Saving her. | Doki Doki Exit Music Redux - Part 2

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bro phone time [Music] also can't be x music she doesn't stay over our house it's it's the thing that started the thing that made everyone hate it it's the thing that started the cliche that everyone hates in mods now why is that nazi's not at your house every not slash match he has to live at your house how it works it's the rules i mean it makes sense cause like if it's if it's something where it's focusing on her problem which is abuse allegedly or whatever the [ __ ] then where else would she go right i feel like i mean in my personal opinion i always thought she would go with someone who isn't mc in my opinion like she'd like stay with sayori or like gary harmonica because that goes on my other thing her trusting this guy she met only for like a week more than her friends that she's had for a while you know yeah yeah so it's like with that i feel like would make more sense if she stayed over like one of their houses yeah maybe but i get but then but then it's like oh but they don't know the situation she's in and i'm like yeah and that called my other problem why don't they yeah like yeah it's just like yeah i feel like it just feels weird to me stuff still so far so good our entire walk is punctuated by silence but as we turn the corner i'll see if he's nazi speaks up it'll be that one up on the right asking motions towards her house her arm wavering a little stop a few doors down quite sure what to say now let the manga down the sidewalk for a moment ask almost immediately pulls me into a quick embrace i'll see you tomorrow at the club in zero thank you he whispers for voice shaking it's try to okay her i can't reassure myself he releases me from her grip and reaches down to grab the manga collection i think it's best you hold back here on easy i nod and wait a few doors down nazi continues onward head down here parfait girl's pot she approaches her house her head cranes up rough voice calls down to her telling her to get inside pang of dredge shoots through my body and quickly hide behind a nearby fence gate i hope he didn't see me god knows what happened if he did [Music] he combined the fence get a quick look at nazi's father heavily built man in what looks like his late forties his posture tone and muscles with just the life of manual labor how do you get so built but not to be so short like i forgot stunted growth yeah he's up on the balcony the final drag from a lit cigarette carefully flicks the near finished butt over the edge of the balcony landing somewhere in the street man then promptly turns around yanking the door open you're a crash as it slams it behind it [Music] chances one final glance my way i raise my hand with the goodbye wave raises hers nearly dropping the box and crossing where she merely jerks forward as the front door to her house opens she slowly steps in like that he's gone i feel off but no way around leaving her just for tonight regardless what's done is done if you get back home only to figure out my next move speaking of about my phone and snap a photo of knots in place something concrete to form a plan with nothing else to do here turn around and begin the trek home [Music] oh she picks up takes a couple more rings to receive an answer though zero hey how are you doing sayori calls us for a moment the best i've been doing in years i actually feel all right i find it difficult to express my relief i knew that getting professional help would be good for her but i assumed it would be a bit more gradual process honestly i'm really happy for you sorry thank you zero luckily i don't have to stay here anymore mom's on her way to pick me up mom oh boy sorry ernie you hey people knew you made this i'll be back tomorrow oh i forgot the doctor said i could probably go to school tomorrow if i wanted that's great just remember you don't have to come to the club if you don't want to no i do i love the literature club besides i'm the vice president she's almost acting like her normal self honestly terrifying what she was on monday compared to now seems like she wants to move past what happened on one hand i'm all for trying to create a more positive environment for her on the other hand i guess if you really want to you want to walk to school with me of course i do zero all right i'll see you tomorrow then see you tomorrow don't forget about your alarm i won't bye hangs off i thought i just let my phone down on the counter hope to see horry didn't notice that i wasn't all there so exhausted about what happened today just unable to really express anything however i'm genuinely relieved to hear she seems to be improving hopefully tomorrow won't be too much i make myself a simple dinner i quickly scarf down before tossing the dishes in the sink i should wash them i just don't have the energy right now i'll do them later now you know my mind is not sit on my bed and drown on my scrolling aimlessly through my phone not working they already safe at least one worry off the tables right now well where do i begin my own father beating and berating her scrolling through my phone i come across the picture i took natsuki's house oh it's a plan coming together in my head i will have found a way to get her out i zoom in on the picture inspecting it meticulously hmm i think i know exactly what to do anything out of my gallery check up a text conversation with natsuki i frantically type out my instructions for her step by step however i was drawn to our old text conversation from when we were planning her visit last sunday i can't help but notice how happy she was to come over i have seen the problem then come to think of it for that day never really seen nazi truly excited before god as long as it's been going on i finished typing the plans out then send my message hope that she's okay thursday thursday time well i love thursday it's so weird it's like i'm so used to like blue skies where they don't show you everything a part of mc's routine yeah so it's like now i'm like oh crap i forgot he has the way fcs wake up go to his room go to sleep right in front of sayori's house he should be out by now even with my hatchy sleep schedule i was able to get up at time oh you managed to get a quick shower in anything after two days of stress did wonders for my anxieties no that feeling did stay long natsuki still hasn't texted back hopefully she saw the message at least my best bet at the moment is hoping she shows up at the club later and i could try and talk to her