Biggest Damage This Side Of The Mississippi! - The Binding of Isaac: Repentance #88

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what's up guys it's prietz coming back to the brand new binding advising video today we are back with the eating streak going for win number 88 in a row i don't know i i need to start remembering what when we're actually on but that and without further ado we can get into the run today should be a fun run because the seed that i put up and cheated into the game is a good one that's a joke guys i want you guys to know that's a joke okay i don't know what that was um but yeah we're gonna go into our run hard mode with eden see look nothing's happening i'm talking nothing changed and we get euthanasia we get pause the seed is d8bd ssrc we also have the brave temporary tattoo i've never actually known what it does but apparently it does something so one day i might actually find out what it does i've looked it up before so i i've definitely read what it does but i don't remember what it does so apparently it's not that memorable or else i would remember it because that's what memorable means okay we need a bomb or something we need anything and euthanasia is not procking that much right as i said that euthanasia did proc but our damage is really bad our tier rate's not the best our speed's pretty low our shot speed's really high really high for starting shot speed that is so i don't even know what to feel feel like feel i don't know what to feel i never know what to feel okay when it comes to these big fatties the issue with big fatties is they can push you in enemies they can push enemies into you they can push themselves i don't think they can actually push themselves okay euthanasia this is what paz is nice for some easy dodges okay what is this random tear that's just floating in the air i do not like this what we're looking for right now is soy milk soy milk and euthanasia is top tier it's actually a pretty dummy combo because what's really nice about soy milk with any sort of luck luck based uh item is that it procs a lot and euthanasia just does dumb damage so you know what or we can just do dumb damage ourselves so now we're at five damage which kind of sucks but at least our shot speed is not that bad because we had dumbly high shot speed beforehand so let's destroy all these fires our tier rate's really really bad now but we'll get our tier 8 back up eventually the thing that's good about east mascara is i do believe it's a two times damage multiplier so any damage item we get is gonna be really really helpful it's just for a little bit we're gonna have some some rough we're gonna have some rough rough times but i think this is better than what we had in the beginning i know i said that what we want is a higher shot or a higher tier rate because we have a luck based item or luck but yeah but that doesn't matter who needs luck based items who needs who needs fast tyra with luck based items when they can have high damage and low tier rate weight and high too yeah and low tier 8. oh walking on sunshine hey guys okay can we just actually shoot i wish there's a way to cancel that faster okay so apparently spiders have more than five health i thought they had five health i only have more than that maybe they're like 7.5 maybe i've been wrong this whole time okay don't hurt me i don't want this i don't want this for either of us okay stay calm mr spider-man ooh spider-man i love spider-man i'm so excited for the new spider-man movie whenever that comes out you should know i am going to watch it and do a full review just kidding i'm not doing a review what i think about spider-man stays with me that's some sacred stuff right there yeah so thursdays are my days that i don't have uh don't have class and so today's been one of the one a more chill day i kind of just laid in bed for a long time and just chilled out which was really nice you know i did need a little bit of a rest from this from this uh week of school i know three days of classes how can that be stressful well it just is school is weird i had a bunch of homework due this week i had a bunch of lab stuff due this week it's all due at the beginning of the week so it's just oh it's a sprint to the finish and we got there we got to the finish so i'm glad i'm glad this week is pretty much over for me that's what's nice is it's all like stressful three days nice five days that's not even how weeks work nice four days of relaxation honestly when days wednesdays aren't that bad i usually have work to do on wednesdays so it's just like i i have to grind it out but i don't have to i know i don't have to wake up for anything the next day so i can uh it's not as stressful because you know during like on sunday night it's like okay i gotta get about i gotta get stuff done for monday but at least or not not at least but then i also have to wake up at at 8 30 tomorrow that way i can get to school by 10 30. you might might be like why are you waking up two hours early well pretty much the reason why is because my school's 45 minutes away i have to take a shower i have to get up i usually actually wake up closer to nine instead of 8 30 but i try to wake up at 8 30. and we are struggling right now if he can just hurt himself with a bomb that'd be absolutely epic in the world he just went into he doubled up his hole and went into it that's kind of crazy yesterday's run was kind of insane i i had a fun time on yesterday's run it is always scary getting ipac with a bad combo and i was a little concerned the entire time and matchbook is really not the item that i wanted to see i'll be honest wait is this the first floor still i could have sworn we were already on the second floor jeez we are going so slow right now i do not want to go alt path because alt path would be absolutely miserable we could kill leeches pretty quickly but i say we go the the less miserable path slightly less miserable one thing i feel like they should do is they should make it where if you don't take an item from an item room you get like a five percent chance of getting a planetarium something that like gives you a better chance or gives you some sort of chance of getting a planetarium but not like a huge chance just something that can lit if you find an item that you don't really want it doesn't you don't you don't have to take it there's a reason not to take instead of just taking bad items you know if i see a bad item i'm not just gonna leave