Just 5 White Boys on the Rift...

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I don't know about politics only voting I do brother is at 15 minutes and I usually vote Yes it's showtime all right PMG let me get some PMG love in the chat I'm joining up coms when he solo game bro hello what's up y what's good bro what up gangsta yo yo what up B baby welcome back where is he what the hell he's right here why didn't you say hi you just got to burp him a little bit [Laughter] hi no I'm just playing y I'm just playing I'm just playing you got to take the pacifier yeah she doesn't want to be burp so don't do it how's the dart sesh it's actually clean bro you hit a n no no bro not yet I think I hadit like a 25 Darter whoa yeah it's pretty clean it is bro I'm not gonna go play after this [ __ ] scrim set a [ __ ] right Bud six hours and then go to bed and do it again technique I don't need a PMG Darts League holy [ __ ] bro n n didn't just get deleted bro why is my support in game guys don't say that bro don't say that he got very mad eh my fault yeah legit no joke wait Nick has a Herman Miller that's not awesome isn't it the money changed them bro looks looks kind of like it doesn't it he's he is he gonna like come in or yeah as [Music] [ __ ] he's in game on his other account why is this [ __ ] teams tag un wait is riven's kind of clean what the hell probably shouldn't ban it then hello yo y you still good for this game or you no I'm just kidding bro n I'm just kidding bro I'm just kidding bro you still good for this game or okay actually I'm ready to lock in though I'll you know that BR yo what are we saying right now bro in game would you say that you are kinky this isn't what the beefer would want from us are we are we our draft I'm rra rter you gotta like Flex down brother we should talk about reset timers yep no I'm not talking about reset I need I need a cheat recall what is the joke are not recalling joke is that me and Nick have challenged a recall animation and you oh [ __ ] sh probably would Toof was my job no I'm just kidding bro what what are your Best Buy ranks can I get those on check I'm just playing bro right on time 806 on time 806 scrim set Ezra bought Su her subing in for these guys by the way every single 8 o'clock scrim set has a natural 10 to 15 minute buffer legit though we have Ezreal bot GG Israel's ior in here classic bro one for the PMG heads only true fans will know if you know you know by the way typ [ __ ] top secret why did you just say you're bro oh nice bro you're welcome am I the intermediate one or the beginner one you're the doombot Bro oh my gosh bro w doombot w teammate W is that still a thing or is that like an old head reference that is an old head reference yeah yeah you're showing your age a bit for sure you guys tapping into that new um Apple headset no yeah ,000 yeah like I'm gonna be working be working on the [ __ ] train as well working and not gooning okay I think you're refering to Jaden bro that's our D1 gooner I don't know what that means but sure he like um Can who is that that you're talking about like he didn't already know like he didn't already have it bookmarked Kappa yeah anybody know that one anyone know that one just banned three supports not a word actually fle you know two of them can go into like other roles just so you know man up not really well I mean I'm sure we'd be picking them only reason only reason I B is because their mids been playing in yeah exactly do you know a fiz one trick that guy the Fizz icon well his name was like want to see a trick Fizz his perhaps I don't know if he plays Fizz oh he's not on the [ __ ] never mind um we get ad plus maai here maai a FX yep oh I I got that goes along with maai pretty well you want Jin or varis as your two picks because E's banned um jy's pretty good maai so okay I'll be shining bright like a dime in this game now now Jin we probably need to get a few of those social media guys off the team there a I agree I agree no we've been stinking up a storm on the I know well it's one guy bro do you need need him gone or I need him dead I need him all right bro I'll go break the news to him CH Chinese Beaver AKA vacon yeah like what like anything on that account bro like it doesn't even matter if it's bad that's actually true like NY gang is ringing that Bell yeah I've had six people say what is your social media manager doing and then show me a certain all right guys let's a it's LMA here right now who's tweeting all the bad [ __ ] that's the guy tweeting the fck wanted to anous Chinese Beaver like that yeah you're not laughing at it right now are you serious right now are you serious right now how are we supposed to get him out if you're smiling no I'm not I'm [Laughter] not I'm assuming they don't they don't flex s what do you want into cassant Jay okay would suck here bro the Chinese beefer [ __ ] is what is why be talking about bro yo YB Focus up bro Titan up brother a diamond means nothing by the way does it who is it literally means nothing I'm watching that's not what I do it's like it's you it's you and base when we're like trying to do a team fight and you're dead what does that mean bro oh yeah you probably don't know what it means brother you think I'm just singing a base is that the point that clip of Nick MK singing [ __ ] temperature by Sean Paul when that guy's in the build battle you know what I'm talking about I don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about there's the stdo one of him doing um all right Focus Maron five full clear I'll link it to you but Focus after this Focus after what okay and then we get mid counter pick on five the jungle unless you are opposed to the Lane match up I think it's fine yeah I think it's fine too I'm down to run uh Santa Malai as well I think that's pretty good yep okay we can try some s games you want me to farm right yeah yep okay just oh yeah oh hell no oh yeah what's the hell not about the Rex Ian or me farming you farming brother you farming dude come on I saw some Karma mid clips that I should not he can farm he can Farm dude that's our teammate no you're right you're right no if I'm down I can Farm bro like it's but if I'm like you know what I mean yeah facts put a put a sapling down you know I mean [Laughter] [ __ ] all right let me focus focus up yeah Focus up oh yeah let me drink some soilent good tweet W tweet probably more my [ __ ] DMS after that here's tweeting that here tweeted that one as well so yeah I'm actually I'm actually might just not ban him from the account right now actually he filmed it tweeted all of it I'm not changing the password right now no he needs to stay on the account so if like if we tweet about him he can just blame me here what are we doing last um you want to pick Jarvis here what do you like here uh vacon Jarvis is B you have uh just like any scaling damage Cur pick I was thinking corki just CU left it open we're literally just playing like a max range comp would also be fine can all right don't go H then you either you either get H or Cory Cory lets you actually play like mid game aggressively I prefer qu to be honest but it's up to you qu is a bit rough into their draft but if it's your comfort then just go yeah I'm just thinking because the jarin AL that's all yeah the Jarvis but then if jarvin Al in way he's not alting jce or Jin their team comp can't like really engage they only one who can actually take maai L would be the [ __ ] saying my pressure sponge this game like you guys just wait for level six just play on objectives oh yeah you got it bud you can also you also have good sideline wi con because no one can match Chas later with a nocturn ulti hover so I'm rocking with the draft I'm rocking w all right we all good we miss you coach okay let's focus up and get our first one with the coach back it was honestly like it as much as it was a great three like I definitely your aura was missed yeah I was kind of missing that [ __ ] for real these guys probably aren't our game what is what oh I can start you guys ready yeah let's go guys ready to roll out all right let's get going here guys wsg Beast which lame me trying to play towards this game guys um I think we can play