Savage Legacy | English Full Movie

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh gero you on the W bath again just wiped out a wagon train get that grand on The Wire why don't the government do something about it got to get more troops in [Music] here [Music] how long we going to let you out of our slaugh wom their children make them send troops it's just theet we W protect [Applause] you this has got to stop Mr President the Bureau of Indian Affairs had orders to keep peace with the Indians and at the same time the Army had orders to exterminate them feed them with one hand kill them with the other like fattening turkeys for Thanksgiving exactly we've been driving the Indians from their food and homes in an undeclared war making treaties and betraying them and we wonder why they're fighting back our whole handling of the Indian problem has been wrong unjust but how can you make it right Mr President that's general steel to come in general steel please glad to see you jack Mr President gentlemen you know general steel I'm assigning general steel the job of once and for all making peace with the Apaches that's impossible Mr President why gonal janal how can one man keep us from peace in 1857 foreign troops killed gano's mother his two children and his young wife and he swore never to stop fighting until a thousand white men had paid for each one of them one Indian against our whole nation we'll change all that that's your assignment most important of all we want to make peace with gono and through him with the whole Apache nation and if gono refuses peace we'll give him all Mr Lincoln said the frontiers of this country must be made safe I can only repeat his words good luck General Mr President [Applause] gentlemen Grant must be out of his mind acting like a dictator imagine the government Furnishing Food Land blankets houses farming implements horses cattle all free to the Indians that's interfering with private business they have no right to do that it amounts to putting thousands of Indians on government charity our children will carry the burden for Generations it'll drive this country into bankrupts trembling on the brink of a gentlemen gentlemen restrain your patriotism until election time we must be practical now what can we do to save our business with these good Indians the only good Indian is a dead one and there are no profits in dead indians we want them alive and bad Bravo Mr W very well put do you think we might approach general steel general steel uh that a proper dividend might induce him to keep the Apaches alive and bad he sacrifice his own mother for the Army ah then perhaps uh we ought to deal directly with the Indians gono for instance that's the problem Colonel white you will arrange the disposition of the troops according to these orders only 5,000 men sir that's all we've been allowed but that's impossible why there's 326,000 square miles to be protected yes I know that's more than 65 Square mil to the man those are our orders Colonel yes sir I'll be expecting you would Camp Grant soon I'll follow you as quickly as possible goodbye Colonel good luck luck sir thank you operator yes sir take this two troops fourth Cavalry one company Scouts Pache Arizona three companies 13th infantry camp l and Tucson Arizona two companies third Cavalry one company Scouts Port Butler New Mexico on sadron Fourth Cavalry i Navy transport to San Diego California March from their over land to Port yum Arizona two troops six Cavalry one company of Scouts under my command be assembled at Union Station Washington immediately for service at General headquarters Camp Grant Arizona lieutenant John Steel Jr reporting for Duty with the six Cavalry did you say John Steel Jr yes sir I didn't think you'd remember me I jacked the last last time I saw you you weren't that high mother said it was over 15 years ago you were with my dad does the general know you're coming out to serve under him oh no sir I wanted it to be a surprise Frontier service requires seasoned soldiers how did you happen to be a signed well I didn't happen sir when I read dad was commanding the gono campaign I wrote to President Grant oh I see he signed my orders himself and wrote this letter yes of course how's your mother well she's over there sir said she'd like to see you lieutenant you will present your orders to the agitant captain Williams Mrs steel Colonel white eler I can't tell you how pleased I am imagine Jack a West Point graduate why it seems only yesterday it's been a great many yesterdays David Jack's quite grown up planning to be married may I present Miss Hamilton Miss Hamilton you must be very proud of Jack of course he's his father's son David all Army he has a great example to follow elnar I don't understand how a boy can so completely idolize a father whom he doesn't even know I'm sorry how um how is the general oh he's as fit as can be tell me David how do you think you'll feel about Jack has he forgotten he ever had a son no not at all elar [Music] he's goodbye David goodbye young lady goodbye you report the tro a lieutenant better hurry remember Jack I said I was afraid it wouldn't work out and if it doesn't don't feel it your fault because that's the way your father is you can always come back home I'll remember mother goodbye my boy no tears darling no [Music] tears bye Alice