The Nurse Behind The Hog Trail Murders | The New Detectives | Real Responders

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[Music] the hunt is on for a serial killer who's preying on young men investigators have a plan to catch him but will you take the bait at first it looked like a bungled burglary but maryland detectives could see the motive was murder to solve it they must establish which clues are real industrial parks in western florida have become a killer's dumping ground how many more women will die before authorities put him out of business for some people killing might come easy but getting away with it seldom is no matter how a murderer tries to cover his crimes there will always be something left at the scene [Music] charlotte county florida april 17 1996. two county road inspectors took a break from their duties to set up hog traps along a popular but secluded hunting trail what they found were the remains of someone else's brain what we're looking for a human skull they notified the charlotte county sheriff's office it was up to the forensics team to gather together what time and animals had scattered through the woods [Music] besides more remains they looked for clothing a weapon or anything else that might help them determine the identity of the victim and how he or she came to be there all investigators found was a single pink fiber near the skull but it paled in comparison to what was discovered next 50 yards from where the skull was found an investigator spotted a roll of carpet padding inside was a male body but it wasn't the body he expected to find this one had a head he was a second victim more recent than the first probably killed within the last few days less compromised by the elements this second victim provided a second opportunity for usable clues rope fibers clung to a nearby tree and additional lengths of rope were found strewn in the woods a single tiny paint chip was lifted off the body according to jim myers of the florida department of law enforcement these murder scenarios are the hardest kind of cases to solve it's not like a traditional crime where you know you're in a house or whatever and you've got credit cards you can find out who that is you know do associates neighborhood checks and that type of thing it doesn't work that way when you just get a body out in the woods a few feet from the first victim's skull investigators found what remained of his torso [Music] though the body was badly decomposed they were able to discern an unusual tattoo on his shoulder it was their only hope of identifying him authorities relied on the media for help that night the news broadcast the photo of the tattoo hoping someone might recognize it and identify the victim someone did a woman phoned the police and said it looked like the tattoo worn by her brother 25 year old kenny smith she told authorities that she hadn't heard from him in some time though he lived much of the time on the street he'd recently seen the dentist who provided up-to-date dental records from them investigators confirmed the remains found in the woods were kenny smith's investigators still had the other victim found in the carpet padding to identify [Music] at autopsy the body was determined to be a white male in his twenties no one had reported anyone matching his description as missing in the county the body was vacuumed to collect stray fibers and other trace evidence that might be clinging to it [Music] then the body was examined ligature marks started in several places mostly around his neck and genital region [Music] he had been strangled to death by rope [Music] afterward the killer had removed his genitals with a scalpel or sharp knife clearly the act of a twisted yet methodical mine the victim had been dead approximately one day and his fingerprints were still readable from them he was determined to be 21 year old richard montgomery montgomery and smith were not the first young white males found dead in the woods of southwest florida yo rick looks like we got something over here [Music] between 1994 and 1996 three others had been found in the woods of charlotte and sarasota counties fearing they were dealing with a serial killer chief investigator rick hobbs called in a criminal profiler he reviewed the evidence that we had and basically confirmed that he in his opinion he felt that the same person was responsible for all these murders and he described the person as possibly a sexual sadist someone was preying on male drifters and like some of his victims he had no name because his latest victims were found on the hog hunting trail the press called him the hog trail killer to coordinate efforts across jurisdictions the florida department of law enforcement formed a task force with the charlotte county sheriff's department and the northport police special agent jim myers led the task force they hadn't a minute to waste we're talking with a person that that basically is on keep killing unless we stop them and that's the primary reason to get a task force we have the situation we had we had to get as many people as we could involved to prevent it from happening again you know our primary mission is to get the bad guy but what we also have to do is protect the public safety the mysterious serial killings received wide publicity soon it paid off donald perry an inmate at a state prison in florida had seen a news report and told authorities he might have been a potential victim of the killer perry said that a man approached him in a park and offered him 150 to pose nude in the woods he said the pictures would involve bondage that he'd be tied to a tree they'd be polaroids so he wouldn't have to worry about the negatives being sold the man whose name was dan seemed very gentle and perry needed the money so he took the job on the way to the woods the car got stuck in the mud on a secluded road some passersby helped them free it while perry steered [Music] that was when perry noticed the kid danny prepared for the photo shoot the ropes knife and gloves made him fear for his life as soon as the car was freed mary hit the gas glasses was the guy i