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all right good morning thursday 5 20. just hooked up the flatbed i came in last night after i left so i don't know exactly where i'm going but i know one thing for sure it's uh spring because we're starting to deliver bags of potting soil and mulch and stuff like that so i just gotta see where we gotta go uh it's shipped from all right it's going to oh we're just going to walmart in watertown all right so i checked all the straps uh you guys know me if you're watching the old videos you know how i am with these flatbeds i always check everything 100 times so made sure they were tight you can only get them so tight because they're bags of mulch you know so you could keep tightening and tightening all day and they just you'll bust the bag so it is what it will hold but we gotta go just basically just get i mean it's just like three and a half hours of highway driving up to to watertown and we got until 3 30 p.m to get there not that i mean i got other stuff i got to do afterwards but uh you know anyway that's what we're doing alright so let's get going well probably daylight enough now the camera doesn't pick up dark very well but we gotta adventure today oh we got actually we got a pretty good day uh but we're now we got a flatbed today instead of a dump trailer and the best part about it is is we're we got bag mulch or like soil or something so that means gardening is coming what do you do when do you do gardening spring it's been the last two days have been like mid-50s today is supposed to be like 62. so that's exciting uh and then next week it's supposed to go back to like 29 so that sucks but whatever we'll take it when we get it uh we're about an hour away from the shop um about an hour away from the shop i want to check the straps you know how it goes these bags these pallets with bags on them they're pretty easy you can never get the straps really completely tight because they suck into the bag and you'll bust the bag open if you tighten them too much but with that they like go into the bag so it's not anyway it just it's been an hour i want to get out and walk around for a minute and uh check these straps out see what we got going so that's it i mean ain't much to it these things bother me and you cut them off and then they just come back again i don't know whatever they don't really bother nothing but they're there no no look how loose this one looks oh i guess it's only because it's under that one either this one's tight so we're all right anyways look no me i'd like to check things out i mean the trailer is still oh the trailer's still hooked up to the truck and none of these pallets fell off so really we're doing something right you probably can't hear me because the bike is turned around anyway so we'll put that in there everything's pretty pretty good like i said you can't get them too anyways this is what we're doing we're doing uh bagged mulch to a walmart in watertown so we're headed westbound right now on the true way and then after that we gotta do [Applause] after uh let's see how she looks with the flatbed on her after that we gotta go somewhere like below i don't know down by like corning or somewhere to get loaded how's she look she was all cleaned up look at i got another straggler here she was all cleaned up but then like when it gets to this temperature out the road sweats and so here we are there's a truck wash down by binghamton if i end up going home that way tonight it's gonna be a long day i don't know what we're gonna do be a long day what i do know is i'm gonna get back in the truck supposed to warm up be a nice day sunny day get some music going and uh we'll see you in a minute all right so i just saw a sign that said next rest area we're on 81 north now we're heading we're almost to what we're like an hour away from watertown uh and i just saw a sign that said next rest area 74 miles so uh we're gonna i'm gonna have to do some evasive maneuvering here and find an exit that goes straight across because i gotta check straps and and that's it i got caught i got a quart of coffee that's going through me and just i gotta stop here for a minute so let's keep our eyes peeled so [Music] [Applause] so there we are watertown i make a left here and it should be i see the sign for walmart and i see a walmart truck so i'm going to follow that guy here and then uh i don't know i haven't done this shipping and receiving in so long i don't really remember how it works i guess i just go out back and look for like a i haven't done this since the old van trailer days so get in start these straps find somebody and then i don't know what we got to do we got to go to uh somewhere chaffey new york which is like south of here the southern tier southwestern new york but i don't know what we got to get and i don't know the address yet so i'm going to have to call the person there find that out [Music] well that's stinks we just got rolling i hate doing that now i gotta get started on this hill [Music] again all right now that's that one do we go in here yes i think some of these places aren't really designed for this stuff and then that road looks like it goes around back i don't know we're doing this on the fly hang on your hat can we make this oh this guy's getting nervous when he's backing up i could tell he was looking out for me thanks buddy [Music] oh look geez there's a whole there's nothing to it we could stay here tonight if we