Saving DOZENS of ABANDONED Antique Cars & Trucks from the CRUSHER! (Forgotten for Decades)

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[Music] thank you [Music] and welcome back to another adventure guys it is raining cats and dogs and it will not stop it's let up a little bit now but it's still raining pretty hard and it's been pouring down rain off and on since early early this morning there's not much I can do about it though and I've got a ton of work I got to get done so I guess I'm gonna get wet this morning I unloaded that 63 Ford red truck the old uh 71 72 I don't even know what year it is in a Chevy truck now that one's pretty rough I'm probably just going to cut it up the bread truck will probably sell whole and then another guy brought me a I think a 61 maybe a 62 I think it's a 61 though because it's a wrong bed Port it's F250 it's pretty nice it has a little bit of damage a tiny bit of rust I don't know if it'll get cut up or if it'll get left whole but as always I will let the buyer decide I am on the road now I am headed back to Marquette that yellow and orange Super Duty Ford semi came from there but there's one truck left there I'm gonna get it picked up hopefully I don't get stuck there's a lot of grass and vegetation so I think the ground will be solid enough to drive on and then I've got to hit the road and I've got to drive clear to Clay Center and that's about a two and a half hour drive for me so the only good news or a no bad news but some extra good news is that it's not raining up there [Music] [Music] as you can see we are loaded up I am headed back I couldn't really show you the truck very good because I don't have a microphone on my GoPro and that's the only waterproof camera I have so we will look the truck over later I'm gonna go back unload this and hit the road I got a two and a half hour drive ahead of me after I get it unloaded so I'll just see you guys out there we made it here this is a sample of the cars I'll go back in the trees and show you the others in a minute we'll Dart the Rambler Chrysler Oldsmobile Chevy two Packards and another Chevy and a Ford it looks like so this is some of them there's seven more over there yet check out the wraps on the back of this one it's got all the accessories on it pretty cool we'll see we can get loaded up okay [Music] we are loaded up got one two three four five left here this one here is neat but it's pretty far gone I'm not even sure what it is got an old 1952 tag on it it's got a hubcap on it not sure what it is with the Chevy yeah and it's probably not worth a trip to haul at home old Chevy pickup prior late 30s I'm guessing back here we got an old Chevy sedan pretty rough but it's still a pretty neat car and here we got an old model A or Model T or something with the old rumble seat in the back of it definitely seen better days but they're still really neat cars bunch of old combines if I was closer but this is a two two and a half hour drive for me and with my little trailer it just doesn't work out it just happened to work out that I had a bunch of guys available this is where a lot of the cars were sitting but it just happened to work out I had a bunch of guys available today to help me haul stuff nope there's a bumper guard off of something I better grab that these trucks now that I look at them again I'm wondering if I just cut them in half and just take the front half of them I'll have to ask to see if that'll be okay if we drag him out a little bit and cut them in half and then up here we got old Rambler and a gold Duster that's pretty interesting there I don't think I've ever seen a gold duster all these cars are pretty rough I mean none of these cars are worth fixing for sure but there's lots of good parts and pieces and art pieces that sort of stuff then there's an old two-door Chevy up here hiding in the trees this in here might be the only one that might be worth putting back together since it is a two-door sedan and it's not totally destroyed or rotted out or nothing like that it's got purple lights in the front of it it's interesting these little combines are pretty cool Little M M that's an old one there really old one yeah he bought this property and all the stuff was here and he just wants it cleaned up this one here is pretty neat this is a 19 to 40 I believe 41 somewhere around there and then last but not least we got an old jailbar Ford yeah if we cut these two trucks in half that would make life really simple the Lakers put both of the calves on one load [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] caught the adventure right here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] there we go got everybody unloaded I think we hauled 12 so far this morning they're actually still two more left out there so me and Brandon are headed back out there gonna get those they're just big farm trucks we have them drug out ready to go and so we just pull up there we can winch them on the trailer and head back so I guess it's two and a half hours there and two and a half hours back so I'll see you guys in a little bit actually I was just thinking and it's gonna be dark by the time I get back and get them unloaded so I won't be able to show you everything then so what I'll probably do is I'll just wait till Monday and I'll show you everything then well it is 10 30 at night I just got home and when we unloaded that last load I realized that the fork extensions were supposed to be on the back of that flatbed and I didn't realize I wasn't there when he loaded the truck and so as I got there and I was unloading I looked and I said oh they're not on there so I had to hire a guy to go back and get those tomorrow so it's going to cost me as much to get two fork extensions moved as it does a car but those are like seven or eight hundred dollars new and the new ones aren't nearly as good a quality as those so I don't want to lose them but anyway it was Pitch Black when we got back I'm exhausted I'm ready for