Robert Morris – Great Joy and Great Sorrow – Stand Alone

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all right if you want to turn your Bibles to Romans chapter 9 I'm gonna do a message today called great joy and great sorrow great joy and great sorrow and I'll explain how I put those two together but it is interested me God gave me this message several weeks ago and it's Romans 9 the first few verses and pastor Jimmy preached out for open seven and eight last week you know so he preaches Romans 7 8 here I come in with Romans 9 and so I want to show you about Paul greatest apostle this is right after he talks about no condemnation Romans 8 is a great chapter by the way no condemnation and no separation it starts with no condemnation for those in Christ if you're saved no condemnation and ends with no separation nothing can separate you from the love of God that's pretty good so whether you say Amen out loud or not you ought to say in your heart no separation from God no nothing can separate you from the love of God nothing not even you you're not even powerful enough so because because it was your salvation it's not dependent upon you if hidden upon what Jesus did so no condemnation or separation but then he he he goes into Romans 9 and it's a little bit of a shock and it's three verses that many people have never even seen in their lives and they're shocking and I'll show them to you before I hit Romans nine let me hit one verse that Paul wrote to Philemon it's verse seven he said we have great joy and consolation in your love I just want you notice great joy I could have given you lots of scriptures where Paul talked about great joy so he was a man of great joy but we're gonna also see the words great sorrow and we're gonna put him together okay all right so Romans 9 verse 1 what he's about to tell you by the way is so amazing he has to tell you that he's not lying that's how amazed he is Romans 9 1 I tell the truth in Christ I'm not lying my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit that I have great sorrow and continual grief continual in my heart for I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren my countrymen according to the flesh ok you just read one of the most most amazing verses in the Bible where the Apostle Paul comes off of this incredible chapter of no condemnation and nothing can separate me from God but he said I have such a burden and I'm telling you the truth in Christ and the Holy Spirit's bearing witness what I'm saying we know the Holy Spirit's bearing witness because he put it in Scripture and here's let me just sum up what he said case you the the I could I would be a curse from Christ for my brethren here's what he's say I would go to hell if they could go to heaven that's amazing for years I did not understand this passage I believed it because it's in the Bible when I read something in the Bible I believe it even if I don't understand it the reason is is because God's smarter than I am so when you read some to the Bible if you don't understand it it doesn't mean that there's something wrong with God's Word there's something wrong you not God's Word so I believed it for years but I thought how in the world could he say I would be accursed I'm so burdened if they could be saved and here's the revelation I believe the Lord gave newness he's gotten to the place remember it talks about the mind of Christ he's gotten to the place that he's thinking like Christ because Christ said I'll be cursed so they won't have to cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree Galatians Christ bore the curse so Christ made this exact statement some sub in essence I'll be cursed so he has great joy but at the same time great sorrow now please hear me it is possible to have sorrow and joy at the same time if you're a Christian let me say it another way I say this at memorial services Christians are the only people in the world that can grieve and rejoice at the same time were the only ones here's the reason we grieve the Bible says we grieve we do sorrow we grieve but not as those who have no hope we do grieve but not associates have a hope so you can be going through a very difficult time and still have joy you know a year and a half ago almost year in Africa when I went through the medical thing I was thinking I really do Verde we sang a song at the South Lake campus it said out of the grave he called my name and I came out of the great and I said to her you know these songs have a different meaning to me now I think not just about being saved by thinking about the helicopter you know he called my name I came out of the grave probably I was as close to the grave as a human can get according to medical professionals so I I look back on that and that was a very serious time in our lives but we still had joy we had sorrow but we had joy and one of the things that I told you before is I had nice sweats for like three or four weeks because of the blood transfusions and they said that's kind of normal but I've never given you the background on the statement that came out of that that was a funny statement what happened was I would have these night sweats at about every two hours once I got out of the hospital I'd wake up completely drenched I mean drenched my side of the bed was richer we have a king-size bed that each side could kind of move each independently