Saving Our Sons Ft. Dr. Umar Johnson

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greetings we are backstage at Council culture uh and I am in session with someone that uh I admire someone uh whose credentials and credibility are at the highest level and is the highest class of civilization someone who always goes viral uh and is a true doctor of Clinical Psychology and a certified school psychologist and a considered an expert on Pana africanism uh the one and only Dr Umar glad to be with you brother pleasure pleasure pleasure man you know I I love our conversations and sometimes our discourse but now you in the doctor's chair and sir you know uh Council culture is all about you know not canceling uh our brothers and sisters but counseling our brothers and sisters sir uh and you know a lot of your conversation as of lately has been controversial as always but uh been going viral on a lot of topics that I believe are important to the community and and specifically our culture uh and I want to just kind of unpa this and kind of use this as a master class to you know almost start in a couple of different spaces but I know the audience uh is definitely going to embrace it and talk back at us absolutely uh I want to unpack some some interesting things and as we always say you know we we feel together we reveal together so we can heal together yes sir sir and that's what it's all about so want to kick off you know something that I believe you and I I mean you're literally an expert in this space but uh someone who came up in the public school system myself I would say um I won't say a victim of it but someone has definitely you know come up against a lot of these um stereotypes and and classifications where you know diagnos at with ADHD as a young child uh um and still you know even even when it comes to my my my mental health and you know the different therapy sessions I've been in with different professionals and clinicians have they they like to categorize us yes uh for what I call our magic at sometimes uh and I was a kid that came up to where even you know my grandmother in her saving grace before they could put me on any medicine said hey I know how you feel about grandson but I'm going to let you medicate him glad to hear that um and whatever classifications they gave me I ended up you know taking all the standardized testing scoring you know higher than the kids that didn't have I was like third in the nation or something like that in third grade and they ended up putting me in Gate programs which were gifted and talented education in the'80s uh bilingual classes and stuff cuz what they saw is I was a hyperactive kid uh but it was because I wasn't challenged it was because I kind of you know had all the information that those teachers were teaching at that level so once they challenged me a little bit more therefore I was able to find some equinity and some balance and excelled as a student from that point on yes sir um it was a great you know social experiment to say the least but I could have went any you know many different ways within that and I know because and I want to hear a little bit about your background because from what I know like not only were you a school psychologist but you even an administrator in in certain schools so a young black men I mean from special education to ADHD we get classified because the system isn't built for us specifically the public school system they don't understand us and they actually get paid absolutely more money it's a Hustle the more that they classify us with these diagnosis so absolutely please unpack let's get into that and I'm going to start with what you gave us already okay because I can use your pathway as an example to show what they do to so many of our boys right right so for example you were in the third grade yes that's normally the grade when they start evaluating black boys for ADHD yeah yeah now just to back up for a minute first it was add attention deficit disorder 1980 right the problem with ADD is there's no drug that can make you pay attention so when you deal with mental health you have to deal with the influence of the psychiatric drug cartel there's no such thing as talking about mental health without talking about Wall Street drug profits wow they go hand in hand come on psychiatric medication is a $30 billion a year industry you're talking big bucks for small pills wow you see so now when you look at third grade and you look at the criteria for ADHD a lot of what you need to display to be classified with it could be arguably considered normal behavior for a 8 n 10 year old right you see the contradiction right there right there from the beginning yeah has trouble sitting still yeah he's in the third grade has difficulty paying attention he's in the third grade has trouble playing quietly he's in the third grade so at what point is this mental illness versus you practicing discrimination against traditional male Behavior right a big issue I have with ADHD is it is the H is for hyperactive and the H is for hyperactive so in a in 80 when you had add it was just deficit no hyper but the drug companies weren't getting paid so 7 years later in 1987 when the DSM 2 or three came out I forget which one it is that's when they added the H that's right during my time absolutely you see that so right now the way the dsm5 operates even if you don't meet all the criteria I can still label your child as ADHD let me say that one more time yeah even if you do not meet all the criteria I can still label you wow as ADHD and with the