for bot want to play for bot yeah I'm down to play for bot if the Vibes are if the Vibes are lit mid lane we can actually go there as well I think we play for Top early and then once knock get six we can play for bot CU we're kind of just bro I'm kind of playing Malai and just playing not to die bro I can't really do a whole lot unless we like four minute to be honest once knock is six we can Farm them though I promise yeah your setup is crazy at level six so I think we just power Farm to six try to not g cheesed early by y just make sure we We're translating like nocturn Alti and stuff into into Dragon that's the only thing we got to make sure yeah n d literally Perma bro this is so free they're going to feel our aura game one make sure you guys recall like on Vision so they can see the the animation I mean you didn't have to tell me bro trust me [ __ ] I forgot to buy a potion after recall all right guys we get it the recalls or Challenger probably should keep it that way until the 20th so we can qualify wait Nick did you win your last game uh no does my volume s normal yeah yeah yeah okay okay just checking oh no I didn't win so are you like are you out of ch right now nope in ch okay okay I'm glad that's your concern no bro we need to stay in there bro no I agree no like you actually have to like proba my worst day of solo I legit like still chilling so I'm from GM too so cool I'm not [ __ ] to I don't want to foot massage either no I mean like I thought we were just like okay focus up Focus up five inv five five point five all right I got to get somewhere in base [ __ ] lock in [ __ ] I forgot my ward even though the game gave me it oh [ __ ] skin on right now just not doing the recall by the way it's just not doing it bro and I'm one HP oh thank oh thank God it's not a rank game so oh my god there will be no reset timers brother he just going to me I have 5K gold I'm not I'm going to go try and get a word over here 5K gold uh can you guys walk me in here should be like here of course my little dumpling let's go oh I should have [ __ ] AED her flash that's chill guys first game of the day type [ __ ] you know yep y Jin's here hasn't base yet double he might just go to a second rotation these guys on me by the way yeah I agree I mean I don't know what they're doing pressed like a full second after he does but if they fight Us in this wave they can like yeah we C them yeah we cook them bro honestly man like I'm going to just punish them at some point okay chilling though yeah yeah or he has to EQ out I think top run or they're trying to hold [Music] this was time okay got some I get this off oh bro bro okay nice try guys um that was nams any CL jar should be basing he's really low all his camps are going to be back up though pop has no sus she wasted her W and they still have enough damage to Overkill there it's just cuz ignite W is good for us though we see jar on grum okay he still hasn't do we have a grub timer here can Nick run to grubs or he can cuz bot side is where he's like going to he's clearing down so okay I'm just going to go cuz my C's resetting anyway I'm going to reset or he's going to have to reset too at some point how many camps off six are you I'm only half so I need like I could get grubs and then like kugs I should be six okay he took one and and left s's here walk here okay we can go cuz two two are bot just start yeah yeah they're still showing bot both both yeah I don't think they're going to contest I'm just going to throw a couple saplings I'll probably leave a sec it's fine yeah one bot I'm going to look reset I might have to tank a trade here so they start pushing back into me I'm walking out I'm good nice dead she has no TP and dragon in 12 so I think we should fight this is Chun you have TP you can t on my trap here anywh that's good we're just going to push mid once this is pretty low you can move back mid I think just oh yeah go we have a control so nice good I have item can you be safe here I it's hard for us to rotate they're B cut us off yeah I'm walking from I got to recall I'm too low I'm going to recall you can maybe stay I'm on the way oh [ __ ] F play they can make B good job shut down can you get that top yeah yeah I'm on okay I'm like feeding but I'm still useful anyways orp mid okay we can maybe look to make a plan do you do damage to him right now I have push and it's just us up here we can maybe look to make a Playa do something lucian's still in this bush down here can't be top side nice go go go good fight good fight easy good fight calm cool collected Fells calm cool and collected always brother to learn how to come back that's the PMG way bro yes bro PMG way is only learn bro I'm [ __ ] tired of learning bro we're here to win good [ __ ] okay let's reset after can we get maybe top Tower or is that too juicy that's or TP do we know it's hard I think reset is fine and then we just go I don't want to fight for a while I have no flash so I'm like an easy target yeah our poke is really insane isn't it we can air our pick is nice too to be honest yep I'm going to park it by pretty good at escaping Mal if we do it from afar though got to be careful or can you hover me y yeah yeah shows I think we should use this bar we need to all set us okay or's here ball is here I wait wait wait wait for to jump me maybe we don't know where they are actually it could be dangerous we just saw here spots here yeah Jin's M and he didn't show top so I think he's shattering her too yeah we win 2v2 probably I I can't pressure by myself okay if they blow you up it's hard but I think Ultra press next wave next wave I might just shoot out next wave I will on next wave we can combo ALS y yeah I might just shoot mine out to be honest so we get the yeah that's fine we need to get this Tower be careful are going to move we have to be careful about this kante can also TP a cheeky little Ste here I have I have TP 60 but I can walk mid I'm not far away get pressure on this Tower okay to hold us nice I'm walking mid I'm walking wait wait wait what where no flash moing M watch watch for Cante he's still top okay can you TP top oh you don't have it no not yet okay all good yeah we got bar recall we got bar recall it's all good actually not going to lie I think it's worth to go next Tower here it it Dr we can just straight down yeah wave if you want not bad oh good dude I like that you were looking it though like you didn't just crumble and let it happen like you looked like I know if our ship was thinking you'd go down with it as well I'm 20 seconds on ult so it's a big wave down I think we should play midwave yeah I'm down we have to be a bit careful we have I think we just go unless unless D steals he's just going to play for 5050 I might just group actually cuz yeah I think you a they're fighting he's dead he he's dead go three oh wow he's dead he's dead oh what the can we go can we go Orie I'm stuck this pig okay pretty okay kind of wait I wait s's dying s's dying yeah be uh Nami would probably be healing him if I didn't you know Z off bro right I mean she walks up and presses W if she's there bro I don't know honestly that sounds like a fair play to me y I have TP we can just go now yeah yeah yeah I have a I have a flashing 20 or or do we want to play it smarter be careful keep busy bro that's all chill support comat I think we give this trick I don't think no no we can we can fight for 10 and go and I'm 20 seconds old so [ __ ] fine okay I'm going to run mid though I have to run mid and mid cuz no flash no flash no flash just play back play back we poke 7 Seconds my yeah poke them poke them have to wait we have to wait for oh huge huge I'm good I'm good by the they walk they're walking on the rumble I'm good by the way finish gante that's our ball our ball we can we can kill this guy Weill thisy 150 that was calculatedly our Ball by like we knew the whole time that was no flag nice no flag you going I'm just going to do drag it's all you guys fellas that's simple that's simple never hasitate bro we knew that was ours the whole time right dude our ball we understood that that was ours and we we played it we can break Tower here too dude I like this this comp's not awesome as