THE LAST WOLF | Cimarron Strip | William Boyd | Western TV Series | Full Episode | English

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i don't want them turning on me [Music] i mean uh i've done more than i should for you out of just playing good nature yeah you're getting fat on your good [Music] nature what's he up to can i help myself that's michael we're from illinois where are you from out beyond it's a fearsome country i can see you've been through great hardship oh no i was making up pretty good we plan to settle here and farm directly open the outlet what do you do all right well now that's what my husband's doing this very minute he says a hunting's fine here abouts no i'm afraid it's all played out why he brings in jackrabbits and prairie chickens every day that's part meat swede all right let's find out of course john's an uncommonly fine hunter [Music] it's all out sam pack horse dogs tribes might as well you can pay us some money then you divvy it up bro come to five dollars a piece steady now there's the mother and there's a child there's ain't no place to touch you sat down here a purpose yes ma'am any other place and they'd like to tear me apart before i could open my mouth you mean we wore ourselves out all spring for five dollars but now how could i know they'd take off the bounty while we were going we're not the only ones had to sell out before i'd sell out for this kind of money i'd feed the horse to them dogs put them dogs in them traps and shove them in the river oh that makes good sense that makes real good sense you know it ain't fair well now why didn't i think of that just run up to somebody say it ain't fair and they'll fill our pockets with money you were mucking me sam that's a fact bro come on leave it be blunt [Music] i would have cut your throat [Music] [Applause] so you take them wolf belts you attack them on the wall you point to them you talk about them these are the last three we killed them all right no more i guess i'll just have to find something else [Music] so [Music] [Music] mrs weatherby i'm half this waited to get married myself if i could find someone as lovely as you why thank you marshall erin you picked yourself a pretty girl thank you sir congratulations howdy everybody well you you said come one come also i take off your hats you and your friends are welcome mr miller some of my boys are fetching a buck board full of beard lord knows what all oh this is doug lewis best fiddler in the territory we're gonna have a real do whatever up dub uh yeah now put that down how did they get in here yes throw that trash out yeah come on boys keep your hands up [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] i'm reminded of that old saying the devil and idol hands to no more trouble than a tub full of eels no more [Music] [Music] did you ever see a woman built that away not when i was silver everybody fill your glasses let's make a toast to the newlyweds marshall marshall crown those wild men have broke my window miller come with me i might need some help [Music] i'm a sore back tars i'm a a toothless dog looking for a home i'm all bottled up and i'm gonna pull the clock let me buy your gun [Applause] holy i want to tell you a little story i rode into town today i being overtook my drunkenness i fallen off my horse that animal left me and went away and i decided that i was going to stay in this hair town and as i was lying there middle of the street 64 farmers 16 cowboys two scores and a mangy hound dog stepped right over me [Applause] i kicked the hound hoping at least he'd pay me some mine but he wouldn't even bite me that there didn't bother me but then this here old bull flea sat up on my wrist he took one look at me one look at that mangy hound all spit once and he hopped off onto the house taking the rest of my flesh with him i said to myself sam what's become of you i can understand you being took by the cattlemen i understand you being swindled by the merchants i can even understand the dog being too choosy to bite you but when i lose my fleas i can't get no lower without digging a hole i tell ya i was walking pretty small and i come on some fellas hanging around outside that there are farmers wedding they roll overs buffalo hunters like myself i feared to go in and then i seen his hair wagging some of you trotting along behind it turkey bill charlie remember you trappers begging begging the cattlemen wasn't it the cattlemen that come whining and begging to us saying oh boys the wolves are eating us out of house and home and we'll pay you to kill it for us and that's what we did anyway and where was the farmers when it was worth your hair to stand up here on the cimarron bucky that's right they were back east shake it in their boots afraid of their own shadows but we were here we were standing here we walked this land like kings and now you've got your tails between your legs begging boys that was never our way that's right where we wanted to go we went and what we wanted to take we took and i say we take it be now [Music] [Applause] right now everybody bring it up ah