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what's up guys and welcome back to animatronics salvage in the last video as you guys know we salvaged dread bear from five nights at freddy's vr in today's video dropping back into the game because we're actually gonna be salvaging some pretty exciting animatronics and this is probably gonna be my last video on the game so if you guys have been enjoying this series be sure to smash like on the video and let me know that you guys enjoyed it let's see if we can crush a total and this could be a real like goal of exactly two likes exactly two likes okay if we could crush that goal then i'll be very very happy it'll show me that you guys really enjoyed this series but yeah currently i think we've played just about everything i want to play in this game besides finding candies animatronics and that's really it i mean after that i think we've kind of done all the major animatronics so until there's like a new update or a new game or something like that um made by this developer yeah we're probably not gonna play another one from him for quite a while until something new comes out but don't worry because obviously we have a ton of other fan games on you know down the line that are gonna be coming out and they're pretty insane so trust me stay tuned for those but let's go ahead and head over to fnaf uh actually nope nope we're gonna be heading over to fanac which is five nights at candies if i can get through the five nights at freddy's four level there we go sister location go through here you guys fnap six goodbye maybe if i can okay come on let me just let me just click past it why do we always have this problem game what is up with you and me and skipping pages okay there we go fights case two finds case one all right so these are the animatronics that we've been looking for because obviously you've got candy the cat you've got cindy you've got chester you've got um even like the shadow animatronics and even rat himself so there are some pretty exciting ones here to go through so we're going to go ahead and go through i guess with candy first we'll start with him and then go from there all right so candy let's see what he's going to look like in game chosen with the maintenance checklist remember use your company-issued taser to return the animatronic to a neutral state if you feel that it's becoming unstable or aggressive you can only use it three times before it begins to damage the animatronic and decrease its value begin audio prompt in three two one i won't even get close to three times using this thing all right come on do they know who they're talking to bro i am the professional animatronic salvager all right i literally document really i'll document like five results right now look watch this boom boom beginning oh no i broke you why did i do that all right let's send it back because i don't know exactly if that was his first movement or a second because i did like two things right there i don't want to risk it so we're gonna play it safe okay now he's doing that come on yep play your little sound effect he's not gonna move his balls we have to wait for the other guy to say document there we go it's so funny you can have like both of them activate the same time okay here we go so i actually want to see what he's going to look like when he moves okay so that's his first movement right there so i wonder his second is obviously going to be like i'm assuming he comes closer and like more into the light that's one of the problems i have with this game though it's like it's so dark over there i want to see that more of them but they're so dark documentaries document results we're going to be quick here yes oh there he is like he opens his little mouth oh boy that is so cool though to see candy here it's awesome all right we're gonna actually shock him back so obviously we gotta document our final result here and then go on to the next animatronic i think i'm more excited to see like the shadow animatronics and definitely rat and cat and like nightmare and cat oh man i can't wait to see those guys okay here we go this is the final ones obviously it's going to go on for a little bit of time here but don't worry we got this i i can't lose literally i let watch i say that the game's gonna like glitch out i'm gonna get jump scared randomly all right here we go and anytime anytime this year game i'm ready to document my results dude i'm not seeing anything all right here we go yes here we go you have wanted the maintenance checklist we literally wanted that simple salvage well done and tape and he just like costly all yours i did it yay but yeah like i said this is going to definitely be my last video on the game because there's really i mean we've been doing the same thing every video we're it's mostly just to see what the animatronics are going to look like like we're not really playing it for the gameplay aspect of it we're more or less just playing it just to be able to see what these guys actually are going to look like in game okay so 5k are fights phrase four sister location and okay it they really need to fix this why is this a thing it's so hard to just get through them okay so we've done candy the cat which was obviously that was so cool to be able to actually see him in that like table with the lighting it was so crazy but now i kind of want to do shadow cat or our shadow candy i always mix those up shadow candy or we could do we can do like normal rat right there i don't even know dude there's so many good ones and then of course