ball sack what the [ __ ] St is butt cheek awesome bro we just and they die okay does Orie have TP us she used it there okay okay two minutes I have my flash up for this Baron fight whatever you do I'm going to go get set up of saplings and Wards just get greedy over there I'm just going to say flash here I'll go get a trap set up for Baron early can we get the Scuttle crab I don't want to let them get this yeah yeah I need to walk me in though we're kind of blind I don't think they're in here but I want to risk it or's bot with no TP so they you want to try and maybe catch cassant here uh we can look to catch someone in the jungle maybe it might be a bit rougher to try we need to play Waves though too yeah y I'm on the way to Mid we can look uh we see J separated we can maybe go on Nam yeah we can go go go go go go go I I I okay it's really good I got lock it I'm good one man or the [ __ ] maai my bad I should just walked in front of that get you guys me get red for R okay can we just look n here and then and then peel off they have no why don't we do tier one top yeah okay tier one top I like that that sounds like a guarantee I like guarantees that guy probably took any damage holy [ __ ] I'm might base for ldr after top Tower okay yeah that's fine they're pushing in moving up yeah fine they might actually go here I I'm fine I'm fine 20 seconds my 15 bro I don't know man go jarvin he should be dead now jarin now jarvin I am in trouble though now Jen no they're cooked they're cooked they're cooked they're [ __ ] dead oh my god oh wait I'm Not Dead not even fuing close Nami no flash no flash Nami no flash okay that's our Baron that okay go on Baron what are you it's over it's over it's over what are these [ __ ] gs bro J [ __ ] W man bro now Jin's not the [ __ ] best video of the Year bro not [ __ ] dying it's not s in the summer on that by the way I'm hitting Cannon scratching my balls hold on I got a base guys look look bot guys look I'm going to hit mid here I'm going to hit mid here I think this is a much you guys I'm hitting mid I'm hitting mid good I think it's actually winning for us not going to lie yeah just just go on their base I think I'm just yeah I'm going I'm oh that's I'm head out bro good luck to you though I'm a head out that was actually [ __ ] I'm yeah I'm going to walk top with you here it's not really safe for me mid I'm coming I'm going to go on reset we can just like traps down we don't have to actually push the wave I think we just play hard for a CL tier two okay sounds good we can just we have full vision and setup so don't hit this wave I'm just trying to stack one oh sure okay I'm going to base and get G and then run top okay since you're slow pushing right okay getting run down I think we I even think me is going to do anything no it's not don't I'm getting cassant he Ed and ghosted right yeah yeah okay actually going to go stopwatch or [ __ ] arm guard here they're still hovering bot it's just j4 up there I think you you're free to break Tower we seei moving we see Lui moving yeah he's just going to look all these yep I'm going to push midwave here I should listen to the boss Baby M corki this game so I creative is [ __ ] old okay we have Baron and two we can we need to put end off this Baron we don't need to but I think we should I have TP them up so 20 seconds he might just go on you yeah he can't he can't I'm too strong okay you want me t t I don't think we do anything for another minute cuz I'm going to have to bro I got like I'm Legit stroking with saplings everywhere we don't got to do nothing right we cannot walk into I'm going to base at like 110 or me uh I'll take it okay got going to [ __ ] my [ __ ] up last time bro I can't lie is a problem just ignored all my CC and one shot me like a boss like a boss what like a boss babe we can even stack as well I can stack my I think the way we play this poke comp is we always push through mid and then we top site okay so if there's ever a wave here it's bad make sure it's always pushed in just got to chill and let s do his thing y yeah yeah yeah okay don't get Hur I FL they can't engage on me I'm go recollect midwave I have G I mean they literally can't play the game at this point all they can do is just sit and catch midwave got to have flash 20 oh I'm full build you can just have every W yeah but say PR those [ __ ] you want to just go we can try but I think he's going to come up after the red let's just see what they do let's see how they respond to yeah I don't think he's committing to I mean we want them to walk into us anyway so let's do it after mid yep yep I'm tping here I have six items and Potions so like this guy takes damage by the way if you guys are wondering maybe maybe just poke them poke them here poke them here have no idea just clear mid they can't do anything yo I can get a sick ult here by the way like just keep poking though you want to just ult to poke them I'm going to I'm going to Al whereas just just poke poke poke just keep poking keep Pok keep poking I'm on driving Yep this guy's griefing by the way just getting like you guys 40 second wow what a [ __ ] okay I'm hitting Nom here all right let good game watch out go go now J now J now J now Jin now Jin this gu not he he's going to die hold on he can use more movement speed actually and maybe a couple more dashes perhaps how many times did he Dash or anybody catch that get him snipe him no come here boss baby probably takes [ __ ] damage I don't know bro that objective control is just disgusting dude I I actually like like that straight up cannot walk into their top side jungle for like 5 minutes let's see if we can kill him 50 seconds okay here we go all right boss penis bro good game guys [ __ ] yeah great work good good comeback as well don't call it a comeback we've been here for years who even died to my [ __ ] EAS see I think it was Jarvis somebody got [ __ ] cooked that's how PMG gets [ __ ] done that's what I gota say that's I'm saying bro Lally you know those like memes where it's like nope I can't be [ __ ] right now it would have been funny as [ __ ] though if I actually bet I'm just thinking about what could have okay fine I'll say it bro I'm laughing just at the potential final say okay those where it's like show up like pull up with like glasses on like a boss type [ __ ] what are we uh what are we going to draft for the next one we were going to be what red or blue what do we have red or blue side there uh blue side we had red there I want to try blue side I want to first pick uh Malai we can Flex it and then we can try s Malai is sounds lit Malai is PR but Malai seems broken as Fox I don't see why it wouldn't be y any thoughts Double B yeah that sounds fine oh W Nick someone says or a guy named rexes says that you're a fraud he says so call you a fraud he said You' know what that meant whatever that means you got to stop interacting with randoms bro don't don't don't interact with randoms man dude you were a random before think about that no no just dni random I'm still random but dni with random so just don't just don't interact with them you don't know this guy you said Chang this guy no I'm just saying like don't inter I'm just giving you a heads up bro like just don't that's all that's my that's my response to you oh okay okay I appreciate the tip BR I appreciate you looking out for me bro Big Ups that's the PMG way w w appreciating the tip is Crazy by the way okay bro like appreciating the tip is a nasty sentence nice bro no wait a goddamn minute bro pause pause pause yeah dude Nick I appreciate the tip man you're [ __ ] awesome guy bro I want you to know I'm so grateful for the tip okay guys yeah yeah this is [ __ ] awesome Pro tip type [ __ ] sano's Pizza reveal pepperoni and penis that means anything by the [Laughter] way like I'm down to B like legit nothing or just [ __ ] that's annoying we don't have a new prios i b top doesn't like I think okay this guy plays like [ __ ] Darius and Olaf he plays complet nothing useful yeah you look at it yourself um you're not scared of the love not really I just go F into that think I'll still just they have second Pi though I don't want to practice this I don't want them to