Border Shootout (1990) - Glenn Ford

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me so oh foreign uh you happy looks like you could use a hand sorry i'm just riding mine saw the brakes mr sunny instead say uh do you think she belongs on the other side see the cattle will stay just where they are senor look uh i think i'll just get back on my horse i do not think so now we're on the ground please okay i'm just fell out of the lights of some land from mr sunday ah but you have eyes and a big mouth to tell what you have seen here my friend and get over here with him please and what will you do with us huh i'll take you in the rendada mister you might as well let us go rental has no law it is true the old man who was the deputy they are letting him go and no one is foolish enough to take his play don't shine boy mr tindall i can't take this nonsense kirby well you caught the rustlers that have had this town buffalo for six months who's more qualified than that i got a jackass outside that's more qualified here oh shut up harold the time when your opinion matters has long passed won't you make one of them david tell the way you want the job done they're qualified i don't have to listen to this if kirby hadn't brought in those two chili pickers we'd have to listen to your drunken excuses for the next six months we've got to wait for dan herrera we spent half our lives waiting for dinner mr tindall maybe this isn't such a good idea it's a fine idea kirby and my future son-in-law should be more than a farmer what the hell are you fool hiding back here for when i got half the county out looking for them cattle wrestlers mr sundeen we um well this is a private meeting attendant i don't care if it's a prayer meeting you and this miserable excuse for a law man have got one job to do and that's to find the sons of [ __ ] but stealing half my herd if you'd shut up a minute you'd find out they're already in jail jail they were caught last night who was the lousy mexicans what'd you expect i'll be there i didn't think you had it in yet errol didn't catch him phil was our new deputy fry this is your new deputy at least we hope he will be fry i haven't seen you in here twice since my pappy sold you that peddly piece of land what the hell are you doing running for deputy you mean sneaking for devon dammit harold that's enough oh you've been deputy here for 20 years and look at you you're insolent you're illiterate you haven't taken a bath in a month and you dress like a buffalo hunter like me tindale i sure have done her don't are you miss me fry yes sir sidney and i got your telegram what in the hell is going on it's simple really the town that is the four of us on the council well sir we all feel that harold is no longer the kind of deputy this town needs sheriff the simple fact is rendado is growing with leaps and bounds harold refuses to keep up george is right we all feel we need a man who who fits the way this town can grow we've known kirby here for his whole life we feel like he's a young man who can grow with the town you must be battle sundeen's boy that's right well i hear he's doing poorly given my best i understand you caught the two wrestlers that were jacking these boys around for a while yes sir i understand what most of that it was mostly like well now fry i'm afraid your flux about run out i even know what will happen to us stealing cattle is a hanging offense sheriff dan earl have to come down and take you on up to tucson but how much time is that three four days right will you do something for me i'll do whatever i can can you get a letter to my wife where is she la noria all right what about him harold you can stay on here a day or two if you'll help danah will be back at the end of the week i'll be gone but then sorry the council feels this way i head over with a council well there he goes now you can act like men or are you going to let that danah run us down for you no we've all heard what you've said just doesn't seem right we can't let this town become another tombstone and i ain't gonna let it get turned over to no two-bed farmer the law's first protector ranchers not the criminals and if it weren't for fry and dan hur the lord had done its duty your law you're damn right my law hannah shane my father built this town and i didn't hear you [ __ ] about it when he stopped those indians from burning down that one horse cafe yours you're not your father look i got my own cattle to think about hanging's been the law of the open range as far as i go back now you're talking some sense earl after all the courthouse is 100 miles away and the board is only five but they can skip back across it before we know what hit us exactly and they know they can get away with it hell the judge doesn't know what it's like to live down here that's true enough we all know what the jury did with those three mexes that robbed my bank nobody made you settle in the border town little late to complain now well it ain't too late to set an example that those greasers won't forget i'll hold it this bickering among ourselves is getting us nowhere i'm sick as the rest of you knuckling under the damn her but we can't let this be a lynch mob he's right dana hill will string us up right alongside the mexicans and you know he's crazy enough to do it i say dana hurt and go straight to hell man like that ain't got no business being a law man in this day and age i'm for stringing them up and be done with it you don't seem too worried about what's going to happen to you at fort watch you care i have a valuable scouts they will do nothing lieutenant davis does not care that i cut the nose off of my miserable cheating squad it is a coyote tradition i understand you've been replaced they call him dandy jim he will not last long he didn't how'd you know i can