it i usually take it that's because it's like if i don't take it then i don't have whatever maybe slightly useful utility that's in there you know what gold bombs are good utility we use them everywhere we blow up everything we don't give a care about anybody nothing okay and you know what we do take prayer card prayer card means we're gonna get a lot of health which means i can do devil deals if i really really feel like it gets ready for this strat gold bomb right in the middle of the enemies okay right here yeah nice kind of a pro i know i know where to put my bombs that should blow up all those rocks that's kind of crazy that's a that's a nice little rock formation okay shut up brock you're not supposed to do that man i am currently in the making of my uh my my next bigger video um i've been sitting on this plan for a while and i've not been doing too much about it just because stress stress was just being like you know what you can wait a little bit to do it and so i've been waiting just to start working on a little bit more and let me tell you i've been working on it it's uh i think it's a video i kind of talked about before but i'm not gonna say any more about it because i gotta manage expectations always pay your confessions nice yeah i like the confessional is a pretty sick i think it's a really good way to spend your hearts it's fun that they added it okay we just go in line wait our turn and try to get the pill what the heck why did they just reverse their direction maybe they didn't reverse their direction and i was just missing that uh i do want to go and try to find the secret room real quick before i fight the boss we're pretty decent on health so i don't really mind being low on health like this and going through the floor we also have gold bombs which makes everything easy using gold bombs as utility or as offense rather than just using them for walls kind of a big brain play if you don't use your golden bombs correctly you're stupid that's all i can say just kidding nobody's stupid ever what if we get magic mush this early into a run what if okay so now we uh we just got so we now we have two damage multipliers on us i think the damage multipliers do stack so we now have 9.61 damage you know what that's pretty nice that's pretty nice i like that i like i like being good at getting magic mush it's uh it's my forte and i told you guys i loaded up a good seat today and i'm just finding all the good stuff this is a black market this is actually gonna be an air room i want black markets back i really want black markets back and i'm hoping that they fix that soon okay these i do not have enough tear rate to fight these enemies it's like i'm super strong but only for big enemies if there's a big slow enemy i got it if there's tiny tiny many tiny enemies that are fast oh wait i'm screwed um [Music] oh i was like what else is on this floor we're just gonna put this bomb in the middle that way whenever they cross through the middle like that they die we look pretty emo we look pretty sick i'm hoping that we can get maybe a higher luck stat throughout this that'd be pretty nice and i will be taking our friend restock do i have any money in my donation i actually have money in my donation machine not anymore though the reason i'm taking out money is because whenever you go to the uh you go to the imera room uh sometimes uh there's a there's shop items and so you can get two good items so we're gonna get 15 cents just in case and there usually is coins up in there that you can bomb for or do something to get so we'll be fine and i could just max my health out right now if i were to just take a bunch of batteries that's one thing that's pretty nice about prayer card it really it works real well it does give you a lot of health so we're gonna go fight the boss that's step one actually step one is to donate i would say three out of three out of our four red heart containers we donate those to the confessional we want to make sure that we at least have two hearts of health just in case because there are bosses that can do a full heart damage and so we don't want to be at a place where we can get hit once and die okay and i want to make sure that we give away health before we go to the devil deal because we don't need all of our red heart health in the devil deal to to take devil deals and so i definitely will be taking devil deals i want you guys to know that this is a devil deal run because whenever you have something that can generate so much so many red hearts you should always the devil deal is kind of a real good spot to go or you can decide to go tanky and just have a bunch of red heart health i don't like having a lot of red heart health but that would mean that i would not want to have uh have our have our good old friend prayer card and i did this correctly i'm proud of myself okay so we take that we take nine lives take prayer card we leave we want to take prayer card it's it's a lot better than guppy's head because it does allow us to ensure that we have some survivability uh we can also get more health because we are in the devil deal path right now so if you're already on the double path you might as well go crazy go crazy funky and there we go i'm gonna come back here real quick and get this red heart and we can head on out over into the i'm air room the reason why we want to go to the i am air room at the end of the floor or to the the trap door is because for some reason uh trap doors that are supposed to lead into black markets now only lead in i am air rooms after i think some one of the repentance updates came out they still haven't fixed it which is pretty annoying but if you go there at the end of the floor you can't get out of it unless you have like a full card stars card some sort of teleportation card and then it takes you to the next floor so once we go in here we get a good item and sadly there is no uh note items for sale nice but we did get a bunch of money which i did take a bunch of money out of my machine so this is gonna be good for us and pascal candle is insane so it's gonna get us a really really high tier rate or a much higher tier rate which we really needed because i'm pretty sure magic mush does not increase tier rate something like that and the way that pascal candle works is as long as you don't get hit you get uh you get more tier rate every room and so if you get hit the the flame on the candle goes out and you can tell how much tier it you have or how