SAW X (2023) Ending Explained

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what's up everybody Welcome to found Flix your favorite confusingly moralistic killer jigsaw is back in the 10th entry of the long running saw Series in the appropriately titled saw 10 we'll be breaking down John Kramer's latest game including the mini twist and turns and everything you need to know about saw tin as the saw series wore on it became more and more defined by its increasingly convoluted timeline as well as of course its signature traps of torture which also got more ridiculous over time especially by the later chapters now obviously the biggest mistake the entire series made was killing John Kramer all the way back in Saw 3 his cohort Amanda as well ever since the filmmakers have attempted any way they can to somehow keep Jon relevant to the story even after his death yet he was always shoehorned in in the sidelines in some kind of hack needed out of left field sort of way fortunately the creators behind saw 10 figured out a clever workaround for this problem by making saw 10 a prequel set between the events of saw one and saw two what makes it so successful is that we finally have John front and center in a very personal story and this actually feels like a real movie you know what I mean not just random human meat thrown together to be torn to shreds violently by strange machines I have to say I was shocked to discover that saw 10 turned out to possibly be the best entry in the entire series that's right 10th times a charm I guess so let's check out saw 10 breaking down the stories mini twist how it fits into the series as a whole as well as explaining the ending and credit scene that fills in some interesting gaps in the timeline we meet back up with John a mere few weeks after the events of saw one and already his health is quickly deteriorating thanks to the tumor in his brain he's first seen going through some intensive tests and inquires hopefully to the lady administering them for the results but she lets him down that she's just a technician the actual doctor isn't much more promising suggesting for him to Simply retire and take it easy for the rest of his days an easy death John scoffs that's not how he does things especially after his diagnosis burn his whole jigsaw thing in the first place even now when not playing one of his Twisted games Jon's mind can't help but water to his craft and oddly moralistic stance a young man tending with a laid out patient seizes the chance to rumage through his belongings and grabs hold of his gold wedding pan all seen by John's watchful eye inspired by the patient whose fingers are ins snared in Long wires John Day Dreams of a brutal trap to test the boy's resolve he's placed in his own similar finger traps along with an alarming series of tubes on goggles attached to his eyes a static recording informs him of the rules here all he has to do to save his eyes is press a dial all the way from one to five not so hard right of course he doesn't mention that turning the dial Will painfully break one of his fingers along the way he makes it through the first four with great pain and yet with only one finger left to break the kid totally freaks out and spits that he can't do it anymore time comes to zero and a vacuum starts gaining suction as it reaches full power his eyes are zoed right out through the tubes come on what's worse is one more broken finger or no eyeballs you tell me at least in real life the orderly ultimately decides not to steal the ring with John commins him on good choice he scowls as the boy passes by desperate for any kind of Solace John attends group therapy sessions with others in a similar boat to himself one man Henry shares his personal story involving stage four pancreatic cancer there's seemingly nothing that can be done after some time John's situation is looking more dire than ever and he preoccupies himself with a Sketchbook dreaming up various murder traps got to keep the Mind spry things take a turn when he has a chance encounter with Henry who is looking much better John calls him over to find out the scoop and Henry spills about a radical procedure that he had done involving a special drug cocktail along with surgery it worked like a charm and impressively his cancer is fully in remission John is intrigued by this miracle cure and Henry explains that the particular medical crew is frequently on the move he hasn't heard from them since his treatment was done in Norway he does have a trail to lead him down at least giving him a link for the Finn Peterson Institute John searches into the doctor and based on an interview he does sound legit he checks out the link and is greeted by a video message from the doctor's daughter Cecilia according to her due to the radical nature of her father's work which has drawn concern from Big Pharma he has gone into hiding so she is acting in its place to continue his breakthrough treatment on anyone that she can she just wants to help the people totally selfless sure it costs a ton of cash too but don't worry about that it's not about the money it's never about the money he leaves his contact info on the site and is awoken later