GIVING MONIKA HER ROUTE! | Doki Doki Encore DEMO - Part 1

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I do not agree but you do [ __ ] every good story deserves an encore that's a good message is oh god they're jumping at me oh I was not expecting her to move up at me that's kind of cool hi a little say so they do move when they sing that's cool now following me okay there we go so hey guys what is up zero here and welcome to the doki doki on chord demo so let me discuss some things about this mod that's a little interesting one it's a demo that's super interesting now but - I have a lot of friends who worked on this mod the bug Nico Monica girl even drew a logo as you heard her say so probably use I'll probably use them in the actual full version well I made that old logo too but they didn't use the new crisp one that I made yeah I'm gonna surprise her god I do like the menu so far though the very catchy a song I think made me want to I kind of feel bad leaving that menu I wanted to listen more it's like Doki Doki copyright claim you probably already have no it's no I don't think the people who made that song or their copyright me like they're out there looking for people I mean if another company does it then then technically I can dispute that because they don't own that song yeah we'll see what happens anyway yeah demo times also this is pre-recorded by the way for people who are wondering this is being recorded on April 6th when this is uploaded the demo should be available for everyone to play but as of right now I have early access because welcome to the doki doki encore demo yeah for begin you need answer a few quick questions what I didn't know this would be a survey say or I confess to you in the base game oh it's one of these things what mod did this oh there was a mod that would think it was normal VN I think because they had the skip button and then it was like it was the festival pretty sure was it was the festival that's what did it yeah they asked you like what did you do these continued after it was like who was your favorite girl and was like was the girl you ignored the most yeah so he invested in the base game did you accept sarah's confession to cook yes to be starting off on her on her route in this mod if you click no you won't start off in her route oh no I was gonna say I did say yes in the original game when I first played but now I'm like oh I want to go say or you're out so I mean what obviously I'll do all the routes wolf at some point don't worry just right now we're not Thurman saiary good now there's your units key in the base game you chose spend the weekend with one of them for the festival preparations if you choose no to the last question either start off on URI or Nazis route in this mod depending will you choose next yes and last question well you'll see how things would go and I won't you oh god weird your perfect festival not ski it's not even that's not even a [ __ ] competition like hello last question if later other D DLC miles before this oh that's an interesting question so one effect game plan is Emma but it may affect gameplay in the for release not me some example include but not limited to the sky summertime cold the summer divided hearts Paris falling angel likes me as the festival for it so they're good they're good god damnit fallen angel I was gonna say ha I played all of them damn it well Lee you've literally put every single one of these mods except for fallen angels some [ __ ] I was full of Moslems playing on the sub right if you were to check it out for food I'd yeah yeah I do that all the time you're plating other mods I mean I like to put no no we haven't there's my first mod shall we begin 0 every good story needs an encore I mean those songs I guess that works the story is there like this bellows equals Doki Doki sequel again consciousness I'm greeted by a sharp pain in my forehead yeah this pain is almost unbearable I stand up slowly clutching my forehead an attempt to nurse the stinging pain what what just happened I groggily open my eyes what the [ __ ] [Laughter] where am I what is this round in all directions but as far as the eye can see nothing but black the empty space hello hello nothing with a sign of my own voice that go into the Oblivion this happened what even happened everything was normal just up until a few minutes ago up until so there's something walked towards me I'm able to make out a dark silhouette I think I recognize that outline back sneeze thank you hello I think you're finally comes into my view it's Monica oh good you're awake Monica where are we who are the others what is this oh you mean you know remember I hate China remember what happens longer can everything is nobler to me no not really Roman my guess bringing you here must have caused you to forget everything I guess my coding skills aren't quite up to scratch Monica what the hell are you talking about but what coding we're not making any sense oh dear yes this is pretty badly well I guess I just have to try to take you back then take me back what are you talking about take me back where until the beginning silly and you need to remember why you're here no just give me a second no Monica wait what are you talking about to the beginning hear a loud banging on my door hey what what it's like shouting wakey-wakey sleepyhead uh-huh hey open my eyes I see my door swing open is my annoying yet sweet friend sorry and there's my Roma hey don't just run into my bedroom sorry startled he goes back outside and shuts the door sorry zero he say re he's doing things