wanted to i mean if we didn't have anything else to do but except for we do oh how your mood changes when you find the place you're looking for walmarts are pretty easy though i mean the trucks go in and out of them all the time maybe i should pull over right now because there's a mailbox there i better just go back here so all right now i guess we just find somebody but first i gotta get my boots on do my logbook actually i'll do the logbook while i unload them it usually takes them a couple minutes to forklift these things off kind of forks up the whole day if you will there's a little dad joke for you all right i'm going i ain't going around that corner until i gotta i may have to but until then this is always so such a pain okay now what i do remember from shipping and receiving days is you always bring in the paperwork because the first thing they ask you is what are you talking about let me see the paperwork then you got to come back out to the truck and get it all right i guess i guess that's all we need let's bring the phone so nobody robs us let's go see i'll be back in a minute okay we found somebody i gotta go get these straps they'll be probably four hours till they get out here but that's all right that could take me 20 minutes to get these straps off and everything anyway so let's get started all right okay now we go to this side they're all loose you guys know how to do this stuff i'm just bringing you along you know [Music] and i don't really know exactly what i'm doing i haven't done a whole lot of flatbed work so like this thing i guess that's a great idea actually because i see i've never used one of these before anything that i've ever used has always been like old but uh now that i realize what it's for i totally get it and completely appreciate it i just feel like it would keep things locked in here so that i can go around to the other side and not i don't know i'm just talking i hope the forklift guy ain't on the other side of the truck listening to me talk to myself oh that's the hardest part about this how many knees do we got boss man gonna get his money worth out of me today look at this thing look at all day he can have it oh these things are like i love these things are you guys still with me after that nonsense all right now this is you could do one of two things throw these over which i don't suggest because if a car goes by i mean you just got to pay attention you can but you got to be careful up front throwing them over because you don't want them to go around and hit the fender these are all clear so let me get this done and then i'll get back with you in a second all right they're out here they're gonna start on the other side oh so i gotta stick with it here these pulled down you gotta watch doing this they'll fall right in your head [Music] all right let me do this so i can stay out of the way so like to call that the stranger when you switch hands i know there's a better way to do this a lot quicker with like a drill or a tool but i don't do enough flatbed work to invest in one it's kind of good for me to get my blood going but at the same time i gotta use the left hand can't feel the right hand anymore yeah just straight forward yeah just like besides like five six feet okay yep yep okay we're all done i gotta pull up a little bit for this guy but i had to put that away all the straps off they're all tightened up i'll double check them before we go hopefully you can't even see now i got the gloves on this is what happens when you get rushed you know let's not get rushed let's just take our time so you don't forget any steps all right so let's get in just move this up a little ways for this guy they're doing they're moving right along here actually see what he's gonna open the window case they beat i guess that's good all right so anyway again the straps are all hooked they're all ready to go tighten them down so they don't bounce off i want to check on the passenger side them clips i was showing you uh i want to make sure that they can't come off somehow i can't i won't tell you guys i know everything about flatbed because i don't i don't know a whole lot i know about enough to get by um and i've never seen these things before so i want to go check these out and see exactly what they are because if i don't and i just leave and you know you shouldn't assume that you know what's going on and then you leave and you come to find out they're like sliding off and then they're not there when you get back it's kind of so no they can't slide off there's no way i don't even know how you would get them off to fix them if you have to all right so they're good okay they can stay where they are i want to move them up though so that they don't hit my fender also i did that with the on the other side with the straps um so if i got to turn tight or do some weird maneuver so anyways we've got one two three four five on this side five on the other side about half unloaded or better so i'm gonna get into the log book since we are we're up in watertown so we're ways away and uh and i'll catch you back when we're unloaded all right we're all done everything's put away everything's off the trailer let's get out of here all right so i gotta i i know the town i gotta go to to get this next load now that i'm done at walmart but i don't know the uh i don't know where what the name of the place is and i don't know the address to where it is so other than the town so i gotta call the dispatcher