have it I'm actually just going to know B because I want to see what's PR with less things open okay some mad scientist [ __ ] that was badass that actually gave me chills oh my God wait my screen just rippled when I saw that okay so there's kalista PR open there's Ash PRI open not sure if we wanted to try an ash game sure support yeah Ash would like 90% of the time be support okay if not I'm down to just pry and ADC instead we just go Center um we do the center we can't pick maai again so I think it's low Prine I mean I could play anything with it though no sure I can try it there's a a bajillion combos I'm cool with I play any of the good stuff uh let me think what can they pick I think they're going to go kalista if they ban poppy in first three to either of you play Tia mid jungle I can play Tia yeah okay do either of you like like play it play it you know what I mean like last I played I I haven't this season but last season I played a lot I haven't played in a bit but I'm down I'm good I'm pretty good I'm done for some reekon jungle com renekton's really good in to Darius and Olaf as well okay that could be real jungle still right yeah yeah but we're gonna hold uh TOA flex and then we could ban bullets here if we're going to run Sun line unless we want to pick TK not sure what we want to what do we want to pick with with s we can pick Cho we can pick um I could play Shen I could play set I could play Tom I could play Tom yeah Tom's fine actually just don't think Tom is that good into kalista ra you're kind of directly countered yeah but I'm down to runit like anything else have you tried the the naus variant it's just the same like you just I could play play it I'm down with that yeah I think n is much better versus we do this like they already lost their ADC and they can't play anymore past 10 minutes well I like the sound of that that sounds like [ __ ] don't do it then oh nasis I got the naus as well some might say I got the Nautilus for real right oh sorry sorry I was just trying to like be like a little one dude no no sorry let me Focus we high damage top I'm thinking I don't think we have to run reected unless you think this guy has like no like what are like worst possible Reed match ups here uh like Quinn Jack I don't think he plays either of them yeah yeah I think I'd probably been for Comfort like I want to take away Olaf versus the comp we have so far yep and I kind of like I kind of like atro more here just as general cleanup because you have a lot of setups so far yeah I think a trucks will be a lot more serviceable we could still get rid of buts too if we don't want to let the I don't think Blitz does anything here now okay because not noas can just buffer the que with his Q on a wall yeah match I just think it's pretty good into to Leah if we don't space fights properly but well you'll have front line off of atro pick I think it'll be okay think I want to take away maai from them I don't think I care if their top has like a Darius counterpick situation I don't think that is very good is there anything particular I need taking my runes to farm on naus it's like d maybe uh I don't think so I think you just go pretty standard run you just buy bomb me Cinder and then you start yeah you just go like at least three points e just for the wave clear I guess it's real support okay well they don't know how to use their flux so um do you have a really good B into Corky like not really no I could go like Syra I mean I go rise I think your options are Syra or Nico both are good I probably press word bro proba PR whatever you think is good bro like I trust you cuz last time I got like rised up because I didn't listen to you so you know oh [ __ ] this guy's gonna try hands check E bro they're taking our Champs are they GNA let this happen yeah wait and aelia is Belia what the [ __ ] that's how that's how I feel see this guy lock and thrash what are they doing to us bro what are they doing after last game I think I just go cleans and it's pretty free let me uh let me pee quick Noe nope yep n do it in your pants if you're a real PMG member yep real PMG wear diaper I mean cl to and really both can't play the game in any team fights versus Nautilus tillia so not sure yeah what they're doing have fun bro just respect rein Gage we also yeah we turn off get turned off by [ __ ] tiia hello yeah kind of has to play body guard early game like make sure B's stable if you can tell the ball will be stable and they can't like prop a dive on you then you just let your jungler play top Lan yeah we we might need some help early though because their Lan is super super strong like levels one through three on us all let's move around okay okay why can you join yeah yeah yeah I just tried to okay now one tick now one tick dude hold on this is Harsh bro now one tick now one tick okay now one tick now one tick dude you're like making me go skitso we gotta hurry why's gonna piss his pants n it's all good W thank you coach me like two minutes not gonna pause mid team fight one sec we hit with the r r you think we could time it you guys want to like like go in like 30 seconds and see if he's back by then I you know what bro I don't know the layout of left yet wait are you going to are you tapping out r no I I thought that it was J that had to go do something said oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that guy might be gone for 20 minutes then cool guys I didn't want to play Jaden's throwing darts right now got to get one last round in yeah would you I'm mared right now me too on I'm eating sleep for dinner bro yo go or okay I might have some ground beaver literally that's today's pathing round what the [ __ ] what did I pick what did I pick again oh that's right uh I'm Nautilus righton do I go does does do I go after sh he's I just I think I just go after sh no yeah I think so I cut up cold ass Sonoma w I'm going TP though W I'm not gonna go heal here yeah do whatever you need bro it's all good okay okay it's kind of the same story like levels one through three we just homeless yeah I mean I can pat down if like you think they're GNA like try to just I don't know what my HP is going to be I don't know what my all that shit's going to be bro lot of variables tossed up in the air bud I see uh do we want a five point or stack for invade do we win level we have to leave level one I think we win really hard level one yeah yeah yeah I think we they have to walk into us we don't walk into them yes yes someone word up here and then we all run into try I'll word up I'll word up okay I got it I got it I'm going to switch this they probably not all five top right now shame you can't show us that Reco prob shouldn't nice game bro oh she just hopped over what do you want to do here leave it just G to nice bro there's no way how does that work you get solo kill yeah he should have died though he should have 100% died it's all good he misplayed no flash top he's here I think I'm going to just come oh okay yeah I don't know got a lick back got it back in blood boy yes sir PMG standing TTD you got you got right yeah laugh guys it's probably a game I don't know if he took like my full bside or just the red took it all oh they just checked my they did like no damage I don't have any I don't have any I got that one big J okay big dog guys aren't bad as [ __ ] probably can we look here after your CRA yeah oh they're getting I don't really have anything just ditch it fine I think I'm F oh my oh broing hey just gamble the whole game for that for what I'm really trying to figure out what I should be building first uh he said B me Cinder first dude dude wait what my [ __ ] reset wait what what do you mean what how did I canel your reset you hit the [ __ ] blast con oh sorry I was looking to it's okay bro oh [ __ ] why I need you to help me with the top wave there bro okay do you still need help with it or no huh do you still need help with the wave or no no no it's fine now uh bot's going to want to reset soon yeah they're going to just like to reset on this wave I might try to cancel it's kind of dangerous don't even bother bro it's I'm going to I'm I'm gonna tease it just a little bit we'll see okay no it's not that bush