Saturday Night Awakening: September 4, 2021

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[Music] my prayer for the baptism of fire john the baptist declared it i baptize you with water if there is one coming whom you do not know [Music] he will baptize you with the holy spirit and with [Music] god i fire up my voice before your throne right now i lift up this generation this nation before your throne god we need the fire of the holy spirit we need that cleansing fire that consuming fire that burning fire our hearts have gotten cold hard and different our lives are filled with sin and apathy complacency compromise our garments are dirty oh god and we need you we need the fire of the holy spirit jesus you said this is why i came to send fire on the earth and how distressed i am until it is accomplished god we cry out before your throne right now send the fire of the holy spirit baptize this generation in the fire of god burn up got all the chaff of dead religion god remove all the sin and the compromise and the apathy set our hearts on fire again oh god mother set our hearts again on fire make us tender again in your love song of solomon you said set me as a seal of fire upon your heart oh god i pray that jesus would be the fire on the heart of the church again oh that we would love you above everything else but every other lover would fall to the wayside and that jesus would be first place in our lives we ask you for the baptism of fire right now right now friend lift up your hand and ask him for the baptism of fire god i ask you in the name of jesus release the fire release the cleansing fire release the purging fire release the refining fire god i pray that you would bring forth the bride out of every tribe tongue people and nation they would begin to shine god they would begin to glow in your glory and their hearts would be set on fire their eyes would be set on fire their lips would be set on fire release the fire of the holy spirit what you did on the day of pentecost do it again god all over the earth remove god every other lover and set us on fire a radiant bride shining in your glory filled with your spirit moving in your anointing oh god just lift your hand right now [Music] you are the burning one except the church on fire we pray in the name of jesus [Music] uh [Music] holy spirit holy spirit i bless you holy spirit i honor you holy spirit i love you you are my best friend [Music] you are my comforter you are my strength you are my helper i ask you holy spirit take me into the deep things of god take me into the revelation of the father in the revelation of the son [Music] holy spirit i just tell you right now thank you thank you but you have taken up residence on the inside of me you will never leave me nor forsake me [Music] you are the burning fire in my spirit you are the rushing river in my spirit you are the glory in my spirit and you shine now the lord is the spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there's freedom [Music] and i behold as in a mirror the glory of the lord i am transformed from glory to glory i behold you holy spirit thank you you live within me riches of glory abides in me treasure in earth and vessel indestructible life dwelling on the inside burning glory i bless you holy spirit i say increase your presence in my life increase your presence in my thoughts increase your presence in my emotions in my desires in my body [Music] you resurrected your son from the dead give life to my mortal body within me today holy spirit give life to me holy spirit [Music] take me up into the counsel of the godhead i want to feel what heaven's feeling i want to think what heaven's thinking i want to be in union with heaven take me up holy spirit take me up holy spirit take me off holy spirit i want to be one with you take me off take me off take me up take me out [Music] take the church out the spirit of the bride holy spirit catch your church up catch me up catch us up god take us up in the spirit we want to see hear encounter the heartbeat of heaven oh great revealer of the mysteries take us through that open door [Music] foreign [Music] chelsea here and these are your weekly announcements are you interested in becoming a community partner well saturday september 11th from 8 am to 12 pm at trinity we will be having a training this training will equip you to be a chaplain in our local schools and businesses if you're interested in more information then visit the table in the rotunda or go to info ladies mark your calendars for ladies night september 17th at 7 00 pm you do not want to miss it visit info for more information lastly be sure to tune in for pastor jim and becky's daily devos every monday through thursday at 8 30 a.m they are so worth watching you can watch it on facebook or you can watch it on our instagram at trinity underscore online and that's all for this week so have a great sunday [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] come on can we just start spraying the spirit come on let's activate to us tonight let's activate our hearts tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] birth through the night break [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] give a push back praise [Music] [Music] [Music] every thought right now and we say bow before the [Music] lord and we say right now you stop right now [Music] we commit you to stopping in shut your mouth [Music] here [Music] [Applause] we welcome you we welcome you [Music] we speak into the atmosphere and say be open be open for the king of glory be open be open [Music] come on we're starting service a little different this tonight i feel like we all the things that have been going on in the atmosphere i feel like we just need to take authority over that because we have authority i feel like right now in this moment we're gonna we're gonna break through some things is that okay with you guys so i just want everybody to stand up come on we're going to stand up we're going to activate our hearts right now we're going to have to wait our words our prayer come on tonight's going to be about prayer so we're going to really really intercede and pray for tonight yeah let's start thinking on some things we cut we got afghanistan we got government stuff we got politics we got whatever personal issue that you have family whatever chronicles coming home come on let's declare the opposite let's declare the positive come on let's start activating our prayer life come on if you have to speak in the spirit pray in the spirit sing in the spirit dance in a spirit we're going to break stuff right now we're not moving on until we break it come on there's a there's a breaker anointing right now come on let's start entering in entering in come on come on come on if you gotta get loud you gotta get loud come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] the manifestation of the children of god time to seek to seek his face to call his kingdom down on earth [Music] um [Music] i normally don't say this but you know the altar is open for you guys to come up from i'd honestly would love for you guys to come up front if you don't feel like it totally you can stay but i would totally encourage you guys to come up and just let's start declaring together come on yeah yeah come on there's something on this for you to come up front let's declare this together we're one church let's start praying in unity let's start declaring is one come on [Music] ah [Music] [Music] come on [Applause] do whatever you need to do [Music] [Music] yes [Music] god [Music] the authority that's been lost [Music] [Music] come on i feel like we can go to another level let's go deeper [Music] i just feel this we need to go deeper let's step in deeper we gotta step in ourselves [Music] come on start praying in the spirit out loud come on you gotta let's come on i can't make you come on come on come on if you really want to see change come on let's speak authority in the atmosphere come on [Music] i want every voice every voice come on yeah yeah come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah yeah do you feel it come on [Music] if you want to see something happen personal start praying into it come on [Music] so [Music] so [Music] every stronghold shall come down [Music] shall be broken we declare the atmosphere open for the glory just the glory nothing else but the glory and we speak over the government the glory of god the glory of god [Music] we speak of our families the glory of god the glory of god the glory to shine [Music] we speak over the school system in america the glory of god the glory of god the glory of [Music] whole god be covered by the glory of god let the whole love be covered by the glory of god let the whole love glory [Music] we increase our expectations and we recalibrate our hearts tonight to you jesus [Music] glory we recalibrate our hearts our minds our souls to you jesus [Music] a new ending to your sales tonight for the tired ones a new wind into your sails tonight [Music] enough is enough get up get up get up enough is enough get up get up get up enough is enough get up get up get up enough [Music] [Music] [Music] let your glory [Music] glory come down glory come down [Music] let your glory come [Music] come down let your glory come down let [Music] let your glory come down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] holy [Music] holy you are lord god almighty holy holy [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] my head [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you are [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] lord god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] since breath came from you god we give our breath back to you [Music] [Music] [Music] sometimes words are not enough [Music] [Music] hey