Sadistic Killer Targets Young Women And Is Sentenced To Life | The New Detectives | Real Responders

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a new jersey woman is found brutally murdered by the side of the road investigators must make their case from a few bite marks left on the victim's body a sadistic predator targets young women in a quiet canadian community as police struggle to track him down the killer threatens more victims indiana firefighters discover a woman murdered in her bed but will dental impressions be enough to convict her killer some murderers are compelled to leave a very personal mark on their victims but with the help of forensic odentologists police can use those marks to capture those who kill with a deadly smile [Music] [Music] in this episode some of the names have been changed just after midnight on august 12 1994 police in woodbridge new jersey were dispatched to a remote area just off route 1. a battered semi-nude woman identified as 25 year old melissa padilla had been found murdered lying inside a concrete pipe crime technicians began processing the area for clues they collected several recently purchased grocery items scattered near the body they also recovered a blood stained dollar bill and nearby several cigarette butts which investigators hoped would yield valuable dna evidence the victims discarded shorts stained with blood were found nearby inside one of the pockets was a store receipt for several grocery items time stamped 11 29 pm while evidence technicians continued processing the scene melissa's boyfriend hector gonzalez who had found her body was brought in for questioning he couldn't imagine anyone who would want to hurt melissa a dedicated mother of four hector said that after putting the kids to bed around 11 pm melissa said she wanted to go to a nearby convenience store to pick up a few things hector agreed to watch the kids [Music] she said she would be back within a half hour when she hadn't returned more than an hour later he became concerned and asked a friend to help look for her that's when they found melissa's battered body along route 1 the path she normally took to go to the store hector later agreed to take a polygraph examination [Music] test results indicated he had nothing to do with melissa's murder [Music] though police had no obvious suspects the motive behind the murder seemed clear middlesex county prosecutor's office lieutenant lawrence nagle worked the case the woman that was found at the scene was found naked from the waist down it appeared there was severe trauma to her face area initial impressions were that it appeared to be a sexual type of situation at autopsy the medical examiner concluded that melissa padilla had died of manual strangulation [Music] her face had been viciously beaten though it was clear she had been sexually assaulted no biological evidence was recovered more disturbing was the presence of small contusions on the victim's body the ones found on melissa's chin appeared to be bite marks knowing the bite marks would be crucial in linking a suspect to the crime an identification officer with the middlesex county prosecutor's office precisely photographed them to scale using standards developed by the american board of forensic odentologists for the bite mark evidence to be useful investigators had to identify a suspect trying to retrace melissa's movements investigators retrieved the security camera videotape from the store melissa had been to just before her death melissa was clearly visible purchasing the items found near her body the amount of change she was seen receiving was the same amount found in her pocket but no one who appeared in the video looked suspicious [Music] analysis of the items recovered from the crime scene had little else to offer though dna was found on the cigarette butts investigators had no way to determine who had left them there or when and all of the blood that was collected belonged to melissa a meticulous search for any suspect fingerprints turned up nothing despite the lack of clues to the killer's identity the bite marks he left behind gave investigators a glimpse into his violent mind assistant prosecutor thomas capsack of the middlesex county prosecutor's office worked the case the nature of the crime suggested anger the victim was really brutalized there had to be a lot of pain involved and we eventually concluded that the bite mark on the chin occurred while he was looking into her eyes while he was causing pain [Music] police began focusing their attention on sex offenders known to be living in the area a state prison facility housing such offenders was located just a few miles from the crime [Music] and scene inmates had recently been released investigators tracked each one of them down all denied knowledge of melissa padilla's murder and all were eventually cleared by polygraph examinations investigators scoured dozens of homicide cases looking for one with a similar mo but despite their efforts eight months passed with no progress in the investigation of melissa padilla's murder but in april 1995 investigators received a call from the maine state police authorities there were requesting background information on a woodbridge new jersey resident 31 year old stephen fortin who was in their custody for sexually assaulting a female maine state trooper for lieutenant nagle the details of the assault sounded eerily familiar it was revealed during a conversation with the maine state police that the trooper during the assault by stephen fortin was bitten in the same immediate areas that melissa bedillo was bitten on hoping this was the break they had been waiting for investigators traveled to maine to speak with the trooper who was still recovering in the hospital [Music] investigators immediately noticed that the trooper had sustained bite