saw on tv a few hours later he was arrested for stealing it [Music] the scenario fit the profile closely enough for investigators to check the theft report investigators learned the theft report was filed by a man named daniel conahan and his father who owned the vehicle [Music] the task force took the lead and ran with it they set up surveillance on conahan the 43 year old registered nurse lived with his parents in charlotte county his nursing training recalled the clinical precision the killer used to mutilate one of the victims police photographed conahan talking to and following drifters in his car [Music] that was no crime however it was suspicious and for the task force and opportunity they sent an undercover officer to pose as a decoy [Music] they met several times as the decoy built conahan's trust the detective wore a body wire to record their conversations conahan eventually asked the detective to pose for pictures in the woods hoping conahan would open up and say more the undercover detective asked him to his camp in the woods which was already staked out by a swat team the detective had his agenda to gather evidence but conahan didn't cooperate as the detective continued asking questions conahan lost interest [Music] investigators came away with only circumstantial evidence and nothing to warrant an arrest [Music] if daniel conahan was a sadistic serial killer he remained free to stalk new prey last week on the 16th police in florida were on the trail of daniel conahan suspected serial killer but they had no real evidence in june two months after the last two murders were discovered a fort myers police officer recalled a case from three years earlier it was similar to an incident recently reported by an inmate named donald perry once again it was a prisoner who held the key stanley burton serving time in ohio had a story to tell remember it had a familiar ring he said that he'd met a man outside a hamburger joint in fort myers who offered him money to be tied up in the woods and photographed he said the guy's name was dan [Music] needing the cash burton consented dan asked him to remove some clothes and then began tying him to a tree with clothesline he cut with a pair of pliers the situation quickly spun out of control once burden was immobilized dan began tightening the ropes around his neck when they were sufficiently tight dan left him and never returned burden eventually freed himself he was able to describe dan's car and more importantly he picked dan conahan's picture out of a photo lineup based on this investigators were able to arrest carnahan for the assault and attempted murder of stanley burden basically a great relief for us at the task force because we was able to get him off the street earlier by the crime that he committed on burton and and be able to proceed and putting our cases together on the murders investigators were a long way from proving conahan was the serial killer they were looking for that required more tangible proof they obtained a warrant to search the home he shared with his parents forensic examiners collected fibers from carpets bedding and furniture each specimen was carefully tagged packaged and sent off to the crime lab for analysis [Music] conahan's automobile was searched as well [Music] besides an assortment of carpet and upholstery fibers technicians also collected a chip of paint from the car's peeling exterior they needed to compare it to the one found on the body of richard montgomery one of the two young men found along the hog trail hoping to find more incriminating evidence against their suspect investigators subpoenaed conahan's credit card records for the previous three years to investigators items listed on the statements suggested conahan was stocking and restocking a murder kit on the 16th of april we found where just before miss montgomery disappeared some of the items pliers rope knife and i believe a tarp was purchased that afternoon the items were purchased at a store just down the street from where richard montgomery lived [Music] while the credit card records were being scrutinized the fiber and paint samples were analyzed at the florida department of law enforcement lab several fibers collected from conahan's house matched fibers gathered at the crime scene next the paint chip from conahan's car was analyzed to see if it matched the chip found clinging to one of the victims a tiny chip of paint can hold volumes of information first it's looked at to determine how many layers of paint are present their colors and their thickness both the sample from the car and the specimen from the murder scene consisted of four layers of paint of matching colors and thickness microanalyst jan taylor needed to determine if the two chips chemically matched in doing my microchemical examinations i take small peels of each layer within the paint sample and apply a solvent or reagent to it to see how the paint reacts to the solvent or reagent and i performed this on the question paint recovered from the victim as well as the known paint samples removed from the vehicle and in doing so i did determine that these paints indeed were like one another at this step of my examination and that brought detectives one step closer to making their case against conahan but still not close enough taylor had more work to do she used infrared radiation to analyze the chemical binders in the paint samples [Music] then a scanning electron microscope revealed the pigments in a process called energy dispersive x-ray analysis the samples are bombarded with x-rays causing them to throw off electrons these electrons reveal the elements that the paint pigments are made from in all these tests the paint chips matched the conclusion that i reached following these tests were that the question paint chip removed from the victim originated from this vehicle [Music] the paint chip found on richard montgomery's body had come from daniel conahan's car science had made its case against conahan according to the evidence conahan lured richard montgomery into the woods for a bogus photo shoot once he had montgomery where he wanted him