Sales Training J. Douglas Edwards

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[Music] do you need a time-tested highly successful and easily applied sales and negotiation how to's that produce long-lasting results of course you do wouldn't it be a massive benefit if you knew how to turn all sales objections from obstacles into sales opportunities Jade doctor said Woods was both the Godfather of all of today's sales trainers plus the most eagerly sought after professional speaker of the 1960's 70s and 80s he's guaranteed to energize engage and equip you to sell more more easily and more confidently in this masters of success sales training series please enjoy and learn from the sales master Jay Douglas Edwards in this compilation highlights we're going to talk about objections the death knell of the amateur and the opportunity of the professional you see objections are good not bad if you don't get objections during the process of making a presentation I'll make you an absolute promise you're not gonna make that sale I know you've all got the dream someday I'm going to find one who won't object anything and when I finish is gonna take it without any hesitation well maybe this will happen once in your lifetime the ads are even that won't happen you see if they are seriously interested they have to object but what are objections objections if you learn to listen will indicate to you what they want to buy works on any problem objection now again same thing I've told you before don't go out and try and use them build them into you first but remember these are stepping stones on the way to a sale objections are good not bad thank you we're going to investigate a little further my favorite subject it's called closing the sale as I've said many many times before this is what it's all about this is the ultimate difference between the amateur of the professional all kinds of people can demonstrate a product or a service but the big difference comes when you get down to that fabulous thing we call closing this is creating the decision when I talk about closing I think there's something you should understand you have an advantage any time you try and close and it's in the Vantage you're not willing to realize in the kinds of economies that we live in today in free enterprise societies where the economies are high we have something going for us we say you cannot today display any product or service that's new to a potential owner without having him mentally start out by saying to himself I wanted a word I wrote it you see our whole society is training us to believe that we have the right to one thing and this has been generated in the minds of everybody I have the right to want it whatever it is and this has been so honed over the years that now we have a very interesting opportunity to Salem it is impossible to show a new product or service to anyone without having this reflux start reacting I worried I worried I worried so we've been talking about closes well now let me make another point I've given you a few here there are many other closes available to you one of the things that's totally discouraging to me as I go across the country is that people will say ain't close is great and they have come up to me and tell me oh that's a great clothes or old this is a great clothes I mean I asked them about the other closes that have been provided to them and they don't know I want to tell you something you are as good a closer as you know ways to close so I recommend to you that if it can be a professional you face this basic and specific requirement in or job first of all two more eyes and secondly to practice drill rehearse drill practice role play these things until they become a part of you and not just one or two hi are you really ready to start incrementing your income really you know the subject I have before me now is a subject that is the favorite of everyone who's ever trained salespeople closing the sale it has so many names but I'm going to talk to you here today about how the true professionals closer I'm also going to try and give you some closes that are usable in bad times when the economy is broken and give you some closes that you can use under any and all conditions but I'm also most importantly going to try to give you a concept of the way super pros clothed we might call it closing with combinations you see no single clothes will ever gain you a safe seldom if ever will the first closing attempt work visualize if you will a well-trained professional fighter but very seldom do they win a fight with one punch they win that fight as a result of using combination punches and that by the way is the way salespeople win sale potentially great what's the difference between what you're doing and what the really great sales professionals are doing actually very little difference are you heard from me and other trainers for years all of the methods all of the tactics all of the techniques has been one problem you have not reflected the techniques that you've heard they're not part of your ongoing everyday vocabulary so until you get to a point where you actually will reflex all of the sales skills that have been offered to you you can't take that final step that I'm going to talk to you about today into the area of greatness I want to talk to you now about a subject you have heard many many times objection but I'm gonna try and handle it just a little bit differently objections are my objective that's right objections are your objective objections you can't sell without and you've got to learn to love them we understand that if you're going to succeed in selling there's one thing you have to gain and that's the capacity to live with rejection and handle rejection and turn it to your benefit and if you can't accept rejection you don't belong or when you learn these techniques which turn rejection into profit for you and benefit for them you're becoming big time I'd like to do now is to talk to you about one of the greatest of these techniques it's called control controlling a selling situation in fact it's one of the great differences between the mediocre and the great salespeople mediocre people will let their potential clients take the sail away from them by taking command of the situation but the great salespeople have the situation in control form up from the moment of contact until they have close to sale what are these control devices that they use we're going to talk about some of them now how many times have you been subjected to sales training how many times have you read heard seen methods of qualifying methods of asking questions methods of handling objections methods of closing how many times have you see these done endlessly and yet you didn't grow in selling you didn't become one of these people that become legends in their own time and why didn't you because you didn't do what they did you didn't take all of these skills and computerize them why practice real and rehearse and therefore you lost control and control as I said invert is what great selim is all about trust you've got some really valuable takeaways from Jay Douglas Edwards for more information on the masters of success sales training series email me at david at david today you or visit our all new website WWJD a you look forward to hearing from you
Channel: David Jackson, The Sales Doctor
Views: 3,204
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Keywords: negotiation skills, handling objections, goal setting, sales trainer, sales coach, personal development, sales training, close, closing skills, listening skills, objections, increased results, more money, managing objections, closing techniques, selling, qualification sequence, presentations, how to give powerful presentations, time management, prospecting skills
Id: 9JhuJv-MNmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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