to a call from Cecilia herself to his surprise she is happy to let him know that they are able to take his case and are confident that he will be completely cured she offers him a place in a trial occurring in 3 months from now but due to John silence she realizes that he doesn't have that much time conveniently there's another round coming up the very next week and thinks that she can squeeze him in leaving John hopeful that he can actually Escape his fate we already know differently as they are currently operating in Cognito in Mexico John travels down there for the operation a chatty cabi Diego provided by the clinic fills him in on local tourist sites as they pass by like one featuring statues of priests who would behead their subjects neat he takes them out to a more rural area and surprisingly a van pulls up loaded with armed men W welcome to Mexico I guess with a gun up in his face they ask JN his name to which he cly responds this is all just a precaution as well and the men load him into a van under the guise of keeping their location a secret they take him to remote facility and drop him off right at the front door a kind young girl Gabriella who says she lives at the house is there to greet him and shows him his quarters he then gets to meet Cecilia In the Flesh and she details the specifics of his upcoming treatment basically surgery to remove the tumor combined with her Pop's Magical Mystery potion and boom cancer cured easy peasy she is curious what he does for a living and John says that he was a civil engineer and architect for most of his life but in retirement he has found some new hobbies helping people find themselves he teases like a life coach she asks yeah that's exactly it that's what he does life coach she takes him to check out the facilities a fairly impressive construction nestled in a former chemical Warehouse there he also meets a highly pedigreed associate of her fathers Mato rattling off the prestigious hospitals where he's worked he's then escorted to the surgery room sure walk right on in no need for sterilization or anything another patient Parker is there and has just gone through his own treatment showing off a bandage on his neck he sit on his way and B Tina is there to lead him through some more important tests before tomorrow unable to sleep JN is awoken by a banging outside he comes to a boy Carlos attempting to fix his bike tire and Jon warmly lends a hand through the language barrier he asks the Spanish word for push and uses a vice to push his rim back into place good as new really seeing a very different side of John here he's kind of a nice guy unless of course you dick him over in anyway whatsoever everything seems set up for success and he's prep for surgery as for who is doing the procedure to boast of the doctor he's the best around so good in fact she trusts her own family to him they also will be doing a waking surgery meaning that at points John will be conscious to make sure they don't mess up his brain too bad the procedure begins and he can even see on a monitor them poking around all up in his brain matter I'm not sure I'd want to see that either you know that's my brain right now what the H that out of there just let me know when you're done with the surgery okay John comes to in another location and Cilia declares a procedure was a success he's glad and also mention of transferring her the other half of the cash a whopping 250k in total there seemingly odd change to a new recovery location was due to those Folks at that pesky big farmer always on their tails so they had to leave already to avoid getting caught John wants to know what he's supposed to do now he just got to lay low here for a week taking doses of those cocktails and then he's back to start his new life he recovers and feeling grateful to those that helped him including Gabriella he wants to send her a thank you card as well as some tequila however he doesn't know EX exactly where the house is located utilizing his skills he takes landmarks and triangulates the positioning and manages to track the house down when he gets there he's shocked to find the place completely empty and it even looks like it has been ransacked with stuff strewn all over the place he returns to the surgery area and something catches his eye a DVD for modern medicinal surgeries John flips it on and the footage exactly matches what he saw during his treatment indicating things are not what they seem here he then removes his bandage and sees that no one decision of any kind was made the entire thing was a total farce and scam John can't believe that he was duped and his mind reels at the Revelation what really sets Jon off is that he recognizes the doctor's face as none other than the cabie Diego they couldn't even get a different guy to play the doctor pretty lazy scam going around here they didn't even hide their medical surgery DVD for God's sakes should we put that away n it's fine they won't even notice John places a call to a mysterious detective more on that later who is able to quickly find the lad so John puts Diego through his own game wrapping his hands in mountains of tape with scalpel protruding from the ends oh and he's