much how much more tier you have by how big the flame is and so it only decreases if you get hit doesn't matter for your candle gets hit the candle doesn't but the candle is just a represent it's like a visual representation of how much tier rate you have it's kind of it's kind of weird they even include it but i feel like it would be cooler if they put like just a little little waxy candle in your head like black candle that got brighter as you as you shot more people but that would be kind of weird because then there's like cosmetics that go over each other but now we have i mean a three-tier rate with 9.5 damage is nothing to giggle about it's actually pretty high damage and i will oh okay we do not have enough speed to get out of a lot of this and we can just go straight to the shop nice oh very nice we take member card we come down here and that is alabaster box but i do want to get take damage so that's gonna be a big damage up i mean look at that four five damage five damage from one item and this might be a per throw it's gonna be anses which was that a waste of money to buy that and i was probably wasn't the best use of money but it was a good enough use so i will use ansys on this floor that way we can go to all of the secret rooms make sure we get everything and yeah so we have proven to ourselves that both of our damage multipliers from magic mush and from ease mascara are stacking and so i think magic mush is a 1.5 times damage multiplier while eaves mascara is a two times damage multiplier um if they were both at two times or both of 1.5 times they wouldn't stack which is just that's just how it works for damage multipliers is damage multipliers of different values do stack so i think cricket's head is also a damage multiplier that doesn't stack with magic mush something like that um and that's just that's just how the that how that's how it crumbles and so every time we take some a damage up item it's going to effectively have a it's not going to be a 3.5 times damage multiplier because that's not how math works it's going to be a 2 times 1.5 which is what is that in 1.5 that just be a three times damage multiplier pretty much and so that's why we saw that it was a four point or yeah four point something because it's like 1.16 damage times three so 1.16 times 2 is 2.4 times 1.5 is just times or plus 1.2 so that's it the easiest math you can do actually wait one point times 1.5 is not half yeah i know it is half so the way that you multiply by 1.5 mentally is what times time being by 1.5 is the same thing as adding half back if you guys get what i mean so if you have three for example 3 times 1.5 is really just 3 plus half of 3. that's effectively what you're doing and oh we get another tier 8 item which is quite delicious so spilled milk is really good because it gives you a tier delay increase so pretty much if you get hit in a room i think it's a minus five tier delay so you get a bunch of tier rate once you get hit in a room but when we get hit in a room we actually do uh lose some of our tier rate because we pascal's candle works like that [Music] and i'm surprised that i got through that without getting hit too much so we should be pretty good there is a re-roll in the secret room which is interesting i know i already got magic mush but we gotta appease the the mushroom lords okay health down kind of sucks i think we now have uh two hearts of red health or we're gonna have two hearts of red heart health we're a little low on health but it doesn't matter too much uh what's her man i kind of want to take alabaster box but at the same time i feel like we don't need it we're hoping that we can get a good damage up from this i would love a damage up because we either damage up or tier 8 up because either one of those is going to destroy our dps you know what lock up is actually also pretty good that just means that we're gonna fire um we're gonna fire euthanasia more often okay real quick is there anything in here that i want i think what i'm gonna do is buy this battery just that we have more health on the next floor just try to build it building up our health is probably a pretty smart idea and you know what i'm gonna go to mines i think mines is not too bad we can go there just so we have bet more options for items just in case it gives us a really bad item or something that we don't want for example if we saw cricket's head i don't think i would take qriket's head right now because i don't think it stacks i forgot i don't know what the damage multiplier is but no matter what qriket's head does not stack with something that we have and wow we have actually really good we have really good health right now i probably took could have taken uh took and took i probably could have took uh alabaster box and been fine and i'm gonna make sure we're at at least one and a half hearts because that'll make sure that we can't get one shot by a champion so if you're playing on normal mode you can go down to a single heart and not be too too worried but it's always smart uh if you're playing on hard mode to have enough health that you can take a shot from a champion because champions are brutal okay you're dead oh two of spades is pretty good always get yourself your free bombs i don't see any super secret rocks or anything like that but we have some disgusting damage i just choked on dust that was not fun oh there's ghosts in this room no there's not ghosts in it why did i think there was ghosts in here it actually seemed like there was going to be ghosts in there okay how did that ghost not die oh my gosh i was really close to that bone yeah just keep bouncing around stupid bone maybe i should have come in here oh we definitely we definitely want car battery oh tristagon so triscon is an interesting item uh i have said before that i do not like tristagon now the reason why i say i don't like tristagon is because it's a it's a weird item it's a really weird item because it pretty much it makes it so you're you only do a third of your damage uh in your tears but tristagon is interesting because it does tick damage so tristagon does a third of your damage every tick and i think there's what i think there's a tick is like every it's like a frame pretty much you know i'm just using this i don't have patience and so like brimstone now does nine ticks of damage so the the the duration of brimstone that you see that that right there is nine ticks and so tristagon tick damage so every single time