and so it's almost like two twins you know put together you know and so Debby wouldn't even she'd be asleep but my mincer be so soaked she not just the pillowcase we'd have to change the pillow the pillow was soaked and it was every two hours and so I would not even have the strength obviously to help her and I just dried trying to dry off and put a blanket on and sometimes just lay on the floor but I still my precious wife would have to get up and change the sheets every two hours and so I'd go to bed sometimes around 11 or 12 around 2:00 she'd have to do that been around for again well around 6:00 I'd wake up again but I wanted I slept more than normal during getting out of the hospital then but I would then just dry off and we had this blanket and I just said in a recliner just so she could get some more rest because she she was exhausted too but so this is one of those times it's four o'clock in the morning it had been about two weeks of changing the sheets twice okay so that's I'm giving you the context of the statement she's changing these sheets that are drenched and that's when she said to me I think they gave you blood from a menopausal woman I just thought I'd give you the background of that comment you're seeing seen your mind her Chaney old sheets and turned into me you know in saying that okay so you can have sorrow and joy at the same time it there wasn't real joy for her but it was funny all right so how why did Paul say I'd go to hell if they could go to heaven I think it's because he understood some things we need to be right enough and here's number one condition he understood the condition of loss people I think we forget about the condition of loss people because it's been a while since we were lost for most of us let me read it to you Ephesians 2:12 at that time you were without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise now watch this having no hope and without God in the world having no hope and without God in the world remember a moment ago out court of the scripture we agree but not as those who have no hope okay without Christ there's no hope there's no hope there's no reason to live there's no gold there's nothing to achieve there's nothing to live for there's nothing to die for you're just according to what many say or just tissue and once we're dead it's over and and I had one businessman say to me he became a millionaire when he was thirty years old it was back when million I mean era was meant something you know back in the early 80s but he said to me I remember I went through incredible thoughts of suicide and according he said that's what led me to Christ but he said what I realized was if your goal is to get to the top there's nothing to do when you get there except jump off because you achieved your goal that's 30 years old I achieve my goal I keep living so no hope no joy maybe some laughter but no joy no peace no purpose I think we forgot about that one of the reasons I think we forgot about it is because we look at the external we see the guy has a nice house and we see that he has got he got a new car we're even jealous of his new car and then we find out later that it one of his kids got arrested for drugs and and he's going into rehab and they're getting a divorce because we don't realize that without Christ they have no hope they have no without Christ sin without God in this world I just want to remind you that your co-workers your neighbors your family members that don't know Christ need to be invited in these next three weeks because they're in a condition without God that we need to be reminded of because we haven't lived that way for years and so we forget how hopeless is is to live that way I was at a pastor Clark Whitney's church one time doing a Presbyterian and most of you are familiar that's where God you you give prophetic words to people that the Lord gives you impressions and and you share with them you know and it's encouraging and I looked out and I saw this woman very well-dressed looked like she was very successful financially but I saw a cloud of despair and darkness over and I saw a cloud of suicide and I knew things I just knew things by the Holy Spirit and so I went up to her when someone was on the other side of the sanctuary given words someone and I said ma'am I have a word from God for you but I'd like to give it to you privately after the service would that be okay with you and she said I would actually appreciate that I was hoping no one would call me out I would like for you two to give it to me privately so I said okay so I said will you meet me over here with the pastor after service she said yes so we met just down at the side over here had I had pastor Clark there and I said now you need to understand something God is all-knowing he knows everything I don't know everything I'm not a psychic or anything like that but that God impressed some things on my heart and I'm just gonna tell you what God spoke to my heart she said okay I said your father abused you and then you married an abuser and you just turned 50 and you found out that your husband's having an affair wants a divorce and you were gonna kill yourself this weekend but you decided to come to church to see if God was real and she started crying and I said God's not only real but he loves you enough that he told me this because your life is not over it's about to