sawing a big nasty black oak log # 544

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[Music] good morning YouTube morning I'm here with ZZ Mark the Eddie horbath and it is the 4th of April and it's a little raw out here it's in the 30s um I think we're going up to 40 48 today or something like that it's not very high time it's just uh well next week we're going to hit back in the 70s again so spring and springy all right we got a lot of stuff to go through here and super thanks is McKinley gets thank you so much McKinley uh Stefan lawyer thank you so much MCC Carlson 28 thank you thank you and R Becker 44 and uh yeah this is all I get far as the names on their site so you know if if you wanted to put your real name in there uh feel free to do that okay we got some birthday shoutouts Deborah Woods 70th birthday that's March 29th happy birthday debie and we got James 60th birthday March 28th yeah Fred hangus senior 102 April 8th 102 that's like a Smuckers that's like uh remember and uh that is um awesome he watches us religiously he was a soyer back in the day and he really enjoys he said he' actually used me as a backup Sawyer at that meal back no kid 40 years ago thank you that's an honor that is and uh yes we got John Collins April 5th John happy birthday John and didn't how old Thomas cap 71 on the 11th and Dale and Cathy Huff 43rd wedding anniversary April 11th well congratulations congratulations on that and uh that's all I got for the birthday show so seems like somebody has a birthday every day is that's strange 81,500 subscribers as of this morning so that's a lot of birthdays so that's awesome that's awesome uh we got a couple things here Lou Myers he made us some pens I'll take this up to the camera here and show you this and this is beautiful he did a roll that around he made some right-handed and some left-handed so Eddie can you can use both yeah two at one time yeah you could write yeah yeah yeah that means that means you could vote both ways no no that's not good there and hey Joseph anger sent us a book that he thought we would really be able to use it is a GM diesel engine maintenance Mater this is for the bus motor this is uh just a general maintenance manual obviously it's been used a little bit but uh you appreciate it that'll go into our library here yeah that's going to go in a safe place because uh I hope the day never comes we need that no but it it will okay what do you got there Edie this he sent this out it's RL Hawk he sent us uh oh from Texas peon coffee you know Eddie loves coffee he does love his coffee I won't share that you guys get okay but he did send this and this is really nice it's about Pennsylvania trees it's from the 19 50s I didn't get a chance to really read it yet but we'll share that hey we appreciate it absolutely that is that is beautiful we thank you all right and uh well that was long winded enough here what do we got going for today we're going to cut us a monster Red Oak it's a native Red Oak okay uh I believe she'll she'll pull every bit of 32 in on the small end wow it's going to if you like that uh Maple video you're going you're going like this cuz we might make a stop sign today about we probably we got little Donnie for assistance right yes we brought little Donnie we got Big Donnie too so yeah let's see if we can't get her done all right let's get moving all right let's get rolling here and we got a big old we figured out as Black Oak but a lot of times they'll sell Black Oak as red oak depending on how it turns out sometimes it'll be real pretty and sometimes it'll just be as ugly let's wake the dogs up and Eddie's getting the blade going let's get the carriage back it's a decent Siz log so let's see what we can do with it all right she's in the cradles let's open the knees up just a lot more that'll work got one shot to really get this on this these 8ft logs I can't stress enough how difficult they are to get loaded without messing up all right hit my G pedals what I'm looking for is an opportunity to break through with the saw cuz we're going to have to make a stop sign at some point here oh let's yeah bigger is not better that's about the opportunity I'm looking for if you look at the laser it sort of tells you what you got to do so let's uh let's put the doggies up doggies up doggies down get a good bite on it and then let's hit the master dog down nope don't got a hold of it so this back knees up just a little bit more let's redog it I'm going to bring It Forward just time and you don't want to mess up on the opening cut that's better that log is now semi happy let's Pump It Forward it's not rolling let's start there sometimes it takes a minutes I could have thrown some taper out okay now we're going to do we're going to roll it back just a little bit all right right let's do that just want to clear the saw and we'll keep working it around and we want to get down to our magic number and our magic number is 22 all right let's repeat that process a couple more times doggy's up doggy's out and doggies down get a good bike bumping forward some let's start there and won't be able to Edge stuff out of this so it's not it's not that big of a waste a lot of people they complain about it but that's all we can do we don't want a bigger saw blade bigger Sol blade just equals bigger problems there we go and we're making really good progress on this big big ugly pig here all right doggies up all right and always bump it forward that little bit just to make sure we're not rolling down yeah we'll be down to our magic number before you know it now so this board just coming off right now will be edged out so it's not a waste for a black cus isn't really looking too bad I'm going to try to steal one more board off of here Eddie shut the shut the saw down Eddie all right we're back we got the little piece in there it actually didn't get warm which is hard to believe all right let's get back to work here now you want to get past the saw you can clean that up a little bit and I think we're going to put that down on the head blocks and we're going to start making some progress here waiting for the sawdust fire to call up we probably got a 20 yard box yeah that's good all right let's put that down and I think we're going to be really good here so this is really heavy stick right here I'm going to pull up about right there don't need the master dog no more I'll put the dogs in just to get them out of the way and we're going to roll this all the way around they had no Boone but in fact I'm going to bring it let's see here I don't know what face I want I guess that was good face let's bring it back a little bit