SABRE'S FIRST TIME LEARNING TO DRIVE (it doesn't end how you expect...)

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yeah guess where we're going i know if i can do it now oh man look all right no such fashion we design this with passion nora snaps fast we're gonna play guess the character it looks like she's in a rocket ship so maybe it's an alien no i think it's someone driving a car you'll be struggling to drive a car crashing really bad who do you reckon that is if you guess saber you are correct i don't know how i feel about today because two massive things are happening that make you from a girl to a woman i've got my period first time ever and i'm learning to drive a car today how do you reckon table is gonna go driving the car for the first time today well i think she's gonna be a person like [Music] gonna be the best driver ever and i'm definitely going into the car with her now why am i going in the cold i'm scared for my life it's very confronting having your 16 year old learn to drive nazi has already had four outfit changes today and this is her fifth i'm very decisive when it comes to fashion but so i'm going to play a prank on them and to do that i need to get beginners out there so i can tell you what the prank is biggie you know how you said you're going to be super supportive for me driving today yeah well i thought of something you could do to help what well you know how i've got my periods i really need someone to get my tampons in my pads no no no no no you know how you're going to help me today well i need someone to get my tampons in my pads from the supermarket so everyone wants us to go to the shops to get some pads and tampons because you think that's going to help with her driving i hate my mind i think you're going to say that loud and clear with the window down no way people are walking apart okay we got to go get some tampons with savor and some bad yeah is it true what like what you said so what in the song which one you're like i'm allowed to drive maccas and fill my belly i'm a left driving machine and fill my belly i don't think i'm gonna be the best driver like i'm not sure if i'm gonna be able to drive through macca's gravity because it's like it's really tight but i've got a plan can you say why why i can't tell you just yet stay shameful as a supportive sister i'm going to help sabers dream of going through mcdonald's drive-thru come true today using this this is going to be my real mcdonald's driving plan is i turn this little pretend kitchen into a working mcdonald's drive-through i'll get saber to go in one of disco's cars to drive up and practice just like i would be in real life i'm going to be doing everything in my power to make sure sabre goes to mcdonald's and guess that sunday today and one for me too i need you to get some like witches hats witch's hats which house yeah i wonder what we need witches has four i say we're getting dressed up as a witch or something hmm no do you know what witch's hats are yeah yeah it's the hat or the costume which hat there's little markers on the ground like they're little orange things change of plans sam's not learning how to drive through mcdonald's drive-thru she's learning how to drive through i reckon they're gonna take me for a practice drive in disco's toy car like they always do and i'm gonna like crash and drive really badly to see how they react i wonder what the reaction's gonna be okay kids it's time to go let's go problem is we have to move this kitchen out to where all the cars are only og legends now when we used to do casper now because we usually play the song gucci gang this key hold on to me because you can get hit by cars [Music] there's someone so good looking right there now if you stay still and i'm going to copy i make you look like you're traveling in the ocean what is happening down there okay now it's time to go get the temples and pads for saber stop saying that i'm gonna have to build a road all the stations for the drive-through like i'm going all out for saber because like this is a dream he's always wanted to drive through a mcdonald's drive-through although she probably would like a bottle on better though [Music] what were the chances that sale would be the first day i ever get my period in the first day i'm driving i just really hope he gets me the right tampons and pads so the other neurostats are going to buy say the special supplies now we found our location the pads so which one would you like you can pick any one i'll give you the freedom there's this pad products with a rip-off it's meant to be invisible and look i can clearly see it why is this one so girl like there are other ones that are for boys [Music] now should we get there with some breathable pads can you not breathe their supply hoop oxygen these pads are called regular plaids maximum protection with wings so we're going to see if this bad boy can fly pretend you're shopping for your girlfriend biggie which ones would you get and i'm actually kind of really worried to drive because we've been putting off this vlog like there's always been a reason why we can't film it like all the babies got to go to doctors or we need to have an editing day because like