Saving Coach Sandals from a Doggy Disaster #154

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hello this is Steve from Beados leather works and today's project is this Coach sandals now they're pretty cool looking sandals one problem the Dawg out of all of them and chewed him up so we're going to do is we're going to basically remake the sandal for her the only thing we're going to salvage is the upper pieces right here all the footbed the new soles new platform right there the heel base oh that's got to be changed and once it gets done we're going to try to make it as close as possible to what it was now this project was a two hundred and fifty dollar project I know there's a lot of comments about whether the customer should have throwing it away and got a new one it's not worth the blah blah blah you know look to eat just own okay whenever situations come up like this and work gets sent in we communicate beforehand through email text whatever it is with pictures and we come to an understanding that the item is very well worth to repair or to restore because either it's the customers favorite or they've got history behind it so buying new ones doesn't even come into play so that's why we do most of these restorations it's something you know more to it than just fixing a pair of sandals or a pair of shoes that yes the customer has options or buying new ones or not really preparing them but you know what whenever these types of situations happen there's always a story behind it there's always you know something that they want to hold onto you and make it last as long as they can all right so let's get started soles on there pretty good and the only one salvaged is the upper so it after this dismantle it the whole way a little bit so to get the straps off there's not much to the sandal right it's just a couple of layers of soul and insoles missiles got some straps it's really about it sometimes I heat this to your left so it'll have a peel off faster but I think we need to in this case come on down really all right there she goes some kind of a film in between to give it some cushioning we can replace that Wow slipper is in there this is a little bit of turpentine just to release the release the glue that is one stubborn thong there and these suckers usually just come up by themselves too you know of course now that we're we're filming it's gonna give me trouble see who's more stubborn come far that goes you see that that piece because all the way in the back it looks like I can tell you this phone wasn't gonna come off not by itself Wow all right you know what there's a will there's a way I won't give up that easily I got you sucka alright let's continue so once we took that soul apart we'll cut out a piece of cardboard to make it you know pattern of the original now we're going to try to see if we can match that as close as we can okay this is a English bridle leather approximately nine ounce from not mistaken and we cut it from this big piece I'd okay I used to make belts out of those when I say used to because I don't I don't do as much as custom work anymore there's no time you know these repairs and restorations are keeping me pretty busy and we're gonna do once we cut the sand that in the shape rough sand the rough shape because we're still have to bring the soul to it and sand it flush on the sides just like how to duplicate that stitch right there and the stamp yes look down once it gets done Center material now the heel heel base which is this right here so this is a plastic piece okay with a thin leather veneer on there so basically what what that is is this leather veneer they glue this like that all the way around like this it looks like they're layers of leather okay but in actuality it's a plastic piece with a thin cover on it so we can duplicate that we can keep the original plastic piece and then recover that but you know what it's a shame to do all that work and not to put leather layers of leather exactly just you know original look but with better material so once it gets done that'll look just like that that'll be nice and there won't be any pieces of of leather like that you see you won't be able to peel that because you know sometimes your heel gets caught in the sidewalks great whatever and then peels that little thin veneer back with this it won't happen again so in actual that'll be much better than what she's had before now there's little teeth marks here not much I can do about that I'm gonna see if I can take a steel wool try to clean that up a little bit but but the indentations in the metal can't do much with that so all right let's continue all right the insoles are cut that's good all right so at this stage this is basically the heel block okay this is made out of gr leather John Rendon bark good sturdy leather we keep some scrap pieces for situations like this this is the sole this is the instep right so we're gonna glue we're gonna do this in here like this okay actually it's supposed to be like that i glue the wrong side and in temporary we're going to basically kind of bring it all back you know glue it all together and get our smooth sanding as but not that smooth but close enough then we get to remove this top in step we're going to stitch it stamp it then attach the strap then put everything back together this is just basically a rough rough gluing a temporary gluing when I glue the wrong side of the leather piece you know not just I'm not feeling it tonight you know I don't know why not because of the job no the jobs got to deal with it it's just it's just me you know sometimes you know you get in these moods we're not a hundred percent you know I think that's why I came came to work to do the video just to kind of clear my head a little bit and to get some stuff done so anyway should we wait for the glue to dry I don't have the patience very strong heat gun it will burn you confused all right yeah just taking shape alright let's continue alright now we're gonna open a little groove so we can stitch right in there to make that similar pattern just like that we measure that okay basically give us an outline of where the cuts going to be that's