new dsm5 Nick they made it easier for us to classify children with ADHD because before we needed to see symptoms by like the by like the age of eight right now it's like you need to see symptoms by like the age of 12 right before we needed to see clear evidence that these problems was disrupting this child in several life areas right today the bar has been reduced and it just needs to cause some sort of uh maladaptive activity if you would and I'm paraphrasing the criteria but the point I'm trying to make is they lowered the bar right so now it's easier to put children in with the ADHD so number one you have an issue of male Behavior being criminalized and pathologized right why is that a big issue because most teachers are what female the public school is a female Empire most teachers are women black or white right the problem is female teachers cuz they were never boys and have never lived as men they don't know that the behavior that they see a lot of it is normal right this is what boys do right if you had more male teachers they would be less referral for ADHD most children black boys in particular are diagnosed with ADHD almost exclusively off the recommendation or complaint of a white female teacher and a frustrated black mother a black woman and a white woman are working together and they're driving this ADHD machine now for me one of the things that concerns me a lot about the ADHD crisis because that's exactly what it is Nick we can go to some of the schools in Los Angeles and literally almost every boy especially if he's black almost everyone if not everyone is on some form of psychiatric medication m I don't care if it's rlin Aderall Concerta cycler Metadate how can a whole classroom have ADHD right first of all uh statistically speaking only about 15% of any population should be quote unquote disordered 15% right how you end up with half the class on medication something is clearly wrong and as someone who works in schools I can tell you if the school is poorly run poor structure the kids are going to be more referred for medication because they're dependent on the psychiatrist to control behavior in the school not the administ break that down cuz I know we said it was a Hustle but even based off of like the more students that you have on medicine or more problematic kids the more money that the actuals and can actually make so now you're talking about ADHD yeah meets special education right now let's talk about how ADHD meets special education ADHD is not a special education disability there's 13 special education disabilities there's over 400 clinical disorders bipolar borderline depression anxiety schizophrenia schizophrenia ADHD conduct disorder odd these are clinical disorders they are not diagnosed in the school although I'm trained to evaluate the ADHD if I'm going to do it I got to do it in the clinic in public and Charter School you cannot diagnose a mental disorder only learning disabilities so you say if that's the case yeah why are there so many black boys in special ed for ADHD if you just said y'all don't diagnose it in the school right because one of the 13 Federal specialed classifications is other health impairment Ohi Ohi is any medical or psychiatric problem that affects your ability to learn in the classroom right you see that so your mother or father gets you diagnosed with ADHD you bring that evaluation back to the school now that they have the evalu ation they can legally evaluate and consider classification for special ed purposes in other words you can't even end up in special ed unless your parents give the school that outside diagnosis right and I'm on a mission to tell parents black parents in particular stop getting your children evaluated for ADHD because if your son can learn why does he have an IEP anyway see remember this brother Nick in order to qualify for special ed right you not only must have a disability right it must affect your learning stay right there all right if we go to any classroom we're going to see thousands of black boys who have no problem learning right in a special ed class why is he in there for discipline problems it is illegal in the United States of America to place a child in special ed for Behavior special ed is not for Behavior it is for learning problems but guess what half the black boys in America America are in there for what Behavior cuz their parents don't know the law they don't know their rights and the schools are basically discriminating against them wow get money for the special education yes here's how it works when you evaluate a child for special education if they qualify their name goes into the computer is transferred to the State Department of Education if we take California that would be Sacramento normally by the end of the month there's an electronic transfer of funds to that school district for your child wow on average special ed children are worth twice as much as the regular so let's say Nick and Umar are second graders right Nick is a regular student Umar was referred for special ed right I qualify right let's say the school district we attend spends $9,000 per people right right once I qualify for special letter I'm not worth nine no more I'm worth 188,000 it's double your money and they get that extra n every year I'm in special ed so if you're getting an extra n let's say we're in second grade extra n you got 10 more years of school before you graduate that's 9,000 time 10 years that's an extra 90,000 one kid one kid what about 100 what about 1,000 so I want you to see that special ed is a