Sacred Heart + Mom's Knife Is A Classic! - The Binding of Isaac: Repentance #91

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what's up guys it's pete's coming back to the brand new episode of binding of isaac today we are back with the intrigue going for win number 91 in a row so without further ado let's get right into today's episode today's video i don't know if i should call it videos episodes i don't know it's all wacky but yeah we are going to be playing some eden you know the usual on hard mode so let's get started uh and thank you guys for all the comments oh my gosh start with monsters along and we got berserk thank you guys for all the comments on uh yesterday's eating streak it was really nice just i mean it's nice to have some sort of just outlet whenever i can just talk about you know what i'm thinking with like what's going on in life because life is stressful for everybody it's stressful for all of us nobody exactly knows what they're doing where they're going in life unless you're i mean unless you're really got your life all planned out and come on game okay oh you know what okay berserk is not that bad it's actually really good but it's kind of lame because i would rather just you know use monsters long um but we do get halostasis which is pretty actually um their toxic breath which is actually really good with monster as long uh with any sort of charge attack with something that with a dead tooth is really good just because you get a little bit of protection that you can use to kill enemies and you maybe just not die which is always nice but yeah yesterday was just a nice nice vent eps not vent i don't even know i i kind of talked about a bunch of random stuff and uh somebody was saying that uh it is like very risky to try to switch games or to add content because a lot of people play binding of isaac only want to like are here for binding of isaac and i understand that i do think there's a lot of people who don't really like seeing channels try to branch out not they don't like seeing channels branch out but unless they they came to the channel for a certain reason they don't like whenever the channel stops exactly focusing on what they like so if i were to stop playing binding of isaac i'd probably lose i mean most of the people who watch me because i mean most people watch me for my daily isaac content which i don't blame people for not watching me if i stop making isaac videos but i'm not going to do that you guys don't have to worry about that um but yeah it's it's really nice it was really nice to see all the comments talk about how everybody was you guys are very supportive it's nice to be able to create this content and you know just have some sort of have a community that i could uh i can talk to it's it's nice seeing that other people share my similar woes about life and we're all here together i mean we're all going through life we're all going to get through it life is hard sometimes but that's just life is life is a hard game it's not supposed to be easy so we're gonna get through it all of us together as one oh but yeah i i do plan on i mean i meant to stream this weekend i talked about that yesterday i don't know it's been a really just weird period of time i've just been feeling like really really not so good um it's been i've not been feeling too good for a long time now uh probably since i mean if you guys go back and watch i forgot what stream it was exactly but pretty much the last stream i did uh of august before i went to minnesota with my friend jp actually i don't even remember when it was the one time i was playing holiday in the stream and then i just stopped streaming i ended stream and left that day i just like i just broke down i i just couldn't do anything i just felt so like i felt so down and that's just kind of it it's been like this for a long while there were some complications in august that caused me to you know have not the best uh mental health time of my life i was going through some going through some stuff what i was going through is what basically was happening was uh so i have i've uh generalized uh anxiety or anxiety disorder also i'm just gonna take this i have like real bad anxiety and i have pretty bad depression i mean most people you probably it's one of those things it doesn't really matter people don't need to know that kind of stuff about me like it's not something that i want to bring into my whole content creation you know world because you know it's nice when people are able to come here and you know watch me play the game and all of us can have a good time together it's not fun bringing in like outside outside woes as much and so that's why i like i don't really talk about it too much i don't think i've really have i talked about before i don't know i don't think i've really talked about it before just because i mean there wasn't really ever a reason to but that's kind of like it in august it was getting real bad just because i got really stressed out it was i was going through like it was just because i knew school was starting i was starting to you know views on youtube were kind of weird i was going on a vacation which meant i had a week off of youtube which was scary to me because i it was my first time that i wasn't like making content daily and able to focus on making content there's just a lot going on i also i was having issues with my prescriptions and so i pretty much had a two week period where i hadn't i didn't have any of my prescriptions which you don't always need medication a medication is very helpful but it's not something that you want to rely on too much unless you kind of do need it and also if you're ever taking a ssris serotonin intake something like that sssris are like antidepressants and i think anti-anxiety uh medications those things are uh habit forming i'm not habit forming exactly um i don't know what the right word is can we get good pills please nope we can't uh but ssris are what am i trying to say you get your body your your body gets addicted to them so it's this weird thing where they're not addicting because addicting is something that happens with chemicals in your brain what happens is your body gets addicted to it kind of and so whenever you stop taking ssris all of a sudden you actually go through withdrawal but it's weird it's not it's not the same withdrawal that people who uh do like who are on drugs and people who like like nicotine people who stop smoking it's not that kind of withdrawal it's a much different withdrawal because as i said it's something that your body gets addicted to not your brain exactly and so i was going through this really weird period of time where my body was not feeling too good i just felt really uneasy i was really stressed out um and so yeah it's just it's just been it's just been that like weird period of time right now especially with school it's just i i don't handle stress that well i i handle stress very poorly but i do