get the Canon get can I got you I'm just going to leave the way like that's really good I'm not going to be moving a whole lot early so thresh has a roam timer right now just so you guys know I mean it's a terrible one but he could be on the map I'm just moving up depends if they playing for void you add really I don't know that top is [ __ ] for a really long time um I have it just here yeah okay AR freeze is going to break YB can you um unless s needs you up there top can you uh reset and get ready to walk bot yeah do you need no no you can play for top or for bot I me we're making fun of my csing ability guys what going on to all y'all I'm up oh this is not playable my B we need to go up there to like fix it or no no no no like it's just going to be like this for the rest of the game probably no it doesn't okay sure you don't want to get send in the bot Lane Beast no no it's all good I'll just try to play safe okay I'm going to look to get some deeper Vision cuz we have YB here so I'm not going to it's Miss just waiting on Camp reset okay we see we have a small timer here I don't know if I'm going try yeah just just play a little goofy we have a small timer you don't have to stay let's just get this wave in and then yeah I'm just watching the wave and then okay leaving okay all my C we can make sure that she's not doing crab here as well we have pryo you hit that yeah sure okay's here we might get Flash on so I'm just going to early W what she's stunned I I don't have much for you here I think I'm dead bro I'm dead okay no worries that was a that was a weird hook can you cover me for Dive by the way I don't need you to yeah I I have TP I have TP okay cool okay cool cool not a bad not a bad death D this is a good diff it's Miss I got to watch that unlocked a bit uh they're missing they should be doing Drake here do we want to fight this no okay I'm not six yet if I'm not six I don't think we can fight okay no worries I need I need onist though she's going she's either six now or one Camp away and I need I'm almost six too okay I'm going to go word try quick and then uh sure sure okay let's get this pushed in six I'm going to base here if that's fine with you yeah yeah that's fine we got a pretty sizable wave in there so I think I'm going a good timer she's just letting the plate I think uh die next time you have t p i want you to walk top can't play [ __ ] oh my God I can't play no no no I it's legit doomed like there's nothing I can do I'm out of this game this is [ __ ] we're just going to get greedier down here then yeah yeah that champ so let's chill yeah we can look to makebe all it takes is one TP play and we're we're tapping it yeah but next time you have TP you can just walk up top with YB and look for a TP play we have cuz we can always have numbers once you mhm I have ult if she Dives you s just let me know if you need it okay you there no e nice get the shut down I'm actually going to walk top here cuz I don't think they're going to dive you can we look play top yeah I'm locking up I'm going to be pretty far away though cor he's got package I need to wait CDs at least two [Music] seconds chill champ are we serious by the way how is that wow that's unreal she just she just like legit like that guy is just pressing buns randomly yes bro he just flashed on me and like his tongue went all the way down right there that was actually insane package did what now she flashed you want to look top again he's going to look take on my way I have my Al again for top [ __ ] couple seconds locking up too late for me oh never mind nice good [ __ ] let's go let's go I can look to uh I'm good I'm okay I'm try and fight I coming coming yeah yeah this is good should not nice holy [ __ ] missing [ __ ] bro we need to be careful we can legit get like she's item 5 Seconds 3 seconds on my e she has everything she yeah I'm just going to be careful she's by way there cor might be flanking going up here this way you wi side versus corki if not you can I think I win side ver any okay yeah just go back that's fine there's nothing for them to go one here and then we push this take base and then we can look for Drake set up I'm going to run top I'm oh my God that champ is so unbelievable no they're going to collapse on me they're going to move down yeah I was going to say nice can we try to force something here so we can get better yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I have oh they have they have they have set up here they know they know but I can still look anyway worth okay Rush Moving and St let's fight top let's just fight yeah yeah yeah if you spot aelia can you just cancel her instead of trying to TP yeah yeah TP nice Flash oh I am in she has no she has no all doesn't matter cuz it's hey we got two that's not bad if we can live it's not too bad got really a DP out of it nice Dash nice really good really good good what SS do we burn from them there's no flash though thly she can't do this okay I got hook in four four all right and thank you d i can t behind I'm keeping behind yeah I'm I'm pretty far behind but like this is big flank it's going to be a minute no flash FL Flash wow he actually I cannot move holy [ __ ] God nice some pig I got TP in 10 beasty flashing me that's not bad it's not bad at all can he takes no [ __ ] damage um all right should I just go Cleaver second I think I need to cleer a second just cuz going to have Flash coming up so we got to keep that in mind for the next uh when flashes I saw I just complete aite back back map oh yeah go care got package okay run he's here [ __ ] you hooks any hooks uh there's a thing in my way H I'm we kind of just walk on the can move I'm with you I'm with you nice is you're okay kind of walk into this guy she's moving toia yeah good luck bro I got nothing I got nothing I'm fine out she's just going to clean up yes run she has [ __ ] G I love bro I love that like when you first Auto with Bor it just [ __ ] slow it's the best thing ever pretty they going Baron can we stop can they yeah we can stop it we're going to have we're going have I have TP and 50 though really or no no she did not I'm down a double TP and try okay yeah I I tough I don't really have any way to give good Vision we s have to go if we give this like our odd only go down yeah yeah we we have to fight H go go [ __ ] I'm dead bro there's no way that lands yeah we I I give that I think we just slowly lose the game cuz they're going to have soul yeah yeah we have to try to fight it yeah the win got can you look for something here maybe yeah yeah I got I got W I got Alti okay there might be one here ow they can do it that's crazy re does so much damage to their in yeah it's chill as [ __ ] well she take it infinitely so let me grab oh y but we did some learning yeah no that's my bad this game's on me no but that champ is disgusting though like I can't imagine he can win level one versus bone plating when he has inspiration that makes no sense I imagine he's fighting in your wave too and he [ __ ] up his Q as well like he didn't get a q reset off he just queued me and that what yeah he just does eight summersaults on the wave as well mm okay I'll get a I'll start wording here I think that's yeah just keep just keep dropping the mid lane so we just see what the Vibes are yeah um okay their CL is Recon I'm walking bot right now let's walk bot here okay okay they know you can keep catching the waves I don't need a farm anymore to be honest bro I think I think now I have to items I think you should probably collect most of it we can maybe look to take fights around mid I mean this kist is not that strong oh we we can look maybe I can if on yeah yeah let's try we can go I'm walking I'm walking really will be coming down from from here really though it's hard okay okay just try to Kut back if it doesn't work it doesn't work yeah it's tough cuz we're double AP too oh my fault I can grab the wave but I can also let them end if we want out of this n grab the wave [ __ ] grab that wave okay wait hello teach these pigs a lesson eh # grab the Wave Wait who is this guy grab the [ __ ] wave [ __ ] right bud I'm up I'm up in five ni you got this this is oh my God holy [ __ ] bro he just