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yesterday I got a notification on Instagram that a girl called Ashley likes my tweet so I run I run to my phone to check out this person named Ashley that liked my my Instagram photo I mean and it turns out that it's a guy who names a son Ashley you're setting yourself up for bullying [Music] it's doing cheating I don't have any ADC champs I only have ash and Sivir so I can't but I'm gonna play Omni bored it's the funnest champ in the [ __ ] game Omni Barda is so fun play man and it's legit 1v9 it's actually one of the nine this next game isn't even gonna be close it's gonna be straight 1v1 performance Omni bard is broken I did it I was in a bunch and it's so fun more than I lost yeah I love it when you Roman leave me everything [Laughter] [Music] staying on your friends yeah make fun of them it's really funny confident you pull your front of luxury hilarious anchovies Oh Pete's yard oh my god how's that I feel like he literally duped it like he's double lift for them soon mr. facets right bye-bye [Music] ugly ispeed you Oh [Music] Oh God all right we need to cut up cuz they're right scoot I want ravine hind in the game I have all the second we kill turret [Music] yes sir [Music] [Music] take that [ __ ] yeah [Music] [ __ ] maybe this guy's on pumping that this build actually or is his night hey he's gonna he's [ __ ] City gonna [ __ ] on me you're Dennis [ __ ] kid [Music] why is my max get some flown and Avanti is that a thing wait why honest I have no tax Peter devotee why [Music] he steals your taxes [ __ ] away [Music] what's up we got aced yes wait they're taking drag CP behind me pop just push them in right it's okay oh my god yeah we just have to play four oceans I think or if like someone's trolling on the map we picked them well we don't win 5v5 right now with this team it's so cringe actually I don't silver [ __ ] player we're good it's just hard men like why are silver games so hard to win we win these I'm not even worried it's so free game [Music] all right you had a signal yeah it's really short cooldown doesn't matter too much but yeah I'm getting my prayers oh nice nice cool this is here nice dragons up in 30 let's reset then we'll get back in half each this warwick is mentally ill men [Music] hi Saint [ __ ] god bro why is he looks so hard it's actually impossible but it's so hard to win in this alone yeah it's actually a harder than challenge like no joke now I know why all my peers are heart stuff and complain about the teammates this is hard I have to try harder and Zilber said I have to try stuff I'm literally sweating the keyword has my sweat on it yes oh yeah go all the way I need man afloat come here give me give me wait anger baby I got man so yeah we can go on work on problem sin Shanna oh okay oh Darius just went well - and rage quit we did 2:45 [Music] No yeah I'm darksteel and Arden I'm just a little kitten at this point sweet easy [Music] I think I'm dead no one no kid I think [Music] your votes yeah we can yeah okay I'm gonna knock him up and you can hold this to their and it's actually going to get kills here but then I have [Music] the [ __ ] man we're ice Oh No yes no ah please okay no no stop blaming me no no stop blaming me 8:45 and I'm getting one shot buy rice shut the [ __ ] up why you believe me like it's not 45 no no we win you said it's lost last time and I carried I'm gonna carry again yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly they're gonna [ __ ] end the game oh my [ __ ] god all right well he's literally mad that it's a 4v5 our degree is rich Fitz it's a four it's a 45 our Darius rates quits he makes a call to run it down mid hey when they're just literally all topped with a rise and then they just end the game and he's like oh my bed and then he's mad he's not mad at all yes he is he's fuming because he's pk yo yo what's up man hey sash how you doing dude you need a napkin [ __ ] and that before your tears for your tears crier crier you need I says mine is better angle I know 30 years was terrible I destroyed even you that's that's you that's sanch yes and I was wonderful I know put yo let's run it down mid but they have her eyes let's saw actually let me go fight with Wrangler throw shield at him and then not let's go man let's go with I think but I'm gonna ban rise clearly you can't handle that champ wait let me buy a ATK who should I buy how about you go for shin at which mean one thumb on thorn fish today I'm scared scared to go twitch no no I'm gonna play some twitch and for all of you guys that are like oh but I mean I'm actually really good at switch okay I'm on voice and he's not I guess I just got ditched this is the worst invade ever is just such a bad idea Anton I thought I was in this whole time are you laughing you're laughing I'm smurfing in their peak I'm smurfing on a peak but you gotta first be I am first blood and I burned jungle foxhole the one like what more like that put a support now scream take notes so work clash is worth way more than jungle flush why does a jungler ever need flash in the early game cuz if he ever gets picked for anything in the jungle yeah he doesn't flash you guys silver and your nominee for freedom look yeah yeah yeah field goal [Laughter] I'm fun did you didn't he I thought you oh wait he's Charlie you're so bad you didn't say that you're gonna do that you're supposed to say if you're gonna do something you shouldn't know you should know I should know that you're gonna flash it like a it's okay I'm meditating I'm gonna have a cease and she yep oh you know what it is we have your doing work always a permit what are you doing beta beta BAM [Music] he's literally dead [Music] Oh morning Oh Maxine Lloyd let's stick with this you support IAT Carrie all right well test it out until we could a little swap every time we lose all right that that sounds really fun actually let's do that all right to you you know what it is respect does that mean oh just gonna hit my everything [Music] nice and gone [Music] you're gonna catch that you're gonna take that [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay it's games so Freeman maybe you want to ATC is that's what it is maybe it's you not on support' yeah it's fishy you're really angry you're about to rage quit silver I'm not there did you go to you boy I'm doing alright smells fishy because there's a Nami [Music] yeah just wait till Christmas told Judy Jen are you yes we're player because you miss playing I miss flayed okay yeah Flemming how does it I miss play how did I miss play I thought he had no window wall number one yes I was face gliding Nocturne pigs mean he waits till Hanukkah to [ __ ] presses our button [Music] GG losers Oh still free oh my god can't really just scare them again yeah we were about to take you take those it's just so free men this was easy I don't how people get stuck in this more facts what do you have bronze 3 6 Elfie okay we're exactly matching okay respect now we're gonna twin until we get challenger together exactly the pros like homies yep acquaintances and lovers no [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Sanchovies
Views: 174,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sanchovies, yassuo, moe, karim, twitch, league of legends, LoL, league, tft, irelia, challenger, diamond, Funny, best irelia na, best irelia plays, best irelia player, best top laner, top lane, twitch rivals, tcs, loltyler1, tyler 1, tyler1, 100T, irelia guide, pentakill, imaqtpie, nightblue3, gosu, trick2g, voyboy, tfblade, boxbox, moe yasuo, irelia montage, camille montage, best camille na, camille, jax, vladimir, best vladimir na, shiphtur, pokimane, best irelia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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