my best and so that's why i kind of been just like slowing my role i've been trying to make sure that i'm not stressing myself out i've realized that if i need time off i need to take time off if i need to sleep and not make videos i need to sleep and not make videos if i need to just you know sit back and relax for a second and just you know take a breather i got to do what's going to be best for me i know you guys all understand that you guys aren't aren't going to be like no don't take breathers don't don't sleep no i i understand that and right now it is 2 48 a.m and you might be like preets why you no you shouldn't be doing this that late you're supposed to be sleeping okay we have the okay real quick just side note we have the ultimate you know close range combo right now if anybody tries to get close to us they can't but the reason why i'm recording this right now at uh to whatever it is a.m is not because i was procrastinating and now it's super late it's actually because i went to sleep at like 6 30 um not on accident i was trying to just take a nap before dinner and then my parents decided they didn't want to wake me up which i'm happy again and so then i woke up about one so i was sleeping for i slept for like seven hours actually no i slept for uh maybe my timeline i think it was about i was actually like 7 30 to 1. so i slept for a decent amount of time for about six hours so i'm feeling like i'm still tired right now but like normal tired i'm not like excessively tired pretty much after i record this video i'm going to upload it then go back to sleep for the night because you know i'm trying to get regular sleep i've actually been getting i mean i got decent sleep last night but you know i'm doing i'm doing fine i'm doing great don't worry that i'm up late pretty much like what happens if i wake up uh during the night i i can't go back to sleep not or can't go back to sleep for a while so if i try to go to bed early so say i've been going to bed at you know like 12 p.m every night and i try to go to bed at 7 00 p.m what's going to happen is i usually wake up about 2 2 a.m and i'm not tired until a couple hours later so i'm just kind of sitting there in bed just you know trying to sleep and not being able to sleep um but if you ever have issues like that where you need to go to sleep but you can't go to sleep what you got to do is one not stress out that you can't go to sleep because you're not gonna go to sleep if you're stressed out but two get up and do something real quick you know just just get go do something get up for about 30 minutes see like if you have some homework that you need to do do some homework if you don't have any work to do you know watch some youtube videos watch some netflix watch a couple episodes of something and like maybe you know get tea get something that will like let you relax drink some water you know just try to just try to relax don't stress out too much and go try to go to sleep a little bit later but like if if you're unable to go to sleep don't try to force yourself to sleep too hard because what pretty whenever i've tried to do that it's always just stressed me out and so it is important to try to get as much sleep as possible but at a certain point if you can't go to sleep don't let it stress you out but yeah that's that's what i gotta say about about sleep okay why am i why am i being stupid right now okay i can just get really close to enemies and i'll be fine but yeah it i need to stop saying but yeah i was really good at not saying but yeah for a long period of time but now i'm now i'm off the track of not saying but yeah oh gross i hate these guys why am i not using this what the heck i'm a failure right now i i'm trying to think of what you can say except for other than but yeah but yeah what's another transition similarly to what i was just talking about oh man just a super awkward transition things that things are doing are going better you know i'm still i'm still feeling like a little bit down every once in a while i'm still not feeling the best that's just that's one thing that uh that kind of sucks some people were talking like uh some people were saying that they also just have been feeling tired lately and you know have not been feeling the best lately one thing one big big factor about not feeling good especially around this time also super tinted rock is a seasonal depression seasonal depression is a huge thing because the weather starts getting cold you know cold is always something that's it feels a little bit more dreary the days are shorter you're not getting as much vitamin d which vitamin d is important there's a lot of things about this time change that are just that just affect your body and so it's not it's not unusual to feel extra extra down especially during the the change from you know summer to winter or summer to fall any of those changes but it's just it's just it's just that time right now and so i know that right now especially because it's the start of school there's stress there's everything everybody's just gonna be stressed out and you gotta realize that everybody else is feeling the same way that that you do lots of people share the same feeling and i'm not trying to like say that to undermine anybody's feelings or undermine my own feelings but it's one thing that's ish that's just very that can be very volatile to to get into the the mind space that what you're feeling is something that nobody can compare to and that that is like the end of the world for you and what i'm really talking about is people who get into a spot where you know that they feel like it's it's coming towards the the end for them you know just getting to a spot that's just real bad we got to realize that a lot of people a lot of people feel really down sometimes and a lot of people just you know are very unhappy and unhappiness doesn't last forever you know unhappiness is just something that is temporary i mean sure you're going to feel unhappy again you might feel unhappy for a long time you might not feel as happy as you expect to feel but what you have to realize is no matter what there's up ups and downs there's always ups and downs no matter what you're gonna you're gonna have good times you're gonna have bad times this is that's just how it works your brain that's how that's how your brain functions there's going to be there's going to be some times where your brain's real real like heck yeah let's party all day because you're just feeling good that sometimes your brain's not wanting to party but i don't know what i'm really saying but yeah just never never get into it like into a into a headspace that that is like that you that you're the only one feeling the way you do and not that i mean i keep saying this not to under you don't want to ever under undermine your own feelings but a lot of people feel the way you do and so pretty much just like all you got to do is try to get help you know seek help go out because