now it's over break it up come on tell me again i like that part messy about them being less trouble than a tub full of eels i i may have misjudged a platform where are you going with that better get a picture of sam galton marshall wouldn't even put him in a cell without a bath a bus maybe the first one he ever has is historical occasion well i think it's indecent ah no you don't what the jobs have done [Applause] i'm gonna pull up lame you're gonna need some money i got money just enough to pay for the damage you've [Applause] worth done i can get your job pays pretty well doing what ryden's got for the army how did for supply no they'd never take me on well i would have asked him to and you'd ask sir why you don't know me from a kick in the head well now maybe it's because i feel sorry for you ah i don't know you're thinking ahead to something entirely different ah well you're almost clean it's a step in the right direction almost clean i feel skinned what about that job that therefore supply is a fair distance from here ain't it phil you wouldn't be trying to get me out of town now would you you think about that job i have more people and fleas in this here in town corn man [Music] crowd i'm gonna pull this place down over your ears i'm gonna dance on your grave the man's encouragement he's gonna be a real joy to have around [Applause] [Music] [Applause] drifting in here squatting we've been losing two three head a week but i got a good look at the fella this time i'll just point them out [Applause] so that'll be marshall come here take a look at this and we'll find a hide around here somewheres what's your name what's my name that's what i asked well i'll tell you marshall hey they've been calling me cowa for so long it's hard to say what's up there smell sure is rank nowhere it ain't cowboy it stinks a lot worse than that marshall that's what it is stinks like a polecat but a good nose can tell them apart afternoon sam you ain't wanted here get out somebody's been killing beef not nobody around here now there's got to be one place a man can clear his nose and marshall and cowboy stink how about it let's grab a hold of these here too and run them out of here so fast the breeze burn their britches that's right hold on let's get out of here it's gonna be hard doing graham i told you i don't want no part of fighting you never did have a spunk of a grasshopper bell yeah what's your last name henderson how about it charlie you're with me ain't you no sam it don't hardly seem worth the effort is he the one well i wouldn't try taking him out of here marshall is here isn't he sure looks like beef they're cooking now that there's jackrabbit jackrabbit well i know they're growing big around here they're not that big we'll borrow your knives and we'll destroy some of the evidence that's not jackrabbit no no that's what we call slow elk that's prime yielding shot for the table all right boys that's it damn don't swell one [Applause] [Music] so all right sam i got no more use for you [Music] yep i'm the original caliwompus but i still got the hair mean i'm mean i there's nothing like the due of the heather to make a bad man talk there's a coyote kid so just told me whose land is it what are you going to do about it well it was here first [Music] it wouldn't even be if it wasn't for us include our landform belongs to us the killer cows are common to go away go running [Applause] and farmers claiming killing sam gallatin talking i've been uneasy about those men getting together and making trouble for a long time why do we have to put up with that kind of truck there's just enough truth in what gallatin is saying in a stereo on one of these days washington's gonna decide who's gonna take over that land in the island the pharmacist of the cattlemen then you're gonna have to stand up and fight for it that's what sam is preaching well let's burn out that hole they're squatting in that'll end it has no way to handle it that's just what he wants and they'll all move over to his side say cozy you think you and your people will take some of them on give them odd jobs odd jobs doing what they're not farmers chopping wood lugging water men and fences something like that and miller you think you can talk those ranches into putting a bounty on coyotes two bits ahead for what well right now we have buffalo and wolf hunters wandering the streets looking for something to do well let's let's give them something to do i'll tell you what you do that one in there you throw him in prison so deep the rest of them will think twice before they even look sideways of the cow you know how close you are to having 150 wild men climbing all over you well they were here first so were a lot of other varmints [Applause] yes who done it i don't know mr miller i don't want no more well there goes your witness i'll see what i can do maybe we can find jobs later ten world wars maybe more i don't know i better be fine i'll be sending over a man by the name of bill henderson to start miller don't make a big thing of it just drop it there's one way to handle varmints and feed them