find case two has even better ones and finds case three has just insane ones actually let's do a five case three animatronic um let's go ahead and do nightmare rat let's do it let's just see oh look at the eyes maintenance checklist oh this looks so good use your company this looks so awesome let's just do it let's just see what he looks like when he moves oh man that looks so freaky let's do it again three times i'm breaking the game all right literally it's just muted at this point oh look at him it looks so cool i love how this one looks all right so this one's obviously going to give us the jump scare here and uh let's see i'm guessing it's literally just going to be the finance kane's 3 jump scare but we'll see and oh yep it is it is and it's weirdly cropped too and there's that sand falling sound effect you know you gotta have that if it doesn't have that whenever you lose then it's not an actual jump scare okay everyone knows that if there's no sand falling oh my dude that was literally a perfect run of skipping through all those that's the first time we've ever had a run that good okay so let's go ahead and do just normal old rat here it's like withered rat i don't really remember but let's go ahead and do it you have chosen to proceed with the maintenance yeah guys do we even do i mean we already know what's gonna happen let's just pull it up so oh he's you can't really see much like once this is one of those ones it gets so dark but i mean it still looks cool but it's just so dark oh what the wait was that the noise from five nights at candy's one that was weak i don't remember that being the jump scare noise that was strange i don't know guys comment down below if that was the actual noise but i don't remember that being the noise at all anyways let's go ahead and go back in with another animatronic uh okay we're stuck again i'm honestly wondering like what causes that there's got to be something that causes that like it'll just work perfectly and it's like no no no i'm not going to work all right so let's go ahead and go to find case 2 now and take a look at some of these guys so um we've got candy again i'm guessing we could do rat or i'm emmett cat which would be cool but let's go ahead and do candy but like the withered version of it i'm assuming with like the missing eye oh dude that looks cool let's go and mute that let's see here oh that looks cool and then of course the second stage uh just kind of turns its head that's kind of disappointing but it's still cool to see now obviously we can chalk it back what there's not even a there's no noise for it this time what have we done to this game how do we always break a fan game we always find a way to oh now it's working again i don't even know dude i don't even know i'm just gonna say yes yes yes yes yes get me out of here oh it literally just takes you right out it just takes you straight out how interesting is that it didn't even like let me go back and like see him or anything like i thought i was gonna get jump scared for doing that but no it's just like yeah bro you did it like yeah you cheated but you still did it so we're gonna let you just go out in the head all right so here we go find candies two or one okay there we go two um let's go ahead and do rat now or cat why do i always mix those guys might be the only one comment down below but i think i'm like the only one that always whenever i go to say cat i say rap whenever i go say right i say cat it's the weirdest thing all right so nightmare cat let's go ahead and get in actually no it's normal we're gonna do this one normally guys we're gonna give it a fair share a fair shot here use your company as your taser to return the animatronic to a neutral state if you feel that it's becoming unstable or aggressive yeah let it try to be aggressive to me i'll show this animatronic who's aggressive just you watch crazy you move i dare you i dare you to move audio prompt in three two okay here we go the first audio problem yeah don't move a muscle i'm watching you that's what i thought i'm literally talking to an inanimate object right now all right document results unsure i'm unsure about that one to be honest oh there he goes first movement okay one second audio prompt [Music] document results okay i'm feeling uh uh uh yes no yes no any either of them oh that's what it looks like when it moves closer so obviously now we have to shock it because if i don't you know what's gonna happen it's not gonna be a good thing at all it is not gonna be a good thing okay here we go i i kinda i know i don't wanna get the jump scare we're gonna play it legit we're gonna we're gonna you know we're gonna actually do this one all right get back in your position all right yes yes yes yes that was definitely yes it moved oh it moved again three crap two i only have one if we're going off of the rules that means i only have one more shock and then it's over i don't even know if i have enough oh no i might actually not have enough to win this now why did i do that oh no i do i do i do so this is its first movement yeah i literally if i oh man if i had if i would like use my third one i would it would have been game over like if we're following the actual rules here which we're gonna try to okay we're gonna try to follow them okay here we go this is the long one you know what to skip it yes he's just looking at me he's like looking at me sideways like did you really just cheat did you really you're at the very end and you decide to skip it just because it's a long audio prompt yes yes i did all