Sammy "The Bull" Brought Heat to Our Ecstasy Ring | Sit Down with Shaun Attwood | Michael Franzese

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the ecstasy scene of business in the uh in the late 90s was allegedly i always say allegedly ran by sammy bolgravano out of phoenix arizona and a guy by the name of sean atwood he was originally from england and you know sean describes a story they're all in a room him and all his accomplices uh wild man and acid joe and guys like that and all in a room and they're doing some smack or whatever the heck they're doing and a cop happens to smell marijuana he says and he comes into the door of the house and he says all of you are under arrest and some guy with long hand allegedly mexican mafia pulls out a gun points it in as a cop's face and said the only one that's not leaving this room is you [Music] [Music] hey everybody welcome to another sit down with michael francis hope everybody's doing well and i got a good one for you today it's a story of sean atwood now how would i describe this it's kind of like the wolf of wall street meets the english guy fascinating story a stock broker gets involved in the ecstasy business uh in a big way something that i'm familiar with not because i was in the business but because i was impacted by it in a way and i'll get into that but it's a great story uh sean is a fascinating character he's had uh you know entanglement with sammy gravano's crew out in arizona involved in this whole ecstasy uh business and it's going to be something you're really going to enjoy so we're going to get into that but before we do that the community is growing i would advise you please to go on right now and look at getting involved in the crew i mean i i really mean you're going to enjoy it we're putting a lot of great content in there there's a lot more involvement with me we're doing zoom calls twice a month uh we're answering a lot of questions we're giving a lot of insight a lot of life lessons a lot of business lessons you know coming out of this pandemic a lot of people are encouraging one another i think it's something that's going to be good it's an extension what i've been doing for 25 years going around the world sharing my stories talking with people trying to encourage them give them insight couple other things the tv series we've gotten the pilot i've read it it's terrific it's terrific i'm really excited about it and again for those of you that are in my inner circle in my crew you're going to get you know advanced knowledge of this and we're going to be giving you things that other people are not going to be getting right away so you know join that crew and this is another advantage that's coming your way mafia democracy my next book people keep asking me where can i buy it it's not out yet we're not releasing it until the summer but you're going to enjoy it's going to give you some real insight into how our government is operating today more bomb-like than ever before trust me on that so those are all the good things coming up but now let's get into shaun atwood's story fascinating sean it's a pleasure to have you on sean atwood you have a i would say an illustrious career done a lot of different things you're now in the united kingdom where you have a huge following you know people enjoy listening to you on youtube and and uh you know in every other space that you're on i'd like to get into this sit down and just talk about some things you know we have some things in common we both spent time in prison we both did the wrong thing at one point in time and now we're doing the right things together at least we we certainly appear to be trying to do that and we've both reached a couple of milestones in our lives so with that let's start out with you i know i got to get back to this a little bit you're a very intelligent guy you know i read up on you watched your interviews you carry yourself well conduct yourself well you know you you're brilliant in your dealings in the stock market from a young age up why don't you tell us just a little bit about that so people understand you know my viewers at least who you are and and and where you came from yeah so as a kid in the 80s i watched that movie wall street greed is good and it resonated because i'm from a small chemical manufacturing town in the industrial northwest of england in between liverpool and manchester so growing up didn't have much money watching wall street absolutely dazzled by the lifestyle of the corporate raider gordon gekko and greed is good right yeah in school i had an economics teacher called mr dillon and only a handful of us chose economics nobody was interested in it he saw i had a particular aptitude so he started giving me classes on my own now here in the uk you've got this publication called the financial times it's like a pink newspaper and mr dillon is flicking through the financial times showing me all the stock market numbers you know the day's high low p ratio dividend yeah high year low and telling me what all that means so i've got this manic energy if i'm enthusiastic about something i throw this manic energy into it went down the library ordered dozens of books on the subject and i quickly learned that it wasn't just a mathematical phenomenon it was psychology crowd psychology in particular so as a kid i was reading books like labon the crowd extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds by charles mckay and all this stuff was sinking in now at 16 years old i wanted to invest margaret thatcher she was privatizing british telecom shares in this country so i went to my parents for money now my parents were labor supporters so you guys have got you know the republicans and the democrats labour are for they were supporting back then the miners who were striking i know some americans might look at it as socialism or whatever my parents were hardcore labor supporters so when i went to them for money to invest in a margaret thatcher privatization they were like bugger off we're not stories we're not conservatives like your name so a light bulb went off over my head my nan now on sundays i would eat sunday dinner at my parents house and i was so ravenous as a teenager i'd run down to my nan's and eat another sunday dinner down there so after my second sunday dinner i popped my nan the question hey nan can you lend me 50 quid 50 pounds probably about 70 80 back then to invest in british telecom and the stock market sure so she gives me the money it doubles on the first day of dealings and i was hooked from that age let me ask you this what did your parents think when you when you uh doubled your grandmother's money did they want in at that point they welted in on the action and margaret thatcher started to privatize the british gas i think it was british steel all the different water companies so over the years as i went into university i had all my family members on board we had accounts in everybody's names we were thinking about opening accounts in the pet dog's name at one point just to get in on these privatizations because you each person who applied definitely got an allocation even if it was a small allocation so it was in your interest to do as many applications as possible so by the end of it they were right in there with me yes i figured that sean let me let me ask you this you're a legitimate guy you're doing everything in business legitimately but you just start to think in your mind you know how do i cut corners how do i capitalize on this how do i pay less tax you know did you start to think and maneuver the reason i ask you that because i started out legit also and then for some reason you know things come into your head hey i think i can make more if i do it this way i don't know if i want to pay this tax i don't know if some of us are just inclined to think that way uh and some of us are just straight no we're not going to do that you know like we're going to keep everything straight we're going to play by the book what was your uh you know how did you maneuver it how did you turn okay so as a kid i wasn't thinking about tax considerations but i did go into great areas of the law so for example when i graduated from liverpool university i had visited arizona as a teen i was dazzled people rolled out the red carpet particularly the women when they heard the english accent so i'm thinking i want some of that after i graduate so didn't think twice about getting a work visa i jumped on the plane with my student credit cards and i had an aunt who she actually had changed my date of birth in my passport when i was 16 so i was 21. took me out nightclub in arizona to zazu's nightclub on camelback road and she's introduced me to all these beautiful american women as paul mccartney's nephew so you know document um forgery was not out of my realm so with my aunt we schemed whereby as i'm applying for these jobs as a stock broker in phoenix if anyone asks my work visa we're just gonna go to the office depot whatever it is get a printing set stamp h1b1 visa in my passport you know in my mind it was like i'll be in the business world gordon gekko greed is good is my mantra i'm here to conquer you know the stock market nothing is going to get in my way so you're kind of you're kind of predisposed to doing that kind of stuff and you know so is i i mean i'll be honest with you you know when i was in business i was looking to cut corners i don't know where my moral compass was at that point i wasn't looking to do hardcore bad things but you know cutting corners to to get ahead um whereas like i said other people they they don't even want to think that way you know i know people that are so straight they're afraid to do anything out of the realm of what's legal but you know guys like you and i you know i don't know we we're just pre-destined to do something else you know even today sean i'll be honest with you even today you know in business things pop into my mind all the time and you know i i say this honestly i say this in church when i'm speaking i said look you know i