oh [Music] [Music] [Music] cause there is you are [Music] come on here at trinity we like to say that worship is [Music] your appropriate response to god's presence can you appropriately respond to him right now that doesn't mean a specific type of response it can be a shout it can be applause it can be jumping it can be dancing it can be running come on can you just respond to the presence of god that's why we're okay with doing some weird stuff tonight in worship doing some different things it's because tonight we are appropriately responding to the lord who's in the room so can you just respond to him can you allow your spirit to respond to the living god come on just respond to him come on this is incense filling up the bowls in heaven come on come on [Music] come on and dignify yourself for him right now just indignify yourself just surrender it all let's go wild for jesus [Music] [Music] oh mountains are [Music] yes we can see that wonders parties are still being raised [Music] we are here oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we need to [Music] move more [Music] [Music] we are here we are here for you [Music] cause we need to [Music] we need to [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] healing is coming in this room miracles happen when you move come on heaven heaven is is [Music] is [Applause] is is [Music] this is [Music] we are here [Music] [Music] god we believe in yes we can see wonders are still what you do mountains are still being moved strongholds bodies are still [Music] yes we my [Music] we are here we are here for you cause we need to [Music] [Music] we're [Music] we need [Music] we need [Music] upon this place come on mighty breath of god [Music] come on [Music] my [Music] come and go [Music] [Applause] [Music] upon [Music] my [Music] i don't know who this is for but i just hear the holy spirit saying that he wants to blow fresh wind into some of our sails tonight some of us and i'm one of them i know that came in here needing a fresh wind of god and i can feel it glowing it's almost like that fresh that second wind that you need in a race to keep going if that's for you i want you to lift up your hands to heaven right now and we're gonna declare blow mighty breath of god be the wind in my sails be the wind that keeps me going be the breath in my lungs be where i need you to be oh great i am great i am is [Music] breath of god [Music] our hearts will cry these bones again will sing come [Music] will on our hearts will thrive is it's [Music] in our lives [Music] [Music] it's grace we say [Music] so [Music] so [Music] yeah come on we just thank you lord we're not moving from this place but i just feel that the lord wants us to know and i hear the spirit of the lord saying that as the enemy has tried to come in like a flood i will push him back and i hear the lord even saying the way that we look at our worship and our praise that perspective is about to change and god wants us to know the power and worship and the power and praise and even now as we have been lifting up our voices we have some friends that like to say something called a push back praise and i want to tell you that that is what i feel in my spirit that anything that is trying to push back against the people of god that the very remedy to gain victory is a pushback praise come on and just as that song was saying great are you lord there are breath in my lungs given to me by the lord i will use my breath to praise the lord i don't know about you but i feel like we need to go and we need to be intentional hear me i want to say something this is not performance a spirit of religion would like to call a pushback praise performance a spirit of religion is fine with you shouting and dancing at the club shouting and dancing at the stadiums for your sports team but a spirit of religion says oh no no you must be quiet at church you must be quiet and sit down and be boring and have a form of godliness and denying the power of god but i'm here to tell you that the spirit of god through our intentional sacrifice of praise is annihilating the principality of religion over this region so today and tonight we are going to push back the enemy over our nation we're gonna push back the enemy over our region come on make it personal we're gonna push back the enemy in our own life with the push back praise [Music] holy [Music] holy holy holy holy holy [Music] ah [Music] [Music] hey oh oh [Music] myself [Music] come on this is it i feel the lord principalities are being displaced right now so some of you just need to get up start praying in the spirit make some decrees but we didn't come here to be entertained we didn't come here just to sit back and watch them worship for us we came to worship the living god we came to mark this city with pushback praise [Music] of god breath of god glow with my sails [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on you guys can dance the instruments are just gonna prophesy [Music] wow [Music] thank you lord thank you the glory of the lord rise to this house may the glory of the lord raise the united states of america may the glory of the lord rest in this world in all nations may your glory rest in every household may the glory of the lord rest on you are your family and your children are your children's children the glory of the lord [Music] god we just thank you for a mighty shift in this place lord god we cry out right now and lord we thank you we need a move come on just as we sing earlier god we contend right now in the spirit come on i just really feel such a tenacity and a stubbornness in the spirit if you can't tell i believe that when we feel like we're hitting a wall that doesn't mean that we back down that means we tell the mountain and the wall to move and to come down in the name of jesus and so even now we tell our flesh to go to the back seat even now we tell our circumstances hey situation finances health family you don't reign the lord reigns and we declare right now a shift over every household we declare right now a shift in the body of christ we declare right now a shift here on saturday night come on some of you need to start declaring to your situation right now [Music] that's it that's it begin to see your mountain and tell it to move look at your mountain and tell it to move [Music] we look right now at the valley of dry bones we right now look at the valley of dry bones in our life in our nation and we say you will live again you will live again god we declare a spirit of revival in the valley of america we look at every dry bone and we say dry bones live again may the breath of the almighty god sweep through this land and i even hear the lord saying as you begin to watch over what matters to me in this moment i will watch over what matters to you so god give us eyes to see give us eyes to see to see our nation the way that you see it to see the body of christ the way that you see it to see our situation the way that you see it come on god's given us eyes of 2020 vision right now god has given us eyes to look at the valley of dead bombs not from a ground level but from an aerial view so right now we are seated in heavenly places and we look at the valley of dry bones and we prophesy come on we prophesy live live live live in jesus mighty name [Music] come on your next breakthrough is shot up in your mouth i can't make the declaration for you but i feel the spirit of god flowing through i feel the spirit of god blowing through fresh authority for you to speak to your mountain and tell it to move spirit of god spirit of god spirit of god blow through this place spirit of god flow through my home spirit of god blow through my marriage come on what is it to you spirit of god blow through my children spirit of god blow through my city come on somebody's watching online right now and you need to say spirit of god blow through my sick body right now we command you to come out of your sick bed right now in the name of jesus [Music] we're going to give it about 30 more seconds come on body of christ body of christ we declare a shift we speak to the mountain and tell it to move hey [Music] hey [Music] [Music] bring every dead thing back to oh [Music] there's a spirit of breakthrough whoa there's a spirit of breakthrough [Music] whoa there's a spirit of breakthrough in the house i'm willing to can the agenda you understand what i'm saying i'm willing to can the agenda right here right now there's a spirit of breakthrough in this house and i feel the spirit of the lord saying will you take time to contend will you take time to contend i feel the spirit of god so strongly right now god right now we make room we make room lord i don't care what it looks like god [Music] whoa god we contend for another level oh god [Applause] we can't stay the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we don't want business as usual in the church god we have to have more we have to have more we know there's so much more god blow spirit of god blow spirit of god blow spirit of god blow through this nation lord blow through this place holy spirit oh god we cry out lord we contend in this place tonight god your word says from glory to glory to glory to glory [Music] oh will you believe me for more i hear the lord saying will you believe me that there's more are you willing to contend for the more oh lord we didn't come here just for routine god we came to contend for more [Music] the fullness of the spirit the fullness of the spirit [Music] god we cry out for your glory god we cry out for your glory [Music] [Music] god cover our city with your glory rest over our city with your glory wow you're the same god of azusa street that hovered over los angeles it's the same holy spirit that hovered over the hebrides island it's the same glory