marks on her chin the same spot where melissa padilla had been bitten the off-duty trooper said she saw a car parked on the side of the road facing oncoming traffic but the trooper noticed a strong alcohol smell [Music] right there okay don't move don't move okay she administered a breathalyzer test which confirmed that the man was intoxicated as the trooper radioed into the station for backup the man suddenly attacked her from behind and knocked her unconscious when she came to she was in the passenger seat of her patrol car she was in a great deal of pain and suddenly realized she had been sexually assaulted while unconscious believing the assailant was planning to kill her the trooper jumped out of the car the driver continued on the next thing she remembered was waking up in the hospital her assailant stephen fortin was taken into custody less than an hour later after examining and photographing the trooper's injuries one thing became clear [Music] the assault on the state trooper and the murder of melissa padilla wore the same ritualistic signature ritual involves getting sexual gratification from the crime you commit the signature in our case really was the ritual and that is the the beating to the eyes and the nose uh the bite mark on the chin come over here for investigators the similar mo of the two assaults had to be more than just a coincidence new jersey police went to the jail in kennebec county maine to question fortin about the melissa padilla homicide though horton admitted to living in woodbridge new jersey at the time he insisted he didn't know anyone named melissa padilla and denied any knowledge of her murder he also denied ever being in the area along route 1 where melissa's body was found but he didn't deny his involvement in the assault on the female trooper though he claimed he had acted in self-defense collected hair and blood samples to compare to evidence recovered from the melissa padilla crime scene [Music] though investigators finally had a strong suspect in the young woman's homicide they were still a long way from proving that stephen fortin was her killer with only bite mark evidence to work with police in woodbridge new jersey struggled to solve the brutal murder of melissa padilla a 25 year old mother of four after several months with no leads police learned of a similar assault more than 300 miles away in maine and the suspect in that case stephen fortin had recently moved there from woodbridge while waiting for dna analysis new jersey authorities interviewed fortin's friends and associates they located an ex-girlfriend who still lived in woodbridge [Music] she had plenty to say about steve forten she said their turbulent four-month relationship suddenly came to a violent halt after fortin assaulted her during an argument they had while taking a walk along route 1. she added that after their fight fortin returned to apologize [Music] the girlfriend noticed cuts and scratches on fortin's face and hands fortin explained that he feared she had called the police and he fled through the woods to avoid them she believed the incident had taken place on august 12th not only was that the night melissa was murdered but the girlfriend had put porton on route 1. an area he previously claimed he had never been to though investigators were now convinced that fortin was melissa padilla's killer dna analysis on the cigarette butt found near her body was inconclusive examiners analyzed all of the evidence found at the crime scene again hoping something may have been overlooked but nothing was found for identification officer jim o'brien it was clear that the bite marks would be the crucial link connecting stephen fortin to melissa's murder the dna results were inconclusive we had no hairs or fibers from stephen fortin found on the victim's body and i never developed any fingerprints on any any of the evidence that came back to anyone except the victim herself therefore the photographs of the bite marks on the victim's body were very very important in terms of physical evidence and in terms of putting stephen fortin at this crime scene in april 1995 stephen fortin was taken to the office of dr brian morin a dentist in waterville maine to prove fortin had made the bite marks on melissa's body investigators first needed models detailing every unique feature of his teeth first photographs of the suspect's teeth are taken using a millimeter ruler so examiners can accurately determine the scale of the photos for later comparisons to pictures of the victim's injuries then impressions of the upper and lower teeth are taken using a substance called dental stone a material similar to plaster after the molds are allowed to harden morin then grinds them down to remove excess material allowing examiners to clearly see the unique features of the teeth the molds of the suspect's teeth in addition to life-size photographs of the bite mark injuries are all examiners need to perform the analysis dr tom richardson a forensic odentologist in portland maine explains the process the molds of teeth are the casts they are the lightness of the individual's teeth in size and in shape the photos are from the individual or medium that was bitten and they are life-sized as well we take the casts put an overlay go up against the marks on the photo and we either are going to have a match if the photos are good and the marks are there or we're not going to using a computer program examiners demonstrated how the casts made of stephen fortin's teeth lined up perfectly with the bite marks on the victim's chin [Music] the spacing between fortin's teeth the dimensions of the arches of his bite and the unique details of his teeth were all consistent with the injuries on both victims detectives now had the physical proof they needed to charge stephen fortin with the murder of melissa padilla