hit the Electric Slide now back in now out flying in okay she go just go just fight this ship our last chance oh wait she stayed and I'm one HP he's doing a quick limit test oh wow all [ __ ] right the tank isn't quite isn't really tanking a whole lot I oh so uh he's full Bor NOP I can probably [ __ ] move get his ass now your KD looks clean as [ __ ] though yeah it wasn't my fault this this guy's like [ __ ] NB team I went 11 kills bot Lane went zero and 11 once again it's not funny on me that was my bad pick that [ __ ] again dropped 11 kills bro I don't know what's on you it's on your [ __ ] head a penis yeah iide we pick 0 plus jungle I'm thinking Varys and uh legit whatever blind pick jungle you want that isn't nocturn because we can't pick it sounds good okay what are you thinking Y what are you cooking up I if we're hypothetically getting some bar we could do z um I like Graves CA lilia's banned Hing to kinky any jungle I want of those two of love Yeah do Zin out then yeah I think Z's good I already knew there was some asterisks there I knew L was not involved that of that or you start playing ra so bro that [ __ ] that's the dog champ bro yeah BR that's doging it bro you got to really really want yeah you got to love your team bro you have to I've locked that champion once bro they can't be team play so they've confirmed the Malai support wait I'm trying to remember why I like it okay I kind of like Recon in too actually Recon in's fine I'm done for Recon what is uh is there anything like big Pro play picks that are counters it like do you know what have they usually been playing not much like anything that you could make his W follow you with is like really op so like when I W he when he WS IW kind of thing yeah um BR Bard and raon are insane here I'm down for whatever brother think I'd prefer raon yeah okay oh wait I already played Mala that's right I can't play sorry oh sorry sorry sorry sorry yeah yeah sorry but you haven't played Bard though so no no sorry I can we Ben Gwenn sure I guess we're just double Banning top we're going to double ban top and I need you to pick on four and then we get mid counter pick okay I want to ban Olaf Gwen then what are you thinking trcks sure and if cassant is banned uh or or yeah yeah uh I don't know if we can do that they toall play Darius oh or is get into Darius okay I trust you yeah bro we have got to get Meir off this account what you tweet he just retweeted the Taylor Swift album bro this is unbelievable yeah that probably wasn't here I'm not gonna lie it was probably somebody else thans are we sure sar's not running the account yeah that's that was my first thought when I saw that literally he reposted the repost no bro tell me sore is not running it right now tell me S is not an admin right now I don't think he has access hly bro I mean he might have gotten secret access because what he reposted the the initial post from Taylor Swift and then quote tweeted it afterwards yeah it's aware like how do we feel about on hit Bears here I think it's good yeah I do too what do you want mid um what do you think's good like damage or uh yeah we're pretty low damage comp can try Cory game cor's pretty safe here you can go Cory we already played Corky no oh no we did that's we play Sy unless you had like just like a hard tillia counter out of pocket but if you don't could just go quirky then I shouldn't have gone Zoe or some [ __ ] like in the draft I mean if you want to we can change it it's perfectly fine yeah it's completely allowed you can go Zoe if you guys are okay with that to them I'd ra I'd rather practice well R5 you can change him matter want y to us we'll do it to them yeah what's yeah as long as you tell them you don't just randomly change it ho [ __ ] his ivn again yeah I think it's fine it gives us a lot more proactive play in the early game so he is pretty on 2v2 oh greedy real greedy all right are we uh we are [Music] R Mr one tick dude chill bro I almost had it want to fly in a game and drop oh I almost tried to [ __ ] ban Zed cute [ __ ] probably shouldn't still Bend anyway probs not yo Nick do you think I take cleanse here or ghost can I like is it worth to cleanse anything yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure oh yeah yeah I can cleanse the affiliate grait him as well yeah okay definitely it's a really good in it's like super op in Mal guy to be honest because then he doesn't get the free knock back like he can't knock you into the team after if he I will not Glide in class I want to see some greed this game some I want to see some greed this game I want to see a lot of greed bro yeah let's get real greedy bro let's get real greedy we need Nick let's get a PMG on three brother all right Fellas on three I want to hear PMG all right here we go one two three all right that's a win on the board I can already see it holy [ __ ] bro is phas Rush met on that champ uh versus Darius it's really good it's kind of a w mans all right what do we want to do now Malai just G to throw saplings bot side we can maybe to run top if we want to I think we lose though so that's PR they got guy yeah one for sure yeah let do five pointing no problem what is what is this guy sending oh n that's chill guys my jungle n this disgusting game Bas and go sweep it love thanks for the chill XP I will be there no matter what no matter what this guy's got some fleet footwork flying like Superman oh Jaden cancel the recall god um um don't get this juicy ass Ward here y we might have to look to do something mid early if they're both M already CH okay okay that's fine yeah you if you want do that that's totally fine if we get pushed by it and I can get a cheese Ro mid like hey YB you already have one CS we getting paid and darus is in my jungle n that's cool n and well played this is not season 14 you need me to walk over or you just there's nothing I can do yeah yeah we can I don't have though we win M does nothing here I'm going to try he could flash on you but you do have I'm going to W away if he if he W Roots me I'm going to jump backwards okay so won't follow him up okay to sweep okay it it is bad if I get flashed on on this wave though so I'm just gonna wave is really really bad so I think he's goingon to call Lee to fix it okay B and Tak low mid low he sees me he sees me is definitely hovering somewhere level godamn definitely a play for sure dude no way he lives that's actually crazy that's my bad bro I could have like outplayed that hella for us but I just really did not that it was just such a dumb play for just flew I guess pigs really can fly in season 14 walks up I might do a thing walk up a little I'm walking up a little is hovering he's really desperate to get this crash I think we hard win 2v2 okay coming I want to try and predict flash here okay he just doesn't yeah he just stupid I'm just I'm just going to look at grubs I was like he's not going to flash is he is right here 100% he took one grub and he's bot he's bot he's bot you guys can fight maybe if you want I can help you I'm going to hover for the wave but L is definitely I push this [ __ ] so slow look I got to go on reset if he holds it he holds it bro it's fine yeah are able to tank oh wait we go we go we go I'm going to stay the in Cas goes up okay that was my fault taking the wave like so much we we actually go here okay look at this guy little rat all right I have boots they can't play now nice oh my gosh nice's walking up I'm good I'm good okay holy Gaza [ __ ] quirky gameplay bro here yeah yeah okay Tero oh kill him no flash mid flash 1125 B oh my God just show that just show that f a thing or two there abod like nice block that is disgusting no bro like I'm locking down no okay sorry let me let me calm down going he's going to just keep doing it I can feel playing against hang on Le like actually we crashed at Le kind of so let I can do we're coming yeah we're coming there's only two to take but I'm going to take them okay Ma is not in base so he's going to probably go top side right now just ready coming out oh that Darius is getting spaced he's your son oh my God he ghosted yeah no ghost I'm just going to hover you here man there is going to be right behind them