you won't let mother get lome will you no I'll take care of a jack goodbye [Music] goodbye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't worry he'll be back soon I have a strange feeling that I'll never see him again even Captain starett you've been in command of this post yes sir how many men have you 15 men one Sergeant two corporals and six Scouts is that all I had a full troop sir but fighting Indians for 7 years lost most of them I never got any Replacements when the sixth Cavalry arrives you'll command troop a yes sir that's all sir yes go and Captain stared sir in the future you will try to remember that our job here is to make peace with the Apaches not to fight them yes sir you will withhold your fire unless I give you definite orders to the contrary but sir those Indians ERS yes sir if you obey more orders you'll lose fewer men sneer what does sneezer mean well I reckon that means me sir you command the scouts yes sir what's left of how is it you appear on the Army list as sneezer what's your name je sneezer why well you see General my M and Paul was killed by the engines before they had a chance to Christen me the engines missed me when they burned the house down I guess I laid around a couple of three days and caught a cold cuz when the rescue party R me out of the ashes they said I was sneezing quite a bit so just now actually they called me little sneezer yes well that's all Mr sneezer yes sir Mr Rufus Gillespie sir of the Indian service to seal you sure him in how do you do General I've been sent here by the Indian Bureau to offer my services in this campaign against jono I Mr Gillespie I know all about you so that you won't misunderstand me I don't trust you and don't like you the Army needs no help from you whatever your so-call business may be keep out of my way just as you say General of course remember I've offered to help I never forget orderly see that Mr Gillespie has Fresh Horses and supplies and escort him to the limits of the camp uh [Music] PA did you have any trouble getting across colel no sir ran into a few bands of Indians seem to be watching us all the way probably Scouts for gono yes he's been deeply interested in all this sudden activity of the army of course you brought enough equipment for a long campaign almost none what the war department refused to be rushed sir they promised to send our ammunition and new equipment as soon as they're ready as soon as they're ready well what are we supposed to do in the meantime you can't fight Indians or make peace either with the war Department's promises yes I know sir give you a job to do and then def fire to do it little Napoleon that's what he is as long as they have generals are going to be hiring captain Oh I don't think I'm not glad to be relieved of the command well what are you squawking about then don't you hear him you will withhold your fire captain those are orders withhold your fire maybe he's gun shy I had a horse I know his kind all right Welling scrub all day and let the Indians shoot you in their back sure is confident to know you're clean when they kill you someday you're going to leave one of those drawings lying around in the wrong place I can always say jono did it can't I what is it about all little men that makes them think to Napoleon that's the trouble with you cat you just don't understand us little fellas little why you big overgrown I'll bet that Napoleon will cut you down to size ain't nothing going to cut me down I've been out on scouting trips for four and five days without a lick of food come back 20 lbs heavier must be the goodness in me yes water put Lieutenant Steel's stuff in here sir he's quartered with you put him in there yes sir who do he say that pack belonged to I don't know one of the officers that came in today hey Arley what' you say the name of that Lieutenant was steel heard he was a general son just out of West Point son yes sir now how do you suppose he ever had a son nature sure does some mighty queer things Captain St yes I'm still sir I've been ordered the quarters here I hope you don't mind oh make yourself at home this a sneezer how do you you do sir nicely thanks this is positively luxurious I thought you'd be living in tents well we've got them too you can take your pick and beds too real beds I never thought they'd furnish them out here sh not so loud ain't a scorpion or a tarantula in the country don't know about them beds already well I thought I was sent out here to fight Indians not insects well it seems we don't fight Indians anymore we just go around letting them scalp us that little did it I'm sorry Captain Stater have you any idea when the general intends to meet the new officers probably after inspection in the morning the General's a stickler for red tape I'm afraid he won't know me won't know you well he he hasn't seen me since I was a baby well he's your father isn't he yes sir this all seems pretty unreal to me I mean being out here you see ever since I can remember I've dreamt of meeting him and serving under him and well here I am I excuse me Sarah I guess I better go unpack well how do you like that can you imagine a kid scared to death to meet his own father I know a man once that had a whole mess of kids and never seen a one of them one day he was C stealing cattle and they hung him just as he was dropping