stole a lot of money from the government you know and defrauding them out of tax on on in the gasoline business i was in and i said right now today i don't have any moral issue with defrauding the government out of taxes morally i don't i don't have a problem with it because i think i'll do better with the money than they will they're all thieves anyway and they're robbing it the difference is now i won't do it because i don't want to put my wife and you know children in trouble i don't want to break the law but my my moral compass says it's it's okay but i won't do it because i don't want to get in trouble you know it's a different thing i i think maybe you feel the same way we've both got that rebellious spirit and i completely agree about the government the political class is the biggest mafia and you know less money for them to spend on bombing the poorest countries in the world right that's the way i view it but i don't want to go back sheriff joe arpaio's jail i'll scared the bejesus out of me and i live a very safe law-abiding life right now let me ask you did you meet joe arpaio did he uh personally visit you i see all these video clips of sheriff joe on the youtube and he's got all these adoring inmates around him wearing the black and white pajamas saying sheriff joe you know you got me off the drugs and here i am the reality was whenever sheriff joe entered the maricopa county jail system all of a sudden you would hear banging on the walls yeah the combination sink toilet banging on the metal and this banging just grew louder and louder and louder and then you'd hear you up you eat this you take this home to your family you know you treat your family like this and you'd see this little guy walk in with his goon squad circling him like these massive guys and all his abuse would just rain down and down and down upon him and then he disappeared wow that's what the prisoners thought about that piece of yeah that that's what i i assume but we'll get to that i want to get to the prison stuff i want to i want to move along with the store so you're making a lot of money in the stock market at a young age and then all of a sudden it seems like the club scene and you know the the nightlife and the high life like that kind of you know got into your system or into your brain and and and things started to change tell us about it yeah this is really a story of two people because people look at me and just see the boy next door but my best friend from childhood who died last year's funeral just before christmas is up here i don't if you could see him his name is wild man yeah he was um six foot two twenty eight and a half stone when he died i think one stone's like 14 pounds so he was a big fella and when we were kids i was the studious one i did do some risk-taking stuff but he was out committing violent crimes in his school he when he grew big he picked the school teacher up and put him in the dumpster and the teachers were so scared of him they had him outside raking leaves of the caretaker that's what it was like the last few years at school with him before he went to prison in my hometown there is a quarry in a place called pax hill and if you get through the iron railings there's a tree overlooking the quarry that me and peter wildman used to call the thinking tree and that's where we set our goals so me wild man and his cousin hammy are on the thinking tree discussing what we're going to do with our lives so wild man says i'm going to spend the rest of my life in prison i've got red dots in my head telling me to hurt people and hermie asked me what i'm going to do i say look i'm going to go over to america make a million in the stock market and fly you guys over which i eventually did and so while then i said look you're not going to spend the rest of your life in prison i'm going to fly you to america and you're going to get a job as a wrestler because i've been watching stuff like andre the giant things like that back then i'm thinking wild man can channel his aggressive energies into that won't go to prison this is my idealistic teenage dream for us so for five years in arizona i'm just working diligently in the stock market as a stock broker first two years it's commission only i'm leaving living off cheese sandwiches and bananas not making any money wondering you know worried i'm gonna have to come home because all i'm doing is living off my student credit cards but five years in i'm the top guy in the office grossing half a million a year wild man flies over he's done a prison sentence for a robbery with violence in england flying to arizona and i get him a place to stay at which is right by the georgian dragon british pub central phoenix i'm thinking while i'm at work he'll just chill out have a beer with the expats and he won't cause any trouble so within a couple of months of him staying at this place i go over there with my girlfriend at the time we knock on the door a bunch of mexicans answer the door i say where's peter peter there's no peter here like yeah peter lives here like pizza no no peter they all pull guns out me and my girlfriend start backtracking across the road a wild man just bounces over the road all smiles i'm like what the peter you just really got a shot what is going on with your place he goes oh don't worry about them they're the local crack dealers they like to move around a lot i've rented that place out to them because they do like to move around a lot they've got me living in their place over the street they're giving me as much crack as i want for free because because they're buzzing because i can do a hundred dollar crack rock in one breath geez and the boss is the colombian guy at the back there and he wants to invest in the stock market so that house ended up with a corpse on the doorstep i'm working in the brokerage get a call from my aunt she goes peter's apartment is headline news he might be dead someone's been shot dead get your ass up there i go up there it's all taped off there's media there's police cars i've got drugs in the car myself go back to work but to know it in my head what's happened is peter alive go back later on in the day everybody's gone walk in and peter is sat in the living room with a very grave faced individual with a penetrating gaze who introduces himself as a homicide detective they've took peter off and they've done some print you know they've tested him for gunpowder and he wasn't the shooter in this situation but they wanted to know some more information so what had happened is and i was glad you know seeing peter alive i was glad so i found out what happened is a couple had come over to buy crack from the mexicans but the mexicans had moved back over the street the female goes over the street to get the crack the male stays with wild man the male has a gun on him wild man has never seen guns before he says look i'm from england we don't have guns how does this work can you show it to me so the guy is demonstrating his gun and he says the safety zone don't worry it won't shoot this is how we do it in america pulls the trigger and blows his own head off wow sean where where was this what town was this in this is in central phoenix uh in that neighborhood right behind the georgian dragon british pub coolidge the street was coolidge i remember exactly the stream yeah so the homicide detective then is like look you know what's the deal why is this guy living in here why is he over here so i say yeah he's with me i've signed for this place put it in you know it's it's in my name he's over here from england um having a quite a long holiday blah blah blah whenever we got in trouble we would try and play the english card which did work well in the beginning but when things got heavy um it was nothing was going to start what was going to happen to us then were you doing drugs at this point in time were you trying it yourself yeah when peter came over i lost my sensibility and just started to party like crazy with him so i'm on ecstasy i'm on crystal meth and it was during his first visit because he was deported three times for being a minister society and i was sending teams of people through canada and mexico to bring him back in over and over again but it was the connections i made through wild man that enabled me to establish the criminal enterprise so after the corpse on the doorstep this has got to be about 96.97 peter knows a woman on the west side she's living in this apartment with a bouncer from a nightclub on van buren this bouncer's got long blonde permed her like a chippendale he's a big guy big muscles works out steroid head but i'm thinking because wildman is so aggressive it's probably a bad combination of people but i signed the lease anyway i go up and sign the lease within days the apartment manager calls me at the stock brokerage says you need to come down here we're a victim peter he's beat up his roommate so how do you know he's beat up his roommate the roommate was seen running through the apartment complex in the night by the neighbors he had plasterboard powder all over his face and there's human head-sized holes in all of the walls fortunately wildman had done that so fast they hadn't even had time to cash the check so i stopped the check now the woman in that apartment said look i've got um a place in tempe arizona it's it's one of our boyfriends over there he's behind on the rent can you fix the rent wild men come moving over there he eventually becomes completely unhousable but he goes to rancho murrieta tempe arizona student town huge complex multiple buildings and that's where we were partying our houses off on ecstasy and i could only get 50 to 100 pills from the local dealers now i'm just showing off my ego back then was getting as big as the grand canyon as this enterprise grows this was the start of it and when you're giving drugs away for free because i've got the most money you attract a lot of friends for whoever friends but then i start to see the business potential i can only get 50 to 100 from the dealers and people coming all night long