here i haven't done this stuff in so long sylvana her name is i guess good afternoon oh good morning wishful thinking wishful thinking it's friday too if you want it to be um i win hey this is uh wes with cedar hill trucking i'm headed to uh i think it's pronounced chaffee new york to pick up a load for you guys [Applause] [Music] numbers20532 and there's no address or name of the place on the piece of paper my boss gave me yeah i just have to um dispatch you i tried to send you the address of the place and then keep you rolling oh okay so let me just get your load real quick and what's your name west west wes all right thank you thank you okay that's i thought you'd just give me the address i go there and get it she's cool see i like calling people when they're like that you know sometimes you call people they're not sometimes you call people and they get and they're not in a good mood but she's in a good mood so that's nice oh my god all right let's fast forward this part a little bit of information from you i already know your first name what's your last name it's griffin g r i g-r-i-p-p-i-n what's your tractor and trailer number uh the trailer number is 2-5 the tractor is 167. and what's your equipment size and type 48 flat all right what's your empty weight um geez to be honest with you i don't know i haven't uh i just hooked up to this trailer this morning can i can i give you an av what i think it is yeah like a close probably uh 34 5 maybe it's a complete guess all right and um so pam asked me to ask you um do you want to go to um you want to go to webster first or do you want to go to porchester first because we have it set up that you pick up in uh [Music] it makes no difference to me which one i unload at first okay i just got gotta know so you wanna do the webster first yeah that seems right okay already and then you'll deliver the worchester on second yeah all right um i'm gonna send you all over your dispatch information with the pickup um when you get delivered um for your two for your two stops the first stop can you send the billing and then the second stop can you send a bill of lading i can yes i can ready and this is your good number to reach you on five yes or can i give you you have the company number that's a good one too yeah yeah the 767 okay um i will give all your information to you right away okay great thanks alrighty thank you bye-bye okay nice lady but i still don't have an address to where i'm going i guess they're just gonna send it over to the to the boss and he can send me a picture of it maybe on my text message i don't know what this i don't know i didn't know it was going to matter they're pretty close to each other these i got there's two one load today and then tomorrow i guess it's got two stops which is fine but um they're pretty close to each other so like what they're all they're both in massachusetts one's near worcester worcester worcester and the other is near their club they're like within 20 miles each other so i didn't really think about it to know if it would matter or not and it doesn't i guess it doesn't really matter i just get these done and be done so oh actually that makes it very much that makes it a lot easier i don't have to oh yeah that's anyways okay that's all stuff don't matter to you but i gotta figure out how to get to the place that i'm picking this up so i'm gonna get off the camera i'm gonna call my boss find out where i gotta go i guess i can start heading towards the town while i do that all right let's get out of here let's start heading at least towards that town back to work okay let's go see if we can get around the backside building so i don't know exactly where we're going yet but i know the town i don't know the exact location so we got to still go like an hour and a half south on 81 get back to the thruway head westmore to like exit 48a uh and then we got to go through like some farmland down through down to the southern part of the the key part of new york you know uh so we got a ways so we got probably two hours or three hours before um before we got to have the address anyway and i can always just get halfway and then pull into a rest area is what i'm figuring if i haven't heard of any hurt yet so let's get out of here first of all get on 81 south and at least get rolling boys [Music] all right so i got they didn't send it to my work they sent it right to me so i got the address it's some type of a forest product so it must be obviously lumber or something which is funny because it's going to like car dealerships i don't understand but that's about well whatever that's not for me to understand so now i just i just got rolling here i'm only been going about 20 minutes but i had to pull over because like everybody like this lady is calling me er not calling me texting me and i'm trying to let my boss know that they're not going to send and i'm trying to also see where this place is so i was like i gotta just stop here for a second so there's an update we're only about 15 20 minutes down the road i'm finding this place and the best way to get there which is looking like this way uh and that's your update that's we'll see in a little bit all right good news we're back on the true way headed westbound bad news is we got like two hours or more to go to get to this place and then we got to find out what we got to do and how long it's going to take us to strap it up it says no tarps so that saves us time right there that's