begin anew and I shared with her about Christ and she accepted Christ right there she she shared with us she was a medical doctor she just turned 50 she was abused as a child married an abusive just over him seven affair filed he was filing for a divorce and she had booked a room which was her favorite vacation place for that weekend to commit suicide and she realized this is not the answer she called one of her friends who was a psychiatrist had already met with her the week before and the psychiatrist said to her you ought to go to church and the psychiatrist said I'd like to invite you to my church this weekend and she was setting aside her when I went up to her and told her out a word for she got saved but from the outside everything looked great or y'all-y'all following me and you know in other reason would understand the condition of lost people because we're watching the edited versions of their life today on social media I don't know if you've ever liked a movie and you watch this movie that's great then you read about you find out that the actors and the director were they were fighting all the time and all this behind-the-scenes stuff but they headed all that out that's exactly what social media is like they added out all the marriage fights and just show you the Valentine's dinner they had but not the fight they had on the way home all right so ones condition here's number two condemnation Paul do their condemnation man memory said there's no condemnation but you need to understand that prepositional phrase for those who are in Christ for those who are not in Chrysler's condemnation but you need to know what condemnation means we talked a lot about it but I think most people do not know what it means I think most people don't know the meaning of it especially from the Greek so I said to that B we were talking about this message and she said what are you gonna preach soon so I was sharing it with her and so I got to this point and I said to her do you know the death and definition of condemned in the Bible and she said I guess it means to feel bad and I said well that's what most of us think because we'll say I feel condemned and we talk about feeling condemned but that's not what can-do means so I said so what do you think your beats she said their lungs and she said you're the preacher you tell me okay here's what the word from the Greek means condemned it means a death sentence it means being found guilty of something and being worthy of death it means a death sentence so see this is what Romans 8 is saying there is therefore now no death sentence over those who Christ Jesus okay most famous verse in the Bible again just to what I say again I'm gonna say because sometimes we don't know the context of it John 3:16 but the next two verses are phenomenal I'd memorize the next to not just sixteenth I've memorized 17 18 also here's John 3:16 for God so loved the world he gave His only begotten Son whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life 4 for in other words so sense because God did not he did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world to put a death sentence on the world but that the world through him might be saved he who believes in Him is not sentenced to death eternal death but he who does not believe is sentenced to death already he's already condemned see God didn't come to condemn you you were already condemned he came to save you because he's not believing the name of the only begotten Son of God we were already convinced we were you were born with the death sentence you were born going to hell and God didn't want you to go to hell and you need know some things about hell because preachers don't want to talk about Ellie anymore you got a real problem if you don't want to talk about hell you got a real problem if you don't believe in Hell you cannot say it truthfully you cannot you could say it but it'd be a lie you cannot say you believe the Bible if you don't believe in because the Bible is the book that told us about Hell no other book told us about Hell you also cannot say you believe in Jesus if you don't believe in hell because Jesus talked more about hell they did about heaven and the reason he did was because it's a reality and he's trying to warn people try to keep him from going to hell so hell is raphy but you also did Satan does all these Lodge what what seem to be logical questions are mind why would love you God create hell why would he Sydney do one the hell first of all God did not create hell for humans he created hell for fallen angels he created hell for Satan and his followers the Angels that rebelled against you some some some theologians say angels are about twenty feet tall and I could tell you explain to you why they say that but the point is their big one angel killed 185 thousand men in one night unless it was pretty good 185 thousand in one night just one okay one angel throws Satan in the bottomless pit one angel well it's time for him to be thrown in the bottomless pit you know God tells Gabriel go get tablet angels you know throw Satan in the bottomless pit Gabriel probably says well who you want to send that I don't care send the new guy doesn't matter just make sure he says in Jesus name so these angels are tough dudes and they rebelled against God so God created hell for Satan and every person every angel every being unsafe that