Sands of Mercy: Brownsville Revival- Steve Hill

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do with your portion of time determines what will happen to you after you die [Applause] [Music] yes lord i'll ride with you jesus you can count on me lord hallelujah everybody pray with me right now out loud every single person pray with me dear jesus speak to my heart change my life in your precious name amen you may be seated for those of you that are looking at your watch we are right on time and if and if it was 11 30 we'd be on time it was if it was 7 45 we'd be on time watches are strictly jewelry in this place matter of fact a lady came up a girl came up to one time with this watch and it was plastic and it had a little taped on dial with hands and just sat there you know and she said here preacher there's a revival watch [Applause] the lord woke me up early this morning with such an urgency in my spirit he began speaking to my heart concerning tonight's message i began to feel the full impact of the days and times we're living in my heart began to grieve over the wasted years listen to me over the wasted years represented by many of you in this room i speak of wasted years because i know all about wasted years how many here know about wasted years i spent half of my life running from god doing my own thing seeking self-pleasure self-gratification i was one of those you would meet on the streets that said it's my life i can do what i want you ever met people like that get out of my face friend i'm telling you right now it is not your life it's never been your life and you can't do what you want there is somebody over you watching you some of you are living in sin and you're gonna do what you want and then you're the ones that the gallup poll people called up on the telephone and they said are you going to heaven you said absolutely why because you're going to do what you want and god's looking down from glory going not this time job oh no you're not yes i am i'm going to heaven god's going no you're not friend i live my life in self-gratification then the lord got a hold of me and one of the first things i realized is that steve hill had blown had totally thrown away some of the most precious years of his life like the prodigal son i had wasted precious valuable god-given time in riotous living and self-indulgence people often ask me why i work so hard why i'm so such a fanatic about giving everything to jesus why i'm such an aggressive individual when it comes to speaking against idle time and idle chit-chat look at me friend i cannot stand idle time idle time is what kills many of you in this place just hanging out my wife was a drug addict up in michigan up in clare michigan and they had this thing called a wall up there and the it was just a wall downtown just a wall of an old building and that her all her friends would go and just sit on the wall and do drugs and just watch traffic go by just sit idle time friends it'll damn your soul and when i got saved when i got saved i realized i had wasted so much precious time listen up in the chapel in the cafeteria in the choir and listen up at home some of you sitting in your easy chairs your lazy boys and your couches at home watching this you are the world's worst when it comes to wasting away your life and it's about time somebody speaks into you speaks to you i want to tell you a true friend sir a true friend will speak to you plainly if your friends lie to you they're enemies they're not friends but a true friend will come up to you and speak to you the way it is pastors often call me and ask me how is it possible to work so hard with so little rest charles spurgeon said kill yourselves with work and then pray yourselves alive again one of the reasons i worked so hard is because this old boy wasted a lot of years and i'm gonna make up for it i sleep less and i work more to make up for all those wasted years joe listen to that i'm gonna meddle with you i said i sleep less and i work more leonard ravenhill used to stick his bony finger in my face and say no man needs eight hours sleep and there's doctors in this place that go oh no now some folks they've got this you know their body metabolism they got to have 12 and a half hours so you know what i learned friend i learned you can you can custom your body can become accustomed to just about anything and science will tell you medical doctors will tell you if you'll do something for 21 days in a row it'll change the rhythm of your body for example if you're going to brush your teeth up and down like this holding the toothbrush different try that for 21 days in a row on the 22nd day you only have to think about it you put that toothpaste on there and you'll go up and down it'll be a habit we'll set your alarm a couple hours earlier every day are y'all listening don't be distracted by anybody moving around all right go ahead and watch them so easily entertained but if you'll begin sleeping a couple hours less every day try an hour try 45 minutes just set that clock a little earlier oh but i'm so tired do it over and over again and then once your body gets used to 30 minutes earlier try an hour earlier than an hour and a half this is what i've done before this revival i was up at 3 a.m every morning all the time all the time i slept five hours a night all the time my wife will tell you she's here tonight and so when this revival broke out i was ready because that's about all we get here is a few hours sleep but if you'll this is just a lesson friend if you'll set your alarm and try to sleep a little less every day in a normal lifetime you will add five years to your life i'm telling you in a normal lifetime you will add five productive years add it up for yourself friend on your calculator five years that ain't much oh yes it is friend five years of productive time one year would be mind-boggling but five years of productive energy going forth doing things for god you can change the world in five years wesley did so can you well today is june the sixth this is the 157th day of the year according to our calendar year and the official changes of the seasons we only have 14 more days until the end of spring summer is officially coming in in 14 days time is moving on time my friend is not on your side say that with me time is not on my side there's 208 days left in this year and my faithful staff just told me there's 938 days left in this millennium 938 days did you know that most of us in this room are going to live to see a millennium turnover i'm not talking a decade or a century a millennium there's only been a handful of them friend there's 938 days why don't some of you determine by the time you're sitting in your house and it's december the 31st 1999 why don't you determine now back in 1997 when that time comes around i will be so on fire for god because back in 1997 i gave my life to jesus i got serious about the lord i began reading the word i began praying i began waking up in the morning and going after god you better feel this friend this afternoon i was struck with the urgency of the hour i felt as if someone here is living on borrowed time just as a keeper of the vineyard in the bible pleaded with the owner concerning the fruitless tree and he said to the keep the owner of the vineyard give me one more year those of you that don't know the bible this is a parable a story about a tree that was in the middle of a vineyard a fig tree and the the owner of the vineyard kept walking about that tree and and and fig trees produced fruit three times a year and this particular true tree was absolutely