we have so many apps to do and i kind of feel like that's a sign that maybe i shouldn't drive like the world is trying to prevent me from driving because it knows something bad's gonna happen let's get saved with some designer pads it says pads with designs oh wow those pads are fashion styles biggie's got the chicken one okay charm just got some little markers over here for the driving stuff so i'm cutting the pads now he's carrying this now you can you can carry the damn volume so it looks like the neurosci we got the pads and we also got the tampons [Music] me [Music] they're the right ones designers yeah they're pretty good i'm getting that's good job i'm so happy about somebody say that what's up as a team i am not meant to know what's happening behind these shows but i really need to show you look the other neuroscience is staying up like this fluent driving test with cones and this like toy car and man i'm gonna pretend to crash into everything i'm gonna run over biggie this is going to be the best prank ever we got a surprise for you what will you gotta come and see and she's gonna help you so much today she's coming she's coming okay stop there right save you wait there and we'll tell you when to reveal your blindfold on the count of three save okay one what is that two three [Music] drive through this bottle drive-thru will prepare saber to drive in a real mcdonald's drive-through today can i please have these oreo waffles your things drive through our ice cream thank you nazi [Laughter] [Music] waffles [Applause] turn around let's go straight hopeless oh [Music] go this way just come in here that's it even worse than i predicted [Laughter] [Applause] are you serious [Applause] oh [Laughter] careful oh there you go say felicia you're driving a car you don't lean you just turn the wheel you miss your ice cream [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] she's like that she needs to know how to drive a toy car first before she goes to the real big thing like oh my goodness i don't know what i think well i think we should just show pop of the footage and see what he thinks yeah i've got a convention i was actually trying to like drive properly at the second half and i'm actually that bad i'm not sure what to say about this but what's going to happen i go through the bottles drive through and save money out here first so you're not going to teach me to drive today it gets a lot worse it's actually the best part well naz wasn't too impressed with that one yeah [Laughter] i don't think this is going to go very well say you just grab the ice cream and no cone do you think saber will hit anything today oh yes yes definitely yes like she might hit like a curb or something little but i don't think anything big you reckon sabrina and peppa will get in a fight today yes definitely maybe their fighting will make epic youtube footage keep watching how do you reckon pop is going to handle taking saber driving for the first time today bad i hope he'll get nice and start then i'm going to wear him down this is going to get really angry i will ask how a vision papa to be today he's gonna get really stressed you describe papa as a patient man absolutely no i mean i guess it's kind of not really awesome we're a little bit worried that abby's not the most patient person in the world he's gonna be patient no no we're gonna ring up his mom and his sisters to ask them if he's patient or not all right okay we have a question save us gonna drive today and um do you think papa's the most patient person like how patient is papa our ten i think papa's very patient but he's also very direct david will definitely know what he's thinking yeah now ringing up papa's second sister hey jackie hi so we have a question for you out of 1-10 how patient do you think papa is oh how patient is papa yeah no um i reckon it depends what he's waiting for [Applause] so the kids asked your sisters if they thought you're a patient person definitely said yes what would you do when you're angry you go [Music] i have a lolly we're going to ask this guy to smile if he smiles and gets a lolly disco smile you got smiles do you see a smile do you smile then you get lollies there's my elves oh man the reality sounded like seen i was not even thinking about this i'm just being like i don't know i just haven't been thinking that i've been allowed to do it so i'm in the car right now and pub is going to drive me to like a safe spot like a parking lot and then i'm going to drive like the moment we've all been waiting for like you have been asking me for so long wednesday was driving vlog going out is it almost happening and yes now it is i got somebody to tell everyone what papa said he thinks i'm gonna be the best driver as if he did i was there when he said all right ready not does really feel like it's actually really going to happen here no what are your paper and sabre right there talking about probably how save is really nervous for her life well what about what you told everyone that you're going to do first kathy mcdonald's drive through 3rd well guess where we're going really mcdonald's i know if i can do it now i oh no wait why are you parking so you can stop over you see i