go many days without water well i wish i could say the same that's the best damned idea i've ever heard appoint our own judge and prosecutor make our own damn laws and kirby can carry them out it's foolproof it'll have to be considered who's doing it well damn it hey if you have any better ideas let's hear them what's wrong with the idea we all agreed on three hours ago but the man we elected deputy enforce the law i'd doubt fry will enforce the ordinance against adultery now hold it hague he's got a point maybe we did rush into this thing with kirby because we were so anxious to get rid of harold oh i can't believe this we've known that boy since he was born well i ain't saying he's a bad kid i'm just saying it's well maybe uh maybe we shouldn't have made him deputy maybe somebody else could do the job like sundeen at least i'd go across the street and do what needs to be done dad a council business no mary what kind of council business does this have anything to do with kirby being sent out of town we don't need kirby for this earl beaudry a city prosecutor and i'm the judge judge of what what do you think how about a jury phil sundine supplied the jury i see and how about kirby and jeff danaher dan or her doesn't run things anymore it's a new day in rendado are we him who we should now calvary who else jim what the heck's going on here i thought you were still scout i still am well then how'd you get the cavalry after you i'm an indian general sent me out to replace another scout because i just didn't fit in i don't suppose you'd like to trade rifles my arm is getting awful tired no thanks but i tell them who i am and get them to stop if you come along peaceful like sure where are we going jayla randall got me a new job since they saw you you're my first customer that sounds good to me but what makes you think that you can get out of here any easier than i can can i trust you to go to rendado and turn yourself in minion's word is his bond but um with their great rifles oh no it isn't me now hold your fire man he isn't here what do you mean he isn't there he took off i'm the only one here come out with your hands over your head the hell are you the new deputy at randall taking your man into custody you're right what the hell makes you think you can take a prisoner from the army well i figured he wasn't your prisoner stand up for drafts well it is about time you showed some spine i'm proud of you there's something to be proud of of course it is the law's supposed to protect the rancher not the criminal i wonder why that sounds so quit your familiar go on get it over with hey how about i gotta get back to work yeah you needn't sound so bitter about it these men have to be fit well some demons men have a right to their appetites too i suppose so has he i'm here to turn myself in you're joshing me you found him guilty fast enough what about harold what about let's him to be a good citizen boy what is wrong what do you think senor where is the deputy this is robert tyndall i ask you to open this door in the name of the new judiciary committee of rondano come on phil this is none of your business anyway i thought you said hannah shane was on his way with the keys maybe he can't find him he's common damn it harold this is phil sundine open the door george why don't you go see what's keeping head no need rd where have you been watching this charade from across the street there's no time for paying subconscious time somebody had one we both know what your problem is anna shane and it ain't conscious hand over the keys see go get the keys phil this is hardly necessary wait a minute take his hands off him eggs not the enemy he go let him go you're standing in the path of justice hannah shane you ought to expect a stampede open the door what the hell do you think you're doing protecting my home oh man i advise you to think again nobody said anything different i'll get them both open merle you thought you could get away with stealing from phil something huh both have you hold it are these right we agreed to a hang and not a murder shut up all of you we're gonna hang these chili pickers or not bring them outside you get out from there hell with you there you go get these chili pickers on the wagon who the hell do you think you are i'm the one who takes over when other men can't handle things you ought to know that better than anyone now that goes for the rest of you let these two chili pickers be an example of anybody who breaks the law on rendado now what do you say o'hage here sort of resigns his seat in the city council i don't think he much likes his civic responsibility he better go back to slinging hash old man now as earl put it are we going to string these chili pickers up or not well you're in it pretty deep now ain't you boy now what's worse you're about to be shot by no good renegade engine scout i don't think you understand who i am mister oh we understand who you are you're a horse's ass lawman who's lost his badge so i guess that just makes you a plain old horse's ass now don't it below the fire where the hell are you just a man looking for a hot cup of coffee well you're looking in the wrong place boy yeah i can see that what did he do stuck his nose in fifth cavalry business i just hate to see this kind of thing happen hey well it can happen to two as easy as one or none you know we got a stock game fort what you could build for hombres like you mister well i'm afraid i'm going the other way let them go or go to hell who the hell i'll be back hey he's coming with us oh he's in india you want me to get your saddle i'm not staying you know this isn't going to make you too popular with calvary wasn't planning on joining to law and order found it back there before the fight oh and we know it was mine calvary doesn't have much