saying we want to buy 50 want to buy a hundred we've got you know this party that party to to take them to so something started to twig so my supplier back then was a guy called acid joey most of my male friends then extremely high risk individuals they're dead i see joey was found dead in his swimming pools with all of his clothes on and acid joey stocky native american guy always wore black clothes did a lot of ketamine and he was the best dancer you could ever see first time i saw him i showed up at a rave there's a circle of people around him he was moving his body like it was water this guy should have been in music videos so acid joey finds out that the pills are coming from a surfer gangster guy in west hollywood called soul so he arranges us for to buy about a thousand pills xc's going for 25 to 30 in the clubs in arizona i think we arranged to buy them at around 12. now this is before i had proper protocol to avoid police detection i'm a complete novice just starting out go out there you know and two car loads of people me wild man acid joey and another guy who was one of my protectors back then called seth he's also dead he died about three years ago his heart went out sean let me let me ask you one question right now so it was really it was really wild man that got you involved in this whole party drug type of uh environment is that correct okay so if you look at me you see this nerdy business guy who you wouldn't think could make relationships with dangerous people in wild man's apartment in tempe arizona rancho marietta first thing would he would do anywhere he went was would be he would take control of the street people and he'd have all of the street people working for him even when we went out to la to pick pills up later on street people they that we'd only just met with dropping off crack rocks for him in the middle of the night so he would go out and for some reason the street people would always like just look up to him and do whatever he said so he would take control the street people kick him down little bits of this and that and then he'd have these parties which were like they ranged from like native american transgender sex workers to russian mafia italian guys um gang bangers striptease dancers and they would just go for days on end and it was such an eclectic mix of people that you wouldn't normally see together but because they were all doing xc for the first time they're in there just hugging and smiling and telling each other their life stories it was a really good atmosphere and that's how because later on i got the new mexican mafia protecting me and it was through peter that i met those guys fascinating story about how you know you are who you hang with something that i tell our young people i've been telling them that for 25 years you are who you hang with people that you're around influence you when i was in the mob i was influenced you know and i was accountable to my oath i was accountable to my boss i was accountable to the guys around me and therefore i was involved in criminal activity all the time sean atwood okay originally a legitimate guy brilliant guy by the way very very very smart very well spoken you know out of england made some brilliant success had some brilliant success in the stock business he was a great trader knew what the heck he was doing he gets involved with a guy called wild man he actually knew him all his life you know he was they were friends but he gets really involved with him gets involved in the drug scene gets involved in the party scene his by his own admission a kind of a nerdy guy you know he was a guy that got beat up you know most of his young life he wasn't a tough guy he wasn't a gangster in any way but again the people he started to hang around with started to take drugs the drugs got into his head look i know what droice can do you know my story sister died of an overdose a brother 25 years a drug addict i know the whole scene even though i never got involved with it myself but it totally kind of changed his personality and character and what happened to him is fascinating it really is right from his you know young age through his stock broking his stock trading age all the money that he made gets involved in an ecstasy ring ends up going down for it goes to prison and now has transformed his life or i should say brought his life back to where it should have been from day one but it's a fascinating story but again bottom line here people you are who you hang with who you are accountable to i say this all the time sean's going to give a good message at the end of this he did six years in prison you know i did eight visit my father for 30 some odd years we've got a lot to talk about here you go sean atwood let me ask you a question then because this is something that i always say and you know that i think my viewers are in tune with you know i always tell people you are who you hang out with and it seems to me that you met a guy that for some reason was attractive to you his type of lifestyle the way he carried himself and uh and you started to you know just move in and jump in with him so you know again you are who you hang with and then it's it's acid joey it's it's wild man it's it's all of these people that start to come around you and you get into because you're you're a fairly legit guy at that point you know before you meet him you know you're you're a stock broker you're making a lot of money and all of a sudden you're introduced to a different type of lifestyle through somebody and you become just like them and that's why i tell people all the time sean i know we'll get into this later you know you are who you hang with when i was on the street and in the mob that's who i was i was around criminals i became a criminal i'm not blaming them this was my decision and so on and i know you feel the same way you made that decision but that's why it's so important in life to know who you're hanging with and who you're accountable to and you know we get to that a little bit but i just wanted to make that point keep going yeah absolutely so me and wildman were bonded from childhood as kids as teenagers we'd watched a lot of movies like the wanderers and the warriors and some local boys in my neighborhood formed a little gang called the sweats now the leader of the gang was wild man's oldest brother and wild man was two years younger than me younger younger than any of the gang members when i say gang members i'm not talking about um the knife all that just it's quite innocent back then so his oldest brother would beat the out of him and would not let him join the gang but eventually i gravitated towards wild man the sweats beat the out of me for hanging out with him they dangled me off the pecks hill quarry cliff face and i was done with them then so me and hammy splintered off from the sweats and that's how me and wild man and hammy became best friends for life and we were up the thinking tree making those goals so that's a little back story of how that came about so now you're in phoenix you're starting to really understand what you can make in this drug ecstasy business and you start to move forward again using your entrepreneurial mind that you have you're starting to figure out a way how to monetize and capitalize on this so keep going okay so before the new mexican mafia stuff then i'll go over to seoul i'll continue that story two car loads of us they're all dead now except for me go to saul's house west hollywood he's not over there at the pre-arranged time wild man is losing patience he's like as soon as this guy shows up i'm gonna kick his door in i'm gonna take his you don't just leave us out here waiting for hours like this it's disrespectful i'm like peter calm the down if we go out there and take his how are we gonna have a regular connect we've gotta establish a business relationship with this guy if this is going to be you know a worthwhile experiment in getting into the ecstasy trade so i count him down eventually saul shows up have you seen that movie point break yes i have he shows up with a bunch of guys straight out of point break i've never seen anything like it before coming from the uk go in the house on my own i say to peter beforehand you guys wait out here if i'm out in 20 minutes just storming come and rescue me are going saul has got some pills and i asked can i taste one because i've been doing ecstasy since i was at university i knew exactly what a pill tastes like it should be 100 125 milligrams of mdma and clay it's got a very distinct taste so he gives me one he says do you want to drink with it i said no i need to chew it to taste it properly chewed it it was good i handed over the bills he handed over the pills i'm a bit apprehensive because i'm thinking you know is he going to rob me any moment a cop's watching his place but once i got out there i got in the car i felt a bit more confident i mentioned earlier i was naive to police protocol at this point i like to go and get schooled by the new mexico mafia guys in there but so i've got twin turbo mazda rx7 it's like a spaceship this dark blue color that changes in the light i've got a radar detector on the dashboard i've got dj sasha playing through the bose surround sound system and i've got fur on the lever seats all the way back i'm going like almost 150 miles an hour with the radar detect every now go slide on slow down think enough we get pulled over anyway we'll just play the english card 40 minutes in the xc starts to hit me have you ever done ecstasy never have sean i got to tell you this right now i've never done any kind of drug in my life except for one time and i'll let you know what it was i was a younger guy and i was with a girl it was before i was married well before and she says to me i'm going to give you a quaalude and we're going to have a really good time tonight and then she looked at me and she said you know what you're so straight in that regard i'm going to cut it in half i'm going to give you a half a quaalude and so i took it and we partied that night