one thing that really helped me was over last spring semester i actually went and started going to therapy and therapy is therapy is interesting some people don't like therapy therapy is different for everybody and i i still have mixed feelings about therapy just because it's i feel like a lot of things that happen in therapy or just like yeah i mean of course that i should not be thinking this way i should be happy i should i should be doing this i should be doing that like everything's fine but it's it's it's even though that you know that what the the therapist is saying is is true that you shouldn't be feeling that way and lots of people are like what i've been saying a lot of people also feel as sad as you're feeling and just pretty much the therapist a lot a lot of times therapists like rationalize your feelings but they know how to rationalize their feelings they know like what to say that can act it does actually help it's it's nice to hear people rationalize the way you're feeling and to try to and kind of show that other people feel the way you're feeling you're not alone in this so what i have to say about that is everybody should be like playing vining of isaac it's a good game it shows the ups and downs and the of the flow of life itself but so far this run has actually been going really well all right i think monster's lung is a pretty fun a pretty fun item i want to say it's the best item though um it can be a little hard to use as you see it's making me take damage it's not my bad skill that's making me take damage it's this it's this cursed item these items are really just not helping me just kidding i'm just doing bad is there anything else i want to do on this floor i could get money from the blood donation machine we don't need to do that so yeah i think we're ready to go to the next floor and there's no reason to go go for mom right now i feel like mom would just be gonna be i mean we can't go for mom we already our mother we already didn't get the knife piece but yeah it i feel like right now it's just uh it's just a strange time especially coming out of the pandemic and still being pretty much in the pandemic it's just weird it's hard it's hard to know what to do and it's real like especially with like the people's futures it's it's really weird to try to think about the future when we've just been in this weird pandemic bubble for the past forever and it seems that we see that the like the people older than us people have been graduating college are having hard times finding jobs all of that but i mean that's just a pandemic but we're it's fine life is good that's what we ought to realize life is 10 out of 10. life is fun and you know what else is fun my name is isaac that's all you have to realize is buying of isaac is uh our savior it is uh it's what's it what it's what keeps us sane in life lots of lots of people don't will never find out the the greatness of binding of isaac and that's going to be the downfall of our society it should be a it should be a requirement that all people who are going for a candidacy as president's presidency need to have at least gotten dead god on one save file uh and basically what i'm saying is i should be president of the united states of america why because i would make sure that all of us were sponsored by elgato all of us had all of the required components to stream and to create content oh thank you okay that was a really big blast i wanted him to blow up this rock right here if i don't have the patience for oh i have the patience for that he actually gave me the bombs i needed it's nice yeah and today i got a parking ticket which you know what getting a parking ticket that that's it's a real downer it's the stupidest thing so what one thing i find so ridiculous in in in especially in american colleges i can't really speak uh speak on non-american colleges but it's just so stupid that you go you go to a university and you pay tens of thousands of dollars every year to attend this college and so okay cool you pay all this money to go to the college they're getting all this money from you where exactly is this money going no clue and for the college i go to we have this thing called a student fee for some reason that's applied on our tuition so because i don't know if it's because i'm in the school of engineering or whatever it is we had to pay about seventeen hundred dollars seventeen hundred dollars just randomly it was the most random fee and what was this fee for the fee was just it it was pretty much what they said is to pretty much pay for light bulbs that's like that like that's it says just to pay for just random like necessities and pay for like lab equipment and all of that the thing is all of our lab equipment is the same stuff they're using last year and nothing's changed on the campus but what um where'd that guy come from but yeah you pay this tuition you pay this weird student fee but then you also it's like okay i pay all this money now i can drive to school and i can attend class no it's not that simple you have to buy a parking pass but this parking pass is pretty much the same thing as buying a supreme gucci collab where there's only about 10 parking passes for every parking lot so you buy this pass and you pay hundreds of dollars to park so i pay about 700 i think 50 a year to park at my campus which is ridiculous ridiculous i'm already paying tens of thousands of dollars to attend this campus okay attend the school you're making me pay this weird student fee that's supposed to be paying for just my my my general dues and then what else do i have to pay i have to pay this stupid fee i have to pay for a parking pass what why am i what's this parking pass why is this on top of it but what's really stupid is at the college i go to the parking pass you get is so just it's so ludicrous you buy a parking pass and you can park in one in one parking deck or you can park in one parking lot and none of these parking lots are that good i mean they're very there's some parking lots that are better on some days some parking lots that are better on other days one thing that's really stupid about the school of engineering is that this is the building that's the school of engineering building is on one side of campus on the exact opposite side of the campus is the building where all of the engineering all the engineering professors and all the the bioengineering department have their offices and have their labs so we have our classes in the in the engineering building and then the entire opposite side of campus this is not even exaggeration if you uh i go to george mason university i it's it that's it i wear my george mason stuff enough i don't really care people know where i go to cool school but if you look at the map you'll see that that the engineering building is on the ver on one side of the campus and then this building called peterson is on the very other side of the campus so if it's if this school is