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[Music] so [Music] all right we're just leaving stuart you know the usual morning coffee stop uh we got a bunch of people been asking me where the videos were and it's been a while since i've done a video so i thought it was time i don't know how much i'll be able to we gotta go like i'm loaded for a landfill right now and landfills are weird they don't want camera well it says no phones so i don't really know that they don't want cameras i just i kind of assume and i don't want to cause any problems for the company or myself so i typically don't but i suppose if i just let you know what i'm doing and kind of show you a little bit of what's up and don't mention the name of the landfill i don't see what it can hurt so we're loaded for landfill first thing when i get to work um we're going to run to there dump that out it's not hazardous but it's got stuff in its soil like we like i told you how we take the the uh contaminated soil out of like fuel like uh gas stations and stuff it's not it's contaminated but it's not anything bad like fuel so it can go in the ground so we'll bring it there dump it and they'll bury it um and then we got we gotta go down the road probably half an hour and get sand like a specialty sand for a a horse show place um down near saugerties it's called hits a lot if you guys are into horses you probably know it i guess it's like a pretty big place for uh horse shows so we'll bring that sand down there i imagine they use it in like the arenas or something i don't even know if you can see me because it's still kind of just getting light out so but anyways well that's what we're doing today uh we're on our way in i'm gonna have some coffee eat my peanut butter and jelly sandwich from stewart's and uh i'll see you when once we get in the truck [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't know if you can even see me we don't need a log book because we're pretty much local we're going to be within like 50 miles of the shop so far today and if we end up going further i'll just have to add to it uh first thing i got to get some batteries ready some batteries and then so when i got here a guy that used to work here he left to go to a a different job but he's back he must have some time off or something and one of our drivers is on vacation this week so it was cool seeing him he's going to be going he's doing the same thing as we are today but he already left because apparently he's more diligent than i am okay that's enough batteries get them ready where they go get this started time we get here six close enough you know i always try to give the benefit of the doubt to the company because so like it's quarter after sick uh it's like it's quarter after six now but it made me think so if i was to show up here like quarter to five it's quarter to six oh my lord i would just put six down and give them the 15 minutes and then i'll do the same thing at the end of the day and the reason for that is i don't stop often but sometimes if like if i'm go like for instance up north at exit 12 in the north way there's a western star double m western store and that's where i get a lot of my boots well it's like an hour and 15 minutes from my house and if i i go up and down through there a lot in the truck so i feel like if i just be honest with the company you know like sometimes it won't bother him if i just stop for 15 minutes and get a new pair of boots it's just stuff like that you know you try to to help out them so that they can help out you in a way you just be you just try to be honest and fair with everybody is the whole is what it is all right so paperwork's good the truck is ready it's kind of got bugs and stuff on it but i think i'm going to have to wash it if we get down close enough to the beacon today we'll stop and get it washed after the landfill but i didn't want to wash it because i got to go in the landfill it gets real dusty and it messes the tires all up in there and stuff so was no sense anyways i'm rambling paperwork's done we got this this soil going to the landfill let's head on our way all right so sometimes when the is this set up right well keep her off the boss's lawn um sometimes when the truck is clean i'll go out this way i think it keeps the the the wind typically blows this way so what's that like south to north and north to south like this way so if you go out the other driveway sometimes it'll blow i don't know it's just this is what i think sometime and plus everybody comes in the other way and it's it's wide enough for two people but sometimes it's just easy easier on everybody if i go out this back way sometimes i don't like to do it a lot at night like if it's dark because i'll have my headlights right on this it goes right through these people's window and i don't want them to complain also like if i spray the dust off the truck which i didn't this morning because because of the landfill but if i spray the dust off the truck everything is wet on the tires or like if it's muddy in the yard i'll go this way because then i can go slow down the road and get the mud will come off the tires before i get going at any speed where it'll i don't know i'm just trying to tell you what i do the reasons i do things you know i'll look it now i just got done saying how everybody comes in the one way and here now they're coming in this one [Music] first thing this morning i'm glad i didn't put any real good pants on first thing got grease on my knee never fails of course these are work pants so don't much matter but i guess it could be worse all right