that's the only drug i've ever taken in my entire life that's it well that's probably because you're so strong-minded well i don't maybe because i i don't know if i'm that strong-minded i don't want to get hooked you know it's it's either or but it's easy to get hooked yeah that's one of the reasons why most of my friends back from back then the dead so we're driving back managed to get back to rancho marietta the complex and those pills are gone in a weekend so i make that fateful decision do i want to maintain stock broker status in the office six o'clock in the morning sales meeting calling people all day or can i just make money from the party scene hell yeah i'm just going to make money from the party scene so my emotional immaturity took over and when you're involved in anything like that as it gets bigger you need people protecting you at the peak of it you know i've got about 200 people working for me i've got my own security team but in the beginning the guys who had my back so in rancho marietta by now we have established multiple apartments in that complex that are either moving ecstasy for us or we could call on them for help if there's a situation we're chilling out one day and we're having like an apartment party listening to music and a ruggedly handsome chicano guy shows up long darker prison tattoos chains and because i he's bringing the meth the weed the coke and i'm bringing the ecstasy we are having a conversation at some point a cop walks in he says i could smell weed from outside nobody move g-dog the mexican-american guy just pulls out his gun points at the cop says the only one who's not leaving is you everyone won so we all just went off into the night i've never seen anything this heavy before i am absolutely myself i'm thinking we're all going to prison for the rest of our lives this maniac just pulled a cop i pulled a gun on a cop so i'm in an apartment that's owned by a guy called fish who's selling xc for us fish is freaking out he's like look we gotta flush all our the cops are gonna be everywhere so we're all in panic mode wildman wasn't with us at that point what happens next is that i was like bang bang bang bang on the french windows it's g-dog what we're going to do better let him in he comes in and he schooled us right away he said look turn the lights off turn the tv off they haven't had time to get a warrant if they knock on the door don't answer it everyone keep quiet and that's what we did and the cops came they went door-to-door and it just passed the danger past there was one cop car at the front of the complex later on we had multiple vehicles in there and i said to g-dog look i've got a place in central phoenix a house over there you're so hot in this area right now why don't i take you over there to cool off and that's what i did i took him over there so after that night he said look because you and your friends protected me me and my brothers have got your back and he had no idea what that meant and then a few months later he says one of my brothers wants to meet you so tempi arizona street with low rider showcase cars all the way down it we knock on the door and his brother answers short guy bald he's looking up at me like you know who the f is this guy and i start speaking and he hears my english accent in like he says damn you talk funny you really must be from england come in and meet my homies so we walk inside there's all the biggest mexican americans now in the room that i've ever seen in my life massive guys with little wife-beater vests shorts down below the knees prison tats chains and they're all looking at me like they want to eat me you know i'm the skinny english guy business graduate they're like what the is this guy doing here so i'm looking around the room there's there's guns there's slabs of drugs weighing apparatus and i did a double take on the tv oh yeah next to the tv they've got a screen showing all the comings and goings on the street in case the cops try and rape the house but i'll do a double take on the tv that's not an ornament on top of the tv i've seen one of them before oh yeah it was in a rambo movie they had a rocket propelled grenade launcher on top of the tv i remember that swings a spoonful of coke in my face it's like snort that and g-dog's like yes not that and i started it the brother took me into a separate room and asked me some questions and they started to get ecstasy from me and i started to get some drugs from them and the guy who swung that spoon in my face i later learned when they all got sent down because their faces were on the mug shots were headliners he was a hitman alleged hitman let's say on a killing spree and um people knew those guys had my back so it kept me out of situations let's say and because they're an active mafia there's only so much i can say on certain stories but here's one of the stories and this is where both of my worlds collide i'm at that junction now where i'm still a stock broker and i'm about to go over to become an ecstasy trafficker i get a call at the office from fish fish says can you get well man i've got a situation i need you to come over i said what's up he says i can't say over the phone you just need to come and see get well man i go to try and get well then while manny's out in in central phoenix collecting debts for the colombian crack trafficker so i couldn't get wild man so i go over to tempe to fishy's place knock on the door his girlfriend answers and she's crying so i think she's been assaulted and fish wants us you know wants wild man to do something about this beat the guy up so i say what's up and they're kind of like stunned it's like they can't talk and all of a sudden from a room i hear like like what the was that so walk in they say go and look you need to go and look at what that was go into the room now there's one of g dogs friends in there that i've previously met from these apartment parties he's an older mexican or mexican-american guy with stately silver swept back her he's calmly instructing a group of mexicans as if like this is just another day at the office instructions in spanish and when he's given these instructions in spanish they've got cattle prods and there's a naked hog-tied man on the floor he's got a rockabilly quiff and when he's giving these instructions they're electrocuting him with the cattle prod and this guy starts going like a rocking horse he's gagged so he can't make noise his eyes you can see he's fearing for his life and when they electrocute him piss just shoots out of his penis so i've not seen anything like this before in my life i'm looking at the guy running this operation thinking if i show fear they're going to think i'm a liability and want to take me out to the desert how do i handle this situation so i just kind of put on a brave face smiled at the guy said look i can't get wild man looks like you guys have got the situation under control i've come over here from work i've got to get back to my office i'll you know i'll i'll um update wildman the situation if you need his help you guys just let us know and that's how i extricated myself from that but all driving back to the office i was having nightmares about the fate of that guy i did find out what happened well i found out first why they had him and that was fish told me that he'd sold drugs for that guy he was a customer when fish left the apartment the guy went back and now this is how fish said it to me the guy broke in he robbed your drugs he robbed her drugs i called you i called them and they got here first and what they did was they told his roommates they had 24 hours to cook with 10 g's otherwise he was gone and they came up with the money and they released him so that was the end of that that was your first real experience with uh mexican guys obviously they don't play games you know in the drug business for sure but that was kind of eye-opening for you and you realized at that point what you were what you were dealing with i guess but because i was so emotionally mature i'm telling myself i'm living like a character in pulp fiction this is like a movie and the drugs the more of the drugs i did they scramble your decision-making processes and they're telling you you know this is cool so let me ask you this at this point you see something like that do you say to yourself you know this is not for me i'm in over my head and maybe now it's time to make my exit before i have to deal with these guys if something goes wrong i could be in trouble or do you say you know what all right you know i'm still into it i'm ready to go and now i want to do it in a big way well obviously i know what you did but what's your thought process at that point okay so i'm in shock for a couple of days thinking i shouldn't be doing this this is wrong that guy could have got killed this is way too heavy and then once that shocked wore off and the weekend came round and i'm partying with wild man for two days and then without any sleep with striptease dancers having the time of my life i've gone right back to it amazing amazing so even though that made such an i mean look that's something that you know a normal legit kind of guy with your background would say i'm done i'm out but you know again there's that something in some of us that you know that just keeps us going in that same direction you know and i i would i probably would have reacted i definitely would have reacted the same way all right i'm into this now let's go when i was in my high school i was one of the last to grow in my year group so the rugby players bullied the out of me i was scared to go out to break and i would hide in the technical drawing room and then when i was 16 and i passed my driver's license test and i went to fill up my mum's little red car with petrol i mean gas as you guys call it um four big rugby player size guys in the 20s came up to me i thought it was brave to stand up to them they got me on the floor kicking me in the head kicking me in the face one had an iron bar smashed me in the face knocking the bottoms of my teeth out so