more all right I'm going to bump that taper Out start there put her nice and tight I don't want to take too much off all right doggy's out Dogg's down we got to good hold of it let's start there and we're going to be able to clear pretty far here I going to see if I can sneak one more board out of there might be a mistake that'll get us closer to our magic number what you thinking up bus motor Lou she's a liking it okay let's bring that around all right what do we got remember Bill [Music] Ellis with that taper away that's what's bad you start carrying on a conversation and then pretty soon you you forgot but uh a lot of people says you need to put a micro switch on it and boom I knew we get him Boom for Mark Bell all right doggy out Dogg is down there's Mr laser let's start there that's better and the big log is becoming smaller it's actually pretty for Black Oak but sometimes it'll be as Pink as red oak all right let's see where we're at in a pth there tell you what let's just bring it down while we're out it here we're waiting for Eddie anyway all right must have a little bit of a fcet back on me open this let me run them out just a little bit all right that looks good oh we're going to take a little bit off of that clean it up that's better sum this has turned out nicer than I thought it would that should be the last board we need edged off of here and one more off that would take us down to 1 by 12s after this there we go lots of knots coming up there all right let's pull up just a little bit here back off there we go I've got another boom all right there's Mr laser just the flickering little man glitter and we're going to so down till we get um take one more off then we're going to turn it come back the other way into the pth all right we're almost there that looks good all right just continue down and we'll run this down to about 6 in so I think most of this is going to go into horse dolls we have a customer that always buys our stall board so let him get caught up there and for the videos I mean I'm I'm s I'm saw really slow to explain stuff if you really wanted to produce Lumber with this Mill it'll put it out but there's no sense of that all right we're going to be somewhere around let's see here looking for this oh there it is too much let's see where we're at just about Perfect all right let's peel these off ugliness a lot of stuff to edge here at the end all right let's roll that back out take it down to four all right and we'll take it down to 4 in there it is that becomes a firewood cover I think I'm just going to split this in half let me see where we're at I think we're at 3 and a or 6 and A4 let me just see I'll just get some 3x fours let's see what that looks like yeah that's what we're going to do we'll split this in half we're getting some 3x fours all done AG nice just like stopping on the gas pump to the nearest Dollar all righty we'll see you here at the end well it's time to get rid of some water in there water in there so Eddie's getting a bucket on yeah it's about as full as you can get with the sawu so um yeah he'll he'll he'll fit most of this on his load uh I think he brought the 15 Yard Box we might not get it all out of here so [Music] row It Forward there we go I'm on in yeah this is Eddie's first time using the bucket to load [Music] sawdust [Music] and you can see everything we saw here you go all the way down through the veins this looks like uh digging down through the Earth and it's pretty neat some stuff turns different colors is it you can smell that Elm has a real medicine real mediciney smell to it uh but yeah we absolutely do not put no Walnut in here and when we do saw Walnut either the bin is completely empty or we take the pipe off and we just blow it right off to the side there and then pick it up like at that Walnut log we did the other day was not put in a bin so let's go over to the dumpster box here and nothing goes to waste absolutely it's uh it's a win-win situation like the band Mills you really got no market for your sawdust so let's go over to the dumpster here there you go let's see how many scoops it's going to take to get this full [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a all right she's getting down there [Music] now can actually feel the heat coming off of this got that real real crazy smell doesn't it Z it does it does quite the aroma yeah that box we got to rescure that one day too this is this is where the sawdust ends up at it hits that Little Chute and bounces off his box and all the air goes out of it then it drops straight down otherwise you'd be blowing sawdust oh probably 20 ft outside this bin but all right that's a good thing we're getting rid of it and uh at least you got to see where it goes well there it's going and if you're if you're in the Moon Township area or imperial area and you need a rolloff container get a hold of Craig he said that box right there is about $425 to rent and you can put two ton on it without an extra charge so that's 15 yards of sawdust out of here all right but in our Sawmill nothing goes to waste and uh it's just a good good situation yeah you know we're we're definitely a green Sawmill and got some nice dry dust too yeah some nice nice nice dry dust and uh that load right there uh will make some horses happy it's all betting oh yeah it's all he's going to use it for and uh here we'll show you what we what we saw up here there it is you have the snack video on the bottom and then you have what we just soed these still need edged out we were going to Edge them today but uh we got sidetracked with load and sawdust and we're going to we're just going to go ahead and do that at a different time so we're tired we're hungry we're tired yeah so it's time to go home and again thanks a lot for for supporting us uh the super thanks has really helped the channel out it helps us by camera equipment it helps us by Fuel helps us it just helps us out yeah and uh you know it it's just a good thing and other than that with with anything else going on what's what's your channel again time with the Ed hor you get to see me and zezy down on this end of the meal and go and check out Eddy's Channel and you get a word of the day yeah and be careful the eclipse today this is true yeah don't look directly at the sun don't look at the Sun so all right everybody enough kid around here we'll catch you on the next one and thanks for coming along and thank you [Music] byebye
Channel: mark galicic
Views: 64,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JvYImaHGvP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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