impling some bombs into both of his arms the trick is the scalpel are strong enough to cut through his flesh and Bone but unfortunately not the steel wires some you pretty much just got to hacksaw your arms to bits to get the bombs off in 3 minutes I actually really like the setup of this one because of how personal it is there's no real theatrics well beyond the bomb arms just John on the other side of the glass watching his subject beg and plead with cold indifference Diego figures out pretty quickly he has no choice but to play the game and gets to work slicing the hell out of his forearms he gets one bomb free and turns to the other time running out he tears the other off just in time tossing it away before a huge explosion goes off so he did survive his game and JN is impressed getting him quickly to Emergency Services promising that he will live I mean your arms are probably going to be up forever but eh good job regardless at least I didn't let you explode you're welcome Clues from Diego lead him and his pig mask associate to track down the others from the cast of The faux medical facility learning that they were mostly merely playing Parts Valentina is actually a prostitute apparently Diego Works overnights at a vet clinic where he begrudgingly provides Gabriella with drugs not exactly the Wonder kins of medicine that Cecilia Ted Cecilia proves to be the most difficult to deal with all alone in her massive Mansion covered in security cameras there's a corkboard up on the wall with photos of various patients along with the exorbitant amounts of cash they paid for lies she comes to Jon's photo and tosses it glibly in the trash thanks for the money chump the pig Mass figures mashes in through the ceiling and stalks Cecilia through the house she manages to get down to her car but another Pig figure is waiting there and knocks her out they remove their masks seeing that it's John well then who is the other person it's his old pal Amanda of course well kind of his new pal at this point actually as we were seeing them in a slightly earlier point in the relationship before saw two and three so again between saw one and two she's a fresh acolyte at this point but still totally committed to Jon's cause that is until she starts kind of doubting the whole flawed moral system and playing his games John RS every went up back at the same side of his surgery and it's time for a new game to begin John and Amanda confront the others about their diabolical scheme they're trying to take advantage of people and give them false hope the others attempt to argue that they were just doing what Cecilia wanted but John counters that they still were paid and were part of the whole setup of tricking dying people still bad enough for a test according to John's flimsy book of morals Cecilia maintains her facade most of all insisting that they are doing something good here and really helping people making no admission whatsoever of it truly being a big fat money-making fraud see she's a bad guy too that's the whole point here but still even if she did defraud those people is more or less killing or really Justified well jigsaw says so because I guess sure you can survive a lot of the traps but it ain't going to be easy the first St to play is Valentina whose head is trapped in between thick wires in order to avoid getting decapitated probably a good thing she has to use a medical saw to remove her entire leg don't worry it's designed to cut through bone and stuff after you saw your damn leg off you have to provide a sample of bone marrow of enough weight into a machine to unlock the wires no big deal right Valentina is initially unable to act just completely losing her mind at the idea of what she even has to do here Cecilia and the others urge her on and she makes a preliminary small cut with the saw that's already pushed Valentina to her limits but after a few moments tick by she dutifully continues seawing back and forth on her whole leg like a giant ham HCK she does get the gam off but still has to jam a rod right into the stump for the sample yes it starts to collect into the contraption but time runs out first and the wires cut her head clean off rolling across the floor to everyone's horrror they're like man this Kramer guy is pretty serious y'all on their own The Killers discussed the specifics of their latest subjects and Amanda is feeling sympathy towards Gabriella she is just a kid after all but as it goes by J's rules she's just as guilty as the others and will have to face her fate as well this doesn't sit well with Amanda hearkening back to similar conversations in the first Trilogy their captives notied that the duo aren't watching and take advantage of the moment Cecilia's phone is on a table not too far out of reach all they need is a rope of some kind to Wrangle around the gurnie to bring it closer with no rope around Cecilia gets a little creative she jams a sharp object into valentina's corpse and extracts her intestines there got your rope they all work in tandem to get the intestines in place and roll the gurnie over to cilia she manages to briefly connect on a call explaining at least that they've been kidnapped before Amanda