use for badges which way are you headed regatta got a job you gonna settle down at least like to know your name jordan clay jordan kirby fry you're a cruel man john bennett here well coming from you i take that as a compliment do you think i'm nothing but yourself white eyes well at least you didn't call me pale face as i do think about other things you know chaluka i like like making sure fellows such as you don't go around cutting on folks just because they have a hankering ah she was a dog of a wife i care about the law-abiding citizens trying to scratch a decent living out here with a damn near impossible i care about the men i found that help me do it those two i saw you with i think you better quit i never quit how about rabbit for breakfast you move too quiet for a white man maybe you make too much noise for an indian since you're gathering wood suppose you start a fire perhaps it will take you longer to retire than i thought well i've been thinking about that you know a nice pension a nice grassy little spread up near prescott find myself a wife and stop chasing after people like you sounds good to me i've been thinking about that too kirby how'd you know it was made actually i didn't it could have been any number of people what happened i still love my horse i thought you'd already been to town what did you do something that when i was gone how could they do that harold they didn't seem to find it too hard wouldn't you make it in oh you red skin buddy oh yeah he the back sleeping doc says it's gonna be all right and where's mr timber whole bunch is over to spain's been over there all night you're wasting your time boy take it from somebody who wasted a lot of it job girl your job is dancing to 13 and the sooner you find that out how happy you gonna be i guess i wasn't cut out for law enforcement began to think the same thing myself how did that hurt i'll live to take a few more scouts you're gonna turn me over to fort hachyuka no that's not gonna make you very popular with the cavalry yeah well i wasn't planning on joining anyway yeah jim i've known those men in this town all my life maybe they know you better than you know them to spain another round kirby son i don't think you understand just what went on here last night oh i think i do kendall how could you do this to who you were the chili pickers sheriff danaher was right what we don't give a damn what dad heard things what if he was standing here well that's where you're wrong son we have our own judicial authority now right here in rendezvous you all think this is legal we're using our own god-given authority what could be wrong with that there's nothing wrong with it rd let me explain something you boys when i come to this valley this town didn't exist me and his happy and damn few others built it i know that sir that took guts boy my father was here too sir yeah and men like rd and hague made it possible for squatters like your father to make it without george's bank you couldn't have bought that piece of land from old vale now could you no sir i owe you all a lot but i can't go along with what you did it's pretty plain i can't work for you and down here well it doesn't appear that you work with anybody right now there's this stupid farm who needs to go back to being well go on boy there's no shame in being a side buster unless you want it back no thanks then may i take it that you are no longer the law and rendado there is no law in rainbow hello darling do that again you'll get a hot poker right where you don't want it you promised how did you get in here in the bedroom window i thought you only left that way well i got money to earn that's more than they're gonna pay where the hell is my supper supper's over merle we're close sorry mr sunday maybe you're hallucinating you ain't going liquor son you just a bad nightmare how do you tell the difference because i can get over a hangover i thought this is where randall's ex-law man came to hang out won't you just get the hell out of here not until you answer two questions that is why such as what you found out wasting six months chasing them wrestlers wasted you didn't catch them did they didn't have to because you knew they were what's your next question now you could keep this job for 20 years and i couldn't keep it for one day maybe i'm tougher than you are and smarter and better look damn right you know phil sundine's going to be the biggest man in the san rafael valley and i ain't no john downer that's where you're wrong boy you're supposed to be down on her that's like i'm supposed to be those men on the council put me where i am here no they gave you a job don't forget you speak english i have news of arcane what has happened to him how did you come to have this letter i was the law in rendara he said one cow see that is why joaquin was so sure maralito was right they would not miss one more so you're saying that your husband knew that somebody else was taking those cattle no but menolito knew he saw them she said you would allow this place but you do not seem the type of man who could do this to my husband no ma'am but i wasn't there to stop but either but one of my children we are all alone i've been alone most of my life don't make it i have good so he's my husband how would you like to be mistress of the sundeen ranch oh you're not serious you like being a mail-order bride well at least this time my new husband is fully examined the merchandise hey i'll never trust the mail again how do i know i can trust this one i wondered when you were gonna get back steadman's the only one that's had good hands oh he wasn't right are you looking for your plow boy you know i figured you'd know what would happen to you if you came back in here i want the badge i thought we agreed you weren't man enough to work maybe not