i've got these veneers on my front teeth so i was a very anxious teenager for for a period of years wouldn't go out and dance wouldn't go out and talk to women but once i started to get on ecstasy i was in the complete reverse i was this massive party animal so to go from like a nobody in a chemical manufacturing town who was getting bullied to being mr cool guy the guy with the pills and of all these beautiful american women coming up to me because of my english accent because i was throwing these parties that's just you know it just became this thing that fed my ego it was a high it was uh i get it i understand it i i hear where you came from and what you know the way people were accepting you are looking at you now looking up to you wanting you to be you know wanting to be in your presence i mean i get it you know it's it's powerful when things like that take over let me ask you this and i'm going to get in a little bit of a story in a minute so now you dive into this and you have a you know a brilliant mind and you're figuring out okay how do i capitalize how do i get the best possible product on the street how do i make people have to come to me for the best and so you start to think about it and you find a way yeah so i lose wildman for the first time at this point he has gone through so many apartments and so many hotels that have banned him first off he meets a woman who was a striptease dancer who was into s m she showed up at one of these apartment parties wildman's party tricks were to just sit there and say to the whole room who wants to punch me in the face as hard as they want or taser me here i've got a taser and he would punch him and taser him and he would just giggle like his toes have been tickled so this woman who's showing up with her bat steroid head bouncer boyfriend walks up to wild man and goes that's nothing i taser my so wildman's like well show me and she's like he says well i can't because i'm with him and wildman says well send him off to do something this is a crazy story he says i've got spaghetti bolognese in the kitchen i'm telling you to go and heat up some spaghetti bolognese that's what this guy ends up doing she hikes her skirt up she's got no knickers on gets the taser and i'm watching this and the blue lights are going up and down wow her female parts that was love at first sight so what yeah when the guy came back with the spaghetti bolognese he just said well then just start seeing he says that's good she's with me now we're going to come over to yours later on and get all the stuff and all there was a standoff a little bit but the guy could see the craziness yeah left slams the door and leaves so it's love at first sight so wildman ends up on that first trip to america him and his girlfriend are like bonnie and clyde they're just going around ripping off closed doors going in restaurants and not paying no work will ha they're unhousable because they're so crazy and they end up living under a tree in tempe beach park with a rambo knife and a baseball bat but wild man has taken control of the street people at tempe beach park there was two native american gangsters were coming around and shaking down the street people and when they came around one night wild man just got out his bat took care of that and then he became string of the king of the street people there but he ends up getting arrested decides that he's a minister society and he's gone then for a good like two or three years but through my relationships with acid joey the supply came about and through g-dog i had protection and things just started to grow from there so as any businessman knows vertical and horizontal integration if you bring in the pills in and you're throwing the parties you're fully integrated if you've got your own bouncers security any outside dealers get shut down and those pills are recycled to the house and you've got a monopoly on the supply at these raves and over time it built up whereby i structured it like a corporation so i've got you know multiple heads of the divisions every now and then we'd have a crime family dinner for the heads of the divisions and they've got the guys below them who are peddling the pills and i also knew that if i'd only dealt with a select few people that was my shield against law enforcement and any potential dangerous competitors because i would structure it in a way whereby they would have to penetrate that shield either arrest or take one of them out before they could get to me so that's what enabled me to take it to the next level let me uh give you some personal involvement i had with this at the time late late 90s i was involved with a club on sunset boulevard in west hollywood it was called billboard live at the time and it was had a partner there and then became the key club after that after we finished with billboard live it went on for many many years there was a time there when ecstasy was filling that club i mean filling it everybody was partying on ecstasy and it got to my attention my partner's attention and i'm talking to some of the bouncers is where's the stuff coming from you know and one of them even offered they said mike you know i had somebody come in you know we can run a little record in here we can make extra money i said no we don't do that you know i'm on parole i don't want any part of that you know and plus i'm not in the drug business at all so uh i'm doing some research and i'm finding out where's this stuff coming from and people are telling me it's just from english guy out of arizona someplace that's supposedly the big supplier right english guy didn't tell me your name and then and then i hear you know that sammy gravano is also involved in this and that that's where the stuff is coming from and there's some dealers in la that are bringing it in there and shortly after that i was going to reach out to sammy you know i knew all the situation with him and i'm saying this guy with all the stuff he's got going on he's not dealing in drugs out here well he gets popped you know shortly after that and that was the end of that i didn't hear what happened with you and then later on i got you know i kept the ecstasy out of the club i said we're finding it here we're throwing you out i told the bouncers we can i said well my association with this club i'll be the biggest ecstasy dealer in town and never have touched a stop but they'll put it all on me so i want everybody out of here but that was kind of the but this english guy out of arizona is the main supplier him and sammy govano and i'm wondering did they connect did they hook up you know did sammy get some guy from england what's really going on so i'm glad you said that because that confirms my story and coming from someone like you a lot of people are gonna hear that and think wow so i appreciate that michael well that's the truth that's the way it went down what actually happened with you and sammy okay before we get to the sammy stuff let me just say how the transportation methods changed so i'm getting thousand to five thousand pills out of la figure out they're getting them from holland i'm 10 out of la by now holland two dollars a pill one of my smugglers gets stopped at sky harbor airport a woman wild woman actually wild man's girlfriend from liverpool who on his first visit he had just told her he was going to the corner shop to buy a bottle of milk and he jumped on a plane to arizona and she was so she was called a wild woman for a reason they were just yeah yeah they were both pretty dangerous people so wild woman gets stopped at sky harbor airport the pills are in a luggage in vitamin containers the customs people take her into the back room open the luggage put them on the table and they say what are they she says vitamins they say cool pick them up put them back in the luggage and tell us wow no now that was a close call i was gonna say that was pre-911 for sure yeah they had quite caught up with ecstasy either properly because right it was it was still comparatively new the feds hadn't come in to arizona when gravanos people lit the scene up that's what happened and that's that caused the demise so what happens next is everybody who works for me has legal benefits if they get arrested we post a bail bond we tell them plead the fifth we'll get you out we'll assign you a lawyer if you've not got any criminal history you probably won't even do any prison time first time offense that worked out really well now we had a female lawyer we relied on so when our woman got busted at sky not busted stopped at sky harbour i asked the female lawyer what should we do about our trafficking route and she said anyone coming from holland to america it's a red flag you've got to start running this through mexico if you're if you're a gringo crossing the arizona border and you've got scuba diving tanks pinatas taurus brickerback this is what we did we had suvs we have university of arizona stickers no one's going to stop now okay so our route was homocide airport to mexico city earth france paris flight and then you get a train over to holland before 9 11 you could put pills in pillowcases and get on a flight i remember if you wanted to be more secure you could put them in computer towers screwed in the most we ever got through one shipment was 40 000 pills using that method and that's how it got big now it was all going well until a new kind of xc dealer started to show up in the clubs these are steroid head jock characters not like the ravers that we we were dealing with and they were aggressive and they were loud and they were bragging that they were the biggest ecstasy barons in the history of the world and they were bringing a lot of heat in with them so i had a wife um at that point she was a very intelligent woman she was doing lesbian internet porn when i met her she was extremely wild doing a lot of drugs she joined the strip club because she fancied a strip teased woman in there and she joined the strip club just to seduce that woman and have a relationship with her which did succeed she had another