fruitless it was barren nothing was coming out of it that means the owner of the vineyard walked around that tree waiting for fruit all the other trees were bearing forth fruit bearing forth fruit they'd have to pick the fruit pluck the fruit all this tree happens maybe leaves god ain't looking for leaves he ain't looking for a shade tree friend he's looking for fruit and the owner kept walking by that thing he goes i've had it it's cumbering the ground it's taking up space pull that thing out of there and plant an apple tree and the owner the keeper of the vineyard kept going by they're going listen owner give me a year give me one more year i'll fertilize it i'll water it i'll tenderize it i'll do anything i can to make that thing grow i'll prune it friend some of you are on the last day of that last year and i'm telling you you still are not bearing forth fruit and i can hear in the spiritual realm the ox cart leaving the wooden shed at the back of the vineyard with an axe in the back of it and it's on its way to your tree friend because you're fruitless you're fruitless everything you do is for self self and i'm speaking from experience friend i was a selfish self gratifying person i want to do everything for me whatever i could do for steve was what mattered boy when the lord gets a hold of your life he'll turn that around in a heartbeat suddenly everyone else matters more than you how many know what i'm talking about some of you are scared to death you're gonna it's all right it's okay this is in the bible by the way and we're going to turn there in just a minute i want you to know that there have been people pleading to god on your behalf bombarding heaven for the lord to have mercy on your soul some of you in this room are living on the edge of eternity the lord has been kind to you he has been he has been speaking to you through friends gospel literature and even christian programs but you're still not yielded to god he's come to you in this secret of your home alone in the automobile and spoken to your inner man about getting right but you've refused you've always got an excuse you're always going to put it off tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow you've heard me say it before tomorrow is a word only found in a fool's calendar anybody in their right mind will know that those kind of promises never come to pass honey i'll take care of it tomorrow ever heard that ladies no baby do it now ecclesiastes 3 to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven a time to be born and a time to die now turn with me to lamentations lamentations chapter 3 verse 22 it is of the lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions they fail not we're going to tie these together friends so be patient and the message will not take long and trust me i know what i'm talking about i will be timed tonight luke 16 is my last scripture luke 16. verse 19 say there is a time to be born and a time to die with me there is a time to be born and a time to die some of you thought the birds wrote that they got it from the bible 16 verse 19. by the way how many ever wonder where some of the old rock stars are from the six you ever wonder about that one of our dear friends how many remember wooly bully remember little red riding hood and remember sam the sham and the pharaohs well sam sam samudio of sam the sham and the pharaohs is a prison pastor in memphis tennessee he's on fire for god he's on fire how many remember the hermes hermits well herman or the lead singer of herman's hermits is the minister of music in ken god's church in sunderland england that's sort of neat hallelujah verse 19 there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen and phased sumptuously every day that means he pigged out and there was a certain beggar named lazarus which was laid at his gate full of sores and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his sores by the way this is in red what does that mean the lord speaking and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into abraham's bosom don't forget friend there is a time to be born and a time to die the rich man also died and was buried and in hell he lifted up his eyes being in torment and seeing abraham afar off and lazarus in his bosom and he cried and said father abraham have mercy on me and said and send lazarus that he might dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue isn't it interesting a man that was sitting at his door and the dogs were licking his sores now the rich man the whole coin is turned now the rich man is asking for the tip of lazarus finger dipped in water to cool his tongue for i am tormented in the flames but abraham said son remember that thou in thy lifetime receives thy good things and likewise lazarus evil things and now he is comforted and thou art tormented and besides all this between us and you there is a great gulf so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot neither can they pass to us that would come from there then he said i pray thee therefore father that thou would send him to say to my father's house for i have five brothers that he may testify unto them lest they also come into this place of torment abraham said unto him they have moses and the prophets let them hear them and he said no father abraham but if one would unto them came from them from the dead they would repent and he said to him if they hear not moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead y'all understand that story that story in a nutshell is this it was a rich man there was a poor man the poor man was bound off the rich man had everything it's typical in the united states of america germany scotland sweden wherever you're from there's a rich and the poor and the rich the well-off and in the united states by the way if you're lower middle class you're part of the wealthiest people in the world you're part of the upper 10 the upper 10 90 of the world live under you you live like kings and queens you need to travel with us and see how the world lives there are countries that i work in where a hundred people would live in your three-bedroom house a hundred people would live in that three-bedroom house and that was this story this man had everything lazarus had nothing they both died lazarus went to heaven the rich man went to hell the rich man in hell wanted just a touch of water because he was being tormented remember jesus is speaking this jesus spoke about hell and there was no way to help the man it was over it was over it was final and the rich man said abraham go to my brothers if they could just see a man raised from the dead they would believe no sir let me tell you about that friend if you'd go testify to my brethren and let them know about this tormenting place even if a man was raised from the dead he wouldn't believe i've lived in argentina friend in argentina we would see the lame walk and the blind open their eyes and you would think it would change your life it doesn't it doesn't a man can be healed of cancer totally healed all the tumor's gone his body was ed up he was dying goes to the doctor the doctor says you're free ten years later he's in a bar drinking you think you'd believe in jesus wouldn't you and i've watched people jump out of wheelchairs and run around the place healed we've seen creative miracles where there wasn't a finger and then one formed we've seen stuff in argentina miracles were reported in argentina everywhere and still are in the great argentine revival but it won't change you it won't change you friend you'll marvel you'll rejoice but you'll go on living