that came to moses on the mountaintop but god your word says how much greater of an impartation of glory do we have in this covenant [Music] god show us your glory show us your glory us your glory lord rest over this city i don't know about you guys but i feel such an authority in the room for us to adopt in the spirit the city of dallas right now and say god hover over our city with your glory hover over this region with your glory [Music] come on i know we have a lot of personal needs right now but i just feel as we begin to cry out for what's on the heart of god for the glory of the lord to hover over the city where people come and say what must i do to be saved were people walking in a radius around or healed in the presence of god [Music] glory of god i just declared that you legislate that you legislate that the kingdom of god would come that the kingdom of god would invade earth as it is in heaven invade in vain invade invade invade [Music] every agenda in the church in this hour invade every minister and every motive glory of god i pray that you invade it [Music] may it be like the upper room [Music] the mighty upper room where the ecclesia came together not to be entertained but to seek god for the face of glory for him face to face god grip our intentions in this hour our affections in this hour [Music] shut up [Music] oh [Music] holy spirit hmm [Music] so [Music] is [Music] then here's every [Music] then here's every melody so tell me what moves you i just want to move you cause is it a fragrance [Music] is it a song i sing [Music] so tell me what moves you i just want to move tell me what moves you i just wanna move you [Music] so tell me what moves you i just wanna move so tell me what moves you yeah i just want to move [Music] [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] i just [Music] so tell me what moves you i just wanna move [Music] yeah there's just such a sweet surrender tonight come on [Music] i just feel the holy spirit even in this hour just as catherine was singing god just grip our heart grip our heart for what moves you lord we cry out for the glory but i tell you what i believe that moses saw the glory because moses was willing to go after what mattered to the heart of god so god like moses lord we want to see your glory we want to see your goodness and god we make a commitment right now to just surrender just to yield to yield to you [Music] we lay it down every motive every agenda even what we thought was right and good intentions we just lay it down we're going to transition but just before we do there's just a couple things that i want to do i'm going to have tommy come up but bobby stovall and his wife were in an accident was it yesterday or today um yesterday and so i i don't know if they'll be watching but they might be later but i just want us to come together as a unified body for someone a part of our family and just declare healing to them his wife is in need of back surgery due to the accident and we honor and are so grateful for the medical community that is ready on the spot to help her but i still want to pray that god would begin to do such a mighty miracle in her back in her spine right now in the name of jesus so can we do that so bobby right now we just speak to you we speak to your wife both of you right now in jesus name and we just declare healing to your body right now come on this is what the glory looks like it looks like god healing people that aren't even in the room so right now with a word with a word we just declare healing we declare wisdom to the doctors we declare that the presence of the holy spirit would overshadow you guys right now where you're where you are in the hospital and we just declare over your body be healed in the mighty name of jesus everything that is severed we command it to come back and fuse together every bone every tendon every ligament every nerve every thing under the sound of my voice we commanded in agreement to fuse together and to be healed and restored in the name of jesus god we thank you for a 100 turn around a turn around a full restoration and we command trauma to leave your body right now in the name of jesus yeah and right now i just speak right now just the healing anointing in the room if you need healing for anything in your body quickly i just want you to come to the front quickly quickly before we move on anything it could be any incurable disease it could be a rash it could be a broken toe anything incurable diseases but it could be something that like well it's curable but it's on my nerves if it matters to you it matters to him listen i came to know jesus is my savior i came to know him as christ the healer because when i didn't even think he liked me he came in his mercy and he healed my body multiple times so if you guys can just kind of squeeze in together just kind of squeeze in here in the middle but i still want you to form a line but just kind of move the line in and we're going to pray we also are going to have our prayer team just come and lay hands on you as well and i know that there's some dear ones some on our leadership team that are homesick right now so if you're watching we just declare be healed in the name of jesus i keep hearing over and over in my spirit to command sickness to command people to raise up out of their sick beds right now so maybe you're standing here and you're not always in a sick bed but it's intermittent maybe you're watching online and you are in a sick bed or a sick recliner i say raise up out of your sickness raise up out of your bed of sickness i've been hearing that in my spirit all day i speak to everybody right now raise up out of your bed of sickness in the name of jesus [Music] we speak right now i speak and i take authority over infirmity i take authority come on this is contending we go after it as if it was the first time you ever received prayer we push every excuse and every spirit of religion aside that gives you an excuse why it's not a good time to be healed we push it back in the name of jesus we speak to skin disorders diabetes arthritis every incurable disease right now and we command you to bow to the name of jesus we command it to bow in the name of jesus every genetic disorder come on whoa every genetic disorder in the name of jesus it doesn't matter how many years and generations this thing has tried to come against i speak that it comes not against you any longer come on brand new dna brand new dna christ the healer christ the healer come on according to your word in john 1 that jesus was the word whoa made manifest whoa and dwelt among us come on as we continue to pray just this week some dear friends of ours experienced an incurable miracle of diabetes type one it was medically verified and they were able to get off their insulin and i was praying earlier today and i want to it bears witness with what miriam sharing i felt earlier we were praying i felt early the lord was going to heal incurable diseases so this is just this just isn't a good idea but tonight i believe it could be your night of the miraculous it can be your night so just take hold of that prophecy take hold of that testimony let it prophesy to you right now in jesus name father we just declare the fire of the holy spirit begin to deal with every infirmity with every affliction in the mighty name of jesus we declare that the fire of god is dealing with diabetes with pancreatic conditions with rheumatoid arthritis with cancer with liver issues now in jesus mighty name we command your body to line up with the spirit of god we command every tumor to dissipate we command every incurable disease to be cast out in jesus mighty name we take authority over every spirit of infirmity we take authority over every spirit of affliction and we cast you out of these bodies in jesus name [Music] come on i feel like some of you you need to tell that demon to leave your body [Music] i even feel right now that god is releasing along with the healing anointing the gift of faith for the working of miracles i hear the lord saying i am replacing the gift of faith and removing disappointment right now right now god i declare that you uproot disappointment in the name of jesus jesus [Music] god i thank you that you're imparting a gift of faith right now over your sons and daughters [Music] a gift of faith god a gift of faith for the working of miracles be healed in jesus name mother i command every lying spirit right now that would try to lie to the body of christ and say that healing is not for today you don't deserve it we know we don't deserve it it's about the finished work of the cross god we carry and we hold on whoa our inheritance as sons and daughters our birthright our birthright our birthright of healing our birthright at the miraculous in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we say be healed be healed in jesus mighty name right now we break the power of the demonic realm right now off of every body right now in jesus name we break the bound we bind every devil right now off of everybody in the name of jesus and we command right now the power of darkness against your body we take authority over it now in jesus mighty name and we assure you of the authority of the lord jesus to be cast out in the name of jesus we speak to the bones and we say be healed in jesus name we speak to arthritis and we command it to go in jesus name we speak to the bowels and we say behold be well be set free [Music] we command knees to be healed backs to be aligned scoliosis is being healed right now scoliosis is being healed right now right now right now right now we command that curvature in your spine we commanded to leave we commanded to leave we command your back to be straight to be aligned in jesus mighty name bones come into order pancreas come