without thinking no wonder the two were kids they say as long as I can remember you spent a lot of time together but that changed when high school started last year I really know what happened we just drifted apart really didn't see or hear much from each other for a while though that changed two weeks ago when she convinced me to join the literature Club since that day we've spent much more time together almost like I would use to him we were kids but that hasn't stopped me from learning some pretty unexpected things about her more time is spent around say re the more I realized that something was off about her I finally found out what it was last Sunday I'm gonna say or admitted to me that she had been dealing with depression all her life that wasn't already a lot for me to take in at the time she also confessed her feelings for me so I decided on that day to tell her how I felt I totally I wanted to help her through this to get things back to the way they were at the time I thought I did the right thing but I could have handled that a little bit better since last Sunday savories been unusually quiet around me numeron will really want me to be around who didn't really would want to be around me during the festival must have really hurt her feelings when I turned her down but it's probably for the best that we try to preserve our friendship giving her current state of mind at least for now why is she here anyway alright I guess that makes sense or say are we to be here lately I've accidentally picked up on Ceres habit of sleeping in distress of everything in the last two weeks isn't really taking a bigger toll on me than I first realized say aurea's now that has now made it a habit of her morning routine to make sure that I don't oversleep they say where he seems to be doing a bit better today wait what time is it my redly check my alarm clock what oh god I'm gonna be late [ __ ] about a bed repair for the day and so another ordinary day of school awaits me you finally get to have our first Club meeting since the festival while doing an abridged version my morning routine the memories of the last two weeks I'm rushing back into my mind never timidly introducing myself to the club for the first time not expecting it to have such incredibly cute girls nor did I imagine having under their scrutiny and my met of the mediocre poems for chilly night everything has a weight has been super stressful or tense I got the chance to got the chance to get to know not ski a little bit better as we prepared for the festival I'll never called back the last Sunday where we spent the afternoon baking the cupcakes smaller comes across my face I'm with the icing it I suddenly then remember Sara's confession or the fallout afterwards well the time I got home after festival see while I was ready to crash stay holed up in my bedroom for the rest of the week the stress aside to the festival went pretty well for the most part wish our performances were real and a few new people well I mean I've cared too much for the performance part of the festival don't have much more fun this time compared to last year especially since I was able to spend it with non ski so I'm gonna be out of her sight for some reason zero I almost ready we're going to be late you're seriously stop spouting exposition in your room and let's go [Laughter] just hang on like if I marry to see how I look currently tired really pay much attention to my appearance do you read yet yeah come on in Sara enters my room again hey zero-g beams on me hey say re sorry than frowns of my appearance zero there it is just wait when did I get a bookshelf shelf in your room Oh where's the hanger Monica good it's already better than it was before without the hanger no I seeing the full release as a hanger would be hella pissed can't even see it from this perspective you were only be able to see the edge of it anyway this is cute so he goes up to me and attempts to fix my hair the situation immediately turns awkward for me I blush I say always fingers swirl through my hair hey come on it's really necessary you look like you just got out of bed well that's because I just did Sarah and I fall silent for a second she continues to try to fix my hair I can't help but be reminded of all the times a mother would do this to me right as I was about to go to school I was getting bearish when she would try to fix my hair especially in front of the other kids how much sleep did you get considering everything that's happened the last two weeks a lot and I still think I need more sleep so he looks a little taken aback on my comment sorry I didn't mean to wake you up so soon I really come across at that rude despite her warm and peppy attitude so you're are you still going through a depressive episodes that makes me want to avoid being a burden other people especially me Hey it's not your fault really honestly feel a lot more rested now his face turns there gleeful expression he oh that's good she sounds a bankful relief in her voice I need to be more careful with what I say around her though I didn't spend too much time around say were in the literature club we'd still had our moments I guess to set up everything to happen last Sunday Sarah's my dearest friend I was looked after and cared for and a brother-sister sort of way though I'd be lying to myself if I were to say that some part of me didn't entertain the thought of us being together like that but I've had miles of someone else recently though that hasn't stopped me from racking my brain since her confession I still ask myself how I could handle