Etihad Airways Boeing 787-9 Departing Abu Dhabi

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[Music] uh good morning everyone my name is uh captain isma and with uh our senior first officer sarifah welcome on board and it had airways to cairo and this is just plains in five minutes uh we'll be pushing back and in the meantime please join our briefing to cairo we're going to be there in three hours and 30 minutes and 40 000 feet above sea level uh weather today it's a normal uh on the season it's going to be a bit bumpy but hopefully it's going to be an enjoyable flight thank you so much please join me and sharifah on our briefing to cairo thank you uh what's our threats today our threats uh today we've been having a lot of bulletins yeah about the flight director on takeoff make sure none of us uh abrupt and every one of us just checked with the fma if you don't like what we see basically we do it uh manually take control yeah and um on our flights today we're going to be taking off one tree right and then basically we're going to turn on the other side so they might give us a direct two waypoints just to be not in the bias if they're gonna let us turn left or turn right basically we just monitor each other yeah on these flights it's not really like a night flight or anything it's a fresh flight it's a morning flight again in abu dhabi very familiar complacency please monitor my taxi normal engine starts we have hot spots but most probably we're just gonna get direct i see a light traffic today so yeah we don't have much uh except we'll follow atc instruction if there is any stop bars that is uh contradicting the clearance we'll just clarify with them check and after departure one two four four set for you here thanks yeah so i concur with you yeah confirm all and we also have uh constraint on departure which is 230. if it is unrestricted i'll just use the mcb speed check i'll open the speed intervention 250 if it is unrestricted i agree and we'll cancel all the restriction by climb direct check okay all right that's all pretty much any other question any other threats you can think of no i agree with your complacency is the issue okay yeah and that's it the engine failure departure procedure you know about this yeah it cough check all right so if we agree with the briefing let's do the pre-flight checklist preflight checklist gear pins removed and stowed oxygen tested 100 percent tested 100 flight instruments it's going to be on heading two nine of four two three four cross check ultimate there's one zero one five and cross-checked heading 2904 qnh1015 is reading 40 my side briefing completed preflight checklist complete all right so i take the ground yes carson how is everything powerfully ready all right just confirm all the gear pins are removed and the steering lockout is installed are we clear to pressurize our ground checks completed bypass being inserted and blended is removed and you are fully ready and clear for hydraulic okay thank you so much standing by for pushback clearance send me bye should i request yes please has to request back [Applause] oh by the deliveries six five [Music] [Applause] [Music] ready okay you have the numbers yes please okay i've got flaps 5 dto2 select temperature 6-0 v1161 vr164 p2166 sliding to ground yes we are cleared to push and start the phase north from one two [Applause] it's one six six and five one three or one six four v two one six six completed okay all slides are armed oh nice okay it's ready [Music] yeah sure yeah i have line a line hud message okay it's good now again um um frequency one two four decimal four [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay [Applause] [Applause] facing east ready for total remove all equipment holding position the hand signal with the pin on the left side thank you so much for your help [Applause] case waving the pin slide controls check check [Applause] [Applause] e4 tax checklist [Music] before taxi checklist anti-ice auto we call check flight controls checked run equipment clear white is clear before taxi checklist completed [Music] yeah clear left side right is clear lights coming on say again second left second left okay [Applause] he gave us like a [Applause] military clearance [Applause] french accent right is clear check so first left on foxtrot check [Applause] okay left turning left onto foam straps right is clear [Applause] [Applause] so hold short i beam triple seven [Applause] behind check [Applause] i'll beat he left that's new yeah left continues yeah second ride right is clear checked thank you all the way good too [Applause] there you go right it's clear [Music] [Applause] so particular confirmation there's no changes no changes thank you and kevin is ready [Applause] shall i report ready yes please okay right [Applause] here [Applause] the approach path is clear shall i seat the crew yes please 2401 is kl or somewhere either kl or singapore i'll be seven eight yeah [Applause] [Music] i didn't know that they used triple seven anymore they still use it yeah cargo mosque [Applause] toronto i had toronto and then they removed one triple yeah oh yeah [Applause] line up and wait behind [Applause] e4 takeoff checklist before takeoff checklist briefing confirmed cabin