lesbian a bisexual lover who was dating one of these new type of ecstasy dealers the steroid heads and through that the relationships through the women the word came through my wife that these guys wanted to meet me so we go to a bar in tucson called heart five because i'm curious who are these guys stepping on my toes and i take one of my bodyguards with me one of the rossetti brothers he's strapped and i say look if these guys pull any moves try and kidnap me just open up on the get me the hell out of there now i've got this anxiety you know but i'm on drugs for over 10 years this is how i was able to front being a bit crazy to get away with these deals so before i went in there i'm thinking all right they've heard of english sean they've probably got a misconception you know that i'm so big tattooed gangster looking guy right so i'm gonna have to act a bit crazy because i'm not wild man the well man's not here so i drank some ghb i did some crystal meth go in there and a guy called the spaniard says pleased to meet you english sean come through to the vip room and meet my partner so we're going to the vip room this is this six and a half foot guy his biceps are bigger than my head and he yells at everybody in the vip room to get the out and they jump up off the sofa the chairs the room is cleared they obviously know who these people are now when i was a kid and i used to stay at my grandfather fred's house a trick he used to pray on me was when he would walk past me he would grab my leg just above the knee really tight like and make me jump i'm thinking what crazy thing can i do and it just came to me i'll sit down in between them on the sofa grab both their legs above the knee and make them jump that's that's what i did so they're looking at me like this guys somebody's not something not right about this guy he's looking this guy's nuts so the spaniard was very calm he's like look sean we know you're tight with the locals we know you're moving a lot of product we're moving our product why don't you move some of our product now i've been at this for years already in arizona and my product is a white or beige pill 125 milligrams of mdma my traffickers took um test kits from a website called dance safe which changes the you know the pill goes purple blue to show you the composition of the pill i was cognizant that if i'm bringing tens of thousands of pill in per shipment someone could potentially die it's extremely rare most of the times when people die from ecstasy it is because of the toxic ingredients put in the pills nobody ever died from our pills we would have known right away we tested them we had this good reputation so i said to them you guys are moving these colored pills i've got a reputation for my white beige press i'm not going to get involved with your colored pills now the big guy jumps off the sofa at this point who the do you think you are disrespecting our pills don't you know who we work for one call to send me the ball and we can have you taken out to the desert so i was a war from the news sammy the bull gambinos murdered almost two dozen people i'm thinking is this guy just blowing smoke or is this real i go all back into the bar into the main room my wife is unconscious she's drank so much ghb rosetti my bodyguard had come in behind me he'd been watching everything picks my wife up and we go out to the car rossetti's like what's up i said they said they are working for sammy the bull gravano he's like oh this is heavy i said well don't sweat it i said to them it's not each other we need to worry about is the feds since you guys came into the scene there are cars with tinted windows driving around we're watching windows go down on these cars with cameras videoing license plates and people going into the clubs you've got to stop going around you know you your dealers are going around saying bragging in the biggest ecstasy barons in the history of the world you've got to be more on the down low if if this is you know there's enough demand for xc for us to coexist that was the last thing i said to him you know sean i got to tell you this reminded me of a scene in an american gangster you know when denzel washington is in the club talking to nikki barnes if you remember and denzel says i have a brand his drugs were called blue magic right you know nikki barnes was kind of trading on that name giving a lesser quality product and and they kind of had a blow up so it's kind of this is real life imitating art so to speak or art imitating real life you know the other way around business reputation is everything exactly if i adulterate my reputation with these colored pills exactly exactly the peace didn't last long so you never met did did you ever meet sammy never ever met sammy never have i claimed to have met sammy sammy put something out recently saying he's never ever met me and you know my followers who've read my books party time is up there which details everything and if you look at my videos on sammy they all say sammy the bulls crew none of them say i ever met sammy so in that regard you're both consistent sammy says he never met you and you know you never met sammy so there's no there's no issue there there's no issues there but as my channel has got big and as i've done a lot of content exposing elite pedophilia and the epstein case i am getting trolled the out of right now the people truly shot my channel down left and right they have the trolls have contacted everybody from my life my prosecutor my ex-girlfriend sammy the bull and they've tried to create um disputes between everybody from my past life they're trying to find holes in my story and they're just trying to cause general chaos to get me shut down but going back to my story then the piece did not last very long another click who we found out were saying they were working for sammy the bull because sami is now saying that he wasn't even running the ecstasy let's just say they said they were working for sammy the bull to play it safe dr pisami off i love his channel i've subscribed and i sit there riveted to his stories and your stories both you guys are the to-go guys for matthew stories for a lot of people here in the uk and congratulations to both of you on your success thank you so much that's it just uh just if i can answer sammy and i have different styles sammy's a great storyteller and stammy you know sammy because of his situation um you know he can expand a little bit more on on things that i i just you know i don't have that luxury but uh it's great and and i agree look he's the real deal no doubt about it he tells the story great and and the channel is growing and i'm happy for him you know this is this is what he's chosen to do and and i appreciate your saying that you know the both of us uh are telling it like it is and giving people what they want to hear yeah when we get to the jail stuff when gerard gravano is in towers jail i think it's 2002 2003. the guards know that we're rival clicks so when we're going to court one night when gerard has just appeared after his i think he got out on bail bond then he got re-arrested the guards handcuffed gerard to wild man just what will happen wow i've come to know gerard uh lately he's just really a nice guy i really like him i really do again you've never met him and i don't know what experience you've you've had or heard about him but he he's a good guy i met gerard and i kept in contact with him after his incarceration i haven't spoke to him in recent years tell you what he was a hell of an arm wrestler in towers jail he was taking those big guys down really strong and he told me a lot about his growing up and what he went through and you know when you've got a dad like that who is got such a high reputation for dangerous crimes as glamorous as it is to the public to some of the public the kids can go through hell because of the pressures and the dangers and various other factors so my heart goes out to him what he went through and he's a strong individual he's running his business over the in arizona looks like he's got a good woman from looking online and yes so power to him and what he's doing and sean if i can expand upon that you know my dad being who he was and you know the reputation that he had it was very destructive to my family i mean you know i had a sister that turned to drugs and and eventually overdosed she died at the age of 27. my younger brother was a drug addict for 25 years and he eventually cooperated with law enforcement testified against my dad went into the witness protection program my younger sister because of my dad all the time he did you know she died young of cancer but she was she was kind of a basket case i have to say that you know and then of course my mom you know it was it was tragic the relationship with my dad so you know and for some reason i was able to come out all of that it wasn't easy but but i did that's why i consider myself to be very blessed but uh you know i understand what gerard went through and what his family had to go through as a result of sami's involvement in that life one of the reasons the main reasons why i stepped away was because i didn't want my family to to get destroyed and i knew it would because i had too much of reputation i was too much a target of law enforcement eventually i was gonna go down and go down big there was no doubt about it i just wanted my family to you know to avoid all of that and have a life and and that's the reason i stepped away so when you say that about gerard uh it's totally true and i'm glad you made that observation because it's very accurate you must have a unique skill set michael to navigate that dangerous world to come through it with such a sound mind now and to be doing you know these things online and influencing so many people for the good to harness the negative and transform the energy to change people's lives so it's absolutely brilliant what you're doing i appreciate that you know i i attribute a lot of that again accountability to having a good wife you know to having made myself accountable