Sanchovies // Unranked To Challenger Adventures Ft. YASSUO

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maybe over man I that's look handsome I'm lucky good we're actually Slyke we're Howard stuck plat I maybe I deserve to be plat maybe I deserve it I'm [ __ ] I [ __ ] deserve this I need to embrace my Platinum self this is an unranked the Challenger anymore this is an unranked to diamund let's see if we can hit diamond today [Music] at what point do we admit that we're stuck it was another okay we lost another we quit remake alright that hub down it's okay next game I'm about to pop off this game this for the this for the boys back home right here I'm about to put on a classic Sanchi performance I'm about it remind you guys why you're here and Moe picked rise by the way so I don't have any [ __ ] jacks counters on this account I guess I just kind of picked myself and go earlier it's fine I don't wanna play kale I just want to play my best next game poppy I'm not [ __ ] playing poppy man on poppy that [ __ ] garbage Yertle champion cancer what the [ __ ] Lithuanian song this is run away by Kanye West I don't think this is Lithuanian it's Lithuanian bro ok I believe you [ __ ] I believe you perks of playing top nothing literally nothing you saw that allow me win that game last game did you not nothing [ __ ] it Lithuanian run away yo this guy said that I was playing a Lithuanian song and he's trying to convince me that it's Lithuanian and it's run away by Kanye West that's that's global essentials about the people all international yes now both games are roasted top Bolivian back for people so can see so be fair I'm not putting Mike and that map cover either maybe I should start putting map cover what do you think let me put my map cover on that's my twin brother below from Russia hello below can you play some young Simard please sure okay listen I like to give everyone a fair chance when it comes to song requests but I'm not gonna play this thank you for the $1 but this is terrible you are suicidal he's better - yep later mo forever the sake of my twitch career I won't speak yes Bart lien [Music] [Music] you're dead little [ __ ] yeah how's the Susan Boyle you know that is she's like 95 man at least she's like in her nineties I'm pretty sure would you rather [ __ ] her or Zac Efron I mean that's pretty easy you ain't gonna answer it hmm Oh Zac I felt like [ __ ] I'm saying faster I'm saying I hope you like ask for dancin just subscribed well cuz I choked tell me I'll be okay men I think we're peaking [Laughter] [Laughter] what'd I miss hello not our about it okay we good all right but hey there's axis Oh respect I would not pick through a pic yeah yeah oh yeah I have a big slink here I need to get the cannon man are you [ __ ] kidding me yeah the cannons the problem there this is why you feed the rest of your team when you're playing with mo yeah I'm so sorry I think like whatever I got I got away if I'm gonna go bot wave next I said I got a wave that's worth yeah but you're being toxic for nothing you didn't oh okay my bad your [ __ ] percs why is there two of you over the map good one that's very funny first of all that's my cousin for Marshall his name is B rule watch out the probably all coming for you it don't matter it don't matter adding at my serifs oftentimes [ __ ] me I'm gonna come down to you my mom away I'm on my way I'll be [ __ ] with spam dummy nice I'll switch it I'm not come on everyone you played well our jinx she's done Wow 1 hp wait we're not peeking let's go and I'll peek nippy okay MMR's normally you're gonna be in Platt for a week now diamonds for tonight at least our show look at this caressed ins ready to count he's a psychopath I'm Kirsten the best Kassadin player in the world I played twelve hundred plus calcining games in six months would anyone like to know more about the champion I'm actually about to vomit but you lose II care Sonny's challenger he's good he's like good I cast it in like it's casted and you know it's like who the [ __ ] cast someone please give me a sub someone gift arc a sub please come on go what are you guys doing the man asked for a sub and no one's gifting him are you saying every Casa Challenger I'm saying every house should be Challenger thank you finally yo Zac Efron here heard you were looking for a good time go away amen not now Zach go away is that the real and Lowell I don't know who the [ __ ] that is he's envelope so his picture is Zoe's feet his DP on Twitter is literally Zoe's feet if we lose to this guy I am gonna there are some real weirdos aha that play League of Legends you guys know that series some real [ __ ] weirdos I'm over it well that's really fun there goes half my HP okay I'm gonna pay attention is disrespectful little cheesy rat by the my nice men can you give us a Vin Diesel impression yeah sure hi I'm Vin Diesel [ __ ] sick thank you oh I'm VIN I mean you either got it or you don't this impression [ __ ] like I was just born with this talent God bestowed this talent upon me it's a pisser don't ever cheese me in my Bush level-one ever any Australian action impression for the boys down under all right he's my Australian impression I'm eating butter that means butter in Australia yeah yeah yeah I'm ready I'll some fillets how about rich I am sorry which ladies all of them yo lady come to my check please yes Sam's house pepper maybe oh it's like pepper pepper corn all right say no more it's like when I'm mama pepper and a daddy pepper love each other very much oh come on man I'll stop you'll stop you don't save it yo we should call you mo e cuz you're playing Zoe and your name is me okay can you no no I'm the man if he said it once last time it but so we don't gotta go there again I we came to the conclusion we in doing that you will not be the bestest you will dogs you simply will not you will die for it if you do I can tell you right now I'm just a asserting dot my territorial dominance this guy sounds like you and he actually looks like you too I literally was about to say that he's playing like Yogesh it oh my yeah yeah funny guy okay qss four males are Amaya [ __ ] well I did just buy a GA so yes I'm a [ __ ] but not that much of a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is happening I'm coming no no no yeah he's doing a lot of damage to you I'm goated fine I'll come I'm coming in I can hit and poke from far that's about it let's go well played guys good [ __ ] I hate winning so that was good me two seconds I was invisible you I'm not sure what happened there okay I'm reading this one out for you yo will someone help me here since you also won't ever respond and his chat won't help me what are three flexible mid lane champs that are able to carry games gomu three flexible mid-leg ships that are able to carry games in Jura Keanu hmm and let's hit it with the rice rice is pretty [ __ ] good there you have it can you tell mo AI nut to his stream all the time with no context note see that's what we're not gonna do that one we're not gonna do [Music] you
Channel: Sanchovies
Views: 58,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unranked, Challenger, LoL, League of Legends, Irelia, Yasuo, Yassuo, Sanchovies, Ryze
Id: c95XpvETT04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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