bed I can't even talk right now so sleep deprived right now and I've been on the road for so many hours over the last two days so I will show you all of the cool cars on Monday and good morning Silas back again today now that we got a little bit of daylight I'll take you around show you all the vehicles this little Rambler when you pick it up the front end hangs down because the frame rails are rotted out these don't have actual frames or unibody but the body supports are all rusted but this car here has got a really good nose and a trunk on it for art that's probably what's going to happen to most of these vehicles is they're all just going to get cut up there's a couple of them that won't but [Music] like this in here if we gotta put some new lenses on that that'd make a really cool couch or something and the same thing with these old Packards they've got some pretty good looking trunks on them this year's got a real neat steering wheel in it too [Music] these things are so rough nobody would ever even think about restoring one of these real good looking noses on them though this truck here is that other one that I picked up at the other location it's a neat truck it's kind of on the Rough Side but you just don't see a step side trucks very often on these Internationals four wheel drive three quarter ton unfortunately no tailgate they never do this Dart here I think if I can find this corner piece I can make a wall hanger out of that as well and then the rest of the car would probably just crush it because there's no rear end no motor the trunks missing a bunch of stuff it's not a very good looking trunk anyway tail lights are broken there might be a few Dash Parts I can sell out of it but other than that this car here probably I was going to go ahead and cut the nose off of it and wait until I find that piece and crash the rest of it get it out of the way this here is a 1941 GMC I believe I guess I can check real quick and see yeah see how it has that pot metal ring a ring around the back window and then these right here are pop metal on the bottom the 46 47 model and the 45 models this is all steel but 41 only had pop metal on these headlights and then they had the pop metal trim ring around the back window I did get the hood for this truck it's up front unfortunately it was down in the grass we didn't see it and he ran over with the telehandler a little bit and crunched it but there's still enough of it left where I can cut it off make a wall hanger out of it I'll have to kind of piece this Grille back together but being a GMC Grill it's really unusual it's a little bit different than the Chevy and then it's probably got other odds and end parts on it this in here is really rusty so once again it'll probably just be art and then on the back I have an old Chevy I have no clue what year this is two-door sedan there's probably nothing good there I was actually gonna leave it behind but then I got to thinking you know what somebody might be able to use that for art and I've got this flatbed truck I got to pick up anyway so perfect spot throw it up on there look at those sun rays coming through the clouds that's pretty cool then here I think we have I think this is somewhere around a 35 Chevy 35 36 somewhere in there because I know 37 was different 37 was a little bit different body style but this is a little bit older than that it's missing the grill unfortunately I wish that was in it but it's really really rough really rough but it does have pretty much everything's here except for the grill the other doors inside it the guy could part it out or a guy could always cut the back of it off that would make it really cool I don't know what like a storage cabinet or something like that to put in your man cave or something if you cut it up there by that back window then this is what you would see and then you could open up the trunk and have stuff stored in there this side of the car snagged a tree or something and got ripped all apart like I say it's all there still so I don't know I have so many interested in this one already they've gonna buy it and they'll probably just part it out but uh I have to send them pictures and a price later then we got another old Packard this one here once again just going to cut the nose cut the trunk one thing cool about this one though is that it has these pieces on it the other one doesn't have those and so I figured those there I can sell those as pairs for people and they can put them on other vehicles just because they're kind of neat they could put them on there for some sort of custom hot rod or whatever I'm sure there's all sorts of purposes for those I'm sure they have a little bit of value and there's my strap that I needed I couldn't remember where I left it but I left it on this car then over here we got an old gold duster and I was looking up what makes a gold duster a gold duster and pretty much everything that makes this a gold duster is already gone it was all just trim stuff and different decals and things like that and they had carpet all over inside well I'm sitting on the field the rats ate all the carpets so all the things that make this a gold duster are gone other than the name this side of the car is pretty well complete the other side is missing the Grille the fender it's pretty rough on that side so I thought this in here would make a good one to slice the whole side of the car off and hang it on the fence or something like that I think that'd be pretty neat and then maybe pull a few parts off of it scrap the rest of it over here we got this Old Newport I really this is one here I mean when it's all said and done I guess I'll add this part in when it's all said and done by the time I paid everybody to haul everything I paid the guy for the telehandler and for his time to load the stuff I've got a little over 300 bucks a car like 320 or 325 something like that per car invested in all of them this car here will bring a little bit more than that for scrap so I