your same life even if somebody's raised from the dead some of y'all needed to hear that if jesus would just do something like that i would believe hogwash well last night i spoke to you a message entitled ready to forgive for thou o lord art good and ready to forgive and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee how many heard that last night the lord is ready to forgive remember that in the chapel in the choir room and the cafeteria last night we talked about mercy which is undeserved forgiveness mercy is mentioned 240 times in the bible mercy we deserve punishment god shows mercy i shared with you the story last night about the man who was deserting who deserted napoleon's army and they caught him and they brought him before napoleon and the punishment for desertion was hanging he was to die at in the court of napoleon and they brought the man in shackled and they threw him down before napoleon and they said he is guilty of desertion and the napoleon stood up and he said the sentence is death and the man's mother came running into the room and fell at napoleon's feet and said napoleon have mercy on my son napoleon looked at her and said your son is guilty of desertion and the penalty is death he deserves to die and the mother looked up and said she didn't make no excuses for her son she looked up and said he is guilty of desertion and he deserves to die that's why i'm pleading for mercy that's mercy friend i believe we've got a judge here tonight we have a judge here tonight wave at me brother you here got a judge right over here you understand what mercy is don't you brother when a convict stands before you and you know without a doubt that he's guilty he even pleads guilty he of robbery of grand theft auto or something but you know the man has a family that's going to starve if he doesn't get out there and work and and sometimes against the judge's better judgment he'll look at that man you know well i'm going to probate you rather than send you to the penitentiary and the heart of that convict the heart of that prisoner just sinks you know what that is mercy how many have been shown mercy two thousand years ago on calvary there was a man named jesus john the baptist called him the lamb of god that takes away the sin of the world and two 000 years ago he was nailed to the cross his hands were nailed his feet were nailed his bra was bloody his back was like ribbons the bible said they plowed his back that means they ripped his back to shreds and it was rubbing up and down the post of the cross the man was in sheer agony and in the midst of the agony he shows mercy he said father forgive them for they know not what they do and then a thief who had been cursing him on the cross looks at him and says jesus remember me when you enter into your kingdom and jesus says today you'll burn in hell because you cursed me today you'll die thief you and your friend are gonna die because you cursed me take your medicine he turned to him and said today you'll be with me in paradise mercy mercy mercy well i'm going to have an illustration tonight friend and you're going to understand this is going to go very quickly and it's going to be very pointed charlie i want you to help me i want to bring this hourglass out every once in a while i'll preach an illustrated sermon but i won't bog you down with illustrations but you know jesus cast seed on the ground jesus talked about sheep isn't that pretty that is an hourglass jesus used illustrations he said i'm the shepherd you're the sheep and all the disciples went but i want to illustrate to you friend what's going on here just a few points in this message and charity's gonna sing at the conclusion of this and this is not a complete hour this is less than an hour my first point is this there is a set time for everyone to be born january the 17th 1954 at 11 o'clock at night in anchora turkey my family was in the military i was born on that day the hourglass was turned over my life has started this is entitled the sands of mercy the lord knew me from the moment i was born he knew who i was the bible says that he has formed you he has created you when you were a little idea in your mama's mind and your daddy's mind god put the idea there when they came together and that little seed found that sperm that egg found the sperm god went get over there boy you get over there you get over there you get over there when they met god did that it's a miracle it's not medicine or medical science it's a miracle birth is a miracle and he watched you and he knew you in your mother's womb he knew what they were going to name you he knew the moment you were going to come out they said about me mrs hill your son's going to be born around january the 12th through january the 20th of 1954 that's when he's going to be born and then other doctors when he got close and mrs hill we believe your son's going to be born on january the 19th it looks like it could be any day now and they were all guessing they were all wondering but god almighty was looking down going no miss hill i know exactly the time he's going to be born i know what you're going to be doing i know where you're going to be at it's going to be at 11 o'clock p.m you're going to be at home and they're going to rush you to the hospital and that kid's going gonna pop out and he's gonna give you trouble on the moment i passed through my mom's birth canal and stuck my little head out into the world i became recorded history and so did you everyone was born the same at the moment you came out you were on the same level as everyone else in this world you were covered with blood and mucus we were all born slimes that was a revelation this morning while i was preparing this so either you're a slime today or you're an ex slime we're all slimes we've all been slimed some of you are still slimes but we are all born the same friend there were no presidents that came out of the womb there was no bill clinton or abe lincoln there were no rock guitar players no marilyn manson there was no mass murderers that came out of the womb there was no adolf hitler or ted bundy there were no great preachers there was no billy graham or john wesley no legendary actors no john wayne or john travolta everyone came out the same just burping crazy little babies they had to be popped on the hiney to get him breathing i know this is profound but try your very best to assimilate it your birth was planned i want everybody to say my birth was planned my birth was planned nothing takes god by surprise his calendar is jammed i'd love to see god's day timer his calendar is jammed with appointments and he doesn't miss a one did you know today in god's day timer i don't know what yours looks like i don't know what kind of day planner or day runner you look but on god's 407 671 100 people 400 and almost a half a million people were born today in the united states alone 11 000 babies popped out today four million will be born this year it would have been four it would have been five million five hundred thousand but one million five hundred thousand are going to be murdered in the womb so that's the first point there is a set time for everyone to be born this is going to go quick friend those of you that wandered into this revival planned it was all planned by god he knew you before you were born friend he knew what you were gonna do he knew where you were gonna go he knew what your middle name was gonna be he knew whether or not you were gonna like your name he knows everything about you he knew whether or not you're going to be big small gray-headed he knew