Sampling The Million Dollar Mine

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howdy there guys Connor with CNT mining out here with Anthony we're going to go do a little bit of sampling in our Hard Rock mine and definitely an exciting day little bit of a drive but we're going to hike way the hell up that hill and hopefully get into some gold thank you all for joining us for this hike Anthony always ready for a [Music] hike [Music] slow going but it sure is neat getting to go over these tailings and look at them as you go I like to break stuff up and just kind of get an idea what they are mining you know it's uh it's amazing just when you start going into the side of a hill like that you H all these different contact zones and different or bodies a lot of different stringers just with different mineralization different colors of quartz super cool I'll try to show you some more of that as we hike up the [Music] hill [Music] w [Music] I think this is just so neat we have these big Cedars and a very blah [Music] Hillside got some fresh water good for washing your hands or something and a portal that we're definitely going to have to do some work with but look how clean that rock face is definitely some uh dangerous overhanging Rock we'll have to get rid of as we start mining this that looks like a nice place to eat your lunch during the summertime back that's a juniper neat beautiful [Music] view [Music] yeah that would be pretty NE just talking about how there's some sort of grape up here almost wonder if it was brought in Anthony just pointed out we got a little bird nest right there well in we go start making the shuffle a little warmer in here you can see there's some little shoot off to the right here now that's got hardly nothing going on with it and into some musty air but overall it's a pretty tall mine a little bit of rough on the entrance here but not too bad definitely want to wear your mucks last time I did not have a pair and I got soak and wet give you guys a little tour to mine [Applause] here they are doing some exploratory work in here [Music] little bit not [Music] much definitely would be interesting to try to get this drained you see they had some track in here little bit right there you can see that or body then coming into here goes way up [Music] there definitely some softer material but still pretty stable for what it is [Music] all what's neat about this is it's one of the few mines I can actually stand all the way up in and it's nice and echoey pretty stable Rock in here see they did little pushes off to the side exploratory wise [Music] one of the coolest things with this mine you got this awesome little section of flow Stone super cool it's got all these really cool little pellets in here [Music] so now we theorize that this was back filled when the mine was closed so we'll definitely be curious to see what comes that take a little bit of [Music] work got more of this uh strip rail here they had some actual rails that were pretty neat so this is where it faces out look like they had intend to go further here they never did got some vein in there I know somewhere we chipped into this and we found some pretty massive sulfide so super neat I walked right by it twice what do you know I think that goes to some upper workings not 100% sure I think there's more up there and you got that little turn there and I think that's associated with it kind of a pain of the butt getting back down but nope this is just a little Stope oops well try to get back down there with no broken bones he'll have to just roll me down the side of the Hill this is kind of neat there's been enough water coming through [Music] here this step does not want to move it literally practically Break The Rock [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I'm trying to do here is exposed some of this vein so we can get a sample out of that probably should be using my [Music] head M tasty it looks like some pretty good [Music] stuff oo that would have been an expensive mistake I think Red Beard almost caught herself on fire in that one sounds like it oh it's [Applause] moving woo ow beautiful there we go little piece took out I'll go ahead and get that sacked up and call that a sample maybe get a little more look pretty good to me and action awesome yeah big old chunk right where the vein starts to pinch off too only about you know 30 minutes where to shis L on the bang for you know a little bit more all right we got a pretty decent sample out of this not too bad so get that hauled out of here and let's go take another sample well here's the next spot we're working it would almost appear as if there was some visible gold in this who's just say we'll find out when we get on the dry [Music] side [Music] [Music] come [Music] well he's going to take the slow route I figure I just want to kind of get to the bottom here woo that's thick rock holy hell well we're back home now we're going to go ahead and test this sample here now this is just dust off the face there's a lot of course material in there so I'll have to get that off but hopefully we'll be able to see a little bit of gold just from the uh what the Chisel is able to knock down for us before I can get this to the mill and get it crushed [Music] right there got one little micro Fleck and there's another one hiding over here so there is values in this we'll have to see what it comes when it crushes down there's lots of sulfide in this so we'll have to figure out what that is as well we have a sneaking suspicion it's some sort of Galina I appreciate yall joining us on today's adventure hopefully you enjoyed it and if you did hit that like And subscribe button and uh look forward to some more videos coming out of this mine over the next year
Channel: C & T Mining
Views: 4,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: idhBxAQMu50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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