that situation better I even made the right choice sorry didn't take my response to a confession very well but figuring that she that she said she's had these feelings for a long time now I can't blame her for acting all hurt just hope we can still work through this new chapter in our lives together so I remembering that we still at school I snap out of my train of thought seriously you're in your train of thought for like four minutes like three minutes aren't they late I'm see come on we should probably get going I don't want to be late yeah you're right she says that slightly flustered sorry then suddenly looks off the random direction I'm trying to avoid making direct eye contact with me you tell us here he's still trying to process the new reality of our friendship and they mean to discuss what happened with her but neither of us have really worked up the courage to bring it up yet so we've been getting on so we can get been getting by on pavement lis trying to pretend that last Sunday's events didn't happen well I don't see it going though so much enthusiasm to my voice as I can but it just sounds more like I'm faking it sorry fours is an awkward smile yeah let's go I'm sorry we make our way downstairs and start making our way to school poor sailor II never have my walk to say or used to be full of laughter inside jokes and other ramblings but for now they seem to have come and gone as I walked on how I usually filled with uncomfortable silence though it's not like we haven't tried breaking the ice with each other I told you the festivals will be better than last year's huh I guess you're right after all I'll say all right I'm actually glad they finally listened to the students suggestions and hired a real DJ oh come on zero that music wasn't that bad the problem with the festival last year is that nobody putting any effort to organize that's what I'm saying they actually cared it took the time to prepare they would have hired a professional deejay hustling cringy first year who makes nightcore remixes on his phone to handle the music yeah you don't give Keith enough credit zero he tries really hard to make people happy I just like it I like that she says his name like she's like knows and personally you know give Keith enough credit zero it just mean and he's really sweet too maybe you guys should get together then oh no guess sad I'm sorry really it's fine let's just keep going she almost cried no no usually say something stupid and I'll just kill the mood just walk the rest of the way in silence well at least we're all over it by the time to get to school Susie arrived at school the morning bell rings you know the other students scramble to reach their first period I could do the math with our students I can up the reminisce of some of the memories that I would say orient these halls I really realized how much I've missed out and enjoying the craziness in the hallways for classes until I started walking would say over again they're our fondest memories of each other we're witnessing or participating whatever shenanigans are happening in the schools all's and I decide probably why our school started using hall monitors still all monitors or not you always find something to laugh at few minutes of navigating our way through the crowded hallways we finally get the say or E's first class so like guess this is my stop I can't help detect an ounce of hesitation her voice she says that honestly I really blame her wellthanks considered the boat still trying to figure out about how to go about our friendship and she only seems to be happy when she's around me despite my rejection of herbs still willingly hanging around me well these are friendship still measures our five last Sunday yeah yes Oh stand there awkwardly for a moment hey see you at the literature Club okay sir is the support most quickly erased for our usual cheery attitude yeah I can't wait see you later zero commands a small smile over before I turn to head to my first class school days an ordinary and boring as ever looking to some same old teachers teaching the same old things actually my torment comes to an end is the final bell rings throughout the school that means it's time for the literature Club I say my class and walk through a door I see stay already standing outside hey zero ready to go yep let's go so we head off to the club room go up through the same familiar set of stairs and distant corridors lead straight to the club room good one thing all day if anyone knew we'll stop by today got a whole week away from the club the festival Monica still expected us spent the word about about the club I'd say performance is the best we're pretty well received not to mention we had pretty good turnout for our event the audience seemed to love our performances though I'm just glad it ended up embarrassing myself 50 told I still feel somewhat guilty which is using a poem I found online especially considering he others actually took the time and effort to write their poems for the festival how long after my train of thought ends we finally arrived at the club room look at the door to see it the signup sheet is no longer there so I'm taking that as a promising sign you think anyone signed up to join us out nope they took away the signup sheet because no one signed it back one way to find out I gently opened the door yeah to find that the usual scene you've become accustomed to over the last two weeks is still the same as ever I see you're rereading your book and usual spot and now it's getting the closet organizing room I glanced around the room but