whether or not you're going to walk with a lymph he knew everything about you friend he watched it from the beginning he knew it he knew that you were going to fall and break your arm when you were 12 years old i was playing on a swing set when i was nine years of age and and i pulled myself up on the top of the swing set and there was a you know those little bolts that hang on hold the swings up i pulled myself up and i was going to hang like a monkey swing back and forth and i pulled myself up and reached over with my arm and i reached too far i wasn't paying attention and the bolt went right up in my arm and then i slipped with the other hand this is going to gross you out all right and i hung there with that bolt all the way up inside my arm it ripped the flesh it ripped three inches out of my arm and i was hanging there with that bolt all my body weight was on that bolt up in the arm and i was just swinging back and forth right here i got a huge scar show me your scars and i remember see god knew that he saw that thing friend he knew i was gonna say it wasn't a mistake god knew all about it he could have prevented it but why did he let it happen i don't know and i really don't care it happened quit trying to figure everything out you'll figure it out by and by but i was hanging there and i finally it ripped my flesh so wide that i fell to the ground and my dad went out there and and he said he said quit crying and he said if you'll stop crying i'll buy you an ice cream friend i don't want an ice cream half my body's hanging out my arm if you'll quit crying i'll buy you an ice cream see my dad was a military man you know shut up son it's just a wound it's a grenade went off in my arm daddy so he takes me inside the house and he this is not in my notes time's running out he took me inside the house and he and he took cotton balls don't do this and while i sat there screaming he took these cotton balls and stuffed them into my arm he didn't want it to bleed no more i'd rather died of loss of blood and he kept mentioning ice cream ice cream ice cream some ice cream then he patched it up i went to the doctor and we spent the first hour pulling cotton fibers out of my arm god knew when i was nine years old friend that i was going to have that accident he knows everything about your life number two everyone has been given a portion in time to fulfill god's purpose for his or her life everyone has been given a portion in time to fulfill god's purpose now stay with me friend because this is where some folks blow it the bible says in psalm 90 verse 10 as for the days of our life they contain 70 years or if due to strength 80 years the bible has already measured out our time frame you might be super healthy and live a little bit longer but the bottom line is friend you're going to croak you're going to die and god has put you on here on this planet for his purpose in your life he has got a plan for your life boy get that through your skull here's what some of you do you don't want to hear about it matter of fact some of you right now don't want to hear the preacher don't you go talking to me about my life i've got just a little bit more time left i can live my life the way i want have you ever heard people talk like that and they cover it up it's like someone who's got a oil problem in the car and the red light comes on and so they take a piece of duct tape and put it over the light the problem is still there friend everyone has been given a portion in time to fulfill god's purpose for his life some of you are in your 70s you may have a few years left and you wasted 10 20 30 years others of you are teenagers you're 18 or 19 and you blew your entire high school years in riotous living you just had to be with that guy didn't you so you jumped in the sack when you were 16 with him and he dropped you like a dirty dishrag and then you already felt abused so you had to jump in the sack with somebody else so you lived your life the way you wanted to now you're 18 or 19 and you're feeling the the the the slime and the scum from all of that you're going i'm sick of that you're starting to feel 20 it even sounds good to you 20 21 responsibility and you're going i ain't going to waste no more years said that to me yesterday i ain't gonna waste no more years man i'm sick of all this i'm sick of wasting my life god did not put you here friend to make money he did not put you here to get a big house he did not put you here to marry and have kids or to make friends and influence people the purpose for your life is to fulfill god's plan from the cradle to the grave he's created you friend to have fellowship with him some of you this is so mysterious to you you don't have a clue what i'm talking about you watched us worship tonight and we're singing you listen to dallas singing that song and just an awesome song of he's he's in this place and this is it oh friend and you see us worshiping god and lifting our hands and you're going what on earth are they doing we've come into the god's plan for our lives we were created to have fellowship with him times of wasting exodus 29 45 says this and i will dwell those of you taking notes 29 45 in exodus and i will dwell among the children of israel and will be their god god wants to have fellowship he wants to dwell with you he wants to hang out with you can you believe that he wants to go to sonic drive-in with you friend he wants to hang out with you leviticus 26 12 says and i will walk among you and will be your god and you shall be my people are you listening and i will walk among you and i will be your god and you will be my people wow god's plan for our lives his plan is not and you will go to church and you will occupy a pew and you will be baptized and you will sing in the choir and praise ye the lord no friend his plan was to have fellowship with you to know him first john 1 3 says truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son jesus christ fellowship i wake up in the morning friend with jesus on my heart i wake up in the morning with a song on my lips i wake up thinking about him dallas shared that last night how he wakes up in the morning with a song on his lips he's always been on fire for god but he's even more on fire now that's how you were created friend you know what it was like for adam and eve in the garden before they sinned they walked in fellowship with the lord i wonder what that was like what was that like it must have been awesome that's the right word sister awesome to walk in fellowship with god for god to look at adam and say you know adam you're the top of the food chain you're my buddy i want you to name all these animals he just walked around and went lion tigers and bears you know he didn't say oh no because everything was fine back then it was paradise friend it was wonderful there was harmony in the garden i believe all them adam and those animals were vegetarians i believe they just all ate from the fruit of the ground i mean now there's peace around there friend and then we fell that wasn't god's plan first corinthians 1 9 says god is faithful by whom we were called unto the fellowship of his son jesus christ our lord you were called to fellowship listen in the chapel you were called to have fellowship with god almighty that means to hang out with him revelation 3 20 which is a familiar scripture to everyone here that knows the word of god behold i stand at the door and knock don't ever forget friend he's standing he's not sitting standing has to do with mobility if he was sitting at the door you'd be in good shape but he's standing that means