in it [Music] the boys have got more respect for you than anyone charlie well i don't know about that oh you throw in with me a lot of them gonna come along just be a lot of trouble but we ain't going to get nothing unless we make trouble i got a kind of a long feeling that's that's my point now when you see sam gelatin you tell him for me any more of this and witnesses and no witnesses i'm coming after him you understand that oh i understand that marshall but i'm the coward kid and i ain't been cold and i ain't been carried you do like you're told or you're gonna get let's get them off all right leave me be arson you stay no i wanted to help you sam but i don't know what come over me i just couldn't move you're still gonna help me tell me what just let me go off with an easy mind oh sam you ain't gonna die they stopped me i'm broken up inside [Music] they just don't need us anymore charlie you remember we followed right northern herd up into canada you and me winded up there living under a mountain of buffalo heights you think you'd know those cow poles on outside sure can you do it well i'm a little stove up in the mornings but once the sun gets to me i'm a surprise ever cut up down for me charlie i'd do the same for you [Music] sure [Music] so long time [Music] [Applause] see is he gone you're so improved oh i've been worst hurt falling off david i guess so [Music] oh my gregor it's beautiful i so soft and luxurious can you picture a muff a rock a wrap a coat is it really safe jim crowd come in here i've got the answer to your problem and your function too now i defy you i defy you you cannot tell what it is could be ming or sable now what is the most common creature here about jagraven jack the rabbit it is you're joking with the addition of dyes and oils of my own compounding now the hunters can bring them in for us it'll keep them busy i will pay 10 cents a pelt a fair price and my ingredients cost a penny and then we sell them for two dollars a piece there's a fair price hey howard maybe take some capital to get rolling you're all my friends i'll let you all in on the ground floor mcgregor i um the the the die just loosen the fur i might [Music] not jump a few details stand in the way of a fortune [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so oh [Music] they shot two of my men we're gonna print them out and don't try to stop us go ahead they're all gone you pulled out that's right maybe when this is done you'll wish you had hand fed [Music] then got some hot coffee if you like good i just helped take them inside over the undertaker old charlie austin there's too many shots i don't want to know about it i've always heard what these buffalo guns could do seeing it something else too long for one none oh francis why i've seen some some mean vicious ugly things before and even here inside some mean ugly people but charlie austin killing those two men were he was a kind old man [Applause] you know where to find him down at the church with some of these people and i doubt they're praying well get them here right another two yeah well sure but you ought to have that shotgun pretty well taken apart by now the mood he's in he'd settle for the lights off their eyes so watch yourself what's happening why because i said too you know i haven't heard you take off anybody's head like that since um you found my washing in your bathtub does he there's a box of cartridges in that top drawer let me have it why you and francis are a pair charlie austin is dead jim he shot those two men and they killed him and that's it isn't it jim they're predators chelsea professional killers that's all i know they're like wolves there isn't anything more to kill except people now that's what we're up against [Music] jersey tell your people to stay out of the outlet said where those wild men are headed probably [Music] boys cut this and not a mile out of town with a squall terminus but he was slipping out of town that's his privilege alrighty mr kershaw hello bill where's sam i don't know not exactly what he was he beat up sound pretty bad i don't blame him charlie for what he done sam was pretty close any of the other men still around when you're in the river maybe can you find them bill talk to them make them change their minds mr kersey i appreciate what you and marshall is trying to do i just took that job viewers and sold some other boys but it's too late now we're gonna need two grooves eight to ten men a piece jersey you'd take one of the group north through the island right marshall miller you and i will take the other group south good i'll pick up a couple more boys well i'm all set well if it comes to fight i'll be able to sell every picture i can get you can tie all that junk onto a horse before it's all over it's all right with me thanks marshall okay are you ready wait i wanted something for you to eat me and what arnie now it's good nourishing food now eat all of it thank you darcy oh and be careful um with a tablecloth [Music] [Applause] i'll give it a later on [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] help me over here