How to safely kill ALL of the Hornets (Yellow Jackets) for miles. Works for Wasps and Ants too.

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hi it's Brad today I'm gonna show you how to get rid of those pesky wasps and hornets for good so you can use these expensive traps if a Hornet flying around me right now you can buy them at many hardware stores and they they work well but you can do it cheaper too you can buy these traps right here take a 2-liter bottle and cut a little X in it and stick these in and just put some water and some fruit don't put citrus fruit put apples pears peaches things like that raisins plums in there it doesn't take very much and they'll go right in and then they drowned they they work really well the other thing that I do is I'll take just an old Popkin and you know these these Hornets they just love to come when you're having a picnic and slurp out of your can they will take sugar water that is pretty diluted bees don't want that bees want pretty much 1 to 1 sugar so if you have bees around this works really well I use apple juice and boric acid no boric acid is lethal to all insects in any quantity so any quantity that you can get boric acid in and I use this with ants oh I'll take a cup of powdered sugar and about a teaspoon of boric acid mix it all together put it out where the ants can get to it and they'll just haul it off and back to the nest in about two weeks they all disappear because it's lethal to them in its attacks really it's really really really slow acting it is boric acid and a kind of a nasty taste so you can't put a lot for ants or they won't take the sugar they'll leave it they know that something's up but you just put a little tiny bit and a little tiny bit works well you can also mix up sugar water and put in we use cat food cans just you know empty cat food can and fill that up and put that out and let the ants crawl into that and take that back we had ants so bad one year that their ant trail was a foot wide it was it was huge and we put this out and they they drained they drained three and four cat food cans two and three times a day for five six days then it started to taper off and in about two weeks we didn't see any ants we had no answer around the property of the house anywhere so boric acid it's relatively cheap you don't don't get the kind that that they make for roaches that's not boric acid you want to look at the label and make sure it is pure boric acid and then it will work great so let's let's go in the kitchen and show you what how I'm gonna make it and then we're gonna put it out in cans and the wasps and the Hornets will come and they'll take it back you don't even need to know where their nests are their nests gonna be a half a mile two miles away and they'll take it back they'll feed everybody and in week to ten days maybe two weeks the whole nest will die it works really really good in the fall when they're all preparing to get into winter and and then in the spring at about late March early April I'll put traps out with it and the only Hornets and wasps flying then or Queens so you're killing lots of lots of colonies that will bother you and sting you bite you bite you you know they don't really bite they just sting and it's crazy crazy crazy wild sting all right let's go to the kitchen okay so we'll take I'll take this half a gallon it's a gallon of it's a half gallon of apple juice and it's half full and what I'm gonna do is take that a couple of teaspoons of boric acid and I'll put em in this apple juice we'll shake it up let it boric acid in any quantity is lethal to insects so in a little tiny bit of boric acid here we're mixing the wasp won't even notice it and they'll take it back and feed everybody else because it'll be so good and everybody will die in a couple of weeks and so what I'm gonna do now is fill this on up with water and then put it in the cans so all I do is I just take the apple juice and I pour a little in it in the old Popkin and then take a stick and put the stick down in the Popkin and this way you see you don't want the Hornets to drown you want them to take this this food back to the to their little high and I just put it in a little sheltered place so the wind doesn't blow it over and this one keep in mind there they will go for this it does not have to be terribly pure in citing they they like the sugar from soda pop bees don't we have bees so we have to be careful to do things that we don't kill the bees and the bees don't like this the bees won't go for this so we just put these out like this and then the Hornets will come and and they'll drain these cans down they'll just drain these cans down and we just keep them full and pretty soon no more Hornets there you have it okay here's the results you can see after just a little time the Hornets and this is right at the bee colonies the bees are on the other side please don't want anything to do with this apple juice and the Hornets are just all over it you'll see him coming going inside the cans I can hold still enough they're down on the boards and we've already emptied that middle can and it was clear full now if you notice there's a little bit of grease on these cans I also put just a little bit of animal fat now I use bacon grease and put it on there and and these little things are just so attracted to that as well so that's how it works and they'll take that back to their hives their colonies and feed them and in just a few days the colonies will disappear hope it works for you so just recapping you'll want to get boric acid and it's eighty to ninety to a hundred percent pure be sure not to get you can find it for it's it's usually for roaches you'll find it usually in in the in the Roach proofing area but read the label make sure that you get boric acid you're not getting some other chemical because the other chemicals don't work like this make sure it's just pure boric acid heck we go to the dollar store and get little tubes of it for a dollar I bought that about that big two gallon container of it at Costco for a couple of bucks so a long time ago so boric acid is is fairly inexpensive and and it's just deadly to insects any insects if you can get them to eat it it will kill them be careful not to put it where you've got other animals I mean it's really not toxic to humans and animals in the quantity that you're using so it's just a nuisance to have your dogs or your cats or your kids or grandkids tipping over the cans sticky stuff so put it where where the where the wasps and hornets can get to it and and it works fine you can use soda pop you can use just water with fruit in it they want the water and the fruit and so they'll they'll take anything just just add little boric acid into it and and and they'll just they just love it there Wow they just can't get enough of it and and be sure and put a stick in your can or or make sure that they don't drown because you want them to go back to their little colony and communicate where this good stuff is and bring everybody else to get it and take it back you don't want them to drown and never get back and never tell the story never go feed everybody so there you have it I have cotton pickin Hornets flattened me right now I probably smell like apple juice Brad from cougar add drench with your little tip
Channel: - Cougar Ridge Ranch
Views: 1,013,540
Rating: 4.9067378 out of 5
Id: 6wElK5Jbr18
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Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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