police believe that stephen fortin chanced upon melissa as she returned from the convenience store still enraged by the argument with his girlfriend fortin brutally beat bit and sexually assaulted her before finally strangling her to death in february 2001 he was sentenced to death in new jersey for the murder and aggravated sexual assault of melissa padilla he also pled guilty to charges stemming from the beating and sexual assault on the maine state trooper he received the maximum 20-year sentence [Music] stephen fortin found gratification in a brutal ritual but 3 000 miles away in canada in a quiet suburb of vancouver one killer took perverse satisfaction from taunting the detectives on his trail abbotsford british columbia canada october 14 1995. in the early morning hours officers from the abbotsford police department were dispatched to a hospital emergency room [Music] there they found sixteen-year-old melissa connor still recovering from a brutal beating she sustained a few hours earlier [Music] melissa told investigators that she and a friend tracy sawyer were on their way to a party when a man wielding a baseball bat jumped out of the bushes and attacked them during the struggle melissa was knocked unconscious when she came to tracy and the assailant were nowhere in sight though her recollection of the attack was still a bit hazy melissa was certain she had never seen the man before investigators rushed to the scene of the assault to search for tracy but only one item found at the scene suggested that a struggle had taken place a single hoop earring that belonged to the missing teenager inspector rod gale of the abbotsford police department hoped a canvas of the neighborhood would yield information there were witnesses in the area of the crime scene but the witnesses that we established there had only heard screams in the early hours of the morning and no one had actually seen anything investigators feared that the 16-year-old tracy sawyer had been abducted or worse and with no suspects to pursue they knew that time was working against them a description of the missing teenager and details of the assault were distributed to all area law enforcement agencies a few hours later a man fishing along the veda river noticed something on the riverbank as he moved closer to get a better look he realized he had found a human body [Music] officers of the royal canadian mounted police who responded to the scene found that the young female victim had been savagely beaten and raped police scoured the shoreline for clues that could help them identify the young woman and her killer but they found nothing still officers of the royal canadian mounted police believe this was the missing abbotsford girl sergeant kevin macleod the obvious connection to me to the abbotsford case was the fact that abbotsford had a missing girl and we had a dead girl and this is close vicinity of the two communities dental records confirmed that the woman found at the vetter river was tracy sawyer the medical examiner confirmed that the young woman had been raped he also noted massive blunt force trauma to her head but that wasn't what killed her the official cause of death was ruled a drowning the only clues to the killer's identity were bite marks on the victim's torso the impressions were carefully photographed and preserved as evidence the photos were sent to the bureau of legal dentistry laboratory in vancouver there dr david sweet a recognized expert in forensic odentology examined the evidence [Applause] [Music] after studying the bite mark injuries he realized there was the potential for additional evidence to be obtained a new technique was available for recovering saliva from a bite mark and we could even determine if dna was available from the saliva and then possibly match that back to the suspect when when and if one was uh made available the theory behind the technique referred to as double swabbing is that saliva from the suspect's mouth is transferred into the bite marks left on the victim as demonstrated here dr sweet first dampens a sterile swab with distilled water then wipes it across the impressions rehydrating any saliva cells in the bite marks then he applies a second dry swab to the wounds which will act as a sponge and collect the rehydrated cells that contain the suspect's dna dr sweet performed the procedure on the teeth impressions found on tracy sawyer and though she had been submerged in water for some time he was confident the double swabbing technique would yield dna evidence [Music] despite the fact that the body had been in water the saliva is sticky enough in order to remain there and if you can use some methods to collect that evidence that's there even in trace forms you'll have enough to test and to analyze the procedure was successful [Music] minute traces of the killer's dna was collected but for that evidence to be useful investigators would now have to find a way to identify a suspect a forensic odentologist had successfully extracted the killer's dna from bite marks found on 16 year old murder victim tracy sawyer but for the evidence to be useful police in abbotsford british columbia now had to identify a suspect [Music] they turned to the victim's parents for information the couple said that the last time they saw tracy was shortly before the assault she and her friend melissa connor were leaving for a party at a neighborhood friend's house [Music] they promised not to be out too late [Music] tracy seemed upbeat and excited about the party [Music] that nice she looked so happy the couple couldn't think of a single person who would want to hurt their beautiful young daughter [Music] in addition to releasing limited details of the investigation to the media police also set up a tip line for potential witnesses to call with information soon after a call came in