socks her lights out and takes a phone they soon set out to prep the next player and Anda is still sympathetic towards Gabby also possibly due to relating on the drug thing and insists that Mato should go next down on the floor Gabby complains about Amanda not helping her but she points out that she already has it's only thanks to her that she's not playing now she better make sure to follow Jon's rules or things could get real bad things then take an unexpected turn when Amanda notices someone approaching on the monitors it's Peter the patient from earlier who has apparently figured out that he was duped as well he says he's here to air his Grievances and get his money back wielding a gun Amanda s up a decoy Pig figure for him and uses it to trick him and takes him captive he's then reunited with Jon and introduced their whole Twisted game on display it's Justified because they you over too you know they're not exactly sure how Rea just yet so to be safe they chain him up to a chair to watch things unfold as it's Matteo's turn to play his test involves a kind of parallel to Jon's own fake brain surgery Billy makes an appearance rolling out the various appliances to utilize along with a cassette tape on the tape John explains that he must cut open his skull and extract enough brain matter to trigger another device to create a key to free himself otherwise the weird coil masking that he's in will fry him up good the 3-minute clock is set and Mato most of any player so far is just totally unwilling to go along with the game he just keeps screaming and saying that he wants out of here and I'm like you're wasting your time dude start cutting your damn skull open he finally relents to the sadistic ritual and directs the cutting machine at his Cranium he carves it open and starts digging around in there with tweezers really tucking on the gray stuff geez be careful dude he gets a fair chunk out and and dunks it into the solution the enzyme slowly being broken down which I have to say is another totally unfair thing I already gave you a piece of my brain now I got to wait for your solution to dissolve it to make a key and and another device thingy come on now this convoluted process unsurprisingly proves his downfall and time runs out the coils start glowing red and then clamp over his face creating a traditional Mexican mask and toasting him to death well proves the point don't waste time Peter is disgusted by the Killer's actions deeming them sick but they are unw and still believe that they are ultimately in the right here there's no avoiding that it's Gabriella's turn obviously saving the biggest perpetrator for last a tape drops down and she sheepishly starts it only to throw it away in Terror John reminds her that avoiding it isn't going to really help anything and a series of winches are activated which lift her High into the air one chain on her leg and one on her hand since she refuses to play the tape John lays out her predicament for her instead expressing the dangers of radiation machines a large heater Looms in front of her to survive she'll have to break both of her limbs to escape the the chains and avoid getting burned alive her time is set and the heater wors to life already singing her skin she retrieves a blunt object left for her and tsilia gives her a helpful tip do your leg first that way you can swing out of the way of the death dryer otherwise you're going to go flying all over the place the heater grows in intensity as she bashes at her ankle repeatedly it is finally let loose and she does swing out of the heater's radius but as he said you got to do your hand too and the heater robotically moves right in place to torture her once more she hammers frantically at her hand her skin getting increasingly L and she manages to break free from her restraints plummeting to the ground alive but you know barely after the display John allows Parker to be set free and he immediately turns on them going for his stashed gun for a brief moment you're going is he doing this because he thinks they're nuts or was he in on the whole thing with the facility from the Geto this is made quite clear when he escorts John and Amanda downstairs at gunpoint and Sicilia makes a face something like this immediately you're like oh they together must have been who she called earlier too Parker orders him to let Sicilia tree and puts Kramer in her place n doesn't feel so good the other way around huh cilia really leans into her villainous nature now that she has him apparently at a disadvantage putting him down for his Disturbed ideals she even clocks him as the one and only jig saw knowing this she actually finds herself strangely disappointed she really thought at first that she was for sure doomed but now sees him as just another easy Mark to really stress the evil angle here if John points out that Gabby needs to get to a hospital immediately uncaring Cecilia unleashes her heels upon Gaby's neck snapping it like a twig and killing her she has no remorse there at all and even thanks John for killing the others just one last person to share her cut with almost sounding like John herself she doesn't want him to just die for what he's put her