zero everyone's towards me putting her front door behind her i'm so sorry i kept hitting the snooze button i didn't wake up until the last alarm some things never change it's all right i've been waiting long turns are run into a tackling hug that nearly knocks me off my feet easy back it smiles how are you feeling great actually i get to see the literature club again can't help but still be concerned is this happiness merely temporary or she's suppressing her true emotions shows on the outside could very well be another mask as she put on just persuade me to believing otherwise sayori you know you can you can always my voice trails off damascus i don't even know how to finish that why wouldn't she know that awkward silence lingers between us yeah i know but it's fine we should probably get to school oh yeah sorry we take our leave hanging down the street and turning the corner together last bell rings i take my usual route to the alert turning the corner surprises inotsky lording outside the club room door hey natsuki zero i got your message how dare you leave without your blazer go back and get it i still don't know about all this i mean what are we gonna even do after we'll figure something out we talk to the school or the police or no who hardly looks around around her before hushing her voice we can't get the police involved take a second for elaborating not 18 yet oh oh now i'm hoping a lot of things that happened in the original don't happen yeah i don't really have a saying anything go to the police you know something does happen eventually it gets sent straight back to him no must be a way to do something i need to stand by and let this happen cyril please trust me you really want to help me here please just wait until after my birthday okay is that soon okay never mind does it stay for a second not entirely convinced but i trust not follow along with what she says but now at least okay uh when is your birthday november 5th so about a month oh so it is close i could just wait until then natsuki another month there another month he could hurt you and i can't sit back and watch that happen pause take a breath month away though it'll be easier to just hide out until then you can manage that then as soon as your birthday comes around go to the police and you'll be safe i jesus you know i don't know it works but let me stay at yours for a whole month grabs her eyes in her sleeve it's better than staying there she nearly topples me over as she launches into me hugging me tightly i reciprocate thank you zero i can't say that enough i have no idea how much this means it's okay okay quickly let's go however hey uh what happened to your blazer long story and not an understanding besides interns are focused on the club room door damn it almost forgot the actual club yeah trying to push my fears to the back of my mind we finally head into the club raining my neck i scanned the room my surprise i see yuri and sayori sitting at a desk in the furthest corner of the room they appear to be deep in conversation and haven't noticed our arrival there's lamb i let them have their moment i quietly put my things on one of her on one of their desks i see them stand up and embrace each other in a tight hug i already guessed what the conversation was about i gently called to get their attention oh zero how long have you been there how long have you been here i just got here everything okay [Music] there he looks over at yuri who's going back to her usual spot yeah everything's good gives a brief smile and heads over to me i lower my voice sure yeah are you still gonna carry pauses monica natsuki deserve to know what about me i turn into monica leaning against the doorframe yeah about that sayori zero do you wanna talk in the hallway a little worried uh actually monica i think it'd be easier to say it once all right what's going on are you okay well sarah sarah raises her hand up to silence monica i'm really sorry for ruining the festival i know how important that was to you and terry pauses you're trying to compose herself i did something really bad something i shouldn't have done if it wasn't for zero i'd he saved my life jordan expects they already put it that bluntly i'm simultaneously impressed with and worried by how she's handling this monica on the other hand bewildered saved your life what does that he stops mid-sentence and blinks oh oh my god sayori i'm really sorry sorry there's nothing to be sorry for i'm sorry for even i didn't realize that he stands he will be shell-shocked by serious confession for a moment he walks away and collapses in a desk by the closet here he quietly makes her way over to nansky kneeling down beside her i need to check on her listen sayori we're here for you all of us we uh first time have seen her truly speechless a few seconds monica ends the silence i don't mean to put this aside just for the time being we should probably resume our club activities please sayori directly but if you need to talk at all i'm here okay oh i'll be okay but thank you gives monica a quick hug and heads to her seat so he passes me kill her hand brush against mine silent thank you head over to nazi well there you go that went somewhat well now everyone knows here he walks back to her desk in size opening her book again it's her first time hearing about it that thing's going on at home how is she this calm i'd be in hysterics and again i'm the one who's been doing the most worrying this past week emcee your freaking baby i think the best thing to do is to act normal yeah normal you can approach the subject if she so chooses nasty and i quietly head to the closet and take our spots under the windowsill definitely [ __ ] the vampire girls from the collection where were we last zero are we seriously not going to talk about looks over to sayori badly writing into a small notebook i sighed deeply that didn't take long sorry you're one of the last ones to find out you wanted to own it i guess show people yourself i can understand that all else fails in control is on the best thing you can do i'm glad she's feeling better but you're not worried about her not i don't think a day's gone by or i haven't had some kind of anxious breakdown i'm terrified where i wasn't before anger here though though eases that a bit it's like a second home for her god closes her eyes and exhales crap i'm sorry zero those uh breakdowns you could talk to me about them you know i appreciate it but my main worry right now is getting you out of that house you can talk about everything else later unless he opens