back into order oh father right now in the name of jesus i command this body to line up with the word of truth i command this body to line up with the spirit of the lord the spirit of resurrection power i command these bodies to line up with resurrection power in the name of jesus [Music] come on bodies are being healed right now just take it take it take it take it [Music] come on we have a few requests here and online and right now we're just going to come together in agreement and we're just gonna curse covet out of people's lungs right now so god right now under the authority of jesus christ we come together come on and we just declare covid we curse you out of bodies right now in the body of christ we curse you right now we declare right now over loved ones that are here standing in proxy for them those of you watching online we speak to your lungs right now and we command them to be cleared in jesus name cleared in the name of jesus god i thank you lord that you also impart healing with wisdom on how we treat our bodies so god right now i release wisdom i just feel the lord is also releasing and this may sound funny but i feel it that as we are contending and declaring for healing and miracles that god is also releasing wisdom in this hour wisdom to partner with health do you hear me psalms 103 talks about the benefits of the cross he saved our soul from destruction and he healed us from every disease you go down to the end of psalms 103 and he says lord you renew my youth like the eagles and listen to this you satisfy my mouth with good things god i pray right now that in the body of christ just as the miraculous come on guys i'm prophesying right now we are entering into a level in a season of creative miracles i'm prophesying right now we are going to see the dead raised we are going to see organs new organs be created in people's bodies come on i'm not worried about my reputation right now or what i sound like i've seen it i've seen it in visions i've seen it in dreams i've seen this and it's not just gonna be me in a select few i'm talking to you i'm talking to the body of christ in this hour where we can curse covet in the name of the lord where we can curse pleurisy in the name of the lord cursing infirmity and seeing it disappear and dissipate out of people's bodies we are on the brink of coming and seeing another level of the miraculous no longer will people say oh that only happens in africa in brazil no that stuff happens in the united states of america god showed me a dream and he showed me where people begin to come and say find me a christian i have a loved one that's in their sick in the death bed somebody find me a christian hello that is who we are that is our birthright that is our dna but i also believe hear me that god is giving us wisdom to partner with health in this hour come on we are not in this for the sprint we're in it for the marathon and i believe that god is giving us wisdom on how to eat healthy come on the practical and the spiritual go together they are not separate i believe that god is renewing our youth like the eagles but he's gonna satisfy our mouth with good things so god i pray for wisdom right now wisdom on the body of christ god we partner with you and our healing we partner with you in the miraculous god help us to eat healthy come on god help us to eat healthy help us to cut out habits that are not good for us that's one of my prayers i pray lord satisfy my mouth with good things according to your word in psalm 103 and god i pray for wisdom with every medical professional in this hour that is on the front lines dealing with covet come on i pray the wisdom of heaven to come upon the medical community i pray for the wisdom of heaven to come upon the body of christ that we would not be told what to think but how to think like we think for ourselves i believe that god is releasing wisdom in this hour to partner with the miraculous and i really believe that god is showing us two things about that practical advice practical and spiritual go hand in hand amen they're not separate and number two is that if you're in this prayer line or if you're watching online or watching later and you hear what i'm saying and you say well you know what i brought this sickness on myself due to a bad habit or something hear me be healed in the name of jesus that means nothing that means nothing god healed my body right smack in the middle of sin he healed me of a neurological issue he healed me of an esophagus issue i could go on and on and on and he healed me and his mercy changed my life and i knew that he loved me so you don't hear me saying well i brought it on myself so i can't believe for a miracle no i believe receive your miracle but just like jesus said said stop sinning or something worse may happen to you receive the ma the grace and the mercy of god to be healed right now in the grace with wisdom to carry your healing out does that make sense to walk your healing out some of you i believe are going to be healed tonight and some of you may be healed tomorrow next week we've seen this happen some of you say my symptoms are gone if those symptoms try to come back tomorrow morning you tell those symptoms to go back to hell where they came from that's exactly what i said because that's where they came from jesus came to give us life in abundance the enemy came to steal kill and destroy so if those symptoms try to come back you tell them no i received my breakthrough i know what my bible says this is my inheritance in my birthright i feel such a need to take time for that because sometimes when we contend for healing sometimes people ask us later or say well i must have not received my healing because i i can hear but then i went deaf again no you contend and you tell that thing to [Music] i bless move come on just check your body out too your body's out come on we're not done we're just gonna i believe god's gonna impart some things tonight there's a there's a fresh encounter still awaiting but check your body out do something that you could not do if you could physically check your body check it out but those of you get as close to the front as possible because i like to talk to you i'm going to get close i'm going to pray we're going to pray we're going to just go into something check your body and do something that you could not do and if you at any moment you see a difference if it's 10 15 just wave and let us know there's a guy here in the blue shirt right here tell you i'm talking ryan come to ryan he's waving his hands and uh if there's a difference in your body will you just report that to him we want to hear about it because we believe god's touching people do we have a testimony we actually do she came back today but she received her healing not too long ago she said i called out a word of knowledge about her hormones and she said since then and she gave me permission to share since then her hormones have been healed and her cycles are completely back to normal come on so she's very happy and she gave me permission to share which i'm glad because this is the testimony of jesus which is the spirit of prophecy it prophesies to you people watching online it prophesies to you here in the house that jesus christ is the healer now i just feel 10 seconds somebody needs to move or do something who's feeling i can feel it right now somebody's feeling a difference in their body is that you or someone else too yeah come up come on hey pastor uh this is grayson and he had curvature of the spine for a long time and he said it was just constantly constantly aching how long was it for grayson um my whole life really so his whole life he's had curvature of the spine it's been aching and he says that uh how much pain do you have left none none of that so you you had when you had curvature curvature of the spine you had curvature of the spine and all the pain just left your body yes sir did you have pain before you came in tonight yes i did wow and it's all gone that's all god do something that you couldn't do is there something that you couldn't do before or you just know the pain you haven't heard to do this but you can do that now come on come on jesus come on jesus come on jesus come on lord come on i don't know about you but unless you've had something with the spine hey it's worth giving jesus a shout of praise can we do that god we thank you that you straighten out spines and you take away pain wow grayson i just even feel the lord saying stretch out your hand go lay hands on the sick and you'll see them recovered receive the healing anointing grayson i see you doing it on the streets i see you evangelizing on the streets with power evangelism and i see you raising up teams of power evangelists that are going to operate in the miraculous a mighty harvest a mighty harvest is coming under your leadership in jesus name whoa thank you lord okay who else who else who's feeling even if it's like a slight difference you don't have to be 100 we've seen god heal people just as we're giving thanks for the 10 percent is there anybody else in the room not pressure so this isn't a courtesy i just want to know you know something i love about the healing ministry oh we've got somebody i was going to say like it's black or white either it happened or it didn't but i i don't care yeah oh yeah you're wearing black here let me help you okay what happened what did you come in with tonight came here for diabetes but it's before you had a word okay i mean it was like in my heart when i was coming and i just had a thought that someone in the church was going to pray for me for diabetes before i even got here and so when you gave the word wow it hit me hard i received it i know that it went in and i have to testify because chronicles 20 20 says believe in the prophets