multi-million dollar Empire based on lies and why do I say lies most of our children who end up in special ed are not there because they can't learn it's because they can't control their behavior let me take that back haven't been taught how to control their behavior or they haven't been taught the skill for which they're being evaluated wow 80% of kids who are put in special ed brother Nick are put in for reading problems reading right which I have all have had all my life right reading yeah so and but can be taught to overcome it can be taught to overcome it yeah so why you got all these children in there for reading we don't have people who canach teach children how to read of course we can you got two issues in order to properly teach reading you really need to have some kind of aonics approach most public schools a lot of them have taken phonic out of the instruction yeah phonic is basically mastering the letter sound Association yeah if you don't Master the letter sound Association how you ever going to learn how to read right you see that so the reason why a lot of children are disadvantaged in learning reading is phonics has been removed from the instruction now let's go that can be taught at an infant level that taught at an infant level children can read at three what do you mean he can't read at 13 with normal intelligence right now let's go to the home this is where we got to take responsibility right most parents they just celebrated Christmas they b a whole bunch of gifts right right how many had books under the Christmas tree how many had a dictionary under the Christmas tree with more than 100 Pages Bic program how many had a thesaurus under the Christmas tree how many bought a complete set of Encyclopedia A through Z under the Christmas tree right most of what was under the Christmas tree was tablets cell phones HDTV laptops video games clothes hair sneaks right now most parents would never even realize this Nick you are consciously investing in your son's future incarceration why am I saying that because if he's in the fifth grade reading on a second and you just bought him a video game a HD TV a tablet and a phone what's the chances he going to be doing any more work to improve his reading skills he's not not you just invested in his distraction you just invested in his future mass incarceration yeah you see that yeah so we have to look at how the black home unintentionally yeah and the white dominated Public School are working together to disadvantage generations of black males when I speak in the prisons Nick when I even across the world cuz you know you have special ed in other places abut they just call it something else and I always ask the inmates raise your hand if you was in special ed it's not a question of how many hands go up it's a question of how many hands don't go up nearly everybody in there black or white yeah yeah had an IP coming through school well this is a thing where I wanted to go to cuz you showed the economic infrastructure of you know everything from the the pills and the diagnosis and the prescriptions uh from ADHD to any other disorder and then you show the infrastructure of how you know they're making money based off of your classification with special education but then the one thing that we all hear about from time to time uh and is you you brought it up is the school to prison Pipeline and the idea just like they're not here to educate us they're really here to prepare us and there's even been standardized testing yes to where at the third fourth grade level that they can determine which one of these students will spend time in a Penitentiary and probably how much time they'll spend in there and I mean you I would love for you to kind of unpack that a little bit more but just seeing how severe it is is not that we're not just sitting here having a conversation about you know your kids classification it's really about yo this this is that systemic process of how black men specifically all men of color are really structured to say all right we going to put you in this public preparing you for an institu this institution isar for this absolutely absolutely and it's so bad uh brother Nick I had a judge tell me a judge a black judge in New Jersey told Dr Umar she said you are absolutely right with what you are teaching C say do you know most of the young people who end up in my courtroom do not come from the street they come from the school a judge told me Nick she said most of the children I'm putting in juvenile detention and in adult prison they're not being picked up off the street they're coming from the school building she said it is literally school to prison pipeline wow now I'm going to go a step further there was a report that came out from the United States Department of Education couple years ago it said preschool black boys prek are being suspended and expelled at a rate higher than white boys in their grade and higher for similar offenses we talking three four and five and one thing I would say to that some would consider it controversial but it's true because I've seen it in the system of racism under which we exist it does not categorize black males by age what I mean to say by that Nick if your son is five 15 25 or 50 he's going to be dealt with the same way they do not allow American social order does not allow for black boys to experience adolescence or childhood what do I mean by that Nick I'm saying that if a white kid makes a mistake he's going to get another chance he's going to get an opportunity to correct himself there's going to