good to know uh so i would just chuck it along not really much going on just doing some highway trucking you know i slept all the way down 81 the alignment's pretty good in this thing so i'm pretty well rested ready for the the task at hand so i'll update you once i know more that's going on but for now we're headed west on the throughway i gotta go to like exit 48 i gotta double check 48a or b or something and then we go south for like 30 or 40 minutes i'm getting hungry so i'd like to find some little place maybe once i get off the exit 48 to uh and also i think you know i keep an apple juice in the truck or an orange juice i switch it up just so i got something to keep hydrated you know and uh i don't this apple juice i got it like a day ago or two days ago and it's cool during the night but it's like doesn't taste good i know how our apple sauce apple that helps thanks uh i know apple juice can turn bad and like into alcohol so like gotta be real careful drinking that puppy you know i don't think i'm gonna so we're gonna find some place to stop once we get off the exit here and uh that's that right so upon further investigation oh the sun's out again uh so that's we're doing good there uh upon further investigation i don't know who that guy was but i've seen that truck before on instagram uh we the there's a right off this exit we got to get off of 48a there's a uh truck stop of america and a flying j or a pilot and a fly or something's going out here but there's two of them right off the exit right as soon as you get off the exit so that's good so now but now out here like we're at exit something 40 or something i don't know but they start to like spread out now they get thin out here so they're further and further apart so we got a ways i'm getting hungry i'm getting thirsty and uh i don't want to drink this apple juice or moonshine whatever depends on what it's turned into so we got a ways but that was good news so here we go finally my god i feel like we've been i thought this expert was in north dakota plenty of places to get man they don't have a truck wash so when i don't come out 90 like this for a while i forget how far it is from place to place like syracuse to rochester or rochester to buffalo or whatever that's always nice out 68 it's been 70 72 the sun kind of went down now or you know not down but it's got covered up with some clouds but it was nice out now what do we got to do to get here nothing just come up here and you pick left or right so this worked out good this road so we're supposed to take it right here and just follow it for like 40 minutes and it brings us to where we got a load basically right to the town anyway but i think i'm going to take a left and go over to uh or i don't know if i want what i want i don't know what's going on pilot or ta let's go to the right these state trucks are like right on me trying to get like relaxed dude for a minute i got a slope to go through the tunnel here all right one of these gears i'm gonna get before i run out of road here of course look at the force [Music] okay that's not the place [Music] oh but i ain't gonna wait out here in this room all day look at the parking lot here these places are all the same like this just slop all over the place it's like going through a it's like a scrap yard like there's just chunks of bumper and fender and around i just want a sandwich or something and a soda this old girl she's seen a lot of these truck stops now where there was just a spot i saw right here i had a plan here oh it's here okay you know what the people sweep their head out but there's oops sorry people sweep their stuff out in these parking lots and everything i've done it all right we're here i gotta get my mask going see if i can find something to eat so i got a couple slices of pizza and a sweet tea look what i found just laying there in the ground the truck stopped of course the handle is kind of slimy probably should have used some gloves before i eat my pizza anyway i'm gonna get in and eat i thought that was a cool find let's go to this lumber place and see we got a haul i was hungry man i had to stop so we've been here for about 20 minutes nobody hit us um i didn't get hit by anybody in here so i let's get out of here while we still can i never been down this way looks cool on the map 70 out i keep forgetting how nice it is now [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so apparently this road i didn't realize um i do i got candy bar do i got butterfingers all over me apparently this road goes right back by darien lake uh amusement park i've never been there i've never i just heard of it always and i see like the peak of a roller coaster coming up oh i see the whole oh look at this we're here we're with vacation i don't know what i gotta do that for anyways it's in six flags look can you see it we'll keep her on the road anyway that's cool i never been by nest i always heard that there's like a campground here i guess and you can camp and then walk to the into there here i'll show you more so anyway that's cool it goes way back in there it looks dumpier than i thought it would maybe it just because it's the time of the year plus i don't think last year because of cove but i don't think anybody i don't think any of them places were open so what a cruddy time to be alive you can't go to an amusement park or anything so far this year looks like things are opening back up hopefully at least restaurants and stuff all