and you shall be established and that was the word he gave me after i was laying there so come on well let's just stretch your hands right now come on [Music] pancreas come into order pancreas come into order come into order we declare a brand new pancreas pancreas come back into order in jesus name we cast diabetes the effects of diabetes out of you now in jesus name let it be a according to your faith come on some of you you came in here believing that tonight was your night let it be according to your faith tonight is your night come on somebody you came in here believing i know that i'm going to receive my miracle if you came in i want you to stand up right now you knew i if i came in tonight i'm going to be healed who is that there's somebody else here you knew if you came in tonight you're going to be healed i know you may not even see the symptom leave yet is that you you believed come on get you get around this one right here in jesus name because she stood in faith because she agreed and she said tonight was my night god let it be unto her according to her faith in jesus name we declare over your body a divine overhaul in jesus name [Music] we command the effects of demonic attack on your body we declare right now that it ends tonight in jesus name we speak to your blood we speak to your nerves we speak to your muscles we speak to your bones we speak to your cells we speak to your brain we speak from the top of your head to the souls of your feet we declare jesus over your body in jesus name real quick if i can just get some of our prayer teams and i'm just i'm feeling just the presence of god really strong around this couple right here just a real strong miracle miracle anointing so let's get somebody here and i'm also seeing it quick over i see three bodies over here i apologize it's dark and it's light in my face one two three in the corner right there aaron meady can you guys wave i just i'm not even sure fully but i just see like god just doing something miraculous right now does that make any sense to them is that yup okay so god right now in jesus name just a clear healing just a clear healing we thank you lord according to your word in psalms 104 that you're ministering flames of fire the angels are being released right now in the room for miracles god i thank you right now i command systems to come back into order bodily systems to come into order right now in the name of jesus genetics i command them to come and to be healed and whole right now in jesus name wow i just feel the holy spirit making wrong things right in bodies right now i speak to cells right now wow a multiplication of them be created be created if it's a if it's a system if it's an organ i command it to be created right now in jesus name [Music] thank you lord thank you lord thank you jesus thank you jesus wow it's just weighty in this place so i just want to be obedient to it if nothing happened to you the first time we prayed please pray again right now [Music] not begging just receive it just receive it god i thank you right now that you're doing a mighty work in eyes and ears right now in jesus name bodily systems right now in jesus name this may sound funny i feel like counts like i don't know if it's a blood count if it's a kid something of accounts needs to be healed does that make sense to anybody i heard like the counts are are coming back to the right number who is that you need a certain number of counts i don't know what the counts are for what part of the body but i heard speak that the numbers and the counts will be made back to normal so right now we just declare it in jesus name the the counting the numbers uh the levels need to be where they need to be that number you know what it is but i speak to the body the counts in the body and i say right now the correct counts that you need that number that magic number if you will whatever that means to you i say number regulate regulate organs regulate right now in jesus name i speak to the counts and i say rise if you have to rise lower if you must lower whatever the counts are be made whole in jesus name [Music] thank you lord i want to encourage you if you can get tested get tested and let us know wow holy spirit [Music] you god thank you god come on the spirit of the lord is in this place thank you lord the spirit of the lord is in this place [Music] there's a lot happening right now in the spirit whether you have a full understanding or not people are being healed people are being touched people are being actually i felt like there's even a commissioning that's taking place there's an anointing there's an impartation that's even taking place and i even i feel like there's this the beautiful prophetic picture of noah in the ark when the earth was flooded when he wanted to check if there was land he let the dove loose three times and the death came back once and had no place to rest and he left the dove out again and the dove came back and it had an olive branch in his mouth but it still had no place to rest but when he let it out a third time it found somewhere someone to rest upon and i want to tell you that that dove is a prophetic picture of the holy spirit and i want to tell you when the holy spirit begins to brood over a house like this he looks for a place to land he's looking and he just needs one he doesn't even really need two or three or four if he just can find one person one person that will respond when he begins to move you see i want to tell you that we're in a move of god we're in a move of god and god is looking for a place to land he's looking for a person he's looking for a man he's looking for a woman in whom will yield to his spirit and respond when the spirit of god begins to fall on you something in us must take place there must be a response there must be a posture there must be a position of our heart and i want to tell you the holy spirit is hovering he's hovering over a city he's hovering over a nation [Music] i feel the holy ghost in this room god's been taking us somewhere he's been taking us somewhere and he's been teaching us [Music] about the realms of glory this last day's revival you've heard us talk about it we've been prophesying it literally for five years but i want to tell you we are stepping into a realm of glory and the likes that we've never seen before and we're barely scratching the surface what is the glory the glory is the realm of heaven it is heaven on earth it is the manifestation of jesus it's the shekinah it's the khabad weighty glory that comes upon a person it can come upon a people it can come upon a family it can come in such a way where the manifest presence of jesus comes into a situation and everything that is wrong is suddenly made right everything that is infirmed or afflicted is set free all of a sudden when the glory comes into the room every dark power leaves it's the realm [Applause] of heaven [Music] you've heard me say this as the air is to the earth's atmosphere the glory is to heaven's atmosphere come on somebody and we talked about a few weeks ago i was talking about how god was upgrading us as a family where we're the theme has been family revival and god is upgrading us he's increasing our capacity and there are things that god is wanting to increase in our lives so we can carry a greater measure of glory of manifest presence where we literally carry the atmosphere in heaven that peter walked in [Music] come on somebody [Music] i talked about praise a praise is a key how praise the god wants to increase our capacity for high praise because high praise deals with our enemies at the gates high praise is a weapon of warfare high praise is a battle strategy that god uses to shift your gaze from the demonic realm to the face of the answer to the face of the one who is able [Music] you see sometimes god has us do things in the natural that releases something in the spirit and we don't always understand it we don't always comprehend it because it's other worldly well brother you need to get back down to earth you know i've heard that a lot people say well you're you're so heavenly minded you're no earthly good but i want to tell you i would rather be heavenly minded because when you're heavenly minded come on listen the carnal mind cannot comprehend the things of the spirit overly openly the heavenly mind can do it only a heavenly mind i'm getting ahead of myself ah so there's this power and praise it was the strategy that god used in judges [Music] when israel inquired who should go up to take hold of our enemies and god said send judah up first judah means praise second i'm gonna skim through this second chronicles [Music] 20 and 21 again when israel was facing an enemy instead of sending out soldiers with swords and spears instead of sending out swords and spears lord and men he sent out those who sang to the lord and those who praised him in holy attire as they went out before the army and said give thanks to the lord for his loving kindness is everlasting and when they begin to sing the lord said angelic ambushes on their behalf i want to tell you if i could get one two people that know how to praise i believe that we can see entire cities shift [Music] the strategy of your enemy is not to enter into his warfare strategy but it's to enter into praise and watch god defend you and fight your enemies [Music] you see the enemy wants you to believe that things like praise see praise looks like something it looks like singing it looks like shouting it looks like dancing it looks a little bit mad at times but i want to tell you when you know how to praise uh angels are being released and i'm not just talking about the methods i'm not just talking about going through the motions i'm talking about getting your triune being in line with who god is and what he is able