sawing a monster silver maple log with a 56 inch saw # 532

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[Music] well it's my favorite time in the morning and we're getting ready to saw here so I come up before all the boys get here and we're going to look at the oil level in the bus motor it needs a no it could probably use a qut or so um someone was asking about how do we if we have any AC power up or and there's the answer right there we have a little predator 2,000 W generator one of them quiet generators so I get the fire going it's a necessity it's about 50° this morning it is uh what are we the 9th yeah we're the 9th of March and spring is it's on the doorstep we're going to get some snow tomorrow so I want to get some cab windows cleaned here uh we're going to put a little bit of oil in the bus motor so going to get a couple things done and I always like to just check things up in front FR of the saw this needs a little bit of clean up we did Eddie did a good job he used that blower and got everything nice and clean around the other side of the mill we got a concern on this one day and when you're setting your saw guides they have to be running at full speed so but you don't want that's almost too much Gap there you want to split the difference so when you bring that saw up to full speed you run your guides in and out and uh I've had this for 20 some years I used to run this on the on The Meadows Meal made by McCormack's Saw Shop and they still make them today so if you have an older meal and you don't like your guides that is the ticket there but yeah I'm going to give this you can see how this window gets uh really really just everything hits its sap and it's plexiglass so you got to watch what you do with it or else you start scratching it up here's our victim for today's video right here this is uh actually it is silver maple it's I thought it was so that's going to be some uh that's going to be some fun saw in there so uh all right let's get some oil let's get some oil in the bus motor and uh let's get her topped off okay let's give the bus motor a little drink of oil here it don't it don't go through much oil but it is a Detroit so and give her a couple quarts here just sort of guess worse to overfill them than to have them run just slightly low I think we're going to call that good we'll check it on a dipstick but if you're going to run a Detroit power un it better have oil better have oil on hand but this has been a good motor for us uh old 671 238 horsepower from the factory so I don't know what she's putting out now but it it does the job so let's get uh let's get a look at the stick here just trying to bring you along for some of the stuff that I do before the camera turns on got to give it a minute to get down in the oil [Music] pan but yeah I try to run it right in between and we put um 5 G bucket and one gallon of um Lucas and that Lucas really yeah she's coming up so yeah it's going to be fine give that a few minutes to settle down into the oil pan and uh I think we'll go clean the windows now all right and I'm just going to use just some spray cleaner and I just let it I put it on [Music] heavy let it run down you don't want to Plexiglass is just a it's a bad choice for a window and a and a sawmill but when we started this meal up we were two poor men that had been sawing together for oh almost 28 years at that point and [Music] uh it's all we could afford to get this Mill up and running and the windows that were in it they were they were bad so all I do is I just use a rubber squeegee and just all you want to do is get the bulk of it off we're not doing a vehicle where you or worry about a bunch of streaking but this would be much better for me and these uh little chunks on the glass here that's from cutting that sticky would as John Clark would call it Pine really makes things [Music] [Applause] bad but yeah once you start rubbing on it with a rag you might as well LIF the dirt on it cuz you're going to scratch it up really bad so oh good for another 100,000 miles and while I'm at it I think I'm going to go wipe down that clock face Dow a little bit so but that's pretty much what I do I just walk through everything in the morning here make sure there's nothing obviously wrong um want to sort of check things uh take a look at chewy make sure that it's getting due for a little bit of a chain tightening it's nice and sharp yet um did all right since the rebuild you back on some of my older videos uh there's a two-part video I think of restoring the old chewy cuz it was wore out to the point where it was it was cutting This Bar in half from so many times around there and I just look at things on a log deck look for loose pins look for anything that could be a hazard and it's just sort of like a pilot walking around a plane before you take off once you take off it's too late so all right good morning YouTube I'm here with the morning good morning ZZ Mark how you doing brother and it is the what are we the 9th of March and it is raining but it's 50° out there'll be snow here tomorrow we're in Western Pennsylvania so and then we're going to be 70 by Friday Eve M so it's up and down and just it's a beautiful day the birds are chirping it's just a just a great day all right super thanks is McKinley gets thank you again McKinley yeah McKinley's been a regular here and we got a 80th birthday to Judith clever and that was on the 1st happy birthday so happy birthday Jud and also we are so close to 880,000 Subs yeah we are almost there today we'll make it yeah we we might make it well probably before this video airs we'll probably be at 80,000 so we'll have to get some shag pagany we'll have to we'll have to do a little toast here but thank you yeah thank everybody out there everybody out there youve supported us I appreciate it um you know this has been a been a fun ride to to get where we're