Middle Earth | Rivendell - Music & Ambience
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Channel: Ambient Worlds
Views: 10,258,304
Rating: 4.9473634 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: 62j1xAdYKAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 0sec (10800 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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I search any of these on Youtube:
Lo-Fi Hip Hop to Work To
Alan Watts Chillstep
Philosophers Mixtape
Cercle - Stephen Bodzin @ Piz Gloria, Solomun, and others
I'm a fan of the Harry Potter "rooms" like this. There's a channel that has all the common rooms and several other spaces in the Harry Potter world. My favorites are the Gryffindor common room and the Hogwarts Library.
https://open.spotify.com/user/beatscribe/playlist/2ZKHLbTQZlYXBkSWiKNBo9 I put this together for that specific purpose. It has some lo-fi hiphop, shoegaze, movie OSTs, ambient tracks and orchestral stuff. The main goal is anything that keeps some sort of pulse going without putting you to sleep but also not distracting you with lyrics or anything.
When I was in school I had a homework pandora station that was just a bunch of orchestral stuff and post-rock bands (think Explosions in the Sky). It helped me sooooo much.
Liquid drum and bass. Or water sounds. The first for working the second for reading!
Well, it has to be something repetitive, otherwise you focus on the tune rather than your task. I find some 2-hour long jazz tunes to be really helpful.
Video game music is made to keep you drawn in and focused on a task at hand. Itβs what I use when I have to keep on a time line and not take βday dreamβ breaks
White noise is the way to go!