that it is on top of an enemy it does a damage every time a tick comes around so it has the ability to do a lot of damage it also does penetrative damage which is really good because it goes over enemies and so it's it's an interesting item if we already have a two times damage multiplier what's happening effectively is we're doing more than two times damage multiplier we're doing a third of that damage with one hit but we also do a lot more damage at the same time it's really weird that's why i don't really like tristagon as much it also just it it's the item that crashes the game more often than not if you get a really weird combo and i think what i'm going to do is watch this cool kid stuff right there i think i i don't know if i want to buy car battery or not because we could probably i don't think we're going to be able to get the money for trista god but if we were able to get the money for trizigon it's an interesting idea um you know what the soul is actually really good gives us a bunch of soul heart health and we do like soul heart health a lot and hopefully we can get a devil deal on this floor i think we know where the secret room is i think it's back back down to the right okay pay out my man okay he's not gonna pay out we need to get some more red heart health but i think the secret room is right here yeah i don't know why oh i i didn't love that rock it was a troll bomb that blew up that rock it's gonna say i don't know why i blew that rock up right there and didn't do it next to the wall you know what i'm gonna come into this room over here nice that's actually really good you guys ready to see this i think this is usually a point six damage up and instead it's a 3.56 damage up which is pretty nutty so i this would actually be a really good run to have tristagon on i understand that so i might try to go for tristagon but i just have to make sure i need to be able to get that much money and so we're already at 31 cents so we only need 12 more cents which i think we actually have enough money in our donation machine but that would would break our bank it would uh it would bankrupt us it would make us financially financially poor it's 43 cents right yeah i guess we'll we'll get it don't worry guys or we'll try to get at least i don't know if we'll be able to get all this money out with our bombs that we have and honestly car battery would be a really sick item but we already have a lot of health so it's not like we really need that much oh no are we gonna be just shy yeah we're gonna be just shy that's grody well we can figure out a way to get one more cent if i had another bomb i could i should have bombed right there uh and honestly that trinket down there is pretty uh pretty delectable looking i kind of want it oh we also have that right there i probably should have bombed that rock okay my man it's time for you to die and oh what when did i take a hit oh come right here come right here come right here we want this rock right here i don't care what you're doing all i want you to do is blow up next to this rock right here okay yep you're doing great you're doing great nice i'm waiting i'm not gonna i'm not gonna pay to blow this up nice he's the man he is the absolute legend right here okay now we can kill him now now we have no no need to save him ah boo that's not really too much of a boo situation because uh we did get a tier 8 up and okay so we get a speed up which is pretty nice and now we get to fight karampus hopefully we can get a single cent from one of these fires that's my goal right now and you know what also getting east mascara paired with tristagon is pretty good so we got our single set we wanted oh okay so this right here is blue key it's different than blue key which is the item that um makes it so you can go to blue womb without the uh with without the time dependency they usually have to do so you don't have to if you get that there after 30 minutes it will open up the door blue womb and just for you guys we will get trisha gone wait what why is it so oh okay i thought there was like a a godhead aura or something but no that's just that's just tristagon being tristagon because it's trying to be a dark color interesting does have this weird aura so we can take this and go actually i want to go see if we can pay out that devil beggar i'm not going to give up that much health i want to go down to maybe three hearts of three hearts of soul or three soul hearts but we already paid him out a decent amount so might as well go the extra mile to see if we can pay him out a little bit more okay pretty fly [Music] and that was worthwhile right there look at that that's a 1.56 damage up plus we get a tier 8 up so now we are at almost 20 damage we do a third of that damage per tick and so pretty much i think most most times we hit an enemy they're gonna get hit for about two ticks of damage but the big thing about tristagon is the fact that it does penetrate of damage or that it can do penetrate advantage so as you as you'll see i mean we just delete things you guys might be like okay why did he say that tristagon wasn't gonna be that good i mean it was gonna be good i shouldn't know if i wanted to try to get 43 cents i didn't think we were i was trying to manage expectations that is the uh the key term of today is managing expectations okay misters you guys need to uh chill out a little bit and man we are just absolutely destroying right now i'm kind of surprised we didn't get a bigger damage up from use it from the pack i don't know exactly why we got such a big damage up from that first damage item we took i don't know if there was a specific reason for that but one thing that's really cool about blue key uh whenever you go into these these weird but in between floors i'm actually gonna take this when you go to in the to these in between floors there's a pretty high chance there's a pretty high chance that you will get uh a tinted rock oh okay that is epic okay oh whoa okay that's nice and a little gertie you're you're the man yeah i think we uh we've effectively won the run there's not much there's not much else that we can uh do that would cause any issues you know we've won but a lot of time you'll see a tinted rock because i'm pretty sure the tinted rock spawns inside of those in between blue floors are independent from the floor and so pretty much it just generates all new rocks so it's pretty easy to find tender rocks there so if you're low on health and you find