be a teachable moment there's going to be some treatment and therapy let a black boy do the same thing he's getting an academic lynching our boys are given no opportunity to learn through T trial and error what it means to be a responsible young man right this also comes back on the household too because so many of our boys are being raised by the mother two-thirds of our children are being raised by the mother and this is not to criminalize the mother right but but because of the absence of the father we are the men we teach the discipline if the men are not in the home they're not being taught disciplined so you have a kid who's 4 5 6 7 8 nine times more likely to be disadvantaged because of his color and we're not even making sure they have the discipline necessary to survive the system so we actually prepare them for the academic Slaughter wow so I mean I got to I got to ask this I mean you you kind of laid it all out there what's the solution how do we heal in this in this infrastructure I mean because sir you've given us a a wealth of information and and it's all factual yes sir but with us kn knowing that nothing has changed because MH because why I mean that's a great question before I answer that I want to double back on something I didn't answer that you brought up you mentioned standardized testing yes our people in American society outside of psychologist and psychiatrist I don't think we really understand how standardized testing came to be used in this country standardized testing was started was brought to America there was a white psychology ol in New Jersey Henry H Goddard he went to France and got the Benet Simon scale well it wasn't Simon it wasn't Ben yet it was just the yes it was Ben Simon scale from a French psychologist he brought this IQ test back to America and they used this IQ test to decide who would fight on the front line of the world war because they weren't intelligent enough and who would stay back and work in the office because they had an higher IQ wow the same tesn was used to justify sterilization of women y you understand you see this black and white and it was also used um to uh that cleansing absolutely Eugenics Eugenics yeah you cannot talk about psychology in America without talking about Eugenics the word Eugenics means good stock it comes from Francis gton who was the color to char cousin to Charles Darwin in the UK and he basically said white people are superior but our genes are inferior yeah black people are inferior but their genes are superior so what we have to do is systematically reproduce ourselves and systematically prevent them from reproducing with each other and especially with us yeah that is what gave birth to Eugenics or racial cleansing you which is still with us which started here in America absolutely absolutely absolutely Adolf Hitler got his program from the United States it was already in effect here Fanny L heer as you know the activist from Mississippi the Mississippi Freedom Democratic party Y and I want to plug this she has to be giv her credit because Queen Mother Fanny L and brother Nick is a big reason why we got the 1964 Voting Rights Act Now Dr King ultimately hit the home run but without her testimony in Atlantic City we don't get it and we often forget Fanny L but you know she was sterilized against her will really L hon went to the hospital for some kind of condition and they sterilized her against her will and many of our ancestors went through this basically black people are psychologically inferior so goes the propaganda let stop them from having children yeah you see yeah I'm bringing this up Nick the Margaret sangers the Margaret sangers of the world get rid of what she called them useless eaters yeah you see so I'm bringing this up Nick feeble exactly exactly the Journal of birth control because remember what she said she said before I die I need the birth control pill to become legal she transitioned before the birth control got approved but her whole life was creating this thing that a woman could swallow and stop her from having babies and you know when you look at abortion in black women I think we've murdered over three million children in utero since 1970 so when you talk about black on black crime it ain't just about the street starts in the womb absolutely so now getting back to Eugenics and racial science and psychology most of the fathers of white psychology were racist the reason I have to bring this up Nick is because we're going to be talking about we are talking about mental health right so we've seen all the things Freud has said absolutely so here goes the question brother Nick we have mental illness in the black community there no getting around it but can we hold black people accountable for not seeking treatment from the very industry and institution psychology and Psychiatry that help create the oppression that we suffer from about a year ago Nick or two the American Psychological Association apologized to Black America they said we're sorry for the role we played in your oppression and I did a whole seminar on it Nick because I said the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric association because I believe they both issued an a ology but you're still being hypocritical why did I say that Nick the IQ tests which you know don't measure intelligence is still being used to segregate against black children getting into gifted and talented y being misdiagnosed as intellectually disabled which was formerly called you see being classified as reading disabled and learning disabled you know