let's get these on so that because we're going to be going slow here to take off oh do it i knew it you don't ever get out of this driveway or this road you never get out onto this road in one shot you always got to stay here for an hour yup now look at this car goes by perfect now there's a truck coming from the other hood we'll be right here until thursday anybody all right let's get one going while we can another truck coming see that's what i mean as soon as you pull out there's [Music] somebody i'm sorry bo i didn't sleep in the corner you know what i mean i got no need [Music] all right let's go to the landfill see you in a minute [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh it's very important part of taking this route is not flipping over on this corner here you don't like the boss don't like that so [Music] hey can we close this now it's actually really nice it's like 57 it feels nice out but just loud all right so apparently the exit that i have to get off of um a guy josh that follows me on instagram is right in this area and he got a hold of me and said he was gonna wait on the shoulder so i gotta get off that exit anyway i'll swing in there for five minutes uh and we'll see him you guys get to meet john i get to meet josh i've never met him in person so there's josh all right let's take you with me try not to get run over i appreciate it that's worked out good i didn't make so close [Applause] oh yeah i didn't see the air coming out that's cool did they cut they come out of jersey did they okay let's take a look at the trucks i see everybody on instagram but i never really see what they're what they drive or what the i mean one of the international people oh okay oh yeah that's the big big paper plane up there oh wow look at this thing that was cool [Music] uh oh yeah nice looking truck good looking truck thank you thank you how you like that you like that better than the pete yeah yeah i mean i i love that truck just because of the pink but i like cameras better yeah i like the dance better uh i like the look as long as it's like the low top i like the looks of them better i got more room too well but yours isn't bigger yeah yeah the big holes do but mine doesn't look like i'm not that far doesn't really affect me anyway let me put this thing down all right that was cool um i've been friends with him on instagram for a while but i never got to meet him like like this um that was cool meeting him i always enjoy meeting people you know you kind of put a face with the with the name and with the picture of the trucks and stuff so he really takes care of that truck good that was nice to see anyway this is what i was talking about this morning about how sometimes like i'll give the company 15 minutes or 20 minutes or whatever just for stuff like this so that they don't get mad or angry when you stop for 10 minutes to talk to somebody because you know just like a you treat them good they treat you good type of thing that's all but so now we're we're getting off the exit here i got to go probably 20 minutes down the two-lane road and we'll be at this landfill so now that we stopped i'm gonna uh i'm gonna keep on rolling but i'm glad i got to meet him so here we go back to work two three seven six two and one all right first thing we gotta do before we actually get into the landfill it's pretty dry out today so it's not a big deal but still i don't like to scratch up the mud flaps and you don't want to run them over and rip them off so before i get into like we're out on normal stuff now but before i get into where it can be soft or whatever i'm gonna bungee up my mud flaps and uh i'm gonna take you with me i'm not doing very good with this camera today i'm all over the place [Applause] all right so you grab the bungees you come down here we're gonna set the camera up somewhere don't hit your head normally i wouldn't have to do this on the tractor if i was dumping you've seen me do it on the trailer but it can get soft in these places even when it's dry so just for takes two seconds to do okay that's done now we'll go back and do the normal ones on the trailer these are pretty high i don't think if i back up even if they hit anything i don't think they would they're low enough to hit the to get wedged under the tires anyway but like on these on the tractor even if it is high enough when the suspension's out if i got it back i mean it's dirty now because i knew i was coming to landfill but like it's got these on them and i don't want to like drag them along under the ground and scratch them all up if i can take two seconds and do that all right all right let's go on the elbow i'd wild truck 167 falling on the scale i got dirt from the wsr number is dash two five there's no invoice number so my name is good morning morning brother you're going all the way out back that probable dirt's going out back there we had out there sorry i don't know what that just came in we'll just come across a scale oh my god so so we're not otherwise we'd go up the hill [Music] what adventures we're in for anyways i'm gonna leave the camera here because i don't know it's just i've had people tell me they like it better on the mirror but i can't talk and tell you what's going on you can't hear me over everything what do we got we got heat going i wonder it's so hot in here oh yeah look at they're lined up up here so next in line i'll take um actually never mind i'll take two dirt trucks come on up that's a good thing we put that mud flat walker in the dead end because it's softer down here all right that walker back up here in stage and then that