through the Trap he come to find out the judge the jury and the hangman was his own son yes sir Plum took his breath [Music] away sad chart s [Music] charel sir That's mighty ragged riding yes sir they need drilling lot of it we'll begin at once who is that grinning Lieutenant looks like a chesh a cat that's your son sir what's he doing here resident Grant signed his ORD sir personally well he'll measure up to my standards I'm sure that he will sir the boy idolizes you real hero worship there's no room for sentimentality in the Army we need Sean men here yes sir you wish to meet the new officer sir yes this is Captain Williams sir in command of Troop B Captain Williams you've had previous Indian service yes sir two years at Fort Dodge Kansas 2 years at Fort Hall Indian Territory that's good yes sir Lieutenant steel Mr steel you have come to us direct from West Point with no previous service is that correct yes sir you have a great deal to learn I trust that you and you too gentlemen will measure up to our require Ms for those of you who have never been on the frontier before it's not like home service sometimes peace or war with these Indians may depend upon what an officer does when he's alone even a second Lieutenant yes and you mustn't take advantage any of you you mustn't expect any favoritism you young men have got to start at the bottom to learn everything and if you don't measure up out that's all gentlemen I should have warned you when you got here I should have known how he'd treat you what's a son compared to his army never drew a human breath in his life little Napoleon that's what he is not the great Idol you think that's a liar what' you expect in front of everybody I'm sorry mind my own business always shooting my mouth off that's all right sted I know you didn't mean it what's so funny you what do you mean all the way you've been busting all over with Mother Love a boy's best friend is his mother why don't you shut up well I reckon I will they ain't no use of man keeping on talking after he's left his sentiment engraved to Prosperity evening ma'am you tell Gano that all general steel wants is to make him a prisoner he wants to take gano's guns away like he did those others and then maybe kill them look at those other Apache Chiefs who've made peace why they no better than slaves he say he understand it's up to you Janimal you'll never be free as long as there's a single soldier left you don't have to depend on Apaches for your fighting men if those other Chiefs want to be slaves let them I'll bring you Warriors from every tribe in the South and West men who want to fight and I'll get you all the guns and ammunition you need Aon what you want for this why all you got to do is to raid for gold wherever you can you get me enough gold and buy spring I'll have you 3,000 Warriors and what's more you don't have to depend on your Scouts for information I've Got Friends in Washington who know every move the arm is going to make why you'll be the greatest War Chief in the world Captain starett I gave Jano until now to make peace you will take as many men as you need and bring me as answer yes sir Mr sneezer your Scouts know where to look for janal yes sir and no sir what you see sir he's Mighty slick at not being where he just was may I take tenants deal with me sir no no service experience and remember Captain star this is a mission of peace I want gano's answer not your casualties yes sir that's all remember Captain this is a peace Mission you got a kiss janal yeah what am I supposed to be doing while he's scalping me singing Captain jono honey I love you you're golden hair and eyes so blue what the general want we're going to see jono say that's great action no just a social call we're going to have tea well when do we start I said when do we start it's only a small Expedition just one Junior officer not me one Junior officer and he wouldn't give me the chance Ste where you going he hasn't spoken to me since the day I got here well if he won't see me as a son he'll see me as an officer no Jack the General's right how I came here for service and I'm giv things to do I learned my first year at West Point you've got to toughen up first you can't fight Indians with school book tactics I know what a young officer once he was an expert at tactics been studying book reading all his life could tell you just to Napoleon figured to win all them big battles then one day a couple of engines caught him under a rock and killed him dead he didn't know what to do cuz Napoleon had never been under no Rock trying to outsmart no engines you're own good Jack I don't let your temper run away with you how does he expect that kid to ever learn anything if he's going to keep him sitting on his bed all the time won't even let him go out on a py tail Momsy I knowed a man once that went about telling all the people not to lose their temper then one day he everybody liked him though honey I love you your golden hair and and eyes so blue you're making this ride to dog gone far come out come out wherever you are we should do less singing and more scouting that gravel soprano is driving me crazy yeah me too wish I could cool sweet and pretty like you Momsy when them engines shot that arrow on my throat they just missed my windpipe why and why for three whole days have we've been heading east cuz