way who follows him here's the problem humans begin to follow Satan humans decided to follow Satan and then the Bible you note the Bible then tells us about Hell hell had to enlarge itself God made it a specific size for Satan on the third of the Angels FL and hell had to enlarge itself so God sends his only son so that you won't go to hell but you need we need to we can have great joy but we need to have a birdie that we can't get over and that is that people without Christ are going to hell and Satan does everything he does to keep us filming it and I can remember I pray that my birdie remains strong I tried to witness everywhere I go when I first got saved I would stand up in restaurants until the whole restaurant Jesus I think I learned that James Robinson sitting right down here I travel with James when I was about 20 I think many was 18 and James would do that we'd go in the restaurant to eat he said to the whole restaurant you know about Jesus so one time I was in Utah and I just had to so I prayed about my opening line and so I stood up and I said hey I'm I don't want to bother anybody but I just have to tell you I said I'm from Texas but I think Utah's well in the prettiest States I've ever been okay that's a lie but for a text in the compliment another state that's big you know and so they all clap and I said I have to tell you all I said I grew up going to church but I didn't know God I knew about him I didn't know him a few years ago in a motel room I got told me not just knowing about him you got to give him control of your life I said I was on drugs I was very messed up I gave my life to Jesus I've never been saying and I just wanted to tell y'all I love you enough to tell you that you need to give your life to Jesus if you've never given life to Jesus and I sat down and they all clap again they all applauded and three waiters came over and said who were Mormons and said were Mormon and we don't like what you just said and I said what can you tell me why you don't like it I said what is there not to like about God giving his son for you what is there not to like and he was like the the unction of the Holy Spirit came I said what is it not to like that Jesus bled and died for your sins what is that not to lie what is it not to lie you know I just started preaching at him what is it not to like that God wants you not to go to hell what is that not to lie and of course the whole restaurant they're just listening you know I mean it's because I got kind of and I started sharing with them I said you guys don't know Christ I said you're gonna go to hell without Jesus I just generally and pretty soon their eyes as well that were tears I said you don't accept Christ now remember and I don't even saved a year or two you know and so and they said they always yeah and so I don't know why I said this I just said get on your knees get on your knees get out on your knees right there they all did they'll go and I said say this after me dear God dear God I know I'm a sinner I said say it loud I know I'm a sinner I know ask Jesus for me before they got saved when they got saved the whole restaurant it's like God filled the restaurant with Christians in in Utah you know for me I'm telling you you'd never know but people are condemned already God does not condemn people it's very clear God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world they wrote but you're condemned already I think Paul understood that here's the third thing his compassion condition condemnation compassion mark 634 in Jesus when he came out saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion I want you remember the three words moved with compassion for them because they were like sheep not having a shepherd so because he was moving fast he began to teach them many things he said all the way here begin to tell them about the father okay the reason I want you to notice moved with compassion is because again I love the Greek New Testament was written in Greek I love it because it is so much more of a descriptive language than English is moved with compassion in is three words for us it is one word in the Greek it means to put action to your love as a matter of fact and when you think about the word compassion what's the root passion compassion here's what it means it means passion in action in other words you can love someone but not have compassion for them because we have compassion you'll do something if you really have compassion otherwise you just have sympathy but if you really love them then you'll do something that's why Jesus for the joy set before him endured the cross the sorrow he had sorrow and joy he even said to the disciples right for he winds across my soul is exceedingly sorrowful so he had sorrow but he did it for joy John 16:20 sent two disciples right before after he said he was sorrowful he said you're gonna be sorrowful also but your sorrow will be turned into joy now here's through here here's why won't you understand that you need to have sorrow for people don't know Christ not it not a sad-sack type of thing but a reality of what their condition their condemnation is if you have great sorrow for someone that doesn't know Christ then you'll have great joy when they get saved but Jeff doubts are before you have joy yeah you have to have you know we've been there for the night joy comes in the morning the