that blue key and you have bombs and stuff you might as well take it and the reason why i took my reflection is because one i mean it already is just a really good item to take but with trisigon since we're doing tick damage is if we have our triscontiers double back and pause at some point it means that they're going to be on top of enemies for longer which means that we have more chances of or more ticks of damage going out so it's a no-brainer to do i always forget that you still get membership card floor doing this and guys i'm not coughing because i'm sick or anything i just have dust in my throat oh that i want that if we can get crown of light crown of light what it does is it doubles your damage as long as you don't get hit in a room and so we would be on top of the world so this is gonna be secret room we get this how much money did we need a decent amount is how much we needed okay we need to get every ounce of money we can get if we can get crown of light we will win this run that we've already pretty much won by believe i believe in this game this game gives what we need i've always said this and i always will believe it [Music] oh okay there's a tinted rock right there which is exciting okay it's not that exciting but it was exciting that maybe something good could be in that okay we go for mushrooms we're going for maybe the fun fungi man transformation if if we can and we're to see if there's any trap doors in here as well okay we're going to go back because i definitely want to be back in that room and we are going to probably go blow up the little eden dude okay there is i was like why is there coin inside the secret room there is indeed a coin in the secret room because it's behind those spiky rocks but i didn't want i'm not gonna waste a bomb for one cent at least not now okay let's pull up these last few rocks that's one thing that's pretty crazy is trapped doors can be under any rock so if you don't blow up every single rock you don't know there could have been a trapdoor under it so this rock right here could have a trap door and we just wouldn't have known it also blew up every rock and now we can come in here get a key use i'm walking on sunshine man i really want to get dark print or a crown of light if we can i just need to go around checking and making sure that we're not missing anything it's 39 cents we are 23 cents short which is a lot of sense to be short and we only have two bombs so are there any gold rocks anywhere no gold rocks no gold rocks yeah we're gonna be struggling a little bit an easy weensy bit we'll fight the the boss the boss is gonna die pretty quick we don't really need crown of light it should be kind of sick to get it and here we go we can get more red heart health why not i don't think we're gonna be able to get crown of flight what i can do real quick is see if just maybe this guy's gonna drop 20 cents ooh let's see if this guy drops 20 cents nope and the reason i was saying 20 cents is because they're they can drop i think three coins and so it could be like two dimes which would be sick but now we have 18 cents really isn't uh any sort of way we could get 39 cents so that's too bad but you live and you learn i know you guys are probably like ooh you should have taken that trinket that can uh it's called loop pretty much it what it does is make the like the weird black infinity sign it makes it so you can uh you can get back a pill that you just used so that would have been pretty good to use with the uh the two right up but it's not it's not guaranteed so i'd rather have the judas's tongue and save my money what am i doing oh my gosh i forgot that these guys can press the buttons themselves and so i don't have to go get just get absolutely clobbered you know what oh life saving is actually super sick because that means we can actually get our money if we really really need it that was pretty that was pretty intense we are oh my gosh this is one of the crazier runs i've had in a while uh i will wait to donate my health away until we've uh cleared this floor a little bit more yeah i don't need to do any of this it's always a smart idea to try to clear the floor as much as possible before attempting to donate health away okay we run here i have not seen this room before no i don't understand how can there be rooms that i've not seen before one sec i wanted to make sure my brain was processing that right how can it be so many rooms i've not seen before it perplexes me and i wanted to do that just so we have this soul heart and i know that that was our last bomb so hey we got a bomb back you know we're fine and that's pretty intriguing okay oh i'm stupid oh i could have had a full heart of health i don't think we actually won a full heart of health right now what we want is a devil deal that actually gives us something good and we also really want the shop okay uh secret room is definitely off of that room right there the super secret room is and one thing i feel like they really should buff super secret rooms i feel like super secret rooms should have a chance to have uh the secret room items or something like that i feel like that'd be fun you know wait what girl here home we play safe nice and nice oh my gosh i didn't have to do any of that somebody show told me that ooh um that makes it so every once when you fire a tear that does something that's all i know about it wait what have i not found the shop yet have i not found the shop yet that's surprising but we do have eyes soul of isaac which is pretty much the best reroll in the game the reason why it's so good is because whenever you reroll with it instead of rerolling the item it keeps the item that was there but it gives you it flashes between that item and a second choice and so pretty much if you're like i don't know if i want that item maybe we could get something better like in an angel deal or a devil deal um it's really good so we'll use this bomb and you really don't want to use you don't want to use it if you're trying to get an item and there's just a bad item in the room like there's not really any super super good items in the like the boss item pool the treasure room you're not really guaranteed anything too good so you kind of want to save your save your money or save it for something good uh we don't need habit i don't think we need any of this we are gonna get one more shop so i wanna save my money for that last shop and then we might donate our health away but i will wait