her mouth but paul's before besides you're sure anyway page 29 right i think so yeah the couple we left off and we read the manga like there's no tomorrow there isn't i've killed it i've murdered the calendar or we know it a whole hour a whole hour has passed i can't tell if that was the shortest or longest one of my life must have only gotten through four or five pages none of us can really focus constantly glancing back and forth at each other terrified about the night ahead but i shake the feeling off as nasty swipes the manga out of my hands and replaces it with in spot looking around i see sayori and monica are talking closely with one another finally i gather up my things and get ready to leave approaching natsuki she's trying to stuff her parfait girls collection in her bag hey i'm sorry we didn't really get to read much today it's okay zero do you want me to walk you home i can't in fact i wasn't even supposed to be here today but i needed to i needed to i needed to leave a few minutes ago you'll be over later yeah get your things ready i'll give you a call all right box for a second that hugs me you'll be okay i'll be waiting for you let's go i watch her bolt out the door in a half sprint i notice they already giving a quick goodbye to monica or following through the door sinking feeling squeezes my lungs stave it off with a mental mantra i think we'll be okay it'll be okay soon i think we'll be okay it'll be okay soon wait why didn't we walk out home with sayori every zero ah yuri sudden presence was unexpected it was why didn't we walk home with sayori i don't know it seems weird that sayori would also forget to walk home with us usually she's like ready to walk home it's like why would she leave us i guess like i lost male mind there sorry i didn't mean to scare you uh no it was my fault i was just trying to um calm down i yeah how did you know what never mind what's up well i was just wondering if if you would like to walk together oh home oh that's certainly not like yuri to just approach me like that i just notice how sayori and you walk home a lot and was wondering if you'd want to want to since you know regardless i appreciate the sentiment from yuri even it is very unlike her to ask such a thing unless i don't really want to want to walk home alone not right now why didn't you walk home with sayori wait i feel like if anything right now i would really want to walk home with sayori yeah i'll just say like i know like oh she already left but it's like i feel like emcee's been chasing after girls i feel like he'd run after her and be like sarah wait up and like actually i feel like it'd be a nice change of pace you know he'd be the one wanting to walk home with her and her like just kind of forgetting about it yeah that one cause like i said right now i think i would desperately want to walk home with sayori after what happened what transpired [Music] and i feel like it could just be the scene to force yuri into we needed yuri to have something sure yuri that'd be nice actually here it gives the tiniest of smiles so avoiding direct eye contact oh great let me pick up my things picks up her black bag and head towards the door we wave to monica excuse me staring at her desk doesn't acknowledge us [Music] oh monica's having a hard time about it head [Music] um i've got nothing sorry i don't really know what to talk about i've always seemed like such a mysterious person in fact they only know what you like beyond horror novels and pee and unique scents she's like i regret this she's like you [ __ ] i you're a dumbass i regret walking with you her face is really just like uh-huh bruh well that's my fault for not reaching out to you it's not your fault i keep my personality very sequestered even my friends like like sayori for example they don't know much about me that's quite deliberate i just feel much safer hiding away from people chocolate the irony of what she sang and yet here you are talking about it oh well uh you're different just a stranger but an acquaintance yeah you should you should be an acquaintance the nazi too i mean no he could probably still be a friend i'm just saying i'm still on that i just feel quite comfortable around you so does not it's nice being able to let my guard down when we're together her face then burns bright red their mouths trying to spit something out but not quite managing to do so [Music] exhales deeply i'm [Music] i must sound crazy voice that means the take on a more defeated tone but i think that's why she likes you uh what i play dumb wait who likes me zero i know i've watched you two i heard a part of your discussion in the hallway on tuesday but i didn't mean to eavesdrop i sigh laughing a bit while doing so is it that obvious don't hide it well do we you're then giggles as well the opposite of discretion i think that's nice you know but notice a tinge of remorse in her words am i making her uncomfortable or something well um just know that if you two ever do get together i'll be happy for you because you're you're a kind person zero one of the nicest people i've met how he's an acquaintance you don't even know him you just said you don't know him well how do you know that he's one of the nicest people you've met how many people have you met what kind of shitty people have you met yuri i mean i would assume sayori and monica would at least be higher natsuki probably not but like i guess i was like i don't know it seems a little weird she seems a little too drawn to him for a guy that she even just said was more of an acquaintance and i really okay starts to go red yet again appears as she shut down entirely i didn't expect that to happen although it's nice of her to say that about me can't help but think she's made the whole conversation far more awkward as a result hey gary uh sorry hey it's all right you okay uh yeah as i was saying i know they'll be able to find natsuki with the security and comfort that she needs and deserves she's a good friend even if we fight yeah hope i will neither of us muster up any words for quite a while having yuri around is nice but she often drifts off into some sort of daydream maybe an attempt to get her attention and just frighten her i'd much rather be able to calmly talk to her instead even then i think she finds it easier to talk to me than almost anyone else why because he's a stranger of course because he's a stranger slash acquaintance but also the nicest man i've met although i think it's safe to say the yuri is definitely taking a liking to me i have no idea as to what extent