that's where gono is oh [Music] I was wrong cap that's where jono was I'm sorry we got here too late I wondered why they didn't Massacre the rest of us they they must have heard you coming did you get a good look at their leader yes and a Apache but unlike any Indian I ever saw he he didn't seem human he was like a ghost a shadow he'd strike and disappear I suppose we must have fired over a 100 shots at him it was impossible to hit him Jano that's him all right where you from Texas bound for California you get your people together and we'll escort you to cam Grant thank you Captain can I help you m do you think you could oh I mean your arm sure Help Yourself clean as a whistle right through beats me where them engines get them high powerered repeating rifles oh am I hurting you Miz oh I have been handled gently it's lucky you're fleshy if you'd have been skinny it might have busted your arm it's the same with horses I had a mayor once we were fighting commanches she was fleshy too them commanches just shot her rump just Plum full of holes never touched the bone and she didn't set me down once there I think this will take care of it all right you just give it a rest and it'll heal Mr sneezer if I'm not asking too much would you and your Scouts lead the colum with me or would you rather stay uh no sir captain no I want to go back with you sir come on [Music] honey what people we didn't lose through Indian attacks we've lost through sickness we haven't enough able-bodied men to get us through our women and children and older people need a chance to rest we want your permission sir to Camp here till spring yes of course we'll take care of you until you're ready to start again thank you very much General you will detail your men to help these people make Camp yes sir that's all Captain stard you will disc continue any further search for Gano his attack on this Wagon Train is all the peace Sor I need yes sir I want to commend you for your fine work in bringing in these people thank you sir that's all and Captain sir you're improperly dressed sorry sir improperly dressed I suppose if I caught Jano with my hat off it wouldn't count Captain what I I don't care what Napoleon says I like you much better that way so do I thisy they say you are going we will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile they say you are Tak the [Music] sunsh you know ma'am you've been puzzling me for weeks you don't sound like you all come from Texas well I don't all come from Texas most of me's from New York I believe you're making fun of me why Mr sneezer I can tell what a horse is thinking and I can even tell what an engine's thinking you mean you can't tell what a woman is thinking no ma'am when I want to know what a lady's thinking I got to ask Laura who's Laura that's my horse she's asleeping now what a beautiful friendship is Laura the one that got shot full of hes by the commes oh man that was Bessie poor old Bessie are all your friends horses oh no ma'am lots of people and things which one of those is me ma'am Texas is overrun with crooked politicians Carpet Baggers from up north we had to get out well why didn't you get together and chase them out how we're Confederates we lost the war they came in to make us pay but you're still Americans they have no right to do it you wouldn't think so if you saw them treat us like slaves Rob Kill tax us to death couldn't you do anything about it what suppose you men in the Army had to serve under a superior who treated you worse than dogs who had the power to make your life unbearable what would you do get out of the army exactly that's why we're getting out of Texas oh what have you got to look forward to in California everything new country opportunity above all a chance to be free again chance to make our lives as we want them nobody to order us about tell us what we can do or can't oh I know pioneering is hard but it's worth it you bet it is it's worth anything any hardship to be able to call your soul your own precautions all taken for the night sir very good colel orders for tomorrow sir inspection and review in the morning rations and supplies to the Indians in the afternoon yes sir is that all sir um have you seen the boy Lieutenant steel lle I saw him just a few moments ago how is he getting along he seems very unhappy I I'm rather concerned about him I've just been wondering perhaps I've been too severe with him too much Army he's a very sensitive boy yes like his mother that way perhaps I ought to talk to him get to know him better it would mean a great deal to him I will I'll yes I'll talk to him [Music] sometime [Music] I'm resigning from the Army and I want you and Alice to come here so that we can join this Wagon Train when it leaves for Californians spring it will be a chance for all of us to start our lives over again gentlemen I'm not in the habit of explaining orders we are faced with a serious crisis Jano is ready and eager for war because he knows by now that we're not prepared that our guns are Obsolete and that we haven't enough ammunition for a 3-day engagement unless you're anxious to be massacred and all these women and children with you you will restrain your impetuousness you understand Mr sneezer repeat the last report of your Scouts well it's just as I said sir thousands of Warriors from every tribe in the South