they have no Malai they have no maai they might dive me on this wave do I have TP but H if you can get bought I will need I don't want to miss another wave I'm so we have mid TP if we need to I also I'm going to TP down I'm going to TP down I'm T down I'm Ming I think that's all you need though I'm not going to TP yeah good cleans is good well play are goobers bro thanks dude hey that was good thank you bro dude I like the team camaraderie here I mean yeah I mean I'm absolutely in love with it for you like that I'm going to ask you to blow it off smooth sorry uh hitting tower now Jin now Jin now Jin what was nickit doing exactly five years ago on twitter.com secret meme or you know you know all say apparently my profile was fire as [ __ ] 14 make sure we're playing for that oh [ __ ] is he coming to face with me this guy just jump scared me bro what the [ __ ] dude I thought we almost just recreated that clip of like Leona flash what is my support doing man you canos they probably have stuff now to be honest okay this time5 okay so they M has flash back up okay yeah yeah oh [ __ ] is going top of those s careful oh wait I'm moving no I'm chilling I'm going to walk up there I'm going to shatter you now that's an American right there I mean bro that's why bro that's lit why I wanted someone with Mobility so I can just bring them come here I'm with you yep good bro that's all you Beast I got two too I'm locking back down this fight would you say that you are kinky oh my God bro I'd be living if I were oh good lord that's chill though they got got there though little level one n it's chill that was a good by the way that no that was a really really nice Recon brother it's a TP from tiia I love time [Music] runner dude why is this guy just [ __ ] walk I don't know bro like it's just I don't get it either man okay I'm going to reset for Drake here I'm a little bit behind on Tempo on you I'll do the thing on him chill we can just St they can't like Rush the dragon I don't think yeah he's going to see me so be careful but I'm walking yeah we see they're posturing I don't have ult Nock has no kick we're fine we see Mal's no flash for now I don't know what the timer is on that um Malai should have ult coming up I don't have mine we do have to be careful you don't have your ult either so we need to we need to make sure Le I don't remember which way he went okay he's here mid's like one HP with no TP we can just do it oh [ __ ] iOS has really garbage guns yeah this just should be like free as [ __ ] I'm just going to posture up here what's your posture looking like it's a good posture bro I'm not nerd necking right now yeah I'm worried about Lee but like lowkey frog it M's missing s here he's here look no way I get I have cool Downs W two one I just flashed into the bounce house okay I got you guys appreciate you big dog that was a good read from you what the [ __ ] I'm going I have a ton of gold I know but like this guy's just going to base right oh I'm here yep o what a beautiful sequence there bro that was like that was like poetry in motion there b we50 we basally you start cling your top side I'll get set up on it and then we'll do it is going to be pretty strong so we got to be careful now not strong enough I mean our our jungle's up a lot po ramped up a bit y yeah like I one shot anybody that can bubble a game so it's there for I'm going to keep I'm honestly if you do you want to push mid and then hover bot for me right here Jaden is that possible and we if nothing works we got up soon so we need to I can just oh that's a good shout I can walk I can sweeping they're all top side they're going to try and play for this I think this is theirs just because they have uh I have is pretty strong here okay I'm going to come collect red the darus has no sums and no R so I think we can contest I maybe we should yeah yeah then good I'm fine I'm fine I don't want to you're chilling we get for free nice I'm pretty low I'm pretty low I have ult I have ult we can look you can hit some okay I it's nothing as well just a freey Darius is already here we have to be careful poke off on oh my God know you do all that for recall he's looking for recall can we look on Mid let's look on Mid I have Al eight we have numbers we have numbers and I feel there's no is dead oh my God I'm locking mid I'm locking mid careful don't over commit nice on the good job I'm now it's just all dragon now it's just all go Dragon yeah go dragon Go Dragon I can I can Zone with uh with bubbles and stuff I don't think they'll contest so honestly I think we can I'm going to push yeah I'm going to reset I have L it's just keep in mind so oh they're making a play I'm yeah it's a it's a dog [ __ ] play I'm fine they forgot I have EU movement K him kill him kill him I'm [Music] sorry behind behind this dude Breezy B okay crazy we're moving we're moving moving should he's dead [ __ ] right and thank for the shut down brosi oh low that thing careful for Darius he could be like ghost into this J oh my god he has no ghost he has no ghost okay I I can't even though it's fine it's fine first don't hit this random what is going on by the way I can match Darius I think better than you can I you're a brick wall but I can legit this flash okay wait I can TP behind this if we want to go and we can do Nash after I got TP in two I think we should make a double TP play soon but like maybe not now le no flash what's the timer on AO flash it's up it's up okay I can't really one shot tiia she has double defensive items and Mer she's going so make sure you guys are going items that I can upgrade by the way basic I you can just type or and it'll show you all the ones or holy [ __ ] I can go Triforce this game are they they saw me here can they start this with a I'm going lock it now thank you Sano be yep ruin my [ __ ] B oh you really can't upgrade Terminus either what the [ __ ] it's okay you have that beautiful item he is here come here I'm going to eat we we can play this maybe we where they he just one ta and are right here and right here yeah yo we're just trying to like literally just stroke it out until this Dragon I don't know yeah we're getting a little bit excited I can't lie clear out that Baron Vision they have yes we can try I mean aili stayed by the way I can also look for a play here just to get the I'd be totally down yeah try and for feel flash we go I think they know we here maybe oh walking over good I'm going to keep hitting I'm going to keep hitting okay yeah that's good uh we want to look to start the I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine not Ni no I'm de okay that's Darius flash though right yeah yeah yeah Darius flash okay just break mid just break mid andite up up I have TP I have TP we can't yeah yeah I am dead hitting here ifon can hit darus we can win I think it's up I have TP when I'm up fine okay I'll have flash when I'm up anybody else flash there and join that uh Darius flash I have darus that's fine and I think has we're going all we're going to have all their flash except mid for this uh dragon which is huge so I think that's all it matters bro yep TR say I didn't realiz we yeah we we defin your on Mal Mal is down just keep watching for yeah just keep watching for Mal that's all we gotta be ready for them to just like we have double TP actually they can't do they can't go Rush Nash off of this no if they do try and has good guns they can do it really fast the only thing his guns are terrible for now anyone got something I can upgrade or not yet uh I'm almost unlocked I'm going I I pivoted the death C so it'll be a little bit okay I'll have pav soon after I get uh rage blade I'm just going to go full pank oh if you guys can get a controler on your bases just make sure to snag one yeah yeah just this Dragon will matter I'm not the Tank Man by the way so are you gonna have locket before drag no I don't think so I don't have no I need 400 if you can get toa's banshees before Drake if possible I don't know bot we should probably go make a play right now W on weely go do some on Darius yeah Z Top I mean the STP STP did they not do bar here iash holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] they should be