that would be but i would much rather focus on other things first like helping nazi's paper house without getting caught hold on that gives me an idea wait until we stop at a crosswalk and then try to get our attention hey yuri grace once again lifts up and brings her back to reality so instead of startling her seems unfazed hmm do you mind if i ask you something not at all zero uh when you're talking about discretion go ahead you don't like to hide away from people right if you call it that then i suppose yes how do you do it like physically yuri's brow furrows and she ponders the question well i usually take a look at my surroundings and try to find different routes to traverse routes hmm maybe it'll be easier to show you look at the people ahead of us he briefly motions towards a moderately large crowd on the sidewalk gathering out a street artist okay look closely there's a path around them takes the lead and has me follow leaving through the people effortlessly as she moves in see it natural corridors through the crowd as they bob and weave for a better view of the art make it through and stop a few feet away you see what i mean oddly enough i do they make little pathways these smiles and nods [Music] rmc didn't know how to walk through people this is like natural corners of the cloud a crowd as they bother me for a better view of the art he doesn't know to look around his surrounding come on now emcee how do you avoid people well first you stop you look and you see i can go that way that's generally how it's done yeah i'm gonna say emc come on now granted he's dense so i guess emcee always walked into people i mean i guess there are those people yeah then you're walking into the more suburban part of town [Music] it isn't limited to just crowds either blind spots and side streets work as well i just look for other ways to get where i need when in doubt i do some out of the box thinking where would the least amount of people be he looks away had i been alone i normally wouldn't have gone through them like that thank you for sticking close by yuri makes it sound like she [ __ ] goes on like a metal gear solid mission you get the [ __ ] when all else fails i get the cardboard box and i started crawling they never suspected i was okay that used to be too scared to cross the highway because i have to press the button right that's fair you might be afraid to get by car yeah so then i would just like run i would try i would go around oh you go around it makes sense i would like go i would like walk for 10 minutes all the way down the road just to find a normal crosswalk they're gonna say you do what every kid did where they'd run they'd be like ah no i was too scared to even stay like when it's like time for you to cross you're like oh i'm alone i'm gonna die my lovelies [ __ ] you i just hit you i live literally like right beside the highway so not one car's just gonna be like ah i hate waiting i hate children no yuri pauses for a moment they're sorry if i'm lecturing i do tend to ramble yuri you're fine not going alive that was kind of amazing did you pick this all up naturally it goes red it smiles on my compliments i think if she's not used to getting those often you turn onto my road i um thank you it's just uh something i've always had an eye for just being there a blind spot i see i just don't usually like around a plethora of people it makes me feel like anxious oh um more or less is this something you struggle with as well zero as of recently yeah i i debate filling her in there is a lot of eyes and in this mod i've noticed that there is a lot of i thought that or just i dash yeah there's a lot of that been nothing but supportive so far give her the short version i found sayori when she oh look at her and i take a deep breath and focus really messed with me that's all i really wanted to say right now oh heaven above i'm so sorry zero don't worry about it i'm okay stop outside my house this is my place uh oh three stairs at my house and then myself with some sort of intrigue well thank you for walking with me zero shyly plays her hair and looks at me i think we should do this again sometime yeah we should it helped quite a bit i'd like that i turned towards my door when i feel yuri's hand on my shoulder um zero thank you for what you did for sayori you're a hero i don't [ __ ] feel like one thanks awkwardly glances away waves and walks back towards town it doesn't lift far getting dark out also mr edgy i don't [ __ ] feel like when you like what the [ __ ] you saved your friend calm down yes you're oblivious but that's a little too edgy for me no don't be edgelord man please don't be edgy of getting dark walking with yuri was cathartic pulling the time would otherwise be fretting with mild panic i should start getting ready we don't need another gmc fruitsmc has already been battling for that title he doesn't need competition i took off my i kick off my school clothes and toss them to the corner i'll wash and iron them later i got the clothes i prepared yesterday black hoodie jeans shirt jews bandana two but i shouldn't need that christ like a home invader is that exactly what i'm doing yes what up brain take a deep breath it's hoping this isn't a complete disaster messengers have been messaging her since i got home with no answer pardon me thinks i should call it off i cannot let her stay there all questions of doubt are pushed to the back of my mind our safety is my only concern right now god knows i've not been very lucky for lately i just have to make do with what i have i hope things go well take another breath here we go this is now let's get one of my departure and out the door the bus is oddly silent this evening not for me i suppose let's be able to see me i feel like i'm committing a crime i should focus on my breathing i rest my face in my palms well that's happened in the past couple of days i've needed a moment like this guess be the calm before the storm isn't a good thing considering that my best friend almost killing herself also counts as before said storm then there's a daddy worry of whether or not she's gonna be all right i shake a thought shouldn't worry about that right now focus on how to get nazi out of that place that's the funky plus arrives right where i need to get off the bottom of the street and husky lifts it nice i press the stop button and wait until the door's open the dread washes over me as the doors creak open oh now or never cold breeze grazes me as i step out of the bus i look around my surroundings the street is dimly lit no