LS #67 - LCS is Just a TV in the Background (ft Tyler1, Sanchovies, Crownie, Macaiyla)

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I like watching you sometimes I mean I like watching na because it's just funny to see the the choices that they make and it makes me feel better about myself as a player okay it's a fiesta so you could think cloud nine could win one day and then they just go like oh and three this is funny yeah that's pretty good that's pretty good I feel like we should just focus on helping bar top then no homeless lately no real get ahead in lane because he's so strong because Wukong he can be strong but Ezreal can carry the game because he's impactful yeah okay okay that's what I think wait am I thinking of the wrong team Oh oops uh what team is Lea Oh yikes uh Lee should help Afilias get ahead because of Phileas is strong if he gets kills correct yes true yeah that's very true yep where are those mountains oh my God look at those mountains those are really nice if there was a league every Mon what you play hmm I've never played an MMO really ya know would you like to play I was actually just talking about this with kuriboh before because chunks keeps harassing me to play Wow would you like to play Wow with me kuriboh and like sanch and others uh I would like to but I don't think it would be beneficial for any of you because I don't know a single thing about WoW or how to play so it would be like tutoring a two-year-old I already do that in mid when I coach someone [Laughter] [Music] Oh God you didn't go back to sleep or take a nap I did I had the meeting and then I went back to sleep and then I woke up at like 1:30 but I mean I've almost been up 24 hours almost I'm going on 20 you can okay listen as your manager you can go to sleep and I will cast the game how about that okay like that's a very bad idea great I think it's absolutely great I can invite some people from the chat to cast with me in a disc word we can all take turns opinions [ __ ] three of them are underage people start saying to us come on we could get a little rotation we can bring in you know some of the top players come on guys top players go to I don't I'm just so they're complex so confusing the evil geniuses yeah right it is there's no like with one another oh it's not what what happened where did he go r5 Lee is that why he screamed wait what the what the heck are both of these comps I don't understand they're just both so random where where does volley and hey Michaela okay look at the hair like just reset you see that like what Michaela are you you seem a little bit upset right now the gold scores even and I'm just confused like these are professional players these are things that people in Milo's should be doing you know they're getting paid to be this Dom okay no that's not true they're all they're not dumb they're not dumb no they're not dumb Doritos Doritos correct it's easier for golden Guardians to play to play and draw from this from this point because no matter what the leblanc in the trundle lock EG into a very awkward situation like it's very hard for them to pivot out into something meaningful but the reality is is that they're champions are already off theme and if you try to pivot into one direct theme you're going to either compromise as really you're gonna compromise the Blanc and because of the jungle to you do you see why trundle beats me yeah it doesn't make sense alright McKay let's take it away break it down for us yeah I definitely would not have chosen trundle yeah II see yeah Wow Jesus why did they choose karma she go right now uh yeah she's one of the best in the game have you ever gone on a date and then just weren't feeling it and you like cancelled like in the middle I've Spain thank you so much ten gifted Tier one subs yeah like right away no because I would feel too terrible I'm too awkward to actually do that because that's that takes a lot of like I don't know what it takes but like you got to be like you got to not care at all then what have you ever done that yes and how did you go about doing that the so the guys age was not known on the app because he just put 99 do you not I mean but he looked really young and his photos I mean really young I mean like he looked like he was like young 20s but when I met him and I asked what his age was he was 29 okay well I was I was 20 and so it was but also we were like way different areas of life like he doesn't know anything about gaming or like anything like that and then he was overtly sexual in the conversation while we were just eating lunch and so I made up an excuse that like the protein I was living at had a curfew I have to be back yeah What did he say he said okay and we could meet up again later we never know but What did he say that was was he what was he saying that was a overtly she like oh this is some good sausage huh no no no he was actually he was actually just talking about hooking up like casually really like it yeah yes yes you know it's funny I would do that it's not even a joke I would be the person to do that look I would be like if you had a big sausage on your plate no no wanna clap these cakes afterward we watched the game there's a game there's a game we're just ignoring it I bought the man what do you fanboy [ __ ] over here pretty sure everybody talking some a big deal listen I don't care about you we can make this worse would be like a [ __ ] in our our five Renekton or like a [ __ ] our five at rocks and dinar because that makes a lot of sense like when when there's already like a poppy the only that it's literally the only thing that can make it worse oh Jesus Christ dude Oh God if I didn't have leg pain I'd walk away right now I'd end the stream I would just end the stream at this point no there's not gonna be an only fans Todd I mean are you guys interested in that do you want feet pics for men we can we can discuss that I don't I only I can do it cuz riot riots not gonna let you sell your feet who gives them the right chunk scream Oh me okay but okay connect connect can I say something what every single time I start playing Wow with a group of friends they all end up quitting the game a weekend I want dedicated yes okay if you guys we're gonna put a hundred dollars all of us into a pool and if you quit then the hunt dollars goes to the people who are still playing and you must put in a minimum and you have to play minimum eight hours a day and I will track and you have to give me three hundred fifty dollars or I will break your things tik tok guys no sir but I know you do back to the point I think Wow could be really fun if we play it seriously like 20 or 30 of us that are all like actually gamers and then Makayla I'm not gonna play it's not it'll it will not be fun for me why I've never played before it yeah [Laughter] just pick Nami that's what wow this is disgusting I mean it's right but it's disgusting I mean we're all thinking it but he's the one that said it so it's disgusting of him to twitch and riot how gross just presuming I want to be a healer just presuming okay Makayla play play play play I'm not gonna play anything play I'm out of this No Makayla please we're sorry we're all sorry no no he's not sorry he's not sorry look Sam told you to play Jonna Betty is 25 why did that just pop up 25 days ago someone clip it sown just clip it and tweeted at him thank you various one month later you
Channel: LS Highlights & Clips
Views: 150,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imls, ls, annie, last shadow, stream, highlights, vod, replay, review, coach, coaching, opgg, btw, roast, donation, funny, koe, koelol, lol, league of legends, league, riot, riot games, esports, commentary, casting, caster, mald, malding, nick de cesare, twitch, clip, highlight, montage, reddit, na, eu, euw, kr, korea, solo q, edu, educational, analysis, freeze, freezing, lck, lpl, lcs, lec, morello, morellos, morellonomicon, blitzgg, sub, subscription, prime, twitch prime, snake, snek, le snek, tyler1, sanchovies, crownie, crownshot, macaiyla
Id: L9exsDlJI48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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