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what's going on guys and welcome to five nights at freddy's animatronic repairs as you guys know just about a week ago we played an animatronic repair game where we were working on the withered animatronics well this is an entirely new game and apparently we're gonna be able to work on freddy bonnie and i wanna say toy bonnie and maybe some others so it's gonna be a fun video but this is just a demo so keep that in mind and uh let's go ahead and press enter and begin so far i like what i'm seeing though this little menu looks cool oh select a character so we have five nights at freddy's one and it looks like either these guys right here on the right side foxy and chica are locked or they're not in the game yet but we have freddy and bonnie just like i said and if we go to the next page we have toy bonnie toy chica and toy freddy now currently only toy bonnie is playable but the other ones are there now can i oh five nights at freddy's three there's no one here yet fighter is four how long is this list hold on a minute and that's it okay so i think it ends yeah it ends at finance phrase four all right so let's go ahead and hop in with freddy oh by the way guys for a possible double upload tonight alright no promises but if i do do a double upload all right we gotta crush a like goal of one like on this video okay if we can crush that and i can get a double upload for you guys out later tonight i'll do it but there's no promises okay but i'll try all right let's see here task repair freddy press s to open and close the monitor okay oh oh okay oh that's actually really fast oh no it goes slower okay i didn't read the instructions on that little loading screen so i oh no okay what do i do i'm pressing everything z x everything buttons buttons none of these buttons do anything oh i honked his nose on accident oh my that actually worked dude i honked his nose on accident that made it out alive oh my gosh okay that's actually what you have to do okay that doesn't seem too bad right oh no honk it again hunky okay yeah that that is that's actually not too bad this guy's easy bro you call this a challenge like i'ma honk it again just for fun okay i can't that probably would have been a bad eye oh no okay i already reset them this one is way easier than the other one so far okay you're still not moving that's fine wait can i do multiple oh my god you can you can do like multiple at once so you could just do this one this one this one and then like oh no and then get jump scared if you don't look back at freddy in time okay let's stick to one of them okay let's just repair his right leg oh he moved while i was looking at him what the can you not do that that's creepy okay almost done almost done didn't move okay come on come on come on what are you doing what are you okay no we're fine okay done continue continue continue so no movement okay this guy seems pretty easy i think there's only like one movement i think he just he does that pose right there where like i don't know what that pose is but he just does that pose and then he after that i'm guessing we get jump scared okay go away okay last one come on he doesn't make any oh he's moving a lot now he's moving a lot oh he is he's moving a lot now he knows i'm almost done he knows i'm just trying to repair you what kind of an animatronic are you that doesn't want to be repaired it doesn't make any sense if i was you i've been sitting at a desk for like 30 years or whatever you've been doing back here freddie i don't know what you've been up to but i would be happy to first of all have any company and be getting a free repair all right so wait i want to see this guy's jump scare though before we continue on to bonnie what's to say freddy will move slow at start if he moves just boop his snoot oh okay what are we playing dead by daylight here we going against the pig let me know if you guys played that by daily in the comment section if you guys do what is your rank all right and there's no a if you gotta if you're a higher rank there's no problem with that if you're rank one hey that's really good but honestly i wanna know what you guys rank are if you guys do play i play and i play until i get rank one and i just stop playing i'm one of those people like as soon as i hit rank one i'm done okay freddy hello freddy i'm just one okay i'm just gonna stare at the monitor for a little bit okay no now okay did he forget he can move hello he's gone afk bro wake up well you can move you're suppo oh there we go okay now what happens if i just stare at you i'm not gonna click anything just gonna stare at you you're staring at me i'm staring at you hey we're having a heart-to-heart moment right now no words are being said could you do something hello okay any watch this is it i'm gonna work on this and jump scare and jump scare okay you know i don't even think you can oh wait there's like he has to move again oh wow yeah this is really easy oh okay he just comes up and just swallows his hole yeah that's super easy though there's another move cycle after that one wow i thought after that first one we were it was done but oh my goodness okay maybe that's just bonnie okay he's or freddie he's a starter you know you don't want to make it too difficult you want to start off nice and easy so let's go in with bonnie now okay this is where it's gonna get harder use his guitar to move him back you can move him in both of his phases okay so i gotta like strum his guitar or something i don't know if this is a good idea i mean hey think about it all right that's your guitar would you want someone else strumming it oh she's just staring