FUCHS MHL360 -- 99,000 LB -- SC to QC

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] okay guys so really fast i'm gonna show you the monster load man spent whole day here and the biggest chunk of time was wasted on hooking up the stinger the jeep i hooked up in half an hour by myself but the stinger man they charged me 250 bucks us of course and uh the guy shows up with a forklift as big as a house and i said you guys don't have a smaller forklift because it's not it's not easy to load with this thing and this guy doesn't have a clue how to do it you know how to move the why do you need to be so close you know uh anyway yeah this was like the easy part but what i did to it to uh make things faster uh you know i was hooked up with a long neck right so i took away the low neck i loaded the machine and then i dropped the trailer took the jeep and backed under the low neck this way it's much faster than trying to back then trying to hook up to the trailer with all this you know with the jeep and this uh so i just put a a big block one of my timber blocks in here uh to support the neck and loading was not well it took a while and i had to make a couple of calls to the representative of the company you know my broker gave me a phone number of the guy that does servicing of these machines and they say it's 105 000 pounds so i put one pair two pair three pair four pair five pair six pair so i put six pairs of chains so i'm good for 120 000 pounds and then i have this and loading yeah it just took me like i don't know half an hour trying to figure out how to operate this machine it has joysticks i'll show you guys later but this was weird i was really afraid that i'll be like 15 feet tall and i had no choice i had to load it like this basically you know where my bolts are over there i hope it's pretty strong but you know i couldn't even put a timber in there i just put the double rubber oh and i asked the guy i said where how can i put it down because there's cables in here you cannot even put a timber in here you know it's like ridiculous and it says that plate you see this this plate is the only spot where the boom can sit on on your trailer and so i had to play with it was jumping in and out of the cap 20 times you know because as soon as you try to put it down it moves everything right it pushes the rubber and a good thing i found the drawing on their website and the drawing said that the center of gravity or center of mass um is like that's the rear wheels right the center of gravity is here not in the center of this big thing the big gear but somewhere here you know they said it was uh 1900 millimeters from the center of the axle it was 1900 millimeters so 1.9 meters to the center of mass of this machine and so i try to bring it as close to my signal like as possible not to overload the truck you know but this thing dictated me where the machine had to sit on the trailer because this was if i cannot put this down i'm not going anywhere right and so you have to move the machine to find the location for this mother you know and um and something happened here i lost my metal plate you guys see this because i noticed like why do i have all this open space you know uh maybe it fall off i remember the balls were a little bit loose you know like this plate over here this plate i had the same plate over there and i don't see any damage i don't know if it fell out that's just crazy you know but this thing everything is hooked up we're good to go the lights should be somewhere here while they're on yeah so they should be flashing so anyway i climbed on the back on the top and i see what i did i used bungee cords to tie to push down pull down the the hoses and the top is 13 feet man i'm a genius 13 feet and turns out the tallest point of this machine is not the boom as i was afraid it would be but the tallest point of this machine is actually the the top of the cap the plastic cap so i'm not sure how i did it but i managed to to hide the boom to make the boom lower than the cap and the cab is and i'm now in position four so i can still bring down like probably an inch uh the top of the cab is uh 1310 man i'm so happy because i'm telling you i was driving this 900 miles down here and i was thinking about this because these machines that's the biggest problem how to how to fold the stick and the boom man i'll do another video i'll show you what i how i learned how to operate this in 15 minutes with a guidance from a uh representative and this machine is called fox fox okay anyway so i got my south carolina permit i was afraid they would start sending me on some crazy detours because i order it for 12 wide and 14 too tall i'm 13 10 tall and i'm i'm 9 8 wide i'm not sure see each time every time uh you cannot rely at all on the dimensions that you get from the broker so anyway right now i just want to do 50 miles 80 kilometers back to the same track stop where i was because i remember there was a spot there on the side where maybe i can find a spot because it's already it's already what five o'clock let me just double check if i have any any carefuls in here no travel staff travel is prohibited over posted bridges well i never saw something like this the the towing vehicle must be a minimum three three quarter of a ton truck or truck or truck tractor well at least we we satisfy that condition quarter town pickup truck required minimum for oversized load can you believe this anyway so now it's a bit tricky here but all i need to do just get to this uh 26 right and i'm and i'm staying on 26 for um 117 miles so that means that i can make that truck stop hold on one more thing i forgot do they want me to have the flashing light on the roof general conditions detour vertical obstructions must exercise caution reduce speed and towing vehicle must