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[Music] oh i feel like it was just yesterday [Music] ain't no problems right here [Music] because the soul's got the feel [Music] and those things [Music] oh just believe [Music] ain't no room for the fear [Music] and hold that dream through the years [Music] no matter what they say you are well on your way to accomplishing the impossible and the journey never stops but through the opens [Music] just believe [Music] [Music] [Music] oh the worries may never stop [Music] but now all right today's mission salt but we gotta take salt from carver out to uh csx the train yard out in syracuse for them they must use it on the roads around the yard or something so we're loaded up with salt for there that's probably two hours west of here maybe two and a half something like that um it's a little dark out so i probably won't show you too much of that because the camera doesn't pick it up good but then after that we gotta find the place too i don't know just where it is i'll look when i get out there i'll have to stop um halfway out there i gotta call the lady anyway and let her know um and then we gotta go to utica which we did in the other video um get dirt there and bring that up to fort edward scissorhands up by lake george you know typical but this is a different place this is csx yard so let's see if we can get some cool shots when we get out there so let's go we're loaded paperwork's done quarter to seven we're out of here we didn't have to wait too long let's go let's go [Music] slow motion my movements are [Music] where [Music] exit 28 about an hour and a half ago 29 29a exit 30 31 32. 33 34a this is us 481 south we'll take this down in exit or two and we'll be there [Music] we gotta call randy because i don't know just where the entrance to the csx place is uh you've reached randy well that don't help what do we got here we got a sign or something let's uh let's creep forward here see what we can find all right let's see we're in this center lane here of course it's got to be snowing now just as i got down here here we are snow that's how it goes you know i don't see a sign randy said there was a csx sign that's where i gotta go but there's like eight different ways into the place is the problem [Music] i don't want to go past the right way so we're going to go down here make a left on this street something looks like north central if i stayed on that it would put me in some residential area i mean i see the trains i'm not far oh there's a sign and then i think i gotta make this right right here all right this is entrance c fremont 600 fremont that's where i'm oh that's where i'm supposed to be going [Music] now i guess just ride around until i find a salt shed somewhere oh here he is again let's see if it works hello holy what what were you trying to call me yeah i tried to call you once but it didn't i figured you were on the phone or something or no i called twice i figured you were busy yeah it was weird on my end too it kept saying call failed and different things so hey i pulled in here i think and i'm going along the tracks and the building was on my right like the office now i'm past that i keep going keep going all right the tracks are on your driver's side right we're on your lap that's right y'all and i'm coming up to a stop sign now you're on camera fyi i could i could cut them out though that's all right no yeah and you'll see you'll see a roadway that you think you literally just kind of collapse across over there so do i gotta go through i remember you telling me about this do i gotta go through this like camera thing um oh i don't know i didn't see any guy but i'm up to like uh on the left side i got to go through this like metal thing with cameras on it why yeah yeah i can go that way or i can go around it do i go through it well i think the left is one way that trucks coming out you want to go to the right through that through that metal thing right you have to squeeze between that metal thing and when you come around the other side of that building there's going to be a guy inside the shed oh the sheds right back here yeah the sheds right behind that building oh okay so i don't have to stop here or nothing right oh i said just to have you find the paper so when you leave you leave no i mean it through this camera looking thing yeah all right well i ignored all that i just dragged i don't even know what that is but i ignored all that um i'm getting off back to 34 years i'll be there shortly but yeah there'd be a little there's going to be a guy inside like a little penny booth you'll see him on your left when you go to the other on the other side of all that stuff you're driving through oh yeah i see the booth yup he should be in there you just signed your paper he'll ask if you've been here before [Music] okay all right he's i'm right next to him now he's looking at me let me jump out and get him do that thank you bye all right thanks randy that was awesome that was a big help let me jump out get this guy to sign like security and stuff here so i won't bring the camera but we'll see what we can do all right we got the paperwork signed found out where we got to go it's a little it's uh randy just what randy said basically but the guy had a map so it made i could see it on a map what i had to do so now we gotta cross some of these tracks here and stuff and uh find that salt shed which should be right up there somewhere by that gray building maybe if you could see it so let's uh let me put this camera down and let's do what we got to do here so we can watch for trains oh there's stop signs everywhere because you don't want to get run over by a train i suppose now we gotta watch for cranes trains and automobiles a lot going on in here put this window up do not pass it says oh don't pass other people okay don't pass that sign oh god we got container trailers now i gotta look oh right there you probably can't see it because i can barely see it with the snow coming but there's a bridge for 481 so we basically just looped around and now we're going to be under 481 dumping this stuff i guess did you imagine this go fight trailer 192.575. i'm gonna take you an hour to find that one this is actually pretty easy to get to other than the part i didn't know because there's like an entrance there there's an entrance back there there's an entrance on the other side of the yard there's like entrances over there i mean i knew i had to come here and i was right here up on the road but i just didn't know which one to go in but it worked out it all worked out with help from randy that was good once we got in here oh i see the salt shed you