fing top the red horn of Ontario Oh [ __ ] I'm dead walkinging cut it down we're good I'm just dead he [ __ ] wait for they can we need I'm going to start walking up to Baron can you guys do that I need to oh it's going to be a bit of a blow chill chill they're actually on Nash I think no yeah yeah I'm walk let's do Soul then let's do Soul get the you want me to try you can get mid you can get mid break M respond here just be careful flying out we good I'm just for got help I mean they committ a lot it's not a big deal yeah that was a lot bro what was that that was Al Le Al uh fio Assa maai knite I got Tower going to reset I have death cap upgrade two towers for that uh s can you avoid upgrading mine unless it's on cool down yeah yeah yeah get I'm ready whenever oh go go it you don't have me so be careful try Okay darus isn't R you guys I think I'm dead I think I just oh I'm running to you I'm running to you I'm running to you nice okay upgrade me can Team help here what upgrade yo upgrade me quick okay nice oh wait I'm pulling up like a dog no flash okay his ghost is going to get him out he's probably not a [ __ ] race car right now wait he's he just walked back in what I'll do a little bit of trolling okay upgrade me dude shut up I fight this guy what like wait what shut up you actually stun locked him Lally fighting ailo stair going what okay upgrade me we get B after I can reset we wanted him yeah we let we just do and leave okay Walk It Out make sure we don't get TP and run down I don't think this havep I don't know she might we can look to just chill on their B and see we have like a 20 second time over there no Darius um we definitely want to reset here okay care here they're all going to be top be careful I'm pushing bot right now one HP wait wait we can go can we go on him yeah yeah we can find him hit that speed boost one minut toer we have 1 minute to eler okay yep nice okay from base to Streeter okay yep guys this this corki is kind of Z oh thank wait wait wait do you have an extra one I have a oh I got you I got you next okay okay ADC Lo N I need more oh good bro upgrade tonight queen I'm flashing on Darius upgrade my item n sounds like a [ __ ] idea is top 20 seconds I don't know what this doing I'd like to pull this if we don't have everyone unless Zoe can Zone I have Flash and 22 can how long can we sto this I should be dead it's okay it's okay I'm dead though I'm dead I'm fine no you got that beautiful Dragon I might be dead oh no I'm fine oh carious no brother left behind never that okay no flash yet get yeah it's fine just just don't let Le don't let Le Zone Zone where'd he go down here he went he went to the side went this way are they trolling yeah they're trolling yeah just finish hit okay he flashed he's starving that brother's starving that brother is starved he's definitely not getting ground yeah yeah we're tapped in brother we're tapped in that up we go yeah now chill level one bro appreciate itate it en your disgusting cheese bro look at his Icon by the way he's legit evil YB silver who Breezy Bay with aent icon that was wb's old Name by the way if you guys didn't know he actually went by that until I'm not going to say bro insane on the spot waffling by the way generational D I'm not going to one shot somebody's [ __ ] do Sky off with this build yeah you look like you're having the most fun ever bro I don't even have to play him bro I'm like jumping out the portals and [ __ ] wait um don't back okay never mind oh no that's all good it's all good link up with me link up with me oh [ __ ] I'm on hey I'm on the way big body okay macro wise I'm gonna go bot okay I'm gonna go bot yeah yeah I can t let's just look for angles you know I'm on the way big fella for some nasty double angles I'm going really quick darious just [ __ ] hit stri Breer in the bush like a boss why s you bro that me up brother sure dab me up bro I can get bot Tower here we we should we should link up with me yeah yeah we push one mid and then we just all go bot yeah and then we can just take mid and H after bot tier two get rid of their pulling up when Me And My Gang pull up [ __ ] chill as [ __ ] watch this they playing are they yeah I don't know watch this [ __ ] make sure we're behind s drop I miss go mid just play behind me make sure you're behind me and I got you with a Redemption big fell chill chill that thing you have Redemption by lane lane by Lane TP top TP top brick byck go Brick by Brick we go Lane by Lane here buying items bro chill keep going here okay we're losing Elder soon I have Flash in two minutes I I get Top push switcher there see that yeah with both eyes I saw that w why have try it try it bro behind me care out care careful all right we can poke here we can poke here yeah yeah I live He's dead he's bubble he's bubble can't move I think we're just going to I think we will too do the thing and leave respectfully I won't [ __ ] just nah probably shouldn't holy [ __ ] ion guys this this Cork's Zoe no is this okay or hope they don't mind if we apply some some what worked for others it'll work did did that cut out I don't even want to stay it anymore hey you're welcome fans that was always a pleasure do that was chill that second game doesn't count no like what the [ __ ] was that basically what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] vacon sent by the way like that [ __ ] I could not focus for like first five minutes Bruce I meant nice bro hey good set there guys I like actually the communication's actually really good it's getting really good [ __ ] right dude dare I say we could win the Open qualifier I would could I mean i' say we will why say so as well why don't we just do it like we're let's just do it who stop us who's gonna stop us bro probably not dardo and a bunch of [ __ ] old ass Academy players there's 35 it's it's over for them why got jungled by Mike young um Mike young Mike young just [ __ ] on over world's oldest old is crazy bro these old names are crazy not the same age as all them I think I'm actually older than all these guys you just listed by way the first 45y old Collegiate player that's probably not me J race is like guys I'm completing my Master's Degree that I completed 15 years ago again and also who who looking for a jungle it's my third major not that funny bro guys I want to go to bed because I'm up at 4 a if you guys didn't know so all right I'll see you later stay hard Nick stay hard hey GG's guys it's fun guys see next that was fun thanks for watching before we get to the clips remember to leave a like drop a comment and subscribe to the sano's YouTube channel remember if you want to submit clips for the next one check out sancha stream clip your favorite moment and then either DM me on Twitter or shoot an email to sanov Clips gmail.com today's Clips were subed by Umami Johnny Mr sauce and iock wait I'm going to my next team fight I'm going to play as Vladimir oh brother this guy stinks Jon donate $33.33 you look like Steve jobless [ __ ] to Babushka those are my abilities those are my animations for my abilities they have no idea this is good nice try well I've I've obviously like inspected my penis and by just examining it I know what it would taste like that is not good donation timing I know what it would taste like texture-wise if I were to eat a penis because I have a penis and I just know that it wouldn't taste [Music] [Music] [Music] good
Channel: Sanchovies
Views: 45,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sanchovies, yassuo, moe, twitch, league of legends, LoL, league, tft, irelia, challenger, Funny, best irelia na, best irelia plays, best irelia player, best top laner, top lane, twitch rivals, loltyler1, tyler1, 100T, irelia guide, pentakill, imaqtpie, nightblue3, gosu, trick2g, tfblade, boxbox, camille montage, best camille na, camille, shiphtur, pokimane, best irelia, support, builds, meta, broken, funny, highlights, montage, ratirl, rat, viktor, egirl, faker, problem, drama, cringe, girl, mid, lane, valorant, bet, challenge
Id: 2wCXG7PnW7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 51sec (5631 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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