one in sight perfect conditions to remain unseen maybe luck really is on my side after all this is the place i shiver i believe i'm actually doing this that must be crazy i'm sorry i get closer to the house look at the windows and see if anyone's inside nothing i take a front door my eyes are drawn towards a car powered out front it must be his it's old but the design hints that it's worth a substantial amount at least as far as i can tell i've never been very interested in cars well that doesn't matter now all i know is i have another thing to worry about i quickly pull out my phone and give her a call i dial out pull something pulse right by my foot here down to take a look see it was undoubtedly her phone or was i flipped the phone over of crack span across the screen judging by the height of the window above strong hunch where i came from [ __ ] why these twisted pendants for our attendance at the club today most likely a broken phone raises yet another issue how am i supposed to get natsuki's attention but also alerting her father seems impossible i persist to try and think of a solution i look down to see several pebbles scattered all over the concrete pavement i could always just throw or just throw one of these at the window to try and get our attention pick up the pebble don't hesitate when going for a throw i should really be having second thoughts about this i mean your dad may well end up hearing the pebble hit the window it's even worse than this could be his room about to check the pebble at but i don't exactly have many options here hell with it try take a deep breath i just have to be careful i throw with enough force to make a loud bang too loud nothing crap i was going to do at least something as soon as i began to doubt this is going to work this is a movement from behind the curtains or even have the chance to think about it the window swings open all my tension melts away it's natsuki what the [ __ ] now what oh it's the perspective of the phone i was like what the [ __ ] i was like i'm see where are you oh god i see your fingers you're an alien he's an alien life form i can just barely see her i know that short stature anywhere oh my gosh she looks like she's sick i know that short stature too the fbi know that short stature too mc [Laughter] he speaks in a whisper that's still loud enough for me to barely hear oh yeah this perspective school yeah what the hell do you think you're doing doing what we planned oh really cause i don't remember planning for you to chuck [ __ ] at my window looked away for a moment you could have woken my dad up they realized i didn't really have another way sorry no no sorry for snapping you just need to be really careful about this whatever you're here now i'm assuming they get rid of the drunk scene that's good that will spare you out of character and that makes sense oh yeah the drinking scene yeah where she was gonna die from drinking herself to death yeah that was also very out of character so uh-huh just need to get you up here for your stuff right yeah give me a sec on your bed sheet you just spears no i meant throw down her bed sheets like a ladder like a makeshift like climbing thing like they do in the movie that's not gonna hold anybody it might i don't think so it have to yeah you have to at least put a really heavy weight on it yeah that's what i meant yeah like taya tells them the wall maybe three agonizing minutes she returns she's carrying two large lengths of cloth bound together at the middle you see watch this here yeah i told you oh i thought she was just going to jump down and he was going to catch her don't take that's dangerous he watches one end out of the window and starts tying the other to the window railing natsuki i don't think i'm gonna be able to can't use the stairs they creak a ton i haven't gotten any better ideas my nod okay okay just give me a second here we go i have hold of the bed sheets with both hands or stopping and preparing myself left and right getting the street for any car lights now that i see coming that's my chance i left my right leg to prop it against the wall and just my grip pulling myself up a little why is he going up there because he has to get her stuff oh my hands are starting to ache already pull again i'm stepping up on my left with the end of the pattern right up left up right up left up down realize i'm already most of the way there clench my eyes shut turn out to focus on the pain in my hands a couple more tugs i reach the top now over to the rail pull my left leg up over the railing it manages to get inside now most of the way through draining myself out so i'm now sitting upright in the middle of the window hold my leg over to like that side now it's easier my arms troll just ache like hell but i did it get a good looking nazi oh god oh my god it's not as bad as it looks let's just focus on getting out of here okay okay look there's been kicked in the face blood from her nose looks dry unable to clean yourself up jesus steven anger boils up within me but i choke it down i just want to hold her and tell her it's going to be okay try to focus up between my worry physical pain he looks at me with bleeding eyes getting out of here right motion towards nazi's bed her suitcase lays open it's mostly packed but there's more clothes on the bed odds start throwing more in over to help feel something crinkle under my foot what it's a book bite from perfect girl oh jesus pages are scattered across the floor covers are intact horribly bent and creased my heart wrenches we read the first time we really talked gone i shake my head up now worry later if i join now to get a pack close with her something catches my attention school blazer ripped at the sleeve it's like everything else broken tossing and regardless start zipping up the suitcase being as quiet as i can that's the glitches across her roman size gives me an okay sign i might not appear out the window bag egg isn't light and that's a long way down you'll just hurt just thinking about it i like a knot and down to the ground crowns for a moment it quickly picks up a bed pillow pulsing it out the window a sizeable one too oh oh not eugene put the bag on the sail looking for the pillow not too far from the sidewalk lands on the concrete i don't think about it take a second to aim and drop it seems to fall in slow motion or at least that's how it feels lands on the pillow i breathe a sigh of relief emotion asks you to go she looks worried walks over and grips the makeshift bed she broke takes the last look at her room