be okay no i don't see anything so i'm not gonna use the i have the flashing lights in the back now on the truck i see them pretty light and the broker says uh i asked the broker if they can start the paperwork for the for the uh invoice and he says yeah send us your banking information and we'll we'll start on the wire transfer tomorrow and i said well i already sent you my banking info i guess you just need my um you need my invoice so i'm gonna take care of that tonight and also that truck stop it had a scale right and so the plan is like now i'm too tired i just want to shut down and go maybe find a shower if they have a shower and then tomorrow and now i have to make out make up the invoice and i have to um prepare the permits all right this one is a bit low i might need to jump out no looks okay it looks like a couple of inches like the the front i'm looking at the ramp in the front the lowest point and that's why i always say never buy a mechanical rgm you know because now if i saw that i was almost touching i would stop flip my flip on my pto yeah i don't want i don't want to go on that plate there's a steel plate there and so i can flip on my pto erase the trailer go over the railroad track and then and then drop it back down so yeah the uh hooking up the stinger was really pain in the butt because the forklift guy was not very um he was not experienced with this kind of thing and he looks at me and i said any suggestions like we why i cannot hook up you know i i level i i bring the bottom pins pretty much very close to where they can be hooked up the top ones are off you know it was very confusing but it was all because the the rear of this thing was slightly off and finally i i had to say tell to the guy you know just okay push to from the left push from the right uh raise this side raise this side and maybe he felt better because he just came back from life so i had to wait for him for an hour from 12 to 1. um so yeah that's what's going on i'm not going there because there's a bunch of trees in there and i checked the uh the cab the cab you cannot even stand on it it's all plastic very shaky you know so if i go on the some of these trees if they have a big branch it can uh crack that plastic because i was able to push it and it was flexing you know so i got to be really careful but i'm telling you man i'm so happy that i'm i'm 13 10. i was so afraid i would be over over over 14. oh and the another wary another probably thing that added some gray hairs to the side of my head because there's no hair on the top right but uh when i ordered my south carolina permit on friday they were not able to get it to get it to get it to the dot office because they closed at three o'clock here and they didn't have my insurance because i don't i don't think i ever had an oversized load in south carolina so they never had my um you know certificate of insurance and so i did that one on saturday tonight monday of course is a holiday so tuesday when i'm today this morning i'm uh i called my permit broke and i said okay so you guys working on my my permit i send you insurance over the weekend and they said there was no emails and i said really um so then turn right onto i'm i-26 west ramp i think i'm going straight yeah here because i came like this and so i was i went into the office to check in at the port there and the guy in front of me was taking a long time so i ran back to the truck started my computer started the internet found my email with a certificate of insurance that they issued now i can self-issue them myself you know like uh you just i just need the name of the company and the address and i just put it down at the bottom there bottom left it's a certificate holder that's all they want like the south carolina department of transportation wouldn't wanted to see uh not just a general certificate of insurance of my coverage but at the bottom they want to see certificate holder department of transportation south carolina and the address and so i resent that and i said guys i'm at the port here and my broker says my permit broker says uh sergey i'm not sure you're gonna see the permit today and i say why not and she's like well it's a super load and she said south carolina usually is not that quick and like man so what i'm gonna do i'm pretty sure the port would not allow me to sleep in there right so i asked the security guy you know when i was checking in [Music] i asked the security guy and he says no you have to leave you have to leave at 4 30. all right and then i see a cop coming in like a you know port police officer and i said excuse me sir i saw you know pretty wide shoulders over there you know when i where i was parked when i started the video i said is it okay if i wait there for my apartment [Music] and he says how long do you plan to wait and i said i said i'm not sure and he said well as long as you don't stay there overnight you should be okay if you just wait you know a few hours can you believe this so i'm loading right i have no permit i cannot go on the street like technically i'm not even supposed to go on that road where i was parked you know without the permit but now i had the permit so and so the cop says yeah you cannot sleep here you can wait for your permit and so imagine i i'm standing in the office and the guy is like moving at a speed of a turtle in the office of course it's all trade union right he's just walking very slowly he says okay you have to pay he says you have to pay 250 dollars for the unstacking of the trailer so i do that then i i wait probably 40 minutes for the receipt i said the lady said she gonna email you the receipt and so she he finally like saw my receipt after 40 minutes i honestly got and then they escorted me to to a spot where they would be working on me and i'm telling it