Sam and Dean being typical siblings for almost 6 minutes

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give it back no nina i've had it up to here with you yeah right back at you come on get off give it back they say i dare you to take a swig of this the hell would i do that if you pull that string one more time i'm gonna kill you come on you still bust out crying whenever you see ronald mcdonald on the television at least i'm not afraid of flying planes crashed and apparently clowns kill she hit me i'm not supposed to laugh right i'm sorry he looks like he got attacked by some pcp grace strippers [Laughter] we got all kinds of local trouble what do you mean a couple of folks got themselves murdered cops always seem to start here first so one of them sprayed me with seltzer from his flower this one is he's got a major dog collection back home don't you huh big time big time he's more of a um animated japanese erotica checker really all right give me a little help here not really hey dude i'm not using this id why not because it says bikini inspector on it don't worry she won't look that close all right house you won't even ask to see it it's all about confidence sammy you ever do anything else with your free time like take a girl out for a drink you do anything else with your free time like stop laughing sammy can somebody tell me where mr cooper is that's probably a dumb winner all these old houses had him not all what what you said what never mind punch me look man i know you don't want to okay oh oh you're a little off your game there because that was that was pretty cool all right don't be such a wuss stand in my room totally would you just don't touch my stuff anymore okay once you control your ocd really you can feel it i told you oh well good for you you don't know me he's a friend a friend dean you don't have any all your friends are dead it's not what i call to talk about this is a hunting thing and we need to find that line god stop talking yeah what makes you so sure because i'm the oldest which means i'm always right oh it doesn't it totally does all right scoop jerkface show your elders some respect you scoot that hat you think this is funny it depends what the car dude no dude yes well let me see get your own dude seriously it's not funny yeah all right so oh hey sam can't talk right now because he's waxing like everything but leave a message what do you do with my phone dean come on hey hey uh-oh no give it back why why why because privacy and stuff where's my laptop i don't know what the hell was that dean that was my phone you're on a dating app yeah and you know what i'm knocking until you try it nice screen name dean impala 67. all right give it back come on shailene huh where'd you hide it what your computer yeah would you hide it why would i take your computer because no one else could have dean we keep the door locked we never let any maids in looks like you lost it poindexter did you take his computer that serves him right but no well i didn't lose it because i don't lose things oh that's right yeah cause he's mr perfect okay okay cops have it there yeah i think the ball washer didn't the what the bomb washer what the bulb you know it's comforting what's that i died for a year came back and you're still not funny shut up i'm hilarious you're bossy you're short are you drunk yeah so stupid okay well something happens to my brother while we're out here dealing with this crap hey a little respect it took years to perfect that spell if your brother's too stupid to do his parts and that's on him what'd you say it's okay cause you're my brother and i still love you how'd you get here i uh stole the car that's my boy we're lighting up a little sammy he's the only one who gets to call me there okay no offense man [ __ ] jerk don't ever do that again do what don't miss it like that you're worried about me all i'm saying is you vanish like that again i'm not looking for you i'm sure you won't i'm not so you got sidelined by a 13 year old girl huh oh shut up just saying you must be there kiddo shut up
Channel: •SalmonDean•
Views: 405,727
Rating: 4.9873562 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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