hello you don't open up he's out of there he's out of there friend i stand at the door and knock if any man hear my voice and open the door i will come into him and will sup with him and he with me you were created friend in this short span of time 70 maybe 80 years you were created to fulfill god's purpose for your life fellowship i'll never forget when i found that purpose october 28 1975 a lutheran minister led me to god and it blew my mind i walked outside after being 12 years on drugs i was a main liner drugs pumping them in my body in and out of jails constantly always in trouble with the law and one day a man had the guts enough to share with jesus with me and most people were scared to talk to me but he wasn't scared he just sat in there and talked to me about jesus and jesus christ came into my heart and i walked out of that that home and i went out to the front yard and i looked up at the trees and it was a beautiful october day in northern alabama and i went trees you're beautiful sky you're so blue everything was brand new suddenly i was fellowshipping with the creator of the universe and jesus was with me how do you how do you know what i'm talking about he was just with me everywhere i went and here a man who used to curse the name of the lord constantly i went back inside the house and my mom fixed some sandwiches around 12 o'clock by that time and i went in we sat down at the kitchen table and here was a man just a few hours ago was a cursing maniac drug addict and my mom picked some sandwiches and she said who wants to say grace and i said i would mama my mama looked at me because he had already seen the change she's come and testified in this revival she had already seen the change i was transformed in an instant and i sat over those sandwiches i said jesus thank you for these sandwiches amen i didn't know how to say oh most gracious father thou that dwelleth in the most high who produces the wheat in the fields to make the grain to make the bread and everybody's going to pray but he prayed thank him for the food i didn't learn all that i just thought you know thanks for the sandwiches amen how many love people that pray like that [Applause] but some of you in this place you are not fulfilling god's plan for your life you are consumed with the world and the things of the world the pleasures of this life consume you know some of you're going to get upset at me right now and that's okay how do you know when you love the world too much when you're not fulfilling god's purpose for your life some of you're not gonna be able to write these down quick enough you can get the tape later if you want to for the sake of profit or pleasure listen to these friend you willfully and deliberately do evil or transgress god's commandments to make money or to have pleasure you love the world you're not fulfilling god's plan when you work harder to obtain the luxuries of this life than you do for the kingdom of god when you work harder to obtain the luxuries of this life than you do for the kingdom of god friend you are not fulfilling god's plan for your life jesus said seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you morgan how you doing sis is this your sister what's your name megan morgan what's your name marissa i want to tell you girls are so on fire for jesus you're so on fire you don't know how proud i am of you i am so proud to call you friends to know you to know that you're consumed with jesus all you care about is god and i know there's guys that are hanging all around you that would love to have you as a mate and you look him in the face and go i love jesus i love jesus you can't have me i love jesus but you are fulfilling god's plan y'all stand up for a second look at this crowd you're fulfilling god's plan you're fulfilling god's plan for your life it's gonna start going faster the glass is getting slimmer i want the lights to dim a little bit well friend from the looks of things you're probably around 30 years of age now you've blown some years man there was a time to be born blown about 30 years still not fulfilling god's purpose still going after the pleasures of this life still going after the things that mean so much to you have you ever noticed when you get around old people the things don't matter that much anymore you'll be hard-pressed to find a man in his 70s or 80s that is real hung up on buying a new yacht you know what they're talking about family relationships god they start talking about things that are more valuable but when they're younger they're consumed with the pleasures of this life stay with me for a few more seconds friend when you enjoy the fortunes of others when you envy excuse me or enjoy when you envy the fortunes of others who are in the world when you envy what somebody else has you're not fulfilling god's purpose for your life when you always got to keep up with the joneses friend that ain't god you have to go in debt so your daughter can look as sharp as her friends kids teenagers look this way in the chapel choir room cafeteria at home don't you ever put your parents under that kind of strain if you want to wear those jeans and they're 79.95 get a job my dad was brutal i got jeans when the other ones wore out now you can sell them for 50 bucks but and i'd go down to the store with my dad and walk in and i'd see a shirt that i wanted and a sweater that i wanted and a coat that i wanted he was a military man he'd look at me and go son we came for jeans we're getting jeans and we're out of here do you understand me we get the genes we buy the jeans one pair that's all we can for one pair of jeans some of you drive your parents up the wall through the ceiling down the other side and up the other wall and your closet is full of stuff that you had to have but when you wore it one time at school people laughed at you and said you're not gonna wear it no more and it cost your mama 176 dollars you just had to have that coat get a job babysit go to goodwill something when we dislike others for the simple reason that everyone else feels the same way when we dislike others simply because other people feel the same way you're not fulfilling god's plan for your life friend i could park on these things all night long and scriptures coming all the way down your arm to back them all up when you don't like other people just because your friends don't like those people you're not fulfilling god's plan for your life god's got a plan say that with me god's got a plan the purpose for your life is to fulfill god's plan he created you to have fellowship he created you to have life in abundance man i'll never forget when that happened to me life in abundance number three what you do with your portion of time determines what will happen to you after you die simple elementary my dear watson what you do with your portion of time determines what will happen to you after you die i'm never going to die brother steve i'm going to live forever people will act like that the clock is ticking away you want to know what every one of these grains are these are mercy grains every time you wake up and the sands a little bit higher you need to look at that clock in the spirit realm and go god you're showing mercy you're giving me another chance one more breath one more day another opportunity to get right with you another moment to fulfill your plan for my life but some of you friend i'm warning you right now the hourglass is filling up and you're still not right with god now you're 33 34 35 it's moving and it's going to move quicker how many notice as you get older it moves quicker i