can just reverse our park first girl are you serious do you want the ice cream yes you say was driving through here she would have like come down to me and knocked out that knock that car knocked there and then knocked over there okay a lot of pressure it's easy to automatically just put it in gear and the car just basically drives itself no no no just not yet okay don't touch it disco says you can have chips you can have chips we have chippies yeah i can have chippies these guys can i have some tippies please okay it was just a bit of a joke it was a prank no way i'm gonna let you drive through there i'm not singing far out that's a little bit irresponsible we're going to take saber to somewhere nice and safe so she doesn't injure anyone from the community he's safe oh you just can't reach it if you can reach her you can get it that was so mean she told me she was actually pranking you guys how bad she was but then she tried to drive good and she couldn't get into it well i was actually acting for the car i'm not actually that bad well she said papa that at the same time she's acting and then she tried and it wasn't really much different i think i can handle it anyway either way i think i'm a good teacher so just keep telling yourself that papa how you feeling it's weird because we're filming so i feel like it's it's like extra weird pressure but will she be driving through macca's drive-through not today come on park give it a shot you gotta see how good she goes if she goes really good that she can yeah the end of the clip's got to be safer driving through macca's getting a sundae okay if he goes really well we can try say but i want a caramel sundae in my song it doesn't say i order everyone else's sundae does it though no i think it just says use tammy we're nearly at the place where safe is going to drive so get ready it looks pretty good and flat can i have my car now [Music] i guess it's time for save it to dry i'm going into the driver's seat right now oh my goodness sabre is hopping into the driver's seat i'll play hey there's the moment don't step on the pedal yet you look so little she's so little i was actually really worried before i started taking growth hormones that i wouldn't be able to like reach the steering wheel all the pedals i might need the pedal extensions but now i'm five for it seat belts on how do i hold the steering wheel look at those people the weird youtube family you have to have your foot on the brake okay pressed on i've got the round thing is that right yeah that's the break so you got a break and the other ones accelerate okay so you're not going to touch the accelerator at all so we're going to take your foot don't touch it take it seriously yeah so push it down hard that's the stop yeah okay let it off let's go oh okay okay okay please don't crash into any builders over there stop talking papa's looking very stressed so if i take my foot off the brake it'll go no because it's got the it's got the parking brake on now okay so um all right let's just think to check maybe i'll just have to dress up and say about and drive for it you keep your phone in the break yeah okay so now everything's right to go except before yeah so you stop you just did it i went yeah so you just like let me see it like this oh my god stop stop more gentle than that oh my goodness she's going oh she's going a bit more gentle let's just push it down slow this time oh look at that she's driving look at her drive wow now it's a good start it's actually pretty good i can't believe steve is driving that car i feel like it's mom yeah a bit faster do i go any faster than this shea but you ready to go for math and drive through i feel like she can do it look at her she's a pro keep steering that you want to just stop looking at us she's slightly tall she's too lethal to drive don't hit the car don't hit us oh good you're going so good can you see out of the car so we're going to try and park in between like two of these lines like a proper parking spot gotcha okay let's go pinky park this looks bad savoury if you get this park right you can go and get a small strawberry thick shake mom i don't like strawberry every sunday besides strawberries but you only get one chance okay you can do it cool technique she's got oh we haven't done reverse yet does she know how to reverse so we're going to put it up to r yep wait till the yellow dots on our side look at the you are one of concentration best drivers ever oh hi can i please have every sunday except for strawberry so just chocolate and caramel yes please um just a small yeah thank you for coming along with me and supporting me and cheering me on and helping me make this possible honestly i didn't think i could have done it without you catch me knuckles [Music] legends never
Channel: The Norris Nuts
Views: 4,860,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: norris nuts, family friendly, family vlog, sabre, sockie, biggy, naz, disco, Sabre Norris, SOckie Norris, Biggy Norris, Naz Norris, Disco Norris, sabre norris car, sabre driving, sabre car, sabre first drive, sabre learn to drive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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