husband Brian hubard the author of the book The untrue story of you and the originator of a timelight method to heal your past so together we help people really drop the dead donkey drop the thing in their past that is holding them back and holding them back and so that they can move forward and we've we've run it a number of year for a number of years now and we see extraordinary changes there too beautiful and they can find out more on my website lyager docomomo hey thank you for being with us this morning and this evening where you are and I appreciate apprciate you and everyone go to her website and begin to live an intentional life don't be a bystander in your own life actually intend the life you want to live begin to feel it begin to sense it and add the level of alteris want good things for other people and watch the good Boomerang back at you because this is a return to Cinder Universe Lynn thank you for being with us to say it's been such a pleasure Michael thank you we'll talk soon we will by [Music] bye Dynamic blessings to you and this is our moment a couple of moments of meditation extremely important that we on a regular basis pull our attention away from the world of appearances and circumstances and situations even people places and things and turn with to end where we develop a level of coherence around life whatever you want to call life love beauty intelligence God doesn't matter what you call it life itself is conscious of itself and we are infinite individual expressions of this pure Consciousness so meditation is extremely important and since I had uh a wonderful guest limic tager we're going to invite us to be not only going to meditation but to establish some kind of intention for our life today or for for this particular day okay so let us stop in this moment let's turn within extract your attention from the world extract your attention from where you are going to go and what you're going to do when these few moments are complete release your overactive mind around your past and you just be right here where your breath is your breath is happening presently it's not in the future this breath is not in the past it's present so we [Music] stop and let us let us establish a couple of intentions in our life consider your body Temple scan it if there is any particular area where there is disharmony pain dis ease allow yourself to intend the perfect healing of your body Temple don't wish it intend it intend that your body Temple is perfectly whole and healthy if you want to focused on any particular area please do so don't ask how this is to happen just intend that it is happening [Music] now add a little of altruism for this think of somebody in your life and intend that they are perfectly [Music] healthy so you are intending for your yourself and you're spreading the good around you're intending for someone else [Music] so as youve pulled away from the world knowing that you are an Avenue of awareness you're aware of your [Music] intention you're not suffering from an intention deficit disorder you are intending that your body Temple and and a specific area of necessary is perfectly whole and complete with simultaneous awareness you're now intending that someone else you know about that needs this moment their body Temple it's perfectly whole and [Music] complete now just generally intend that this day this week this month this year this life is a life full full of joy and happiness Prosperity Wellness well-being intended and once again intend this for someone else as well [Music] and what do we do we allow this to be it's happening now and we give thanks that this is so and so it is amen thank you for tuning in to our meditation portion of take back your mind it belongs to you not to the world peace and blessings [Music] I appreciate your letters and emails that you've been sending in but also the notes you're sending on the Instagram and on the website thanking me for take back your mind and I thank you for your support as I've said before if you want to support take back your mind support the sponsors the main sponsor is the Agape International spiritual center Agape live .c we have a Facebook presentation an Instagram presentation a YouTube presentation and a website presentation you can donate to the sponsor at it's one ways that you can donate it supports the podcast second sponsor is neutral. you go to neutral. comom those three lines up at the top you touch that line and you'll get adapter Zen adapter Zen are my products the super green superfood greens and the vitamin D3 K2 both extremely good for your health your nutrition you support the sponsors you're supporting the podcast have a beautiful and as I like to say a bright day luminous day because you are a luminous being peace and blessings your time is very valuable so I want to thank you for Lending us your ear and participating and taking back your mind if you want to submit a question for the question of the week please submit it to podcast Michael if you've enjoyed what you've heard today please submit a review and let us know your thoughts stay on top of current episodes by subscribing to the podcast so that you'll receive alerts and not miss one single episode and feel free to share this podcast with all of your friends and family and until we meet again take back your mind and you will take back your life peace and blessings [Music]
Channel: Michael Bernard Beckwith
Views: 5,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Take Back Your Mind with Michael B. Beckwith, Take Back Your Mind, Take Back Your Mind Podcast, Take Back Your Mind Michael Beckwith, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Michael B. Beckwith, Michael Beckwith Podcast, Michael B. Beckwith Podcast, Meditation, Michael Beckwith Meditation, Agape, Agape International Spiritual Center, Lynne McTaggart, The Power of Intention, Healing Effects of Intentional Living and The Power of Purpose, The Power of Eight
Id: FA7uwSpfZOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 54sec (3114 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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