to do [Music] some of you just need to begin to praise over your kids some of you need to begin to praise over your destiny there's a mountain standing in your way and god is saying if you'll open up your mouth and praise me i will release angel armies [Music] he's increasing our capacity to praise him why because praise shifts atmospheres [Music] praise is the key that opens up the gate of the kingdom look to your neighbor and say neighbor it's time to get your praise on it's time to get your praise on come on somebody it's time to get your praise on come on somebody it's time to get your praise on it's time to get your praise on i want to tell you those that are watching it's time to get your praise on it is time to get your praise on [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've got to get back to the strategy of the early church the early church knew how to press the early church knew how to push [Music] [Applause] you want to be carriers of glory learn how to praise [Music] psalms 34 david knew what it was to praise he saw god move on his behalf and he said i will bless the lord at all times and his praise i shall flow continually from my mouth praise looks like something well if god just wants to touch me i'll just sit right here but i want to tell you i just slap yourself if you've got to slap yourself because that couldn't be more further from the truth it's time to get your praise on look to your neighbor it's time to get your praise on it's time it's time to get your praise on quit battling in carnality quit battling in your own strength there's something that happens in the posture of praise there's something that happens in the posture of true worship the glory comes in the midst of praise i've said this but i want to say it again so you get it ruth ward heflin said this he says you praise until the spirit of worship comes and then you worship until the glory comes and then you stand in the glory [Music] okay that was the recap of three weeks ago the second thing god is wanting to upgrade and increase our capacity in is throne room prayer i know that seems simple but i want to tell you it is time for us to be upgraded in the spirit as it pertains to prayer the greatest need of the church of this hour i want to tell you as it pertains to revival is a people who know how to pray until [Music] until unkill until i don't care what it looks like i'm gonna pray until this mountain looks big and it hasn't moved yet but it will move [Applause] mountain you can look at me all you want to you can tell me how big your bad self is but i want to tell you you will move the disciples ask jesus in luke 11 1 he said they asked and they said they could have asked him oh messiah help us understand how to move in the miraculous help us how to baptize people in the holy ghost help us how to preach but what he said and what they asked they said oh jesus teach us how to pray and jesus responded let me tell you what the prayer model is it's on earth as it is in heaven that's the way that we pray we don't pray from a defensive position we pray from an offensive position storming the gates of hell [Applause] there's an upgrade [Music] jesus never taught he never taught the disciples what to do with unanswered prayers and i want to tell you the reason why he did not teach them what to do with unanswered prayers because it was never meant to be part of the equation oh come on somebody you look to your neighbor and say just because the mountain hasn't moved doesn't mean it's not moving just because the mountain is looking me in the eyeball and it hasn't moved it doesn't mean that it's not moving i'm gonna read mark 11 22. jesus had just cursed the fig tree and when he cursed the fig tree in the natural nothing had taken place yet they went on and they did some other things and then they came back and this is where the story begins and peter remembering he said rabbi look the fig tree which you curse is wither away so jesus answered him and said to them have faith in god for assuredly i say to you whoever says to this mountain be removed and be cast out into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believe that those things he said will be done he will have whatever he says therefore i say to you whatever things you ask when you pray believe that you've received them and you will have them the thing that steps into the way that steps in our way as it pertains to the mountain moving first if the mountain is not moving we've got to go back to jesus and find out why but jesus gave us a clue if you speak to a mountain without doubting if you speak to the mountain without doubting and believe that you've already received it what does that look like that means i'm going to go about my day and know that god has already answered me the answer is on its way i don't care what it looks like i know the answer is being loosed unlocked from heaven the holy spirit told me two things on how to dismantle unbelief and doubt because it's not jesus is not a liar amen if jesus said speak to this mountain speak to the cancer speak to the disease speak to the lack speak to the prodigal son that hasn't come home yet speak to that dead thing and cause it to come to life if that thing is not moving then i've got to go and figure out why it's not on his side of the equation come on somebody god is wanting to increase our capacity for mountain moving faith and the holy spirit told me you want to dismantle unbelief you want to step into realms of glory that you've never stepped into before you want to step into miracles you want to step into an authority where breakthrough prayer happens when you open up your mouth and this is what the holy spirit said to me he says mountain moving faith is born in the heart of the one who prays often in the holy ghost [Music] come on we need to pray in tongues a little bit more come on everybody in this building just begin to open up your mouth and pray in the holy ghost jude 20 says this constantly and progressively build yourself up on the foundation of your most holy faith by praying every moment in the spirit every moment means every moment doesn't mean when i feel like it once a week on sundays and saturdays oh just a couple minutes here in a couple minutes of there i believe that our spirit can constantly be in a position of intercession when you pray in the holy ghost there is a faith on the inside of you that begins to come up out of you and it is the key that causes mountains to move [Music] mountain moving faith is born in the heart of the one who prays in the holy ghost often come on there was a reputable a reputable minister who had a visitation from an angel now listen i want to be very careful this is not about angels i need to teach on angels mary and i will teach on angels because angels in the new testament are biblical okay you understand that they're biblical [Music] but an angel visited him and one of the things many things that he told him one of the things he says the church isn't praying in the holy ghost enough now that was a sobering moment for me sometimes you got to feed the well if you know what i mean i don't know the answer i don't know what i need to do but the spirit of god on the inside of me does so i will pray shakkah i don't have the faith that i need yet to see that big mountain move but i'm gonna pray and i'm gonna keep on praying until [Music] so he told me two things number one mountain moving faith is born in the heart of the one who prays often in the holy spirit number two he says mountain moving faith is released through the one who learns how to press how to push and how to persist come on somebody god is wanting to increase our capacity to pray through until the enemy wants to quiet you when you don't see the mountain move so you'll just write it off and say well i guess it must not be god's will to move this mountain but i want to tell you that kind of thinking is not what jesus said [Music] some of you've got a mountain in front of you because you believed a lie that it must not be god's will to move this mountain if it's still facing me in the face absolutely not [Music] james 5 and 16 says this for tremendous power is released through the passionate heartfelt prayer of a godly believer elijah was a man with human frailties just like all of us but he prayed and received supernatural answers he actually shut the heavens over the land so that there would be no rain for three and a half years then he prayed again and the skies opened up over the land so that the rain came again and produced a harvest i want to tell you god is wanting to upgrade us in the spirit to shut and close the heavenly realm he's wanting to upgrade us to shut and close the gates of hell from prevailing [Music] hey don't you dare quit don't you dare settle don't you dare stop and turn around i hear the lord saying don't you settle you push back i know this seems militant but i want to tell you god is not coming back for a passive bride he's coming back for a warrior bride [Music] [Applause] [Music] i believe in these last days at god the bible says that john the baptist came the power and the spirit of elijah the power and the spirit of elijah he came as a forerunner to the coming of the lord jesus and i want to i want to tell you that there is an anointing that god is releasing on those who will persist in prayer that those that will be immersed that those in these last days will not go in the flow of the status quo that will press in that will press on and will press through and i believe in these last days god is releasing an anointing where the spirit and the power of elijah is coming on the church again for the second coming of the lord jesus it's those that will be voices crying out in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the