at today and um well what do we got going for today we've got a piece of maple on there it's worthy for this meal it's a it's going to run about 34 36 in we're going to have to yeah make stop sign stop sign it it's silver maple yeah and uh that's the one you seen on the last video when I did the little walk around stall boards uh yeah we'll make it into stall boards or short or anybody wants some silver maple there going to be some nice wood coming out get a hold of us Eddie go over and check out Eddie's Channel yeah time with the Eddie and he has links in there for your email yeah get in touch with Eddie every bit of lumber we saw is for sale yes so yeah we we got to we got to and you get up close up view of the lower end of the m and you get to meet the Eddie hor that's even better than that we'll chat with the word of the day there you go all right well let just get going all right all righty let's get this party started and I got the Eddie horbath on the other side there getting a blade going here and we're going to saw you a big big piece of maple it's only 7t long so I could assault on two headlocks I'm leaving the door open in my cab right now I got a couple people to shed up oh there Samy's going to watch us here um a guy I worked with back when I was in my 20s looked me up and uh he's out just to check out the mill so we're going to have to open the knees way up on this one so I'm going to open up to about we'll start there see where we end up at well let's bring the big old big old log up here and he's a bigan just got to be careful here everybody got to take it slow let see if chili will help out here need some hook could need some assistance here everybody it's going to take a minute all right I'm going to pull this door shut a little bit here so maybe you can hear me better I don't know how get over here I think you're get on over here Eddie and we're filming everything in real time so that's just the way it is I knew we're going to have problems loading this log there we go and that's what we wanted so I'm going to back up a little bit on their knees tell you what let's start there so we want the dogs up dogs out dogs down and we're going to hit the master dog down I'm going to bump it Forward just the hair we got a good hold of it so let's uh let's start right here and it's just silver maple it's not a valuable log by any means and we're going to make a stop sign of course just get a little dony you want to trim that off yeah let's get it trimmed off then I think his log will slowly cooperate with us should have brought the Big Chain a so out but it'll be all right everybody so if I don't trim that off now at the very end it's going to haunt me but boy these windows are nice and clean I'll tell you that that'll work Eddie all right good enough that will work all right let's start our stop sign all right and we'll bup it forward a little bit let's take a little bit off start working our way around and we'll be able to Edge a board out of this next one it's not as wasteful as you think this is there we go there there's a piece of usable Lumber so let's roll it a little bit more back the knees up a little bit more dogs up dogs out and dogs down you want to get a good hold of this every time and we'll bring it up to Mr laser he shows up nice on this Maple though all right let's uh let's keep working our way around and we'll Edge something out of there and we got we got to get down to 22 all right Dogg is up all right let's start there yeah if you want to see a good stop sign video go over to that uh Nicholls Sawmill and more I think it's pronounced Nicholls he's cutting some big popper man he he has a little bit bigger Edmonds than we have but he knows how to make them stop signs in a hurry you're not stop signning this are you oh yeah we're making a stop sign for sure I got a guest here with me Mark Fowler worked with him back what year was that Mark 80 what 3 84 wow I was just a kid working in a cabinet shop so we want to do here is we want to just get enough so we want to make sure the dogs are all the way out we want to grab the back of it and then we're going to hit that Master dog down and then you always want to do is nudge It Forward just to make sure that log didn't roll down and you know you got a good hold of it so we're pretty good here so this how I turn my camera you get to see that too and the stop sign really works out well you'll get to see the scraps at the end that is some pretty Maple though it was worth putting on the mill and this come local uh yeah it's all everything comes out of here is pretty much local trees now once we get to a certain point we'll we'll roll it completely down on the blocks and we're going to take a chance at a certain point we're not quite there yet 22 is that big number on the back wall I try to get in the center I'm going to just do a little bit more rolling here here I'm going to open the knes back up again make sure they're completely out if some people don't have a master dog I wouldn't sure trust this now we're going to come up till we see the green light again there it is now Mark you got to tell everybody Mr laser does exist hey Mr Laser's here a lot of people can't see it I don't know why you don't you don't really see a lot of it and you can see the next Port awful wedged so we're getting usable Lumber out of it and these buttons right here are all board thicknesses a little bit quiet right here now when you do a you talk about a set is that something that's already pre set yeah this is uh the first one's inch and eigh which is 4/4 in and 1/2 2 in this is just a heavy setting okay this uh we're going to turn it a little bit more everybody sorry about the camera I get hard now yeah just all right we're going to that's a little aggressive there can get these arms up let's start there what are you hoping to get out to get out of this all sheating