Kill All Your Pesky Rodents without poison or snap traps: As easy as making a PB&J

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hey brad from cougar ridge ranch today we're going to show you a video on how we take care of a bloom of rodents now a bloom of rodents is when springtime comes and they've been reproducing all winter and you just get run over by them and up here in the mountains there are years when it's so bad that just walking around here in fact if you were just looking at the ground behind me you'd see mice and and squirrels and chipmunks just running everywhere they're just crazy you come out at night and they're still out at night and they'll run up your legs they're running all over they're dropping from trees they're just everywhere so regular mouse traps just don't cut it you just can't handle regular mouse traps so i'm going to show you how we have to deal with the rodents and keep them from eating you out of housing home all these critters they'll climb up on the roof they'll come down the pipes they'll crawl in through the toilet they'll they'll brave the water and come up in the house uh oh they they're just they're just crazy it is just crazy bad when that happens so i'm going to show you how we deal with it and it works really really well it's cheap it's almost free let's go [Music] okay so this is what you're going to need you're going to need a five gallon bucket put about five inches of water in it less than half more than a third right in that range gonna need a wire you're gonna need an empty pop can and you're gonna need some bait you'll probably also wanna have a drill and so what we're gonna do we're gonna drill holes put the bit in this thing we're gonna drill a hole right through the top right here of the bucket we're going to drill a hole right on the other side in the same place then we're going to drill a hole through the center of the pop can right here we can make that happen doesn't have to be exact [Music] and then we'll drill a hole in the back of the pop can now don't some of you be talking about whether your kids are gonna drink this or all that hoo-ha you gotta have smarter kids gotta watch your kids okay so now i'm gonna straighten this a little bit of a curly wire here and i'm going to put the wire through my hole and put the pop can on the wire i can even navigate this i'll do it backwards maybe that'll be easier having a shaky hand doesn't help this process okay backwards was the key now what i like to do is just come over here to about midway and make a little bit of a goofy bend in the wire just to kind of keep the can give it a little bit of a low spot and i'm going to put the wire through the other side of the bucket here and i'm going to figure out where this is sometimes a pair of pliers works just as good to put the kink in it like that and then we'll do the same thing over here this there now get the pumpkin on there and all we're gonna do is bend this wire around and we're going to bend this wire around that's going to leave us with a pumpkin that can wiggle just a little bit of wiggle then we're gonna take some peanut butter now this happens to be chunky but i just have a jar of really rancid peanut butter here and it doesn't matter what kind of it's chunky or not chunky creamy whatever they are you're just going to put some peanut butter on this can like this smear that on here like that okay so what's going to happen is our rodents are going to come to this bucket i'm going to put a little i'm going to put a little ramp up the bucket and sometimes i'll put some peanut butter on the ramp too now up here where we are we're high desert and we don't normally have to put peanut butter because they want the water there is not a lot of water up here so they want the water but if you're in an area where there's plenty of water for them to drink they'll want the peanut butter they want to bait so now a rodent will come up and sense this they'll climb out on the wire and when they go to get the peanut butter the can will tilt and they'll fall in the water and drown so i'm gonna go put this out and we'll check it in the morning and see how it did so as you can see i've put this up in the garden behind the gate just so the dogs don't lick the pit lick the peanut butter off and here up at the garden you look in the look in the garden shed right there you can see all of my other water traps ready to go all right so we'll come back in the morning and see how this did okay so it's morning and we're gonna come up here to the garden i'm gonna go in now we haven't had a lot of mice and rodents up here this year the pine nuts were not a good season last year so we may not have any but we might have something so let's see what we can see here oh yeah there's some there's some takers there we've had some we've had some action overnight you can see that your discretion yeah there's some dead rodents there and garden eaters no no longer they went for that rancid peanut butter yep so there it is water trap you don't have to reset it just have to empty it and right now the ravens are looking for this as a dinner so we're going to feed the ravens and keep our garden safe and keep the cotton picking rodents out of the buildings the sheds the houses oh they even climb up in the exhaust of vehicles and chew the wires under the hood oh it's a pest when when a bloom hits it's a terrible pest so good luck with it have fun and uh remember positive comments positive comments brad from cougar ridge ranch call sign captain wingnut signing off you
Channel: - Cougar Ridge Ranch
Views: 939,491
Rating: 4.9376073 out of 5
Keywords: rodent, mice, mouse, rat, chipmunk, squirrel, trap, rodent trap, mouse trap, rat trap, 5 gallon bucket, water trap, drowning, rodents, kill, exterminate, eliminate, rodent bloom, bloom, pesky
Id: mR0Iz9qMzl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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