a big rectangle then they'd be on opposite sides but the opposite side's on the long way not the short way of the rectangle and why am i taking so much damage right now i'm not doing so hot apparently okay but we get some speed which is cool oh and i do want to go i do want to go down here so i want to go get some more health if i can but pretty much all the reasons i'm telling you about how far away these buildings are is that none of the parking lots are in good spots so so pretty much if you buy parking pass for one parking deck cool you're close to one building but then half your classes are on the other side of the campus and so i bought this i bought this pass for a parking deck and it specifically said it specifically said in the rules for the parking deck pass is that you could park in the general parking lots which makes sense the general parking lots have more space than anybody needs yet whenever you go into these these parking deck oh this is this is big brain place yeah whenever like you buy your parking pass you find out that actually it does it it doesn't allow you to actually park in general parking so i got a ticket because you can only park in general parking after like four stupid stuffs and i was i was all pissed off i was like this is so stupid so i'm gonna appeal the ticket because i i've i know where the document is that they show that they have the wrong rule labeled that you could park there with that parking pass i'm also gonna change my parking pass because i park in my the general lot every single day there's no reason for me to park anywhere other than the general parking lot because the the my i only have class oh my gosh okay this is stupid wait what am i doing i don't know why i was doing that i could just press that button even though my classes are on opposite sides of the campus on all days my first class every single day that i have class is on is in in one building on one side of the campus the thing is i bought a parking pass for the opposite side of campus and so the general parking lot which always has lots of space is open is is right there and so i just i just have been parking there for literally a month and a half never got a ticket because my understanding was the rule was i could park there and i parked in the furthest spot away the furthest possible spot away from anything it was the furthest the first spot back anyways it's stupid i got the ticket i just think it's so stupid that you have to pay so much money it's a 50 ticket so let me let me go back over this this map of how college is like to make you pay for stuff so i pay tens of thousand dollars a year for tuition so yeah cool i also pay in that tuition thousands of dollars in this random student fee that nobody really knows what it's for literally nobody knows what it's nobody knows exactly what it's for and why we have to pay eighteen hundred dollars seventeen hundred dollars a semester to pay the student fee then we have to buy each year 750 dollars in parking passes but then you park in a parking spot that there's more than enough parking spots in in this in this area then i have to pay 50 for a parking ticket this is routine it's so stupid it is so stupid i don't understand like i i think the educational system of colleges and private institutions is one of the most ridiculous things ever so if you live in an area where your college education is either free or is just is not as expensive i envy you and if you're an area that you know doesn't make you pay stupid parking i'll send you it's it's not like it's as simple as i ride a bus to school i live 45 minutes away from my campus i live so far away from my campus it's actually it's anywhere from like 35 to an hour depending on trap it's stupid but i nobody lives near me i can't carpool i can't you know do anything that makes it any easier it's ridiculous i think what we need to do is stop college education all it's doing is frying our brains and making us stupider also i think i'm gonna plan on using eden's soul at some point in the future that's not now uh probably whenever i get an angel deal if i ever get an angel deal again okay what am i doing i feel like i am playing as bad as i possibly can right now which you know is that an issue no not an issue at all do i have enough speed for this i have enough speed to die oh my gosh if i really need to i'll probably just pop eden's soul in the treasure room but we do have regeneration so i'm pretty fine i think we can fight all the bosses with no issues [Music] i really think i've talked about this before but the idea that damage doesn't scale in isaac it's kind of one of those one of the weirdest things because it's kind of stupid that bosses at some point are honestly easier oh my gosh bosses are easier than any like just regular enemies it's a true fact bosses are easier than regular enemies because you know how to predict any boss's movements you know you know what to expect then with enemies is enemies can spawn like 27 different configurations it's like a transformer you never know what you're gonna get it's like trying to solve a rubik's cube and so try to you try to go try to go solve this this this you go into a room try to solve it and you just can't figure out what you're supposed to be doing you don't know what's happening oh my gosh don't hit me spikey ball okay good we get i think it's every like 50 seconds or something like that we get regeneration so if you actually stay in a room long enough you can just passively get health and so you can just do that but i feel like yeah you definitely take a lot more damage from enemies because it's a lot harder to dodge mass rooms of enemies than oh that's too bad i was hoping to get something good but wait we got a 35 increase from that guy blowing up what the heck you know what i'm not gonna complain i think that's good i think it's really good for us and this should be a secret room no it shouldn't be i i don't i lost my magic guys my magic of finding secret rooms okay don't drink water when going to shops because shops aren't always shops okay i like how we have really opie items but i'm still failing right now i don't know i've just been playing isaac so passively lately i i've just i have no fear of death i should probably have a a large fear of death right now oh we're only gonna get henna one how did i not realize this okay don't throw the stupid tear body i hate this okay easy win and we get an angel deal thank you papa bless game papa bless and we'll actually get a real shop next floor let's go that's what i'm talking about finally we're getting some good stuff in this game 15 damage with homing shots and booger tiers i like it i like it a lot you know what i will say it's not the best item ever though with monstrous lug it does take make our shot speed go down significantly hey but we get a horse pill i'll take bombs bombs are key it's probably better i don't know i'm kind of all over the place with my topics today