dirt truck go around and get in the dead end back up hey dave am i the second dirt truck oh no they go looks like they go around even notice they'll get hectic now yeah put them up real quick on the driver so we dump up on the hill you're alone you just go up there and dump and then get out of everybody's way down here you're mixed in with all these containers and roll offs and walking floors and all that stuff this is why i got to clean my interior so much because i don't know i just i always got to have the window open i don't know why i guess so i can hear if somebody yells or something when i'm backing up i don't know oh my god if this line goes all the way to the new hole this is this and that dirt to that horse place about all we're gonna have time for i think oh god all right let's pull her over here and wait our turn so a guy that was just in here dumping was on his way out and he stopped and let me know that i guess there's like all rock underneath what we're gonna be driving on so that we're gonna i don't know how much i'm going to be able to record because i got to pay attention i don't want to rip any bumpers off or nothing so anyways we got to wait for them to all i don't know what you can see but there's trucks lined all up then we got a back up in there so uh we're gonna be here a little while but it's what it is you know all right see so here's the plan what there's the other guy he's back and then you're gonna be the next one we gotta back into where we go up in there so i gotta drive in here and waiting out here and then back i don't know that's just an idea what we gotta do but i gotta pay attention all right goodbye [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] okay all right we made it in and we're level but now we got to watch make sure this can get this gets tricky all right let's try getting her up in here know if you can see i mean it came off pretty straight so we should be in good shape but i'll watch the frame out the back window because sometimes the truck can be level and it could come off straight but the frame is crooked in the back and it could start messing you up so i got to watch but let me turn the camera off pay attention and i'll update you as soon as we get pulled out of here all right so everything's coming down it all came out can you see i don't know if you can see but it's so rocky here i'm gonna wait like i told you in some of the other videos until everything comes all the way down uh and then we're just gonna creep up out of here and uh i'll shut the door and everything up here out of the way of everybody all right so the body's down the mud flaps on the trailer down the door is all locked up and everything i also unhung the mud flaps on the tractor because i'm just going to be going straight from here out um luckily this truck i don't know if you guys watch on instagram um you know about how the front end goes down in this it also goes up a few inches so with this rocks luckily this is nice setup i can jack the front up i don't want to leave it like that for long but uh it gets you in and out of some places without scraping your bumper all up and everything sometimes i get in these places and i wonder how i did you know i see rocks ahead of me look here i see you can't see it but down there there's a i could see a giant rock and i must have ran it right over i never saw it but somehow i didn't hit it i checked the bumper everything's good so i just get lucky i guess i don't know or something anyway so i got the axles up uh now we gotta go get the sand i leave the when i'm in bumpy stuff like this i leave the front axle down and the two middle trailer axles up and the reason for that is sometimes i think when it's on just the back axle the trailer can like get real violent if it like one tire drops and hold that just kind of steadies things out so i don't know that's just like a little tip that i do maybe you won't even like the tip but that's what i do to keep the trailer from going crazy back there over the bumps so and once i get out of here i'll lift that up we gotta go scale out get paperwork done and i'll probably see you at where we're getting dirt sand whatever it is all right that's that paperwork's done we're pulling out truck didn't get all that dirty it got dusty like usual but what are you gonna do a lot of that will blow off when we get thrown down the road anyway and that's the whole reason i didn't go crazy cleaning it up last night because i knew you know the tires are all scrubbed up because they like sink in and get dirt on them and stuff so anyway if we get down south we'll swing into the beacon and get it washed if not um i'll spray it off tonight when we get back i guess have to see what's going on all right let's uh i guess that's it i got to do the interior in here that's going to be my main focus tonight when i get back is doing the interior because i such a bad habit of leaving these windows open i just like to be able to hear what's going on you know but then i got to suffer at the end of the day because i got to clean it all the gauges and everything up and wipe dust off but i'd rather do that than hit something so all right anyway it's got a couple of speed bumps here and then we uh go get some sand all right we made it i gotta get the axles down so we can load it's that stuff over there probably can't really see it but it's just real fine sand so i had to make sure everything was clean but look at so what i'll do is because they're they're like in a hurry to get you loaded usually so i'll put the front axle down until i get these down so it's not all