Salvage Your FAILED Fall Overseed or Renovation

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what is going on good people and man we are now two weeks well two weeks in a Day post overseeding you can go back and check those videos out and see exactly how we did that process but looking at the lawn we have recovered well uh the lawn is looking good it is Shaggy so you know we got to take care of that well we have reached what I like to call a decision point we have to decide on a number of things to salvage that fall over seating or renovation so stick around in this video and we're going to cover all of those things that you need to be looking out for and deciding on because you know it's fall baby you hear the leaves falling see the leaves on the ground it's all cool season from here let's go thank you all right so we have got that Moe in and man we are looking good back there all right so usually around that two week Mark is when I want to make that first smoke the key to this is get on it get off the lawn will recover it will be fine it's a lot tougher than what you think it is so leading up to deciding on making that first move uh allow the lawn to dry out a little bit you've been watering frequently there's a lot of ground moisture everything has been moist for long periods of time because that's what you need it for germination I will not get out and water that day if I'm planning to cut on the first month the next thing is before you make that first cut make sure your blades are sharp this is going to be key you do not want to be cutting this brand new baby grass if you're doing a full renovation or if you're doing the overseed you're still going to be nipping the tips of this new grass so make sure your blades are sharp you can get a clean cut on it this is going to be key so as you can see from my over seed two weeks in I was on it you can wait a little bit longer especially if you're doing a renovation another gauge is going to be your based off of your desired height of cut so if you're looking for say a two inch height of cut you can allow it to get a half inch to an inch higher than what your desired height of cut is and then go out and cut it so another benefit of making that first most sooner which I have been on lawns and made the first cut as quickly as a week and a half and there were no issues but what happened is the plants begin to tiller out a lot sooner and a lot quicker so tillering is when a single plant begins to make multiple grass blades and then that is what helps to fill in the lawn and make it a lot thicker and fill in the way that we're looking for so don't be afraid to get out there and make that first smoke uh when you think that it's ready there's no rush but those are some indications of when you can get out and make that first smoke all right so we've got another decision to make well this one really isn't a decision it's just a go do it so we want to start backing down off of the watering that we're going to be doing the plants are going to have a hard life it's not going to get water every day it's not going to get water every couple of hours so we want to start to prepare the plants for that life so we want to switch to a watering cycle that is going to be less frequency but longer duration during the each watering cycle so that's going to more so stimulate and start to acclimate the plant to that lifestyle of how we're going to be watering at this point the plants do not have a very deep root system and it's still very shallow so we want to keep that top layer of soil with adequate soil moisture in it where the root zone of those new plants are so we got to start preparing them for it so it's time to start backing down off of that water because hey water is not going to come every day all right so normally right around the two week Mark is when it's time for me to make the decision of am I going to add more seed so all seeds don't germinate at the same time so I'm gonna be looking in those areas that are very thin or that are very bare and make a determination of if I'm going to add more seed look on the ground see if they're still seed present in those areas that just hasn't come up yet if there are no seeds in those areas I like to grab the Scott's whiz this is a very easy tool to use and go around and touch those areas up and adds a little additional seed you don't want to go too thick with seed here because that's only going to cause problems for next year so if those areas are really bare I like to use the garden weasel and make sure I incorporate that seed into the soil and it's just not laying on top of the soul you can go back and check my previous video out that I made this fall that shows that process of how I like to do that that keeps the scene protected keeps it incorporated into the ground and helps it to hold that moisture that we're going to be applying and you should have germination in no time all right so the final thing that we got to do it's about time to put down some more effort typically right around this period is when I want to put down some more fertilizer the seed had everything that it needed to get started and germinated right there when you planted it in the ground but now at this point you got to help it out nitrogen is what it's going to be needing at this point along with some phosphorus if you don't have adequate phosphorus already in your soil I like to go down with something that is going to be a little more quicker release from the nitrogen standpoint not necessarily looking for anything that is going to be a slow release I wanted to go ahead and release get into the soil so the new plants can take it up and go ahead and start thriving so at the end of the day this is going to be the process for salvaging uh your fall renovation or overseeding a couple of simple tips that we can follow and hey at the end of the day if things aren't working out just make sure you evaluate if you've given your seed enough time to germinate and if it hasn't just toss a little bit more seed down and continue to water and get it filled in all right y'all so that is gonna wrap this one up and if you're striving to have those Immaculate Lawns or Gardens just know we work
Channel: Elevated Lawnscapes
Views: 11,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8cLlr4_WhFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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