just a simple v-cut okay I'm sure there's a lot of other other tools that you can use to open grooves like this for stitching but this one works just fine we're gonna have to make it very deep just a little bit just so the stitches can sit in there now the stitches are fake stitches right there just there for looks do we have to put them in no we don't have to put them in but we're gonna try to make them look the same as close as possible anyway now the other way there she goes I've done this type of grooving on some shoes also when I was you know stitching him but I have a groover for that because sometimes I use that sometimes I'll hand groove it like this she's ready to be stitched so I'm gonna set up the machine and we'll come back let's continue I did a sample of what its gonna look like I made the threads thread size a little bigger as big as you can get on this machine anyway so looks pretty good now we just have to stay in we just have to stay in the dream and most of the time when you're stitching you when you start you go reverse forward to lock in the stitch and at the end you do the same but in this case we want to try to make that seamless as possible so we're going to do we're going to pull the top thread on the bottom like that and we're going to try to meet up in the same exact spot and do the same thing to end of the thread that way you can't tell where it started and word in and then we'll gears will tie the thread underneath it so I'll never come loose now the trick is that gotta bring these two together the start and finish line see if we can get away with that not too bad not exact on a percent but I don't think anybody's going to notice that except for me well maybe there's somebody out somebody else out there will notice it sometimes what I'll do is I'll melt the ends down right and I usually keep them in this place but I'd rather tire couple knots in there and then glue the leftover I will cut it short I'll leave it a little bit long maybe about an inch long and I'll glue that down this will never it's never gonna come loose that's it and then you should leave that down like that doesn't it's not bad but it's not it's not a hundred percent it's very difficult to match up the stitch pattern I know the manufacturers do that but the manufacturers take into consideration so many so many measurements before they start something and it's really difficult to duplicate that exactly hundred percent but you try to do your best and get as close as possible let's see if this one will work better [Music] smells a little better the food is gonna loose you see that y'all don't remember who said that there's mr. bill remember mr. bill man guess I'm showing my age what'd I tell you guys I can't remember she's done this one look it's a little better yeah sees the focusing can't tell let's put the stamp in there and get her done all right let's continue all right so let me show you guys what I did here these pieces white pieces are basically reinforcements right so I stitched that white piece it's a nylon fabric to the thigh area and to the ankle straps they are never gonna come loose once these get glued down the pressure of the foot this is going to keep it in its place the thongs are notorious for pulling out and as you can see you've got to remove the sole to get to the details underneath that's why when we do these we charge approximately about $60 for that little piece right there to repair it so after the repair that's pretty much is a done deal it's not coming out again even if this is pulled that white piece is glued down and the sole on top of that that's never going anywhere so now we're going to glue those pieces no I got the coach stamp by the way pieces once they're glued we're gonna bring it through the sole and give it a final final trim around the edges and put some ad dressing condition it up and we'll be ready though you know it'll be ready to go all right let's continue what if I cut that right well I'll be alright as long as there's cushion there you know what time it is it's hammer time I bet you all thought I forgot huh can't make you can't make me forget let's see if I can speak I can't let's try this again I can't forget hammer time you guys won't love me oh my god could you imagine if I didn't give you guys in the hammer time I'd never hear the end of it all right so let's just line this up as best as we can now start up sand the edges it's just a rough sanded once we bring it together we can sand it pretty much even gentle habit not to bang the hell out of it no no no we got to be gentle with this one we're gonna let that cure for for a bit and we'll come back and trim the edges put some conditioners on it and she is done I'm done done all right let's continue you all right welcome back we are done with another project I think they turned out pretty good I think she's gonna be happy I'm happy but I'm happy the customer will be happy this way the logo on this one is a little off-center it's okay it's there that's what's important another job done all right I want to thank you for joining me I appreciate it I know I don't say thank you enough and and I really mean it I appreciate you guys subscribe and give me a thumbs ups commenting most of them are good some are bad but it's not bad it's okay I've got thick skin I can handle it so share all you want comment all you want please subscribe if you haven't give me a thumbs up and we'll see on the next project all right take care
Channel: Bedo's Leatherworks LLC
Views: 62,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: detailed shoe repair, repair, steve, doudaklian, bedos, leatherworks, bag restoration, shoe restoration, leather goods, leather restoration, allen edmonds, louis vuittion, gucci, tom ford, christian louboutin, saving coach sandals from a doggy disaster, dog chew, disaster repair, mens style, womans style, fashion, womans fashion, mens fashion, men fashion, style, cobbler, shoe repair, womans shoe repair, mens shoe repair, custom work, recrafting, coach, coach shoes, coach bag
Id: Tu2MYehb4I4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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