to the right people that keep me straight because you know shawn look and i know you're doing the right thing now and you're on the right track but there's always i always say you can take the boy out of brooklyn but you can't fully take brooklyn out of the boy we still have that tendency at times to say hi i'm ready to do something crazy but you know and i have it i'll be honest you know people say do you miss the old life and i said yeah times i do i mean we had a good time you know of course there was a lot of both sides but you know the times we had were good and you know you just got to put yourself in the right position surround yourself with the right people and and uh and just be strong enough to you know to stay on track so let me also get back to this at the end of the day how did you get caught because you know i tell people all the time i don't care who you are how strong you are how many good people you have around you and i had all of that but eventually you stay in that you're going to go down and it happened to you how'd that happen all right so sammy the bull's crew a different faction from the guys i met in tucson they law skinner my top ecstasy sales guy to a nightclub in scottsdale and knock his teeth out i get so concerned at this point that i move from scottsdale i was at to a million dollar house on the side of a mountain in the catalina foothills synvaccus community tucson where joe banano senior is one of my neighbors and miles down the mountain range is paul mccartney this is a secured neighborhood whereby to get up onto the street there's a guard at a barrier and this guy has to call your house and raise the barrier to let anyone in so i did that as a security precaution because i mentioned earlier i had a protective shield and i knew as soon as anyone in that protective shield got tucked down i was next so skin is down i'm next moved to sin vaccust in the foothills there in tucson most beautiful place i've ever lived in my life won't get into too much detail there though so i'm feeling quite confident now i've got a right hand guy called cody bates saying his name because he's dead god bless him after we all got busted i he was my right hand guy because he never got high after we all got busted he got depressed he said we were like his family he went straight to heroin his parents sent him a rehab run by scientologists they put him on drugs that had a side effect of committing suicide then he hung himself so cody bates he rented an apartment just for the cash he would drive all the way to my house in tucson to discuss business if everything was going smoothly with all the heads of the factions he's collecting the cash handing out the pills there was no problems i would just hang out there you know get my party on with my wife and friends if there was an issue if someone wasn't paying or someone was giving us a problem or someone was trying to rob one of our guys g-dog or wild man or you know one of the security guys would take care of that situation now skin has had his teeth knocked out i'm secure wondering what's going on with the gravano guys and i think it was early after the millennium headline news those guys got tucked and i was thankful that the cops took out the competition it was a multi-agency investigation i didn't realize all those resources were going to be targeted at me we had one guy who sold pills for us who was playing both sides and he was indicted with the 57 with with gavano and that guy he took 10 000 from dollars from one of our customers went to buy pills from one of the gravano guys got pulled over leaving the house police took the pills but let him go our customer went and complained to wild man wild man finds the guy and says look what you're going to do about this well cops took the pills they haven't got the money nothing i could do wild man hit him so hard this guy's truth ended up stuck between two of his knuckles and wouldn't come out wildman hated hospitals he had to go to hospital they took it out but they told him he had to be sewed up he's like that i'll do it myself he left the hospital went home with and with fishing wire just just sewed his fist up but it got infected and he had to go to the heart back to the hospital anyway so all those indictments go down for the first time and i'm thank you know thanking the police for taking out the graffano but then the the new mexican mafia heads go down as well so g-dog over the years has been in and out of prison one night we've been up to something and i drop him off at his brother's house we get to the neighborhood the entire neighborhood is blacked out there are guys out with light ones like you see on the ur line airport runways guiding traffic as we pull up to his brother's house this is the house with the you know rocket propelled grenade launcher on top of the tv federal swat team are bringing all of these guys out and we just look at them and just drive on and then it was headline news that that night this is the first time i find out who they are these are the heads of the new mexican mafia in arizona they are the most dangerous criminal organization in arizona at that time they are taking out witnesses trying to assassinate cops a judge and that even tried to assassinate the head of the arizona department of corrections back then and people could find all this online big news stories back then and i'm looking at the mug shots and like holy you know i've been i've been meeting up with these guys for ages it was always very tense whenever i went over there and i always wanted to get out of there as fast as possible they told me from the get-go if you get pulled over leaving here we've got a lawyer you tell the cop you're in a hurry you don't want the car searched if they force a search upon you you call this lawyer you exercise your right to rebate silent so they completely schooled me in legal strategy and it was their lawyer i use later on who becomes a united front for all of the co-defendants and that's why only four we were so tight only four of our over 100 co-defendants rolled versus with sami's crew all 57 rolled so sammy's crew go down some of them get released on bail bond so they're up to tricks and i learned from the witness statements later on there's 10 witness statements that authorize the wiretap there was some of the guys who were working for the gravano enterprise were also telling the cops that they were working for me whether they were or not just trying to give the cops loads of information about me to get their situations reduced and while they're in a situation with one of them a car ended up i don't know blown up or on fire one of their cars and that was that's in the police reports as well so i'm thinking our you know those guys have gone down the new mexican mafia guys have gone down maybe i'm next now the female lawyer who gave us advice about bringing the pills through mexico she says look i've got a contact at the dea the heat is on you should not be going anywhere near drugs right now i'd met a woman as well i told her this i was in love with this woman she's like sean this is so dangerous what you're doing i'm scared of wild man i'm scared of g-dog these people terrify me wildman just gets high and walks around for days on end and just ends up in a random house of someone he doesn't even know and ends up with the cops getting called and these guys are maniacs this is crazy if you love me you would quit this so i actually quit a year before the swat team came i was living with my girlfriend in an apartment in scottsdale i'd enrolled in scottsdale community college i was doing spanish classes wow i was doing kickboxing classes in tempe back to trading the stock market online day trading and we were like all right things are so hot for us here still even though i've quit we need to move to la so we were about to move to la may 16 2002 i'll wake up early get on the computer um selling shorts some shares um through put options and there's a knock on the door bam bam bam bam bam jump up lot through the people blacked out is it the cops or is it people pretending to be the cops come to rob me peep out the window the whole apartment is completely surrounded i'm like oh what are we gonna do i go through to the bedroom to my girlfriend all right we better let them in because right now it's like more banging tempe police department we've got a warrant open the door we get halfway through the living room then just boom the door flies off the hinges bangs into a wall and there's just falls on the floor you must have been swat team raided michael oh many times very familiar it's it's not just a not it's not a knock on the door it's a pounding blasting on the door with bull horns and everything else come out with your hands up yeah i've been through it many times sean so i get it before you drop to the floor and you time almost stand still and they're all messed up but you could see their eyes yes the tension in their eyes and you're thinking if these guys open up with me right now my life's gone inside guys it's a crazy feeling isn't it it sure is yes my heart almost jumps out of my chest they're like get on the ground now don't so me and my girlfriend drop down we're crushed and there was two main detectives one in particular was my nemesis later on when i'm reading all the discovery these guys were sitting in indian restaurants on the table next to me while i'm having food eavesdropping all this trailing me for like five years and um the nemesis finally gets in my face yanks me up by the handcuffs he's like english sean you're a big name and we've finally got you now i'm just in my box of shorts now you start yelling at my girlfriend i'm exercising my right to remain silent love i'm exercising my right to remain silent love and they're like shut the up like i'm exercising my right to read silent love and they just grabbed me and like half throw me down the stairs and that was the beginning then we're processed by tempe cops and sent over to sheriff joe arpaio's maricopa county jail system where our for 