Hauling ANTIQUE Cars & Trucks out of an Old JUNKYARD!

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foreign good beautiful morning everybody Silas back again and it really is a beautiful morning out here it's supposed to snow tonight but for the time being it's beautiful today's agenda we've got about I think eight antique cars and one non-antique car at a place we've got to haul out there's some pretty cool stuff there there's a couple trucks like that one there but they're half tons I think there's a short bed Ford out of the early 60s there's a 59 I think it's a Pontiac two-door hardtop there's a 65 or six seven somewhere in there Mustang V8 car I'm trying to remember what else is there I know there's some other cool stuff there Scout and uh I can't remember the other ones but we're gonna get it out of there we've got to move a few cars these cars have been sitting for years we bought these cars about 15 years ago give or take somewhere around that I mean it's been a long time and they were kind of buried back in there and the guy was going to dig them out and then he got him dug out but we didn't have anywhere to put them and then they got buried again but now he's wanting them gone and so they've got them dug out we're gonna go in there we'll have to do a little bit more digging to get him out the rest of the way haul them out here I think my dad's actually already headed over there so he's probably gonna get one of them out before I get there so what I'm going to go ahead and do is I'm going to hop in the truck I got the Thunderbird unloaded I got that front clip unloaded so I'm gonna head over there I think I have enough fuel for at least half the day anyway and so I'm just gonna head straight over there get the loader the loader that we have at the other yard is only about maybe a five minute drive away so I'm just gonna drive the loader over there make it a whole lot easier to get the cars out [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] there we go we are done hauling cars finally it actually didn't take that long we didn't even start until about 9 30 and we were done about 2 30. we didn't take a lunch so what is that five hours that's not too bad considering we had to move a bunch of stuff and cut some trees down and drag stuff out and wiggle stuff through the narrow Pathways and just drive back and forth and all that good stuff now that I got him out of there we can see them a little bit better this little Scout is already spoken for you guys supposed to come down and get it next month sometime it's a little rusty but it's not like fall apart Rusty like some of these Scouts sometimes are it's got a good tailgate on it the top on it is workable it does have some Rust in it but I've seen a lot worse get fixed and the floors have a little bit at the front of the floors but other than that they're pretty solid so I think that one there probably get built then we've got these Advanced design Chevys I think this and here's a 49 I think somewhere around there I think yeah I'm pretty sure that's a 49 and it's not in too bad a condition other than up in the front corners of the cab is rotted completely out and then this one here I think is a 50 or 51 it's a little bit newer and the cab and front clip on this one's a little bit nicer but the bed's completely rotted out on it but they are half ton short bed trucks so uh they definitely have some value even in this condition I think they're both very restorable trucks especially considering how hard these trucks are to find anymore that are all complete and original this one here was parked in 1969. listen here I think has been repainted while I'm positive it's been repainted at some point through the years but it's been a long time both of these trucks were actually sold already guys supposed to possibly be here this Friday to get these I don't know if they'll show up or not if he's gonna wait till the next Friday next car we got was this old Electra 59 Electra I don't know why I kept thinking it was a Pontiac but it's a Buick pretty rough car lots of rust in it it's got rusts just about everywhere it's missing a lot of the super rare Chrome all the glass is broken in it unfortunately I'm not sure if that window that's laying in there goes to this or not but it's broken anyway this car here is one of those cars the yet it's super rare but it's not an Impala so it just doesn't have a whole lot of value but man this thing would make a really really cool couch or wall hanger or something like that and there's always a chance that somebody might fall in love with this car and absolutely feel like they have to have it so we'll see what happens this whole truck here is actually pretty solid it's got a little bit of rust in this cab corner here and in the tailgate and in the hood like these trucks usually do but the bed itself is pretty solid even the floor solid which I was kind of worried about because it's full of stuff full of dirt but uh actually the floors are solid on it and the rest of the cab is pretty solid it is a short bed it's a V8 four-speed half ton so uh I think it's worth a little bit of money I think it's a very buildable truck I have a guy interested in it right now actually I just sent him a bunch of pictures so we'll see if he takes it the vehicles they just showed you are definitely the better of the vehicles out of there but there are a few others like this one here this is a Mustang V8 Factory v8 car now the engine's long gone but it is a v8 car I'll have to see if the VIN number's still on it because it's just the just that makes it worth a little bit and then it does have the five lug rear end on it has the five lug front end although you can buy all those front end brand parts brand new for pretty cheap anymore but that rear end's probably worth a little bit and it does have a lot of other miscellaneous Parts on it this car is like I say probably not restorable I mean I know anything is restorable but there's not enough value to it to make it worth the time and effort