can technically make money on it but Parts wise and for my time I have invested I don't know that this one was worth it I almost kind of wish I would have just left this one behind but he had already dug it out and had it set out for me and so I felt guilty doing that it might have a good third member in it I don't know but beyond that there's really no art on this car the front's wrecked the rear is wrecked there might be a few Dash Parts but the windshield's been gone forever so everything's rusted so man I really this car here honestly and truly I'll probably check the rear end and just crush it because I really don't see any purpose in hanging on to it I might save a few little things like it has one good tail light and maybe some emblems and things like that but beyond that this car here it's ready for the crusher next up we have an old two-door Chevy I think this is somewhere around a what is it a 51 I don't know you'll see on here 49 okay see I'm not an expert on these things I don't claim to be an expert I just kind of guess sometimes I can usually get close but that's about it so this is a 49 model it's not a power glide car and doesn't have anything good there it is a two-door but one of the doors is gone it's really rusty and it's just a sedan anyway but what makes this car super valuable is these right here now that one's got a dent in it but that's still workable but yeah that piece right there that one over there those there will sell as well the middle ones they're just not quite as valuable those little pieces right there those were some money the trunking ones worth money there's a lot of good valuable Parts on this car a few Dash parts but up here on the front is where we get into some real money we've got these Corner guards here and how they can actually reveal a little bit of the dump the dumpster why am I saying dumpster this is what happens when you don't sleep folks but anyway they reveal a little bit of the bumper and so they're just kind of a neat design they are both a little bit but like I say they're workable and then it's got these little guards here those aren't original for this car somebody just put those on there but those will still sell and then it's got this fancy little tag guard here on the front that's a pretty good piece there so just in bumper guards this car here has quite a bit of value if those were in good condition you're looking at probably somewhere around probably probably two grand for all the bumper guards they aren't quite that nice so it's gonna be a lot less than that but still this is probably one of the more valuable cars that I got out of there just because of those guards and so it's got a bunch of other stuff on it as well so this is definitely going to be a good parts car I have somebody interested in buying the whole thing once again they're just going to take it and part it out because everybody knows I don't have time to part anything out next up we have an old Fairlane I think this is around a 63 model the headlight rings are missing off of it unfortunately so I'll have to find those but then I can always chop the nose off it is a two-door but it's just really rough the floors are gone the frame is Rusted I mean it's it's a junker and so a few good Dash Parts maybe once again the windshield's gone so those parts probably aren't much good but if I can put some tail light lenses in it then I can cut the trunk off of it as well it's got the little fins on it so those always seem to do pretty good the hood and the trim goes to another car that I'll show you in just a minute all of that goes to this car here this is a 1928-29 uh model a special Coupe is what this is and what makes it a special instead of a regular Coupe is the leather roof would have wrapped all the way down back to here instead of just being up on top they only made these from July of 28th to July of 29th it's rough but it's mostly complete the grill shell is inside it it's kind of beat up and mangled a little bit the radiator is gone and the trunk lid's gone but I have all the trim pieces off of it and the hood and all that good stuff so I think somebody will build this car I mean like I say it's rough but you can't just go out and buy one of these when you want to buy one so I think that'll sell pretty easy this truck here I didn't even know it was there but it was set out when we went back for the next round of loads and so I'm not complaining and luckily I was able to find the hood out in the trees because without the hood the nose wasn't that valuable but with the matching Hood now I can cut that nose off and put it back together a little bit it's got some good riding on the doors it says Meyer lime quarries eldenmeyer Milton Vale Kansas miltonville Kansas a little tiny Town not very far away from where all these cars were when I opened this door up this morning when I got here there was a big old rat standing right there staring at me all of these things are clear full of rats that's just typical Kansas though everything out here just gets right in us like this up north it's a little bit worse where these were at than what it is where I'm at here but they still get pretty bad around here too but the truck has some Dash Parts it's like I say good doors I can cut the back of the cab off a lot of good art there then over here we've got a 53 Chevy 53 Chevys are kind of unusual I don't get very many 53s you get a lot of 52 and olders and they get a lot of 54s but 53s for whatever reason I don't get a whole lot of it's got a really nice Grill in it that's the most valuable part of this car probably and truly this car might be buildable if this is what you really wanted was a four-door one of these because it's not too terrible it's going to need new uh rocker panels and a few pieces of trim but other than that it's all here even the original hubcaps are inside it I believe there's three of them I don't know if all four of them are there or not unfortunately it is not a Powerglide car