down at it wow you really like that guitar body you are just staring right at it do you even see that i'm here oh look i think it's going up slower now okay no the first one's always fast okay go go go no movement he's just eyeballing that guitar like he he looks like he wants to eat it i think that's what it is i think i'm ruining a moment here all right i think i'm honestly ruining a moment between bonnie and his guitar because he's definitely he wants to do something with that guitar i don't know what but something okay oh he's looking at me now okay so strum it oh okay i do a little guitar solo for him dang he's getting a dinner and a show i literally play a little solo for him all right i like this oh okay wait now you move alright we'll wait we'll wait no let me just okay i was gonna say i want to see all of his movement patterns but let's wait until we beat him first all right because this guy could be tough later on and we might see it we might see it like not on purpose okay he's still not there he's not moving dude this one oh okay reset yeah this one's so easy though for sure which hey i'm okay with that okay don't make it harder i'm okay with it this is fun okay almost done oh he's staring at me is that the same as the other pose he did before or did he move twice i don't think so i think whenever they move like the third the last move that they're gonna do they reach their arm out at you so i think we'll know i hope oh my gosh hurry you're almost done oh all right we know we're near the end now this is where things start to heat up okay no still nothing continue continue continue oh nothing okay continue torso oh no bad no back to looking at your guitar don't look up at me all right who do you think you are bonnie huh oh my okay reset again okay come on no no no okay we're just going to keep checking him just going to keep doing this this is the winning strategy if you guys want to win this game just do this there you go yeah literally you just do that that actually lets you win okay almost done and done all right so that one yeah these are both super easy but let's go ahead and go in again and let's see all of his move patterns now use guitar to move back okay same thing okay which by the way where are his eyes at in this this little loading screen right here that looks creepy he's just staring ahead at me looks really creepy oh yeah guys i forgot there is a new fnaf one mod i know we always do ultra ultra i'm sorry saying it now ultimate custom knight mods but there is a fnaf one mod with freddy fazbear where like he has like a body inside of him and i don't know do you guys want to see that i mean i could do that as a double upload today i had something else in mind but i could do that i don't know i mean hey if we crush that one like it's gonna be a tough one all right but if we can crush that one like you guys might see that i don't know it depends if you guys want to see it though i don't know does that sound like something you guys would want to see okay here we go here we go okay continue here we go this is where we get jump scared oh there's the arm reach out okay come on yours isn't as intimidating as freddy's arm but let's see here okay jump up okay so they all have the same kind of jump scare they just kind of like run at you and put you in their mouth that is a weird way of saying it but they eat you okay they eat you game over get me out of here all right so unfortunately so now we know though these two right here freddie art freddy foxy and chica are not in the game yet all right because we completed both of them nothing happened they didn't get unlocked all right so now for the final animatronic we have toy bonnie and something about this toy bonnie looks weird to me i don't know what but it does not look like the normal toy bonnie i don't know why oh this has a long one toy bonnie use your freddy mask to confuse him into thinking you are actually freddy don't use your mask for too long or you will pass out do not use your mask unless toy bonnie is reaching out to grab you oh no this is going to be hard okay so look at his eyes ew why is he okay guys comment down below there's something off about him right i don't know what it is maybe it's the eyelids does he has he always had like you know the red part up his above his eye right there has he always had that something about him throwing me off dude i don't know all right let's go amateur head first okay so we know for this one he said do not do anything don't put on the mask unless he's reaching his arm out for you so this is gonna oh my god okay yeah it's it's the red it's the right around his eyes it has to be it has to be that is oh my that is so creepy please just reach your arm out already please do it oh my just do it oh um okay mask is on toxic meter is okay what what the toxic meter just rose and i just passed out right there i don't even okay yeah it's the eyelids there i don't it has to be every time i see this versus toy body that's what sticks out to me or whatever that that thing is behind its eye around its eye i don't know anyway so what how did i lose that what i don't get it it said do not use your mask for too long do not use your mask unless toy bonnie is reaching out to grab you what i did that and he didn't leave okay maybe he he doesn't leave until i take off the mask i don't know okay i guess we'll try that but i don't i don't have a good feeling about this one guys i i feel like this is gonna be uh there's gonna be some screaming happening and it's not gonna be from the animatronic okay no no not moving not moving do you move at the same time every night i'm kind of curious about that because then we can