the man who gave it to me wouldn't want to left here with you you know i uh i don't think this thing's worth all the trouble do you i'd say it's too much trouble jordan hello kirby so this is the job you had waiting and you said all this business was legal i guess jordan here is your attorney well how perceptive of you mr jordan represents my interests give me the badge kirby look here i i thought we'd come to an understanding is that what you call it damn it boy this can only lead to somebody getting hurt well i'd say it already has mr beaudry i mean decent people fry you better leave while you can son no no he's had his chance to leave phil there's no reason for this and if i ever see you in this town again fry my attorney there is gonna kill you from here diego give me a drink where the hell have you been let's get it you never drink this time of the day why do you look like you just found out the whole town's been poisoned maybe it has from what i hear phil just thought he needed to teach fry a lesson i'm not surprised because he told you first how badly could he have been hurt i've been my age he'd be dead i must have done something really stupid we did tried to uphold the law in this pissant town how about you and the others how about us you rather than me i don't want any harm to come to you not much chance of that so so you're making it hard for a girl to make a living i'm a big tipper from what i hear you can afford today from what i hear you don't need the money i don't know what you think mister but nobody has owned me sala fresca including your husband i was brought here by a marriage broker not a slave trader and you're sure there's a difference you're a fine one to talk you'd hire yourself out to anyone with a price i draw the line more than you think there are two ways of making it in this world mr jordan i figure i've been making it the hard way long enough figured yeah well sometimes you get to thinking about things you thought you already knew i reckon we're both taking this money for the same reasons after all i beg your pardon nothing i should have taken it the first time i've got to get to the meeting so all of you can just sit around and put what happened out of your mind you don't understand i understand more than you think kirby made his own bed dad you've known him all his life how could you let them do it what was i supposed to do you're the head of the committee the committee can't control phil sundine we're not the law i'm home hi honey relax your husband called a meeting of the town councils and i don't know anything about it oh phil this has got to stop hank's been good to me he takes good care of me are you kidding me only the only reason this place makes a dime is because of you again and shane didn't have two nickels to rub together before you got off that prescott stage and take me away from all of this anywhere i go you go i hope you'll realize we're in trouble he's right we are in trouble damn it i know we're in trouble but what the hell are we going to do about it the only one thing to do rd turn ourselves in i knew all you were going to say was a lot of crap earl it's our only way out we got to talk to dan or her now you're going to keep your mouth shut and we didn't do anything wrong hey we can't maybe you can't home sweet home your animal should have torn your gizzards out when you had a chance i how testy we're getting it's amazing what a little bit of sun we'll do to manage this position foreign so so well send them in sir that'll be all son oh go get lieutenant davis yes sir hello john appreciate you bringing this fellow back any problems oh no no problems in fact we had a very nice talk is that right you mean he didn't cause you much trouble no more he caused his wife yes i heard about that what these savages do to each other amazes me sometimes but on the other hand i'm not sure that kind of thing is any of our concern a man says he's an excellent scout says we should overlook this thing is that a fact absolutely sir i'll take full responsibility good put him on a mule get a move on man we're still on private property what are you men doing on this right leaving it man hold on there mess this man needs help do i know you boy we don't have time for this old man then you better make time son who are you boy kirby fry sir where are you taking him sir that's none of your business anything that happens on the sunday ranch is my business he's a federal prisoner on federal land he's on sunday and land and so are you this man is wanted for aiding an army deserted to escape well you can rest him some other time but right now he's coming with me sir he'll be hearing from the territorial governor well i know that'll be nice i haven't seen lou since we had breakfast last week let him go i'm putting him in your custody davis and if i know why he's the only scout you fellow seem to get along with but then i'm not the one that has to ride with him yes sir i'll see to it that he stays out of any civilian trouble davis if either of you get into any trouble you're gonna have to deal with me yes sir let's go ahead a pair but davis is a good man runs a tight ship his patrol has been together more than a year well let me ask you something does davis have a any other duty besides patrol oh yeah of course he does a place like this they all do why davis is the bee procurement officer for the whole damn port you're early well i don't mind if you don't where'd you get your beef cox and mcsweeney cattle company if it's one of your damn business it's a telegram for sheriff dan here sir general said he was in here don't worry i'll take care of it you go ahead and get yourself some beef sir i wasn't finished i'd say he was finished a long time ago besides this here is army beef well we'll see about that whoops you