notice that i'm 43. i want to tell you friend i never thought i would be 43 and i'll say that when i'm 53 but 10 years now is like three or four years used to be getting that right kerry robinson it flies by i want you to say with me everyone's going to die read thee i appreciate that that's an obedient parishioner read the obituary section in the newspaper you want to know what that is friend those are death warrants those are warrants for arrests and have you ever noticed the ages 89 92 14 2 8 63 47 you can't seem to put a finger on it can you try it sometime do a study for a month get three or four newspapers down at books a million or wherever you go shop albertsons or whatever and and buy those newspapers and start doing a little research and you'll notice that people just plain old die all the time and one man gets 73 years another man gets 17. one man gets 63 another man gets 64 while a woman he was married to got 46. it's amazing what you do with your portion of time determines what will happen to you after you die now let me make a profound statement you are not dead yet how many meal agree with me tonight say that with me i am not dead yet now some of you intellectuals in here you need to say this stuff because you know you're smart i know you're smart but you need to you need to hear that i'm not dead yet i'm alive i can breathe i can talk i can touch i can think but friend your time is coming you have an appointment that cannot be broken it's your destiny to die once again what you do with your allotted time on this earth determines what will happen after you take your last breath in 1920 and i'm going to close in just a few minutes man it's moving so quick now it's scary in 1920 the life expectancy in the united states was 54 years in 1994 the life expectancy was 74 years we learned how to live 20 more years by the time this 2000 rolls around life expectancy i'm sure in the united states of america will be around 85. we got facelifts you ever watch some things are they a trip they're gonna make you look young one way or the other friend i don't care if you're 74 and you have your face cut off and stretched to where you look 30 you're still 74 and you're gonna die trying to get this point across friend i don't care what medical profession does i don't care what kind of medicines they come up with it makes no difference friend the technology that's out we're all gonna die what you do in this life determines what happens to you after you die i remember holding a meeting up in canada with james irwin how many remember james irwin the astronaut walked on the moon a great man of god spent a lot of his life going to mount ararat looking for the noah's ark and i was up doing a meeting in canada with james irwin and james irwin i believe was in his mid-50s and he was the epitome of health matter of fact he carried everywhere he went to every airport he had one of those portable bicycles he went everywhere with his bicycle and he'd hop on his bicycle he could be in downtown portland he'd be on that bicycle he was healthy slim trimmed just like he was when he went to the moon he was born on march 17 1930 came on to be one of the greatest astronauts in our nation spoke all over the world on living a clean life a moral life a wonderful man of god but i believe he was out in denver colorado i think that's where it took place on august 8 1991 riding his bicycle heart attack and died a health fanatic a jogger a eating good food making sure everything he did was right living for god living holy if there was ever a man that should have lived to his 90s james er when the astronaut should have lived in his 90s but he died i thank god that he was one of those that was living for the lord he was on fire for god but what you do right now friend what you're doing right now in your life determines what's going to happen to you after you die stay with me just for a few more minutes do you remember the rich man and lazarus what a story could have been told if the rich man had helped the poor all his life if the rich man rather than pigging out and wrote and ordering roast turkey and and having heaven his concubines fanning him all day long what a different story if he had said away with all of you i want god in my life i want jesus christ i want the lord in my life i want to live a holy life all my riches i want to give to the poor i want to live in just a middle class home i want to have a middle class donkey and a middle class wardrobe i just want a middle class life i want to live a decent life i don't want to be known as a filthy rich man i want to be known as a man who gave to the poor what a different story jesus would have been told he would have been saying something like this and there was a rich man who ate and drank and had everything his heart's desire and one day had an encounter with god and when he had that encounter with god he said to the father naked i came into this world naked i return blessed be the name of the lord o father in heaven you have blessed me with great riches you have promised me a long life you have given me so much father everything i own is yours the breath from my lips is yours the clothes on my back are yours everything i own in this house and outside of this house is yours and right now father because what you've done in my life i turn it all back over to you take my home take my family do anything you want with our lives we'll do anything what a different story and the lord says there's a man at your at your door a beggar man father i will take him into my home i will mend his wounds i will drive away the stray dogs from his sores i will mend his wounds father and he will become like a son to me and i will share my riches with him what a different story you want to know how jesus would have ended up that story he would have said this and they both died and they both went to abraham's bosom and they were both there together speaking with abraham what a different story friend the way you live your life on this earth determines what's going to happen after you die robert marie mcshane used to say it clearly he said you better die right the first time because you can't come back and do it again he was a scotsman from the 1800s wise man they called him holy mcshane well folks you're in your late 50s i think the lights need to come down a little bit we're getting into our twilight years i've met a lot of people in their 50s and early 60s that haven't lived for god wasted their whole life i told you last night about a real estate man that came up to me and shoved some money in my face he was in his late 50s it said steve take this money for your mission work and the way he was saying it i could tell something was wrong and i remember looking back into his face it's as vivid today as it was when it happened friend several years ago and i said you keep your money what's wrong he said when i was a teenager he began to cry just just face cracked and tears started coming down he said when i was a teenager i went to a youth camp and when i was in that youth camp the lord got a hold of my life and called me to missions and he told me you're going to be a missionary and i graduated from high school i was so on fire for god and a friend of mine i shared this story some of you haven't heard it but it's a true story a friend of mine had a little money and i had a little money in the bank so we put our money together we bought a house we fixed it up and we sold it for twice what we paid for it so we took that money and bought another house a little bit bigger one and bought it did all the sheetrock