just like speed run this almost oh he's staring at me okay it's fine it's fine he's just he's just staring at me there's nothing wrong with that you know people can stare all right just don't reach out at me all right don't don't don't do it almost done okay mask on and mask off mask on mask what okay i'm doing something wrong here i am doing something wrong maybe you have to do it before he reaches out even though i thought it said when he reaches out but maybe i read it wrong i don't know what go back in again go what does this say all right i'll read this again use your freddie mask confuse him into thinking you are actually freddy yes i did that do not use your mask for too long or you will pass out do not use your mask unless toy bonnie is reaching out to grab you maybe he has another move after that you know what let's try moving let's try putting on the mask whenever he moves just one time all right let's just see what happens because when he reaches out it doesn't work it's too late okay it's game over after that okay so i think i can do this one right let's quickly do it come on come on come on okay m mask is on early mask is off mask is on off on off what the heck you're just staring at me what do i do i'm gonna try honking its nose no that does nothing okay maybe he just bugged all right i think i've come to the conclusion maybe he's just bugged out okay or all right we have one other option there's one last option here and it's that there's another movement after he reaches out that i guess he reaches out further but i i have a feeling that that's not a thing do not use your mask unless toy bonnie is reaching out to grab you yeah i just i keep re-reading this thing thinking i'm going to like see somewhere where i read something incorrectly but no i read it right okay what does it say down here press i'm gonna put on take off the mask yeah okay whatever let's just go let's just go i'm just gonna try to just continue and we're we're gonna wait for him to reach out and then see what happens after that but i just don't have a good feeling don't have a good feeling at all because we had jumpscared even after putting on the mask right there so okay staring at me okay maybe i should work on one of these down here oh that's so slow okay you're reaching out i'm not gonna do anything let's just see what happens oh okay you lose you lose okay last try this is it guys final try all right after this i give up it's impossible or we're missing something i don't know what we're missing but there's there's something all right i don't know if there's like some tiny text somewhere that says like haha jk don't do the opposite of what i'm telling you to do i don't know i have no idea am i putting on the wrong mat do i have two masks or something is this like the body mask or do i need the freddie one i don't know okay go do animatronic head first okay go go go come on left arm we know he's not gonna he's not gonna do anything all right look he's scared at this point i i don't even need to check on him because i just know we've played this so many times that like he's not gonna move watch and watch stage two yep there it is okay moved once that's fine now this is where he's gonna reach out quickly like really fast here get ready and there it is okay m mask is on he's oh it worked i okay um i don't even i don't know i don't i did that before i did that before and it didn't do that i don't know i have a feeling it's not gonna do it again watch and yep i'm gonna lose and yep okay i think we found the problem here it sometimes it works and just sometimes it's just like i don't know what key you're pressing but it's not the mask key okay it just decides to just not work at all well overall though that was a fun game it was another animatronic repair game and uh i do like it but i kind of wish there was a little bit more to it because this one is a lot similar to the other ones that we played i think we've played like two or three in the past and they're they all kind of revolve around the same kind of objective to just repair this part by just holding your mouse over this section and i really wish they would do a little bit more with that i said that with the last one two and one before that i'm pretty sure but and also in terms of animatronics too we've already repaired all of these guys we've already repaired you know these guys too so unless they're gonna like change the mechanics i don't know i i kind of wish that they would do something like that they need to change the mechanics of the game in some way to make it you know more unique or just change up damage make them some more you know different than what we've already repaired that we've already done a bunch of times but guys i'm gonna end this video here of course you guys enjoyed the video let me know leave a like or any video down below i'd greatly appreciate it and of course if you're new to the channel and you haven't already destroyed that subscribe button and all i can be first videos and i'll see you guys in the next one peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 857,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fnaf repairs, fnaf repairs toy bonnie, repairing animatronics, repairing fnaf animatronics, fnaf security breach, fnaf security breach gameplay, fnaf help wanted, fnaf gacha life, fnaf fan games, ultra custom night, fusionzgamer, repairing old animatronics, animatronic repairs gameplay, animatronic repairs ending, five nights at freddy's, ball pit, fnaf song, five nights at freddys, fnaf animation, fnaf sfm
Id: bfsYy9xv0p4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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