the power Glides aren't super valuable but the rear ends in a Powerglide car are super valuable but this is just a regular three-speed so it's just a regular rear end not worth a whole lot this in here I'll probably sell the whole car just like it is once again here's the hood off that GMC truck you can see where it kind of got smashed it's a bummer on this emblem that got smashed right here those are high dollar pieces when they're not smashed like that but the other one's good so I can sell the one side and then I can cut it off and make a wall hanger out of it there's the roof off the old 20s model Chevy sedan here's an old gel bar Ford somewhere around to 47 46 somewhere in that range really and truly this one isn't in that bad a condition it's got a little bit of body damage right there however I don't think I've ever sold a cabin clip off of one of these big gel bar Forge unless it was a small truck these big truck front Clips they just don't want so I'll probably go ahead and cut this one at some point in time but these cabs are very valuable I'll be able to sell that cabinet this one has a little bit of rust so that's going to hurt it a little bit but really compared to most of them this is really pretty solid this is an excellent Builder truck next up we have an old Chevy pickup this in here I really wish was more complete or in better condition but there's no tailgate the grill is all mangled the Hood's gone so I mean it's pretty rough but it is a halftime pickup out of the 30s late 30s so it's got some value just like it is it's got a good cab on it or a buildable cab anyway all the dash is still in it so there's a lot of potential here and the rear fenders are there you can buy new fenders for a lot of these vehicles but they're fiberglass and a lot of people want the original metal fenders and they're willing to do work on them rather than have fiberglass so once again this in here will probably get sold whole so as you can see it's kind of a mix of art cars and parts cars and Fixer-Upper cars then also on Friday I got this truck here this is a 61 model this is what they call the wrong Bedford where Ford had a bunch of these beds left over from the 57 to 60 models and so they just started slapping them on the 61s I I don't know are they kind of cool but they're kind of ugly at the same time that body line just does not match up very well if they were going to do this I don't know why they didn't make this body line match up a little bit better right there really this truck's pretty solid somebody really ought to build this whole truck there's the tailgate for it I didn't realize it had a tailgate so that's a bonus but yeah somebody really ought to build this truck I mean it's in pretty good condition and something like this if I was selling it I'd probably be somewhere around 13 1400 on the whole thing but that being said it's got a good wall hanger nose on it I can cut off this bed is rust free with a tailgate so I can either sell the whole bed or I can always cut it right here because I cut it right here and put that tailgate back on it that's going to be a pretty valuable piece right there I know people hate it when I do stuff like that but you know if this whole bed being a long bed it might take me forever to get six or seven hundred bucks out of this whole bed or I can get I can cut it right there and get 500 bucks very quickly then I got this old 70 71 72 Chevy I'm not sure what year it is you tell me you can kind of see the grill there I think this is a 70 if I remember right but uh anyway it's kind of rough but it was cheap and so I went ahead and bought it and then last but not least got this old 1963 Ford red van now this thing here is pretty Sharp I really like it and look inside it real quick chassis by Ford somebody had turned it into an RV at some point in time doesn't look too bad in here looks like it might have a few leaks in it but I mean they always do around the vents back there so overall it's a very I think buildable vehicle has a title and a whole nine yards so I think somebody will give this a second chance of life I just got to get it out get it advertised for sale something like this if I was selling this I'm probably going to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 2500 to 3 000. I just got to see if the engine turns things like that if you are interested in any of these vehicles my email is in the description of my videos please don't message me on eBay please don't message me on my merch site please don't do any of that please email me or message me on Instagram that's the best way to contact me is those two ways there were actually three more Vehicles there's another Rambler there's like a 49 Chevy two-door and what was it oh there's an Oldsmobile like a 62 34 somewhere on their Oldsmobile four-door sedan those are on another semi trailer he didn't have time to unload on Saturday so he's going to come out later today I'm not sure when that'll be but those are three more cars that I forgot to show with the rest of these so that's that that's all the vehicles that I got on Friday and Saturday that's a lot of vehicles for two days I was supposed to have a vehicle delivered yesterday and evidently it never showed up so I'm not sure what's going on there I do have another Old Farm truck I bought from a guy I got to go pick up this week or have somebody go pick it up for me so stay tuned who knows what I'm gonna get into next let me know in the comments which one was your favorite vehicle please give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it with that I will let you all go I hope you have an absolutely fantastic rest your day and remember to get out there find an adventure we'll see you on the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Adventures Made From Scratch
Views: 146,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wjAhhafPP7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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