know it was a not so long ago i could take on three like you and not work up a sweat when did that time pass old man it hasn't john what the hell's going on here well i just broke up a board meeting of the cochran rick sweeney cattle company that's company we buy our beef from bob there is no cox and mcsweeney cattle company so marty i'm surprised a lot of people were betting you wouldn't be coming back here well i hope you won some money then listen wordy i need you to do a favor for me right you in here george it's me you took a big chance i don't think you'd shooting on our man i could have brought somebody who would i don't think so you play your hunches i want you out of town so you think i should ride out just because i'm on the wrong side and you don't i make my living with two things this and my word and there's no way around it is there why didn't you just stay gone look i'm not just asking you i'm telling you i kind of figured you were i like your word that you won't come back sorry kirby i've already given my word you don't leave a fella many options you didn't start out with what do you many it's what fry wants he's back i thought you should know you tell sundine hank where are you going what are you doing you're not a gunfighter what i should have done three days ago kirby's not after you you had nothing to do with the hanging i'm not worried about kirby hey make me a promise edith what keep that son of a [ __ ] out of my bed and i'm at least cold in the ground i got some news that might take the edge off your appetite i doubt that honey what is it second coming you might say that fry's back where's your father dad what's this all about mr sundin wants to see you what's going on nothing's going on you tell mr sundin i'm not interested you tell him dad dad what the hell's the meaning of this what the hell does it look like it's a showdown with who with fry he's back what are those tyndall steadman pottery digo and sunday nothing for jordan you hadn't done anything wrong you can't get out of this by yourself got into it by myself kirby they came to get dad what are we gonna do there's not gonna be an easy way out of this i know please be careful oh i wouldn't be too anxious to go ahead with this the hell happened to you i had a conversation with frye did you kill him no the same reason you're not gonna now what makes you say that because you kill a lawman in his own town and they'll hunt you for the rest of your life he's right mr sundin this is where we have to draw the line we who the hell is we merle all of us we've been doing some talking oh you have had you look mr sunday and it's one thing being on your jury seeing those rustlers get what's coming to them this ain't no damn difference you're right unless the mexicans weren't guilty either what the hell are you talking about just a hunch don't forget who pays you merle the old man pays us this time we got back to work it's awful lonely out there fry not that lonely on the wrong side of the street aren't you hey no but once i'm not sundeen i have a word for your arrest diego too the ones for mr tindall stedman and vogue what the hell we gonna do now go to mexico are you loco no are you there's no way out of this you surrender and you go to jail you shoot it out and either you get killed or fried us well the day you can't take two men will be a cold day in hell look again he's right going to mexico oh damn it earl it's easy for you you've got that little mexican woman on the side down there it looks a damn surprise we've all known about her for years but george and i got businesses here and our family how long do you think they're going to last if you're in some jail sorry kirby i guess i just must uh lost my way he won't happen i don't have a warrant for you jordan you can just ride on out of town that's exactly what i'm gonna do how about the rest of them they're gone what they're halfway to the border by now it's my job to see that you don't follow them till they get there so you're looking at history remember where i go you go taking a mighty lot on yourself hate you boy nothing i can't handle old man i'm coming up to take a look they're gone i guess we know now who's on the right side of the law you've won fry look at these people let it end here and what if i follow your alarm in here i couldn't murder you in the street you cross the border it'll be open season you won't have a chance do you know that's the way it would go because you crossed the border and i'll kill you myself so you got to make it don't let them get away with it why did you bring them here i didn't bring them here they just came then why don't you ask this man sundin to leave i might as well try to get him to join a you monastery not think about what has happened back in your town and how do you suggest i forget it how long do you think that limited content can't be arrives long enough george we were party to the murder of the town lawmen and one of our best friends to boot we didn't pull the trigger do you really think dan or her will just let us go about our business we can't live the rest of our lives in the canteen tindale stadtman try to have some fun this girl knows how to have a good time man i pay to protect he did your job today in there i should go see if we can pry boulder away from his woman so we can have a toast get him yourself if you're so starved for his company fire center another battle in the scale ladies and gentlemen may i have your attention ladies and gentlemen i give you mr clay jordan the fastest gun tipper in the country oops wrong country the fastest gun tipper in any country who today rid us of our deputy mr kirby fry i didn't kill him definitely headed south probably la noria figures they'd go there to hold up the storm coming in what are you going to do if