probably can't but it's down it is right under that bridge just like he said so here we come now we're gonna have to watch that [Music] i see a guy with a loader and a light on down there all right let's go down here and do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] she could not believe [Music] [Music] is [Music] no [Music] i will die [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's a cool little place to dump i had a dump put the body up between these two bridges so i didn't have much but it actually wasn't i thought it was going to be worse when i pulled in and saw the bridges there but it was like just spaced just enough that i put it up i can move forward a little bit and put it back down and turn around so let me button up this trailer and then we're on to utica to get loaded let's see if we can get east enough maybe we can get out of the snow that would make things nicer [Music] no oh all right everything's buttoned up we're done paperwork is good what i'm gonna do i gotta do uh uh yeah i gotta do the logbook and stuff but they're plowing 481 and the snow blows right off of the bridge onto where i'm sitting yeah are you going bud i'm going to use all right i'm all screwed up now um yeah i went through that gate with the guy there and i had him sign and he said come up this way so i did i dumped and then he said come back out this way and uh you don't have to go through he said you don't have to go through to do anything else he said just go around those gates and leave i don't know did i do it wrong oh but the guy in the right that just signed my papers um said they go all the way down around because you're not gonna be able to get through they got a train coming through or something so i think communication might be off oh maybe maybe since then there was a train that came through or something i don't know maybe i'll get messed up down here so i guess i do have to go back out all right let me get turned around right i see him coming through 100 miles an hour away for me well that's that i guess we can't go back out the way we came in because there's something's blocked up here so i gotta figure out how to get i gotta find a spot and back this baby into it i guess let's do that well that's that we squeezed into an open spot and got spun around i hate twisting the trailer up like that at least it was empty and it's pretty much this width all the way down to where we came in so there ain't really too much more i could have done there it doesn't it's only on the back axle anyway so there wasn't really any twisting i just you know you're worried about the airline and stuff but we got it wasn't a big deal wasn't all that tight oh here comes this guy now jesus this place is like a ant's nest around here now now i'm all messed up on this corner there's randy all right we made the corner all right i gotta we gotta now that we've been screwing off around here let's uh i'm gonna help randy because my piles in the way so he can't back up enough so i'm gonna have to watch him on this bridge up here because the loader guy isn't here to push it in so i don't know anyway i gotta get out of these people away i gotta go back and help randy hold on hold on i don't know why this is but i've been with randy like every day here for the last couple of months i mean i don't mind it it's just it don't normally just a coincidence you know i guess but i was a little ahead of him this morning because he woke up late it's hard getting out of bed when your girlfriend's laying next to you it's all warm and it's like 15 degrees outside nobody wants to get out of bed i don't either so he's a little late but that's all right he's made it on today made it just i'm still here and he's here so it didn't really matter now i gotta watch him on this bridge because i kind of screwed him with my pile think i ought to jump in that loader and push it for you i'm going to jump in that loader and push it if you pull ahead a little bit i'll do that all right well he thinks we can get it dude he's awful close look at this is the problem you got that bridge and that bridge the salt shad but see now he would have been all right like i was because i there was no pile there but i couldn't get it in any further because there was lumps and stuff there that i couldn't go over my tires so now he's got to put this up and miss this which he will but he's got to move forward to get that material out so we're gonna have to see what we gotta do here and i gotta watch for people because i don't know if first of all i don't wanna get run over and second of all i don't know if i'm supposed to have cameras in here or not i don't know we'll see but let's watch him make sure he does all right [Music] so i might have room [Applause] you gotta roll them a little bit you're below it now yep oh that worked [Applause] let's see how we did here get down but look how close you got to be careful anyway that's all oh my god as usual oh no it's not that cold it's dirty so i guess just being a wimp i guess i'm just sick of winter i'm grumpy miserable cold wet it's february so we're in deep winter now i don't like it i'm over it that first day when it gets like 50 55 i'll feel better all right so trailers down doors shut everything's good there can i see my handle yes uh log book no let's do the log book thank you all right we got here at like 9 15-ish we spent a half an hour eating lunch and then 15 minutes uh dumping syracuse cues i don't know i don't even watch basketball okay we're out of here there goes randy that's good because i don't know which way how to get out of this way so let's go enough screwing around let's get to utica and get this dirt back to work [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so i i guess we're stuck on both ways the train that i had to turn around for was going across there and now there's another one here uh so and he's across where we gotta go is up in there somewhere we gotta cross and he's across so i guess we are gonna take our uh the 30 minute break here but um i wanted to stop for a minute because last video uh came out like wednesday and geez the snow is blowing in i didn't realize this but i thought it was really cool a guy i follow uh that follows me on instagram nick um him and his father and his buddy apparently get together every friday night and watch my videos down in their basement they got like a cool setup like a living room but it's in the basement it's cool and uh i saw he sent me a video of it on instagram i thought that was really cool so i want to give a shout out to nick his father rich and his buddy ethan and i appreciate you watching and that's cool i didn't know people like got