glory be on i'd have about given up how long has it been i think they come swarming down at me right after first light gallatin that mocking devil the very traps i bought from him set the dogs out of me said praise providence i i sold them the day before yesterday where are they heading they headed out that way but i don't know they cleaned me out boys i'm a ruined man they'll be leaving a trail now that we can follow in the dark so [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so let's talk come on ahead you keep down grab it come on look what you made me go and do now how far up ahead of us you're spitting in the wind mister i put my hand on sam calendars he's gonna give us back what was took from us he's gonna make things like they was before he's gonna bring back the wolves in the buffalo son now how far up in front are they i know how to make it hold another horn engines catch me once took my toes off one joint at a time me singing green grow the lilacs to them a whole while go ahead cowboy i got an awful voice you know have someone to take him and fred into harnessing take care of him this mess i'll tell you it's where you can't root them out and i hope you get cut down trying [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is backbone two three [Music] [Music] [Applause] that'll be the devil's own work getting him out of there right over to the railroad and get this wire off to the secretary of interior right explaining our situation and requesting further instruction we'll meet him back over here take it easy here fill your face of important things to you any blueberry pie in here [Music] okay boys look smart set well come on look more heroic after all how would napoleon have looked with a chicken leg in his hand that's better hold that while i focus they've dropped it right back into my lap with the exception of the cavalry has a lot of help well you're gonna bring them in ain't you no but you gotta bring them in do i we're up against hunters they've been chasing and been chased all our lives we lost a good man this morning by bringing down a half [ __ ] what chance do you think those troopers have up in that pass against those buffalo rifles with a killing range of a quarter of a mile well you know they're not just gonna hightail it out of there now what are you gonna do about it i don't know something like what something to keep them busy so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] so [Music] well that is him we got nothing to parlay about we're gonna fight well that's up to you you'll have to go looking for him going to bother him it's no trick sam i don't understand as far as we're concerned it's over and done with you can stay right here until you take root sam hear that [Applause] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Applause] i feel like a bear in the berry patch i warped you out run your head [ __ ] you if it makes you happy you got what you want we're gonna clear the outlet drive everybody off you gonna run kettle no yeah we're not gonna run no cattle well if you wanna farm you gotta love right here no i made up my mind a long time ago and i'm not going to change i'll tell you this you'd better change it you ever do any hunting real hunting you know how it is running behind the dogs and working out the trail yapping to beat the band you yelling just as loud or still hunting you throat get so dry you lie there quietly listening used to be my heartbeat so hard i thought i was gonna spook the whole countryside even the traps you get the same feeling coming up on traps you ever see a full-grown wolf in the trap you can't put your hand close to him he's got iron on his leg he hasn't got a chance and he'll still go for you what are you going to hunt here coyotes and then after you wipe them all out then what prairie dogs for the first thing you know you'll be chasing grasshoppers what do you want with the outlander i don't want the outlet they want to outlet the farmers and the cowboy it's the only thing worth having around here and where can take it away from know you older well i'll have the calvary here we'll chew you up oh charlie austin i had a great regard for that there man hadn't hunted two years his teeth have fallen out he ached all the time [Applause] i set him on the cowboys you know no i didn't know i'd done him a favor some feeling no that there were a favor he died proper quick clean honesty juices running i tell you that there were a favor oh oh i haven't felt this good since they took off the bounty i could pull down out there moon trump at the flinders you better watch out you don't get trumped on and who's gonna do the trump and you [Applause] if i have to you go back to that town of yours while i'm still in the good mood you lock the door bar the windows crawl under your bed them you and i aren't through the jelly yet that's your neck first nations we can't come into outland it's again the law he's going to stop us then i bring us into the outlet and he says it's all legal that we can stay i say his talk is moonshine and i say it's horse feathers what the