that's where they are see if i can talk them into coming home with us you don't have any authority there well then i had to fill that at home how's the matter you all look like you've seen a ghost we're just jumpy earl we just found out jordan didn't kill them i thought you were going to stop them you paid me to keep them from arresting me that's exactly what i did what about the rest of us to help the rusty you're not my problem does that include me sweetheart why not i paid this [ __ ] and he didn't do the job who needs another one jordan i was just a liquor talking you know that yeah i know that what the hell are you doing maybe the line's not so thin after all jordan you can't leave me here why not you can leave them here what about the money now i've got more money than anybody i thought you hired out to anybody with a price so did i sometimes you get to thinking about things you thought you already knew you got a plan sure we ride in and they give themselves up i see you've given this a lot of thought sounds like a good idea to me hank what in the world you must be completely loco what makes you think you'll ever leave here alive there'll be none of that talk hey what are you doing here i came to take you back those of you that will come kirby's right behind me well look at you it ain't dandy jim just how lucky does a fella deserve to be i don't know who you are mister but i sure am getting tired of running into you really well i rather enjoyed our little get-togethers although i'm sad to inform you this is gonna be the last one as you think we might tell it's you boy's been wrestling cattle well i prefer to think of it as supplying the army's needs it needs beef and uh well i am a patriot a patriot or a prophet what is wrong jordan got me to thinking about sundine and his money so well it looks like i've been taken for a fool forget it bottle washer you've been an aggravation to me long enough a hundred dollars to any man that stands with me tonight and 500 to the mango gets kirby fry and if dan hears along a thousand dollars of the man who kills him that's cold-blooded murder takes right you're doing the same thing here you did back in rendado very good tyndale and it works the same way down here let me tell you something boy people been screwing the army since alexander the great and they'll be doing it long after you and i are both gone which in your case is pretty damn soon except this time nobody's gonna step out of the dark to save your ass boy i thought you're wrong uh you all right i believe we are where's david's in gone well you can't have everything looks like all of the horses are still there except jordans he must have lit out you know it's not legal to cross this border if you're a lawman i know that sir i just thought i'd sort of go as myself you know i've been told i should retire well maybe i should find out what that's like you take the courtyard i'll take the two buildings move move you are thinking with his men gone that maybe you can take him why not i fought my way across this country when his old man was still a farmer i can take him mr pogba scooby fry all right what are you doing here boy the same thing as you from looks that gun i've had enough that's all i know that sir but i can't let you go in there mr hannah shane already tried eggs in there yes sir now i want you to go on back this is my play here all right before you go there's something i think you should know girl what the hell's gotten into you a belly full of lies that's what what are you talking about i'm talking about you and some cavalry officer stealing your own cattle because your old man wouldn't give you a dime what that's right audi and he played us for suckers making us believe it was those mexicans he had to get us to hang him because if danaher got him to trial the truth might have come out now we're going back to face the music they can hang us for all i care we deserve it they may hang you or what you ain't hanging me that's a pretty dangerous place to stand you won't shoot me fry i know you better than that i'm not here for any gunplay phil i just want to get these folks from rendado home safe now you know i don't have any authority here in mexico so you can just stay here that's the part you got wrong fry it's me that's leaving you're staying forever this uh so so um so so yes you can save everybody tom you don't think i'm going to use this do you eagle i think they're out of ammo senor fry i don't want to rush you but i think you're out of bullets that's all right i've got plenty left contrary to popular opinion i don't shoot men in the back so hmm maybe i need more practice you're just not used to being on the right side well it was fun while it lasted no it wasn't you were right with you i was still a [ __ ] haig might not have had two nickels to rub together when i met him but he spent those two nickels on me he never wanted anything more than to provide for me and if you'll still have me i want to start providing for him i love you when we get back to randall you three men are under arrest but we'll remain at liberty until judge finnerty decides what to do with you you're damn sure yourself aren't you since i did catch those men stealing cattle from your ranch i don't expect a judge to go too hard again but what your father decides to do for stealing his cattle is entirely up to him now let's go ah is everybody all right jim everybody's okay but remember i'm still the toughest son of a [ __ ] in arizona so so you
Channel: Classic Robb's Glenn Ford Channel
Views: 504,897
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Id: XZw5TBf1mz8
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Length: 88min 46sec (5326 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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