to use prayer card just in case and you know what we have good money what i'll do is this i'm gonna put this right here nice we got a key back that was a very worthwhile that was actually probably the most worthwhile bomb i could have used i think the secret room will be right here this just makes too much sense yeah that just makes a lot a lot of sense heck yeah okay so now we have money i wish we had this money before but i will get these two gold chests because i love gold chests they've been very good to us and we're almost full on health that's nice okay now we can we can just go fight the boss my guess is it's probably gonna be colt cultist because that's what the game likes to throw at me i don't like cultists but with this build it's probably fine yeah that oh the heretic i thought it was called the colt i don't know well the tick the hair dick's gonna die very quick yeah uh my reflect i'm stupid my reflection is kind of op okay shot speed oh we do not actually shot speed ups not bad it just means that our stuff turns back faster oh my gosh that's insanely op i'm gonna i'm gonna re-roll this and that works so that means if we die we become dark judas who also has a damage multiplier so this is what i'm gonna do this might seem stupid and it is a little stupid what i'm about to do but we're gonna lose all of our health every last drop of health we're going to go die in a good way though we're going to use the we're going to go use the health the donation machine the donation machine the health donation machine that's the one that's gonna be great oh and this is great black what black room does is it it works the same as just regular void and so it just sucks up any item and gives you a stat increase but also works on active items which is the important part about the void and now we can donate our health away get ourselves some money you know what here we go we donate our health away we are gonna die and become dark judas who has a damage multiplier and there we go wait what do i say wait did i take the no i didn't take the i didn't take my shadow wait what wait do i have to go through all the deaths in order to get it well boys we're gonna go through all the deaths right now to get it this is what we have to do is this stupid oh yeah it's stupid but we're gonna have a lot of money yeah we are you know what before i do this i'm gonna try to get as many soul hearts as i can or maybe a better uh anything good we're just gonna go for something good i need to spend my money some way well that didn't help [Music] yeah i'm just gonna keep doing this now that we've spent a little bit of money i should make sure that we're not going over our money okay and this is our last life and this will make us go to dark judas and look at that we now have 48 damage and you might be like okay that was not the smartest way to spend spend all your health but i i would beg i beg to disagree i think that was the perfect way to spend our health i think it's pretty stupid that nine lives takes precedence over it's really stupid that nine livesticks president's over um my shadow or sweet revenge judas's revenge whatever it's called but now we should need to play a little bit safe until we get up to the item room which i think has a it doesn't have a battery it does not have a battery actually so that kind of sucks but i can just buy myself a bunch of soul hearts because we do have restock [Music] and that's i'm going to take i'm just take that many i don't want to spend that much money on soul hearts you know what we can take some black hearts as well and we are looking delectable right now what pill was this health up nice and see look now guys we're back in the game we're better than ever with three different tier or damage multipliers which is absolutely bonkers our damage is pretty nutty you know what this guy deserves to pay out if it gives us a health upgrade i'm probably just to black ruin it actually i should probably keep my money and not be too stupid with it that's what i'm going to do actually i know it's like we already started paying them out i want to make sure that we have enough money for our member card if we really need it but i think i think this is pretty much it's kind of been a one run for a while i don't think anybody has has thought that i was gonna lose this run but this is pretty much the some of the most damage that i mean this is a lot of damage like a lot a lot of damage yep come up here come down here thank you my man and we're just waiting for a tear rate to get back up because pascal's candle was i think we put that out on accident okay let's not get by the eyeballs in this curse of darkness this is some real dark darkness some of the darkest dank is darkest i can't see anything oh and there is gonna be a bedroom which oh there's a bedroom that's nice okay let me show you guys why i'm excited about a bedroom first of all trapdoor second of all pills you know what we needed more we needed no more bombs and now we get e coli you know i'm gonna take e coli i know i could have black ruined it but i think we want to save black rune for uh chest so i think we're going to go to chest but this is why we are excited about the bedroom so what we can do is we can come over here you know what i'm gonna try to pay this guy out and we're just gonna lose a lot of health and you might be like why are you trying to lose a lot of health well buddy old boy the bed gives us back i think it's three soul hearts or something and so we can we can give out a lot of soul hearts i want to see what this pill does okay we have a vert pill what was this bombs are key that might actually be useful are you wizard amnesia friends of the end tears down addicted are you wizard shot speed up bad gas yeah we're not going to actually keep using this gold pill because it doesn't have a tier rate up inside of it and it doesn't really have much that could be of use to us oh wait a sec well i just i'm stupid we had addicted going on and so pretty much what that does is it makes us take a full heart of damage and i should have left the room before donating more health uh we don't need that okay so now that we've done we've donated away a lot of our health we can come over here sleep in the bed and we're gonna get a bunch of soul heart health back and be in a good spot so it does give you three soul hearts of health which it's not that much but it's enough i am wizard it's kind of nutty jeez okay uh let's see what's on both