ourselves painted it roofed it put it on the market and made twice what we paid for it we took that money and bought a bigger house and did the same thing fixed up the yard landscaped it made it look presentable put new shutters on spent a little bit of money and made a fortune and we realized we were on to something all this time friend there was a plan for this man's life but now he's 21. he should have been in bible school preparing for the missionary work but no he was making money he was making money and i'm not against making money friend make money the church needs it the work of god needs it but make sure that's what you're called to do make sure that's your calling that's your calling go for it and do the very best you can make a fortune and give it to missions god will give you more but this man kept buying houses and making more and more money till finally in his 30s he was a millionaire and he was always saying all through those years if i could just make a little bit more i'll put it in the bank and in the bank it'll accrue interest and i'll be able to pay for my mission work but you know what else happened a family came along he had kids they had they needed clothes is anybody listening i know you are i can tell listen in the chapel in the choir room we're gonna close in just a minute you listen up at home because some of you are sitting in that lazy boy with the same scenario you're not living god's purpose for your life the same thing happens with people that sell cars start with one car then two cars and three cars and four cars four you know what they got a car lot but some of those folks god called them sam the sham was talking to me the other day on the telephone and he was telling me said steve i was out west and i was with the chubby checker y'all remember chubby checker he said i was with chubby checker and chubby checker looked at me and he saw me steve and he broke out in tears and he told me steve that i was called he said i was called to be a preacher when i was a kid chubby checker was called to be a preacher but he twisted and he shouted he fought god he broke away from god's plan for his life and now as a grown man the regret is hounding him and this man shoved this money in my face and he said take this for your mission work he was so regretful he said i am the most miserable man on the face of the earth and i have millions i gave the money back to him and i said brother you're in your late 50s spend the rest of your life doing god's will whatever it takes spend the rest of your life the way you live your life down here friend determines what's going to happen on judgment day what happens when you die and the way you die some of you have been living for yourself i'm telling you right now it's getting late my last point tonight is this there is a set time to die and after that the judgment it is appointed on a man once to die not twice to die not three times is his point in the demands hebrews 9 27 wants to die and after that the judgment look at me everyone in this room whether you believe it or not and i'm going to quote george gallup who most americans will trust george gallup before they'll trust a preacher so i'm going to quote george gallup to you they did a poll across america 80 of north american adults believe they will stand before god almighty and be held accountable for their sins on judgment day over 90 percent i believe it's 93 percent of north americans believe that jesus christ rose from the dead think about it friend that's why this nation is getting scared to death they know there's a living god out there somewhere they know he's alive they know that one day they're going to be held accountable for the way they lived it is appointed and a man wants to die and after that the judgment if you are a non-believer in this place if you don't know jesus if jesus is not everything to you if you're not consumed with the lord then you're going to face the throne judgment the judgment called the great white throne judgment friend it's going to be massive it's going to be great and it's going to be white that means it's going to be pure and holy you might be standing next to adolf hitler you could be standing next to some of the most notorious murders of the day but i'm not that bad brother steve it ain't badness it doesn't friend it's rejection of christ period that's what dooms a man that's what always has doomed a man are you telling me brother steve that jesus christ is the only way i preach the word of god which most americans believe by the way did you know 94 of american households have a bible in their homes and they will tell you if a fire breaks out in the home the first thing they grab is the bible because they believe that's the book they believe that's the book in that bible that you have in your home there are some words and maybe they're in red maybe they're in black but jesus spoke them he said this i am the way i am the truth i am the life no man goes to the father but through me that annihilates every other belief system and i want to tell you why muslims and buddhists and jews and drug addicts and witches and warlocks are coming to these altars because they're being confronted with the living god a lady in that baptismal pool from thailand well look at this friend you're creeping up to your late 60s she shared from that baptismal pool i was a buddhist but buddha never did anything for me the reason why buddha never did anything for you is because he's dead buddha never did anything for me then she said jesus has done everything for me then she goes no more buddha no more buddha she got rid of all her buddhas i don't want to hear about it no more brother steve don't talk to me about that friend it's about time somebody does because a great white throne judgment is something you'll never want to face because you're going to be up there without an attorney without an attorney so i'm going to talk to you about it tonight i'm going to let you know that it's going to happen christians you too will be judged when you die you will be judged for every idle word that came out of your mouth you'll be judged for every deed that you did on the face of this earth there is a judgment for the believers it's called the judgment seat of christ and you will be judged for the way you lived on the face of this earth if you're not on fire tonight when this altar call is given you better run as fast as you can to get right with god down here at these altars if you're lukewarm in this place you're gonna get right with god tonight if you're cold you're gonna get on fire for god tonight if you've never known the lord you're gonna come down to these altars if you're backslidden tonight and you can sit in front of a 35-inch screen and watch a naked woman and a man perform in fornication in front of your eyes and you're not grieved to your spirit you're a backslidden man you're going to run to these altars and get right with god it's getting dark in here it's just about over friend you know i just thought i had a little bit more time just thought i had a little bit more time you had years of mercy years of undeserved forgiveness years of people talking to you about jesus years of people telling you you got to get on fire for christ you can't call yourself a christian and live in sin but you didn't listen so i'm here to tell you time is just about over friend this is going to happen to every single individual in this room and you will plead to god for a little more time but the bible says his spirit will not always contend with you his spirit will not always wrestle with you his