the man on the other end claimed to be tracy's killer he described in detail the bite mark found on the victim's body [Music] the only people that would know about it were the people at the autopsy the doctors the policemen attending the autopsy and the immediate core team of the investigation so it had to be the individual that had intimate knowledge of the crime scene to to know about that bite mark police traced the call to a nearby pay phone and rushed to the scene but no one was there technicians thoroughly dusted the phone for any fingerprints the suspect may have left behind [Applause] none were found a short while later abbotsford police dispatchers received a 9-1-1 call during the conversation which was recorded by police a man identified himself as the killer he wanted to know if police were having trouble finding him he said he would never be so stupid as to leave his prince at the pay phone where are you going to be [Applause] [Music] it's not very often that a suspect starts phoning the police and threatening to attack again threatening to do the same thing over again and basically taunting that you're not going to be able to catch me i'm going to do this again desperate to stop this killer before he struck again police turned back to melissa connor the young woman who had survived the assault that had claimed the life of her best friend though her memory of the events had not fully recovered she tried to describe the assailant to a sketch artist the best she could she remembered the man as being a tall white male balding but with reddish brown hair the information was enough for police to formulate a composite sketch which was quickly released through the media the press dubbed him the abbotsford killer [Music] a few days later a woman came forward with information she recognized the man in the sketch [Music] he appeared to be the same man who had attacked her with a baseball bat several months before when shown a photo lineup she picked out a man named john eller for the first time in the murder investigation authorities had a viable suspect in november 1995 more than a month after tracy sawyer's murder detectives arrested john eller at his home he vehemently denied being the abbotsford killer after taking impressions of the suspect's teeth forensic odentologist dr david sweet compared them to the bite marks found on tracy sawyer's body but investigators would be frustrated by the results of his analysis it became obvious very quickly that the spacing and the shapes of his teeth were much different than the teeth that would be necessary to cause this bite mark and dna samples from the suspect did not match the dna dr sweet had extracted from the bite marks john eller was eventually cleared as a suspect in tracy's murder [Music] soon after the taunting phone calls from the abbotsford killer resumed frustrated authorities came up with a plan convinced that someone somewhere knew the killer they decided to release the recordings of the abbotsford killer's taunting phone calls made to the police public were able to hear a large variety of voice characteristics of the individual was calling us that was our goal we also had that tape on a callback line at the police office so anybody could call a designated number and just listen to the tape they didn't have to talk to a police officer they could just phone and listen to the tape over and over again the plan appeared to be a success a woman who listened to the recordings came forward she recognized the voice detectives played the tape for her again she told them it sounded like a man named terry driver she knew the voice she said because terry driver was her son [Music] and she knew that he owned a police scanner and listened to it often at his home [Music] detectives quickly began checking driver's background [Music] though he had no criminal record the 32 year old printer lived with his wife and two kids in the same neighborhood where the taunting phone calls had originated [Music] terry driver was brought in for questioning the driver adamantly denied being the abbotsford killer detectives collected hair and saliva for dna analysis photographs and wax casts of driver's teeth were also taken [Music] at the bureau of legal dentistry in vancouver dr sweet looked for similarities between driver's dental evidence and bite marks found on tracy sawyer's body i produced a clear overlay with the biting edges of his teeth recorded on it at life size and then compared that to the photographs that were enlarged to life-size also dr sweet identified several unique characteristics in the suspect's bite that convinced him that terry driver's teeth were consistent with the bite marks on tracy sawyer's he had some chipped teeth as well as some crowding or rotations of teeth so that they were out of position and not where you would normally find them this made his teeth unique from everybody else's and those features were recorded in the bite mark also but the irrefutable proof came from the dna analysis terry driver's dna profile matched the profile of the dna dr suite had extracted from the bite mark injuries [Music] dr sweet's double swabbing technique helped police clinch their case against a sadistic killer terry driver was arrested and charged with the murder of 16 year old tracy sawyer and the attempted murder of her friend melissa connor based on the evidence abbotsford police believe terry driver was a sick predator driven by an insatiable need for attention on october 14 1995 that craving exploded into violence as melissa connor and tracy sawyer made their way to a nearby party driver attacked them without warning after viciously raping and killing tracy driver set out to taunt police and to prove that he was invincible in october of 1997 terry driver was convicted of the sexual assault slaying of tracy sawyer and sentenced