beers together and like sat and watched the video so that's really sweet that's awesome so thanks guys i appreciate it uh i guess that's it for now i don't really have a whole lot to say because we're kind of just sitting here um waiting to get to utica but it is i mean this is trucking i mean this isn't this is training like there's trains so that isn't trucking's fault but this is what happens in trucking traffic trains crossing uh i mean anything can happen so here we sit so when you think you're doing good on time then all of a sudden something happens and you're not so anyway i'm just going on and on because i can't think anything else to say right now and we're just sitting here so instead of that let's uh not say anything and just get back to work all right we're out of here finally uh onwards onwards to uh where are we utica all right good that's where we gotta go the train was across but it's not now so back to work all right well we made it to utica we got randy's out of us one truck ahead of him there's one getting loaded and maybe another one somewhere that's got to get loaded uh but the dirt looks really dry i don't know how that is it's been snowing uh it's snowing now kind of the ground is soaked but i think they're digging it out of the side of the hill instead of in the hole where all the water sits so it stays pretty dry there's a little bit of salt in the back that i left because this stuff is going to the berm plant anyway so it doesn't have to be it's not like when you haul sand and you can't have salt in it so it didn't really matter so what i'm going to do um is just so it doesn't get hung up on that i'm going to go back kick that pile around a little bit just spread it out in the trailer and the salt will suck up a lot of the moisture too and uh hopefully we'll see when we get up there i think everything should just slide right out good the liner is pretty good in this trailer uh with that salt keeping the floor dry and everything i think we shouldn't have too many problems um so this guy's pulling out now and we're gonna move up a truck and once we move up we'll go in the trailer kick that salt around [Music] all right so it came pretty clean really but if i was hauling um like sand or something real fine i would have had to sweep this out but since we're just hauling dirt and stuff that's going to go nowhere anyway um i don't even know if you could see pretty dark but i'm gonna kick this around a little bit in an effort this stuff slides good see how quick this slides like it just keeps moving kind i mean it ain't perfect it's not as good as plastic but i don't think we're really going to need it today and the temperature is plenty warm um i mean the temperature is like 33 or something right now so freezing is definitely not an issue and everything is i mean the liner is so smooth it should all just come out but we'll see when we get up there sometimes i won't put a put a piece of plastic in a piece of poly on the floor because it actually takes more time and that stuff costs money so i'll try to save the money and just shovel a little bit you know if there's like three or four shovelfuls when i'm done dumping this it was worth it to me to not put the plastic in because it takes less time to shovel it and it costs the company less money in plastic so that's that we're going to uh i'm going to get back in the truck i'm going to continue to move up the line until we can back in and load up [Music] [Music] my movements are where oh [Music] hey do you care if i put this here i can never tell if you're serious or not [Music] actually can i just set it on the ground you don't care right if it's air on the ground where do you get the top copy right [Music] slowly rises i fall [Music] so [Music] [Music] well that was pretty cool that was uh kevin he follows me on instagram um that's cool running into him he goes by trucker kev 31 on instagram if you guys are interested in following him um give me a shout on there see what he's up to uh we are a little better than a third of the way to fort edward with this dirt for the burn plant so we're going to keep on trucking we got it's uh like 10 minutes to one now should be up there like quarter after two dump this off uh and then see what's what's up i imagine that's about it but um we'll keep you posted all right guys well it's about 2 30. we just got here to fort edward um i'm just down the road i gotta get the tarp open um do my logbook do all that stuff get my boots on of course because if i didn't take them off and it's my own fault but anyway we're gonna dump this and that's gonna be about it for today's video there's not too much more you know the drill i just kind of go back and put fuel on it and spray the salt off of it so that's gonna be it guys let's dump this get back down south to the shop and that'll be it for wednesday i don't know if this video is going to come out tonight or tomorrow it's all going to depend on what time i get home and and how the editing and stuff goes um but that's that's that so thanks for watching guys uh thanks for subscribing if you haven't yet make sure you do that the comments have been great it's getting a little harder to keep up with all the comments so if i i see them i just some of them i can't get to because i all day i'm driving and i don't do that while i'm driving usually so um if i don't get to them it's not that i don't care it's just that i don't get to them also facebook i've been getting a lot of requests on facebook to be friends uh and that's the only place that i have that's my own so it's nothing personal but and i mentioned this in another video that i put out that uh i don't usually accept people unless i actually know you on there instagram is a place for that i mean i'll respond to your your messages and stuff if you if you're on instagram but facebook's the only thing i got that's my own so i try to keep it that way so nothing personal i see them and i appreciate it but uh but that's why so that's that dump fuel spray and i guess you'll we'll see you on the next [Music] video [Music] ain't no problems right here [Music] so take those things [Music] that's a wrap guys time to go home wednesday's over
Channel: Wes Grippin
Views: 41,853
Rating: 4.9241519 out of 5
Keywords: cedar hill trucking, Idlewild trucking, trucking, truck, Jake, brake, Jake brake, engine brake, cat, caterpillar, kenworth, kw, w900, w9, peterbilt, 389, 379, truckin, semi, tractor trailer, dump trailer, east, trailer
Id: qb1cUJtBNXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 0sec (2340 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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