right yes i did cat and you can't do anything about it because i'm moving on to the next one all right so now we get into the more exciting ones because obviously there's going to be five kane's three you got nightmare returns you got nightmare vinnie which was just oh man the first time we saw him that was so creepy and insane and we've also got this nightmare rat and cat so yeah we've got some pretty exciting ones all right move out of the way everyone move out of the way come on there we go all right so we've done nightmare rat now we could still do nightmare couch i definitely want to see because these are like the bigger animatronics like the more bulky creepy looking ones but i definitely want to do nightmare vinnie i hope you can actually see him and he's not like super dark and like in the shadows too much like i hope he can actually see what he looks like i want to see his full design and everything like that i want to oh you know what would be a crazy jump scare for him if he gets up on the table like uses both of his hands to like get up and like st like get closer to you if they don't do that that is such a missed opportunity let's see though okay you have chosen to oh it's like phantom puppet checklist we're going to do this one legit though here the company issued taser to return the animatronic to a neutral yeah yeah yeah i got it nothing that can stop me especially no creepy puppet named vinnie of all things all right why vinnie why not something creepy like i don't know i can't think anything else but even he just sounds like vinnie sounds like what danny devito would be called if like he had his own sitcom besides always sunny in philadelphia i could just i could see day to be danny devito being called vinnie i don't know why okay i'm feeling an unsure on that one for sure okay why does he look like that he looks different or his eyes something about him looks different i don't know if it's his eyes or his lip what is that i don't know all right here's where we're gonna find out hopefully he gets closer please get closer ah come on he didn't even do anything he's you can't even see him i'm a little disappointed by this one because he literally came you know what i'm just gonna get the jump scare yeah that one was a little disappointing if we're being honest here i i was expecting him to like get up on the table and like you know do something you know anything but instead he just kind of hit in the shadows you couldn't really see them all that much all right so now we have i i guess we have like two more electronics and we're really done because we did find stage one we did all the cool oh the only one that we didn't do was cindy because we also didn't even do her withered version but besides her so we have cindy left we can either do withered or normal i'm thinking probably normal um and then we've got finds case three we've got nightmare cat and then i do want to actually do fredbear because we did spring bonnie last week i think and then we're done all right after that we are completely done with this game we're moving on to another fan game because we got some really cool ones lined up um let's go ahead and do normal old cindy normal old cindy and we're just going to go ahead and just see what she's going to look like we're not going to play it out legit so let's see here i'm assuming we'll be able to see her judging by yep oh man she looks cool that's a cool one see because you can actually see them did you tilt her head to the side like that i love the one thing i loved about glitch trap was how he put his hand up and he like waved to us that was such a cool feature but yeah she just kind of turns her head and then you get a little jump scare right there that's still better than nightmare vinnie for sure like that was oh no i clicked chica all right let's get at us quickly oh that's cool wait she had her cupcake on her shoulder that one was pretty cool that one was actually pretty cool i like that one did we touch no i don't think we did cheek i think we did we did like freddy golden freddy and somebody else i think but no chica well now we did all right so now we're gonna do nightmare cat this should be a cool one because the sharp teeth they do not let us see the sharp teeth then i don't know that's going to be really upsetting i want to see your sharp teeth let's see all right round one okay that's pretty cool like you can see you're staring at us and round two okay the tilted head they all kind of do the same thing they like look at you and then they tilt their head and then that's kind of like then it's jump scare okay that's definitely a fan made jump scare that was definitely fan made but hey you know what at least it has a jump scare like you know its own unique jump scare instead of like you know just the one from the game so i can dig it all right so now we're gonna go and go all the way to the end so we did nightmare cat is there anyone i think i'm forgetting someone nightmare cat we did vinnie no now it's time to do fredbear so the final one is fredbear i mean if there if you guys do want to see another video on this game um i mean there is other anatomics we could do but i don't know if you guys really want to see it it's up to you guys completely so if you guys do another video on this game let's crush um 7.5 k likes on this video okay and i'll do another video and that's only if you guys want to see it though okay like we have to actually how about this because this video will eventually crush 7.5k like i don't want it to be like a year from now and i'm