see no sign of Monica hey guys your races are booked down on the desk hello zero anybody new stop by no not yet it's just been me and not ski Monica hasn't even showed up yet where could she be her heard us as she walks up to join the conversation she's probably sulking then nobody decide to sign up not ski maybe should be a little bit more understanding of Monica's feelings the festival didn't mean a lot to her after all I know bad but I just don't see what the big deal with getting new people by what do we have right now I am too but try to be considerate when Monica comes in wait nobody even signed up Nold at least that's what I got from seeing Monica around today looked rather down Sariah frowns upon hearing this oh poor Monica we should cheer up cheer me up house a re an all too familiar voice sternly asks not crap we turn around and see Monica standing by the doorway Oh No she's pissed she enters the wrong her footsteps are heavy judging about look on her face it's all she's looking rather dejected URI sounds an incoming tension quickly attempts the high bound her book well I'll say Orie now see and I stand there dumbfounded look just a surprise I'm mad Monica said of entrance oh hey Monica we were just dumb no words escape me in this situation look you if the girls that bail me out of this situation but nobody's anything to say ah it's alright zero and everyone take a seat everyone takes a seat in the front row as Monica looks on Mike starts slowly pacing the floor in front of us so it's true that despite the glowing reviews we got the festival nobody signed up to join our club I see shifts are on awkwardly in her seat as if monocles directly addressing her how much did Monica over here in it in and of itself is unfortunate he put in a lot of effort to making the club look its best at the festival and it was all for nothing hey what a voice making eye contact at Monica winged avoid her disappointed gaze we tried our best and in the end we come attract even one new member maybe if I did something different it would be better off this is my fault actually it looks like Jerry not C and C or E and an attempt to figure out what we should say it's pretty good almost at this point that Monica's really hung up over this right there was silence nos he's the first to speak up hey Monica turns a full attention to not ski a ski audibly gulps but surprisingly he keeps going with what she wants to say listen it's a higher fault that we couldn't get anyone new Monica closes her eyes seemingly trying to fight back tears we did everything we could to make the event great for everyone and to be honest I can't had fun preparing for the festival I'm asking shoots me a quick side glance I know exactly what she's referring to yeah I was gonna had a really good time together you baked together and we even look all right say Orion see was staring down at me it was sort of sad looking her i but I'm you know we off we hope so [ __ ] we although I can't say it after I shot her down on Sunday even uh my face burning up is our deep sense of extreme guilt washes over me I mean tongue twisted and I don't know what else to say without upsetting say or II see any further embarrassment URIs the next to speak of yes I guess I did have fun making the banner it was also the first time I got to show my aromatherapy with anyone - sorry turns our attention back to Monica Monica knots getting your ear right nothing we could have changed we made the event as fun as we could even though no one joined that's not so bad we still got the hint get to hang out and have fun just like we always have finally it's my turn to speak up yeah Monica you're a great club president be happy with what we have now no one wants to join that's on them not you like opens our eyes and puts on a thankful expression yeah you're right everyone no no I was getting something up over this and I just I just wanted to push our club to new heights it's my responsibility as the clothes president to grow our club and to share what we have with others but I'm happy with what we have now if you all are yeah look to each other and nod yeah we have now is fine it's quality over quantity anyways I'm content with our current membership as well I love spending time at the school at the floor of you and I wouldn't change that for the world yeah let's keep what we have now I really enjoyed getting to know all of you for the left for the past two weeks I won't want to see that change because of new members Michael looks to all of us one by one we as we voice our opinions now it's grudgingly but approvingly she's like hmm let's settle them as president this club it's my responsibility I listen to each of you so based on everyone's feedback we'll keep the larger Club at five members at least for now it's better again with us accountable feels that she still isn't completely satisfied no I'm sure she'll get over it soon she's a strong person and I know she can overcome anything if she puts her mind to it soon out of the discussion dice versus now resumed our respective activities it's a really nothing better to do what everyone else is doing shaking out with ooh Monica's all that's what Monica's big upset but you know what Monica's big upset we have to go consult and I decided to check up on Monica I quietly approached her but she quickly quickly notices me no zero hit thought you'd want to hang out with not see you again and after all you guys like two peas in a pod over there Micah says teasingly wait come on you really think that not skin our dad close I mean we're just friends I just