of these or in both these chests oh a tier 8 up we want that one and i think we do want the money what the heck i definitely did not touch the spike rock i i beg to i beg to differ look at us we are nutty nutty to the max i wish we could actually see though that would be pretty nutty as well vision a concept yeah let's just try to get out of here i do want to make sure we go to the shop first which here we are let's see what's down here um scapular is not really too useful i actually don't want either of those i know crooked penny could be fun but i don't want to waste 20 something cents on that so instead we are actually going to do the smart thing and donate our money away because the only reason we are we will do anything on this runs because we were donating our money away and sadly we couldn't donate that much money because the game hates us but where's this item room all i want is this item room i wish i didn't honestly the gold pill i knew was going to be a bad idea if you've already taken tier 8 up and you've not seen any tier 8 downs in your pill pool don't take the golden pill because the golden pill it only gives you stuff that uh that's not in your item pool or uh not in your pill pool so you gotta be careful be careful out there kids i'm also i mean i'm what is it do you guys like what age do you guys consider somebody to be a kid because in my mind i'm like i'm still a kid you know i'm not i'm not like an adult or anything but it's kind of also i'm not really a kid just because i still live at home i'm just going through college i'm a college kid i don't know it's kind of weird thing what the heck that's sick i like that but yeah we are we're doing fine i i wish we could get guppy guppy would be pretty awesome but we might have we might actually be able to get guppy we're gonna get one more devil deal most likely that's insane damage i'm definitely gonna oh wait we did get a devil deal oh money equals power yes please yes sir oh my gosh and since we have so many damage multipliers every cent that we pick up i think is gonna give us like point three money let's see let's see what this does wait at point two it was just pretty insane point two damage is a lot of damage geez brother yeah we just got a bunch more damage just from that oh look at you i know that was stupid to just stand next to the bomb rock of all things but that's what i wanted to do i wanted to live life on the edge jeez we are we have some damage right now we have a lot of damage right now this is pretty much i mean every item that we have is pretty much a super useful item there are a few items that we don't necessarily need like e coli but what's cool is i think i have kane is working right now so actually does i have keen work with trisigon i don't know so basically or i beliel i believe is that little tiny red bead looking thing and what it does is whenever a tear goes through an enemy it makes it double its damage and so it doubles its damage and then has homing and so if it does i do believe that it is actually working i don't know but it's insane oh and we do get the devil deal okay so you have a health up i think i'll take i'll take both of these honestly because leviathan is also pretty cool i like that um where do i want to go i mean i could go delirium because delirium i'll probably go delirium i think that's going to be the fun path to take because i don't think we need many more items if we wanted to get as op as possible i could go up cathedral go through that but we're already at you know 40 minutes so you know i might as well go and see what kind of funkiness we can go get up up to oh my gosh what if there's a trapdoor right there that had been a cool trapdoor okay what could be on this floor what if there was a library that gave us more shots thank you um where where do you guys think the secret room is gonna be oh oh my gosh i don't even know what to to even say about what just happened that was that was brutal that was stupid oh i want you this is tongue hey you know we'll just take creep it doesn't really matter because you guys know i'm a creep i'm a widow actually i'm i'm stupid i'm gonna actually yeah it doesn't matter it really doesn't matter judaism is useless if you only have soul heart health because deals cannot be above three soul hearts of health so yeah oh man i oh little horn i'm guessing it's right here uh the secret room but little horns gonna be epic real cool oh my gosh i love the fact that we can just destroy random items just random things on the floor done dead and you know what we don't need keys anymore so we can go into the secret room i don't know why i struggled so hard right there here i'm not paying him out or anything but now we can go down to delirium with our 60.13 damage 60.13 that's insane we have the 1.5 times damage multiplier for magic mush the two times damage multiplier from ease mascara the two times damage multiplier from uh becoming dark judas we are insanely strong we also have money equals power which gets the damage multiplier so we uh we are formidable opponents to this game right now not much could uh not much could stop us unless i got trapped in a stupid spot somehow and just lost every single ounce of health i ever had even if that happened i think we would kill everything before that anything bad could happen okay we keep on using our eternal hearts just we can get more health that's one thing that's cool about prayer card is no matter what even no matter what character you're using it's a good it's really good and yes we want more damage so we want to try to max out on money and now you guys can't say oh you should have donated your money because our machine jammed because our machine's stupid i don't is this gonna be delirium no good it's not okay so if we were to have fought blue baby we would have won good to know and let's take this bone heart bone hearts cannot be filled if you're playing a character that cannot take red heart health which i think is a little bit weird i feel like if you have a bone heart you should be able to get um red heart health it doesn't really make sense that you can't because it's a red it's a bone heart it's like an artificial it's an artificial heart like forgotten shouldn't be able to have redheart health because he doesn't he has bone hearts so i don't know just it's just weird to me how much damage we can have by the end of this at least at least 60 because that's what we're already at so that's a that's a no-brainer