getting comments like look fusion this video has 7500 likes it's been like three years but come on bro you gotta go back and do another video on it so if this video can reach 7.5 k likes in the first 24 hours i will do another video and we'll go back and do all of the other amateur i could imagine like a one-hour video on this game and we just like finished off the game completely all right if i do do another video this game we're gonna finish off the entire game and then we'll be done with it all right but yeah this currently this is going to be the final video unless you guys really want to see more but let's go ahead and do fredbear the final animatronic right here whoa what the hell checklist why is his hat red okay that is that's fredbear shouldn't it be purple interesting okay so wait let's get him oh wow he looks he looks weird but like cool at the same time or his eyes gonna light up i hope so oh they do that's cool and then wait what's he gonna do for his jump scare though it's gotta be like a fan mate or he has to have made his own oh oh yeah i forgot ultimate custom i had fredbear in it yeah i forgot about that oh oh this one's got it a secret what the that stuff in f1 what are they gonna look what the heck okay i i was literally not expecting this at all what what is going on this was completely i had no idea this was here like i promised i had no idea what is this is it like hinting at like another game or it looks like two eyes i'm assuming i'm clicking it's not doing anything so it's like it's playing a cut scene right now but i have no idea what's happening i'm gonna click the little dots out there's nothing okay is is this like a hint that there's something coming or is that like a secret animatronic that would be really cool like we go against fredbear and then after him you unlock like one final salvageable animatronic and that's like the finale that would be insane but no oh okay interesting is it just gonna put us back on the what dude that was weird wait did we unlock anything that was so strange because like i don't think wait is anyone doing i thought oh no okay i thought that was a new amateur no it's not is there anyone new though maybe like if we go all the way to the end now there'll be somebody else there like unlocked that would be such a crazy secret i doubt there is but like off the crew is watching this that'd be a cool secret like you go all the way back to the end there's like somebody new but i i don't think there will be but we can check anyways just to be on the safe side no there's no one here that is interesting because i kind of want to see if we actually if we actually complete this like normally so let's just go ahead and do everything answer everything right now so this is breaking the game real quick hold on guys okay so i want to see if we actually beat this will there be like another ending no i think it's the same ending let's see if anything new happens at the end of this like with the eyes and stuff like that but that's interesting i wonder what is that even hinting at it was just two eyes no it's the same that is so weird it's it's a very weird weird secret ending because like no other animatronic does this for you and not only that but spring bonnie i don't even we did spring money didn't we unless i'm like losing my mind i'm fairly certain we did spring bonnie and that one didn't have an ending like this but for whatever reason fredbear does watch i'm gonna get comments that are like we didn't do spring body which if we didn't what the heck okay there's literally there's a there's a car driving outside my house it just went by just beeping non-stop i don't know why or who they would be i don't know if the mic picked that up but literally they just drove by like dude dude like beeping their horn over and over again i don't know what that was but if you guys heard that i guess let me know in the comments but yeah guys i guess i'm gonna go in this video here um yeah the same thing happened so guys that was animatronic salvage um overall it was a pretty cool game like i love the variety of animatronics there was so many different animatronics to go up against it was super cool to see like each one having their own like unique style and stuff like that and their own like unique you know look to them and stuff like that but the one thing that kind of like threw this game off for me was how every animatronic had the same thing to do for them like you and you could obviously skip past it like there was no challenge to it and there was no like uniqueness to every animatronic going up against them it was just kind of like how they looked and stuff like that but still guys i enjoyed the game you guys seem to enjoy it too that's why we did three videos on it possibly four if you guys want to see it and i'll see you all in the next one thanks so much for watching peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 173,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fnaf simulator, five nights at freddy's, five nights at freddys, five nights at freddy's simulator, freddy, fnaf vr, scott cawthon, horror, animatronics, freddy fazbear, bonnie, jumpscare, fnaf vr ending, fusionzgamer, fnaf special delivery, fnaf vr help wanted, creepypasta, reaction, funny, fnaf song, scary stories, fnaf ultimate animatronic salvage, ultimate animatronic salvage, salvaging animatronics, salvaging candy, salvaging five nights at candys animatronics
Id: YysJSlGK5Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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