this test does not tell intelligence as much as it shows cultural competency so if you sorry yeah why are we still using it using the same test do you understand and you break that down just so people understand when they test our our young children they're testing them with words that they would never be familiar with they're testing them with geography and things that they've never been know taught never been exposed because you may not know the capital of this city or because you don't know the definition of this word how is that intelligence how is that intellectual inferiority but it's just it's a cultural thing because the student or the children in certain areas that are familiar with that type of stuff but you asked them some questions about our culture and where we're from and they would they would fail just as much as we fail about their culture and you had a psychologist who did that there was a psychologist I'm not sure if the psychologist is still alive came up with a test called black intellectual test of cultural homogeneity this psychologist said I'm tired of black kids being considered intellectually inferior and intellectually disabled mentally at that time off of a white man assessment so I'm going to come up with a black man assessment and give it to white children see how they F and he showed the same thing that IQ testing is more about cultural competency and it was called the 100 black intellectual test of cultural homogeneity listen I've been giving IQ test for 25 years yeah I can probably give the test without the protocol because I give it so much right right it's not telling me how smart they are Nick it does show me how they think right but it does not tell me how intelligent they are first of all I'm going tell you this based off of my own experience 25% of a child's performance is attributed to the effort and motivation when they sat down do you see that your daughter might be gifted Nick but if she sits in my chair and she ain't interested today she might bomb out and look it might be the smartest kid in the state you see so a big problem I had with testing it's a small sample size of what you truly know and what you truly can do wow do you see that it's a small sample size when you sit down and take that test Nick it might be what 10 comprehension questions 10 math questions 10 reading questions well if I get four I'm wrong I might be done right although if you would have gave me some different ones yeah I might have struck a home run right so as far as I'm concerned depending on high stakes testing as the only measure I don't have it I don't have a problem with it being a role in education but it shouldn't be the Beall and endall because you basically have white people constructing tests that they know before they complete them that are going to disadvantage black children when testing was brought to America to segregate against particular groups let me say that one more time I need your audience to hear this testing was brought to America to segregate against different groups and I'mma prove it to you not only will you see this in the history because it's documented but let's go to today why are so many colleges no longer requiring children to take the SAT or the act for admission when you were College age when I was College age sat act why they letting children in without them no more you know why because they know they have almost no predictive validity guess what the correlation is between your SAT score in your ability to finish a university in four years what it's almost a zero wow the the SAT test which was started by a eugenesis Carl bringham is the founder of the SAT test wow he wanted to exterminate black people do the research this tesn has zero predictive as to whether you will finish college so if the test can't tell me if Nick Canon can finish at this school why am I giving Nick Canon a test to keep Nick Canon from being admitted to the school school wow wow you broke that down that that makes perfect sense and the reason our people don't go to mental health treatment Nick is because y' the folks the father of racism in Hitler's Germany was a psychologist Joseph gobl the father of racist ISM in South Africa who came up with the aparti system was a psychologist in America Henry H Godard and the rest of them Psych the fathers of The Architects of white supremacy were psychologists and you telling black people to go get some therapy from the same system that created their problems yeah yeah wow and and so I mean it's almost a catch 22 then in that scenario because we all know mental health is a real thing uh um whether and then ultimate a lot of time these diagnosis and when we go do it especially when you go from a psychologist to a psychiatrist they want to give you pills they want to get you hooked on stuff Med what is truly the answer okay I mean obviously we know it starts at in the household yes we know the importance of fatherhood and we going dive into that in a little bit as well but when it comes specifically for our young black men yes sir how do we save them you know at that at that school level at that student level uh and prepare them I know obviously we all know that it's about you know teaching our own yes and and your your process with that you know you you have a a strong journey and strong background into wanting to make sure that we we teach our own and educate our yes um but practically what we're dealing with right now is audience sitting here watching this yes who are parents to young men who fear you know their their child leaving