to life in prison [Music] he received an additional 10 years for the attempted murder of melissa connor [Music] terry driver was compelled to call attention to his crimes but in indiana another murderer went to great lengths to conceal his guilt [Music] on october 6 1990 at 11 37 pm firefighters in shelbyville indiana responded to a blaze at a nearby apartment complex the fire was coming from the bedroom of 42 year old shirley sturgeon a tenant who lived on the second floor after extinguishing the fire on the bed one of the firefighters made a grisly discovery the badly burned body of a woman and the strong smell of lighter fluid led rescue workers to conclude that this fire was no accident [Music] after extinguishing a blaze in an apartment in shelbyville indiana firefighters had uncovered the badly burned remains of a woman lying in a bed and according to chief kurt etherton of the shelbyville police department all indications suggested she had been the victim of a homicide it appeared a fire had been started either on or around the bed there was a an inverted v pattern which is consistent with a fire where accelerants had been used so it was our opinion that the fire had been had been said at that point after confirming that the victim was the tenant 42 year old shirley sturgill evidence technicians began searching for clues to tell them who had started the deadly blaze and why several latent prints were located and preserved as evidence but later analysis revealed they all belonged to the victim investigators also collected two different brands of cigarette butts dna analysis later revealed the presence of two distinct dna profiles and neither matched the victim it appeared shirley sturgill's killer or killers had unsuccessfully tried to burn away any trace of evidence from the crime scene [Music] at autopsy the medical examiner determined that shirley had not died as a result of the fire she had been strangled to death she had also been sexually assaulted but the biological evidence recovered was too degraded for a thorough analysis [Music] and there was more several marks were found on the victim's torso stomach and thigh the me concluded they were bite marks made from human teeth for investigators they were the strongest link to shirley's killer that person told us that if we had a suspect that they could take impressions and he would be able to determine whether or not those bite marks were made by a particular person because there were some distinctive markings on the bites that would be consistent with someone's teeth not being aligned straight what time was it detectives began their hunt for shirley sturgill's killer by speaking with her daughter angie carr said she and her mother were very close she couldn't think of anyone who would want to hurt her she described her mother as a kind sensitive and selfless woman who dedicated her life to angie's happiness and well-being [Music] she was also a wonderful grandmother to angie's young children [Music] angie had spoken to her mother on the phone just an hour or so before firefighters were called to the apartment [Music] there didn't seem to be anything troubling her mother the victim did mention during the conversation that her next-door neighbor jerry donaldson was there visiting at the time [Music] it was a name already familiar to detectives investigators who had responded to shirley's apartment the night of the murder said a neighbor was asking a lot of questions and seemed to know specific details of the crime itself [Music] his name was jerry donaldson they said that the neighbor was telling uh you know several things about the crime that he felt no one else would would probably know so when did you last donaldson was brought in for questioning he admitted visiting shirley the night she died she had hurt her back recently and he checked in on her periodically to see if she needed anything he said they watched tv and about 10 30 after smoking a cigarette he went home when asked how he knew so much about the murder donaldson claimed he'd overheard the firefighters talking he agreed to provide hair samples for a dna analysis [Music] donaldson's dna was consistent with dna recovered from one of the cigarette butts found in the victim's apartment [Music] and though he had never denied being there investigators were convinced he knew more about the murder than he claimed on october 24th nearly three weeks after shirley sturgill's murder police arrested jerry donaldson on suspicion of murder they also obtained a court order requiring impressions of his teeth to be made a forensic odontologist overlaid impressions of the suspect's teeth over photographs of shirley sturgill's bite mark injuries though they didn't line up perfectly the examiner felt that the two were consistent but the suspect's lawyers saw to it that donaldson would never stand trial for murder the defense team hired like two different odyntologists from other parts of the country who had differing opinions than the other intelligence we used the prosecutor and his staff sat down with the defense team and went over the discrepancies which eventually led to the release of the suspect for shelbyville detectives the setback was frustrating the investigation into shirley sturgel's savage murder had ground to a halt investigators were back to square one and with no obvious suspects to pursue shelbyville indiana police struggled to solve the brutal homicide of 42 year old shirley sturgell though teeth marks had been found on the victim's body investigators had no other clues to the killer's identity a year after the homicide the case was turned over to captain bill dwenger one of the things that that struck me as odd it was the amount of anger or rage that was built up inside someone that could inflict these type of injuries on another human being after