or yeah we're just going to get four quter if this was hard maple it' be cutting some heavier uh heavier stuff to make maybe make a tabletop out of I think we're good there we're getting close to Striking Distance now so beautiful nice stuff that's as clear as you're going to get y I don't want to get too greedy but I'm going to try to get one more board off I don't know if that's a mistake or not oh we just get a mil her out of there all right now I think if I lay that down on the blocks I think I can make some quick work out of this we're going to try something everybody y it's all we can do it's like a Bob Ross painting it's your world do what you want to do with it and chewy just loving this I think we're going to get a little boom here oh we got a boom yeah all right that's what we want going bring it forward to see Mr laser and I'm not going to worry about tapers at this point just trying to get a um I'm trying to get a flat spot established there we go wedge something out of that and we slowly get closer to our 22 a magical number that one in that's inch and E in and8 which is standard what they call Four quarter in the industry oh where we at here with the pith I put a blue dot on that just to see where the P's at why why do you stay away from the P well the pth is very unstable softwood is not so much but Hardwoods uh it's really not valuable yeah I see I try to get my chain position there too you see what I just bump that chain around cuz it it likes to grab and tear but come on get it there we go we got the boom and I always try to work forward so I always back up further than you have to that way you're taking out all the play and them racking pinions is there any is there any calibration that you do on this or yeah every every so often um I'll check each individual KNE there's been very little waste on this log really I think this Run's going to take me down below my 22 that's a lot of loog I think we calculated over 300 ft I good we're going to get into some rot right now well let's run that front out again all right we're going to go around one more time we're getting a nice Square C formed at the same time here that Nots so bad there's Mr laser I we start there just making a mess there oh we'll take a shimmy off how fast you get something stuck between not and that blade how fast would it take to heat that up not very long really yeah it's um I'm always keeping an eye on that so many things I got to watch I got to watch I got to watch Eddie's fingers for one thing I think that'd be the most important thing but then you know you got to glance down at that Saw You Got U then you got a camera yeah okay I'm going to need him to trim right in front of that headlock base just a yeah you know one of your videos you talked about the the diameter of the blade did you go bigger on this yeah and we yeah we there's the advantage is is more bad than good really yeah uh the bigger to saw we don't got a big enough opening to even pass the boards out so just too much involved 54 that's a 56 56 yeah that's good Eddie little Donnie's working good though yeah I think that bevel's going to come to our advantage now on the other side there mhm that'll that'll allow that saw to clear so we're going to put the northern face or yeah the northern face we're going to put out so we're got to go around one time on the Turner that's a Happ piece of wood yeah I don't know what the weight would be but it's a lot I know that it's all right we're going look for the little flicker of the laser you can see it flickering there there it is going to get sh back up again that's about perfect and we're going to start whing her down now we're we're below 22 take too long it's St Mr laser something you always had we got that quite a few years ago there's actually a video that board don't want to cooperate pretty stringy wood yeah trimmer off edty and that's going to be it and the top Sal is another option we really don't we really that's something else to maintain yeah we don't saw that much big stuff what and what's the largest you can put on here I do it economically or whatever you want to say 28 in yeah yeah all these are just simple logs that are sit on the deck over here and we're going to roll her down we're going to we're going to have her way with this log right now all over let's get her done now in fact I'm just going to start on that face really don't make no difference I'm going to back up just a little bit more there we go in fact I want to true that off just a little bit we going to take a little shim off and that won't go to waste cuz we use it on top of our wood boxes as covered so there's really nothing here to gets wasted and now we'll just keep peeling left and right keep centering that pth I'll try to get this down to a 12 in can I like to let him flip that before I get out of the saw so we don't have no chance of uh something grab in the back of that saw have you ever uh had an accident oh we've launched a few things really never put a hole in the roof yet I say yet yeah all right we're we're almost should have said that oh no it can happen oh Happ I think that last video I little chunk of something flew out yeah [Music] boom that's what them foot pedals are for okay we're going to just see how bad this is we need to clean this up at all that's looking nice all right we'll take this down to 12 in and then we'll work north and south and and old Lou mcney you like the bus motor singing today Lou she's a singing something going on behind that saw I don't know what you see saw us flying back there unless that pipe plugged up on the back side of it I'm going to take a look at something here Mark I got to I'm going pause for a station identification I want to see something here we're clogged up is that blower running okay give me a stick we got a little clog each going on here all right we're going to take five all right