right well i just thought that was cool something to show you while i was out in our travels here you know don't probably half an hour to go i know this is a good truck road because i could see all the where the trailers everybody drags their trailer over the curb right there through the mud in the lawn and everything so we're in the right spot i'm gonna i think i already see piles of lumber oh that's 6t lumber we got to go to ufp though something forest product there oh oh no it doesn't say it says in the text message but anyways it's right here on the right so what i'm going to do i can while i'm coasting along a car behind me or whatever i'm looking for stuff you know all right this is us supposedly on the right yep all right let's see what this sign says others lumber check in before entry very good i'll gladly do that for you i don't know what this guy is doing all right so we're here i just got to go in and let them know we got to get and see what they got to have us do here so let me do that all right these people are real cool here so i just gotta pull in and back up so that's what i'm gonna do all right so that's really all there is to it back then of course i had to do it twice because i not that this place is that hard to back into which i wasn't used to the how quick the trailer was gonna come around everything so anyway we got it in here now so he's going to load up i guess what it is is it's going there there's skids for motors because i was wondering when i looked at the two places that i had to deliver to they're both car places like car parts and stuff i couldn't figure out what they would need lumber for but they're motor crates stacks of motor crates so it's gonna be like six going into one place and i guess two to the other or something anyway it's gonna be a pretty light load it should be pretty easy so we're just waiting here he's getting like they're getting the paperwork rolling and getting figured out what they got to put on here we're just waiting here really and he's going to load us up strap it down and we're out of here so these are the things look at them basically just looks like motor or like like uh pallets i guess the weird one so anyway i'm gonna start strapping i gotta keep up with these guys and uh but i wanted to show you what we were doing so i'll get with you once we get things strapped down all right this is ridiculous i got it it was uh it was like they got it stacked they had a stack like 14 2 or something it's a good thing i measured it we had to move stuff around and now the wind is blows through here so bad i can't as soon as i throw these tarp or the strap up over it it like blows all over twist saw so i got to do it like three times so i'm getting out of here i'm just gonna go on the side of the road and change the direction of the wind because i don't know what else to do it's too uh it's too windy right here they do a good job with the with the straps i i'm just fighting them so here we are that's the plan now it's so bad i had to tighten my hat up it was blowing off so i don't hopefully just help fight traffic now but it you know what that's what it is because um it's just this wind is too too much look at somehow i got freeze all over that i got mud there but i'm only gonna put more because i gotta because i got to uh climb up here more so okay so what the plan is it's actually all brand new straps and stuff let me see if i can i gotta take this one back off because look at this what happens i mean i don't mind a twist or two but it's uh i when you throw it up the wind like takes it like a sail i'll be fighting this for three hours over the road today it looks like all right let's see what we can get you set up you don't get much of a chance either because when you and you throw these you kind of [Music] because that's it you can't really climb up on top let's see what we can come up with without getting run over this is killing me it's a long one guys this one sucks so i hate flapping stuff some of you guys like this stuff i don't good well that's what i gotta do of it then now let's try to monkey ourselves around here these i don't like these straps here because they're close to the fenders but there ain't much you can do because uh it's a new trailer and it's not set up yet so i don't have like hand like ratchet straps ones [Music] all that just to unhook that now i got to get back down you imagine it's ridiculous all right i got it you know what else i got to do is i got to put this camera down you see what we're up against here i gotta get it's taking too much as it is let alone with the camera all right oh my god i had to blow my nose it's like pine dust is all over me uh what a nightmare this help moving out here because it helped me throw these straps over and i don't know enough about this stuff to know how to do the tricks to this like some of you guys do so i got everything i got two on here two on here i was running out of straps and these are solid you know what i mean so and they're all strapped here anyway so they're not separate they're all on this pallet here so i got that one they're in the middle one here and then i get enough for one on each one of these rows here just for the heck of it these are stacked on top each other so i got some here i don't like having these over here but these won't shouldn't move that much got these and then obviously you got two in the back like you're supposed to have but what a nightmare this is they're