and her eyes water up feels terrible leave everything in here for the best he nods and descent keep a hand on the bed sheep and safety and then it goes by before i feel a tug he's made it i peer out the window car i ducked back into the window seeing nothing take cover behind the wall comes closer passes by without incident jesus christ take a deep breath back to amateur repelling rabbling i slowly inch my way down as i did before my arms are begging for mercy so close you're [ __ ] up i landed on the concrete pain shooting out my size bed sheep broke piles on top of me seems like aim loose let's get gasps zero are you okay yeah i'm good he helps me out grabbing the bed sheet in the pillow no sense i'm leaving any more traces i suppose come on we need to go i pick up i pick up her bag and sprint towards the bus stop as i move further down the street help but notice a loud heaving behind me i'll look back and sure enough i actually struggling to keep up with my pace both pretty rough shape make sure she's with me though make it out of the side of the house before i stop and catch my breath i can walk the rest of the way i think we'll be all right he takes a couple of deep breaths inside before speaking oh hey everyone's wheeze out as her breathing settles so much felt today about leaving her things behind she didn't have much choice at least the hard part is over with be safe come on i think i know the way back to my place from here will it take long it'll be about half an hour until we get there all right it takes nearly an hour to get back home an hour of silence safe our exhausted panting occasional winds whenever the stabbing pain in my shoulder spiked nasty as she was gonna take the bus the advice yuri gave me and took more side streets blind spots you're walking down main roads you could have seen nazis cruised base but at night some people are awake at night this late at night oh and you can't say oh what people driving who's looking at the people walking on the street that much yeah i don't know i guess downside being the hour of walking i suppose is it the hour of walking [Music] how would i guess they never they never gave a time did they they said they were walking for an hour i meant like when they started doing this uh no i don't think so it's just night time oh no the downside being the hour of walking oh i read that as the downside is that it's the hour of walking like this is the time where everyone walks no i was like what are they vampires yeah but i was like oh yeah he means the downside okay yeah yeah cause yeah okay so i still stand by what i said before i feel like you're gonna have to worry about her bruised face listen man it seems like our emcee is in a serious case of anxiety disorder seriously he's like he has more problems than the rest of them duke yeah thankfully we're nearly there just a bit down the road yeah i remember [Music] finally recognized familiar view of my house on both my keys for a moment where i frantically unlocked the door i let natsuki through be safe we are safe it's that down oscar's suitcase while the door gently closes behind me motion makes me wince the stinging pain in my shoulder sets in oh i guess he hurts his shoulder now not by barging open the door but by falling well damn old mc got his injury cooler huh he got his injury bar trying to barge open the door this emcee oh [ __ ] ah shoulder it's like the chad versus chad old exo music mc virgin redux virgin rednecks mc i fell down oh geez chad oh gmc i'll break open the door on my shoulder yeah just my arms a little i'm sorry zero no need to apologize it's over now besides probably focus on moving your stuff in odds your suitcase down the hall or stopping um where do i spare rooms upstairs first door on the left give me a second i take the suitcase from her and haul it up the stairs ow as he follows me i beat a few steps behind she's fishing with her arm away from me as though she's nervous but i wouldn't be in this situation [Music] every stop i take it down the hall and open the door to the spare room with my free hand okay in the drawers right yeah as he pauses at the doorway something wrong it's just shocked i guess this is my room now can't go back i can't imagine what you must be feeling right now doubt time to adjust as why but i'm here with you haven't felt this they've been a long time zero thank you cleans up and kisses me on the cheek now if you don't mind i prefer if you didn't stare at me changing stop right sorry i'll heat you up some soup or something come down whenever you're ready there's some tissue paper in the bathroom so you can clean yourself up it gives me a weak smile okay heading downstairs i enter the kitchen and swing open one of the cupboards pull out a can of chicken soup all i have to do is the grocery store tomorrow and pick up some things put the soup in a plastic bowl and set the microwave as i wait take a deep breath strangely i don't feel anxious [Music] how my week has been going my heart should be on the fritz right now [Music] but i'm oddly calm in fact i even feel good just bite my aching shoulder i got her out of that house land it and pulled it off there might be consequences later but he's here he's safe we're saying [ __ ] close the microwave well that managed the zero he made her way downstairs and was now waiting at the door gives me a concerned look okay yeah just got a little startled this all both share a sigh of relief getting there for a moment we're both dead silent the your soup's ready okay just try not to strain yourself too much it's been a rough day and i hope to draw my attention back to her swollen eye for both of us i guess the best thing we do now is just get some rest after all got a long day to mo oh crap we gonna do about our eye for tomorrow i can't go to school zero not like well like this not tomorrow at least great i'm worrying again difference that isn't about sayori this time we can figure something out i've gotten this far already doesn't look entirely convinced but doesn't question me either i guess we'll just have to see how it looks tomorrow yeah yeah i guess you're right worst case scenario i'm going to be going to school something i'll be relieving about that time to figure out what to do next right about now time is exactly what we need though unlikely to happen i can't help but speculate on how i can get natsuki's dad behind bars nice i you're simply waiting is gnawing away at my nerves i can't shake this idea that something bad will happen to natsuki yeah i think i played a mod like this before