and West been Gathering here all winter fully armed with new repeating rifles and ammunition something I ain't never seen before engines it's been natural enemies all their lives letting jono lead them against us within a week our supplies should be be here if nothing happens to them new rifles and ammunition that will give us a fighting chance a chance to discharge our duties as soldiers of the United States Army until then under no circumstances will any officers or troops leave the limits of this fort I'll give the order for Action when I'm ready that's all gentlemen dismissed Mr sneezer I want to talk with you yes sir our ammunition train is coming up from Prescot you will take a half a company of your best Scouts meet the wagons and escort them here by way of mecal pass it means 2 days without water until you get to the river but for that reason it's the safest route yes sir you understand the importance of keeping those wagons out of jono's hands everything will depend upon their safe arrival here that's all yes sir what are you doing here Mr steel I dismissed the officers I want to speak to you alone sir well yes thank you sir he yes been wanting to talk with you myself meaning to for a long time I've never got around to it what is it I wish to resign from the Army sir effective at once just as we are preparing for Action I beg for Action 6 months ago but not now why because I've changed you've made me change I tried to make a soldier out of you a man to be proud of well I'll tell you what you've made you've made me hate the army of course you don't mean the army you mean me I was afraid that you didn't have what it takes to make a good soldier I'll keep your resignation under advisement you might as well know my mother and my fiance are on their way out they'll be here on the stage coach today what I didn't tell you sooner because I knew you'd stop them but it's too late now you mean that you permitted two women alone your mother to travel across country with hostile Indians thousands of them on the war path why don't you protect them that's your job isn't it they're entitled to your protection just as well as anybody else your mother your fiance you brought them well you need worry that you'll have us on your hands we're leaving for California with a wagon train just as soon as they're ready to start I'll show you I can take care of them without your army or Without You Mr steel if you're so worried about me why don't you think about it when I was a baby when I needed you when she needed you but I'm growing now and I can get along without you or without your run steel you are are under arrest for insubordination you will remain confined to your [Music] quarters just a few hours more [Applause] but General Steel's been too smart for you well you've tried all winter to make him move his troops out of that Fort and you haven't been able to do a thing and you know that as long as he stays there you can't touch him he's not going to come out in the open till he gets good and ready and when his ammunition gets here you haven't got a chance but I'll show you how to bring him out that's what I came here for I'll show you how to get him so mad he come out of that Fort before night he'll come heading right here looking for you that's putting them right in your hands isn't it there's a stage coach coming from the East right [Applause] now [Music] Lieutenant when it gets too hot you got to look for shade a horse will learn you that if he thinks he's going to keep me from going to meet Mother Alice he's [Music] wrong all right jack sadle him myself thanks Bill I'm the back [Applause] there's a coach du from the East in spite of my orders to the contrary you will leave camp and meet it yes sir I want you to escort it here do whatever is necessary to provide the ladies the passengers your fullest protection yes [Music] sir we ought to pick the stage up about 3 miles from here no sign of Steel yet well he got a pretty good start on us we better get going I got a mighty funny feeling about something you Ral I don't know just something [Music] [Applause] Gable gero [Applause] [Music] off for get [Music] your keep [Applause] [Music] going yes boy wo [Music] yeah we got [Music] [Applause] take [Music] [Music] oh lete spee [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mother Alice oh mother [Music] [Applause] keep your men here in cover us if we're attacked yes [Music] sir here Jack let him do this he wouldn't let me meet him I could have saved him he wouldn't even let me save my own mother I know he wouldn't let me fight I'll show him I'll fight I'll fight alone I'll get you run over easy jack easy you can't fight him alone the General's right the General's right the General's right that's all I've heard how can he be right when he lets this happen we better get back to the doctor C the young lady's still alive he might be able to save her troop [Music] [Music] F [Music] [Music] yes thank you that's all yes sir h this Sergeant detail your man to get the young lady to the hospital and have them take care of the driver and the guards yes sir and [Applause] forward Lieutenant steel any of you men see Lieutenant steel yes sir he left us about 10 mil back left us yes sir he like out across country going fast too oh yes Captain you met the coach yes sir well I'm relieved