Exploring A 1 1/2 OZ Per Tone Mine, In Gold Hill Oregon.

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foreign as you can see or not small little trench there right over here you're getting the first look at it with me is an edit hopefully we will see oh we got this guy right here intriguing somebody's definitely been poking at it that bright yellowy orange neat stuff a little big old pit there that's pretty neat so to my understanding this is an iron Prospect not necessarily for gold but still extremely neat [Applause] it's pretty darn cool whoa that's scary huh my foot just slipped in the ground a Bunches of wire here interesting well there is reference to a main entrance that doesn't look like there's much there looks like just a test pit to me it's still pretty intriguing Telegraph Wire Maybe I have no clue how's it going good day to be on the hill huh that is for sure now here you can tell by the size of that cut and the size of the tailings pile we're standing on that probably hasn't had it in there that's pretty cool now this guy just completely collapsed at this point and hopefully we'll be able to open it up at some point now this is the secondary workings and they were working in the court stringers producing three million gold now on my previous exploration of this area I discovered there's some scrap ore right here but this entire pile is or and as you dig into it you'll find much larger pieces now here's a handful I was breaking up and right in line here where you can see this ore pile goes straight down past the other at it and down to a mill site well I did lose a few things when I was up here the last time and well there's one of them need drink water so as you can see we've got some milled boards notched Lumber and some big old nails and that type of thing and then right in here well you could see that there is some quartz and I suppose not just some but quite a bit here's a nice little sample I grabbed real quick foreign if I'm not mistaken this is not only a cabin site but this is the original Mill site that's the top deck to the Shaker table you can tell it's been there a long time considering a tree grew right through the center of it I went into one that was worse than that yeah didn't you say that you described that one up uh up the creek I'm not going to name it but you went in with your buddy when you were younger and found a little something living in there yeah so oh in the winter time yeah so always a word of caution when exploring Minds and I'd say one of the things that makes this one so nerve-wracking is this right here first of all the fact that I'm having to climb up there's been all of this Slough off and collapse and you have to climb through that really small area and as you can see it's slick very slick so when you're trying to push yourself out and a bunch of ore out has nerve-wracking a little slim huh that's pretty cool you can see all the pick marks intriguing let me do some looking around right here and I'll bring the camera back on wow see and you can tell he unpicked this entire thing foreign [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] because I made it made it ah more yummy yummy pyrites and today I might actually go over that we'll find out thank you what are you doing there Anthony well got the little Falcon mini metal detector here people give us any signals in here okay good stuff a pretty neat piece of equipment to be honest big shout out to our buddy for to us now here's the face you can see a vein right here right there got another vein right in here and then one right there he's probably that same vein back there and a little itty bitty one back into here it's pretty curious as well but I don't really see anything now fair enough all right well we made it to the face just amazing all the mineralization in here amazing how echoey it is too it's a good sinus stability this is very narrow careful with that mud can release gases and more of that red stain oh he's got something foreign pretty good that was the piece almost perfectly you can see major iron standing in there light up really good iron staining good to see that mineralization what's intriguing is as you can see his pick marks in here aside from ours getting even more intense going down even up here you can see it and you can see some of the minor sulfides which is pretty neat and then you get iron banding up here as well which is also intriguing I don't know if that's the war body he was chasing but I'm assuming so because it runs the entire length pretty well we made it out of the mine I gotta admit that's a spooky one that really gets me going on my nerves first mine in quite a while that really just don't want to go in so we're out of mind and partner out what'd you think of that one uh-huh if somebody does find it but we're not going fair enough yeah this is in the Gold Hill district so if you do find it at your own caution probably wouldn't
Channel: C & T Mining
Views: 6,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bHC3068K7ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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