reason I think we don't get as excited as we should when someone comes to Christ is because we're not as burden as we should be we don't have that sorrow that night your Jesus tells that the the story of the lost coin the lost sheep and the lost shepherd and Luke 15 I mean the lost son lost coin lost sheep and lost son and here's what he says there's great joy in all of heaven flight because there's great sorrow there's great joy because there's great sorrow they have that burden and let me show you something that's famous scripture about a burden Matthew 11:28 through 30 says come to me all you who labor okay anybody here labor anyone work okay such you that's me and our heavy labor watch and I will give you rest now there's a key to having rest to getting rest you'll see in a minute take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light ok do you know what his burden is let me let me just let me get very simply to find it for you it's people that's just burped take my burden upon you which is for the people that don't know me here's what we do though we say I have so many burdens Lord I just can't take another burden I'm burdened about my finances and I'm burdened about my kids I'm burdened about my job and I'm burdened about the economy and here's what he wants you to do he doesn't want you to take another burden he wants you to actually exchange burdens with you what he wants you to do is he say yeah hey I'll take care of your future I'll take care of job I'll take care of your finances I'll take care of your kids you take my burden on you which is for other people don't know me and here's that here's the here's the reward you will find rest for your souls because my yoke is easy my burden is light by the way this is a two person yoked you ever seen the yoke so when Jesus is in one side he does all the heavy lifting long as you yoked with him and as long as you have his burden if you have a heavy burden on you right now it's because it's not his birth and that what we just read he didn't say he said none of my but he didn't say some of my burdens are heavy they said I have one burden take my burden on you and it's light by the way and you'll have rest for your souls I remember let me just have this burden I remember the Lord giving me a burden for my grandfather I've told you the story before it's in one of the books and other people actually have quoted in in books I got another request this last week for someone to put this story in the book but when my father was 16 who seated right down here he got to drive my grandfather to a house the man working on grandfather shared Christ with him but but he said would you like to accept Christ and my grandfather said no I like to think about it and the man very wisely said well if you ever want to accept Christ pray a prayer like this and my father sitting on the steps prayed that prayer so my father came to Christ because of it but my grandfather had never made a commitment if his life to Christ and so I think it was around 40 years later I'd have to go back and do all the math on it but I got this real burden for my grandfather and again it's a burden but you can bear it because the Lord it's it's Lordsburg so I started praying and I realized in about a month we were kind of having a family reunion at this lake house that my dad had and so we're all the family's gonna be together so I started praying for an alone moment with my grandfather and that God would arrange all the circumstances and that God would prepare his heart so we were doing stuff outside or something and I went in the house probably get a extra piece of pie or something just just cuz people that made the pie wouldn't be offended it's the only reason I ever eat pie and and my grandfather was in there and I said hey can I talk to you a minute about something I think he was 78 at the time and he said yeah he said actually I've been wanting to talk to you about something I said really so we went the lemon tree and I said hey what-what did you want to talk to him about he said well I've been thinking about what happens when I die he said I was wondering if you could help me with that now I remember I pray that God would prepare his heart it was easy it was simple I shared with him how God didn't want robots he gave us a wheel a choice and then all we have to do is choose to believe in Jesus and I let my grandfather to Christ that day [Applause] it's not a heavy burden I'm asking you ask God Lord will you give me the burden for the people you want me to have the burden for and then I'm gonna have passion and compassion I'm gonna pray and then I'm gonna take action these next few weeks do you know normally we will see two to three thousand people get saved in our bring a friend series two to three thousand think about how that changes not just them but their children and their grandchildren and their legacy for generations all because you invite someone just invite them
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 95,975
Rating: 4.8869257 out of 5
Keywords: gateway, Gateway Church, gatewaypeople, Sermon, Jesus, God, Dallas, Texas, Robert Morris, Pastor Robert, Stand Alone, Great Joy and Great Sorrow
Id: Sakqixh2h6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 31sec (1891 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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