every day hopefully them making it to school and then you know paying attention and succeeding and doing all the things they're supposed to do in school and then making it back home all of that in itself is there's there's a lot of trauma built in there there's a lot of struggle and challenge built in there what are the answers for us great question on the education side I'm going give you three on the mental health side I'm going give you three on the education side we don't fix this brother Nick without getting more black men into the classroom as teachers not teachers assistants not lunchroom monitors not hall room AIDS not football coaches not bus drivers not school security not probation office as the classroom teacher right now I spoke in Sacramento the other day I believe they have a black superintendent of schools I don't know the gentleman much respect to him but he was quoted in the media as having said he's looking for black teachers and can't find them it was either him or someone else right right I'm of hearing that Nick I'm tired of hearing superintendents black and white in school boards black and white say we can't find no black male teachers we have what 100 HBCU yes nearly everyone has a education department every education department got blackmail education Majors why don't we have a HBCU to public school pipeline for black male teachers it is an absolute lie that they can't find them Nick right they don't want them and I'm going to go on record respectfully by saying the white female teachers of America don't want black male teachers in them schools because if we are in there we're not going to tolerate the racism that some of those teachers not all but some of those teachers exhibit towards our children exhibit absolutely ABS the fear of the young black man they scared of their students and the research shows that teachers pay more attention to children who look like their own this is the research so if you if most teachers are white female and you pay attention to the children who look more like your own who's going to get the most attention in a predominantly black classroom the light-skinned children the dark skinned children are not Nick I can take you into schools and take you to the emotional support class take you to the learning support class and then take you to the gifted class and you will see a noticeable color difference you will notice that many of the different the uh gifted children are tan to yellow in the emotionally disturbed and learning disabled are tan to dark it's colorcoded you see that so that a big factor in this as well and that's that's because you know that could get misconstrued in many different ways but you're just saying that's based off of the way the school system as it said that's B that's based off the the implicit bias in the unconscious racism that the teacher brings with her into the school teachers are human beings like everybody else they do not drop their biases and assumptions and prejudices at the front door they operate even if you try to control your Prejudice and the research shows this even if you try to control your Prejudice Nick to operate subconsciously we see it the number one predictor of academic success in the classroom is not the teacher or how much money spent on the students or whether the parents are married or whether his pants are sagging or what his IQ score is the number one predictor of academic achievement is the teachers belief in the children to learn simple so when are we going to start having a conversation about implicit bias and unconscious racism and low achievement of black boys they will only reach the bar you set and if you don't believe they can reach the bar they'll never strive towards it there is a self-fulfilling prophecy operating in the classroom where black children are and boys in particular we got to get black men in the classroom that's number one number two every school district in America that's serious Nick about changing the outcomes for African-American male Learners and females too because they're catching up this should be a office of black male excellence M you feel me Oakland schools where's your office of black male Excellence Philadelphia School District where's your office of black male Excellence Los Angeles Phoenix Atlanta tell them what that tell them what that would produce in and in the purpose of absolutely if if if you have a office of black male Excellence Nick that mean there's an officer whose job is to make sure the black mes succeed that means we're we're checking the discipline we're working with the parents we're getting them jobs we're getting them mentorship we're bringing Nick Cannon in to talk and to motivate them you see we are making sure they learn the trades because another thing too Nick what really hurt us was when we allow the system to De industrialize the high school out the vocation yes when you drive around La who you see working on these new projects it's not black folks because we ain't got the skills that pay the bills and I keep hearing about you know uh stem stem is important to say coding stem is but what about the coding what about the plumbing what about the electric you see what about the roof what about the welding what about the auto mechanic need all that we working on the school Nick the electric cost the electric cost us about 120,000 right for two weeks for two weeks who you have to pay that to that means you got electricians right someone who don't look like me but but you're talking about electricians who are making more money in