lord [Music] and they will move in miracles like they've never seen before they will walk in resurrection power [Music] that's never been heard of why because they allow the process [Music] of their capacity to be increased for the greater glory they said yes you see when god gets ready to move he looks for someone to move through come on somebody oh i gotta wrap this up i gotta land it we understand in acts 2 the disciples prayed in the upper room until and it was because they prayed the holy spirit came in power and then in acts 4 those same believers prayed again and the bible says the building they were in was shaken and they were all filled with fresh hot oil all again [Music] a praying church releases angelic assistance and pushes back dark powers there's a story in the bible it's a tragedy on one and on the other hand it's a wonderful victorious we see james imprisoned and there he's on the chopping block and you see no record of the church praying and guess what happened to him he was beheaded and then it pleased the jews so herod decides he wants to do it to peter and peter's on the chopping block but this time the church pushed back they began to pray and god released an angel to let peter out of the jail cell and when peter showed up at the door they couldn't hardly believe it they said no it can't be peter it must be his angel a friend of ours recently said this and i thought it was so good and i agree the only thing between the antichrist spirit and our nation is the church come on i want you to let that sink in for a moment come on the only thing that stands in the way of the enemy just doing what he pleases in such a profound way the only thing that stands in his way is a praying persistent pushing back pressing in kind of church i don't know about you but i'm tired of the devil trying to mess with my family i'm tired of the enemy [Music] it's time to push back it's time to press in [Music] it's time to get back to our roots every great move of god every great revival was preceded by a praying church both in the bible and revival history [Music] the church has some decisions to make decisions decisions decisions decisions the decision decisions that you make whether you they're good or bad will shape the course of your history it will shape the course of your purpose and your destiny whether you make a decision good or bad i don't know about you but i'm making a decision to press into praise and prayer and the going after the more frank bartleman made a decision to say yes to the call of god to bring in a move of god through prayer god found his man an azusa street revival was born and he raised up william seymour daniel nash was one who prayed he knew how to pray he would often time goes to the cities before charles finney would show up and when charles finney would show up daniel nash was already interceding and praying and pushing back and when charles finney would show up the holy ghost would come and people would fall out under the power of the spirit i want to tell you intercession prayer is not just for the little old ladies that gather at the church early come on man come on he's looking for some men he's looking for some young adults he's looking for some youth he's looking for some people that will push back and press in [Music] jeremiah lampetheur in 1857 in new york he began a prayer revival because he's he saw what god wanted to do in that region 1950 there's two sisters peggy and christine smith 84 years old and 82 years old who became burdened because the state of the body of the christ in their community was so dire in the hebrides and these two women begin to cry out for the more of god and i want to tell you the glory came on that island in such a profound way here's the point when god gets ready to do something great when he gets ready to move he looks for a man he looks for a woman and whom he can move through [Music] any time god gets ready to do anything you look you look at moses when egypt was held captive he raised moses up he raised joshua up he raised these mighty revivalists up and i want to tell you if you're burning for this is a reason why you're burning because god is raising you up in this hour to do something great for him i don't know about you but i don't want god to pass me by if he's moving god use me use me in isaiah 59 and 15 says then the lord saw it and it displeased him that there was no justice he saw that there was no man and wondered that there was no intercessor [Music] the unfortunate thing that the church i believe have really stepped into i'm talking about trinity i'm just talking about the church at large we stepped into that jeremiah 2 13 sin for my people have committed two evils they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters and they've hewn themselves cisterns broken cisterns that can hold no water in other words they replaced dependency on god for something created fabricated many churches have settled for man-made structures man-made agendas that carry no living water why is our nation in trouble because the church has settled we've got comfortable we've replaced prayer with busy we replaced the movie and the power with props and we replace the presence of god for lights smoke programs agendas relevance man pleasing our gifts cookie cutters schedules if i'm coming to church i want to meet with god everybody stand i'm going to go in close [Music] isaiah 62 6-7 says this on your walls of jerusalem i have appointed watchmen all day all night they will never keep silent you know a lot of times people oftentimes will say well isn't it lack of faith to keep asking for something that i've already asked for but i want you to hear this on your walls of jerusalem i have appointed watchmen all day all night they will never keep silent you who remind the lord take no rest for yourselves and give him no rest until he establishes and makes jerusalem a praise of the earth give him no rest god has given us permission to stand in the places sons and daughters to stand on his word god you said it's time for a great move of god you said my children were coming home you said my body was gonna be healed you said revival was coming you said the glory was coming and i'm not moving until i see it oh goodness in genesis 2 5 for the lord god had not caused it to rain on the earth because there was no man to till the ground god is looking for someone who will become a move of god you were not called just to be in a move of god you were called to bring the move of god you're not called just to be part of revival you're called to release revival come on somebody if you're burning i want you to come to this altar right now i want to pray with you get up here right now get up here right now hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry if you're that man if you're that woman and you're saying tonight god you can use me god don't pass me by i'll be that man if you're looking look no further if you're looking stop with me i can get the rest of the band i don't even know if they're here i'm going to need some people to help me catch because the spirit of god is about to come upon some people tonight because right now you're there's something that's stirring on the inside of you that's called hunger for what i'm saying and the reason why this is a confirmation a reason why this is bearing witness is because god is calling you god is inviting you he's bringing you out and he's bringing you up this is a divine invitation you can take no credit for your hunger right now you can take absolutely no credit if you're hungry it's because jesus has made you hungry for the very thing that you're crying out for worship team worship team if you're here come help me i can get some people to help me holy spirit listen just begin to cry out for the more many of you are going to feel like fire coming on your head you're going to feel like heat coming on your hands you're going to feel this burden that's about to hit your belly let it out let it out let it out let the spirit of god arrest your soul [Music] it's time it's time it's time it's time it's time it's time [Music] come on come on come on cry out come on don't look to me look to god look to the one who's able to mark you for this you're about to be marked you're about to be marked ah [Music] please stand behind them please [Music] punch touch touch [Music] hey the spirit of god is falling [Music] honor catch catch catch [Music] oh lord [Music] [Music] touch stretch [Music] i'm the holy ghost [Music] [Music] easy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] fire fire fire [Music] hey take it take it take it take it double it double it [Music] up wow [Music] [Music] i'll keep pressing press press press fresh press god's doing a new thing declares the lord [Music] [Music] prosperous [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] take it take it take it take it take it [Music] [Music] oh there's a fresh anointing god [Music] [Music] oh just let god do a deep work let him do a deep workout let him do it he's bursting he's bursting he's burning something on the inside of you he's furthering something off the inside of you it's gotta come to you before i could go through you it's gonna come to you before it can come through you hey foreign [Music] [Applause] god is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah jesus jesus [Music] come on if you're getting touched by god just keep getting touched let the spirit of god do a deep work in you come on i'm telling you this is the hour of the church this is the greatest hour of the church this is the greatest hour of the church and i see god looking i see him looking he he's looking he's not looking for the professionals he's looking for the hungry he's looking for the laid down lovers he's looking for