we're back and let's see if Mark wants to come back all righty anded he's going to get the saw blade going again and uh that's what happens when sawdust uh gets clogged up get clogged up yeah I start noticing a a rooster tail coming off there and I says well I better do something about it now I could better bump that taper back see how that taper likes to drip out on me don't understand why all right we should be into a full set we should be right back where we started where are you getting you're getting all your electric that generator all the controls in here run off of that this is an inverter okay that's coming off of the yeah we're running it off the battery but what I've been using lately is this company mpow has sent us this old Power pack nice and it's working beautiful okay let's look at the pth and I'm going to try to go down to we'll take two more boards off and we're going to flip it down so all right let's get back in the rhythm of things here sometimes when you stop you you sort of forget where you were at yeah but that was uh two pieces apart crisscrossed over that and uh I will take one more 11 and a qu be a nice board and you sort of want to feed these wide cans slower you don't want to I watch some of these Mills man they Hammer through yeah no sense of beating up your saw all right let's lay this down and start working now I'm going to try to back the knees up just slightly then you just let the knees run back and then boom nice then at this point you always want to put your dogs in and there was Guy argued about this a couple videos ago he don't understand why why would you put them dogs back yeah well if you don't that saw blade will okay we're looking for little glimmer here there it is see the little flicker on the face there that's about what you need full man glitter and here we go we're going to run her down so I'm going to saw until we get close to the pith we're going to run that other face back out and then we'll bring it up till we get to about a 6 in and now we're going to do the same thing we're going to work North and South one more time until we end up with like a 2x6 out of this this is still almost absolutely clear couple little pin knots now but we try to show everything in real time uh we're not fast forwarding cars are sawing edging we do that can get boring all right let's roll this back there's still a big chunk of wood sitting there all right continue on Sals like butter though almost the same same consistency as popular hard soft Oak's a lot harder than this yes but it we got enough horsepower yeah the key is until you sit in this cab and actually filter controls the saw kind of tells you what to do I mean 34 years of sawing don't hurt yeah there a little bit of rot there but that's still not bad yeah they're using soft maple for a lot of filler Woods drawer boxes and such yeah all right we're going to work the top and bottom one more time and I'll have to saw into Su of that rot but and I always bump them in every time I do that because if that Hydro would happen to sneak out a little bit okay I'm going to back this something go forward SE I was somewhere around we should be right around there the width of that blade is a/4 in it's 9:30 seconds so it's a 30 second over a quarter but you can you can sharpen it till you get down to a/ qu inch before you have to change the bits it's a dovetail shaped tooth so as you um sharpen it back it the curve goes narrower but far as my when I'm doing uh calculations on stacking I uh I pretty much calculated as a quarter I have cut sheets all over this cab little cheat sheets all right let's turn this back we'll leave add in the dog board that piece of ugliness there so that can is 7 in wide on the blade right now it is yes and you know what that's a good question mark CU there's a lot of people that they always ask me what's that yellow do for I've told them I pick my lottery number on it I'm going to see if uh I'm going to see if anything mov yeah you can pick lottery numbers on it but yeah that's what that's for yeah we're almost done and we'll peel one more off of there that's it we're going to call this happy little painting done okay everybody we'll catch you here at the end a [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] there it is hey yeah someone's running a pressure washer Ed oh how how can they do that yeah well there it is there there's our there there's the uh Silver Maple and uh unbelievable and I had a special guest here today Mr Mark Fowler and Mark can you tell everybody how we ended up meeting uh about 38 years ago at a cabinet shop yeah 38 years ago I I worked with Mark back in thises us both old local cabinet shop in the town of Imperial and that's his buddy Skip and they come out to visit us today and uh what's the chances of meeting somebody over a YouTube channel and I guess you said it was over Mike Morgan outdoors with the Morgans that's how he found out about our Sawmill Channel and there it is 38 years later a guy I worked with when I was a kid stand there he got to see he was up in the cab if you're wondering who's whose voice it was in the cab that we were talking it was Mark so I Tau you everything you know oh absolutely and then some so we did all right today did good we did good that was good and uh yeah enjoyed it and hey we're almost at 80,000 subscribers as of today and uh do us a favor if you could help us out share it with somebody yeah and uh if you if you like it please hit the like button that helps us out and uh that's all we got for today so it was a good day it was all right catch you on the next one all [Music] right
Channel: mark galicic
Views: 104,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cnuDNlKeEO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 41sec (2741 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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