or to me i mean i can't exactly guarantee our safety god damn it deep breath zero don't lose your nerve look back towards nazis see that she hasn't even touched her food natsuki are you all right i mean just be at least a little hungry after all that not that i'm starving and raises her head in my direction black eyes staring straight through me a stark reminder of the hell she's been through i grimace at the thought i just don't feel like i'm free bro i'm afraid you'll find a way to take me back he takes a deep breath just feels so useless i've never been mean to you zero even though you you actually care about me this face means more much more melancholic expression just holding something back i feel so sorry for her he ripped the first time for fake girls to pieces and made me watch [ __ ] i remember seeing the torn pieces of manga littered across the floor it's just they really react to it because we focus on getting around becomes how our father treats her left more confused than angry sort of person even consider doing that to someone let alone their own daughter sort of sick mindset justify such a thing was the first manga i never thought for myself it's also the first manga i ever got to read with someone else who who's that certainly gives me a singer look oh no one was ever interested in what i liked and when you joined the club i thought that was going to be the same but it wasn't you cared you actually took the time to like it that never happened to me before i liked that even if i didn't show it but now i keep on doubting as to whether it was worth it 17 years only one person i can call a good friend still confusing don't get me wrong or anything the club members are nice yet i don't feel they actually care how you don't tell them anything like oh man i can really tell that he you don't tell them anything also what they don't care because they just don't like manga that seems really dumb because clearly only thing that we did to show that we cared was that we were interested in manga so just because the other three aren't that interested in manga they don't care i guess so that's really dumb natsuki [Music] not as much as you but how i'm thinking it starts to mumble able to hear what she says he was right you should just grow up interrupt before she can continue hey he looks a bit scared by my sudden change of tone at least i managed to get her attention yeah not stupid to have an interest in something remember why you wrote uh what was it called can you like spiders [Music] because you thought people shouldn't judge others for their interest if i recall correctly actually said that those people were the stupid ones am i wrong [Music] escapes you're a good person natsuki please don't beat yourself up over something you had no control over what's the right choice award awkward silence permanent permits i upset her i certainly hope not did i try to say anything he gives me a light shove dummy ah he used my old poem against me that's no fair this is about the only thing i feel right now now that i finally got through to her it may only be for a short while wait a minute hey natsuki that was the first time parfait girls you uh lost right yeah hi well i got my own copy you uh want to read it together smiles fame yeah i'd like that i'll just finish this before we do boys there's a soup on the table that's more than likely lukewarm by now yeah of course i'll get a blanket some snacks set up sound good yeah sure i've walked one of the cupboards where they there should hopefully be some snacks available crisps bingo i'll be waiting up in the spare room all right crisps freaking why did you say bingo like that because because i asked what i thought he was saying like crisps we got bingo gonna play bingo with natsuki natsuki i got bingo also crisps are a thing no one says crisps here okay but there's you say chips some chips are called crisps though because there's like the the square ones what they look like flags those are called crisps too why does rmc use crisps because those are really good the crisps are actually really good why is eating chips when he's playing bingo he's not playing bingo are you [ __ ] [ __ ] yes he is you are a [ __ ] you are a [ __ ] thank you monica you want to try that one again [Music] i i was going to say you are a [ __ ] but else i combined it with you are you so it sounded weird i'll be waiting up in the spare room all right that tilts towards me while she's eating the soup fast i would have thought possible for a human being okay i'll be there in a minute i walk up the stairs and head towards the spare room reflecting on the past couple days all the stress that's accumulated in me has drained me despite my fatigue i love nothing more than to stay up and read with nazi we could use a distraction to use our minds enter the room you need to get everything set up everything that's right place and the blanket laid over at me down the sofa and wait for natsuki to arrive blanket is large enough to wrap around us both thankfully things probably won't be too awkward between us it gives me time to breathe a little which i'm grateful for i grabbed the parfait girl's volume and begin to stare at the cover the same as the copy that natsuki owned same girl striking the same animated poses let out a light chuckle remembering when i first really got to talk to her it was definitely the most difficult to get a good understanding of out of all the club members fortunately for me however found common ground with their interest in manga she's actually really nice to get past the initial barriers that is which makes it hurt even more to hear what she's had to endure finishing my recollection lay the vinyl manga beside me close my eyes and line for the first time in days i know it hear the door creak open and a faint giggle emanating from the doorway you look comfy try to play along with her more joyful attitude well i certainly feel comfortable i'll pop in and find out for yourself i just realized that what i said probably sounds really weird yeah 17 year old yeah i know he's then he's yeah i know she's like one year off so i guess it's it's not even one year it's like it's like a couple weeks or whenever i said she's one year off of him technically because i'm assuming he's 18. i was like okay she's only here off of him even if i know that the blanket's big enough still can't help feel like an absolute creep saying that to her hey you bet it slides under the covers of the blanket with me i guess she either didn't think it was weird at all or simply didn't