relieved to see you back I was uh I was a little concerned please ask the ladies to come in well no no uh I'll uh I'll receive them myself [Music] [Music] where is the young lady the hospital sir badly hurt we don't know you will you ask my son to come here please he's gone sir it's my fault I helped him disobey your orders I guess he kind of went out of his head when he saw this said he was going to get Gano alone [Music] [Applause] he says jono's got him and that we're afraid to come after him let me take some men I'll go after the bo start gono's attack on this coach was intended for exactly what you want to do but we will not go into action until we are prepared but you can't leave your own son to be tortured and killed I can't sacrifice the lives of hundreds of people to rescue one man not even my own son how can you let sir colel you will sound assembly please I want to hold services for my wife yes sir [Music] too bad I got to meet that ammunition train why I'd go with you what do you mean when you're trailing engines cap you mustn't leave no tracks behind well somebody's got to go after the kid don't you reckon that's the old man's job sure it is but he's not human maybe not but he sure learned me the meaning of two words good soldier well look same to you I got a mighty queer hunch we're both going to need [Music] it Jack Jack where are you how is she doctor the same if she regains Consciousness call me at once yes sir good night good night [Music] Sir where are you J [Music] she just keeps [Music] calling check [Music] Jack [Music] now you tell heral what he want to know about General I don't know I tell you I don't [Music] know you tell if General got new ammunition yet how many rifle how many Soldier when he come fight Ral no I won't I won't tell [Music] him I won't tell you I don't care what you do me I won tell you I tell [Music] you David all my life I believed honestly that sentimentality has no place in the [Music] Army but I'm going after my boy I'll go with you sir no this job is my own I failed her I'm failing the Army [Music] now I'm not going to fail him please send Captain star at here he left last night after the boy I might have known good soldier St a Sentimental [Music] fool now we find out about General she there [Music] too [Music] no oh no now you tell [Music] maybe I I won't be don't tell Jack don't tell don't tell heral animal the general he's come out I told you we get him out he's leading troops through the path heading this way Scouting For You they'll be here my [Music] morning said what are you going to do Ranos say this Rock's bad place fight General too many soldiers more bettered tra and Below on island hold them there and what then we send for all Warrior you get for Gano 3,000 maybe yes when they come here we kill all Soldier the general too oh no the heo heral killed General himself he swear and what about them we leave them here Alive live C more better for a catch bear well I I've done everything I promised there there's nothing nothing more for me to do I Rano want you stay I can't if the general sees me and they tell them not you like [Music] stay sure I'll stay C up in the Rocks sir he left in there staked out alive I couldn't tell sir I didn't get close enough and the Indian no sir not an engine inside sir he's making it too easy for us like baiting a trap detail forward [Music] [Applause] [Music] come one this PO [Applause] [Music] prot [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] a [Music] this mountain barricade yes the bring up the rear of the [Music] col [Music] bar where all those horses over there back your [Music] ammunition don't waste any ammunition we don't know how long we'll be [Music] here keep on the col as much as you can [Music] down get that man to cover that end I for a dressing face p k [Music] up [Music] B [Music] I can't understand it why do they stop firing it's weird ain't it attack us sudden get us ambushed shoot him from all sides and then just as a sudden there there ain't a sound how's it feel it's all right yeah I know it's so quiet it scares you what do you suppose gono is up to I don't know but he ain't up to no good p fono say you take flag TRS you tell General come here alone harimo want surrender no no I can't do that the general will know you want to kill him and look your animal you've got those soldiers ambushed on the island they can't get away tomorrow you'll have all your warriors you can C the general then and all his troops beside heronim no care about pelicano soldiers he want General alone now but I can't go down there he knows what I've done for you you go you take your hands off me I'm an American I'll have the whole Army out after you don't please don't don't don't please please I I'll bring the gener for you hey what's that a flager truce certainly looks like it come on they're sending a flag of Truth sir it's gespi you two get out of [Applause] sight [Applause] General General this is terrible I heard of this attack and I traveled 200 mil to get here I'm still a servant of the government you know you refused my help once but I'm offering it again if i' known sooner I would have stopped all this this awful Bloodshed but you see he he'd already started on the war path before I I didn't do anything I didn't do anything those are mighty fine rifles you supplied the