26 months i'm fighting the case and this is this then is raw survival of the fittest if you think the stories the stories i've said so far are dangerous but let me ask you this just straight out was it an informant that finally uh turned on you or uh you know accumulation of evidence it's always an informant so i'm just wondering in this case the same thing yeah there were ten witness statements and somewhere informants some of people have been arrested for the gravano enterprise some were property owners in places wildman had destroyed because wild man he came and went three times like i said he was a minister society he got him and wild women got so hot they ended up they were on the run and i had to rehouse them in mexico the people in arizona said wildman thinks he's tough does he doing all this in arizona if he tries that in mexico they'll kill him and the first house i put him in was blown up within days and my guy went down there he didn't have a phone my guy went down then we thought the mexicans had killed him but what we found that was wild man and wild woman their relationship was based on domestic violence they got to that house first day had a fight a gas pipe had broke and during the fight they stopped to take a smoke break and when they took a smoke break and lit up the fight they saw a wall of blue flame blew up and they just got out of the house in time before all the windows exploded so um while them wildman's got many stories of houses being set on fire and blown up not intentionally just because of his crazy behavior so there was property people whose properties had been destroyed by the wild ones informants gravano enterprise people and skinner my top xc sales guy was the guy who did the most damage now when wild man came over the second time in wild man's absence skinner had become my closest friend so and skinner was just a little guy and he was like smoking crack and living out of a dumpster when i met him i took him off the streets he became my top sales guy got a house got a good woman they had a kid but when wild man came over i i know this is my best friend from childhood then i get it erupted and skinner made some power plays against me one of them was when wildman was in a deportation prison for almost a year i think it was his second deportation skinner who had been jealous of wild man and the beef had been building up wild woman was moving a lot of pills for me she was living in farmer in tempe in an upstairs apartment and he had a crew of black gangsters they came up with this scheme whereby a petrol bomb was flown from through her window almost set her on fire these gangsters showed up and said look we've come to save you get in the car bring all of your pills but they didn't know how tough wild woman was i mean to go out with wild man to stop do all these things and have this relationship based on violence this woman was incredibly tough she was a tiny blonde woman but they didn't know what they were dealing with so she comes out and she's like who the do you think you're talking to do you think i just got off the banana boat because i'm english and i'm top liver you want me to get in a car with you i've just been nearly set fire too i don't know you guys from adam and they just took off they couldn't deal with her so skinner he thinks wildman's in this deportation camp he can't get back into the country i get a liar on the case he expedites wild man's release wildman gets back into the country and then it's on between them too because well man he's called wild one from the deportation place saying as soon as i get back first thing i'm going to do is kill skinner so he's high on crystal meth days on end not sleeping will never allow him to have guns but he's got multiple weapons he finds skinner's play skinner leaves the state after he snitched us out because he so scared the wild man one of my other guys joey crack shows up at skinner's place thinking skinner's going to be in there wild man's in there and joey crack says wildman had every weapon known to man in that place laid out like a screwdriver a hammer golf clubs various knives and as soon as joey crack entered wildlife just grabbed him and like grabs a weapon he thinks he's skinny wow so it was our inside guy that brought us down properly because he knew everything about us always happens we're blowing smoke just to try and reduce their own especially the gravano ones it always happens you know and eventually it's going to go down that way even after you're out of it a year you know they catch up with you well i got to tell you sean this was great i mean it you know this is kind of like uh the wolf of wall street meets the english guy you know it's it's i mean it's it's a great it's a great story it really is fantastic story i'm glad you're doing well right now though it looks like you're getting back and i'm hoping these trolls you know go away because they shouldn't be able to shut anybody down when they're you know telling their stories and telling the truth we're dealing with that in a big way here in the states it's terrible and uh i hope people speak up enough and and get rid of these tech giants that are able to censor us it's terrible while man does something crazy from the get-go that i'm going to tell you next time wild man signed a plea bargain after 12 months so i'm fighting the case for 26 months and i get moved from medium security to max security to supermax they're really with me the prosecutor putting all this pressure on me later on i'm completely separated from my co-defendants what a guy comes into my life um his book is up there he's dead now it's called the mafia philosopher two tonys he's an old school mafia associate of the banana crime family who walked under joe bonanno senior he didn't want me to ever give his real name out because of considerations to his family so we called him two tonys but he told me his life story and he took me under his wing and he he mentored me he he was like a natural philosopher he taught me all these life lessons and i'd like to in the second part in honor of him and wild man um to get into the stories of of of them in the uh incarceration sets and if people are interested in what we've heard so far my life story is a trilogy so party time is everything that led to the swat team hard time is arpaio's jail and prison time is dlc and what happens after that huge thank you to you michael for coming on your channel you've got you know massive following highly respected and i'd like to say to the young people watching this don't get gangster writers it was two tonys who taught me that expression gangster writers i said keep your day jobs folks you see the glitz the glamour i've i've been talking about it enthusiastically here but i work in drugs education schools and it's mostly the consequences that i concentrate on the life lessons when your mom flies 5000 miles to visit you in an arizona slum house jail where she's waited outside for hours on end and they've had sniffer dogs on her ass and they're talking down to her these redneck guards and you see her bent over in that jail with her face broken because you put yourself in there and she's out there having your back still no matter what you've put her through think about the harm to your family the harm you're causing society it ends in the prison please and death and i've never ever claimed to be a gangster people are calling me out saying that sean atwood thinks he's a big guy saying he's going up against sammy the ball he's a tough guy i mean look at these hands i've got piano playing hands i'm a keyboard guy i'm a business nerd wild man was the big tough guy not me so i had gangsteritis myself and i lost six years of my life and i do yoga i do meditation i believe in karma and i'm trying to balance it out now by doing the right thing working with the young people and helping people share their stories on my platform so they can rebuild their lives because it was so cathartic to me to get the book out to get the youtube channel out to tell my story and see all the love and responses coming in it really helped me mentally i just i was a bit institutionalized when i got out it helped me adjust it's like those people those strangers are there in spirit with you so yeah huge thank you to the people watching this and um absolutely love what you do michael thank you again well sean thank you and i i appreciate that message that you just sent out to everybody it's something that i always try to leave my viewers with you know and speaking all over the world for the past 25 years especially to our young people you and i are on the same page that crime doesn't pay think of what it will do to your family because that's what we really have to consider and so i appreciate that very much you keep up the great work uh it was a tremendous sit-down that we had so thank you again have a uh a brilliant rest of your evening i think brilliant that's the term you use all the time in the uk you know have a great rest of your evening all right take care all right my friend you take care thank you cheers so there you have it shawn atwoods thank you again for all that you do and for all of you that watching and what do i say how do i leave you all the time be safe be healthy god bless and yes i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Michael Franzese
Views: 210,047
Rating: 4.8802042 out of 5
Keywords: michael, franzese, michael franzese, mafia, mob, mobster, mob boss, mafia boss, capo, caporegime, colombo, colombo family, colombo mafia, gambino, gambino family, bonanno, lucchese, genovese, john gotti, american mafia, italian mafia, sonny franzese, michael franzese sit down, shaun attwood, sammy the bull, attwood ecstasy, sammy the bull ecstasy, mafia sit down, ecstasy ring, sammy the bull michael franzese, does the mafia still exist, mob interview, is the mafia around today
Id: T6hqYXMeeZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 34sec (5374 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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