thought I'd check up on you first that's all huh Mika's russian quickly changes she's now looking there the curious gaze so you're choosing to spend time with me and not any of the others um yeah I guess I cuz I summon light up with that I can only describe his pure ecstasy oh oh well what do you want to do I'm surprised Mike a sudden burst of energy starts spouting ideas for activities that we can do together that's adorable she's like so happy that we chose her she's like oh boy what do we get to do an almost reminds her sarah sugar - when she ate all the Nazis cupcakes at the festival I mean actually mean to read this big novel it's somewhat for a while now I heard this novel is really fun to read with was readers when you have someone with you I'm not sure whether be amused a concern and Monika son this excitement I thought maybe we could just talk about how you're doing you seem never what you seem to have had a rough day I guess finally realizes how excitable she's become a recomposes herself oh yeah sorry and I kind of got carried away there didn't I sorry zero I'll just the senior seems I put me in better spirits well hey I'm glad I could help I'm knocking out Tapley at me I decided to break the ice so are you sure you're really okay with a club staying the same how much expanding the club meant to you and everything she did join her face upside down let's out of pain sigh it's just hard for me to wrap my mind around all this I thought that I did everything I could to make sure everything went smoothly and you guys played your part perfectly so I'm not blaming you or anyone else I just feel like I messed up somewhere eyes drift towards her feet but to tell you the truth I have just had a lot on my mind lately everything just kind of snowballed in that episode earlier do you want to talk about it Monica Falls for a moment almost like she's internally debating if she wants to open up to me I've heard about a moment she breaks the silence well let's just say that I had a big surprise planned for someone Oh for like a birthday party or something Monica giggles I've a no silly it's not that kind of surprise but it's something I've been working on for quite a while now and very recently something happened that I thought ruined everything but now it seems I can still salvage the situation oh it's time with us talking to her see now I feel bad if we didn't talk to her like a flies would smile at me I'm not sure of Monica's trying to get out here of course you don't I'm supposed to understand don't worry who would this surprise is supposed to be for but nope things work out for in the end well hopefully it all works out for you Monica I know you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it I'm sure sooner or later we'll get more members and I'm sure that your surprise be great forever it's for mica blushes at my compliments yeah knee right Cheryl Marga sign looks it looks me in the eyes a look of determination that's almost scary I think you'll work out in the end yeah hope it does like a flash me your signature grin and I can up a smile back at her you stand there for a few moments for Monica suddenly calls out okay everyone home time I can't wait see what you wrote for today zero I must admit mr. Monica's showing me this much attention now that I minded anyway gonna notice by someone like Monica there's a good thing you two Monica can't wait to see what you wrote as well Michael decided cute giggle I'm asking shoots a suspicious look Oh No are you going to stand there flirt all day are you going to share your palms with us right right sorry see you in a bit zero later Monica and I bagged her achieve my poem so I'm starting to figure it so I'm starting to think that there's there might be some problems there so clearly they asked who we want to hang out with but they also asked us who we spent the [ __ ] like who we spent the weekend with so it's like since we spent the weekend with Natsuki notice that when we went to talk to Monica our carrot when Monica said like oh you're talking to me you know I thought you would have been with Natsuki and then he's like does she really think me and not skier that close implying that your character doesn't think of not ski as a romantic interest because we picked the Hangout with Monica he's like no I think I'm announcing it's like a friend but maybe not you didn't get that intention I just feel bad if I thought oh I'm gonna make bad decisions as well we have save files do we end it here do we continue with a poem it's only been 32 minutes but I feel like the poem sharing is a good place to end it cuz I don't like ending it when there's like a few poems almost done yeah so we'll end it here 30 minutes anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this part what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna pick choices that I personally want to go with if I go if we end up with Monica Rose I'm sorry well do not see you're out next time and then we'll do say re then we'll do URI and all that other [ __ ] plus this demo only has the thing like what two days in it so it's pretty something pretty short anyway yeah that is it if you guys want place Microsoft don't think we'd be in the description down below and yeah this is Ben zero [Music] I'll free for you [Music]
Channel: AfroZer0
Views: 17,490
Rating: 4.9460673 out of 5
Keywords: DDLC, Doki Doki Literature Club, Sayori, Monika, Natsuki, Yuri, Zero, DDLCMods, Doki Doki Encore, DEMO
Id: XCXdPr-cCoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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