Salems Lot (1979) Filming Locations - Then & Now 4K

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if you're a fan of vampires then you're gonna absolutely love this video in 1979 a made for tv movie came out called salem's lot well guess what today we're visiting what was known as jerusalem lot and then became salem's law yes this is the filming locations the stephen king's book or his movie the movie directed by toby hooper texas chainsaw massacre poltergeist invaders from mars he also directed this we give you salem's life do you believe a thing can be inherently evil a marston house for instance open the window he commands it through the valley of the shadow of death bill bill where are you in real life the town of salem's lot is actually called ferndale california and right now we're standing on bluff street just past that tree is the marston house the creepy creepy house from the movie salem's lot that you all want to see well i've got a little bit of a surprise for you as we walk up to the marston house i do want to point out that to the left of me right here you can see this white picket fence it's not the same one from the movie in 1979 but there is a white fence still here and you can see it at the very beginning of the movie when you're introduced to the house jessica's already walked ahead of me a little bit so i think this is a great time to tell you a little bit about the house now it's not what you think the house the marston house from the movie salem's lot the three-story gothic adams family looking mansion that was all built it wasn't even a functioning house it was a facade kind of like what they did with the movie pet cemetery across the street from the main house judd's house they built this three-story facade with the front steps and the cellar on the side it was all fake but we can line up some things this right here you see that little blue house up there that that's that's the real marston house because things have changed so much and we know that the house itself was a facade we really can't line up shots but the very opening shot of the movie you see that white fence that's behind jessica the camera the opening shot the camera was on the other side of the fence it used to stretch further down this road it doesn't instead it stops right there and you see the house as the movie starts the credits start rolling it's night time and it starts getting lighter and lighter and then all of a sudden it's daylight it's crazy that it doesn't look anything like that i will say this though the house truly is on the outskirts of town like i said we're standing on bluff road but if we were to keep going right down this road it would take us right into the heart of town and you guessed it ferndale california jerusalem's lot salem's lot it was all filmed right here well let me correct myself most of the movie was filmed here in ferndale california other scenes close-up scenes interior shots filmed in sound stages down in burbank and around the los angeles area we are only focusing on the filming locations here in ferndale salem's lot now please keep in mind that salem's lot came out over 40 years ago but let's try to line up the shots as best as we can after the credits roll ben mears drives his jeep right up this road that's to your left and he parks it right over in this area where this tree is and pay attention to that white picket fence that we've been talking about because you can see it and then he comes right up to right about where i'm standing and you can see him as he turns and looks directly across the street right here at the entrance to the marston house you get a really good look of it i wish it was still here it would be really cool it would be really really cool if the house was an actual house and not a facade [Music] [Music] but this is it see all the trees all the shrubbery how much has changed 40 years does that standing here looking at the house ben sees striker come out of the front door and walk down the steps now keep in mind the steps were fake too he gets in his car the black car and he drives right down this driveway and they actually lock eyes for a moment and then he continues driving down the road bluff road into town [Music] in the world of salem's lot this house the marston house was a big part of the movie the ending happened here this is the vampires man vampires after locking eyes with striker ben decides to drive into town and the very next scene the very next shot is right here on this road in fact you can see this wheat weeds on the side of the road that telephone pole that mountain in the background as well as this hillside hugging the road to the right as he drives his jeep right past where i am standing and since this is all one shot that means right here on the side of the road in these weeds right next to this fence that matches up if you look very closely is where the sign for salem's lot would have been as we head into the town of salem's lot i figured i'd give you guys a little bit of information about who i am july 12 1979 is the year i was born same year that salem's lot and phantasm came out and maybe that's why i'm a big fan of those movies a big fan of horror movies that came out in the 70s i grew up watching them i mean yes i love the 80s i love the 90s and i love current horror movies but in my household growing up my dad well he wasn't so much a big horror movie fan my mom was i remember watching horror movies with her growing up very young to be honest both jessica and i are really surprised at how small ferndale california really is now in this scene in order for me to line up shots i got to kind of walk out the middle of the street but you see this crosswalk in this clip i'm going to show you you're going to see that crosswalk in it and the camera is pointed right down this street as ben drives into salem's lot now i want to point out a few different things you can see this building over here it was white and you can see this portion of this hotel you can see that point of that building but what's really interesting that church that's down there now it's red but whenever they were filming back in 1979 that church was white and even more interesting the cemetery from the movie is right behind that church it really feels like toby hooper shot everything in order because as ben turns the corner he parks right over here in front of this white house and if you're familiar with the movie salem's lot then this house should look familiar this was striker's antique store in this scene ben parks his jeep right here in front of stryker's antique shop striker's car would have been parked right over here in the driveway and as he gets out striker hears the door shut and he looks out the window a little nosy trying to figure out what's going on i said that that window is still here it looks identical that's that window right there there's a little sign that said watch out for grand opening and he peers right out to right about where i'm standing i know i know i keep calling it streak or antiques when in all actuality right here there was a sign that said barlow striker fine antiques so there you