because i don't wanna i don't wanna i know people like what or some people are saying they like when i just talk about you know talk just just talk about what i'm feeling but at the same time you know whenever i talk about what i'm feeling sometimes it's not the happiest topics and as i said you know i'm trying to i want us to have fun i want to have fun like these games i think it's fun when i talk about my parking ticket and how much my school is just siphoning money out of my wallet and on an even more exciting note i bought it i bought some new i i did something kind of stupid i'm gonna be honest i i bought two mice two mice not one mice two mice now why did i buy two mice well i bought the glorious model o wireless if you guys don't know glorious i don't know glorious either but it's this it's this company that sells mice and it seems pretty legit and so i've heard a lot of good things about glorious and you know what that's actually kind of sick but the higher tier rate's awesome for us but i've been needing a new mouse because all i have is this old razer one that's gross and i hate it and the sides have fallen off and you know it just half the time i don't know if it's the wires damaged or what's wrong that's sick that's awesome i don't know if there's something wrong with the wire what what there's issues with but sometimes it just doesn't work it literally just doesn't work and it will stop working for a second and i'll have to just wiggle it around forever and i didn't realize how bad this issue was until uh tony was over uh a couple weekends ago trying to take a quiz on my computer and every time she tried to move the mouse it stopped working i didn't realize i i've so i've gotten so used to this issue that i i've just figured out the way to make it not bother me and so my mouse is literally non-functioning and this is one of the big reasons why i haven't been playing fps's for a long time i've said that i wanted to play fps's but literally when i try to play fps's my mouse gets stuck pointing one direction all the time so consistently that i i just can't play i just can't play anything like that it's just it's just been an issue that i've kind of just like decided not to do anything about and have i've been making money off of youtube have i been making enough money to buy a mouse a new mouse something like this let's my computer function yes have i waited forever to do to upgrade yes i don't know why listen don't ever ask me why i do the things i do because i can never answer those questions i am kind of dumb but i ordered the glorious model o wireless but the glorious model oh wireless is not the uh the mouse that i wanted to buy okay i hate myself i wanted to get my angel deal it's not the mouse i wanted to buy so i also ordered the glorious why the glorious wireless model d but that one's on pre-order because it's their new one and it's it's the it's the ambidextrous not ambidextrous it's the ergonomic mouse and so the model o is ambidextrous and the model d is ergonomic so what's the difference between ergonomic and ambidextrous ambidextrous means that it's it's just a it's just it's it's completely symmetrical so no matter if you hold it left-handed right-handed it's going to be fine for your hand it's going to fit your hand no matter what if you use a an ergonomic one like this mouse i don't know if you can see it but you can see that it actually has a hump closer to the left side and so that way your finger that is your main clicking finger is actually higher your hand is positioned it's supposed to be more comfortable for you but thing about ergonomic ones is their hand their dominant hand dependence so somebody who's left-handed can't use a right-handed ergonomic uh mouse and so and so i really wanted the model d but it was on pre-order and it says it could take six weeks to ship i also didn't know what color of mouse i wanted and so they have white and they have black but thing is right now with my setup i i didn't think that white or black it really didn't matter which one i got so i was like you know what i'm gonna do something smart you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna buy big brain i'm gonna buy the wireless model o in white because i i don't think i want white but i still really like white mouse mice i don't think white mice are the best things ever so i'm like i'm gonna do this so i i bought that one in white and i got the model the wireless model d in black and so i'm pretty happy with my decision i i think what i decided to do was top tier but at the same time did i buy a completely extra mouse and maybe waste money yes but you know it's it's actually something that i'm i'm planning for it's something that could work to my advantage so the reason why i decided another reason why i decided to do that is because i might start if i do start streaming more seriously ever which i mean i already have been streaming decently seriously also i probably should have waited to take that um i'll probably switch to it to doing uh a dual computer stream because i do still have my old computer that i have that like my first computer that i built which is a 970 with a like an i5 not the best computer i probably would have to upgrade a few few of the components but i already have a computer that has a decent graphics card a decent processor something that i could stream off of with not many difficulties probably shouldn't dual stream off of it but you don't need that strong computer to dual stream just because the the actual computer that's dual streaming is not actually processing anything it's just kind of taking in a video input and displaying it it's it doesn't have to be doing too too much so actually i don't know i don't i need to look more into it but basically if you do a dual computer stream what you have to be able to do is have a mouse that controls the other computer that way you can you know select things and you know change things around and actually be able to utilize your second computer because if you don't have a mouse and a keyboard for your computer it doesn't work so i was thinking you know what if i have a if i have an extra can if i have an extra mouse i can use that if i ever want to for that for that's that reason right there i feel like what what am i doing right now i know i could just go to the dice room i'm using the emperor card i'm a baller okay oh that was a crazy dodge i don't know exactly how that was a dodge right there but i liked it um but i kind of also just i went on a spending spree today which i'm i'm somebody who doesn't like to spend money uh as much as i i mean i like to spend money and i also don't like to spend money i like to spend money on stupid things but there's just i've been stressing out of like what i want to do because i was like maybe i want to buy a vr at the same time like i probably shouldn't you know i could just i don't know what i want to do and then i'm like you know what i just