two weeks than an attorney might make half the year who told black children that people who work with their hands don't make money vocational skills are real I just spoke at a graduation for an all black Vocational School in Philadelphia Adelphia not too long ago Nick I'm ready to go and learn a trade not for myself but because I want to build schools around the country if I know how to do the electric why we paying somebody if I know how to frame out you see what I'm saying if I know how to do the roof what we paying somebody so I'm thinking about picking up a couple of these skills so I ain't got to sit around waiting for the right contractor to come by at Le you know they go finesse you absolutely so number one got to bring got to bring the Building Trades back right office of black male Excellence to fly our boys bomber escort through all the turbulence of public education and delivered them successfully to the other side what about the people that would say that's not fair Reverse Racism this is what I would say to those who would say it's not fair do white males in America Boys in particular do they have a privilege they absolutely do I see it in public school let's look at Robbie and rahem if Robbie yells at the teacher she's going to give him a hug I know you're having a bad day we're going to work through this let rahem yell at the teach he might go and handcuffs there's a white male privilege in America's public and charter schools so if you know there's a privilege which means Advantage you have to do something to the disadvantaged in order to level the playing field if we admit America has racism we must admit something special must be done to the victims of that racism to give an equitable playing field absolutely n that's powerful and you touched on something cuz I know you got a few more points and cuz we we wrapping this segment up but I wanted to just cuz I know you know the answer but a lot of people don't know this cuz I often say when it comes to our education system teachers should be paid like NBA players I agree they should get those level of salary because then we' have better what is the average salary for a teacher because as we're trying to make sure there male teachers out there what currently it varies where you live right so for example uh if you take the school district of Philadelphia where I live I believe the average teaching salary night right now I could be a little off it's somewhere between uh 45 and 65 right now if you drive a few miles away to lower Maran School District where Kobe Bryant graduated those teachers are making 150k plus wow you see what I'm saying so then there Al the the the people in the disenfranchise communities those school systems underpay not only that though you got to look at the influence of the teachers union too Nick because the teacher unions have created a system whereby based on seniority years on the job you get to pick you work now let me tell you how this is a problem Nick because you're principal at a struggling School in the inner city you need the best reading teachers the best Math teachers you got fourth and fifth graders who ain't never been taught how to read you see what I'm saying and you're not going to put them in Special Air because you know they ain't got no problem they ain't been taught right you need this teacher you need her you need that one from Harvard that national teacher of the year you need that one from Spellman there's a problem they've been in the district for 10 15 20 years so they get to pick where they go but Nick is saying wait a minute I need them here right they don't want to come there they want to go to the comfortable School up the boulevard with the rich white kids and work over there so we have a problem where the empowered schools that needed the most get the newest teachers the most inexperienced teachers and the lowest quality teachers so when we talk about inferior education we got to find another word that's worse than inferior because when you look at the way the system is design it's ridiculous I remember in the school district of Philadelphia we had to reselect our schools as the school psychologist right yeah and the schools that needed me I couldn't get them because the older white psyches wanted to go to some of the black schools because due to White Privilege they wouldn't be made to work as hard so they took the spot where I needed to be and I said they need me here they said it doesn't matter he has more years of experience than you and I said he's a racist he don't care about them black kids you put him in that school everybody going to have a learning disability they said it doesn't matter this is the Union contract with the school district wow so it's entangled up in there the least important person in a public school district is a black student wow wow so again that's more more solutions now so that's what let's go to mental health yeah first of all I'm going to look at us the association of black psychologists the association of black social workers the association of black counselors great people and all of them but I don't think the black mental Health association's brother Nick are doing enough to heal our people and I'm going to tell you one reason why we're not you want to know one reason why we're not tell us how do you think do you think we make more money during the therapy or more money during the evaluations probably more money during the evaluation the testing yeah so a lot of psychologists black psychologists they're not doing therapy they said I get more