twisted and stuff but people tell you to twist them so that they don't like shimmy in the wind or like rattle or whatever so i just left them twisted so all right i just got to tighten them down and i'll get with you [Applause] [Music] all right we got they're all done look at they're all riding strap you can't go like too tight with them because you start popping the you know you'll break the [Music] the uh pallets or the wood you know so i mean it is where they gonna go they could oh this is not what it's supposed fix that right there and then tighten that up but that's that loosened up because this side's looser than that side anyway but this back one's good everything's pretty good i'll tell you that one up right now i could find it which one was it right there all right so like these ones they have the one on them this one's solid look at because they're all tied in up at top anyways oh they are yeah i don't know if you can see up in there but they're like they got cross things for like a they go you can't see it maybe in this one see how they go right straight across anyway so there i didn't even have to do that on them other ones i guess but whatever it's better to have more than not enough you know all right so i'm going to tighten that one i know i keep telling you i need going but i you can't i don't want to the wind's blowing and stuff i can't you can't mess around you got to make sure you take all the steps here so let me tighten this down and then the next time i see you we'll be on the road climbing around this thing like a jungle gym probably never i probably never told you how much i hate heights i think it's so bad here just awkward so i wanted to show you and i want to make sure for myself i know they don't go all the way across good so it's a good thing we put some extra ones and then them other ones i strapped them in as tight as i could we're looking good here though boys and girls we're looking pretty good here [Music] so let me see something though before we go no we're not i don't know if you could see the last one out there is on a corner and i don't want to leave it like that because we got a five hour ride home and i feel like it it'll yeah see that's solid that's not going anywhere where's this gonna fall anyway into this one i i mean that's why i hate flatbed stuff okay oh my god all right i'm tightening that one and we're going that's it i mean it all right at this point there's nothing more i can tighten there's no more straps i can use nothing more i can tighten i mean if something falls off now it was like in god's hands so it's i mean i've done everything is like checked meticulously and double checked so if something falls off like i said i don't that's what the man upstairs wanted then i'm out of options many more options so now we've been here forever almost two hours of course it takes some time to holy four five six seven eight nine it'll be 9 30 by the time i 10 o'clock but this is ridiculous let's go everybody always says how good of an attitude i have that doing okay here we go well about a half an hour we'll be back at the throughway and then it's all eastbound from there i've spent climbing around at jungle gym back there you can't tell i'm not a big fan of flatbed work but sometimes you got to do it you know learning's holding strong uh i don't know if i'm gonna even get back to the shop tonight i might end up just staying in the truck tonight i gotta take this out to massachusetts in the morning anyway so i might just get like three quarters of the way back and stay in the truck so i guess that's going to be the video guys it won't be out this is it's thursday right now i probably won't get this out until friday night and by the time it uploads it'll probably be saturday morning so i don't know we're trying guys but sometimes it don't work just the way you you want it to you know so we got to do what we got to do so we're traveling along headed to the thruway and that's going to be it thanks for subscriptions thanks for the likes [Music] just a quick update uh we're still rolling we're about an hour and a half out from the shop it's not going to stay in the truck tonight it doesn't benefit anybody i got to go to the shop to get fuel anyway i got to literally right by the shop to get where this goes in the morning anyway so it doesn't really save anything uh i'll just i'll get to go home take a shower and sleep in my bed tonight i basically walk in the house do that and go to bed and wake up and do it again but i've been thinking about it for the last couple hours and it's worth it to just park this and go home uh again it doesn't really save anything so this is an update we're gonna deliver this in the morning then we gotta go pre-load some more of them bags of mulch like we brought up to walmart this morning um and that's it guys i'm just riding along and made a decision whether i was gonna stay in the truck or not and i don't really need to so i'm not gonna that's all i just thought i'd let you guys know that's all hi bye
Channel: Wes Grippin
Views: 42,276
Rating: 4.9438877 out of 5
Keywords: kenworth, peterbilt, w900, 900, w9, 389, 379, flatbed, lumber, trucking, truckin, cat, 6nz, custom truck, semi truck, semi, truck, vlog, engine brake, engine, brake, Jake brake
Id: z9msJZbpltQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 55sec (3295 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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