crew seated before takeoff checklist completed check this completely approach path is clear strap also um [Applause] here to find [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ready dress 80 knots both [Applause] rotate european enough speed um zero four zero [Music] check these complete so and six five key less than zero check so so autopilot good morning later [Applause] oh [Applause] well is [Applause] transition altitude standard sentence and crosstalk passing one three three seven four seven [Music] [Applause] [Applause] should we continue with 400 or shall we uh because i said three eight zero you can ask initially three eight zero [Applause] before [Applause] line up and wait behind okay [Applause] before takeoff checklist briefing confirmed cabin crew seated before takeoff checklist completed check this completely approach path is clear strap also foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] control ready ready is 80 knots [Applause] rotate europe speed [Music] [Applause] before takeoff checklist briefing confirmed cabin crew seated before takeoff checklist completed check this completely approach path is clear strap or saw [Applause] uh [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] control ready ready dress 80 knots both [Applause] rotate europe speed um [Applause] will be also able to fund like a fourth year here if there's a turbulent recording under this traffic at three years ago i will check with him are they occupying the level as well so create that it will not be available would you like 400 okay [Applause] [Applause] express india one seven nine three today maintain level three editor and then level three at zero explosion alpha six fox nemo mike g'day climb five thousand feet starting to albertine unh one zero one six one zero one six five five four but you're not exposed thank you express india one seven nine three are you experiencing any turbulence at level three occasionally and area 653 traffic is 10 miles ahead of you above at level three eight row light turbulence is three eighths row so like climb to the level 400. [Applause] final level four zero zero zero six five three area the level is available uh climb flight level four zero zero your choice if you wanna take creator uh we will try glad for four years and get stupid so lower the cinder 179 to make mike six zero zero to combo express india 1793 [Applause] speed winner pop check ross ravino speed [Applause] [Applause] bye [Applause] [Applause] zero [Applause] thousand to go sure this traffic is below us so i'll keep it on me now [Applause] speed winner check [Applause] here um [Applause] sure okay [Music] five two five everest um is [Music] hi everyone um i'll just give you a debrief of what you've done so far since the push till the top of climb initially we had our pushback clearance by ground from this stand on apron 1 facing north and then we taxi on fox rod all the way down to echo four turning right to echo and then holding point echo two runway one three right the departure today was the bosses one golf departure we haven't done the departure because the atc have gave us a shortcut and re-cleared us instead of a right turn as you see from the departure we did a left turn on a heading zero four zero an unrestricted climb to one five zero and after that we continue to bossev which is the departure [Applause] point at after that we were clear to our flight plan route and cruising level at 400 currently now we're over the arabian sea and we're flying along behind us was the mom and now we are with uh jeddah fire and abeem will be riyadh and we're flying north of saudi arabia and entering the cairo fir via kitot and then we will do the arrival at that point i will give you another explanation of how the arrival will be but usually with cairo they don't have any arrival charts so they rely on radar vectors [Applause] which we have done at many times but trying not to be expectation biased and we always be more conservative with fuels and what with the atc give us on arrival as part of the mitigation for this arrival the briefing for now the aircraft status looks good we don't have anything affecting the rest of our cruise level this is our final cruising level we were expecting some bumpiness but it looks fine so far we have already discussed that if it's going to get bumpy we will try to decenter flight level 380 since the last pilot report is just light chopped turbulence so far that's it and i hope you enjoy the debrief you
Channel: Just Planes
Views: 1,904,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cockpit, Flightdeck, Pilot, Pilots, Pilotlife, Pilotseye, Pilotsview, Etihad, Etihad Airways, Etihad 787, Etihad Boeing, Etihad Pilot, Female Pilot, Women Pilot, Cockpit Etihad, Cockpit Etihad Airways, Cockpit 787, Cockpit Boeing 787, Cockpit Etihad 787, Flight Deck Etihad, Flight Deck Etihad 787, Trip Report Etihad, Trip Report Etihad Boeing, Trip Report Etihad Airways, Cockpit Abu Dhabi, Flight Deck Abu Dhabi, Just Planes, JustPlanes, AUH, AUH Airport, Abu Dhabi Airport, Dreamliner
Id: vlKtM5GZdyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 6sec (2886 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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