money labeling you than healing you you see this yeah this is the capitalism of the industry of psychology so people call me up Dr Umar I live in Minneapolis do you have a black therapist I live in Phoenix you got a black therapist you know I live in Jersey you got a black therapist and sometimes I'm lucky to help them find one but a lot of psychologists say Doc I'm not really doing therapy no more I'm only doing testing but our people need healing wow but the healing professionals are too busy chasing the bag that they getting with the labels as opposed with helping people do a better job living wow yes there's a strong we need more black psychologists but we do have enough Nick where we could make a difference but we chasing the money so we not doing the therapy cuz we looking at like well for one therapeutic hour you know I might get $100 an hour but you know three hours I evaluate and two hours to type this eval I might get 5 10 grand you see what I'm saying so a lot of psychologists are passing on the therapy and they going for the testing wow it's the hustle brother there is no mental health in America it's only exploitation in the name of mental health wow we got behavioral wraparound Services right where they got these companies that let's say Nick say okay my daughter's a little HP hper and she's emotional blah they going to come and wrap the services around your daughter so she going to get a case worker case manager Behavior specialist one to1 Aid uh a therapist artist yeah she's costing the taxpayers $100,000 a year easy right but guess what 10 years after she started the rap around she got the same problem she had when she started right but D made a couple million dollars off your baby you see what I'm saying so we need Integrity in mental health and we need black psychologists and black psychiatrist and black counselors and social workers stop being so consumed with your bougie lifestyle and getting these streets and help our people heal because when you look at the black-on-black crime that's being taken place out here a lot of this is trauma Nick these kids were traumatized sexually abuse father abandoned him mother don't want them School miseducated him a lot of that Nick is not gang banging it's not drug Dylan I'm hurt I'm in pain and since energy cannot be destroyed it can only be transformed I'm to put my pain in somebody else by taking somebody's child's life Wow a lot of that is nothing but therapy brother I had a white Jewish Professor tell me he told me he said Dr Umar at least 15 to 20% of the violence in your neighborhood is due to the side effects of the psychiatric medication we give y children a Jewish psychologist told me that in grad school Nick wow yeah he said a lot of the killing in your community that's the after effects of the ADHD meds wow yes that's that's heavy but ain't nobody going to do nothing about it because the drug companies are some of the most powerful lobbyists in Congress what Congress person you know is going to turn down a half million for their campaign to tell the drug companies y'all destroying our kids' minds and exploiting them in the name of mental health and we going to end this you can forget it too much money man so mental health mental health hustling yeah yeah it's mental health hustling so we got to hold our our a black psychologist and psychiatrist accountable we do we should be doing more we got the training we got the expertise I mean the Americans of excuse me the association of black psychologist they have very powerful treatment modalities to heal our people but we're not implementing it because individually everybody's pursuing their own Financial agenda yeah and the other thing too Nick the black community got to take some responsibility because I believe the best intervention is prevention you see this yeah yeah let's stop some of this Trauma from happening in the first place right right black men we all got mothers raising Sons without no father why the rest of us not filling in the Gap boys from an African cultural perspective boys are the responsibility of the men not their mothers that's why in traditional African society when you get 12 or 13 they take you away from your mother and train you how to be a man where is that yeah instead of that Nick instead of them going through a rice of Passage when they 13 we give them to the uh NFL NBA College football the rights of passes become a rapper in an athlete that's not helping us man so we go we going to pause right there cuz that's exactly where we going to go to next sure but I want everybody uh in the comments uh please State your questions uh your your statements of agreement or disagreeance we uh are here with the brother Dr Umar Johnson he just put a wealth of information knowledge wisdom uh some of you may agree some of you may disagree but if anything this conversation is needed again as we always say we are here to feel together reveal together andal together and I feel like you just you dropped a lot of game on us um and you know I I feel like you know as we jump into our our next part of the session it truly is uh accountability and responsibility what we need to talk about so we going to jump into that but uh again this is Council culture where we don't cancel we Council right here hold tight
Channel: Counsel Culture Show
Views: 492,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zb3ZyV4SeUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 56sec (2696 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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