re-examining dozens of witness statements taken over the previous year dwenger noticed that several people had commented that shirley and her son-in-law had not gotten along [Music] though that didn't seem so unusual investigators decided to talk with shirley's daughter angie again and to her husband john del carr could i just get a copy of it john del carr was upfront about his feelings for his mother-in-law he didn't like her and they argued often [Music] mostly about shirley's constant interfering with his marriage he said that on the night of the murder he was with an old army buddy who was visiting from out of town [Music] he hadn't seen shirley that day angie corroborated her husband's alibi though john del carr was still considered a suspect police had no evidence against him but a month later detectives learned that john del carr had been arrested for murdering a young woman in nearby hamilton county indiana though no bite marks were left on this victim she had been sexually assaulted and strangled to death the same m.o as the murder of shirley sturgill yeah i did the girl in him shelbyville detectives drove to the state prison to speak with john delcarr and obtain potential evidence but the suspect was uncooperative and refused to answer any questions [Music] investigators ultimately collected hair and blood samples for dna comparisons with evidence recovered from shirley's apartment at the crime lab examiners concluded that john del carr's dna was consistent with dna from one of the cigarette butts found in shirley's bedroom john del carr had been at the victim's apartment something he previously denied though it was strong circumstantial evidence it didn't prove that he was the killer there was only one way investigators could make their case they needed impressions of john delcar's teeth to compare to the bite marks found on shirley sturgill's body but so far they lacked probable cause to obtain a warrant to force the suspect to provide the sample and they knew that without that evidence it would be difficult to get a conviction thanks thank you we needed to know and the jury is going to need to know did we get his dental impressions did they match up to the bite marks on the body of shirley sturgel without that i'm not sure a jury would be able to find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt so we needed that information whether it was going to be yes they they do match up or no they do not on august 3rd 1994 almost four years after the murder investigators finally got a break angie carr had since divorced her husband and now that he was in prison she wanted to talk she believed john del carr had in fact murdered her mother she admitted to having lied to police before but out of fear for her safety and the safety of her children according to angie john came home very late the night of the murder [Music] suddenly he grabbed a shotgun pointed it at her and told her he had hurt her mother [Music] he dragged her to the room where her children were sleeping [Music] and threatened to kill her and them if she ever said anything angie told police that john kept up his threats in the following months the kid's room besides hurting her and she believed he wouldn't hesitate to carry them out a shotgun to their heads and threaten to kill them junker's wife i believe was genuinely terrified of john she knew what he was capable of i think she did what she had to do to protect herself and her children it was the break detectives had been waiting for [Music] angie's testimony was enough for investigators to obtain a court order to force john del carr to give teeth impressions investigators contacted forensic odentologist dr john kenny the deputy coroner for dupage county illinois i was asked to go to the state prison and to meet with mr carr in the dental infirmary and to take his impressions in any other records as i would need to make a bite mark comparison but john del carr still refused to cooperate [Music] investigators received another court order this time giving them the authority to anesthetize the suspect in order to obtain the evidence [Music] it was possible in this particular case to because of the configuration of mr carr's teeth uh several of his teeth were misaligned and crowded particularly on the upper arch to take the model of his teeth and fit it right to the injury in one of these positive replicas all of the unique characteristics of john del carr's teeth matched the injuries present on shirley sturgel's body there was no doubt that his teeth had left the wounds police believe that on october 6 1990 john del carr resentful of his mother-in-law's interference in his marriage drove to her apartment and confronted her his anger exploded into violence carr beat bit and sexually assaulted shirley sturgel before strangling her to death [Music] after he set her apartment on fire hoping all traces of his crime would burn away in april 1997 john del carr was convicted of the first degree murder of his mother-in-law shirley sturgill he was sentenced to 60 years in prison some killers are driven to leave a very personal mark on their victims when police have little other evidence to work with they turn to forensic odentologists who seize upon those marks to take the bite out of a killer's deadly smile
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 391,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police documentary, the new detectives, forensic science, investigation, detectives, police investigation, cold cases, criminals, crimes, true detectives, sherlock holmes, real crimes, real detectives, private detective, murder cases, foresnics, investigators
Id: IApo74d1ED0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 34sec (2974 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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