need to buy things that i've needed for a while like i i need a new mouse as you guys can hear like you guys can definitely tell my old mouse is very much not suitable for anything it's just completely just it's useless so i really need a new mouse i bought the new mouse another thing that i've been meaning to get for a long time because the i have uh sennheiser hd 6x headphones which means that i'm bougie you know i they're bougie they're real bougie but basically the sennheiser uh six hd six x axes okay oh no i shouldn't no i didn't mean to do that oh i think i'm gonna i don't should i reroll nah nah i can't re-roll i can't really roll guys i can't re-roll i have to plop leah i want to be able to use diplopley in the future we are going to go to satan but basically these these uh these headphones have an impedance of 600 ohms so basically what that means is that you need to use an amplifier to get the cleanest most undistorted sound and the reason why they have they have high impedance is so that you can use you can you can amplify them further you they have it's pretty much impedance all that means is that pretty much is that your headphones are a big old resistor they can they can uh pass through signal and they can pass this really big crazy signal and it will it'll kind of work as a filter kind of this is just the most un you know unaccurate worst description of it but pretty much you can put a bunch of power into it and you can get clean signal out and that's really good that's really good but the thing is is if you get these headphones with really high impedance if you don't use a amplifier you're not going to get the sound quality that you that you want the sound quality that you're really paying for and so these headphones were about 200 bucks you know 200 bucks is not cheap right so it's like okay why are you buying a 200 pair of headphones that doesn't work well really what you're doing is you're buying you're buying a head a pair of headphones that are completely customizable you can you can you can tailor the experience to what you want so you can uh you can buy different dax you can buy different amps to power them to amplify or to just run them so i decided to buy this this ifi amplifier that's specially designed for the sennheiser hd 6x's um because i i wanted i've needed an ampli amplifier and i wanted an amplifier because you know i bought these headphones a long time ago with the the purpose of buying an amplifier when i had the money and pretty much i just never never did and do i need an amplifier not really you know nobody needs an amplifier they work perfectly fine with my with my computer because my computer actually they work fine with what i have you know you can run you can run any headphones with any impedance off of anything like you can plug these headphones into a with a into a phone and you can they still sound fine the point is that they don't sound as they don't have you're not reaching the the sound quality that they they're meant to have oh gosh that was a lot of damage i'm gonna take this health i need it and so i bought i bought an amplifier today it was like the iffy it's from drop my headphones are always from drop and so you know i was just i was i was just balling out today i was like you know what i deserve this nice big brain plays we don't have to lose any health if we just do this we find another guppy item i can get guppy but i know mom's knife is kind of lame the thing is if you have it with monsters lung you actually shoot out a bunch of a bunch of knives and since we do have sacred heart we have a lot of homing so we can hit a lot of things much easier i don't know why i'm going the direction i'm going right now this is actually kind of useless but we could get some items halo flies is awesome so i bought that today i bought a new desk mat because even though i got this desk mat that i currently have have not that long ago i i kind of don't like it i i it the thing is it's gray and all my stuff my like my my keyboard's all gray and so i decided to get this this one um this one desk mat that i saw a long time ago that's been out of stock forever um that is space thing because i love space you guys can't tell i love space and so i bought this i bought this cool desk mat off of drop at the same time and it's a really cool space theme and it's black and white and i just thought the black and white look would look a lot better it might sound like i don't know i don't know it sounds weird to me talking about all the stuff i'm buying i'm not trying to flex on anybody i'm really not i'm just talking about my purchases because i want to rationalize what i've done but yeah that's pretty much that's pretty much what that's what i uh what all i bought today i'm probably gonna buy um a stream deck and a new capture card as well because i do want to buy something that i can use to if i ever want to capture a console gameplay or if i ever do want to do a computer stream having a capture card will allow me to dual computer stream so i'm probably going to get the el gato hd 60 pro whatever it's called that way i also don't have a 4k cam link i'm currently using my brothers and i don't want to steal that forever so i want to buy something that i can use to you know have my own stuff and not be a leech i also want to get a stream deck just because i want if i do also if i ever do start streaming a little bit more seriously and as i said i know i i've already been by streaming more seriously i mean trying to get like a more professional looking stream and all that i'll have the resources do that and stream decks are really cool because what they do is they allow you to set up like macros kind of and so they allow you to do cool transitions so if you ever watch bigger twitch streamers or any other twitch streamers who have a better setup for twitter for streaming if you ever see like a cool transition the only way you can do those is by having a stream deck and you don't have to have an elgato stream deck or anything like that you should have the software that allows you to have those macros but the stream deck is just the it's what people i mean it's kind of like the standard that people use right now a days there's not many other stream deck competitors people use i feel like so i don't know i feel like i've been all over the place this episode i don't know i feel it's okay to be all over the place oh are we gonna get beazlebub we did get visa bob nice i could do a victory lap just kidding i'm not gonna do a victory lap i will go fight uh stan and if we do get a delirium portal i will fight delirium today this is a really good setup and we do a lot of damage throw a little bomb in him oh nice no victory lap and let's go fight mega stand yeah i mean so far sacred heart i mean split shot does i think work with the knives but we have split shot 120 volt monsters long we have a lot of really good stuff i really like mom's knife i feel like mom's knife is