took like two hours oh the worst part the guy dropped my jeep i forgot to mention that so we hooked up the chains one on each side of this huge forklift right and the guy starts moving away from the trailer and when he's clear of the trailer and the jeep is still like five feet in the air all of a sudden the the the chains shifted because you know his forks are pretty slippery right and i guess he was off center a little bit so the jeep shifted and the whole area side with the wheels went down and smacked on the on the on the concrete so i'm looking at the guy and i said what is this and he's like oh i never saw something like this happened before i said well it's probably you are off center like basically i'm telling you this forklift guy was very hard to work with but i checked the jeep it looks okay basically the the impact was mostly on the rear rear bumper which is like solid steel and the tires you know the tires cushion the uh the um the impact so i checked i didn't see any damage anywhere so but it was and so then he starts lifting the stinger and i said please don't drop this one and he's looking at me kind of like like i'm an you know and i'm like hey this is expensive stuff right i paid you guys 250 bucks to unstack the trailer right i didn't pay for you to drop things down and he said well that's how you hooked up you know like well you're the forklift guy you tell me if you think that's not the proper way to hook up you tell me right you know your freaking forklift no i'm telling you this was like one crazy day today and that's why now all i want is just get to a track stop and shut down and get ready for tomorrow i just want to get out of this charleston with all these turns like once i'm on the straight and narrow i should be okay nobody will get hurt just don't bug me too much here okay and actually i did turn on my rooftop light just to keep people on their toes a little bit so yeah and actually for the stinger just to make sure the guy doesn't drop it instead of using uh two chains i used four because you know that's what i did with the with the jeep so the guy just put his forks over the jeep like the jeep was like this he put the forks like this and i just did one side chain and then another and of course that does not if you're not exactly in the center that does not um prevent the jeep from shifting you know and i'm guessing he was so far to the right to the neck and the wheels were heavy but it's funny how he lifted it he lifted off the trailer he moved back five feet so he didn't drop it on the trailer it just shifted when he was you know away from the trailer at least that's good otherwise he might have broken uh some you know the boards on the floor you might have broken that one well once again i'm my rig is the length of a a small train but it's like riding a bike you know and it makes it easier to go around corners like you saw me you go into that narrow ramp to 26 it was it was uh pretty narrow but with the stinger it's not a problem because this thing it pushes you sideways all right where's the oh we're still not uh out of the bypass you know usually things get better when you when you cross the bypass right like i'm on i-26 is there a bypass here i don't even remember oh yeah there it is and right after the bypass everything is red looks like uh stopped traffic well if they move if they want me to push some cars out of the way i can i can use the fox like the boom on that thing man and they go inside right and i could not start it so took three phone calls finally i started and then the service guy i could hear that he was actually as he was talking to me because he couldn't remember the exact position of each switch so he went back and grabbed the manual and he was telling me exactly he said okay you see the parking parking brake uh switch it was like a button like a touch sensitive button you know and i said yeah he said well next to that one that's your your swivel lock and like what the heck is the swivel lock turns out it's you know it's this thing can rotate like an excavator so that just that lock prevents the machine from turning so okay i said what's the third one looks like a wheel with a block above it he says that's your what was that i forgot but anyway then there was a another little switch for hydraulics and i would never have guessed that there was a switchboard it was like again a button and the button has a picture of a joystick joystick like how is that hydraulic well you know it's a german machine i guess in germany maybe that's customary for them so they put the joystick on that basically meaning that if you don't push that button none of your joysticks will work and that's exactly what was happening like i tried to you know the way this machine was parked um the boom was at 90 degrees to the ground like straight into the sky right and so when i was touching the joysticks nothing's working i i tell the guy hey i i don't have any hydraulics and so he told me where to look and i was it was pretty cool and then i said okay so um oh and there was a pictogram there was a pictogram on the window but like way to my right i had to sit like a 60 degree angle to see it but the pictogram had all kinds of you know arrows and buttons and then it shows you what each joystick does and i quickly discovered that yeah the left joystick was for the stick the left joystick was the stick and it was the for the grapple attachment when you have one like i don't have one now right and the right joystick oh and also the left joystick was for turning the house or swivel and that's why you have to disconnect that swivel lock and and the um the right joysticks i i figure was for the boom like the top the top part right so stick as the arm the lower part like pretty much like on an excavator and then i said okay