those who will say yes yes yes yes yes yes yes [Music] [Music] [Music] he don't need a hundred he doesn't need even a thousand he just needs one one one one [Music] one just one just one he's looking for houses to land on he's looking for marriages and families to land on he's looking for the young adult he's looking for that old man or old woman he's looking for that middle-aged man a woman he's looking [Music] he's looking uh [Music] listen your weight-bearing capacity is being increased tonight that's why you're getting wrecked in the presence of god god is increasing your capacity there's an increase that's coming there's a god is anointing you he's lifting you he's opening you up he's he's doing something deep on the inside of you come on [Applause] i'm tired of clocks and schedules i'm tired of clocks and schedules [Music] my [Music] he's raising up a people who will carry the sound the sound of glory in their voice that comes out of their belly he's raising up a people who will open up her mouth and the sound the sound comes out it's a heavenly sound it's the heavenly sound [Music] hey when you open up your mouth the glory comes when you open up your mouth and pray the glory comes come on that's why the enemy has fought tooth and nail to shut your mouth because he knows there is glory in your mouth there's a sound of awakening the sound of revival is in your mouth [Music] there's a prayer in your mouth that can move that mountain there's a praise that pushes back demons [Music] it's in your mouth it's in your mouth it's in your mouth it's in your mouth it's in your mouth it's in your mouth it's in your mouth it's in your mouth it's in your belly it's in your mouth luke 17 21 says the kingdom is on the inside of you it's in your mouth it's in your belly open up your mouth and let the kingdom come to you [Music] hey [Music] come on intercession is beginning to hit the room activated [Music] god we ask for revival of the trinity church we ask the revival of our nation god we ask for awakening over the united states of america we won't settle we won't settle we won't settle we will settle for our households we won't settle for our kids we will settle for our grandkids we will settle for the ministry that god's called us to steward of nothing less than revival nothing less than the outpouring of the holy ghost nothing less than the wrong power of god we won't settle we won't settle [Music] [Music] i'm telling you if you dare to believe god has deposited something so deep it's just gonna be different it's just gonna be different i believe that god is releasing a creative anointing in your mouth to create with your words [Music] don't settle we're not going to settle here at trinity church we're not going to settle for what we're currently experiencing i'm thankful for the measure of glory that we're currently experiencing i'm so thankful but i want to tell you that there is a holy dissatisfaction in my heart because the ache of my heart is the ache of the spirit of god saying cry out for more [Music] cry out for more [Music] i want the glory i want the glory oh the glory we ask for the glory [Music] we ask for the glory i want the glory on my household i want the glory on my marriage i want the glory on my kids [Music] come on if you're watching online i want to tell you there is no limit there is no space that can separate you from god i declare the glory is coming to your house the glory is coming to your family the glory is coming to your city the glory is coming to your nation he just needs one one one [Music] ah father i thank you god we take what you've poured out on our hearts tonight and god we will not allow what you have deposited us in us to lie dormant [Music] you see i want to tell you something about the anointing of the holy ghost [Music] see the holy spirit can come to you so he can come through you but that's just it he needs your partnership to come through you and i hear the lord saying remind them do not allow what i've deposited in them tonight to lie dormant but i hear the lord saying just as was prophesied tonight the way that you activate what i put in you is to open up your mouth and begin to do something begin to speak for something begin to prophesy over those dead bones begin to prophesy to that mountain and watch and see that mountain move all right all right well [Music] i could just stay here all night i know you know stay in the presence of the lord all night just stay here and camp out we ought to have a lock in [Music] more lord oh lord come on let that groan come out sweetheart let the groan come out don't you hide that groan don't you hide the spirit of intercession coming through you come on it's time that we don't care what we look like we don't care who's watching i don't care what i look like as long as i'm a lay down lover where god can come through me however whenever [Music] all right okay i'm gonna i'm gonna do something that i was supposed to take care of earlier but the spirit of god was moving so i'm just gonna trust the lord and if you can put that up on the screen this is the last thing i'm gonna we got buckets here giving i i know it's like well you got to give there's reasons why we have to give number one we've got to advance the kingdom of god and it requires money amen come on somebody but i'm here to equip you tonight listen to me before you move to stop stop giving is warfare do you believe that come on somebody you put those numbers on the screen a few ways you can pay the text to give make sure you put saturday night sna tithe whatever can you put that on the screen if you've got it that'd be amazing and if you're having an encounter just don't move just stay there just don't don't even move you can give when you get up but i want to prove to you that giving is spiritual warfare and i want everybody to give tonight something malachi 3 verse 10 says this bring all the tithe into the storehouse that tithe is a tent of your increase it's a tenth bring all the tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house and try me now on this says the lord of hosts if i will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will be not room for it and i this is the warfare part when you give this is what the bible says in malachi 3 verse 11 and i will rebuke the devourer for your sake so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field says the lord of hosts and all the nations will call you blessed for you will be a delightful land says the lord of hosts when we sow into the kingdom when we sow into god's economy our giving becomes again what we talked about earlier it's something that we do in the natural that has spiritual implications when we give in the natural it rebukes the devourer off of our finances come on somebody are you with me tonight [Music] if you're going through a financial struggle buddy it's time to give pushback praise but push back offering come on somebody i feel like some of you need to you've had such an attack on your finances that you can't afford not to give tonight and as you come in i want you to put what you're believing god for on that envelope there's envelopes in the back hold your phone up whatever but i don't know i just feel i don't this is kind of weird but i'm feeling it when you put that offering in the bucket or you put your phone down i want you to declare push back [Music] i feel it where's my phone i give online i like to give oh i got it up here sorry i like to give text that's the way i do it so let's pray everybody stand with me if you can so lord jesus i thank you that your word says when i trust you with the the tithe the 10 of my earnings god what that word means when you when we give 10 it's sanctified that means our our money the the provision the things that you've given us is set apart and it's made holy unto god it's separated and there's a bull's-eye now on my finances to be blessed why because what i've given has become sanctified it causes the whole lump all of it to become sanctified set apart and in that he rebukes the devourer so god we give tonight [Music] and we declare that the enemy is being pushed back off of our possessions off of our resources off of our finances off of our job off of the increase that's supposed to be released whatever's being held back by the enemy we say it come forth right now in jesus name whatever jobs are being held back that's to bring increase to the house god we declare it be loosed whatever raise is being held back whatever court case is being held back we declare right now as we give that it would be loose from heaven in jesus mighty name [Music] amen and amen you can give here in the buckets or online [Music] hallelujah well everybody lift your hands up well lord i declare right now may the lord bless them may he keep them may his face shine on them and give them peace may they be filled to overflowing with the goodness of god may they encounter the holy spirit this week may they be surprised by supernatural encounters father may they be surprised that when they open up their mouth mountains begin to move i believe that even as you open up your mouth in the next 48 hours god's going to give you a sign of that thing that you released in the spirit so father i bless them in the name of the lord in jesus name amen and amen we'll see you next week we love you we bless you can you give our worship team a big hand come on aren't they amazing great job come on you guys are awesome awesome awesome [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Trinity Church Cedar Hill
Views: 608
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Id: 7oUpxAhU_zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 16sec (10456 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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