but lots of good V8 Mustang parts here I'm sure I think the Grill's gone out of it yeah the Grill's gone so there's not much for wall out here although guy could cut the back half of it off that would be kind of cool what are the sides of it the sides will be kind of neat to cut those off as well I don't know we'll worry about it later I stuck it back here and the trees out of the way that 68 Thunderbird over there has a 67 front clip on it that actually didn't come from this place I actually went out in Western Kansas if you watch my videos regularly you've already seen that one but I went out and got that with my dad yesterday it sold International it's just a parts truck I mean it's got a decent passenger door on it with no rust in it and it's got a decent fender on this side over here but beyond that and the bed might be something to somebody it's not in too bad of shape but it's just a just a parts unit pretty rough it's missing a lot of stuff but this Jeep bed in the back of it I'm not entirely sure what this is you can kind of see how it it's at a little bit of an angle on the front somebody's done some cutting on it I don't know what they cut off but it's got a Jeep tailgate if I can get around here and it's got the fender Wells and all this I can't quite figure out what this is I don't know if it was some sort of military unit or or what exactly this is if you know what this is let me know in the comments because I honestly have no clue yeah this truck's got pretty good running boards on it as well so the truck has some good parts on it going for it once again I just stashed it up here out of the way worry about it later and somewhere where did I put that Corvair it's back here somewhere there it is I stashed it way back here out of the way this car here I mean it's a Corvair so it doesn't have much value to start with and then it's kind of rusty so I nobody would ever realistically restore this car although it does have a lot of good parts I know the Jack on these is actually the same as a Camaro if I remember right and or it's at least very similar and then also it has I believe no this one does not have bucket seats some of these have bucket seats and those bucket seats are worth a little bit of money this one here is just a bench that's kind of a bummer but it does still have the motor and transmission in it and it still turns and I've sold quite a few of those actually just because they're kind of hard to find that are still in rebuildable condition and then on top of all that it's got really good original paint on it and uh for wall art anyway it has that really good patina look to it the color of it and so I can chop either the sides off or the nose and the trunk off I can do something with it that way and people will really like that they won't care that it's a Corvair that it's really I like the color the place where we got all these cars was an old salvage yard a long long long time ago I'm talking like way back before I was born it was a salvage yard and the guy that was there sold place and started about a different place and it was a bigger place and so he started a bigger salvage yard there and since that time it's kind of passed hands several times and everybody that has it just puts cars in there because it's licensed to have cars in there because of the old salvage yard license and the guy that has it now he actually has owned it for quite a while I think probably 20 years maybe more than that and he came into some money and so he bought that place and he bought a bunch of old cars and then later on he didn't want to keep all the cars so he sold a bunch of them to us the property where one of our Crushers is actually where I crush a lot of the cars at and that big old building there beside it all of that property came from him now back then it was just an empty field with no fence or nothing but we bought that we put up the fence put the crusher in there then packed it full of cars of course but yeah anyway we bought those trucks and the Scout and all of the stuff from him quite a while back and a lot of it was buried there was actually a lot more in there at that time and we got most of it out but these we couldn't quite get to because he had some other cars he was keeping in the way and so he said I'll move those cars I'll let you know when they're out of the way fast forward he finally gets these dug out and then we didn't have time to get him we didn't have a place to put them at that point and so they just sat there then they got buried again and so now it's been at least 10 years but I think closer to 15 years so they've been there a long time but now I've got this property out here and it's filling up but I still have a little bit of room so we grabbed them we stuck them out here like I say I've already sold three of them so we'll get those gone and hopefully that white truck sells and and keeps stuff moving but if you guys enjoyed this stay tuned who knows what the next adventure we're going to be on is I know I potentially have a cleanup this week although they're talking some pretty serious snow coming in tonight and I can actually feel the weather changing right now it's getting kind of cold I'm gonna have to go find my coat I was sweating earlier if that happens I'll probably just crush cars the rest of the week because the ground's pretty hard but if it doesn't get too much snow it doesn't get too much rain we're gonna go work on that other Farm cleanup so just stay tuned I hope you subscribe to my channel and that way you always can be on top of what's going on out here I'm always looking for the next adventure or whatever it might be with that I'll let you all go hope you have an absolutely fantastic rest of your day remember to get out there find an adventure and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Adventures Made From Scratch
Views: 95,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ykXNFQ5L8K8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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