so i don't see any of course any steering wheel it's just two joysticks i said so i'm guessing i'm using uh i'm talking to the guy on the phone right so i'm guessing i'm using the right joysticks for for the movement like like on big wheel loaders like what do i use to steer he says ah no you don't use the joystick because you see two two switches on the top of the joysticks that of the joystick so that you can uh you you can you can use your thumb to control them and i'm like you kidding me right these two switches like a sideline you know kind of like a little block that's what you use for steering so if you push the left one it starts turning left and you cannot see your wheels you have no idea what your position is and then if you push on the right one it's like a very slow i'm telling you man it was not easy so it took me like 20 times going back and forth from the trailer to make sure that uh all the wheels were straight i was no i was not too much to one side so i of course there's no nobody there it's a port it's all trade union so you have to load by yourself and i never operated this one right i had a similar zenibogen remember the green one i took to manitoba but i did not load that one when i went to the dealer the dealer put it on uh and when i was unloading the buyer the new owner took it off i i wonder if that machine was as weird as this one but basically yeah you have two little switches on top of the joystick that's your movement and i said okay oh and he says you see the little blue wheel on at the foundation of the joystick on the on the you know where your elbow sits and it said it had plus and minus sign just a little like a semi circle kind of like you know like what you use here like a switch when you rotate right but it was inside so you just you again you use your thumb to rotate it i said what is that he says that's your rpm and the switch is like this size i'm telling you very weird i said okay i'm not even going to ask you what's the one on the left is doing i don't i don't want to know that i i just wanna yeah i know i wanna know rpm how to start the machine oh yeah and starting you turn the key nothing happens i look for any simple with a with a with a spring i see a symbol i touch it nothing happens so when i'm talking the phone with this guy i say how do i start this thing i said the key i cannot move the key any further like the key is that the the atmos position so my monitor is lit i have power and yeah before that i i asked the port guy to show me where the master switch for the battery was and so that's of course can be a nightmare on some machines if you don't know where it is if you don't turn it on you have no power and so i see power i have i have my monitor is on i can see the cameras in the back you know everything is working but i cannot start the machine he says look to your right near the window there's a button that says start and stop man so basically you turn the key leave it in that position and then you push that button but i could not see the button because there's a joystick here so you have to know that that button is there because you have to go like this i'm telling you that's okay i started the machine and now i knew what the right joystick was doing and basically it's for the boom right the left one is for the stick and turn the house the the switches the sliding switches on the top of the right joysticks joystick wherefore for the steering and i said okay last stupid question how do i put it in drive i said i see two two pedals in the floor what do they do i'm guessing one of them is the brake what's the other one he says the other one is actually your goal pedal he says look on your monitor you see the you'll see two arrows one will show to the top like a white arrow on the on the screen and and you can you can switch it to show up to show like this so i said that's how i choose my direction he says yeah just make sure your your foot is uh on the on the on the brake the the you came to a complete stop and then you can tap that spot on the monitor and the the arrow will change from this position to this that means that you're going backwards like man it's a pretty complicated machine you know especially if you've never driven before and so as soon as you put it into let's say in the forward right you you click the parking brake button below the monitor and then you just push the the go pedal as i call it and it starts going either forward or backwards depending on which which uh weighed the the arrow points so yeah it was interesting and actually i started the i started the camera but when i went i thought i would show you guys like loading right but then when i went to the machine it was taking so long to um to get it started and and get acquainted with all the controls i figured wait a second so i'm gonna run out of uh battery power and it's recording nothing to record right the truck is just sitting next to the trailer and so i ran back to the truck and turned off the camera otherwise you guys will be very upset with me right so actually now would be a good time to do that fly by you know with the drawer but now my drone it's all it's all uh i forgot to turn on the my my atomic generator to charge my laptop nuclear power plant all right how far is my truck stop 60 kilometers 40 miles and also the good news is right so the guy said i i would be 11 10 wide i'm 9 6 wide uh and so i'm 13 10 tall 9 6 wide beautiful
Views: 25,945
Rating: 4.8419452 out of 5
Keywords: trucking, transport, logistics, Sergei Dratchev, heavy haul, kenworth, fontaine, rgn, lowboy, truck, trailer, 60 ton RGN, canada
Id: lpLqU6OOEgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 21sec (2361 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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