conahan tortured and killed him the jury deliberated only around 20 minutes before sentencing the hog trail killer to death daniel conahan sought out his victims and lured them to their deaths other killers are less meticulous they strike closer to home and kill on the spot 70 miles from baltimore hagerstown maryland is a typical american community and a good place to raise kids a place where some folks don't feel the need to lock their doors at least most of the time on valentine's day 1995 deborah and tim massey's twin sons came home from school and found themselves locked out that was unusual deborah was always home to greet her eight-year-olds they went to the garage behind their house where their father tim massey ran a towing company their dad wasn't around so they asked an employee daryl moser if he'd seen their mother he took the boys back to the house and tried knocking he got no response deborah the broken window caused him some concern let's go on over to grandma's house tim massey was out on a job so moser brought the boys to their grandmother who lived nearby she called deborah's house still no answer sensing that something had to be wrong daryl mosher returned to the house and entered and there he found debra messi collapsed on the living room floor she wasn't breathing he phoned the police down city police he reported that someone appeared to have broken in but the doors were still locked [Music] detective george brandt of the hagerstown police questioned that scenario we are advised that all the doors were locked both the front door and the back door to the residence and we thought that was odds i mean somebody go ahead and murder someone and leave the residence and lock in the doors deborah massey always left the doors open so that her kids could get in when they came home from school the locked doors were just the first of several strange clues investigators found the next clue was attached to the television where forensic scientist jeff kircheville found a strange note it said your husband is next i need money now here we have someone writing a note to a dead person a person that they had just killed it would make more sense if they were writing the note to the husband to say you are next and give their name for example tim tim you are next i need money but whoever scribbled this bizarre note to a dead woman apparently didn't need money that badly after all he'd ransacked the house but left behind the victim's jewelry and even some cash this bungled burglary was looking more like a sloppy murder in disguise maryland investigators on the scene of a murder initially believed the motive was robbery but on closer inspection it seemed nothing of value had been taken [Music] along with fiber samples they picked up shards of glass from the broken window a cigarette butt was collected from a trash can mrs massey was not a smoker the house had no ashtrays lighters matches or cigarettes investigators believe that the killer must have left this cigarette butt behind debra massey who had recently filed for divorce from her husband tim lived in the house with her twins by all accounts she was a devoted mom who stayed active in her children's lives though tim massey had moved to an apartment he still operated the towing service out of the backyard of the house [Music] while the crime scene was being investigated detectives reviewed daryl mosher's statement moshe claimed that tim massey arrived for work at around 10 30 a.m stayed about 10 minutes then left around 11 45 massey returned moser saw him walking towards the house moser said that massey returned a few minutes later they spoke briefly and then massey left again moser left for lunch shortly thereafter moser said he didn't see deborah at all [Music] an examination of the property demonstrated that the only way to get to the back door was to pass by the garage mosier said he saw nobody pass there except for tim massey but massey never stayed for any length of time so what i'll do a check of moser's statement established his whereabouts for the entire day and dismissed him as a suspect so whatever happened at the messy house happened while moser was away for lunch [Music] at the killer's point of entry investigators found a toolbox [Music] inside was a hammer with glass particles clinging to it probably used to break the window as the investigation of the house continued tim massey arrived he said his mother contacted him when daryl moser brought the kids over and said that the house had been broken into police informed him of his wife's murder and took him to the station for questioning as a husband going through a bitter divorce tim massey was automatically a suspect especially since he was seen at the house that morning he cooperated fully with police he handed over the contents of his pockets which included ink pens he gave them his clothes for forensic analysis it was standard procedure for proving someone's innocence [Music] tim massey acknowledged that the couple had a rocky relationship deborah had filed for divorce two weeks earlier and had also filed a protective order against tim he and his employees were not allowed in the home uh seven o'clock what time did you go to bob's seven massey stated that he'd been at the garage once that morning he went to check on one of the twins who'd been sick [Music] the information helped detective george brandt piece together massey's whereabouts that morning [Music] so he actually was interested in one boy seeing how he was doing and of course he learned when he got there and this uh was between 10 10 30 that morning that uh his boy had gone to school and he was doing all right so mr massey can you tell me where you told police that deborah had met him on the porch massey insisted he hadn't been inside the house in weeks after leaving the house he went to one of the police impound lots that he towed vehicles to around one o'clock massey called the police to report that someone had stolen the wheels off one of the cars he was storing for the police the officer met him at the lot at 1 18. [Music] they were there until 1 50 when they both went to the