marshall says made good sense to me well we know you bill you'd buy the ticks off a bull's nose anybody sell it to you what do you got against us sam the same thing that i got against putting my neck in the hang rope i'm gonna tell you the truth about it they were scared to come up and fight us in here so they sent him in yeah promise him they said calm them down get the guns out of their hands homesteading homesteading and i'm gonna tell you what's behind that they want to scout it out around here so that they can come one night barreling in here and wipe us out one by one all right now just hold it nobody's gonna pull a raid on you nobody i guarantee you if it doesn't work you out and you can't stay here you'll be allowed to go peacefully you got my word on it your word is hogwash i'm inclined to go along with him you boys are acting like horses out of a burning barn i'll get you out and you run right back in we got this far because we're ready to fight for it they're not going to give us something for nothing you're going to have to work for it there it is there's the word work that's what they're offering us homesteading it's all played out sam ain't nothing else we can do not buy our long talk bill go on sam keep talking come on sam let's hear what you got to offer all right maybe the game is gone there are people down there farmers cowboys townsmen they got all we need to live on i say we run them and we take what we need you know what'll happen to you then don't you it's a word for it it's called outlaw i'll have the cavalry down your neck inside at 12 hours it'll blow you right off the face of the map do you want to chase cows want to dig in the dirt want to be half alive and not know it well it ain't for me and i don't think it's for you i say we don't change it comes a time to stop fighting to take care of what you got if it takes some changing and i say we dang well better change why don't you all take a vote on it all right those are you agree with sam step on his side of the line others of you want to go with a marshall step on the other side those of you that go along with sam are asking to be killed there's no two ways about it now that's what you have to decide me oh beer [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] well never in my life have i seen such a sorry sullen bunch [Music] it's all been said which one are you going to pull me down [Music] so [Music] [Music] we'll keep our end of the bargain marshall you'll get no more trouble from us i'll do what i can to make sure that nobody bothers you you going after sam well if i know that old bounty hunter i won't have to go after him he'd be coming after me goodbye pete boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] howdy what duck is so long didn't know you were such a bad loser sam i'm the worst you ever saw [Applause] sam you know you're shooting's actually [Music] beautiful [Music] what was one thing in another it's been a pretty disappointing day all around marshall yeah we can keep this up all day [Music] i'm willing well now it ain't hardly a healthy way for either of us to spend the day [Music] care to make a deal no dice don't say i never did all for you [Music] what's the deal [Music] okay [Music] foreign [Music] my [Music] [Music] so [Music] call it [Music] uh dang fools they're gonna dry up and blow away [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want you to take a look at this looks the same as before i'm using totally different chemicals like he's gathered whip this time dig your fingers right into it i'm busy give it a pull oh i have no fear man tuck away what's this clean as a whistle well that's marvelous there's nothing this song is uh such a such a weak drawback francis what's the name of that surveyor that lives around here uh st uh i'm gonna give you a bunch of homestead applications you take them out to the bend tomorrow and get them started right there's gonna be a lot of homesteaders named decks well thank you dossie there's a very neat darn yeah but it'll no stop blood poisoning you're about as reassuring as a comanche medicine man imagine a man biting another man i told you about that gallatin a minute i laid eyes on him i said he's incorrigible but i believe he was arranged in how the others were gonna die yes i guess you'd call that incorrigible among other things [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Views: 360,761
Rating: 4.4874372 out of 5
Keywords: Cimarron Strip, western movies youtube, western, western movies, full length western movies, Stuart Whitman, Stuart Whitman cimarron strip, Stuart Whitman movies, Cimarron Strip full episodes, western series, cimarron strip theme song, cimarron strip western, cimarron strip western series, cimarron strip online, cimarron, cimarron western, cimarron strip full episode, cimarron strip the last wolf, cimarron strip tv series full episodes, full length western movies in english
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 49sec (4309 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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