go so this is now the ferndale enterprise their local paper and i think it's just so cute that on the front page says lights camera action and it talks about the things that have been filmed here oh wow let's see if they mention that one they mentioned the green mile and the mist the majestic nothing about salem's lot from 1979 or at least not on the front page that's okay because we are telling the story and it's cool because it says the souvenir edition let's go to page 12. we need to keep this yeah open up to page 12 and see what we got there's that was that guy for fiery um it's this article here they do not mention sam's law no love for salem's live [Music] i have no clue what that siren is for but a siren is now going off i guess as long as people don't start running if we start seeing people run or take cover then maybe we will be worried i wonder what that sound is well today in st louis we have tornado sirens that go they do it every like second sunday of the month or something yeah oh it's a little disturbing though oh look at this yeah some towns have that why hello we got a little visitor how come every time that we travel or every time we film something you always get a little visitor it's like animals how perfect is that i got a dark grey cat in salem's lot striker's antique shop is right across the street which means ben would have been walking this way because he was trying to find a place to stay right up here on the roof there was a sign that said crockett realty which means this building right here this door this was crockett realty the office he walked right in there [Music] the funny thing about the marston house vacant for over 20 years funny about the marston house faking over 20 years remember what i was telling you about all the filming locations for salem's lot being close together well there's that red church that used to be white there's the cemetery that was in the movie we're going to be talking about that in a moment and if we keep going down this road it would take us to the marston house well on the other side of this fence is where ben mears his room was now ultimately whenever he rolled into salem's lot he wanted to rent out the marston house but mr crockett told him that it was sold so he stayed here this was the boarding house and it too is very picturesque 563 ocean avenue now in order to see ben's room we have to walk around the side of the house but his room would have been right there it's a direct shot down the street and right around that bend is the marston house so it's perfect it's like they plan this let's walk around i'm gonna point the camera over here it they planned the shots as if they were shooting real life it's almost like poetry you can see the cemetery over there and as soon as we turn the corner so the corner of craig and ocean let's go down to the end of the fence let's put this place on white picket fences right i like them who am i kidding now ben's room right there [Music] hmm baby ghoul you're always looking beautiful whenever we go out adventuring together i see you're still reading that paper yeah what's going on i found another article a couple pages actually and it's a nice big article they do mention salem's lot check this out see if you can see it so 1978 salem's lock but look they show a picture of the passat being built for the marston's house and then what it looks like today where we were already yeah look at that but okay my this is cool um apparently like most of the majestic was filmed here like a lot of the townspeople who lived here at the time were here so look there's jim carrey walking down the city center and then so you're telling me jim carrey was walking through salem's lot yeah oh there he is while they're filming look at that walking down main street so that was 2001. oh there's the theater too yeah oh so that's a bit of cool information apparently that whole theater is also a facade and it was built in a parking lot check it out you can see the scaffolding back here where they were building that and this is just a parking lot between these two buildings yeah i always wished and hoped that that theater was real oh i know it was beautiful so we both love that movie maybe next time we roll through the area we can stop and do the majestic filming locations that'd be cool funny thing about ferndale california there is a whole bunch of churches and a whole bunch of cemeteries here one thing for certain this cemetery and this gate can be seen right after danny's funeral in the movie salem's lot it's still here including that mausoleum that's up on the hill [Music] i know it's a little hard to tell because of this angle but there's a street that curves right through the back of the cemetery which means the ferndale cemetery is where they filmed all of the cemetery scenes right now i'm sitting in the exact location the camera was at the top of the hill in the cemetery and that road see how it curves that's where the funeral procession was for david for his funeral right about here and i know i'm in the exact spot for two reasons one this little stone slab right here but also the spigot if you look very very closely at the bottom of the screen you can see the spigot right about there [Music] [Music] this town really does have a little bit of everything doesn't it and so much room if i was making a movie this would probably be the holy grail of places because there's so many places you can set up a camera lighting and everything that you need well what you're looking at right now is called the church of the assumption and this is where ben gets his holy water from and how funny is it that there's a jeep parked right next to the church it's not a jeep wrangler a different type of jeep but still it's a jeep in this scene ben's jeep is parked right here in the street and he comes right out this door with the holy water it's a quick scene but everything matches up it's still framed the same exact way father callahan in there no one's there blessed it is holy water i don't think they showed the side of the church but my god is this beautiful and it's massive look at that compared to jessica walking down the sidewalk and with that being said thank you for joining us on another adventure this time i can't believe i'm going to say this to salem's lot this was good book by stephen king directed by toby hooper this movie is phenomenal and this town is absolutely beautiful and as always happy halloween
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 169,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Salem's Lot, Salem's Lot Barlow, Salem's Lot Trailer, Salem's Lot 1979, Salem's Lot 2004, Salem's Lott, Salem's Lot Full Movie, Salem's Lot Movie, Salem's Lot Book, Salem's Lot Stephen King, Salem's Lot Filming Locations, Filming Location, Filming Locations, Filming Locations Then and Now, Stephen King, Stephen King Audiobook, Stephen King Movies, Stephen King Interview, Stephen King Books, Grimmlifecollective, GrimmLife, Filming Locations Movies, California Homeless
Id: GegQo9IbqJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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