police station massey was friendly with the police because he did some towing work for them he said he wanted to go to the station to say hello and i imagine he was in here for a good half hour maybe a little later longer just talking to people down there on the first floor investigators had to consider that deborah massey was killed randomly by a stranger [Music] according to detective bill rourke investigators hit the streets to see if anyone could report anything suspicious we did neighborhood canvasses anyone who saw anything unusual was brought into police headquarters and statement was obtained from them uh all of mr massey's employees were brought into police headquarters and statements were obtained from them we interviewed family members we interviewed anyone at all who was willing to talk to us who had any information at all despite their efforts police turned up nothing nobody had any useful information to share no one had seen anything suspicious while police canvassed neighborhoods deborah massey underwent an autopsy [Music] examiners concluded that she was murdered sometime between 11 15 am and 1 15 pm from the markings on her throat it was clear that she was manually strangled to death forensic scientist jeff kircheville noticed something significant about the markings i had investigated two other cases involving manual strangulation within the past six months and in all those cases there were tiny crescent-shaped abrasions over the surface of the neck and the face area where the individual had used their hands to strangle them in this case with debbie massey none of those markings were present and in the interview room with mr massey i noted that he was a nail biter and had very very short fingernails nail biting is not a punishable offense and it certainly didn't prove tim massey was the killer mr massey could you stand up then investigators look for every possible way to eliminate him as a suspect but tim massey couldn't account for all of his movements during the time in which the murder had occurred they felt there were too many unanswered questions regarding tim massey they hope to find answers at his apartment investigators believe that tim messi might know more about his wife's murder than he was letting on he gave his consent to search his apartment in the hamper investigators recovered a pair of trousers in the cuffs were small fragments of glass this was the first piece of incriminating evidence against tim massey when he had arrived at the house officers kept him at a safe distance to prevent contamination of the crime scene it was unlikely that he came in contact with the glass on the porch at that time but for the fragments found on his pants to be true physical evidence they needed to be tested [Music] the fibers and the glass collected from the pants were compared against samples taken from the murder scene they matched the lab also tested the ink from the pens that massey handed over during his interview a manufacturer manufactures a new lot of ink they send a representative sample to the secret service at that particular point in time they had somewhere in the neighborhood of about 7 000 different inks in their reference library the ink on the note matched none of the database samples suggesting that it was a generic brand the odds of matching it to a specific pen grew even slimmer than seven thousand to one and yet one of tim massey's pens had exactly the same chemical characteristics as the ink on the note found at the scene but the most indelible mark of massey's guilt was the freshly smoked cigarette found at the crime scene [Music] it was tim massey's brand and more precisely his dna was on it that conclusively placed him at the scene and caught him in a blatant lie mr massey continually denied that he was in the house during this day or for several weeks prior to that if he would have placed himself in the house that would have not been strange to us due to the fact he used to be married to the lady they were going through a divorce and he had two children to live there but he was adamant that he had not been in the house not only had tim massey been there that day he also killed there on september 20th 1995 tim massey was arrested for the murder of his wife deborah from what police could determine massey who was seeing another woman realize that if deborah divorced him she would be entitled to half of his assets including the towing business he had built from scratch it would mean selling the business and starting over massey had a different plan sometime between noon and 1pm massey entered his wife's house through the unlocked door and strangled her then he wrote the note and staged the robbery [Music] he knew his kids would come home from school and he didn't want them to find their mother's body so he locked the door on his way out he broke the window to simulate a break-in more locked doors awaited timothy massey who was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to 30 years in prison tim massey tried to disguise his crime through a series of false clues other killers spend their time trying to erase any trace evidence at the scene but it's only a matter of time before the clues they leave behind catch up with them pinellas county is a small southern peninsula jutting out of florida's western flank it's home to the resort and fishing community of clearwater it was also the site of a series of grisly murders on october 20th 1995 a delivery person discovered the nude body of a woman outside an industrial park police arrived at the scene and began to gather clues but few were found the victim's clothing and jewelry were gone and though marks on her wrists and ankles suggested she'd been tied up at some point no rope was found bruises to her body indicated she'd been beaten but there were no signs of sexual assault lack of footprints and broken vegetation suggested she was killed elsewhere and her body hidden here the ground did hold a tire impression investigators had no guarantee that the killer's vehicle had made it but the possibility couldn't be overlooked plaster was poured over the impression to