spirit will not always be around you cuddling you and trying you and helping you his spirit will leave you just like it did during the days of noah his spirit left them and the floods came and noah's boat floated off and friend that's a sign of the rapture the rapture is going to come and the world is going to be left to fend for itself it's over turn the lights out [Music] [Music] shhh you better think about it tonight friend god's not playing games there's an awakening coming to this nation there's a move of god coming to this world people are going to listen by the millions that's why the secular media keeps pouring into this place because people are hungry for the truth they want to hear the gospel they want someone to tell them like it is and it's time somebody told you friend you're going to run out of time but the lord tonight is here to show mercy charity i want you to come and i want the lights up just a little bit i'll tell you when to stop i want everyone in this room to stand leave them right there this call is going to be abrupt it's going to be quick it's going to be to the point if tonight you are backslidden you are away from god you're doing things that jesus would never do and that's what sin is sin is anything jesus would never do that's what sin is everyone looked this way those of you moving the chairs move them quickly everyone in the cafeteria the overflow rooms look this way those of you at home get out of your chairs and stand up stand up this is holy ground this is a holy time i can't believe how intense you are steve friend i am a dying man preaching to dying men get a grip on it i am a dying man preaching to dying men well i don't like gloom and doom it's funny friend when you're dying you call us to your bedside suddenly you want to know the truth but in your your vim and vigor of life you didn't want to hear about it but when you're dying i've never sat next to a dying man that wanted to talk about the stock broker talking about walmart or wall street i'd say with a dying man all they want to do is talk about god they want to talk about god god god god why did john the baptist blaze a trail through this earth saying repent repent prepare ye the way of the lord and there's a man coming after me that his sandals i'm not worthy to unloose and then he says behold the lamb of god that takes away the sin of the world and it walks jesus to the stage and the world looks up and he begins healing the sick raising the dead the lame walk the blind sea and he's preaching the same message as john the baptist and he says things like unless you repent it'll be worse for you than it was for those other boys back in the old testament same message as john the baptist everyone in this room that's away from god everyone in this room that's never known the lord everyone in this room that's backslidden everyone in this room that's got sin in your life i'm gonna make this call friend it's gonna be clear and you're gonna come quickly everyone in the chapel everyone in the cafeteria the choir room and those of you at home as soon as charity begins to sing you're going to come as quickly as you can and get down on your face before god and make sure that from this moment on you begin living god's purpose for your life in fellowship with the lord in communion with him and if you don't come and you know you're in sin friend pride pride is what's keeping you back pride will damn your soul pride cast lucifer from the hierarchy he was one of the greatest archangels he was one of the greatest he led the music in heaven but he was cast down because of pride he said i'll become like the most high god and a third of the angels were cast down with him friend pride casts lucifer down and you are sitting there end up with pride you're wondering what your brother's going to think you're wondering what your sister's going to think you wonder what your mother is going to think you're wondering what your boyfriend's going to think if you slip out and come down to this altar who cares what anybody thinks anymore you came into this world alone you will leave alone and you will stand before god alone on judgment day everyone was sin in their life everyone right now that's backslidden everyone was sitting there alive everyone who needs jesus i want you to come hurry hurry hurry right now let's go let's go hurry hurry hurry hurry up turn it is up in the chapel let's go let's go in the cafeteria let's go [Music] i need the lord hurry hurry hurry jesus jesus [Music] this is not just a television program i'm asking you this question do you know him do you breathe jesus do you think jesus do you dream jesus is he everything to you friend if not get on your face before the lord and repent because the time is running out the time is running out you ain't got all the time that you think god just called the sands of mercy friend every grain of sand is another opportunity to repent but it's not always going to be like that there's one day where his spirit will no longer dwell with you i love you friend you know i do but i want to see you in heaven i want to see you in heaven i don't want to see you in hell i want to see you in heaven come on get on your face and repent repent repent forgive me jesus wash me jesus cleanse me jesus make me watch me wash me wash me he'll do it friend he'll do it right now come on [Music] god bless you young people for being honest but i know where they are stay right here [Music] [Music] yes [Music] this rarely happens friend [Music] what are you waiting on what are you waiting on god bless you come on come on get right with the lord get right with the lord get right with the lord [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] hurray [Music] god bless yourselves god bless you son god bless you yes [Music] hurray [Music] everyone if you also stay right where you're at god's not finished you got 30 seconds friend you've got 30 seconds god bless you come on come on come on [Music] have mercy [Music] oh [Music] god bless you [Music] oh you better come [Music] jesus jesus jesus god is tugging on a man in this place i can feel it i can feel it come on sir break the chains snap the shackles come on come on come on sir in the chapel let's go in the chapel in the channel let's go in the cafeteria come on come on come on [Music] foreign [Music] god [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] everyone at the psalter everyone at the altar stay right where you're at don't budge jesus this is called repentance and it's music to the ears of the lord mercy god bless you man jesus everyone at this altar pray with me right now pray out loud dear jesus out loud dear jesus thank you for speaking to me thank you jesus for sins of mercy thank you lord for giving me the opportunity to live for you thank you lord for your presence in this place i ask you tonight to forgive me i have sinned i have hurt you i have hurt others and i've hurt myself i ask you tonight jesus to forgive me wash me wash my sins away cleanse me make me new i ask you tonight to be my savior my lord that means i want you to govern my life be my lord and be my very best friend from this moment on i am yours and you are mine i will live for you all the days of my life in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus amen hallelujah [Applause] so [Music] a.m you
Channel: RevivalFireOkie
Views: 631
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ptlF4cffGHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 17sec (5417 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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