a little bit boring sometimes but on this run it just secured that we could have a little bit more fun we could go to delirium if we really want to makes me feel a little bit more confident about my life so part of me doesn't want to go to delirium because it does scare me a little bit but if we get delirium portal i feel like i need to go to delirium we also since we have a halo of flies and we have big fan we have a lot of protection from tears but i'm feeling i'm feeling pretty confident i like this oh nice dirty minds but i don't know i i feel i i don't know exactly what what's happening right now ever my brain hurts all the time because i'm just trying to figure out what's happening i had my first exam today uh of the semester and it went it went okay i want to say it was the best exam i've ever taken uh just because i didn't study as much as i needed to i probably studied about 10 minutes for it which study more than 10 minutes guys sorry a lot more than 10 minutes but i do think i still got an a and it's it was my neuroscience class and i've already taken a lot of physiology courses and other just courses i i've taken a biology course a physiology course as cover action potentials and the whole process of the voltage-gated channel ion channels and ions and membrane potentials and all that all that stuff that talks about action i've done that before in other classes and so i felt pretty confident that i knew what i was doing so i didn't feel like i need to study that much i also paid attention in class so but don't do what i do don't ever do what i do you need you need to do as well as you can on your tests so study study hard study real hard uh i do want to damage up real quick uh i want guppy if we might if we can get guppy and mom's knife i don't think would really stack that well but i i want to start i want to start streaming more it's just i once i get to the weekend which honestly my weekends are really long i i start i pretty much don't have class thursday through sunday thursday friday saturday sunday no class really so i might start streaming on thursdays and fridays maybe i don't know pretty much if you want to know when i'm streaming just look out on the discord because i try to announce it whenever i'm going to stream so i don't know i i i'm just trying to decide what i want to do i've been planning out my new big video i've been just trying to figure out what to do i'm kind of i'm not behind in my classes i'm just like i'm not i haven't been progressive i've not been actually trying to make sure i i stay as as on top of my work as i need to i'm kind of i'm not on yeah i'm not behind but i'm not on top of my work so i need i need to do my work better i don't know guys my brain is just not functioning right now i promise that i'm going to start recording these at better times i'm going to start being a little and better with my timing that way i'm not like brain dead when i record these it's just i needed to get the i needed to record an episode for tomorrow not needed to i wanted to record an episode for tomorrow and i wasn't going to be able to fall asleep for a while and i didn't want to have to take my sleep aid like immediately after i just woke up and i don't know i wanted i wanted to i wanted to do this i wanted to have some time that i was actually awake and doing things other than sleeping so yeah i wanted to record this episode but i knew i wanted to i needed to record this episode i wanted to record this episode so i i woke up and i mean i'm still like that brain fog whenever you wake up it's real weird you know what i'm confident mice in my abilities we can fight delirium this can be risky heck yeah okay so oh oh i do have dirty minds so technically if i want to we do have infinite generation of poop infinite poop generation hack very cool oh man if i stand right here am i safe from taking damage nope okay you know what i don't trust myself enough our infinite poop generation was a cool idea until i messed it up my bad guys evil lie down we just need health once i get some more health we should be pretty pretty spicy pretty on top of everything and the reason i took a cracker jack cracker jack fortune cookie it's because it actually does help us out a lot uh it gives us a lot of soul heart health it's that it's one of the it's a really opie item actually it's better than book of revelations because as a shorter charge time it also doesn't make it so you uh you get horsemen of course you don't always get your soul hearts from it but you get soul hearts a lot of time from it it's kind of a really good item i don't know why i don't take it more book revelations does not it's honestly book of revelation sucks compared to this book of revelations does give get you an increase in your devil deal chance for your angel deal chance though so maybe it maybe book of revelations is kind of good oh and i keep forgetting i flying i'm a little stupid sometimes oh don't take my health away thank goodness you didn't take that okay thank you for not being the boss oh pandora's box this doesn't get us anything good on this floor yeah i don't think it got us anything actually oh i'm stupid i i should not have used that in this room the i'm drowsy pill is the most opie pill to take against delirium what it does is it makes it so everything in the room is super slow i mean you're also a little slower but it makes it so it's really hard for delirium to telefrag you and telefragging is the worst if you guys don't know what when people say the word telefragging what what they mean is pretty much they teleport and hit you so delirium will like pretty much spawn on top of you and do damage to you what's really happening is delirium responds really close to you and does some damage and it seems like delirium is just on top like spawning on you and doing damage it's just delirium moves really fast and the game tries to make it so he doesn't spawn on top of you but what that does is makes him spawn slightly like away from you which what that causes is him to basically spawn in your path and you're moving really wacky but i'm drowsy makes it so everything's so slow that you can you can move more a lot more slowly and i'm a lot more confidently and be be a lot a lot better off if you have an i'm drowsy people you need to go for delirium honestly carry carry it with you for the entire run no joke if you carry it with you for the entire run it it kind of does make delirium a free win but we don't need free wins here we need fun wins oh black heart thank you okay so we're gonna go grab petrified poop because we have dirty minds we now can have more trinkets and i need to make sure i'm destroying all the poop for any reason such as maybe getting money because money is super helpful right now money could get us anything from more money to a couple more stents just kidding money absolutely does nothing for us unless we get money equals power which probably won't probably really won't get