make a cast for further analysis at autopsy the cause of death was determined to be strangulation animal hairs were recovered from the body a few tiny synthetic fibers also were retrieved none of this would be of any use unless a suspect surfaced [Music] the victim's fingerprints were run through the police database she was 42 year old wendy ann evans who had a record for drugs [Music] evans had come to clearwater to be with her daughter the victim's daughter told investigators that her mother had been going through some hard times the victim's father had just died she'd been trying to kick her drug habit and she believed her cancer was recurring a few days before her death she'd even checked herself into a psychiatric facility to cope with her depression [Music] she wanted desperately to pull her life together but her luck took a fatal turn for the worse three weeks later at another industrial area another new female body was found like wendy ann evans this victim had been bound and beaten then left in a secluded spot again there were no signs of sexual assault the similarities between the two cases defied coincidence both were found in industrial areas within 10 miles of each other the latest victim was identified by police records as 40-year-old peggy darnell a prostitute from clearwater sergeant mike ring worked the case we had no physical evidence from that scene because of the decomposition of the body we had no hairs no fibers no footprints no tire tracks that were of any value to the investigation nevertheless investigators suspected the same person was responsible for both murders and these might not have been the killer's first victims a check of police records revealed a third victim 15 months earlier a prostitute named ladonna stellar was found murdered except for the span of time the details were eerily familiar all three women were white females they'd all been found nude no jewelry or clothing on any of the bodies and the cause of death on at least on stellar and evans was manual strangulation with some physical beating the only crime scene to provide potential forensic evidence was the murder of wendy ann evans detective tom klein of the pinellas county sheriff's department tried to make the most of the scant clues the tire track had been sent off to the florida department of law enforcement for analysis the fibers were being analyzed at fdle we were consistently talking to the prostitutes in the area and trying to make contact with their johns so we were keeping very busy and so was the killer in january 1996 three months after wendy ann evans was killed the body of 27 year old cindy pugh was discovered behind a dumpster its location was halfway between where the two other victims were found and like them she was nude and had been strangled if any doubt about a serial killer remain the murder of cindy pugh erased it the sheets that authorities used to wrap the victims were sent to the florida department of law enforcement crime lab in tampa bay there they were carefully swept anything falling off of them was collected on a crimped sheet of butcher paper called a debris fold micro analyst jerry cerino looked for trace evidence among the debris when using a stereo microscope to actually sift through the debris it's a very time consuming and slow process it was time well spent among the debris collected from the wendy ann evans murder sereno found four pink carpet fibers they matched the carpet fibers found on cynthia pew more animal hairs were also found they were sent off for further analysis cynthia pugh's body also had a tiny shred of cigarette filter paper clinging to it the trace evidence proved that the women were the victims of the same killer but it brought authorities no closer to finding who that killer was he was free to keep on killing investigators formed a task force to alert potential victims and to monitor the area where the prostitutes worked meanwhile in another department of the fdle senior analyst oral woods studied the tire tread lifted from the first murder scene was looking for a particular tire with a similar tread design once i found that similar tread design in my tire guide book i was able then to determine it was a firestone radial atx tire a check with the manufacturer revealed that the tire was made for light trucks but few were sold in fact they'd stopped making it three years earlier we asked them to to pull up any inventory that would reflect sales of this particular size and style tire and they were able to show that there was only one set of four tires sold in the tampa bay metropolitan area in the previous three years the manufacturer gave investigators the name of the dealer who in turn told them who purchased the tires someone named terry howard detectives began surveillance at howard's home and discovered that she was a woman someone was killing women in florida and investigators only clue was a tire tread it brought them to the home of a woman named terry jo howard she owned a light truck like the one they were looking for but it was driven mainly by a man who lived with her we didn't have him identified we had no idea who he was his name wasn't on any of the leases wasn't on any of the telephone subscriptions or power subscriptions he was put on separate surveillance and was eventually identified as a window installer named james randall investigators efforts were beginning to pay off once we had randall identified we started an in-depth background on him we found out about his previous arrests in massachusetts the fact that there were outstanding warrants for him for violating his parole the previous history of him being a suspect in a murder in massachusetts randall certainly fit the mold for a murder suspect and the surveillance revealed that the tires on his girlfriend's truck were the same type found at the murder scene but investigators needed hard evidence then they got a break during the surveillance randall pulled into a tire store and had two of the truck tires replaced police obtained the old ones from the dealer but it wasn't enough their tire expert needed all four to make the comparison