care by the way no more at ease around her it's only for the time being you've got the volume right i sure do grab the manga laying next to me and show it to that um what's up this is gonna sound really stupid but it'd be okay if i hold it just for a bit i immediately understand why she's asking this station offer the volume of manga of course if anything absolute least i can do to repay you for getting me into the series his eyes light up as her face goes red takes the manga from my lending hand and holds it close to her chest wait you actually like it well yeah what else do you think i bought it i don't know i thought you were just trying to impress me or something really made you think that i don't know i can read your mind dummy two of us erupted to a hearty chuckle their laughter dies down mild dissipates to a somber expression [Music] and speaks up once more i'm sorry zerel completely lost is she apologizing i had to guess that doom has something to do with their issues at home there's nothing to be sorry about there's nothing else you could have done to stop the well no it's not that i'm apologizing for it's what i said earlier about being mean to you you're probably one of the nicest people i've ever met i've just treated you like crap this might sound incredibly stupid but even though i've only known you about a week you're probably one of the best friends i've ever had again whose fault is this like it's one of those things where it's like it's hard for me to feel bad for her not having quote unquote friends when her explanation doesn't make sense and it doesn't seem like she really tried this is my point like she didn't really try to make friends with the other club members so it's like it's kind of hard for me to feel bad for not having any best friends when it's like you didn't even try to make friends with them place the book down once more suddenly pulls me to an embrace carrying her face into my chest so thanks here i'll ride my arms around her turning our embrace now that must exchange a single word as a peaceful silence fills the room several minutes pass and then sent with natsuki in my arms but eventually she lets go and looks away sorry about that i just need to get that off my chest i guess it's fine and uh i'm glad to know that i mean that much race practically goes red after i say that so i guess we should actually read parfait girls now yeah i'd like that appreciate the first volume and eagerly opens it to the first page i've read a decent portion of the manga finally joke and talk with her about certain characters situations and status of different arcs hey it's like us with exo music nice to talk with her like this [Music] in just over an hour finish reading through the first volume of parfait girls getting late and it's clear that we're both very tired hey you want to call us a night he looks towards me and speaks groggily yeah get out from the sofa and proceed to tidy things up hey you want me to set up the room so that it should be more comfortable while you get ready nah i think i've got it from here plus you're probably bound to mess something up hey what happened to you being nice dummy i never say anything about me being nice i apologize for being mean i shake my head inside in over exaggerated fashion whatever you say natsuki anyway i'll be first to get ready i guess that's a good night then yeah see you tomorrow you too natsuki best ball close the door to the spare room dagging my way towards the bathroom exhausted as hell i jump into my bed unfortunately when i try to go to sleep i can only wonder what will happen and that's comes through safety hope that everything will work out but no one will notice our absence tomorrow but her father will face justice as he rightly deserves but she finally live a happy a happy life free from abuse i hope [Music] i mean we played the original we know the answers to all those questions there's the demo yeah i knew they made them i knew they used the npt i've noticed some of those yeah yeah all right um so far so good i suppose there's not much i can really i can't like i said i can't really give like a full review i suppose because it's the demo and i mean the demo really like the demo only really did for me was it showed me that yes this mod is getting there is that because i've mentioned this before i was like for example to get an a tier for me it just had to fix the characters because i mean i guess some of the plot beats because only some of the pop beats worked because the character was so [ __ ] up so they fixed the plot beats with that too so i was like as long as you fix the characters it's pretty much an a tier for me so far everything else has still been aids here i mean like i said i found little gripes here and there with it but i mean there's nothing too major i would say like me stop talking about natsuki not really like like me saying that you know natsuki trusting mc and yuri trusting mc more than the club members feels kind of weird and it still does to me but it's not a major problem i suppose still just feels a little odd it feels definitely like they're pushing too much of the main character-y thing you know it's a thing a lot of media does though you know it's like uh like persona does it when the confidants like trust you way more than they trust some other people who they probably should trust more yeah and it's just like i'm some random dude you just met so yeah it's like it's like with that with that it's the same thing like i say it's a minor gripe it's still a gripe though so yeah um so far pretty good but yeah i guess i have to see when the rest of it comes out mostly looking forward to more of the rest of it than the demo since the demo like i said is a lot of what we've already seen it ended i think the exact ended exactly where i think it was where i thought it was going to end at where the first demo ended for the original xm music so i was like yeah now he's going to see what happens next yeah that is it if you want to download this for yourself links in description below and yeah this has been zero peace [Music] i'm a chef
Channel: AfroZer0
Views: 18,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DDLC, Doki Doki Literature Club, Sayori, Monika, Natsuki, Yuri, Zero, DDLCMods, AfroZer0, DDLC Mod, Doki Doki Literature Club Mod, AfroZero, MC, Exit Music Redux, EMR, Exit Music Remake
Id: NSzfmnxFRO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 26sec (4526 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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