right there i wish we had cracked orb or something i would take damage just so i could see what's on this map oh confessional seems fun but we don't need to do that hello my man i don't know what i just did to this dude but now he how did we kill a segment of him do we have any fly items right now no oh so now we're at 64 damage yeah was that a weird use of void i don't know i think it was pretty smart i don't i don't think there's an issue with it [Music] okay i don't know somebody was telling me that the way that you're supposed to use use that is if there's an item in a room it's going to spawn an item but it doesn't it's sponsored soul heart i don't know there's like some whole method of how that item works and i don't believe it i think it's a lie i don't want to learn it either because i think it's a lie i don't learn lies i only live by them that sounds like something in a cowboy movie i don't believe wait wait no i don't listen to lies i live by them i feel like that's a cool line or a really stupid one that i just think sounds cool let me know let me know if that's stupid or cool if you if you heard a cowboy movie and it said that would you be like oh yeah that was epic i feel like what the heck am i watching um we don't need that horn we don't need the mega blast every four four floors or four rooms that won't help us that was a little scary okay i need to build up my tier 8 again the game just took it all away from me it should only take i think it's a max of five tier 8 ups or something that you can get i don't know how it works really but fight a guess that's about how much outgas okay you know what we can just clear the floor out while we're here uh is there anything else i really want to do i want to see if there's a secret room right here no secret right here nope secret room right here actually this would make the most sense yeah that makes a lot of sense hmm you know what that's what i'm gonna do i wanna be smart i don't exactly understand how that one item works because all i do is live by lies not learn from them so we're gonna try to charge this up and we're gonna see if we can get an item inside the secret room and see if we can re-roll it into anything good we should be sick but first we have to get charges so i kind of wish i took habit habit would have been smart habits always a smart item to take even if you don't need it because if you get to a point of run like this charges matter if we get red key right now every charge would matter this game cannot make me take that that is not an item that i want or ever will one nice okay let's go use this item in that room see if i can figure this out i don't know how this works i'll never know how this works i well we know we don't have a reroll anymore rest in the piece reroll you were you're a cool idea a cool concept while you lasted health down what the heck t right up is pretty nice though uh yeah is it wait is there is there a way that you can get inverse tier delay if you got inverse tier delay would that mean you'd have a lower cap how does that work because like we're at 4.6 right now it seems like we're staying at 4.6 tier 8. i don't know how any of this works i just play the game hey headless horseman oh thank you that's actually pretty sick oh my gosh this might be the scariest character that i've ever seen in this game it it looks like oh my gosh this is this is scary you know what i like i like soul hearts oh if we spend money we lose damage a lot of damage actually i need to stop spending my money okay this one cent puts us back in the running for highest damage ever oh man and i i did show the sea at the beginning of the run so you guys know if you guys want to want to see it how op you can get with a run like this you can go look with your own eyes [Music] and i think that we i don't know if we're getting i believe to actually work if if eyeball is working we actually are getting a second or uh like a fourth damage multiplier from from our tears once they've already hit an enemy it kind of seems like we are doing a lot of damage when the tears are kind of relaxing and chillaxing on the enemy and that was pretty easy i'm gonna fight all the other bosses because i wanna see what other items you can get because you can get death certificate it is possible to get death certificate through through the bosses so we clear everything and we hope for death certificate oh and we're almost up to 70 damage now do we need 70 damage we don't really don't so let's go find this last boss it's probably not going to give us anything that useful and so we'll probably just have to end the run ah nice actually bombed correctly without counting it's kind of that was kind of a mistake though oh my gosh she could even shoot once can we please get death certificate i would love the game if it gave you a death certificate because all the the items they drop here are random you know what that's better than what's better than death certificate does this go between rooms let's see if i can live i'm gonna hold this down to like what i was gonna play the game of holding that down till we leave we're not actually gonna do that though yeah that right there is gonna be the run there's not much else we can do i mean i could donate my health away places look at the creepy face that keeps appearing oh we're so creepy looking yeah that right there's the run that was a really really good run i mean that right there was insanely high damage insanely fun [Music] can't don't have any complaints about it but yeah that right there that's the video if you guys like that video please like comment and subscribe if you guys are new here join the discord and yeah thank you guys for watching so as always guys it's impreets peace out bye
Channel: Priets
Views: 8,151
Rating: 4.9012346 out of 5
Keywords: Isaac, Repentance, binding of isaac, binding of isaac video, binding of isaac rebirth, binding of isaac rebirth gameplay, the binding of isaac rebirth, commentary, gaming, afterbirth, afterbirth gameplay, new isaac dlc, new isaac content, New Isaac Boss, achievements, achievement hunting, New Character, tainted, tainted characters, dead god, full completion, priets, eden streak, Biggest Damage This Side Of The Mississippi!, judas' shadow, magic mush, eve's mascara, trisagion
Id: QfBkrilJTr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 58sec (3598 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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