Salmon Seining - View from Up Top!

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okay we're just gonna get in position here I'm gonna set this one from the crow's nest and probably tow from up there for a little while just to give you guys a different vantage point normally I just stay in the wheelhouse down here but thought that would be kind of fun we sets a little better than the last one but or decline and down we're really just after some some nice overs for our direct market I'm pretty close to where I want to be so I'll go ahead and go up top I have my controls up here my radio got me here communicate like my skiff man turn on my throttle my steering I think we're all ready let her go and there she goes we usually don't step very fast hopefully if everything just goes out like this we're in good shape well you don't want as your lead line to get over the top of your core except it's only a few quirks it'll pull out now the net just crossed over we switch side to help even out our little bit because there's such a small vessel we can get in pretty tight to the stuff here I just slowed down a little bit and look at that it's perfect yeah I just pull and tell and get a little belly net and straightens out okay I'm good here I'm right on the beach now we'll just sit here and toe we're gonna hold this open for about half an hour and it'll got a nice little curve in our net now that looks good it'll get back down a little bit more as we go here yeah I'm good I'm right where I want to be so looks good here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so these are the first rings they're attached to these straps to go down to the rib line and the bottom of the net the lid line and so after we've closed and we pursed it up that is bringing in all the purse line right here we take this ring bar we put it through these and we lift it up and now this is the bottom of the net and it's completely up out of the water so none of the fish can escape so now as we bring the net back in the first ring slip off the ring bar and they go up through the block and back down and meanwhile the purse line just slides freely through them and that way it pays out evenly for the next set once a while I gets tangled up over here a little bit so you got to keep an eye on it this ends up too tight then you have a big huge pile of first line at the end of the set and when you start to set out again your your lead line will like the bunch up so every once in a while we'll raise these up with our single keep from making a pocket that the fish can swim through you can see how the fish just naturally you'd like to follow a corner or an edge whether it's the shoreline or a net they'll come up into a corner like that and they'll hit it and I'll just turn straight around and go back down the knock the sweat down a little for these guys so I'll start getting my end ready here in a minute just gonna let this line loose this is just holding up the front of the net up there it just kind of helps create a little curtain right here a lot of it it keeps this spectra money bag from floating back into the rest of it cuz this stuff is pretty light and it doesn't take very much just to keep it flagged up you can even see the pre button right there that's all just up high in the water so we pull it forward this way and that keeps it from drifting back here and getting tangled up as you're hauling the rest in good job P he's pulling on those corks to keep the net up down here if it starts to Sag down too much you get a pocket and the fish can sink the Cork's and get out it was pretty important to keep that tightened up right there I'll give these guys down there the nice silver right there swimming out smaller ones or Pink's okay let us go right here get our end ready so this is the very bottom of the net right here pull the cork line back hook it right here and we're going to take the end got you right over here flip it in flip here I'm just gonna put it on these first couple of rings here I'll help keep that kind of tight I'm gonna pick the rest with breast line right here is gonna pull it tight and clean it off on our deck winch then when you roll the fish on board this won't go over garnett stretched out a little bit well the sin denied you so look this last line [Music] now it's coming over on the skiff mom we'll pull in the tow line right there and coil it up so we don't run over it when we're done and flip it there and I clip it back in here and then use that to help roll fish on in a big bag we won't need it for this one but it helps boom over a little bit Oh a nice silver all right coming up boys now they're pilling the quarks on the web to help tighten up the belly of the net and you'll see the fish all just kind of flow under there and lots of jellyfish [Music] pick out the silvers we're going to have them weed them out and we're taking them to our custom processor to have them process for our home market oh this I'll just kind of dump them right here and we'll get the silvers out first okay Wow look at that beauty beautiful fish right into the flush eyes and a super chill oafish they'll be beautiful oh man her powerful fish you jellyfisher drag especially these red one now being in chemical bomb we're going to keep some of these fish for bait for halibut yeah so they're only paying 17 cents a pound we go buy these back of bait they'll charge us a buck a pound so we're just gonna keep some for what we need for halibut save ourselves some money are you ready shall we just pour these out now we can stop all these through the covers a lot of jellyfish on that one we need a gate yeah Jimmy that did doesn't need to be very big like twice the size of these stuffers but make it pretty easy huh put our ring bar back up ready for next time well there we go about does it matt'll get his end all tidied up there organizing the skiff bring his tow line over to the skiff we're pulling all the extra purse line coilette and the skiff so I can feed out kristen has a skip release and I'll just put it in the deck winch over here [Music] pull it tight doll I get off ready to go for the next round now last thing is just to put our zipper line back in the block it has the same thing it's got a release right here for after we close off we start to bring it in you pop this and you can bring that in [Music] all set for the next one okay guys well that's it from my perspective my duties and what I do and that thanks for joining us
Channel: EIS Alaska
Views: 455,059
Rating: 4.6121392 out of 5
Keywords: emerald isle seafoods, eis alaska, fish tale, salmon seining, salmon fishing, wild salmon, alaska salmon, salmon, how its done, fishing, drone, mavic 2
Id: 2eflLMdS0TU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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