us money power okay speed down we do not want speed down very much do not want that that was a quick kill 22 damage with mom's knife is absolutely insane because mom's knife is kind of weird because i i don't know if it does tick damage or what exactly it does but whatever it does isn't it it just does a lot of damage it does your damage a lot of times in a second it's like that's pretty much what it does that's the best description i have for it it goes mom's knife goes bur that is an accurate description right there oh and we got magic finger which is really good our finger so anywhere we point does damage i like that oh my gosh it's a lot of ghosties watch out ghosties you know not to lock down that's lame man i've been really craving just the most random food lately like there's random points where i'm like i want some really sour food i got this big bag of gummy bears and i realized how much i don't really like gummy bears gummy bears are really good but they don't really satisfy like my my my need for something sweet because they're not exactly like sweet and they don't satisfy my need for something sour when i want something sour so they're kind of just very disappointments of candy i don't know do you guys like gummy worms they're not gummy worms gummy bears i really like sour candy like if the if the candy can make my tongue bleed it is doing something right doing something very right yeah and i don't know i've been thinking about what i want to want to do with my college career and i think what i want to do is become a superhero not going to lie if i could just become a spider-man i think that'd be a pretty cool career path so i'm actually transferring to vigilante justice systems how cool would that be if there's actually a vigilante courses oh reverse empress does give us a range up oh this gives us the maggie effect uh i thought this was uh the one that gave us bone hearts which one gives you bone hearts i don't know i don't even know what i even just took i'm gonna be honest i don't know i wish superheroes were real at the same time i'm glad superheroes aren't real because then there'd be super villains and then there'd be people just you know just like shooting laser beams outside it's got to make things scary but the cool thing about superpowers that means i might have superpower scary thing is if you have a superpower you have an obligation to uh protect people not that i wouldn't want to protect people i would want to protect people my only concern is i don't want to get hurt but i would get hurt in place of somebody and uh if you guys yo what the heck there's like thick water i think that might have been like a booger ew that's my own booger if you guys are new here you guys need to know that i am the world's biggest fan of spider-man i love spider-man with a passion i dressed up as spider-man for pretty much every halloween growing up there was not a halloween that i was not the boy wonder who's the boy wonder i don't know anyways i i love spider-man what my brother and i would do sometimes is since i had a spider-man costume i could wear it whenever i wanted to so my brother and i would have like these tiny little flashlights that we probably got from some rant you know how whenever you go to like some office there's not there's like little goodies there's like random cheap things that are mass-produced like those mass-produced little flashlights we had some of those and so what would happen is i would put on my spider-man costume and you know of course when i bought my spider-man costume i made sure to buy the spider-man costume that was that was padded with fake muscles because five-year-old me was not yoked yet like like me now i'm i'm absolutely ripped i am can pretty much lift more than half thor bjornsson uh also known as the mountain from game of thrones and i would put that costume on and my brother would sit against one wall and shine lights behind me so that my big muscly shadow would be up on the wall and i would dance around the room such good times we were literally literally just living life to the fullest i don't know exactly how we got so much health and why delirium is being such a booger right now yeah i'll try to point it out but you can see that delirium teleports a lot and so telefragging is just when he teleports and he he happens to hit you and you don't have any chance to dodge it so like right there if i was running away fast enough i could have gotten telefrag pretty easily and the easiest way to get telefrag is to have high movement speed because the game doesn't account for your speed in the direction you're moving it just accounts for where you are and so delirium will try to teleport close to you with without being on top of you but if you're moving fast he can teleport to a spot that is pretty much on top of you because you're moving in that direction you can also just pop around and shoot things you know what i'm just going into chariot mode this is too easy i could just tank yeah i'm just tanking can i tank without dying i feel like i might not want a tank without dying i think i might die if i try to tank actually never mind i'm not gonna die but yeah that that's what my brother and i would do uh for sometimes just random nights i'd put my little spiderman costume on i'll dance around with my big old muscly shadows and it was some of the best times i ever had not gonna lie not gonna front and that right there was win number 91 a row i feel like this is now the new record for the most incan incoherent i've ever been uh just i've been i was all over the place i kind of tried to stay on a steady path for my tails but i love spider-man if you love spider-man i love you and yeah that right there is gonna be the episode if you guys did like that video please like comment and subscribe really appreciate when you guys do that also join the discord if you haven't if you've gotten to this point in the video you're probably already subscribed you probably already liked you probably insta-liked when you got here you're probably already in the discord i know that the discord is not the most active but you could change that we could change that and my hair is all weird anyways that's the end of the video so as always guys it's been preets peace out bye
Channel: Priets
Views: 7,459
Rating: 4.9523811 out of 5
Keywords: Isaac, Repentance, binding of isaac, binding of isaac video, binding of isaac rebirth, binding of isaac rebirth gameplay, the binding of isaac rebirth, commentary, gaming, afterbirth, afterbirth gameplay, new isaac dlc, new isaac content, New Isaac Boss, achievements, achievement hunting, New Character, tainted, tainted characters, dead god, full completion, priets, eden streak, Sacred Heart + Mom's Knife Is A Classic!, sacred heart, mom's knife, monstro's lung
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 4sec (3544 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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