the weight on the back i've probably already told you this but we made it you know we're here the truck's pretty clean it's just dusty i could use like a polishing you know get some of this stuff off get the tires cleaned up but i'm kind of in and out of a crappy area anyway today oh maybe i'll watch it tonight let's see anyways [Applause] that's that we're gonna load this about 39 ton scale out and take this down a little bit south of south albany to the horse place [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] me [Music] [Music] well you can't ask for a much better load than that on 16 720 something like that there's dave he's loaded they come here can you call this lady i can't remember what i got to say though hello idlewild truck 167. um i got derrick sand or deep or that that's just what i the guy ahead of me just did yes man sorry i should have looked to see where i was going with all it's uh hits hits [Applause] well it's 40 yeah it's for them this is remember that time i thought i was going to an rv place it wasn't it was hits as a horse farm horse show place right yep so we're talking about the same place it's just different names i guess awesome thank you all right so we got that so now we sign print sign perfect load here all right that's enough let's go okay first things get this put away second things boots off make sure nobody's behind you now we gotta make out our thing for this oh no what did i do i left my pen i gotta get my boots back on it's the only pen i got it's pretty irresponsible of me all right let's go get my pen so i can write things okay boots back off there's a guy watching me in the truck and i thought those cameras were on i got nervous okay let's fill this out for wear for wear okay today is the 18th delivered 38.35 ton done that goes up there in the cubby that goes down there in a cubby this goes down there all right let's get off of this scale oh i got to get my tarp closed whoops close not open more uh you're gonna fall i already know it every time i put you guys up there the camera falls off so just be ready hang on for the ride now we got to take it easy through here because even though the truck ain't spotless i like to try to keep it clean and they've been putting water down to keep the dust down water and dust makes mud mud in anything over like four miles an hour makes a dirty dirty truck we're almost closed i hate doing that there's houses right here but i also hate riding the brakes all the way down for this thing i don't know who to make happy are the houses i don't know [Music] so as i get closer i just turn it off go back to the brakes nothing coming now keep her slow because there's still water on the tires [Music] all right we're out of there let's go down let's get on the true way back to work i knew it i was reaching for i seen it going [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here we are the south way we're gonna go probably 25 minutes on this that'll get us to the true way and then uh down there about half an hour i'll let you know [Music] [Music] oh now look at that light turn for us i should probably use my blinker back there can't win them all you know [Music] good old woodstock nine miles that way the real woodstock i heard they had cars lined up all the way to the throughway from there so nine miles i don't think the actual concert was in woodstock i don't know i'm not a historian i'm a truck driver [Music] [Music] so [Music] so found out after we dump here we got to come back up here and go down here get soul light it's lightweight um now it's like stones but it's real light and they use it on like rooftops so nature's like our nerd i gotta look up the name of it but they um he always wants me to tag him in his stuff on instagram and can you even hear me anyways they use it in their soil because it's lightweight and you can put it on rooftops and grow stuff on rooftops forests jungles tomatoes you know anywhere you need light weight stop they make it nature cycle nature cycle yeah that's how you say it anyway so we got to pick up a load of that and bring it to fruit 82 where they mix it all right we'll see you when we get to the horse place yeah yep right in there yeah now i keep going down there's a staging yard down there there's piles of it in the driveway okay that can be appreciated no problem all right well that solves that see this is the place i went in here before and you go i don't know you go all back behind them buildings and then um they had me dumped back there down there just uh come up here okay i can see us getting something happening here i should last time i went in there and he told me to dump right back there and work out perfect now this guy's telling us to come up here and go to a different place so we're liable to be coming back to this horse farm here before we're done but hey i think we can't go too far the roads closed up here can you see you can't see that [Music] anyways we're gonna get this sand off here one way or another somewhere oh this is part of the horsepower let's see what we gotta do here i gotta [Music] all right let's dump this up or if this ain't salt oh my god i'm losing my mind there's the time for it now you
Channel: Wes Grippin
Views: 16,050
Rating: 4.882998 out of 5
Keywords: cedar hill trucking, Idlewild trucking, kenworth, kw, peterbilt, w9, w900, engine brake, Jake brake, trucking, truckin, dump trailer, dump truck, 389, 379
Id: DEqXtvDGN_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 17sec (2957 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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