through she wants him to suffer and wants to force him to see an innocent life lost before his own there's a perfect specimen nearby in little Carlos naively bouncing a soccer ball on the building Cecilia lures him inside and she decides it's time for them to play a game both are bound around the neck with chains and out of compassion they both refuse to start the Trap Parker pulls the lever for them and the chains get tight flinging both down on the metallic surface which lifts upwards a supply of blood is dumped down upon them effectively torturing them with a deluge of red stuff showing that same weirdly compassionate side to himself from earlier John keeps taking the blood rather than allowing Carlos to take any Carlos didn't do anything wrong so he definitely doesn't deserve to die feeling satisfied with this outcome the couple refocus on getting all that cash that John reclaimed from her which he revealed earlier was stashed upstairs in the office Peter does some thinking about things and is a bit confused if John had intended for Cecilia to be the last player then why the heck was the Seesaw designed for two well because you boners got played jigsaw style they reach for a duffel bag nearby triggering a 10-minute timer and the door slams shut trapping them in the room a toxic gas starts pumping in and JN explains their game set up from a bit ago after taking the phone Amanda tracked who Cecilia called and thusy they adjusted their game accordingly knowing that Cecilia would turn on anyone to serve her own interest in this game there can be only one Survivor they have no choice but to kill each other so the Victor can't stick their head in the one vend here that allows him to not breathe the poison and die Cecilia really shows her vicious nature right off the bat brutally murdering the guy that saved her in the first place so she can live thanks she then pokes her head out seeing that Jon and the others have all Unshackled themselves it was all just a show to set up her game she begs for help but the point is she must save herself and in a way finally face who she is at her core an awful awful e Vil person John Carlos and Amanda step out into the blistering early morning and he croaks that it's time to get the boy home back in the facility the clock reaches zero and the toxic gas recedes meaning that Cecilia must have survived just worth pointing out she could come back so for the most part all the clinic baddies were tended with but the whole time I was going what about Henry the guy from the beginning he must have been put in place by Cecilia to lure more people and obviously money in we see as much in the mid credit scene as he guess is just dos Henry awakens in a strange room attached to a spider claw-like device aimed at his belly Kramer pops out alerting him of his Grieves and another surprise assistant is there to lend a hand Hoffman of course we know detective Hoffman became the later jigsaw in place of John after his death and we knew that they had been working together for a while in the others of the series but this little scene lets us know the relationship started even earlier than expected and obviously he was the detective friend that was called earlier to help him find and track down Diego to kind of try and tie the story together to the earlier entries the pair first encounter each other when Hoffman was seeking his own brand of Justice in saw four the detective showed that he was willing to bend the law to get the conclusion that he felt was Justice and this at one pivotal Point really hit home in saw five we saw that his sister was murdered by her ex-boyfriend but the killer was let off due to a technicality it wasn't until a few years later that he found himself on the jigsaw case which gave him an idea he could take out Seth and basically frame jigsaw for it the problem is he didn't actually give Seth a chance to escape he just pretty much wanted to get away with killing him and that doesn't fit fit in with Jigsaw codes this drew the attention of Jigsaw himself which begins their relationship it's actually cool how they tie things together here and I really feel like satin is the rare prequel that actually added something important to the timeline but it also actually enhances the entire series story let's see if they can do it again in the inevitable saw 11 that'll do it for this any explain on saw 10 but don't forget before we go you can send me request for any movies or TV shows you like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media Accounts at foundflix what did you think of Saw 10 and its ending where do you rank it in the series let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching F Flix see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 759,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saw x, saw series, saw ending explained, saw, jigsaw, saw explained, saw x ending explained, ending, explained, twist, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, john kramer, amanda, billy, saw timeline, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: ETCavi5V7xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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