Save Live Output to Disk (Bounce) in REAPER

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hi I'm Kenny Choi uh welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video I'm gonna show you to save live output to disk or bounce in Reaper never project in front of me here with some music and some voiceover and I want to bounce this down to a stereo file normally we go up here to the file menu and we choose render set up to be stereo I'll type and so on but we want to move our faders and create a rough mix would do any moves on the fly we can't do that when we render it we have to use a different method and luckily there is and it's called save live output to disk or bounce so instead we'll go to the file menu and choose save live output to disk or balance but you can also trigger with a keyboard shortcut right here and that's going to open up this dialog instead which is kind of similar we decide we want to put the file by browsing I already created a folder right here for live output to disk so it's gonna save the file in that folder then we can name the file right here we could give it a custom name we could use the wildcards so if we choose project it's gonna base the name of the file based on the project name and we could add a whole bunch of them for tempo time signature output format sample rate bit depth and even the current date time and computer information but for this I'm just going to use the project knee so it's going to render it right here then we can choose the output format wav mp3 or whatever we want I'll choose stereo for the do mono or multi-channel you can choose the bit-depth right here I'm going to choose 16-bit we could also include markers and regions just markers or just regions if we want but don't have any so leave this off let me close so in bed project tempo if we want but once again I don't need it for this file now before we go through the options down here let's first bounce our first file or save live output to disk so if we hit start now we could see down here it's already bouncing our file and counting down so let's create the rough mix I want to bounce with the music and the voiceover so folks say to me hey I can record at home I can produce my own voiceover day well maybe you can carve a turkey but do you really want to do your own brain circuit [Music] let me fade it out at the end you can tell the file is still bouncing to stop it we'll go back to the file menu and notice is a checkmark next to the option letting us know was still bouncing and if we choose it again the wife output will be saved so we want to see it we go to a hard drive which is the Explorer on PC or the finder on Mac and see the file but let's first create a new project this way we could bring it in to see it and here's the file we just bounced so let's drag it in as you can see there's a lot of blank space in the beginning could start bouncing right away and here's the mix we made so folks say to me hey I can record it and fade it out at the end but it also ran quite long because we didn't stop it right away so let's check out some other options that'll make this cleaner so let's go back to that dialogue but this time we use the keyboard shortcut which on the PC is all ctrl + B and on the Mac is option command + B so let's check out the other options down here if we choose this it's gonna save output only while playing or recording so it's bounced it again now by default it's gonna overwrite the first bounce because it has the same name so let's choose the option over here which is going to increment the foul names which is going to avoid over writing so it's bounced it now if we go down here who notice it's not recording to the file because the timer isn't moving but if we hit play it then will so folks say to me hey I can record it home I can produce my own voiceover day well maybe you can carve a turkey but do you really want to do your own brain surgery and now if we check it out the timer is still moving but if we hit stop it stops moving but if we hit play again it starts moving again so let me tell me hit play it keeps adding to the bounced file so now if we stop the bounce using the menu with a keyboard shortcut it creates the file which we can see right over here notice it added a number to the end so it didn't overwrite the first file let's bring this in we can see it starts right at the beginning so folks say to me and then it fades out but it also recorded we played it again every time we hit play it added to the file so let's go back to a project and let's open save live output to disk again we also have the option to stop saving output on first stop so if we just want to bounce it once we use this option so we hit start it's gonna bounce when we hit play so folks say to me hey I can record it home I can produce my own voiceover day well maybe you can carve a turkey but do you really want to do your own brain surgery and now if we hit stop it stops playing and it stops the bounce so we don't have to manually stop it and here's the file for bring it in it started bouncing from the beginning and we hit stop and stop the transport and it stopped the bounce create a new file on stop and we could also not save it when the sound is below a certain level it defaults to 60 DB over two seconds so if there's little to no sound being played it's going to stop writing to the file let's turn this off for now so we could see how this works let's leave this off as well and then turn this option on create a balance and as we can see it's bouncing but the timer isn't moving so it's not writing to the file the sound needs to be a certain level then it'll start actually bouncing so folks say to me hey I can record it home I can produce my own voiceover demo well maybe you can carve a turkey but do you really want to do your own brain surgery and when the fog gets below that threshold it stops writing to the file even though it's still playing and even when I stopped the transport it's still ready to bounce some more if the sound crosses that threshold again so folks say to me hey I can record it home and then it stops writing to the file when the sound dips below the threshold then we can stop bouncing by choosing it in the menu while hitting the keyboard shortcut then it creates the live output file and here it is so those are the options for live output to disk or bouncing now there's one other thing I want to show you and that's an action to make this even easier if you already go through and set this up you probably want to turn on the option over here if we go to the action menu so Action List and type in live we can see the actions that go with this this is the one right here we've been using but we could also use this one and assign it a keyboard shortcut or put it in the menu or we could use it right from here and what that's gonna do is it's gonna save live output to disk or bounce without opening up the dialog it's just going to use the previous settings so you could run it right from here and we can notice down here it's already bouncing and we've done triggered again and it saves the live output just saving us that extra step just run it and it starts bouncing right away so that's pretty much it that's how to save live output to disk or bounce in Reaper I hope you learned something hope you can use it and I'll see you next time thanks [Music] you you
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 6,192
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Id: YoxCXc8BP94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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