Indian we're no match for them seven shot repas I didn't do anything I didn't I tell you I was trying to make peace you see those wounded and the dead we can't even get out to bury them I didn't do anything you you can't do anything to me I'm not doing this Mr glaspie they are they want you to know the feel of your own bullets McNeil yes sir this man is your prisoner see that he keeps shooting until he draws the fire of every Indian on that bank our guns don't shoot as clean as yours but they make Mighty nasty sores in the back get going could I say got the pelic tzo keep shooting and don't [Music] miss [Music] Gathering sir all around us must be over 2,000 of them and more coming every minute how many men at last roller call 16 10 wounded who might be able to help sneez were only here I I'd send him we don't even know if he's a li let me go SAR I'll get back to Camp Grand no it's too dangerous I mean you haven't had enough experience you have to go right through the lines I'll go sir no I can't spare you doids 201 to6 that won't make any difference you never get through if I do get help the others may have a chance if I don't won't matter much let me go with him one of us will surely make it no I told you no you once said there'd be no favoritism that ought to work both ways very well thank you [Music] sir good luck Captain thank you [Music] sir good luck son thanks [Music] Dad [Music] [Applause] [Music] y [Music] come on get that horse go on go on I tell you go ahead I tell you never mind me go on all be [Music] massacred [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] sly atle [Music] [Music] tanoan why don't you let me stop there's no sense shooting in the dark they won't shoot back they know I came to make [Music] peace why don't you let me stop [Music] [Music] oh [Music] I know what you men have been through I want to thank you for your courage almost any minute now they'll start their attack a handful of us against 3,000 I know I don't have to tell you to keep fighting to the last if we've got to die we'll die like soldiers now get to your post and good luck man I wonder what's wrong with the old man he looks like he's dying CL told me he's hit the first day but he didn't want anybody to know about it he's a good soldier all right but too strict too much Drilling and polishing I wonder if they'll send out to take his place what difference will that make to [Music] us oh I got a feeling there's something Mighty queer going on around here see me too uh-oh looks like we got company coming to our house well there's only one thing to do get ready man we're going to go through [Music] them come on play [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Music] you wagon get up within [Music] Hill [Music] hey hey look Drew we got a Ambush let's find jono run us up in the hills to keep us in the ammunition away from them troops it's the general look at them engines there thousand and something they're going to attack any minute they'll Massacre them troops he ain't got a living chance well we got to give him that chance we got to give him ammunition and right now before the attack you're crazy you can't get a wagon across to that Island well maybe I can't but I can sure try stay there come back stay there that's a drop of 200 ft I miss my foot and I can always bounce back [Music] jry c yeah jry C we got to get ammunition To those troops fix me a wagon and give me some mule we got to work fast man get [Music] [Applause] out keep on driving I'll find a off froming back here get out get out ammunition [Music] wagon that that ammunition the [Music] home [Applause] [Music] I need barricade get him you Ned in plenty of [Music] it get your head down your guns Hot make every shot count ready [Music] [Music] hey what are they stopping for I don't know it's a new one on me Sho your massacr I tell you we can't stand an attack you got any good [Music] suggestions let him have [Music] it they're not coming up here they're going right past it hey it ain't no trick there Retreat [Music] Retreat look man it's a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] troop [Music] nice shooting [Music] Captain get out [Music] get [Music] nice go you come mighty near not finding us where's my dad [Music] he's dad dad [Music] your prisoner [Music] sir Captain William Starrett for most distinguished gallantry in action captain starret you gave your life in the sacred cause of Duty to your country you died that your companions in the sixth Cavalry might live you set an example of devotion and high ideal of service which will stand always as a great goal to be followed by the men and officers of your regiment and by the whole Army in the absence of any next of kin this medal of honor awarded to you posthumously in the name of Congress is presented to your regiment for safekeeping so long as there are such men as you the frontiers of this country will always be safe [Applause] the
Channel: Cinematic Euphoria
Views: 143,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, WesternMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Geronimo, Western, Paul Sloane, Preston Foster, Ellen Drew, Andy Devine
Id: TRf8QDf636s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 17sec (5297 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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