against the cast from the crime scene investigators came up with a plan first they purchased a new set of tires to switch with the ones on randall's truck we then had the manager at the tire store contact terry joe howard and told her that the two tires that he put on her truck were defective and if she took the time to bring her truck in he would give her four brand new tires for free she couldn't come quick enough she came in she exchanged the tires and now we had all four tires the tire expert determined that one of the tires from randall's truck was consistent with the impression left at wendy ann evans murder scene not only were the manufacturers tread patterns the same but more important the nicks abrasions and wear patterns also matched like a fingerprint these characteristics are unique to every tire that proved that the truck was there but it didn't necessarily mean that it was there at the time of the murder randall could have driven his truck there days or mere minutes before the crime occurred investigators needed proof they needed physical evidence that directly linked him to the victims but they still didn't have probable cause to get a search warrant for his house the stray hairs on both wendy ann evans and cynthia pugh's bodies were determined to be dog hair randall's girlfriend terry jo howard owned a dog investigators needed a sample of its fur to make the comparison but how and we came up with the idea of using this female sergeant and one of our other female detectives to pose as mobile dog groomers they made up flyers to hand out and post around the neighborhood they included a phone number and announced they'd be going door to door offering their grooming service to make the rules legal the police had to offer the same service to everyone in the neighborhood fortunately no one else took them up on their offer they arrived at terry joe howard's home while james randall was at work terry joe welcomed them in we can take her out things went better than expected there on the floor was a mauve rug the possible source of the fibers found on the two bodies the officers washed the pet they used sterile towels to dry it and collect samples of its fur the analysis of the dog hairs indicated they matched the ones from the crime scenes now detectives had the tires and the dog hair to tie james randall to the slain but prosecutors felt they still didn't have grounds for a warrant it was time to pull out their ace in the hole by living in florida randall was violating his parole in massachusetts on june 26 1996 eight months after the first murder pinellas county deputies went to arrest randall so authorities could keep an eye on him while they built their homicide case but it wasn't as simple as that at the sight of the deputies randall sped off racing through a neighborhood before abandoning his truck and fleeing on foot he managed to scale a fence and vanish into a densely wooded area authorities mounted a massive search but randall eluded them they were confident he'd try to make contact with his girlfriend if you had heard anything or seen anything um i think i'd read about they went to terry jo howard's house to gauge her knowledge of the crimes it was the first time they'd contacted her directly when the police informed her of randall's criminal record and told her that he was a suspect she cooperated completely canvassing the area to see if there was and so did her dog one of the things that they noticed was that terry jo howard's dog was always hacking up and spitting and when he'd hack up and spit there would be these pieces of paper we found out later on that this dog liked to eat cigarette butts out of the ashtray investigators recall that a tiny piece of cigarette filter paper was collected from the body of cynthia pugh terry told police that she was the smoker she consented to give a blood sample so that her dna could be compared to that found on the crime scene cigarette paper she also allowed investigators to take her mauve rug to be analyzed the rug was analyzed and found to contain several kinds of fibers [Music] with the whole rug at his disposal jerry serino was able to get a more complete forensic picture he compared the rug to fibers taken from victims pew and evans i was able to say that those fibers could have come from this particular rug if they did not come from this particular rug they came from a rug that had the exact same characteristics that had an opportunity to come in contact with both cynthia pugh and wendy evans [Music] in the language of forensic fiber analysis that's considered the closest thing to an exact match but it was the dna analysis that clinched the case it linked the scrap of paper found on cynthia pugh to the cigarettes in the home of terry joe howard and the suspect james randall randall still on the lam returned to the house four days after he fled but when he saw detectives there he took off again this time investigators believe that while terry joe howard was out of town he'd pick up prostitutes bring them home and kill him but randall was careful except for the scrap of cigarette paper he left no dna on his victims he didn't need to in april 1997 based on the forensic evidence james randall was convicted of second-degree murder for the killing of wendy ann evans and cynthia pugh he was given two life sentences some killers choose a remote venue others doctor the site to conceal their presence and some take great pains to leave no trace of themselves behind in the end it doesn't matter if the killer has been there forensics can find something they've left at the scene [Music] you
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 819,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police documentary, the new detectives, forensic science, investigation, detectives, police investigation, cold cases, criminals, crimes, true detectives, sherlock holmes, real crimes, real detectives, private detective, SerialKiller
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 59sec (3059 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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